West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1904, p. 4

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R h Something Ahno in washers t Thy “Jesus! Drum, only IDEAL. Also Wilhelm's Writoswrsdall made 1y Watsca, -ijf Ayr. Masseyu jfarrfs Showrocms New Stock of Thomas and Doherty Organs and Singer Sewing Machines We can only given mere list of our gnas. but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled: DEI-IRIXG HARROWS. WILKINSON PLOI'HHS, HFNIEY‘S HARNESS PALMERSTON BL'GGIES. All mammal mticks and at fair prices Binders. Mowers. Drills, Rakes, Hay kinds of Implements. Also Prov." I Our car of Buggies. Democrats and Carts have just arrived. i" , D‘s/A We have something to attract cwrycne's attention in the following lines of of Masseyllarris Implements: Paris Green, Hellehore, 973w Spring Rush 7ohn Sthct1ngaeen, Raymond Sewing Machines, keclary Stoves for2Coal or Wood arms Immammr mammsms arli'rtg's it C” f (cbt'] JI Jtf, it VJ They are made with a SNAP and STYLE and have that manly appearance that makes the boys proud of their new suits. We have them in all the latest effects, in fan- cy Worsted and fine Scotch Tweeds, made in the very latest styles with the best of Trimmings and Workmanship. This season we are showing a larger range than ever in Men's and Boys' Suits : Our Clothing Trade is progressing every day and the reason of it is that the man or boy that buys a suit from us, gets TOOC worth of service and com- fort and satisfaction for every dollar 81 he pays. King Edward VII, owing to State Cares, can not be -i1_11t1tl1thy_ir11,1JC_1u. 'Progress (hothirtg for J2?eys Progress Ctothing for 7% J7ohn Shark. A Complete Sn ck of DRUGS and MEDICINES at Prices the lowest, quality considered ire and Life Insurance promptly attended to. Darling's Drug Store Call and see our Clothing and see for yourself the way they are made and the quality of the Cloth. Jo/e Mwrnto for fray)?” CloMiny. Eng Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, 'rogress gram! Ctothhtg For High-Class IMPIt MENTS is best seen at Rakes. Httr-Loders, Ploughs, Hanna: and all Also Proven Hay Forks and Ferrln Riding Fltw Also large stcck of Bicycles and secondhand Wheels. Repairing dune runway & right. AT---- cr7ssrnt, Durham. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. D8 in the " At once. Suitable foe Brick Yard Apply at the yard or to Fot a new maplefloor in school House of S. S. No ll. Glenelg. dimensions of school tl x 28 feet. Work must Ire done in holidays and Tenderer to remove and replace souls. Tenders received by the uudmsigned up to June 30, mm. Ivor. WEIR. Secy. The town has guaranteed ovvr $200 and the Camp half as much more and the rmnmittev conrhlently expect the biggest crowd ever seen in Durham. Usual cheap fares. Jxo. H. HK’NTER. Chairman of Com. C. RAMAHE. Secwlary. DR. BUTTON. Chief. Great nth-:icticns are being provided amongst, them being the ---lflth Highlanders' Pipe Band. -b'cltool Drill Competitions. --Pvocessions, Itaces, Jumping Vaulting ~Tng of War, Tossing the (Hiker. Jce, "Highland Dancing. PU»! Competition. ---Trapeze and High l ire periorman- cos. &c. Special Talent is being engaged foe A Conott in the Rink in 'tlw evening. at which the " Kilties" will lw present, and other stars. l'mler the auspices of Ben Nevis (‘amp of the Sons of Scotland. a gala Day of Summer Sports will be held on the Agricultural Park on the National holiday. in the two improvised mun-hes lately Dlaved here. Thursday night lust "Poverty Row" who had beaten "lio- qun's Alley," the week before. lined up against it mixed team of the town nod Hogan's Alley and again proved the victors by 27 to 10. A lnrge crowd of spectators witnessed the game on the school grounds and saw much to ad- mire especially m the '* buttery" of the winners. which was composed of pitcher w. Fl, Theoitald and Matheson catching. Ive, fancy no hatter would try to get to first, by allowing himselfto be hit Iryone of Theohald's hot ones. Dundalk and Markdnle play llwir 2nd league match in Mnrkdule to-mm-row. BASEBALL. A revival of base lmll seems to he tak- ing Emu-e iudging by the interest, Inken in the two improvised matches lately Elam hasdmpped back into thejunior series. Brantford, the senior C. L. A. cham- pions. were (infants-(l by the Tet-mnpvhs of Toronto Naturdav by 6100. It looks like the. Tecttutsehs' cGtupioushtp this season. Owen Sound’s senior team. the Greys Were humiliated last, week My bring downed hy Woodbridge Juniors on their own grounds. LACROSSE. The most closely contested game of the season may be expected to 'ake place on the Ag. Grounds here next Tuesday. Durham Is lwund to stop the Wellinirtous' winning streak. Come and see them. BURN. -ln Durham. ml Thursday. June mh. to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eden. DOMINION DAY ()flii()llnlllfltll, Mr Andrew Denhnlme. proprietor of the Blenheim News, who was a dele. gate to the Prelyterian Genet nl Assent.. hlv at St. John, called on Messrs Mc- Kenn. Ellis and Laqu-rt ( ntuIuaintaneus made on the recent World's Four trip) Friday while on his way to Durham to visit bis Jttughter.--Rep. --- o o o» ---- Messrs. Jos. Burnvt and Allie Mcln- tyre, leave shortly for the West with a carload of the famous Oxford (Ire-um b"aparatorte, which are taking so well a- round here. These young men have just the necesaary vim and enterprise to make it good ptvsentatiort of a worthy article. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Baird, Nunnanhy. took In the Pticeville (-vlel-l'utiun and spent. the Night with n sister of Mrs B's who lives in Artemesin. Mrs. J. Scott of Owen Sound and Miss S, Scott. of \mepeg are spending a few days with their telatives News S. & A Smut of this Vicinity- Miss Scott leaves for her home in the West on Saturday. Miss Catherine Cameron, who has been attending Larlies'College Ill Toron. to, attuied home last Fridav night tor the holidays. 'ri:iii,!.ii-jji)git.ii,r)jl, Mr. and Mrs. w. Newton. from the States. are visiting the t'otmer's mother and sister. Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Spurling. Mrs. Donald McDonald, and little grandson, Howard Harbottle, are visit- ing her sons, Messrs Geo. and Hugh Mc. Donald. M 1'. Alister Gun, from Stratford Busi- ne.Re. College, is spending the vacation at his home here. Miss Wilkes and Miss Edith Killmm. walkerton. are guests this week at Mr. IV. E. Buchan's, Mr. Wm. Munro catuehomelast week from Hoekmart, Georgia. Mr. Freer, Toronto, was a guest at Mrs. Gun's Sr., for a few days. Mrs. Grier. Paislev, is a guest of her sister. N rs. Geo. Meikle. " tit)lt 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. DURHAM, J ULY l. TEN DEBS 1VANTE D, ..----- .097 ----- BORN WV, BLACK. - ', I W. Jl.'tjyo oies . V" IAI‘IV r‘u u.- -- __ 1001. Lot 9, Con. 2, w. d The undersigned has for sale, ready to use. (5) five thorobred Tamworth Boars. Price reasonable. On Monday the Aqsemhly was delight.- ed to receive fraternal greetings from the Church of England which were presented by Rural Dean Raymond. Canon Richardson and Dr De Soyres. The friendly greeting and polished elo- i quence of the deputation captured the them-ts of all. Canon Richardson hu- morously referring to the rmh of people from all churches to hem the new prom-hers said "If you did not enter our pulpits common honesty compels me tostnte that you at. least' captured our people." He Mum-ed the Assembly that Presbyterian enterprise in the West was so great that they could not turn in amt direct ion without encounters ing a Preshytcrian mis-|omtry, and he expressed the assurance. that, if ever the north polo he discovered there will he found :tstride of it a h'cotchman with a hihle sticking out of one pocket and a confesston of faith out of the other. Altogether this Teeting of the As-. sembly has been the tnost inspiring of any I have attended. There was ai happy luck of any one eager to pose as leader, and speeches were to the point. Questions- of the greatest importance were under discussion. and commission. ere on every hand were heard to express theirnew sense. ofthe vastness of the work that lies before the church. and of I tho u‘nultk he .._I t . . TORONTO As to the Assnmhly you have had re- ports In tho- daily papers that leave nothing to In- added. You would see that the honor of Ewing modeattor was given to Dr. Milligan who amply main- tained his Peuptat ion of being the wadi- est talker in the Ascemhly. At the meeting or the Assembly ten coats ago the Into De McKay. of Formosa. fiilled the chair and so thornughlv did he oh- svrye the dictum "speech is stlvern, silence golden” that he might be en- titled thesilent moderator. Dr Milligan went, to the opposite extreme and proved so readv of snout-h m... tious hope is entertained that with the new railway facilities proposed. it may Immune the centre of a more steady "(will trade. St. John and The General Assembly, - - . __ 2...." . F.." name In K" on the Inllsni lending plmm and than at the last. mmneut. disummi nt.. ing them. The fine piano was lent by Mrs Bulger, and the chairman scored Wilson,' of Murkdule. svyerely‘ fur “Mn-wing his Mr John Alt-Arthur felicirousiy filled the rlmir. ushers parked the audience, and hundreds clmnuH-(l vainly for ml- mission. Miss Mae Dickenson. With voice and guitar. was dolightfnl and charmed as shedid in Durham. Donald C. McGregor, maintained his old time pnpulurily. the small hall, of course giving poor scope to his splendid voice. Mr Jus. Fax, eve-r-popnlur comedian, was enjoyed ntorvthH" over and wan ror‘alled and recalled. Piper Benton is a prince among Pipers and played puru- dise music to petfeetion. Thi, Duncan sisleis danced in perfect lune-mud lreauti- fill unifurmily, and the accompanist Mrs Ada H. Haw, left, nothing to be desired. PiperBeaton woe the m0st popular man on the ground We counted between 30an 40 from Durham and neighborhood. THE CONVERT. If the day was pu-lly u failurv. the night was a sum-ms. Onve more it was' demonstrated the place needs a new hall, and the corporation of the village should foster some moveuwnt lo swun- one. Than cmm- the tug at war between Priceville and Durham Camps, which promised to he the most inn-resting evetttoftheday, had not min interfered. The trams were Imed up in the min but the crush of spectators made signalling itupossilsle. Priceville team run ott' twice with the rope before some of the Durham men got hold of it, and a down pour occnrting. shelter was sought and the play wan not twinned. The [rat will mum nn July l, when Scum Greys will pull Ben Nevis here, The commit- tee should provide guard ropes fur that oC'C'ttstott. The ram stopped after a while, but the racing. iunming, kc was nut, gone on with. The strong men had their turn at the shoulder stone. and the first prize was Lumen by our tuwummn. Mr w E. Theuhald, who seemed to do it easy ton. Alex McDonald was second. Theolrald took his thst, thvow at. tossing the caher but needs practice. We are not sure of the prize winners hut Dun McLachlan and Dan McKinnon Welt' well to the front, The best fun ofthe day was theold boys' football match under the sprightly captains Dugald McCormick and Alex. McMillan. Vicious was the play, ex- citing the falls. and glaring the fouls. but on they rushed giving many a kick at nothing. it could easy be seen that some of them were scienced. Aftvr some close shaves at both ends Dugald's men got it hetwwn the stakes, and this was the only goal. The morning looted it little threaten- ing, hut cleared off in time to allow of " fair attendance. The comnnttee were u. little slow in getting slatted hm, once tt,',',Vig'ettp,iig,' from the village, headed by ipe-Maior Benton, had leached the grounds things gm " move on. The petite Duncan ststets gave an exhibition of dancing and won many commenda- lions. Priceville Was astir on Tuesday: it was her first civic holiday. it was the 10:1ng day in the year. and her largest fraternal Society honored it with a day of sports and a night of song. -'_" .....u\.-ulul. l'l' BIL at, to the opposite extreme ved so ready of speech that .. One might say and my with t Ile almost had too much." BOARS FOR SALE ( Continued from page SCOTS GREYS CELEBRATION. C He Msurvd the Assembly [Minn enterprise in the great that. they could not we! ion without encounter- d ._. , . HENRY ALEXANDER 3. It., Bentinck. *0- . men in herraViG,". St John is one that d wi.th. delight by all N( rues But his Imperial Eighfisgfllflismwsg with truth, m it. MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. IT SUITS To AT! department of our estaihishment." LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see lor yourself. Intending Students should enter " beginulnl of term, or us soon alter us possible. The School is equipped tor full Junior Leaving and matriculation work, under the (allowing sun of Competent Teachers for that Department: THOS. ALLAN, Principal. Miss L. M. FUKFAR. Classics Bud Modems. Wm J oh futon ' Chairman " F, *7 er-re/FTC';';,,,---' fix; 9"" M. "; _ :17, , -e . 2yv2fdf/2 'Ghis r,'r Me ft7oms of' Wedding: Is the right brand. Then-are lotsuf Rod- gers' Bros. make silverware but only am- ].u? Itodgerst Bros. no mn- when you buy a present in Mlverware. you have the lmnw and date of this tirm on it and you can rely on your goods. Buy " from We have everything for mom and guest to pick from in SILVERWARE. w-al GOOD REASONS: Watchmaker, Jeweler Durham School (its. Gordon‘s WEDDING RINGS are as solid as his unmet-4 1847 5?: No person will make a mis- take .in buping one of our Curtain Snatchers. Car variety of Scythes. Snaths and Hav Rakes, are worthy ot inspection. Every farmer should have one of our Post llule spoons and Post Hole Angers. See our stock of Dash and Barrel Chums. Butter Bowis and Strainer Pails. plaeie Our assortment of Baggy Whips cannot be equalled any STINSON’S We have already sold more Screen Doors and Window Screens man we did last season. I'"'?;;,'";;;;))' arrived this week. well stoc in season. . H. STINSON. ,rf. Sordon, HARDWARE I Made to other iii Latest Styles on shortest notice. “WEDDING CAKES W. BLACK. The Busy Store is always _ stocked with everything St." and Equipment. FEES: 31.00 per month 'oayrers ' JPros. and Optician C. Ram-go. secretttrr. f BARCLAY Call and see Also Wudhopo Gutters Now that you have a Tudhopc. I: get a Tudhopc Cutter & he in tin of Tudhope Buggie which was once so fil with those rigs is no with over a carioml we are at the shop at the bridge m ery Wednesday and Saturday. 0 ders or enquiries left at C. McArthm store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. w: receive our best attention. , f” ézmpZements a We are at thy shop at the Chatham Cutters Full Lines 'y' tltese ma um] tvliuUe (mm/N. Of all kinds, Examine our TUK' NIP PULI’ERS; they arc tlv best on the market; al.so.on best on the market ', -.." aids. (m, CHURNS & WHIiiii.ItARR1 'ws >>>)-NEW SHOES°<<<~ PEEL, :HE SHOEMAN REMEMBER THE PLACE "uct-t i, Campbell"s Implement Warehouse Trunks & Valises Shoe DRESSING Take Notice They are Pete, 3tumittm, " cruezusy. suit all pawn" GRA 1"S make; . 'om/ttr/u/rt, and Stylish, um] at [nil-rm- Iv Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St 'ulpela, Churns, dc. Maxwell Machinery We handle boots and Show. from many makers and in different kinds. Also in great; variety. We an also headquarters tor hm having nearly 20 varieties lt choose from and more C'OIn ing. Custom work & repairing done as neatly, cheaply 21m; promptly as possible. TERMS: CASH. . S. MCIlraith Be sure and see our Aarn @rgans Also see our famous For the Babies. good in every respcct 'cal, thu, our Goods BELL It 'tttstty o, tst " Vie Durham. J ulv HI All unr Hp! "Indium 'r4tt _'jillilktiir Vi Ulu' Hun ttras Transacting Business MI/l. " 1 C. A. FLEIING.F Grocenes, Dru Go d; Shoes, Crock TWEEDS 5); ”We lililll LIST OF ‘00 Acres MM) Ae Tlie H 150 Acres CA PITA! CANT}. t. [£155ka 105 Acres 1 Acre " 3cm row " writ in SIMDARD BARK i " AG I‘IN'I Onlariu. $6t an“ "" "t9iulu'tr_ S. 'ii'i;C;t ”with a." poi eat all SAVINGS B “Vlngs wards facilitv distal Ct ll. DURHAM A ' Ala! Sprin Weak Do you like your thi short hair? Of cm don't. Do you lil heavy, smooth h: course you do. TI nottrepleased? Ay Vigor makes beauti of hair, that's th story. Sold for 60 the I I?! We can w. II. lil fl" It w that! two/mam 0y: Head t)i f H. H. MIL]. POI ll ll t) ll ff - - K l-ILI tor

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