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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1904, p. 1

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'Et? ussell ds My 50c 75 ’W " M n u. VOL. XXVI. N0. 27 xEEES-EEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEIg 52% f RY, :-::-::-::-::-::a::-;:-;:«:33:s::-:3:m:-::c$ammxm 'i, 'iieeady=to=wear Clothing iiiisiiiiiiiihhuiiiiGih1iiiiiiiimsioi: Clean=up in Millinery Price): Prefix m: u) cruldznnm now. What we're thinking of is clearing out the goods The proiits are yours because all our Summer Millincry is REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. Money Savers on Summer Goods LADIES" COLORED SHIRT WAISTS FANCY COLORED MUSLINS Men's Fine Shirts We have also a large stock of these Shirts, made of best prints, canbe ies and Madras in newest patterns $1 and 1.25 Men's and Boys' Straw and Canvas 1iats Men's Fancy Summer Shirts i, H. H. MOCKLER. 'i'i'-i"_(.,,-.r,r,_,_,_,,i.,'_s'_-,,:_,t,)i'_,-i3, We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coverings, ate, NIHV CRryroNN1ih' and ART MVSLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( to different pattems and shades.) NF.W DRAI’ERH'ZS and SILKOLINI'IS. House Furnishing Department One of the ltcst offerings of the season is on; lmc of Beautiful Fancy Muslins in Several shades, only *l25c Our ti1NGHAMS JAMES IRELAND Remember FOR ONE WEEK MORE NI Laces & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons & Trimmings JAMES IRELAND iii,))) 20 olo i Onr Latest Arrivals-Swell NEW SWEATERS More ofthem. Regular 15e to 250 yard, to clear at 100 yd un them Regular 00c to 61.25 each. to clear at 390 Mast be eleared out at, once We're giving special bargains It) dozen Men's Colored Shirts --ja st yoa're looking for, regular $1 for (19c We are showing all the newest and daintiest patterns in Remember, our Stock is New and Complgte and it is only to Clothing that we Idols' ll) Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. HAMS. ZIiPHYRS, and COTTON VOILES are all marked jnst a little closer than most. 5 WEEK MORE We will offer those New 1 6 inches wide, worth from 206 to 250. at. .1 New Patterns worth from 7c to me, for . . . .‘ . "Frn " I -u For Men and Boys, at 50e We are always pleased to show our new gnds whether yon by or not. 3c and 50e. That's what wc're going to eivc on our new Stock of TI I IP, GAS} I STOR E. is a Big Discount ----tN OUR Our large Stock of New DAYS ON LAC. introduce our perfect fitting offer this generous discount Dress Goods and Suitings 'iiilitptliii, tot the comfortabe kind 1ch per yd imbroideries P. , , e per yd 5c per yd Ft g,,;;,:,;....:,':'),--,,-! iii 'li'. i' Tropics i, rlr., Ghmelg Cet,tre Sunday Sclmol lnlvml holding their pit'niv In Donald MrKinnun's Grove, Blllh"~‘zlll on July 12nh,'i'ui'sday next. Silver collection in aid ot' Sunday School. CIIP:AI' TWINErnlulm Livirocrston is urn-rung: twine. slightly tlmnngvd by the I'H'Hll fir“. at 7c a. ll). (‘mno "urly, He also hm: large quantities at the best Ply- 'nmulh hmml perfectly undamaged. Dun-hm:- District, Lo L will parade to the Baptist Church on Sunday morn- ing, July 10th. Memlwrs will meet in the Ihdire mom at10.30 sharp. A full attendance is requested. " M. RITCHIE. - MACKAY &-DUNN Durham. Prints-foe month of July. 12le prints for loc at Grant’s 1VANTED,-A ynung lady to learn telvgraphy at McFarlane',, Drug Store. Ccllat Livingstone's for your hinder twine. Best quality. at have.“ price. A quantily searched by the fire is oitets ed at 7c. Mt. Fun-st declared us demrmsttation oif um Dunnininn Day owing lo the n'vulht-r. Smm- mu- suyq this Is the iivst wet Dominion Day sinve Confed- Nation. I Students of the International Corre. ', opoudvnce School and their friends who iiritend visiting the St. Louis Exposition. lwill please orttuttunieate With J. w. leKnv. Ilu- local reppesentutive, Box 1141. llnrrismn. that., fur certificate en- .titlinp; them lo privileges of the Guild gnu” urn-ted (m the Grounds by the bSchools at, A. post of $25M!) for the 'it,'.'.,c/,'/y.r1'""m of students and their , friends. l HENriA'rloNAt,,, A balloon "sient,iott at, Enny thue is thrilling hut it is immensely more so when it, takes pluc" under +cipcumststnceti such in Hanover wlt. nessvd on Dominion Day. Just. as the ( balloon was about. inflated it took fire, land the during act-(mum ov/ered it lot lgo. and up he went some hundred ft't'l tin the wake of the binning balloon. It 500nm ho knew his work for he had Lawn-rely cttl himself loose for the pin-zi- 'chut" drop. when the balloon collapsed 'und fell. He got down safely. Sl'lmRN DRATu.--Miss Muir. of Arte. mesh. died suddenly ton Sundzty last,. Sunday lit-fore she was at church. Her funeral on Tuesday was the largest ever seen in Priceville. We have no particu- lars at this writing. EXPERT Jl'[)GESi.-A vircuhtr just received contains a list, of 18 '. Full Fair 1',irwuits"to whwh Judges will he sent. No. 8 List which includes Durham on Sept. 22nd will ho vimted by Messrs Alex McLean. Carleton Place on horses l NolileA Milne. Ethel. on Beef, Chile and sheep: It J Stevenson. Aucttstev. on Dairy Cattle and Swine. AFise lssth.~The Man-Mule sum- durdlast week hada really fine issue giving excellent illustrations ofthe new House of Beluga. and severe! ofthe nota- hles of the County Gunner]. who have taken part in its erection. Accompany- ing this is excellent, letter press giving a full zu-cmml, of the origir) of the a. full account, of the origin of the movement that.saw its cotuplotion at the upemng a week ago Friday. . DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1904. Al 1lcdaryille 100 mumhms wom- pre- st-nt. and al, Esplin (“for m. Tin-re was; an addition to the uwmlmrship cf23, of whmn 15 were by profession. The Cedarville congregation is c-ngugml in musing $1.00!} to Hour oil' the de-htun the prmwr' y. and good M1009.“ is being met with. The Itatiertuutt uf the Esplm t.ltupch is being: tiinshed and the whole outlook is fullot' encouragement. The Presbyterian saws: Rm'. John Little. of Holstein. dispensed the ('mn- muniun in runnm-linn with Esplin. Cetluvville and Kinuscute new under the charge of Mr. w. Dickvnsnn Lev. DIED AT L'rvooisAs,--Tlu. and news reached town, Sunday. that 31p.Thos. Jackson. of the Glen, was dead. lie was a young man of about. 30 yrs and was married only a few years age to a daughter of the late Paul Nelson’s. Sincere ti mpathy will he extended to her and her little ones in the severe amictitm. We have not. learned the cause of death. Later we learn that death manned by hemorrhage: be had shortly lit-fore undergone an operation for quinsy, The funeral on Tuesdav to the English Church cemetery was very largely attended and genuine sympathy is felt. fol the aged father whosesupport and stay is cut off so suddenly. The de. eezw-d was 37 years of age, of a genial ...imlly and thoughtful disposition and Will he missed even outside of his circle Inf lelatives. One. brother, Samuel, and , one sistet also mourn his loss. The Be- view joms in the general regrets. l --------.-i- -_.._ 10c prints at SC for July, at Grant's. Money lol-oar! at, 4h Pffr cent: . i MARRIED. ! MammAcL---McCitrF.--- On Wednesday, } June 29m, at the residence of the i bride's parents, by Rev. Wm. Fan-- i, quharson, George Alexander Marshall l, to Mary, daughter of David McCrie, i Esq. all of Normanby. Wusos.-At Aberdeen. on Wednesday, June 29, to Mr and Mrs James Wilson, twin suns. Mother's Catsup, l For Service at Jas. Ftukinghttas's, near Agricultural Grounds. Terms $1.00. JAB. FALKmuuAM. TH0R0B1IED DURHAM BULL, BORN IN“ bottle at Grant's -..eu jam " ' I - Jie/Cl; Ave. l vuu Endowed, F , t I Si;" I ll . "ir' b . Tuesday, July 1hr,Nttlf",t',', en thusiastid. nssmnhly of . muff! people met in the Preshytmian ('hlnch 10-day to dismiss topics concerning (‘lu-iMiun life and work. A very large proportion are Indies. Mr. Geo. Lothian Islhe Pt'e- siding offices. and must be uriuc,fled tit, Che thm pragmgmvw and interesting discussions taking place. Sangeen Preslrytety met in the morn- ing and afternoon in pare, and members thcweofave doing much lo help along. A Terv plvasull}, Jami time was spent. in the immune” he" all and sundry partook of an trxt'i' A M lea. Next week wesi5M "ttvtnpl lngive a mum,- extemlcd notice. Presbyterial Young Peotf THE Gi.Assr'oIt.rs LEt"ItitF.. -'. The I’reshyturiuu Church on Tuesday ' evening was filled to hstvn a program of speech and Nona. the chief it-rm being an address by Rev Mr. Ginssfoi-il of Guelph. who a few months ago, returned 1 from a trip to Jerusalem where he was in "ttendanceat the Wovld's Convention I of Sunday h'scltool workers. This is the 4th meeting of that body. It has no constitution, is not legislative and meets l at irregular periods as circumstances 900!" to suggest It. has met twice ini London and once in SI Louis. 1 In a. may fluent manner he took his auditors to New York. the starting point, where over 800 embarked, 75 being from Canada. Most, humorously he depicted the experience of the sen- sick mssengers and ship-board life. Called at Madeira picturing ito won- drous beauty and equable climate. sur- veyed Gihrulau' and was impressed with its gigantit- strength. called at Algiers, on toMalta and visited the scene of Paul's adventures. Athens WM visited and a memorable service held on Mars' Hill, Dr Potts, (for whom he had high praise ) preaching a renmrk- able gunmen. Uoustantinop1e, Smyrna. Ephesus. Rhodes. all sacred ground passed in review and lessons were im- pressed of the necessity of more mie- sionavy effort, to bring gospel lightt/o the wdrmentsndCrnerr of degraded Turk. ish lands. The '. Land " itself was rem-lied at Beyrout where the company scattered to various points “HMlGSSu'I'Pd by events in the life of our Lord or his apostles, and by its associations with Little characters centuries "erove, . H" was among the first wrench Jerusalem, now " city of 100.000, growing. but away Ire. hind in civilized amenities. He clqsed about 11 o'clock buvingg," mine Inn-.1 the evening train and " A ' very vivid iluprpssmn of a memorable t trip. During the Sessions. the choir sang :1. number of appropriate selection" with taste and skill. Dr. Brown. Holstein, always' a favorite here maintained his high tepurntion. Mr. Will Isaac. Dro- more and Misses Jean Brown. B Craw- ford, Ida Wilson. Mrs A W H Lnnth-r, gave weli.rendered solos. Mrs Arthur Jackson and Miss M Burnt-t mngn Je. lightful duet "Oh to be nothing, nothing." (MIR-ens foe the coming your are: Pves.--3ltr J Covkill, B A. Harviston: Vice Ptes.-Miss Stevenson. Holstein: Rec Spry” Miss Dulruage, I'altuerc,ton: Cot' Set-y" Miss Nellieyimith, MtFotest : Tram. Miss Kilgour. Mt Fovest. Next met-ting in Hmristnn. The County Crown Attorney was in town Tuesday to conduct :t case aris- ing out of the fire, that destroyed the McIntvre shed and stables of John Nichol and the Middangh House. This was pressed to an inquest by In- spector Harris and Mayor A. hi. Hunter. Coroner Gun summoned a. jury consisting of Messrs John lie- Keclmie, foreman, Russel. Ireland, Jno Livingstone. S Scott, Gordon, Bean, Holt. Grant, Coehrane, Siwer, Jno H Hunter, Alter having duly taken the oaths the examination ot Mr Norman McIn- tyre and Mr and Mrs Jno Nichol, nearest residents to the fire, was proceeded with. Then followed Mar- tin Gun), John Wilson, Geo Mekay, A. Crawford, F. Warner, mes: of iihnoir"t'eaiiii'd io a slight knowledge of the existence of a meeting place in the McIntyre stable, In All suints' chureli, at. 11.30 this morning Miss Ham Prone Alexander. daughter of the lab William Alex- ander. of Durham, Oftt., was united in marriage to Mr. John Baldwin Rogers. of Toronto. Rev. Arthur H. Baldwin ott'uGting. . The bride wag given nyaw by" her Ullll'lnblu . . The bride was given iiwnv by her: Mr. John A, Black not: hrother, Mr Will Alexander. of Dur- events, Messrs Wm f ham. She wore ll dainty gown of white Hutton were starter at India silk, trimmed with valentunanerspectively. lace and insertion and high girdle of. The. tug of war was white silk. The sleeves were prettily preamble than m the l shine?) and finished with El fail of Silk . while it seemed as if E lace, and smart, belie hat, of yyhi.te.ti?iiG, no opponent, hut C lace aud chiffon was worn. The bride’s 1500“ found a challenger only ornament was a necklace _of pearls 1 under Capt. Win Weir. witn diamond fastener. the gift of the l from each side were rho» tpc""'" After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs Donald McKay, Yonge - . . . a,_.___.A__.,.....ts..., Mr and Mrs Rum-rs left for Owen Sound on the four o‘clock train, where they take the boat. for the upper lakes, the bride going away in a tailor-made suit of blue broadcloth with u. hat of lusque straw trimmed with a wreath of blush "rees---Ieiegrtun. or. tttter, i 6% am. 4 THE FIRE INQUEST. ------_ . - Dr. Hymeneal 9.. ai Ir'odrtr. mum on! (jtlilglig ll Success I During the day the Riley mm. had! atrind and aided by the vouunittee had {carried the 40 feet poles for the wire. ‘per omnm-e, plnlfmm Was hull! and 1 all in readiness. . , mhiayutrrdinmt thepiiwtsucwtOtd 1 mp tey.vn and ml returning a proeession I» ;wu(onued including the Fire brigade; 1ti3g'ayi.,t.ty hose-reel and ladder mu;- l 'RON' 'A great part, of the crowd actaui ', (the. gonnny Sen! and stayed in l'nvni :mvlule for It seenwd probable the clouds ', Iwould break soon and end all. But l, ' ther. didn't, and mudumlly they drifted 1 layer making it easy for the ticket sel, do”. oruttrowas Afternoon and Evening 1re1fyr I“? last anxious eves were'mtrn wards to we if the (-hde were got to .. roll by," Thev got M'i hope: a dull lenden sky dew ened V V the morning wore on and alum! ll ttoti' brisk showers fell making the il,i,iiiib.iiitilur1f feel that failure was then" e. About that time this would Gre sold mu ' t'll:ttlf'n:s t'thply it n huyer had :Imwarml. 5" Ill yehieles mum whim: in. started twinn- the,ggin; the vairs:ctansed, itr'epttratiorv, well on even thourrh tho (lunch slink“ unce _ iuty itll alum! 4 “WIN-'5. 'ov whip titne ll Wits certain " 30"” Mut- tws"., was "vlutwed. ' Toluke itiu ocdr. tlu, olelrr,uCrs,n Ire-gun Thunduy evening whvn " lll‘gv crowd gathered at the station In ttw:tIt the train- (nu-r an hum-law which wus' twinning the famous bt Kiltie's "and," The met, with a rousittp, rcrvption and “maxed the populace by tuninuthmr pipes and plnvmg over town. This War, " great ant it ipaturv “dun-I isvuu-nt. and exprensinns of delight Wt't'e hmnl ttlt all sum-tat. the tine effect ofthe mmiv hy ‘the nine Pipers and four dlnulnwrs. inudbnl$“'iiii.¥. "GG." All U"t'iiiyiciiriiiii ‘1 We bought away under 5)er so tipst CiiaTiii,iiafi.iia.i/r in the wayofwaitirw I class Chains. Each an cw-ryelmin PM {vault Its' Riven below. i warranted by the makers. So we Prof. Riley on his wire. :35 feet high, l give you a chance to buy a tirtiulvs,, immatu- of the best feutinw of the, aller- i Chain Very cheap. Come in and we inoon. He mounted In plain clotlttsu, 1 them anyan. icrosogd once. and returning to the f C " I . . . , lcenu-e stripped off everything. Inn IAlwgrext balgamsm“ atehes( locks gath’tie “tights." lie walked mid l Jewelery. Diamond and other stone iwattied on Lhe wire, lay on his htrck, I Rings. Special prieesin Silverware {stood on his head. hum: " his tum, and 1 - . ish ed himself a master of equilil - I Keeler's Store. the cheapest mun-NH, H'iu _ even crossing blind-folded and; _ -__e I 'A":” p- I wt in]: backward. His skill undulating l £91119“! .Selrool W955 MN Nllllnltf l,iiiiiiiiiii'.'t forth the plmums oflhehill-i ' . . . _ ,4 pigt- Ctnter the [maul we.“ ".i1i"v1'1,' l --.--riT=-2. "T.'; .tflpeze wor on l e .. yiug 41:12:5- " " Id on the horizontal liar. i 2 ll Kppl pp I qu The sports were at. ("we begun. and no l nudism-t- that, ever mum: the hill ha.d 1 1eststocomplain of in the wayof waiting 3 The result is given holuw. I The tireintttt slipped away quietly nnd at" a. given signal the i-eehnan rushed for the rendevouz. The engine can“: can-eering into view and dashed with tine spectacular effect was! the Gvaud Stand. It was followed hythe luddermen all in helmets. Soon the engine was placed at the river-hunk. hose. attached. ladders erected and Chief '1'or'ry and his men haul gin-n u very tine exhibition ufvur tirc-fighting appliances. Atintervals the hand rendered tinv selections, and Major Beaton or any ol' the others played for the dancers. These Were. our old friend Jimmie (inr- diner and little brother Wilfrid. and \Villie Ross of Acton. Jimmu- is still a popular favorite and mm most of lllt' events. The judges with tke uppi-mul of the tenet-tutors Rave the sword dam-v to Willie Ross who is certainly a bright lad with fine skill and caningi'. Following is the remit. of the various csmtests, names murder (if merit : Hop. Step and Jump-o entries-C, I) Brick?” 40 ft. Fl. s'eiqnev37 ft, II in w. 0 Pickering 3" ft. " in. Running High Jlllluh~i entries it Williamson, C. D. Hvickert. A. l', Btickert. :lon.vd raee--I eutvies--A, C. Brivkvrl. P. Matheson, w. E. Theobald. 100 yd t.ace---6 entries-A I' BM Cl D Brickevt, P Matheson, Putting Shot (17l, “ml 7 entries "vickett3i ft, 3 in. IV F, The 33 ft, " in. Sullivan 33 ft, 2 in. Tossing (30$er entries F. Sul A Black, D McKinnon. Throwing Hammer --7 entries linmson 76 ft.2 in. D McLar w, ft, E Sullivan ($4 ft, 3 in. Vaulting with pole-l entries-R. limnson 8 ft, Gl, in, C D 1lvi E Seigner. Seann Trathhas-vlas Gardiner, "ttoss W Gilrdiner. Sword Dance-AV Ross. J, Sailor's Hortipipe--Jas G w...“ ... an...” .-- -- - llmve no opponent. hut Capt. Dunanmnr ;soon found a. challenger hum Gleuelg (under Capt. Wm Weir. Ten M alwaw s ‘ from each side wet-v chown, N Molluyro ‘Sr. saw that a Well-balanced start w.“ 'given. and , strong pull "lowly brunch! lthe trentttt mark to the (ilmwlg sule, i and they were declared winners. l The vaulting aroused intenw interest. |0very increase by (l D Bliclwrl. was followed by Williamson, until at last a lpoint was reached where Brickett failed .and Williamson cleared. V Russ. w Gardiner. Hisr11landtiysr--:i.rtui (inrdnwr. Wr" Ross. Irish Jig-Jas Gardiner. W Bttl?ipe. Competition --,l H Irish Jig-Jas Gardiner. w Gardiner, Bag-Pipe [l",')"','))),',',',' -J ltotis, Arum, Peellles an Thompson of the hand. Tug of wav-tIlene) Notes Mr. John A. Black acted as herald of events, Messrs IVut Black and Dr. Hutton were starter and marker re- spectively. . an Al... A large number haye opiniop of hagpipe music. the splendid hand. l ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO an! r--"i vntriesr WV”- in. D Mclmlu'hlan 64 ft, 3 in. 4 entries-R. Wil- in, C D Brian-rt. as Gardiner. "diner, Wm revised their since hearing Theobald in. Sullivan, BrickI-rl Wm THE ItEVIEW, Dl'kllAM, (but. 1 4htls-----3t oo------) ---Yearu' mmmmmmi .---B'REE --..-afBEBl----PMRlI (I I "rr'".""- ei, a“ a _ LY.' ‘6 h! 1 f " I --_-- ttl, ..I 1 n ' The Wisdom of choosing tin-rink for the concert was early 1tt!"i,1'ili The floor wastttnde comtortaNe with saw- dust. cotufot-trurle seats tn hold about Ml0 wereptovidvd. and all were: tilled. It istnm-e than time "Town Hall m Open a Home. suitable to this community was ptovteled. Nome ammynm-e Mitri caused as the place wats tillimr hytlw lights going out, making it ditticutt to we tickets. Howevrs the "lectvicum wasnn hand and discovered the lnn-nk. The peril" "wt-s Wet-t- all Iuvsvtsl '. Miss La itcll, Mts1'aldweIl, Ill-It ll:.r\‘c\' atul llw itritutittitttisl Miss Tait. "ewiui,as then, was tlte hand. the datum} of the at'tvrtmuu.uml the Sum ill-m. 1‘1er ; 1ite1et'rifuwe, the cheapest in “rev l l ‘i to buy your School Books and Suppiies nl, B. Illl0fl c‘I SON l GREAT CHANCE Our Handsome Illustrated HOL. [DAY NUMBER in given free to a who pay or have paid their subscription to the REV! new up to and for mu. Ihuance cf the year fvee to new guhecrabers for We. NOW is the time to win-w or sub- scribe. Addr- al' mien. in '; '0. Leading Jewclers , tr f il G' new CHAS RAMAGE. Palm tt no L’Unusnzn. J)f' iss Dick. The daintiest. the catchiest. ot the new Summer Millimwy is tlo White Hat made in lace chiffon The Hats are just the tIsing-so charmingly stylish, so dammils‘ chic in appearance. that it will prove a most weleome addition u- the ranks of everyday Minimum White Hat made in Inch chiffon Straw and White Duck hats. We will be pleased tn have you call and BPt' our new Outing “at in the white duck. Also the many new styles in the white Dress Hat. W. If You Have "ART BAKING POWDER" with the ques of the Cttsuc Season. l cast iron Stomach. THREE NATTY BOW LS To buy th Ladies‘ or Gents Gold-filled Watch Chain, It really docsn't matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. T o induce you to give this Powder a trial, we pro sent you with with each lh col-x “Ian-vi J. Burnett, The t'oneevt V Upper Town. an for 50c Durqam

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