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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1904, p. 5

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‘ASH chne OFS€â€" otice ACEâ€"NXext D Warehouse. s and Shoes kers and in Also CYy . tactl Valises SHOEMAN Ainery We are s tor best 18 RROWS WO s, s [ . & ay 4 on respect Mid n St. lraith varieties to more comâ€" liable ur TURâ€" are the ilsof our parchasers 2 thu:s SING used BELL lto n & Summer 0 carloads the place verflowings 1€ Goods. repauring aply and he swins illed up 1amous wi imous C )y T 8 NEW LIST OF LANDYDS OF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain~. r«* We ask inspection of our Teas..>s The Hanover Conyveyancer, _ Hanove C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound ST«daro BARK OF CANA 100 Acres !n WHentinck near Durham, 90 cleared, 10 hardwood, good buildings, spring CTOCK, OFCDMTO, &C.......................«*+$8200 100 Acres near Allan Park, 68 cleared, 20 hardâ€" wood and 12 SWAMp.....................*+«â€"2100 150 Acresg near Lamlash, stone dwellings, good uul-hunllim.'m tine farm, under .......... 4000 105 Acres near Allan Park, excellent farm fair huifllings. cheap. 1 Acre more or less, Garafraxa Street, Durham, °n:cr Cement Works, fine lots, offered very cheap. If you wish to buy or sell property, borâ€" row money, insure a property, have writings draw n or collect debts call on me ‘ Always Prompt, Never Negligent." CAPITAL, Authorized . ... . .. $2,000,00L CAPITAL, Paid up.......... . 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 1,000,000 Transacting Business TWEEDS & YARNS AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Manitoba, United State« and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection +made 0n all points. _ Deposits received and inter est allowed «t exrrent rates SAVINGS BAN® â€" _uterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards â€" Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at All one Spring Prints, Ginghams., and Muslins, are now in. Come & see them. Besides above I havefa large list of other lands of all kinds. DURMHAM AGENCY dista ce. S. SCOTT. Floor tileloth, 1 yard wide t 2 yards wide Table Ofleloth, 45 in wide, Table Linen, _ 3t in wide, * 6 in wide, Linen Table Cloths, 21, yards l Heavy Twlll Sheeting. 72 in wid H. H. MILLER, BIG 4 HE s« SELLS _ CHEAP Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : Floor Hair Vigor it."â€"â€"A, M. BoGoaNn $1.00 a bottle. Roller Blinds All dro Best pure Honey. 10c a 1b €oâ€"mco W.CH. BEANX It is impossible to go threugh life without some business transactionts To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should have a Business Education such as is givâ€" en at the Ayer‘s urtains have fallingofthe hair, also. There‘s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disapâ€" pointed. Isn‘t that so? «« My hair faded until it was about white. It took }uu one bottle of Avor‘s Hair Vigor to restore it to its former dark, rich color. Your Hair Vlgn‘r. c:hminly does what you claim for T +4 [ ol rause sie ces c i td E2 You can depend on Ayer’s-l Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. | Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops i Fading Hair yards long * do do do do H,. H. MILLER, JULY 7. 1904 Oileloth MOARTZHERY. 1 :md on [()legggil:(:g:gitlgg ‘a:)ci“ileter Dr Brown again :sang two solos, and t exrrent rates was heartily applauded. The Dr‘s pubâ€" Pb y iilowed lic spirit is as greatly appreciated as his 4N® _ .mterest allowed OD | excelient musical talent. The choir c deposits of $1.00 and uP | sang a couple of selections during the mpt attention and every | evening, finally all uniting in * God be rded customers living at \;it}go;:i” Rev. Mr. Little pronouncing the benediction. J KELLY, Agent. | yeovilis the next place of meeting. 27 in 27 in 26 in 37 in 50 in FHikih.:i..... . with fringe tapice edges for =â€"i1222,â€" Mass:. wide at 2¢ per pair do _ 40¢ per pair do _ 70¢ per pair do __ T5e per pair do / $1.00 per nair , Rockingham, N. C. CALDERS BLOGK, DURKAM. I wide at %¢ per yd s wide at 50e per ya wlde, at 2%¢ peryd wide, at »e peryd wide, at 50c per yd ards long at $1.40 each in wide, at 2¢ per yard ZLLL/ .00 per pair. except ?5¢ line J. C. AYER c0., De each 15e each Mr Alfred Tucker spoke on **Lesson Helps, their Use and Abuse," pointing out forcibly the danger * altowing them to supplant the Bible. _ Their chief value lay in the Historical and Geographical notes, Mr Roland, voiced the sentiment of the Convention by re marking that heips should be left at home, _ Get all the help possible out of bible, out of notes, anywhere, but make an earnest effort to meke yourself masâ€" ter of the lesson. Miss Naismith read a paper prepared by Mrs W H Rogers on " How to Incite Pupils to make a perfect study of the Lesson," _ It recommended visiting puâ€" pils, getting the parents interested. praise for proficiency, give an outline of the next lesson, stimmilate them to get knowledge for themselves. _ In this the mother had a greatfield for "if noble sons are wanted we must have noble mothers," a quotation from Napoleon,. Mr Sinciair in the discussion emphasized the idea of giving credit for every effort and thought it would be a good idea to study the lesson in the family. _ Messrs Randall and Phelps spoke on similar lines, and Mr Geo Lothian remarked that a home taught scholar can easily be discovered in the class. Mr _R Renwick gavye an able address on "The Normal Class in our Sunday Schools." _ Just as in secular education great benetfit follows Normal training of tenchers so it is in 8. 8. work. The day of apostles had passed away, prophets had merged into pastors, but teachers we have sull with us and rank next to past ors. _ There was necessity therefore for thorough equipment. _ A Christian character should be developed : teaching gives knowledge, training gives charâ€" acter,. â€" It is not what we know but what we do that wins the approbation of our blessed Master. _ He spoke of the benefit derived from a course of study, such as conducted by Rev Mtr Campbell last winter, one of the best things yet introâ€" duced into the chureb. â€" Certificates and diplomas are given ut the work and the study were alone worth the trouble. All should take adyantage of this Teachers‘ Training Course, prepared and conducted by the Gen. Assembly‘s comâ€" mittee: it meant work,. but it was work that became growingly interesting. Mr Renwick‘s paper was warmly received. Rev Mr Campbell, in response to a query frowm Rev Mr Little, gave some explanaâ€" tions, was well pleased with the results. It was one of the best courses in our church. Rev Mr Kendall, in the absence of Mr D (Girier. took the subject * When and How should a teacher prepare the Lesson," _ Too often this duty was left Lill Saturday night, or even "*after doing the chores on Sunday morning." _ Mr Renwick advised preparation Sunday previous, it becomes part of yourself during the week. _ Rev Mr Campbell advised a prospective study of several lessons, Messrs Roland and Phelps, Mrs Jno Sharp, and the cbairman took part in the discussion. Officers for next year: â€" Pres, Jno. Snell; Vice Pres.. R. Renwick; Secy., John Sinclair, Yeovil. After a sumptuous supper had been served. the Convention resumed with a Song Service, led by the leadet and members of the choir. Mr Roach, Priceville. spoke on the " Benefits of a Teachers‘ Meeting." _ Dr Brown contributed i solo "I want to go there, 1 do," on encore he sang *Tell mother, Pll be there," Mr Wm Isaac tiking the tenor in chorus, The offering being taken it was unâ€" animously decided to give 810 to the Sick Children‘s Hospital, Toronto. Rev Mr Little gave a paper on "Christ the Model Teacher," ard yery warmly and fully pointed out many excellent examples of Christ‘s methods. _ He was ever willing to teach even though weary at the well, a small audience did not hinder him from doing faithfal work, he displayed wisdom in taking advantage of circumstances to illustrate Divine truth, he excited the curiosity and aroused the desire eften good in his hearers, he avolded unnecessa‘y disputes and went at once to matters first imâ€" rtance, he dealt pianly with sin and K:ought truth home to the individual conscience, the great object of all his teaching, as ‘ours should‘ be, being the salvation of his hearers. Minutes were read together with copious notes on papers given at last Convention. _ Secy. Sinclair, before sitâ€" ting down reported for Yeovil, Mr A. Tucker for Ebenezer, Amos reported 110 to 130, largest attendance 129. 8 classes, infant class of 30. Mr Bradiey, Orchard, said they had 50 names, a»yerage 35 to 45. Fairbairn, hke Orchard, had?trouble gelting teachers. _ Mr 1) Leith. Knox, Normanhy, reported a good school average 60 to 65, 9 teachers, 70 on roll. Mr L. expressed great pleasure in being in his native church and meeting many old friends._ Varney and Letter Breen were not represented. _ Mr Wim Altan reported for Union Sch. on 2nd Copn.. established 25 years, 60 scholars, 6 teachers, 15 to 20 in Bible class, interest kept up by prizes, Messenger and picnic. Money raised through Socihl, having no church to fall back upon. _ Rev. Mr Little. Holstein, had 9 teachers, no difficulty in that respect, 100 to 130 scholars, 50 in bible class, collection once a _ month for missions. Mr _ Roland Woodland, had on roll 75, average 59. 12 teachers, 2 in Bible class, gave $10 to missions. _ Holstein Methodist 8. 8. was _ running â€" smoothly, teachers 9. pupils 70, Messrs Bradley, Leith, Dodds, Renâ€" wick,. Tucker, were appointed a nominaâ€" ting com. The revort showed that in the townâ€" ships or its borders there were 100 teachers, T2 schools, 950 scholars, â€" Of these last 275 are church members, 41 bad joined auring the yenr. all use the in&wnntional lessonus and receipts were ds + q® #88,.17. ims body met Wednesday of last week and was cpened with devotional exercises, _ Presicent Geo. Lothian in the chair. He gave a brief opening address, welcoming the workers and inviting all to take a hearty part in the discussions. This EGREMONT S. S. CONVENTION. Evening Session. f i nlif e ioi durl Dominion vay Celebratior a Success. was delightful variety all through and few audiences ever were better pleased. Miss La Dell is a charming entertainer, of fine presence, clear in articulation, and an interpreter of Literature and character of rare skill, _ The long susâ€" taining of the child voice in the Bear Story is a feat in itself,. _ The " old and the new " had as gnuch truth as humor, while in "Laddie" there was a pathos that appealed foreibly to all. Mrs Caldâ€" well has a provincial repretation as an artist of first class ability ; her centrol of voice. trills, echoes, &c., in the cuckoo song and others was remarkable. _ She was particularly fine in her encore © Bonme Charlie‘s noo awa," _ Miss Tait is an able accompanist, while Haryey as m humorist has few superiors. _ His costuming and mimicry caused much n;\«-lrrilnvnt and he is a singer of no mean skill. The band, was, if anything, more enâ€" joyed than on the grounds. _ Certainly the big drummer was yoted a great suceess, _ Not alone for his perfect time but for the remarkable facility with which he strikes both sides of the drum with one hand, which was done with a perfect absence of straining for effect. The Sato bros. on the horizontal har and flying rings gave a cloyer exhibition of acrobatie work. Jimmie Gardiner, twice during the evening appeared and tripped the light fantastic in his masterly style. Miss La Dell and indeed all the perâ€" formers were delighted with the good order of the audience even though packed in tightly, Grand Chief Fraser came up with the pipers and remained till Saturday foreâ€" noon, _ He met many of his countrymen here and the bretbren of Ben Nevis Camp inuch appreciated his visit. . He is using part of his holidays in visiting 7 or8 camps in Bruce Co. _ As is well known he is the first to occupy the position of provincial archivist, a posiâ€" tion which sought him on account of special qualifications. _ Chief Hutton conducted him to the chair at the conâ€" cert and he filled it admirably, Near the close he made a few pregnant reâ€" marks of the value of the Sons of Scotâ€" land Association as an insurance medâ€" ium, and urged all young men of Scotâ€" tish descent to unite with the Order. The committee in charge of the day wish to express their appreciation of the generous manner the town supported them in the guarantee fund and to thank town and country for the Learty support even under unfavorable weaâ€" ther. _ With bright weather, perhaps 1000 more people would havye been present, but as it was, it was amongst the largest crowds ever seen in Durbham and the committce can finance the whole affair with a substantial balance on the right side. P OUV:iriscâ€" is nesstiesee se OntINegi..;«::1:.:s«rsss s+s WRHORb:s. .++ +s css sit‘s‘4 ies POUSeecri L. Lcercbrersrenss DAFIEY.s..ls sc irrrccislees COREBS.#+ se rarvsarre ues retwer TLAMUDS: :1 ::sicaciceserth is Dressed Hoys, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, fresh roll per ib Bouitér, ‘Dub............., J LO U Dss ce n en en en en n n e se e a U ORtIteal..;::1::s«rss. +«‘ 3 P0 WHORb: .. +s +sl css sin‘s‘‘s ies 85 TPOUS::sisi Li biir ib rtsrreess 58 DAFIEY.s..ls sc irrrccislees 40 COREBN.#: se rarvsarreees retwer 28 Lambs..................... 8 25 Dressed Hoys, per ewt 5 75 Hogs, Live weight..... 4 60 LCutter, fresh roll per ib 12 Boitér, ‘Dub............., 12 NCY Lr1! :s rireaack satr 13 Hides, per ewt...,...... & o0 Calfskins, per lb........ 7 SUHcOpSLHMIS.+:...1.1+.1++, 25 FLHYUs.svilsirrecarcscesssis .‘ On Deéer, pet CWt............ . 0 90 ‘FOLROYE.sscce1:ceirseÂ¥iess 10 Hides, per ewt...,...... Calfskins, per lb........ SUHcOpSLHMIS.+:...1.1+.1++, Dé6l, pBC CWI.....+.«+s.. THEROYE. ces ccrccrrrss¢rees Potatoes, per bag....... PDURHAM MARKETS. MacFarlane & Go. Slug Shot. Whale Oil Soap and other Inâ€" secticides. aud GHURCH‘S BVG FINISH BVG KILLER, 81 per 100 Ibs STRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN Druggists & Seedsmsu ( Continued from page 1. ) Undoubtedly _ the best bug destroyer in the markec. It is not only a sure killer but fertilizes the soil thus improving the crop. $2 per 100 lbs We also keep The kind that kills the bug and saves the potato z20c a 1b wBt ) on 00 10 800 bo 10 &) 6 00 4 GO 18 * 80 6O AA 28 00 40 00 00 13 80 50 i) This preparation offers in a palatable, practically nonaleoholie torm, the bitter aromatic constituents of the best Bavarian Hops, renowned tor their tonâ€" ic, appetizing qualities and the highly nutritious extractiive matter derived from choice Malted Barlev. FOR CHILDREN during the years of rapid growth Matoviim given daily with meals supplies the system with all the elements necessary to produce flesh and strength. CONVALESCENTS tfrom fevers and wasting diseases, and all those affiicâ€" ted witn malnutrition, dyspepsia and kindred ailments, will obtain in Maltovim a food and tonic which through its active principle distaste aids greatly in the assimilation of earbonaceous foods, removes stomachic catarrhal affections, and generally hastens complete restoration to health. BUSINESS MEN worn from the day‘s work will find a wineglassful of cooled Maltovim. taken at meal time a most gratefal avppetizer, affording, without the undesirable effects of aleohilic beyverages, a retreshing digestive stimulation, beneficial to both body and mind. ~ NORTH WEST WHEATl LANDS FOR SALE. | 5 2 0 Acres choice, unimproved land, , 234 miles from the growing town | of Rocanville. in which there has been ; five elevators erected in the past 2 yrs., and 18 miles from Moosomin. _ Price $11 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure.| Full particulars from ' W. E Jorr. orâ€" Wa,. EncE®. THE EFFECTS OF MALTOVIM are immediately evidenced by increased secretion of gastric juice, healthy appetite, and a feeling of vim and budily energy, replacing the sense of depression characteristic of a low state of the general health. Druggist and Seedsman, MA LTOV I M Durham Bull Calyesâ€"grandsons o. Prince Cruickshank (imp), ard Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. TnHos. Scarr & Soxs, Rocky Saugeen. FoRr SaLs.â€"â€"1 y old Bult rising 2 yrs, 2 Bull Calyes, oerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. For SERvICE.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terins. $1.00. FOR SALE & for SERVICE Lots 32x 33, Con. 2 8, D. I., contauinâ€" ing 100 acres imore or less. _ About 90 ncres cleared and in good state of culâ€" tivation for allkinds of crops. Rewainâ€" ing 10 acres bard woed bush, _ Four miles from Priceville, $ mile from school. On farm are two good. wells, Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 23, cel lar and all conveniences, _ Good hank barn 50x G5, splendid stabling. Title good. Easy terms of pryment to suit purchaser, Apply if by post to Priceâ€" ville P. O, or on the premises to I‘UFKH 4 M Apply to Jxo EcKHARDT Bunessan. PUREâ€"BRED _ STOCK FOR SALE. "â€"RPARM FOR SALE. gaoues e in ten N.,G &J McKechnie N.,G. & J, McKechnie} Moosomin, Ass. H. PARKKHNR, We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer, "THE D. & L." MALT EXTRACT A NUTRITIOUS FLUIDMD FOOD Wax. McLrop, 8Sx.. Prop. . 2 8. D. R., containâ€" 30 CTS. A MAT (The popular Cash Store.) F‘lGS 4 $p â€"Gp.â€"Gp YÂ¥ % Edge Hill. \ Yeoung Bulls, Heifers and Cows, ‘Terlns easy, _ Verschoyle (Imported) at Head of Herd. H. ParRKER, Durham PURE _BRED DURMHAMS FOl SALE. Durham‘s NEWw BAKER he Public of Durham and T neighborhood are respectâ€" fully informed that the underâ€" signed has bonght out the Wright Bakery, known as the ‘*‘Durham Bakery,""‘ and inâ€" tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the paâ€" tronage. The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . Watson Pint Bottles, 250. Durham University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office, Oficeâ€"â€"LOWER 10wN. DURH A M ()F'FICE FIRST DOOR EAST of€ the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘ â€" Block, Rf,sgiel_wg first door west of the OfiGe, 18 EEOREEE, . ~â€" =<â€" . 1e s Owen Sou Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, » the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., Ofl\oe and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Go 8t., at foot of Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner Late assistant to Moorfield‘s ( London, Eng) to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals, Court Rusiu_eâ€"nâ€"s'."i’ll wminstration und C chas uade in Reg on uaAmesc C+ Weltr om _ _ C 4 Hogistry Office and Titles reported on Jompany and private Funds to Loan on l(ortgnlges at lowost rates Of Interect | Vaimu,iiq® Sn ay c ie Grmdu,.le of London,;New York and (hlu;;-E Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. t®"Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hours, 1â€"6 p .m."&» made by a cop /ills. Daea, j "Keney promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lonases, Agreements &e, correctly prepared. Estates of decensed perâ€" sons louked after and Executor‘s and Adminis= trators‘ Accounts prepared and iuumed Burrogate Court Business Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" wingtration and o. _ 230 01 108. Letters Barristers, A. G. MacKay‘ K. C. JOHN CLARK _â€"» Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Kotary Public, Commissioner, &c. D. McPHAIL _â€"â€"» Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &¢ mlfldemedlmlu system by means of Chart Drilis, Black Dhfi‘f)lmi and other interâ€" ufl:g‘(lievicu brings the following topies within the d‘s immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location Musical History â€" Technique For terms applyito Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher,) M.M,M. Durham, Nov. 16, 02 9â€"11 a. m, 2â€"4 p. m, 7â€"9 p. i. Telephone Connection No. 10 Col hfl;l_oc't‘m.s‘_ln:l. Agency prc DERHAT P.A__CL. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.S. »C, PICKERING D. DS..L.D.S Eys, Ear, Nose & Throat Terms moderate, Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #s* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Bales promptly attended to. _ Rates reasonable. Orders mnz‘ be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, Mckinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review ult TV oR CRAY C nNoarry PuBLiC Cconyevanc ARTHUR GUN, Honor GRADUATE of Toronto Member College Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, ns d d .. Inttefinditedictradicedtiiccckd BARRISTER, Sso1ciTror . MAFBW sussse 22 Ew Hice, Mcelntyre Block Adopted by ali leading:Schools in Toronto. Thisfdeservedly popular system by means of flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store flice, McKenzie‘s Old & «6 riitmwticmeeyrss. ME LDDELOCATLL. :. " "hmess, Probate of Wills. Letters tration and Guardianship Obtained wade in Registry Office and Titles r Private Money to Loan, Collecâ€" tiens of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms boughi and sold or to Myer‘s Music Methbodâ€" MACKAY & DUNN, 44 Licensed Auctieneer for Co. tGrey m aite â€" aâ€" IP â€"Che w . LEFROY McCAUL Special attention given to Diseases Women and Children, Pxysician & srnér.ox, e over McLachian‘s Store | 8 to 10 a.x. HOURS: < 2 to 4 r x old Post Ofiiég. â€"Dmlvlvl;l:l‘ A. H. JACKSON, Charges Moderate DMTUTSIC. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durham Ceylon has a telephone oftice, DR. BROWN, _ P. TELFORD DR. BURT &c. Money to Loan UC" Faves of interest, Valuation wetent und carofu} Valuator. OFFICE HOURS Money to Loan Solicl!,qrs. Conveyancers, , over the Bank, Stand, Dnrham W. F Dunn Owen Sound , England icorge gearâ€" and #4 x ©,3# 1

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