West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jun 1904, p. 5

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and Shoes s and in Also meties 10 l0ore comâ€" SH We are ortalb alises repairing aply and immer Ol tice M ?o n )(1 t?e0r 3 EMAN 44 deo. aith ur s ING wino 10 | @5 ~C@Xt 0ouse. WAFM* J 4 10E st A general Banking business transacted g@lDrafts issued and collection smade on all points, Deposits received and inter est allowed «t exnrrent rates SAVINGS BAN® _ .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards _ Prompt attention and «every ’i'_l'ililv afforded customers living at daista ce. J KELLY, Agent. P\ Acre w CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000,00L LAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND........... . 1,000,000 AGENTS in all primcipal pomnts in Untario, _ Quebec, Mantoba, United State« and England. DURMAM AGENCGY TAYOARD BAKK OF CANMN writingrs The 1i lhe Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 100 Acre In Bentineck near Durham, 90 [ .--uml..ln bardwoud, good buildings, spring creek, orchard, NRCvsnnmsmmmsssese~~.~$E200Q 100 Ac near Allan Park, 68 cleared, 20 hardâ€" \\no"l.u'llll J SYHAKEINGT .111 +2« +eeccrveccavencesiee HREYEY 150 Acres 100 Acres near Lamlash, stone dwellings, good outâ€"buildings, fine farm, under .......... 4000 105 Acres near Allan Park, excellent farm NEW LIST OF LANDS HI. H. MILLER, oF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargainâ€". *~‘ We ask inspection of our Teas..z> esides above I have} liunds of all kinds TWEEDS & YARNS /) NORTHeRriyr ~» _ & //J//W////, you wish to buy or sell property, borâ€" WÂ¥ muney, insutre ‘a property, have "tings diawn orcollect debts call on me Always Prompt, Never Negligent." Transacting Business All onr Spring Prints Muslins, are now in. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 H BIG 4 HE ien Table Cloths, 2 avy Twill sheeting ® ag,, _ _ 0 C@yIng ** about you? That your gray <@ hair makes you look old ? f And yet, you are not forty 1 Postpone this looking old. Aver‘s (Aye Head Office, Torono. . SCOTT. To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should have a Business Education such as is givâ€" en at the Table Oileloth Table Linen, It is impossible to go thrcugh life without some business transactions Durham, July 1 Floor Oilcloth 2 yards long, 27 144 do 27 i do 16 1 do 37 +4 do S) Curtains have ta mover ( iP w. H. BEAX W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. d What are your friends saying ) ahnut wan® P _ Hair Vigor Dark Hair 11 0) n bottle. A L<1:|vm, te. Uss Ayer‘s Hair Vigor and resiore to your gray hair ail the deep, dark, rich color of carly life. Then be satisfied. oller Blinds, plain " Ayer‘s Hair Vigor restored the natural »lor to mÂ¥ gray bair, and 1 am greatly ensed. It is all you ciaim for it.* R3. K 3. VaxpEcar, Mechanicsville, N. Y. best pure Honey. 10c a 1b 00@ ce . H. MILLER, dings, cheap, i k s o e arred re or less, Garafraxa Street, Durham, ment Works, fine lots, offered very Ayer’si Hair V'i;or and I havela large list of other onveyancer, _ Hanove 4 CALDERS BLOGK, SELLS "UEH}IJM}\Pi with fringe â€"/In. wide at He Por pail 27 in do i0e per pmir 6 in do 70¢ per pail 7 in "do Te per paiz w in _ do $1.00 Ler pair tapice edges, except x M t | yard wide at He per yd : yards wide at 56¢ per yea 1 in wlde, at Se per yd t in wide, at Z per wl 6 in wide, at »e per ya 25 yards long at €1.t0 each 5. 77 in wide, at Te per vard for wide do do * do do . Ginghams, and Come & see them., o he per pair i0¢ per pmir. 70¢ per pair. 75¢ per pair. $1.00 per pair. J. 0. AYER co., Lowe!!. Mase. Jo¢ cach 1¢ cach 2100 : Musical, Aerial, Comical Messrs Gordon, Brown, MeArthur, Meâ€" Colman and Shute opposed the motion, the iwo last named designating it a dogâ€" Mesers MeKinnon and McLean followed this action closely with a motion shat the council do not in future guaarntes the debentures of any municipality in the county, Speaking to the motion xt ueKinnon said he did not feel sorn over the refusal to sgnarantee Durhkam‘s deâ€" bentures, but this action being taken would prevent applications being made by the municipalitries for such a guarantec. Bylaw 655 to guarantee Duotham‘s local improvement debentures, which had peen discussed at length at the Friday evenâ€" ing session was lost on the third reading, the vote being ten nays and six yeas, some discussion took place on the byâ€" law relating to school inapectors salaries, on account of some changes in the legisâ€" lation of late. itr N W Camphell mspec tor of South Grey, who was present, claimed that there was a mistake in the copy of bylaw regarding his salary. The bylaw was passed. The other bylaws which were introduced at the previous meeting were fihally passes, 2â€"W B Vollett, Durbaw. Diyision 4â€" R H Fortune, Ayton, Division 5â€"W J Bellamy, Flesherton, Division 7â€"W G Allister, Feversham. â€" Division. 7â€"XNX Cuarâ€" rie, Rocklyn. _ Division 8â€"J M liogers, Woodford. Mr Garvie introduced bylaw 663 to preveut bridges which are maintained by the county from b«â€"ing nsed for other purposes than that of uavel, The bylaw was finally passed. Mr »mcArthar introduced bylaw 662 for the appointment of nomwmating off.cers and the following are the appointees : Division 1â€"thos Gordon. Owen Sound, Division 2â€"W Beatou, Kilsyth. Division C NU ME YX Ehk Pricudbcls ... xt cce c 9 d was in syiupathy with the move it could not recommend avything further than the usual keepingy in repair of the county bridges, _ In committe on the report with Mr Gordon in the chair an explanation was given by xr scArthur regarding the account of xur Rucbardson after which the report was adopted. 8107 anc ia‘l ihne members were present. Mr Shute presented report of Roass and Bridges recommending payment of acâ€" courts from A C Patterson $2.70; J J Ruchardson $35:00 ; that with reference to request of Bruee tor an expeuditure on county boundartes, while the committee mF uoo en mogt 7 emapnie sion and ail the members were Un motion of stessrs Gordon »nd Brown the architects account for $35 tor extra services in connection with the house of retuge was passed, after which the counâ€" cil adjourned untl Baturday ut 9 2, mi. Saturday Morning. This was the closing meeting of the #es A bylaw was introduced respecting the remuneration of the pablic school inâ€" spections. _ All the mnboye bylaws were cousidered in committee with yr Preston in the chair but the third reading was deferred. A bylaw was intro« the issn2 of aebentures $15.000 to cover the cos houase of retuze, â€" A bylaw was mntroduced e equalized assement as aboye | _ Ou motion of atessrs xcArthur and Doyle« the tollowing livery accounts were paid being for cab line for entertainment of the Conuty Counert ot Brnes on Thursâ€" aay * Iâ€"anc Gleun $2.50, ; H D aserriam #8.50, Frost Bros $8.50.â€"total $19.50. Couneil then adjournad until Tp. m. Friday Evening _ At this session an account from Jas. 8 Ruse! for §55 ; also reports of Finuance and educational. _ Both of the Intier were adopted. The Finance report dealo wnh‘ the equalization of assessment of thc;' country, the onaly change being that Huanâ€" j over was ramed $25.000. An amend | ment to the prssing of the rylnw was | moved by yessrs Allen und xcColeman | that Egremont‘s assessment be re«lnced' to $100.000,. _ The amendment was lost, ouly the moyer supporting it when the | yeus and nays were called for. | A byâ€"law was introdneed on motion of wesâ€"rs McKinnuon and xeLean, ynarauâ€" teeing debentures of the ‘Town of Durkam to the amount of $3,270. The following reports were preâ€"ented and adopted: Report of lonuds and Bridges ; County Property ; Printing ; House of Reiuge, nud a special report trom xr Shute on bridges in Ins division The report of Rouds and Bridges was considered in committee Nir xclLonn in the chair. wiusives» counected with it, adjourved unutil Friday at 2 Friday A‘ternoon Conncil met on Friday a per adjonrnment on Thursdi members were pre:ent. Ater some informal discussion regarding the Bruce council‘s yisit, Warden Pringle stating that lie had no knowled:e of any wiasines» counected with it, the council w38 iss 1 ul THE Mr Minniss, of Markdale, who Lad icâ€" stulled electric lights in the house of reluge under instructions of the contracâ€" tor, waited on the Council +« ascertain who was to pay for the work* He was informes that Markdate had passed a byâ€" law. which the country solicitor deciared was bindng, agreeing to supply electric light to the instituation, lir Gordon preserted report of the House of Retuge Commuttee. dealing maiuly with accounts, avd the sime wns «dopted . Mr Thomson presented revort of Fi. nance, recommending that uo yraut be made to the Prisoners‘ Aid Association ; that 82 be divided among the »gricultnral sueieties of the conuty ; that $5) be grant. ed to the Meaford Poultry Associntion on condition that meir show be held indepep. wseut of auy other fairaud nccomodation furnished for 800 exhil its ; that no grant be made to the Owen Sourd in County of Grey Poultry Associatiou. The report was adopted. Thursday Afternoon At this session all the meur present, but@savy oniy a short ti Biuce County Council anse visitors woere expected nnd business was taken np, Continued from ‘ Yas laken np, s homson ypresented revort of Fi. recommending that vo graut be Es o w ols * session all the memmbers were but@sav oniy a short time, as the County â€" Council â€" aud â€" Wiarto., introduced confirming the entures to the amouat o the cost of eection ot the Ccunty Council. introduced authorizing i Friday atternoon u$ en Thursday, _ Al the last week 2 p. m. _ Wiarton no lluavy Council adjourned to meet at Markdale on Friday, 24th instant. Messrs Garyie and Gordon movyed a resolution anthorizing the posting of notices forbidding the depositing of rabâ€" bish on county bridges, Messrs McArtbur and Bell moyed a resolution instructing Mr Beli to prscmre adyice from the county solicitor as to the liability of resident tea and medicine men selling without a license, Some local names were prominently mentioned in connection with this matter. On motion of Messrs Shute and Thomâ€" son, comumissioners will ghereafter be reâ€" quired to furnish the postâ€"office addresses of parties to whom they give contracts. On motion, Jas H Rutherford was yvoted $18 for publishing a full rsport of proâ€" cecslings of the session and supplying copies to the newspapers of the country. On motion of Messrs Doyle and Garvie i1 was resolved that in case the Meaford | Poultry Association fails to furnish the , accommodation stipulated in the report / of fiuance, that the grunt of $50 will be| given the Owen Sound and County of | Grey Pouitry Association. ‘The vote on | this motiou stood : eieven yeas and | three nays, I (On motion of Messrs Gordon and Doyle, $1 per day was voted to the messenger, Bert Menzies, and a lump sum to the caretaker, Dugald McArthur, for services during the session. A lnrge special committee was appointed | to make arrangements for the formal | opening of the house of refuge on the | 24th June instant, and to arrange a| program for the occasion. | In connection with this resolution Mr’ Schenk in his imnimitable German told | an inctdent illustrative of bhow high enâ€" | gineers charged for their services as comâ€"â€" pared with county councillors. inâ€"theâ€"manger policy. _ Messrs Schenk and Alien fayored it. _ Mr McKinnon said he was glad to fall in with the expression of council on the questiou and concluded by withdrawing the naotion, which was done on a diyision of ten to six. The undersigned have for sals, 2 bulls | rising 2 years old and 3 bull calves risâ€"| ing 1 year old. _ Also a pureâ€"bred Tamâ€" worth Boar for service. â€" Terims, $1.00, | o o o sns w â€" ~â€" cdtneatie ITâ€"BEALEY, | Lots 23 & 21, S. D. R. (Glenelg 2nd May ‘04. FOR SALE & for SERVICE 1V U ings, Orchard,. Good 'L:md: 55400 2' 2 ncres, near Wilder‘s Lake, two baros, stone Stables with cement Hoors, frame house, well watered. Cheap. Forfurther particularsapply to 15 0 119 . Wonderful. Eye and Ear Delighted. Beer, per ewt........ THIROYE:+:rrrrecareser Polatves, per bag... DBEHOY se en en en en es n aee OXDS : +s eie ce iirsircersse ses T MIUG.:,::s :: saÂ¥irsarse ie‘ Dressed Hoys, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, fresh roll per 1b Bubtetr, Tub.....+..s4,... Tlour.......:.. . Oatmeal....... Whont......... CSc ve ie ceree. DURHAM MARKETS FARMS FOR SALE. MacFarlane & Co. acres, near Dornoch, Frame Buld How is Your Teoth Brush? Druggists & Seedsmen. ENTHTMOL TOOTH PASTE CARE OF THE TERTH MaAckaAyÂ¥y & Duxx. Durham Don‘t use an old one on your teeth. It‘s worse than no brush. We keep a large asâ€" sortment from 5e up makes the most reâ€" ireshing tooth wash in the market. It preserves the teeth. imparts new vigor to the gums and sweetâ€" ens the breath. Calil and get a free samâ€" ple tube. Is very essential to good health. 2 (0 4 ") 12 2 bo 2 5o 0n 10 80 10 8 50 6 00 4 60 13 18 28 GO 15 M ») sN.,G &J McKechnie Druggist and Seedsman, CONVALESCENTS ted with malnutrition, d a food and tonic which the assimilation af earbo ‘OMmatif AADSFitmane. @5 23 3 3 â€" ") _o 5* FICUVDRIIY NODAIGCODOIG forfili, the bitter aromatic constituents of the best Bavarian Hops, renowned tor their tonâ€" ic, appetizing qualities and the highly nutritious extractive matter derived from choice Malted Barley. THE EFFECTS OF MALTOVIM are immediately evidenced by increased secretion of gastric juice, healthy appetite, and a feeling of vim and boudily energy, replacing the sense of depression characteristic of a low state of the general health. MA LTOV IM NORTH WEST WHEAT; LANDS FOR SALE. [ 52 0 Acres choice, animproved land, 234 miles from the growing town ] of Rocanville. in which there has been > five elevators erected in the past 2 yI8., and 18 miles from Moosomin. _ Price $11 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. | Fall particulars from I W. E Jorr. ~orâ€" WXx. Epncr. Durbam Buil Calvesâ€"grandsons 0. Prince Cruickshank (imp),. ard Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. TrHos, Scarr & Soxs, Rocky Saugeen. Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. _ FoR| SERvYICEK.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Bmu', also Durham Bull. Terims. $1.00. H Apply to Jxo ECKHARDT Runessan, { F For SaLs.â€"â€"1 y old Buli rising 2 yrs, | 2 Bull Calyes, oerkshire Boar and Sow / FOR SALE & for SERVICE _ Lots 32x 33, Con, 28. D. R., containâ€" ing 100 acres more or less. _ About 90 ncres cleared and in good state of culâ€" tivation for allkinds of crops. Rewainâ€" ing 10 acres hard woed bush. _ Four miles from Priceville, # mile from school. On farm are two good wells, Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 23, cel lar and all couveniences, Good hank! barn 50 x G5, splendid stabling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit purebaser. Apply if by post to Price» ville P. 0, or on the premises to j This preparation offers in a palatable N.,G. &J. McKechnie® PUREâ€"BRED STOCK FOR SALE. Not more than two mats can be sold to any one â€"customer, We have just received the Figs in two weeks. 32 m; Mocsomin, Ass. FPARM POR SALE,. "THE D. & LL." MALT EXTRACT A NUTRITIOUS FLUID Foop Wa. McLrop, Sr., Prop, 30 CTS. A MAT. (The popular Cash Store.) 6 received the third shipment of reeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at FPTIG S C o0 0 O ¢+ Young Bulls, Heifers and j Terms eu.eg'. Verschoyle (Imp s _I_‘]]')GE.__‘__ Head of Herd. Edge Hill. Ll Big Prizes for Sports. Grand Concert in Rink. PURE _BRED DURHAM‘S FOR SALE. NEWwW BAKER pn.'actifially nonaléoholic forim, the leads me with solicit support guaranteed. The Public of Durham and neighborhood are respectâ€" fully informed that the underâ€" signed has bonght out the Wright Bakery, known as the ** Durham Bakery," and inâ€" tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the paâ€" tronage. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO experience of 20 _ Watson with confidence to Meifers and â€" Cows, erschoyle (Imported) at H. PARKER, Durham Pint Bottles, _ 250. Satisfaction Durham years |_ Licensed Auctioncer for the Co, of Grey, Sales \| mly attended to. _ kates reasonable, I may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" | rooms, MeKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Revrew | Office. ! Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08, Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher,: M.M,.M, esting devices brings the following t th'elcl:illd‘s immediate eomwehen:‘bn. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Keyâ€"board Location Musical History For terms applyito Adopted by ali leading?Schools in Toronto. Thistdeserved] lar Chart Drilis, Blwkwm.fi:'.y,mndby means of esting devices brings the following topies within JOHN CLARK D. McPHAIL Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to, Farms bought and sold Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #&** Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to k Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Lent nVs <3 02 noarky eusiurc conre Officeâ€"â€"LOWER ToOWN, Collections and Agency pron Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lo &e. correctly prepared. Estate sors louked after and Executor trators‘ Accounts prepured and Court Business Probate of Wi minstration -.nci Guu-li-.uship chas uade in Reciste mm rnhata as aul_"5 ~". CCrrogate WUuart Business, Probate of Wllil. Lettere of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas uade in Registry Office and Titles reported Om Jompany and private Funds to Loun on Mortgages nt lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a comnmetent and careful Valuator. A 19 Cl MACKAY & DUNN *A Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan, 22e elome . Heoe mee enep thee ts se Honor GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block OÂ¥ver the Past £40Â¥a... W.C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. & *\ the Block, DBEiAf n wionranliness Dr.â€" T. G. KOLT L. D. S. OFFICE FIRST poor EAST « x/ the Du nam p,. _ f_ LASZ Myer‘s Music Metbod. or to Will be at the ) first Wednesdny of 4 p. m. «s~ti@ticnmncorss. ffice, McKenzie‘s Oid Stand, Durham 4 » Olfloe and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Ge 8t., at foot of Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner OFFICE HOURS flice, over Gordon‘s J. G. HUTTON, M. D., 22+ 7% ~. 7,, L,0000H0, EDgIANCG Graduate of London,;New York and Chicago. z_ Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. K"Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Baturday in each month. Mours, 1â€"6 p .m."%& ospita} 33. "1¢ 10 the Royal London Ophthalmic ~ospital, England, and the Golden Bquare Nos® nd Throat HMospital, ®. SPECIALJIST EYE KiB MB m e uks . thee, Mcintyre Block wate assistant to the newdenr an 22 C 9â€"11 a. m se is . G. LEFROY McCAUL, BARRIisTE mR . MacKay : K. C. Pxysician & Sl'm;-mx. Office over MclLachian‘s Store . ARTHUR GUN, Ph and ns Member College Physicians and Burgeo DVe nd T aie ts DR GEO. S. BURT A. H. JACKSON, 4 85. MM, «4 p. m, Tâ€"9 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0, C. RAMAGE, Durham BRONW u* Teanistatintctatedisa h.3 ked after und Executor‘s and Accounts prepared and passed «MB LDEC.ATLL, Ceylon has a telephone office _p, n +t,PPOR EAST orf Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘ . Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham, Special attentioh #ivch io Disases Women and Children, LOWER Ttown, DURH AM HOURS Office, 13 â€" P. TELFORD and Agency promptly & _Mortgages, Louses, Money to Loan Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, DR. BROWN, geons of Ontario. Rooms, over the Post Office. s0ociror,= conrerancer, ‘aC 8 to 10 a. x 2 to 4 P. a 7 to 8 P, syug 2 6. 6 CC CaRe Estates of decensed Fb ecutor‘s and Admints. Moderate Jewelry Store. , over the Bank On Piano Work Technique and Adminis» ssed Burrogate . F Dunn attended to Agreements and George England Mess | \

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