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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jun 1904, p. 1

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Russell , &c. ods Cash. here JUNI 25th. #$"!» coinirnanenearnedrincarianrnatiretr~/. * im mm _ m % o o0 Cw Tw 1 3z H. . MOCKLER, & m oys E Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothing & VOL. nalaaleCala"ealeColdenla®olo@ele=e exsle=ale 7e Jpeole@alers ane a e laze anoleve evelanelezelonsle "o one ols oleColoPole ColeColeCola"aloCale Cole "olaCale®a} {s Te a%elaCeleCole "eléwele =ele "ole"eleeleelenele ce One of the best offerings of the season is ogr line of Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only 121¢ per yd Our GINGHAMS, ZEPHMYRS, and COTTON VOILES are all marked just a little closer than most. We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coyerings, &o. NEW CRETONNXES and ART MUSLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( 10 different patterins and shades.) NEW DRAPERIES and SILKOLINES. FOR ONE WEEK MORE we wiil offer those N 6 inches wide, worth from 20c to 250. at New Patterns worth from 7¢ to toc, for . Laces & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons & Trimmings House Furnishing Department Remember Men‘s Fine Shirts Men‘s and Bovs‘ Straw ana Canvas Hats LADIES‘ COLORED SHIRT WAISTS Men‘s Fancy Summer Shirts FANCY COLORED MUSLINS Money Savers « Summer Goods Price or Profits are no consideration now. What we‘re thinking of is clearing out the goods ‘The profits are yours because all our Summer Millinery is REDUCED TO HALE PRICE. Clean=â€"up is Millinery JAMES IRELAND 20 ° JAMES IRELAND We are showing all the ne Onr Latest Arrivals â€"Swell NEW SWEATERS For Men and Boys, at 50¢ to £2.00. We have also a large stock of these Shirts, made of best prints, scambiics and Madras in newest patterns $1 and 1.25 Must be cleared out at once. We‘re giving special bargains on them at 25¢ and 50c. 10 dozen Men‘s Colored Shirtsâ€"just the comfortabe kind you‘re looking for, regular $1 for 6%c. More of them. â€" Regular 15¢ to Regular 60¢ to $1.25 each, to clear at 39e XXVI NO 26 and it is only to Clothing that we Highest Prices Remember, our Stock is New and Complete ‘OR 10 We are always pleased to show ogr new & oods whether yon by or not. ‘THE C That‘s what we‘re going to rive on our new Stock of Heather is a Big Discount Our large Stock of New paid for Butter and We will offer those New Embroideries MA xX ONLY. introduce offer this INX OUR west and daintiest patterns in Dress Goods and Suitings STOI | Purha 22 JC our perfect fitting generous discount yard, to clear at 10c yd. L28S. A parcel of Heather. specially ordered from Sutherlanishire, Scotland, a month Ready for Great Concert in the Rink toâ€"morrow night. _ Get a sprio with vanp a» i c per yd 3c per yd Ninety candidates â€" are writing on !the popular * Entrance" examination this week. _ Inspector Campbell is preâ€" | siding, assisted by Misses Forfar and | Mevedith,. _ Considerable _ interest _ is ; being taken on who is to be the winner ; of the Gordon medal, or rather medals. for there is one for each centre. Thisis we belieye the largest number eyer writing here at one time. _ Flesherton and Dundalk have about 40 each, Markâ€" \dale and Hanover 30, Neustadt about 5. Insp. Campbell informs us 25 more canidates applied for Entrance in 8. Grey than ever before. _A growing time,. _ Papers we have seen seem fawr, |‘‘*opened " the building. whose usefulâ€" Iness none now â€" seems to question. Great regrets were felt at the accident | just the day before to Mr. Harness. the | superintendent, which prevented him from chaperoning the visitors. Fame day Markdale lacrosse team won glory over Dundalk. _ Next week we shall have a fuller notice. Goon By®E to Rev. Mm®. SWITH. â€"Sunâ€" day last the Methodist budy here bade ofticial farewell to their minister, Rev. Wiay R. Smith, atter a very successfal four years‘ connection as pastor and people, _ During his term all round proâ€" gress has been made an@ he and Ius worthy â€" partner: leave â€" many â€" warm friends behind them. _ During the four years the membership of the church inâ€" creased oyer 70, some important imâ€" provements were made on the building, and above all Mr_ Smith will be rememâ€" bered as the man who made A blaze of the mortgage, MrSmith‘s work among the young has been the feature of his pastorate however, and he will long be remembered in League circles for his interesting chalk talks and the symâ€" pathetic part he took in all their affairs, Very hearty good wishes follow him to Arthur, and by many outside of his own church. While bidding good bye to the old, we henrtily welcome the new incumbent, Rev. Mr. Colling, and hope he may be a powerful &ictor in the comâ€" munity among the forces that make for righteousness. The members of the I. 0. F. to the member of over 60 attended Divine Service in the Methodist OChurch last Sunday morning and listened to an appropriate sermon by Rev, Wrmy R. Smith, himself a member of the order. He showed how the principle of brotherâ€" hood was as old as the time of Joshua and before it, and commended the fraternal sprrit as exemplified in modern orgamzations. _ He refervred to the splenâ€" did financial record of the order before him, pointing out how millions had been spent in the support of widowhood and orphanhcod, and still there was room for pride in the millions still in reserve. It is interesting tolearoa that one early member of Court Durham, Mr Arch Sinclair. Harmston, having reached the age of 70, received last week from Secy Wm Johnston a check for $100, the first of ten similar annual payâ€" ments for every $1000 insurance carried, On returning to the Court room, Chief tanger MeClocklin introduced the subâ€" ject of the Foresters‘ Orphan‘s Home a new charity lately founded for the children of Foresters, and a substantial collection was taken up on its behalf. _ Reserved Seat FTickets are on sale at MacFarlanes‘s for the Greaw Rink Conâ€" |cert Only 35 cts. _ Those who wish, (andt there are many) to avoid the crowd should secure one or more at { once. â€" The management, as we said last week, have adopted this plan by reâ€" | quests from several quarters. lyrroven» _ BAsSEMENT. â€" Carpenter | Williamson haying ftinished his part of | the work in the Prées. Church basement, painting and papering is now in proâ€" | gress. _ The work is well done and brings the under part into harmony with the | beautifal auditortum. _ Next Tuesday under the combined attraction of Presâ€" | bytery mecting, Young People‘s Union and Rev, Mr., Glassford‘s lecture on the Moly Land, from which he lately reâ€" | turned there will certainly be a crowd. Hovse or Rerva®. â€" Markdale last Friday had a gala day over the formal opening of the new County building. Very appropriately the County Council met there, several of our members of Parliament and other public men, and withappropriate «peeches and ceremony Movixa ar tus Busy CorxERr.â€"This week Messrs J. & J. Hunter are moving into their New Store on the opposite Corner, _ After a few day‘s adjustment they will be in a position to welcome all old customers and many new ones. Upâ€" toâ€"date goods at fair prices, will still be their motto. Tn® Exceursto®,â€"Those who teok in this popular event had splendid weather and all the usual courtesies of the aut horities at the farm who have abunâ€" dant nractice in receiving large crowds. There was somewhat of a falling off this year in artendance, Egremont 8. School workers, meet in Convention at Dromore, toâ€"day, Wedâ€" nesday, and their program, printed in ihis office, prowisesa successfal conyvenâ€" tion, _ Messrs Geo. Lothian and John Sinclair are President and Secy respecâ€" tively. The Parker Sale of thorougzhâ€"bred Durhams was well attended, and some good prices were realized under Aucâ€" tioneer Captain T. E. Robson‘s hammer. Dromore and Hopeville merchants are asking their customers the very reasonâ€" able request to do their shopping before 7 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesda72‘s and Fridays. _ Early (closing is now the prevailing practice, The daintiest, lowest priced, Iadies‘ whitewear you‘veseen is at Jas freland‘s. Buvy your Cement at the Big Store. The price must be right as we get all the big contracts. 1 DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1904. @omcs 0C Ca from outherlanisuire, Scotland, a month @§0, arrives toâ€"day. Rink toâ€"morrow night. _ Get a sprig with your reserved seat ticket. ved last week a check for ‘ annual payâ€" m Ret Durham Owen Sound Markdaile Dundalk The Owen Sound Times says, "It will be another added to the list of the world‘s wonders if the Wellingtons deâ€" feat Durham on their own cabbage patch If they can‘t, no other team can." _ But they didn‘t. Markdale whitewashed Dundalk 2 â€"0 last Friday in Markadale, Walkerton by playing 10 minutes overtime won from Southampton last Friday at home, score 8â€"7. lt looks like Southampton‘s championship in District No. 1. Although each team scored a goal aâ€" i a;,;” piece in the remaining two quarters i nboy the ball hoyered near the Owen Sound | who goal the greater portion of the time. | op 1: Durham really secured another in the . $1.0 3rd, the ball going into the nets and | figce, out again, but as the umpire disputed, he | ; j was removed and the goal not COUNt@d, |Juan Special police guarded the grounds while good feceling prevailed between the teams. The first goal was secured by Durham in a scramble after 1 minute play. _ It was disputed as there was no ump‘re on hand but was allowed. The first quarter ended with two more for Durâ€" ham and 1 for 0. Sound. On opening the 2nd quarter, the Wellingtons by fine combination scored two goals in about a minute and tied the score, one of Durham‘s defence being off at the time. . However the home team wakened up, and to make the game sure, added 3 goals more, making half tine score 6â€"3 in favor of the blue and white. Following is No. 3. Junior 8 faction. _ The score 8â€"5, about indicates the merits of the respectiye teams. Durham has improyed in shooting but both sides have the best of goalâ€"keepers. The Wellingtons have an evenly balâ€" anced team. and dispiay fine combinâ€" ation but in effectiveness Durham leads, The Durhams were weakened by the new St. Mary‘s whirlwind Hutchins, not coming but the new juniors are showing up welt, _ W. Hunter who has returned from Mt Forest and 8. Graham of St. Marys added strength to the team. As all did well we will not particularize. Durham lined up as follows: Goal, C. Lavelle ; Point, Matheson; Cover Pt.,. McDonald,; Ist Def, Hunter; 2nd Def. Crawford ; 3rd _ Def, Theobald ; Centre, Mountain ; 3rd Home, Glass ; 2nd home. McCaffrevy ; Ist home, A. Graham ; Oatâ€" side home, 8. Grabam : Inside, Lavelle. Field Captain, Gagnon. games ever seen here Durham won the return Câ€" L. A. Jacrosse match from the Wellingtons of Owen Sound Tuesday, _ Realizing the 1mportance of Durham as a lacrosse town, the C. L. A. executive sent Waghorne, of Toronto, one of the best referees in Ontario, here to officiate,. â€" He had a comparativeâ€" ly easy task however only one man from each side adorning the fence and nobody lard out, _ Me kept both teams well in hand and gave general satisâ€" 1 M Em Om o e on on i in as their commander thought, he was brute enough to kick the pail over. Elsewhere we have some notes reflectâ€" ing camp life, The Dundonald incident was an affair of the papers and the politicians and seems not to have affectâ€" ed the masses of the 5000. A WrEary Trir.â€"Capt. Suider and | No 4 Co. got home from Niagara Camp ! about 2.30 last Sunday morning. _ Thej delay was occasioned at Niagata where | their duties kept them late for the boat, | and missing the regular train had to be | brought home on a special, which also| did some slow freight handling. _ The boys were tired and wearied and it was | a preity good brand of loyalty that| could smile and line up manfully at the i untimely bour, with no welcoming reâ€" ception. _ They were in general, pleased | with their treatment, but complained | of a wenrisome march of 8 or 9 miles | out and return on Friday last, a hot day, | An incident which caused a bitter feelâ€" | ng occurred to a company of their comâ€" { rades: they had got hold of a pail of | water and were in turn slaking their thirst when the order to "fall in" was | giyen and not being as Lromptly obeyed | Mz 4rou%) 1 F t â€" Students of the International Correâ€". spondence School and their friends who ' intend visiting the St. Louis Exposition, â€" will please communicate with J. W. McKav, the local representative, Box| 441, Harriston, Ont., for certificate en~' titling them to priviteges of the Guild | Hall erected on the Grounds by the" S('hnnls_ul, a cost of $25000 for the} accomodation of students and their friends. Dr. Burt will be at the Middaugh BHouse, Durham for consultation in eye, ear, nose and throat cases on Wednesâ€" day, July 6th. hours 10 to 4 p. im. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. First Rixx® CoxcERTâ€"JCLY 1.â€"A fine new platform has been placed in the rink, and other features added to adafi)t it for the High class coucert to be held on above date. The floor, nicely coyered with sawdust, the committee guarantees wont give way. _ Admission 25 cts, A few Reserved seats, 35 cts. At Macâ€" Farlane‘s. REMEMNBERâ€"That the Durham Post Office will be open only one hourâ€"from 6 to 7 p. m., Dominion Day. GARDEN PaARTY â€"One of the popular Baptist Garden Parties will be held on Mrs. Warner‘s grounds on Thursday evening, July 7th. Hear about those men‘s shirts. 10 doz, of them, that Jas. Ireland is selling at 69 ctes ? vURKHAM DEFEATS® WELLINGTONS ._ Hammocks, Croquet and other sportâ€" ing goods, at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. In one of the cleanest and fastest Lacrosse Notes is the standin meries : W & 6 < on OS IÂ¥oY To play District transfer to reserve fund, $73.000; leaâ€" ving $22,513 to be carried foward to next year. The reserve fund is now equal to the ceapital, _ The Standard bank occupies a very high position aâ€" mongst our chartered bands for sagacity in management and steady developâ€" ment in strength,."â€"Canadianâ€" Journal of Commerce. rected streams always saved it, The Cause? Unknown, but supposed to be the work of drunken carousers, careless in the use of matches, _ Mayor Hunter is taking steps to have an inâ€" vestigation and there seems to be an imâ€" l:re.«inn that some stern measares will ave to be taken to round up a class of roysterers whose habits are a menace to life and property as well as to society. Meanwhile the brigade had arrived and in quick tume had the engine placed and throwing water, and it was soon seen that the fire was under control. The efficiency of the brigade was very marked and their work with engme and hose was â€" commendable, What _ is wanted is an electric alarm system to give instant notice of fires, and thus catch them in an earlier stage. Fortunately there was little wind and the grout walls of the stable proved an excellent preventive, _ _One shudders to think what might have been had a high wind prevailed. _ The implement shop was on fire seyveral times. but well diâ€" seemed to be doubtfui, â€"o &c were wacching and incipient blazes, John Nichol which was seen to be doomed, from there it got into the Middaugh House Stables, and finding there hay and combustibles it was soon from end to end a blazing furnace, but not before the horses had heen safely removed,. _ Willing hands helped to reâ€" move John Livingstone‘s goods from the McKechnie tmuilding,â€"for to save it seemed to be doubtfui,â€"others on roofs, {kc_wm-e-“wawhing and warding off ‘those who started with us ten _\'vnrs! ago have paid the debt of nature. To . the hundreds who started with us then | ;and to the hundreds who have joined | | us since and who yet are with is. we | welcome your companionship again. | ’We hope for many years to Journey | together. each proving helpful to the | |other, and that we may be joined by | ‘many others as the years go by. | __To our correspondents who have so | | well reflected the life of their districts, | iwe have special thanks. We hope to | ) + x + «Il‘vethcm still with us and long with | us and would be glad to welcome a | few more from distriets at present unâ€" | represented . | were roused from their slumbers by the alarm of "fire, given on shneking whist‘»s and clanging beil. _ The blaze ¢ as ‘s ou located by the illumination and its proximity to the hbig hotel caused no little anxiety. The fire started in an old stable of Mr Mclnotyre‘s behind Burnet Bros‘, Store, it quickly spread to the frame stable of John Nichol which was seen to be :!:mnwd, from there it got into the 30 June, 1904 TO0 0 â€" _ 6y Gune In a Country town. We step out on the jJourney of a second ten years with renewed courâ€" age and confidence. _ Not a few of ie 8 ws Enige of ¢ncouragement for which at ; "(C% Aervethrilling High Wire 8 0 l k 4 i ... eats i § ‘g‘:lju“ffi?fil til('n§: we wish "e'a'?‘IF | Wonder at the Flying Rings Act, nribt)a'rs anda':ldvel('):iléers Ir?dm:)lat:gr?é | Laugh at Innocent Comicalities, & y | :' r Pirstâ€" ass )‘ j &, of all kinds who have enabled us to | ;):]il,(;;\i tI hl(l.alt,tcsl, l] a.,{, ,t.l,l,.cén& build up the Revimw and this print» fich stt vone miak lnges&aglish 0t to. h I . A Meet with all your friends, hed“?“'. l’." point never D€â€" | Become excited over the races, ‘bre l'ea(('i flll!ll its history in CItCUIAâ€" | See the Fire Brigade in strenuous action ?htwt 10 q.lstzbeness. we .hawle to S4Y | Enjoy tul! list of Catedonian Games, S in ltthempast cooggrl:'l(int‘l:l :n“’“ :é’h‘“:fi | Have your Patriotism aroused, hok nc . hi C 81 | Be elgd that you came, due diligence, placing at their service | g ;{ w '\l H.OP YOUR Moxry an increased expericnee, and an office | ~** THE WORTH R MONE thoroughly equipped for all kinds of work usually done in a country town.| ..___________ _ With this issue we complete ten of _ editorial _ connection _ with Review. During that period we peceived from a host of friands . Tuesday morning about 130 citizens Midaaugh House Stables Burned STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Wishes f()l‘ pI‘Ospel-it'\.' C. Ramagr, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 1 894â€"1 904 MIDNIGKHT FIRE. +0 + unection with the that period we have host of friends many : Heather Pablisher te ten yvears | o Onlyâ€"â€"â€"81,00â€"â€"â€"Aâ€" Â¥\'o£nr.j 200 0000 0000 1000 L000 9000 1000 â€" Leading Jewelers If you are to have a Wedding at your home or if you are invited to a Wedâ€" ding, you will save money by buyâ€" ing your presents at Keeler‘s Bip Jewelery Store. We have just opened up the largest stock of new and upâ€"toâ€"date Silverâ€" ware ever shown in Durham. Come in and see the goods. â€" They arc worth seeingâ€"â€"they are worth havâ€" ingâ€"â€"they are worth buying. _ A guarantee with every piece of Si‘â€" verware we sell. PSF \fftntasnAliniitsstctses c 11 Drink the best Lemonage, Meet with all your friends, Become exeited over the races, See the Fire Brigade in strenuous action f}njoy ftul! list of Catedonian Games. TfCillinesryg ... Hear Best Band Music, See Strong men puli, Witness Nerveâ€"thrilling !f you are in Durham July 1 YOU WILL (as nowhere else ) B. KEELER & SON /f(f[iss Dick. FREE iree to new subscrbers for 50¢, NOW is the time to renew or sukâ€" scribe, Address a" orders to THE REVIEW, DUKMHAM, One. We will be pleased to have you eall and see our new Outing MNes in the white duck. Alao the many new styles in the white Dress Hat. The Hats are just the thingâ€"so charmingly stylish, so daintily chic in appearance, that it will prove a most welcome addition to the ranks of everyday Millinery. The daintiest, the catchiest, of the new Summer Millinery is th White Hat made in lace chiffon Straw and White Duck hats. A cast iron Stomach, "ART BAKING POWDER®" THREE NATTY BOWLS If You Have Everything new in Jewelery for the Bnd JUNE WEDDINGS TDith the J{ues of the TYow Soascn. CHAS RAMAGE, PrixtER axo. PusursH®er,. It really doesn‘t matto: what kind of Baking Powder vou are using but injurious ingredients induce you to giye Powder a trial, we sent you with with each 1b T J. Burneti, guaranted 1 m alum and t #4, Upper Town Bb â€"â€"nsul â€" ul mm Q% ~~.‘:_; J3 i‘l '{;Q A,\w ‘ n for 50¢ ive this we pre be free 11 other FREEB Du: ee to their up to vear | sMJ L1 re

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