West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1904, p. 4

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LI) Something Mau: in washers J The nunxxn HARROWS. WILKINSON PLOECHS, PAr.MF.RSTON m'mznzs. All renoumd exams IMPECUUQJY? Mct7ReRddji'i"ii; R 501111 givingston, Px tis )ttasstus eh,"acrrios fkcwmoms ', , (i , la, , n I Cr 1 re Pam-n; Tha Spring Rush Raymond Sewing lachines. IcCIary Stoves for Coal or IDEA] We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are n Ill Trimmed Goods of the latest summer styles at greatly reduced prices. Ewen Spec/a! 'mitthtery. ga, Quanzities of this recent tire we int We have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Burnett's store and therefore. undamaged. this we offer at lowest currentrates. Wt, expect. the showroom to be repaired at once, null will continue business at the old stand. We ha ve. also "For the next thirty days we will sell the balance of our Millinery composed of stylish and up-to-date Ready-to-wears and Sailors in Straws, Linen and Duck gain Sara. We are not overstepping the mark when we say that these Hats are worth as much again as we are asking for them. at , cw m washers .. 11t?ti?pted Drum, only thm Wilhelm's 1vringtrtdall made hy Watsbn dt Ayr. Darling's Drug Store Hellehore, Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c 'uxuplete Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES 50/0 3730121: tar Progress Chi/ling. Tim CcjiEy,tyt'tts..2"'ipder 77mm For High-Class IMPLE- MENTS is best seen at “If 7, cents a _ twine slightly damaged by the 1141 to sell ott', while it lasts, at sift fall” fJuriee lowest. quality considered 4 our goods, but in quality and auth Grey, we are not excelled: aN PLOI‘GHS, HENEY'S HARNESS All renmuud articles and at fair prices 'orlock. t(ii) dhysrve, Durham. ' Coal or Wood. Agent for the Dillon in the , Mr, J. S. Dvysdale took advantage of the holidays to take a 'run among Dur. lhun friends. He sang?! solos in the ‘ I Presbytetian church, Sunday. with fine voice and volume. showinga something he has obtained from his friend and teacher. the well-known Harold Jarvis. I Ivevesrret to learn that Miss Islay (y.ti.rit..iiirjii,' is in very poor health and causing deep anxietv to her parents and friends. Ins T. (‘umphell was on his Way to Menl’ord on Monday, but was recalled when he reached Owen Sound. We hope she may soon be restored to perfect, health. Her aunt, Miss 3rcrl . Donald, is assisting at the suck bed. , We Welcome Mr. Jim. McKen Di'uggist. Michigan. on his first T home since his marriage and of cor the welcome extends to Mrs. MeKet who will we hope form good opmi of Canada in general and Durham 'articular. Mr. and Mrs R. Reid. Flint. Mich.. spent n few days" holidays with his parents here. This being the first visit since his mat'vinge he was receiving con- gt'atulations from many ohl friends. Prin. Coombs, of Hanover. is pre. 'ttding at the Junior Leaving Exam- inatiom here this week, while Prin, Allan performs a similar duty in Han.. over. 13 candidates are writing in Durham. Seen around homer-bol- thehulidnys are: Misses Chadwick. A. Mck'enrziv. M. McClocklIn, M. Caldwell, D. David- son.M. Gordon, Nellie Mnmn. Ethel Limin, teachers. Mrs. Gregor and two children, of " Forest, with her mother. Mis. John A Kenziv. of Eat-011mm, were guests Mrs. Mckelyey on Dominion Day. Mr and Mrs Mal. McKinnmn, van and Dugald, mother of thvfo spent the IS! in town with their tives Mrand Mrs Juo, A, 13lark. MI. “only Watson, tcaches, uL Hut. ton yisued his brother Edward and uncle tlte.Uitktw heronvvr nu- Mummy and took in ihe celelsrution. Misses Alice and Ruby Wat on ilCCUllP punied Mt. and Mrs. Sheppard home lo Toccnto Mommy. They Intend to re. main tor the summer vacation. Mr and Mrs Mal. McKinmm, Sulli- van and Dugald, blather of the former. __-.-...' su., , ,A . - ’ - Mr. '1'. McDonald, teacher, is around home again, and a: [enchant Hutton Hill after holidays will lw "one of (15 ., n the future. Nisan: Attnie heal and J. Armstrong of Mt, Forest, Were guests at Mr. (it-0. MclJotraiu's tot. a te., days last weck, Mr. and Mus. Jos. Kihot, ML. Forest, guests uym' Ununuiuu Day mm Cite lat. tec'es sun-1, Mrs. Wtu. " llhumwn. J Mr. L'yton Vim, Galt, its' spending " , holiday uk 111: lsrotitei-m-iaw's Ur. but" I Pleated In “awe " call trotn him. I Misses it. It. and IC. c. Luvmgatuu me home H'mu 1011mm m y 1le HICII‘ “mulls near Priceyulle. Mrs. Ulms. Smith and Miss Jen tilt' Mix- on, Mumu l‘bl'cal, hymn Umuuuuu Day wth Mrs. it, 'rorry. All» hum... 'tAvaliow rcLul'uul Tues. day nth-mun)“ In resume her unlllucry dune: m Hm (nu-cu mm. dune: m Int: (um-cu thy. A115: alumni and Mr. Jus. Brown ML. Forest. took m we u-lrluuuun auu vis- ned Nitty b. It. Mciuunuu. Miss Lirtha Gsuid " on mummy for Arthur to assist Mrs. ( Nev.) Smith tot' " law mouths. Misses Katie Hell and Jessie Blue k are visiting their grmulpurcms in Sull- wan. Miss .5. Vollett leaves on Thursday fol For» “111mm to: uneanuuu “an to relullyes. Miss L. M. Faint left Saturday for her home in Eliminate. near Tux-unto. Miss Alum Munch. nwu- of the lute Father Munch Was“. quest of trends in town. Mr. Herb. Gray at" Hamilton. spent Dominion Dav with his mother here. Mr:- At'tutwestttitlt spunt Dominion Day in 1'ovouto the guest of her sun John, Miss Alice Buchan, of Walkerrou, is a guest of her brother, Mr. w, Buchan, Miss Denholm, milliner. returned to her hmne in Blenheim Saturday. Mr. it. Jack oi' Traverstou, is visiting his daughter Mrs. N Mckechnie. Miss Edith Blackburn. of Cleyelutui, mum: home nu Thursday last. Mr. John Mc('m11 was". gut-5L ufhis parents here over the holidays. Miss Hvooker of Stratford " spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Florence Mckenzie.of Montreal, is visiting relativvs in town. Mr. Jack Armstrong of New York is visiting his sister Mrs. Jackson. Mr. T. J. Jovdantof Holstein was at visitor in town on the holiday. Miss Rita Irwin is a. guest of Rev. and Miss. Smith. Arthur. Miss Marion Elvidge n-tmumd home this week for her holidays. Mrs. J. P. Telford and Miss Winnie Park me waning in Guelph. Miss Margaret. Crawford spent a few days at home, Mr. Reggie Kelly is home for two weeks holidays. M rs. Dr. Gan left for Gait on Monday to wait her mother. THE DURHAM REVIEW t1rvs.paiGiri) hildrvn. of Alt. Mis. John Mc- _-...... , his.h'tst visit McKenzie, opinions C0ttrse rela in of Mr and Mrs Juo Bell attended the marriage of their neice, Miss sreCrie, to m Marshall. on Wednesday of last week 3nd had a good tum, $5 No doubt " f A vary pleasant tlnw was spent at the l home of MI' and Mrs y G Dnnsmonr on : the 2oth of June, the occasion being the I calehrntoin of their golden wedding. Mt' land Mrs D, [mung attained their 50th lv, of happy married lilo. Their sons in. law, daughters. grandchildren and great grandchildren took advantage of the to l them ..npp_\' evont. Hr and Mrs Duns- ' moor were nmrrwd in ISM, Juno 20th, land took up their abode on Lot H. Ist I Con., Glenelg, near the ll(clsy, where l they resuled until the last few vents Mr :I) took charge of the Post Ofilce 'and i hotel. Those present were sir and ms A Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Wm Wright. Dar, 1iyii'., Mr nnd Hrs P mountain. Dentinck. . Mr and ms Wm Vessie. Glenelg. sous-in- . law and daughters of Me and ms D; Mr and ms Jno Vosste. grandchildren. and one great grandchild. A son. N G., of Owen Sound. was unable to be present. Mt and Mrs Duusmoor were the reci- pients of two handsome upholstered easy chairs, the gift of the children, and also a. tea set from their grandchildren. The day was very pleasantly spent in games and recrtutions by the children. We trust that m and ms D may enjnv "may more happy days together. Mrs A McKillop of Hamston acco m _ panied " NN Fletcher. visited the latter'. 1 daughter, ma Jno mcKinuon. - -e'___9e_. _.-. . In”... " I few days with her sister, Mrs lf IN Hunt. I m Henry Tucker oi Iwnr Walkerton qusscd through the vicinity lately and l called all friends here. , Rev Mr Maison preached his first I sermon on Sumlny to a lnrgu congrega- tion. A.” nu uupmns mm a inun raising last Tuesday. the mptmuq being Wm Scatfand Thus ll Lawrencm the latter wan by all the rafters. .ur Moses Don. nelly had also one on Wednesday. Mt' 'l'hos llvay had his 1mm jacked last week and is; going to build a stone stable underneath it. 1 Mr Wm !.i\ingstnn left " couple of weeks ago on a lmsiuess and pleasure trip to we Manitoulin Islands, the Soo and 0mm towns. Mrs Wm l'mggelte is at present. visit. ing Mr and Mrs John R Leggutte. ()m' teacher. Miss Gilchrist, has no- turncd to her homo near ”attic, where she will spend hor vacation. Mt Thus,, Mel'souald sf Mooreshurg, was visiting his daughter Mrs James 1lopliius. may Livingston, Chas lletty and Ed. ward “chars wrote on the Entrance in Durham last week. We wieh them succc-ss. Miss r, Cufi of “um... mm mm. .. i " was with true feelings of regret and sur- prise that we learned a short time two of your in. _ tentiou to sever your eonneetiuu will: us at school. l For the past three yenrs you have ever been _ kind in looking after our mental Ivtluirvmctits. iorlwuring with us in our weakness. indulgent with us in our mt.vwamluv.ss and wrong-doings. Your V.overitttti.ttt, hus been the It'rsonititattion of kindness. and the kindly spirit in whieh you gov- erned us in the wny of right Mill righteousness have stamped on our young: mimlsun uppreeintion for the enviable reputation you Lear its " lent-her and high eluss disvipliuarirui. Always striet but never harsh we respect your mnuner of govern- ment. You tried to be one ot ws, tout one with its. uml hit-king its youth) thut spirit of "oguratism which so often breeds untipatthy. we learned ' Ilieuee from pleasure. and only rather than t'enr and the dread of punishment. We have not. always been what. We should have been but any opposition We "my have shown to your authority has been temlu-retl with respeet and r. feeling of esteem. We knew your highest and best interests were for ourtplvrtiuvrmvnt', uml the results of your work an stittieient evivlenee of your ability us an lustrttetor. Now that we are about to purl. perlmpn new er again to stuntl in the relation of teneher and pn- pils. We be: of you to new-pt this small token of our esteem. not for its intnnsie value, but simply to remind you of your sojourn here. The wnteh- ehuin is for yourself nn-l the butter eooler we trust tony long be of serviee in your br better half” at home. Wishing you lone life and (-ontinuexi pros- perity wherever you may go. we remain. your "thrtiottate pupils Mr ”Ed _i1opliins had On the last day of the school term. Mr John A. Graham [waived a lrihulu from his Hutton Hill pupils which lu- will lung wuwmher. The address Irelow tells the stul'v. It was rend by Wu, Marina and the ptesentutiots mm]? by Fred Mountain and Della Valle” 2 “HAP. MIt, HR nu M Congratulations to M r. Rom. Burnett, who last week was united in Inn-Haze to Miss S. Brigham of Allan Park, They left on a honeymoon (our and will he home this Week, TORONTO Mr. and Mrs. 1Vut. vollett, and son. of Port Arthur, spent. a few days with the farmer's cousin, Mrs. B. F, Warner, re- turning Munduy. ‘4 Mr. Newton, of Lindyay.is now be. hind the cuuntw' in MacFUr.laneN Drug Stm-e. Mr. A. Mekinnon is in Tux-onto. Dr. lad. S. and Mrs. Lauder. Cleve. land, and daughter, mum) home last week fur a few days mil-(mg old friends. Mr and Miss Hampton, of Holland Centre, were guests at Mr. Scott’s the fore part of the week. Mr. John McDonald of Owen Sound was a visitor at his sister's, Mrs Wm anxon's. for u few days. The Missed Mammy of Owen Sound visited Miss Mary McIntosh and Mr H. Ruse. they also took in the Celebration. Miss Annie Chislett of Toronto, was a guest of her uncle Mr. Peter Watson. for a. few days. Mrs. Scott and Mr HamJJton visited Mt Forest ftiends over Sun "r Dr. Inn. Cochmno of the Children's Hospital staff. was a quest ot his annt Mrs. Jueksou. Mr. Albert MeFUdden is holidny'nfz in Toronto this week. Mr J, I, Browne of Hawkeuhnry, was in town for a few days last week. Mr. S. F. Mm lock returned from a. weeks' visit with his father M Crediton. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. Sign" ml in Irehaliot' HI Margarv1 Potty. Mary r: Morton. lmlln- Hopkins. ROCKY SAUGEEN Hutton Hill. June Always strict hul ‘auumr of L'OVH'II- .uml om- with t1.s. rit of domnalinn , we IcHrIu-(l ulna x-ullu-r than {our 1nd pleU.are Ur. but “my! 5. The watch rook-r Wt' tru, l‘llvr half" a 11m ', A first class line of Hireml. Cakes, Pastry, ': always on hand at Rowe's store. MODEL BA KERY. LOWER department of our estaihishment. J LASTLY, our prices arc absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see mr yourself. GOOD REASONS: FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SICCOXDLY. we are artists in our line. THI RDLY, cleaqlincss reWntin every 5 S3Ci?TCiyrSSC)ClbT'j2 IT SUITS TO AT! 5/ 'i'i?i,i'is'tf And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies. and every desirable variety of pastry. I, the right brand. Thon- are lots of Rul- m-ra‘ Bros. make s'liverware hm only our N? Itodaers' Bros. Bo surv when you buy a present in silverware, you Jun-v the mum- and dau- of this llnu on it and yo ran tvly on your goods. [my " trot" .. Intending Students should enter at beginning ot term, or as soon after as possible. We 1uvyeyor.voinvr for mun and guest to pick fmm in s'tLVMtw.utr:.' The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and matriculation work, under the following sun of Competent Teachers for that Department: w 'tihis fs Mo 'tmmth of Wedding: Watchmaker. Jeweler awh. Gordon's “WEDDING RINGS are It“ solid as his Inducing Durham Scnool 1847 $lhetsptrs' Jibos. THOS. ALLAN, Principal. Miss L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Modems 1H. STINSON, ed helping to make the m of July, MIN Sports “hat they proved to be. the best ever held in Durhann but ulthongh the jealous. no good for my town, now heads used their best endeavors to Injure, the could not prevent the crowds from thronging to the establishment where customer: feel they can get the worth of their mom-y. und everything they require in the llnniwnmiinv Thu Smrtsun‘ over and every Int-rum who witnessed them "vrvdelighted; now We am at our posts tor the Purpose of sa- tistying our Ilium-mus l-ustomern and will emu-two! to give them " something good and suhsttuttinl for mtnothlng good and substantial. This week we will offer you Suction s Guards and Hendszfor your Mowers and ninth-rs, Scytlws from 2.3a up. Sunnis May Rakes. "3y Forks. Horse Pokes, Buggy Rugs and Dusters. Mats. Whips, Hold and Turnip Hues. shovels. Churns, Washing Muchinum Hunmuwks. Rich-on “non. Window Screens. and other "nick-s too Hunk-mm millennium. There is no machinv on equal .. Buck's Special." We lave not had Sports on tho 1st of July in Durham for four or ttve yours. At that time We found a '. sunaitc-itrtttc" an» '. circulating false reports. and working against the wettarvot the muse. which disgusted the promoters so much that then- was no uttem pt to get up sports again until this your. We found the same .' make .. with sonn- mu-lstants, doing their work directly ugalttst the interests of W Black. lwhilc he was busily ungua- ed helping to make the Li! of July. NH Sports “hut they proved to be. the bcst '_..-.- I...” in Inn-mum hm Although the ,, ‘4“llu U Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in I-uhm! HARDWARE I W. BLACK. Staff and Equipment. V . Samba, and Ol'liciun n-Iinwl t TOWN ls: of 3 BARCLAY all Call and Also Now that you have a Tudhopc Bugg} get a Tudhope Cutter & In: in the s“ in The Spring has come and the Summu has gone and so has nearly two carlondc of Tudhope Buggies and the plan which was once so filled tooverilowitvp with those rigs is now being tillcd up with over a narload of the famous i We are at the shop at the bridge u i ery Wednesday and Saturday. 0 . ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur I store, or at the REVIEW OFrucr., “-1 I receive our best attention. implements a7 a? " Well-known and reliable. Giving best satisfaetion, Once used, always used. Prices and terms to suit purchase; Call and examine. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR, NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market; also] our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Harvesting Machinery They are PEEL, ;HE ~>»NEW ShiOESr/iss REMEMBER THE PLACE -Ni.xt, I) Campbell'is Implement Warehouse Shoe DRESSING Trunks & Valises Pete, familial) Take Notice Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. Maxwell Machinery . fi?, 27esf, thu, tRakes, having nearly 20 varieties to choose from and more com. ing. We handle boots and Shoes from many makers and in different kinds. Also in great variety. We .111 also headquarters tor best ' Custom work & repairing; done as neatly. cheaply and promptly as possible. Jiarn @rgans Also see our famous 7udhep, Gutter: Be sure and see our TERMS: CASH. For the Babies good in evitry respect . MCIlraith crtgency. M, Woavers, gtinders x [achinery of this fam firm's make see our Goods. -o"e<s JULY 7, 1904 SHOEMAN BELL PM: NEW US"! (lhllllil] iM CAPITAL Aul ion CAPITAL. Paul H be'ICIKVIi Fl XII The il SAVINGS TWEEDS & Wt AGENTS it ontario. Qu SH!“ and I‘ll A general lhmkil Drafts issued at" alt Imilllh. 1tepot as! allowed Mt vur 100 Acres 100 Acres 150 Ac Nanny: ward,, tuciiiC dista , Acre M 105 Ac DURHAM A Transa. Busine Ml4. " s. SC "1-1 at SELLS ll. racemes & Shoe Always Prom pt ' Ne We c: Hair A} IL“ I hottie All Amati-u You can depend Hair Vigor to res) your gray hair, l Follow directions fails to do this w? fallingofthe hair, great satisfaction you are not goin pointed. Isn't t tairs blank d w. Muir \' £99112 "l I." m M in: cm- FU JULY '7. I Head 1)fiice C-- NOR.TiiEPA 70?//Z,4/ I '05 ll W. F. COWAN. GEO. P. REID, PCS Prompt afforded ll BA?lts a KICL "s. Croc for H I”: ("Isl tt

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