West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1904, p. 5

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H. leties ic re comâ€" epairing iply and! ho z? Pters aith tortabte d Shoes and in Also ge evâ€" & ~@ rthur‘s B.owil] SummeY ~â€"N~CXt bhoase. 100ds riees3 to *NMHOWTE ELL ?o n 1C@ lises e are best NG EMAN ery irloads 16« de. OW ous n«" All onr Spring Prints, Ginghams, and Muslins, are now in. Come & see them. Transacting Business Floor Oileloth, 1 yard wide at 2¢ per yd * 2 yards wide at We per yc Table Oileloth, 45 in wlde, at %¢ per yd fable Linen, M in wide, at 2¢ per ya * &> in wide, at 50¢ peryd 1inen Table Cloth«, '."/“ynrd- long at $1.40 each HNeavy Twlll sheeting, 72 in wide, at %¢ per yard C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound BIG 4 " aur" OF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. z& We ask inspection of our Teas..z2z TWEEDS & YARNS NEW LIST OF LANYDS Durham, July 1: Musical. Aerial, Comical, Wonderful. Eye and Ear Delighted. Big Prizes for Sports Grand Concert in Rink. 1 Acor In Bentinck near Durbham, 9% 0 clé fiw’.’lh hardwood, good buildings, sprin creek, orebard, &c...... ‘3208 100 Acres near Allan Park, 68 cleared, 20 hardâ€" mfrl KVE KB SWIDIK]Y:... os‘s. covecsceue« covceec t FOIQ 150 Acres near Lamlash, stone dwellings, good .m?-imfldinga. fine farm, under .......... 4000 105 Acres near Allan Park, excellent farm fair buildings, cheap. 1 Acre wore or less, Garafraxa Street, Durham, near Cement Works, fine lots, offered very cheap. Besides above I havefa large list of other lands of all kinds. +¢ If you wish to buy or sell property, borâ€" row money, insure a property, have writings drawn orcollect debts call on me ‘ Always Prompt, Never Negligent." The Hanover Conyveyancer, _ Hanove STAYOARD BAKK OF CANADN CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITAL, Paid up.... S. SCOTT. RESERVE FUND .... AGENTS in all principal points .n Ontario, â€" Quebec, Manitoba, â€" United State« and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. H. H. MILLER, A general Banking business transac Drafts issued and collection +made all points. _ Deposits received and in eat allowed at eurrent rates SAVINGS BANX â€" .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards â€" Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. * Te ie hk §. DURMHAM AGENCY 1 Curtains have Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 Hair Vigor Table Oileloth, 45 in fable Linen, M in *# %» in Weak Hair $1.00 2 bottle, All drugaist« Ayer‘s not be pleased? Ayer‘s Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that‘s the whole story. Sold for 60 years. Roller Blinds, Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don‘t. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why " I have used Ayer‘s Hair mr- for a long time. It is, indeed, a woi 1 bair toola restoring health to the hair and scaip, and, the same time, proving a splendid dressing." ¢0 4 ¢e wW. H. BEAN The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : It is impossible to go threugh life without some business transactions To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should have a Business Education such as is givâ€" en at the J NORTHERNL /7 C aa iA Fhoz // y IOIORILELfrqe Best pure Honey, 10¢ a lb Head Office, Torono. H,. H. MILLER, to J KELLY, Agent. ; TeliIEE : ..0«6 with fringe aving a splendid dressing." . s '.%ATPUI. Madill, lfll C for Lowel x'I'i;'.'.'I 27¢ per pmir ibe per pair. 70¢ per pair. 75e per pair $1.00 per pair J. 0. AYER C0., ie each the each â€"1,000,000 . _ 850,000 $2,000, 008 inter line ted to be paid. On motion seâ€"srs Gordoa and Garvie. the Road anvd Bridge Committee is inâ€" strneted to take into conâ€"ideration and introduce a byâ€"law at this session of conncil protecting conmuty bridges at or near mill ponds, so that such bridges shall not be need as a convenience for other than road purposes, and further to provide adequnate means for preventing mill rubbish ncâ€" cumuilaling on the said bridges. Wednesday Morning. It was about 10.45 when the conncil assembled, a meeting of the Edncation committee having been prolonged discnssâ€" iny the account of Mount Forest High School for maintenance until after tie hour of meeting. The members were all present except yr Gordon. Th‘s report was considered in comâ€" mittee with Mr Doyle in the chair, and afterwards adopted. _ ar meArthur‘s oxâ€" penses amounting to $14.1) were ordered to be paid. The clerk read reports from the public school inspectors of West, South and East Grey, that of xr Burgess being very exâ€" bhanstrve and giving statisties of the school atten lance in all the municipalities, toâ€" zether with number of teachers, male and female, salaries etc. The reports of Inâ€" spector Camphbell and Grier stated that owing tc the severe winter full inspecâ€" tious had been del«syed and were nut vyet completed. Rufus Oliver applied for a peadler‘s liâ€" ceuse and Edward Fitzgerald applied f r a similar license Iree of charge. ~ Acconuts were presented from Conmmisâ€" sioners (G A Brown. A Garvie, J Pringle, N »yeColeman, J > Thowsonsang C meâ€" Kiwnon, for work done in the divisions. * In accordance with your request I atâ€" tended the Trustees FAucation Associaâ€" tion at Toronto in May. _ ‘This being my first visit I cannot give an elaborate raâ€" port, but wish to submit the following : (1) To view of the severe winters which prevail im this courtry and the conse. quent inalality of many ot the younger children to attend school during the winter months, I would ask this conneil to memorialize the munister of Edncaâ€" tiou to introduge legislation to alter the school vacations so that in rural districts the summer vacauon would be shortened aud the winter anud spring vacations lengthened ; or if that be not possible, that rural trustees be gziven a»uthority to alter the vacations or a part thereâ€"f so as to sumit sections or districts »flected by severe clium»=tic condiuons (2) I vould also recommend the organization of rnral school trustees into a county associaticn to meet at the same time and plzce as the Teachers‘ County Assoctition, and that the sail trustees organiâ€"ation be enâ€" titled to send one or more delezsates to the Ontario Education Asgâ€"ociation," Mr :A rthur, chairman of the Educat« n Commitree, as delerate to the T.flmtue- Convention, preâ€"ented the following reâ€" port : Mr Thomson preseuted report of Fiâ€" nance committee recommending the n=val grants to the Farmers‘ Institates ; that the S3lst Regiment be granted the snm of $500 ; that the Central Agricultural Society «t Walters Falis be granted $5); the Children‘s Aid Society be graured $loo; that the Women‘s Institates ot North, South and Centre Grey be grauted $1o each on issuing their aunual reports and that Harry Laporte be granted a free peddlers lhcense. Conr:cil met on Tuesday, Jnne 7. at 2 p. m., with all the members present except Mr Brown. In committese on this report with xr McArthur in the chair, Mr Allen opposed the grant to the Central Agricultural Soâ€" siety. His motion to strike out the clause was lost on a division of 5 to lo. The report was adopted on the eame division. Mr Shute presented report of Road and Bcidge Committe» recomme» ing pay ment of a number of accouuts and was adoptâ€" ed witsout diseuâ€"si 4, Mr yeArthuor presented report of e Inca« tion committee, Mr Allen present«d report of judicial audit which was adopted. f Mr Gordon preseuted report of standing committ e of the bouse of refuge. recomâ€" mendiny payment of accounts for supplies and equipment of the intitution, and the same was adopted. Wegnesday Eyeving. Mr Gordon presented a report from the architect of the hbouse of refuge, J S Russe!, and hiself as inspector,. _ This report recommended that certain suma be deducted from the contract price of the tuilding for several items which were not satisfactory, In connection with the draivags, the weepers bad been filled in with earth instead of gravel, or broken stone, and the consequenee was that water did not pass away freely but ran through a wall and lay on the basement Hoor. %120 shauld be deducted to remedy this. _ $2 was required for a door on which the yeneering was epht, %$5 for puainting the floors, %$30 for ginzing, $5 for pointing back wall, $18 for a cess pitâ€"a total of $260 to be deducted from the contract price. It was recommended that the work be taken off the contracâ€" tor‘s hands as eatislactory with these _exceptions, allowing the centractor also for additional work amounting to $164.50, leaving a total of $95.50 as the amount ! to be deducted. ‘Whe report was adopted, [ We bave pleasure in extracting trom a recent Winnipeg paper the following notice of the marriage of an old pupil and friend Thos. T. Gadd, son of Mr, Thos. Gadd, Normanby. _ "Tom." alâ€" ways brimful of energy, bas done well in the West, and baving allied himself with one of its fair maidens has done better, _ His many friends here will wish thenm, all joy, and amongst them none more sincerely than the writerâ€"Ed.] fa% "A very pretty wedding took El:tce in Birtle on April 13. when Miss Frances Corbett, eldest daughter of Mrand Mrs Isaac Corbett, became the wife of Thos T. Gadd, of Winnipeg. â€" The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride‘s parents by the Rey. John A. Cormie, of the Presbyterian Church, in the presence of a large number of the ( Conltinued next aweek.) Ccunty: Council. Hymeneal. 15 0 11 2| 2 acres, near Wilder‘s Lake, two barns, stone Stables with cement floors, frame house, well watered. Cheap. â€" Forfurther particularsapply to 2nd May ‘04. FOR SALE & for SERVICE The under«igned have for sale, 2 bulls rising 2 years old and 3 bull calves risâ€" ing 1 year old. _ Also a pureâ€"bred Tamâ€" worth Boar for service, â€" Terims, $1.00, A. & J. SEaAur®EYy. 100 Acres, Lot 36, 2nd Con,., N. D. RK., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for cultivation, the rest barawood bush. _ Also Lot 36, Con. 3, N. D. R., 25 acres clear, the rest hardâ€" wood bush. The Saugeen River runs through both. _ For further particulars send or apply to Lots 23 & 24, 8. D. R. (Glenelg. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage buasiness in this country and adjoining territory for well and favorâ€" ably known house of solid financial standing. â€" $20 00 straight cash salary and expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters, _ Exâ€" pense money advanced. â€" Position perâ€" manent. _ Address Manager, 810 Como Block. Chicago, IMinois, 24/3â€"12, friends of the family. The bride locked charming in a dress of white silk, trimâ€" med with allover _ embroidery, â€" silk chiffon and medallions. _ Her long veil was caught with orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of white roses, Miss Kate McDerimid, offGladstone, actâ€" ed as bridesmaid, and looked lovely in a pretty dress of white organdie, with lace trimmings and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. _ Wm. H. Corbett, brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. â€" The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold brooch, set with pearls, to the bridesâ€" maid a gold ring set with opals and to the groomsman an opal pin, _ The cereâ€" mony over and the happy couple had received the congratulatuions of their friends, the wedding breakfast was servâ€" ed from a beautifully decorated table. The newly married couple Nft on the 11.30 train for Vancouyer and they inâ€" tend visit Banff & other points en route. Before leaving for the train the bride exchanged her silk gown for a handsome grey travelling suit. Miss Corbett bas liyed in Birtle since her childhood and for several years has been the organist of the Preshyterian Church. â€" The many beautiful gifts she received are an evidence of the esteem and affection in which she is held by her many friends in Birtle." FIOHE.icccecls cecsreversres OREDMCRI: .1 . 1+ +s see ues e+s WBORC:ss :s s sercrrverrrsees PCRS:ccresrarsicrerssrrserres NCY s:isccrihectsss‘ss:see LANIDS.ccssssrsssrisssssers Dreesed Hoys, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, fre«h roll per Ib Butter, Tub.:.«..:sâ€"s...> Calfskins, per lb........ SHe@DBKIUS ... 22220220064 JDVÂ¥ .:. .cc rssssavesscsers c+e Bee, per CWt............ TOTKGY 81. .200 sek k k k k66 644 Potatoes, per bag....... BAGR... .cc cce ce rker00 44 Hides, per ewt....... DURHAM MARKETS. How is Your Tooth Brush? MacFarlane & Co. Druggists & Seedsmeun. BNTHTMOL TOOTR PASTE CARE OF THE TEETH FARMS FOR SALE. acres, near Dornoch, Frame Bwld ings, Orchard, Good Land, $3$400 FARM FOll SALE. makes the most reâ€" freshing tooth wash in the market. It preserves the teeth, imparts new vigor to the gums and sweetâ€" ens the breath. Call and get a free samâ€" ple tube. Don‘t use an old one on your teeth. It‘s worse than no brush. We keep a large asâ€" sortment from be up Is very essential to good health. manacer wantEo. Mary MclxtyRE, Markdale MackAy & Duxx, Durham, 23 12 12 13 on 10 80 40 10 oo 7 oo 13 80 CO 40 28 3 50 4 60 13 13 13 5 on 15 teem | Ti â€" denanpanemimes worp e m nrrar s ns 5 2 0 Acres choice, unimproved land, 23 miles from the growing town of Rocanville. in which there has been five elevators erected in the past 2 yrs., and 18 miles from Moosomin. _ Price $11 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Full particulars from W. E Jorr. or _ Wa, EporE®. Moosomin, Ass. Edge Hill. NORTH WEST WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE. Durham Bull Calyesâ€"grandsons 0. Prince Cruickshank (imp), anrd Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. TnHos. Scarr & Soxs, Rocky Siugeen. For Sars.â€"â€"1 yr old Buli rising 2 yrs, 2 Bull Calyes, nerkshire Boat and Sow Pigs,. all registered Pedigreed, For SeEervicE.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Buall. Terms. $1.00. Apply to Jxo EcknarDptT Runessan, KANGAROOâ€"A new Bronze Top variety, very hardy, rich in quality, grows to a good size and keeps well. CARTER‘S ELEP HANTâ€"One of the best grown, an immense cropper of good quality and grows to a large size. I,ONDON PURPLE TOPâ€"An excellent Swede, hardy, good size and one of the best keepers. CARTER‘S IMPERIAL HARDY. HARTLEY‘S BRONZE TOP. HALE‘S WESTBURY. Yellow and White Fleshed. Aberdeen Green Top or Yellow Bullock Aberdeen Purple Top. Improved Grey Stone. Lois 32x 33, Con, 28. D. R., containâ€" ing 100 acres more or less. â€" About 90 acres cleared and in good state of culâ€" tivation for allkinds of crops. Remainâ€" ing 10 acres hard woed bush. _ Four miles from Priceville, # mile from school. On farm are two good wells, Brick House 30 x 2, with kitchen 17 x 23, cel lar and all couveniences, Good bank barn 50 x 65, splendid stabling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit purchaser. â€" Apply if by post to Priceâ€" ville P. 0, or on the premises to FOR SALE & for SERVICE RAPEâ€"Dwarf Essex Sowing. Druggist and Seedsman, PUREâ€"BRED _ STOCK FOR SALE. $N.,G. & J. McKechnie §EED CORN FARM FPOR SALE. N.,. G & J McKechnie S VV ) C l & TURNIP SHEED We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats can be sold to any one h customer, Wax. McLrop, SRr., Prop. Te (The popular Cash Store.) 50 CTS. A MAT. W PJGS Wtb PURE _BRED DURHAMS FOR SALE. Garden CORN, PEAS and BEANS. Paris Green. Insect Powder, Hellebore Blue Vitrol, Potato Bug Killer, &¢ Durham‘s NEWw BAKER LAND PLASTER in bags, WINDSOR SALT, COARSE SAL" The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. he Public of Durham and T neighborhood are respectâ€" fully informed that the underâ€" signed has bonght out the Wright Bakery, known as the ‘*‘Durhaim Bakery,"‘ and inâ€" tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the paâ€" tronage. C ITINSECTIDES ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . Watson MP SALT in bags. Cake, Bibby‘s Durham 4 ‘(JOHN CLARK + J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M. Office, 13 Frost 8t, Owen Sound. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a, m. till 4 p. m. Member College Physicians and Burgeons Onturio, Ofl\u- and Residence Cor, Garafraxa and Ge 8t., at foot of Hill. _ Old Moodie Corner t#*Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Baturday in each month,. _ Hours, 1â€"6 p .1 . "Wa W.C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. #». SPECIALIEST EYE, EAR, THROAT & NO8EF CEUENHNUNihieew .. EXCLUSIVELY . 4 L. R.C,. P., London, Englend Graduate of London,New York and Chicago. ___ Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. \ / the Du oam Pharmscy Calder‘s Block, â€" Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. MHoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAM. «Ate asgistant to the Royal London Ophthalmic ospital, England, and the Golden Equare Nose nd Throat Hospital, Jompany and priyvate Funds to Loun on Morigages at lowest rutes of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator, | Purham, Nov Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortguges, Louses, Agreements &e, correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sous louked after and Executor‘s and Adminis= trators‘ Accounts prepared and L»nuo«l Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardiauship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office und Titles reported Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan. Oflicv. Mclntyre Block, over the Bank, A. G, MacKay! K. C. W. F Dunn 9â€"11 a. m Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Money to Loan, 1\ flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms boughi and sold D. Mc Adopted by all leading Bchools in Toronto. This"deservedly popular system by mean 4 chan briie: Biackbostd 1 buf;’-m and other fiterâ€" esting devices brings the following topies within the child‘s immediate comprebension, Musical Notation xb‘thmlc Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location usical History â€" Technique For terms apply;to mics Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.M,M. Miss Margaret Gun, Puysicias & Surcxos, Office over McLachian‘s Store.! e 1 8 to 10 a. N. Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D. S. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., #@~ Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children, FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF BARRISTER, S0o1ICITOR,= NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, aC. Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales mas to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. 43*" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.G., will be promptly uttended to, Terms on application to Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey. Bales mfly uttended to. _ ®ates reasonable, may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms«, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review «TL ETD EC._A.IZL. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Telephone Connection No. 10 DR GEO. S. BURT. " n sinoiass "fe flice, McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dorham & i16CtiLoncers. or to MACKAY & DUNN, Myer‘s Music Method. W a HOURS J. P. TELFORD DR. BROWN, M T SILC. D. MePHAIL, © . H. JACKSON, Ceyion has a telephone office Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner OFFICE HOURS PHAIL _# 16 24 p. m Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, IAIL, Ceylon P. O. C. RAMAGE, Durham Moderate 7â€"9 pp, M, § & C

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