West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jun 1904, p. 8

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«t # se | 1P 11 Groceries | We are sole agents for the best Shoe on the market today and that is The "IMPERIAL " Shoe For Men and Women. Readyâ€" Made Clothing THE PEOPLES STORE Come to Durham on Dominion Day. Daring High Wire Performances, Comical and Clever Trapeze Work, Kilties‘ Band, &c. ROBT. BURNETT Dairy Cheese ...... Stilton Cheese. .. .. McLaren‘s Cheese Also the "KEITH, " patent leaâ€" ther Shoe, American pattern. Pie Peaches...... ..10¢ Peaches (in syrup) . . 20¢ FCAK...«.««c«.« «««<â€"alud l‘lums, 2 kinds. .... 20¢ Pineapples.. 15, 20, 25¢ Strawberries... ... .. 20¢ Raspterries...... .. 20¢ McINTYRE‘S GROCERY CANNED FRUTTS THESE ARE GUARANTEED : N. P. McINTYRE. Pi: a â€" CHEESE Have you tried one of our Men‘s Suits "Piccadilly Brand" Clothing? Made of the best material, with the best finish, and is the best fitting Cloth:ng in Canada. If you have one, we are certain you are deâ€" lighted with it. _ If not, come at once, and secure a good suit. They go a long way towards givâ€" ing you that fine, dressy appearâ€" ance. _ They‘re going fast, being as cheap as inferior makes. The Cheapest, The Freshest The most Reliable. Clum..:...;... Ti «««<«««‘,<a% Raspberry ..... Strawberry ... . Jam in Pails.. .. J AM Boots and Shoes 10c 10c 10c 10c On Sunday, the 26th, a fira ceccurred on the farm of J W & R D Arinstrong, adjoining the village of Hopevilie, in which their baro was burnt with part of the contents. ‘The fire was first seen between 11 and 12 o‘clock breaking throagh the roof at the north end of the barn where the hay was. ‘There were not mach contents in it as they have un implement barn, but all there was, was burnts, all the stock in it was galy a bull and some pigs which were gyot out with some difficulty from the stable ander the barn. _ The barn was 55 x 65 feet, with stone stable underveath, and weli finished with ali ‘modern improveâ€" | ments, _ ‘The origin of the fire is a mysâ€" tery. _ Some suspect a spark from the chiraney of the house, others suppose | that some tramp had been slseping in ! the hay mwow and been lighting his pipe | and having caught fire to the bay, he ; then slipped away. This last theory has | roost credence here as the barn is about i sixteen rods from the house and the Picuies, &c.â€"A few of our people took in the Swinton Park picarie on the 17ih. Again there was the important Pricevilie celebration, also a schocl picuic in Mcâ€" Maullen‘s bush. Showery weather lately ; prospects of a good crop in Proton, especially hay, Mr Joseph McArdle was at Mâ€"rkuale on the 24th attending the large dem>nâ€" stration of the County Council Reeves and Ex â€"Reeves of the Townships in opening the Houso of Refoge, or proparly named, the Couauty Poor House. Miss Edith and Master Jolin Glenester have gone to ‘Toronto to stay n week or more with their uncle and other triends. Mr and Mrs Adam Scarleti haye been in NortLh Bruce visiting friends. Proton Council held a special meeting at Hopeville on Monday, 2oth inst. chiefly about the Proton Station drains, W & R Dingwall had a well bored 147 feet, by the Beawmishes‘, Dundaik, Mrs Alex McEachorte, from Little Current, has been visising friends in Hopeville and neigbborhood, Our village brick builders, Mr Glenister and his son, are ut their f building this spring, a solid brick tor Mr Jolhn Christie. Mr »mathew Davis of manitculin Island visited his parents »r and axrs John Davis and other friends. xr and xrs D Pinder of Orchard visited rand Mrs D Greeawood. ot Edge Hill Mr anod Mrs Jno Moffat of Greenock. visited at the latter‘s purents Mr and Mrs Robt Eetor of the Ayeune. t# Mr and »rs Jolu soffat and xr and xrs Joe Firth visited Bunessaa frieands Fridny of last week, Mrs _ Robertson of _ aolesworth â€" and family called on her uncle. 1y D Greenâ€" wood ope day last week. Mr Geo Houghy of London and brotherâ€" inâ€"law John McArthar of Buaessan visited the latter‘s sisters, Mrs Jolhn Mofiat and Mrs Joe Firth. Mr. Fred Staples sold his driver last week for a nesxt su», and theno purchased another juast as good. Mr James McCracken Jr. met with what might have been a more serions acciâ€" dent. While at the road last week, he was shovellinge in the pit when the san:l began to shde and canght bim, aud it took some time before the others could get him out, The Dr. was called but Inckily for lwm no bones were broken. but it will be +ome time before be will be «round again. Miss Avnie Staples Sundayed in town Mr. C. C. McFayden attendend the Priceville sports last Tuesday. Mrs. J. H, MeFayden had a large quiltâ€" ing nod ragâ€"hbee last Thursday when all the neighbor womeu gathered and spent a most enpjoyable atternoon. Mrs, Lehigh and little niece Constance. lett last Saturday for their Toronto home. Mr Jno. Wiliiams called on friends aâ€" ronnd here last Sunday. Mr. Geo, Ritchie purchased a fine piano last week. Mr, Geo. Cairne, ot Ceyloc, visited cn the avenue one day lataly. A uumber from around here attended the excursion to Guelph last Thurâ€"day. Mr. Joseph Noble was laid off work with blood poison in his hand. Fascinating Entertainer. _ _ â€"â€" Mrs Caldwell, the Queen of Canadian Song. Bert Harvey. the talented Musizian and Comedian. * All kinds of fun, but only one kind, â€"Refined." The Band, Seottish Dancing. RILEY BROS., &c., &c. Dr. Hutton, Jno. H. Hunter, Chief. Chairman. C. Ramage, Secy. of Com. Pipeâ€"Major Farquhar Beaton. v Professor Rilev, the Canadian High Wire Performer, 40 feet in midâ€"air. Riley Bros., in Comedy and Horizontal Bar Acts. apparently impossible feats Sato Bros., Triple Trapeze and Flying Rings Pertormers. absolutely bevond Description. Must be seen. Schuol Drills. Tuag of War. Prize Platform Dancing. Jumping, Running, Throwing Ham mer, Tossing Caber, &c., &c., and all for large prizes. _ FOR THE COMNCERT Miss Marietta La Dell, A Brilliant and Durham will present more attracâ€" tions on the great holiday than will any place within 5C miles. Genuine and varied attractions seldom if ever seen here, are provided. All arrangeâ€" ments for talent are completed and here are some of the attractions : 48th Highiandlanders Band led by BRILLIANT TALENT SECURED. DOMINION DAY. HOPEVILLE. Edge Hill : .'“':’j'.. "AE % sic 1MR am :t . at their foarth W im J house wind was blowing from the barn, â€" It was insured in the London Mutual for $1l030, but thit amousnt would go but a short way in bailding another like it now. _ They will try and bmld again if timber aud men can be secured, as they hbave a large crop aud large stock and no stavles for them. No 4 Co was detained on Saturday till 1.25 p. m,, striking and loading tents, &c,. and narrowly imissed the boat, Through no fault of their‘s the triin pulled ont just as they got in, and there was nothing for it but wait for a special at 7 p. m. _ Delays at Acton, Guelph and Palmerston tried the patience of all and fnally reached Durham at the unâ€" canny hour of halfâ€"past two on Srnday morning: the worst experience of a home ceming in 13 years, _ But with a superabundance of youthful spirit, the boys, in the midst of it all, looked on the pleisant side of things and joked the discomtort away. _A good outing had been had, um}v thanks to our good government better pay was granted them. wW. W. R. By Miss F. Irons, 54; RobertSt, Toronto, formerly of Hopeville Thursday, nothing special doing, a strawberry festiyal held in the town i::u'k pavilion was largely patronized. riday, the great day of all, when the fierce and bloodless battle has to be fought! _ The boys are marched 8 miles out into the country and back agarin with very little rest, and then not to get into the firing line to haye a shot at tbhe enemy, was provoking and trying!! Written in memory of Mrs, Joseph McArdle, Hopevilie, Ont. On Wednesday evening the Sergeants mess of the 3lst held their usual " At Home," the ofticers of the Regiment toâ€" gether with the Sgt, Majors and Staff Sgts of the 12. 34, and 36 Regts. were inâ€" yited. A lengthy program was called off by Staff Syt Ramage, who was honâ€" ored with the chair. _ Speeches by Col., Chaplain and two majors of the Regt., also by some of the guests, were interâ€" spersed by band music. Serg. McComb of No. 4, gave a lengthy address, recallâ€" ing incidents in his own long service,the pleasure it bhad given him and urged young sgts, to continue in the force and qualify for something higher. A good address. attentively listened to, and furnished a text for all succeeding, Sgt,. â€" Eastman â€" spoke fluently and narrated to the soldiers present (who never knew before), how " Hill Adams won the Battle of Waterloo." _ The conâ€" eert, which was voted a success, was tinally closed with God save the King. On Tuesday evening after a heayy thunderstorm, a grand wmilitary tattoo was held in a roped off enclosure oyer 100 yds square, where 12 bands, two of themm bugles, marched round three sides of a square separately ench playing their own march tune, the other bands tiking up the stran when about half way round, concluding, al}l united, in one grand peon. in rendering *Rule Brittannia,‘ *The Maple Leaf‘ itwo bymus of praise, and the Natonal Anâ€" them. â€" The effect of 211 instruments in pertect time and tune produced a thrilâ€" ling sensation. During the performance rockets and mortars were Bred off at intervals scattering their bright maultiâ€" colored stars oyer the square. The efâ€" fect was heightened by bright yariegaâ€" ted fires here and there and by some 200 torckes flaring, [ Wonder if this isto give thein an idea of an actual field of battle.] The boys of No. 4 Co were dul{y appresiative _ of _ Barrister _ MeUaul‘s thoughtfulness in proyiding literature. Minister Borden, with Col. Otter inâ€" spected camp on Saturday. _ The minisâ€" ter is a fine old gentlemen by no means like a ruthless execuationer as some secâ€" tions of the press would have us believe, The sergeants have a mess :tthis year, some 40 strong and have a concert on Thursday. Toâ€"any the artillery have been hangâ€" ing at a grate rate, _ A military tattoo is to be held toâ€"wmorrow night and a field day on Frday. Some disappointment in the increase of pay whi(-g is only 20, 30, and 50 inâ€" stead of 20, 40 and 60 as first reported. Our regiment is again first with its pay sheets. Raining woâ€"day, but we have had good weather. _ Men are allowed to drill in shirt sleeves in the heat. The new helmets are an improvemeut. Monday 20 June.â€"Have heard there nre 5015 ‘men on the grounds and 1290 horses, l:iy a good deal the largest cump ever held here. _ There are 3 regiments of artillery, Sof cavalry agd 11 of inâ€" fantry, one of the latter, the 13th, comâ€" ing from North Bay, Huntsyille, Braceâ€" bridge, &c. Following are the names of members of Durbam Co., taking 50 per cent or over of the possible 40 at the range of 200 yds, lying down 5 rounds, and 5 rounds knoeeling in 50 seconds :â€"Ptes. A McComb 30, McGillivray and Mcore 26 each, Capt Snider and Corp Gordon 25 each, pte Arnott 23, pte Willis 21, Sergts McComb and Lawrence 20 each,. The marking at these ranges was very unâ€" satisfactory to the musketry instructor â€"Col. Thair of St Catherines. Grand Church parade yesterday, large numbers took in the excursion to the Falls, by rail and boat. [The Queenston people say it was the quietest yet held. Gently the parting came, Peaceful her end ; Back to the Lord of Life Did she ascend. Grieve not her life is spent, Ye who remain, Think of her perfect peace After life‘s pain, Some day wetoo shall lie Silent as she, Only the Father knows How soon ‘twill be. Lonely your pathway now, Make Christ your Friend, He, in the darkest hour | Comfort will send. Trust, till the better life All doubts dispel, After the storm and strife, All will be well. TORONTO CAMP NIAGARA NOTES. LINES se ce For a new maple floor in School House | fover 100 n?ww m““-fi':‘;‘-'r‘-i"‘;'; of K8, S. No 9, Glenelg, dimensions of| {the D"Blinion'.p.m distributed through school 41 x 28 fef‘s. Work must luf done tm;;:;:m.mh’“ of Manuf in holidays and Tenderer to remove and replace seats, _ Tenders received by the MARION & MARION undersigned up to June 30, 1904, ! Patent Experts and Solicitors War. WetR, Secy, ;‘_”P“" { New York Life B‘ld‘g, Montre The town has guaranteed over $200 and the Camp balf as much more and the committee confidently expect the biggest crowd ever seen in Durham. Usual cheap fares. Jxo. H. HUNTER, Chairman of Com,. C, Ramag®, Secretary,. Dr. HUrrox, Chief The undersigned has for sale, ready to use, (5) fiye thorobred Tamworth Boars. Price reasonable. Hexry Aurxaxprr Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck,. Great attractions are being provided amengst them being the â€"4148th Highlanders‘ Pipe Band. â€"School Drill Competitions,. _ _ â€"â€"Processions, Races, J umping Vaulting â€"â€"Tug of War, Tossing the Cabner, &c, â€"Highiand Dancing, Pipe Competition, â€"Trapeze and High Wire pesformanâ€" ces, &e. Special Talent is hbeing engaged for A Concert in the Rink in the evening. at which the "Kilties" will be present and other stars. Under the auspices of Ben Nevis, Camp of the Sons of Scotland, a fmlu; Day of Summer Sports will hbe beld on ; the Agricultaral Park on the National | bohday. The church was only organized about five years ago, and has in the meantime erected quite a substantial brick bmildâ€" ing, which is about all paid for. â€" Pastor Salmon and Messrs, Stephens. McLeish, O‘Brien, Long and Finlayson, all of Toronto, conducted the services. This convention was the best and most successful ever yet held up here, Yours, Pasror AursERT T. Fixraysox. The collection for foreign missions amounted to two hundred and two dollars, To The Editor, Dear Sir, A profitable Christian and Missfionary Athance Convention, held in the vill ige for eiglt days, came to a close on Sunâ€" day night with a crowded church; many were unable to get in so great was the crowd. |The following letter is sent us for publication. _ The writer alleges that information in our columns uwo weeks ago in reference to this Convention conâ€" tained some mistakes which the letter will put »ght, â€"Ed. Hopeville, Ontario, June, 1904. 25¢ CATSUP, Saturâ€" day..:..>....... 1006 7 lbs best RICE Saturday....... 25¢ DOMINION DAY DEMONSTRATION. . 10c JELLY POWâ€" DER, Sat. 3 for 25¢ Alex. Russell I THE BIG STORE We must have 1000 lIbs wore wool during the next week to fill an order we have taken. ‘Therefore we: offer an inducement by raising the price, it being higher now than any time during the season. WOOL WANTED es BOARS FOR SALE. LETTER TO THE EDITOR, TENDERS WANTEp. ht SATURDAY SNAPS : _ : Groceries J Dry Goods Alex. Russell. Just a Few of our next Our Stock of Hardâ€" ware is Complete. More * > Swn, 022000 0C+ AHC Pest Gardâ€" wood bush. â€" The Saugeen River runs through beth. _ For furt her particulats send or apply to Mary Mclxtyr®, Markdale 100 Acres, Lot 36. 2nd Glenelg, 15 neres fit for rest hardwood bush. _A 3, N. D. R., 25 ncres cleau Of the Saugeen Presbyterian Young People‘s Umon to be held in the Presâ€" byterian Church, Durham, July 5, 1904, Mternoon Sesstonâ€" to 5.45 p.ut. The programme at both sessions terspersed with Musical Selections MR W. Isaac, Dromore, 6 1,.â€"Devotional Exercises, 2.â€"Business Mecting.â€"â€"Reading of Minutes Business urising out of the minutes. Re ports of Rectetury, Treasurer and Presby terial Missionary, _ New Business 3.â€"" Our Indebteduess to the C. E." Mr. i. K. WaTkox, Varney 4.â€"* Lesson Helps, their Use and Abuse," Mr. Jor® A. Gmey, Clifford ».â€"** Missionary Work at Home." Miss Nxnii® SxiTg, Harriston. 6.â€"* Christian Citizenship." z. Browx, Holstein, Members of the Dura Elening Srssionâ€"â€"7.50 p. Collection to meet the vention. Benediction. e Song Service, Repor: of Nominating Committee, Address of Retiring President. Introduction of the President eleet. Address " The Holy Land and the World‘s * Convention at Jerusalem in 1901." Rev. R. M. Grassprorp. ‘ollection to meet the ex penses of the Conâ€" Mi«s 1. N. Forrar, Durham. " Essential« for the success of Young Peoâ€" ple‘s Societies," M1ss, L. LaronTox, Dromore. ‘"The Study of Literature in Young People‘s Societies." Rev, T. McQtitove®, Harriston ception in the hasement by Dornax Pressyr®Emuax Gemp at 6 o‘clock, p. m. FARM FOR sAUuE SHIRT, reg. $1, Saturday,...... 76e Other soft front sumâ€" mer â€" SHIRTS, reg $125, $1, 75c Saturday for.... 50¢ The famous KING PROGRAMME Durgax CHor: and others s NL for caltivation, the ush. _ Also Lot 46, Con, res clear, the rest hardâ€" e Saugeen River runs For further particulats both sessions will be in Alex. Russell 2nd Con by i D. HL., VOL. XXVL 3 n w e §WEW‘I“¢'« =z 20 = House 4 Readyâ€" REviIEw and loronto I REvIEW and Toronto D RevieEw and Daily Glo REviEw and Weekly C Revirw and W,. Mail 4 Review and Western 4 ReviEw and Weekly 8 REvIEw and Fam. He:; REvIEw and Weekly ReviEw and Mon. We ae a o in n 2 n a n y Review Cio Clea our Summer N LADIES® C Monev FANCY COLOR PA Men‘s and Bov Men‘s Fancy Men‘s Fine 8 We have many 1 Beautiful Fan Our GINGHA M mark FOR ONE WE Remeni Laces & Ins JAM W hat YOouds Onr Lat More â€"f the Regular Must be ch1 un them a* We have : prints, ca1 1t dozen N vyou‘re Jook We are sh« NJ NJ NJ One of t Reme IC ) ind High W W W P 6 inc New We hin D

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