West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1904, p. 8

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LI Ready- Made Clothing; THE PEOPLE’S STORE We are sole agents for the best Shoe on the market today and that is The "IMPERIAL" Shoe For Men and Women. Groceries I ROBT. BURNETT. Dairy Cheese ' . . . MciNTYRE'S GROCERY Pie Peaches. . . . .. Peaches (in syrup) Pears...... .... ....zuc Plums, 2 kinds. ...20c Pineapples.. 15, 20, 25e Strawberries.. . . . . . .200 Raspberries...... ..2Oe C AN N El) FRYITS Also the .. KEITH. " patent lea- ther Shoe, American pattern. THESE ARE GUARANTEED: N. P. MCINTYRE. ..Stiiton Cheese. . . . .McLaren 'g Cheese CHEESE Have you tried one of our Men's Suits "Piccadilly Brand" Clothing? Made of the best material, with the best finish, and is the best fitting Clothing in Canada. If you have one, we are certain you are de- lighted with it. If not, come at once, and secure a good suit. They go a long way towards giv- ing you that fine, dressy appear- ance. They're going fast, being as cheap as inferior makes. 106 The Cheapest, The Freshest, The most Reliable. tk Plum.............. Fig...,.. .w........ Raspberry......... Strawberry... .... Jam in Pails........ JAM Boots and Shoes 100 10c 100 We Fine weather tor making grunt grow, but not Bo for unkind it has. Show»: during the pl-t week; crops are lookiw.’ fairly good ; low lauds do um npprecmw too much rain ' Fall wheat looks good. Everybody that went to the Scotch gnthering " Durham, July lat. pronoun- cesit to be the best ever held there. No use crying over spilt milk; we Were not were. vNearlyn. frost on the morning of July 2nd, and this Saturday night is colder still. Mu" Kate Machine of Toruuto " spending a while nt the old Lame on the South Line, Gleuelu. Mrs McPherson of Cletelaul intends spending the yummer at the old hmuo. us she arrived It couple of weeks ago Io her mother’s, Mrs McLean. South East. Glen- elg. Mr and Mrs James Black and family. oi Oak River. Manitoba. :1er nt- rived at Mrs Black's old home. Mrs Ile, Lean, on Saturday afternoon. the 2nd mst. They mtend to may for some time. They say crops never lmd u better appear- ance in Manitoba than they have this summer. T Hugh McDonald, Glenelg Road. is en- joyiug himself for the latst tsouple of weeks wnb friends ul. Woodbridgc. Vellore um] Purpleville. Towushim of Vuughan. Bertha McIntyre of of the N B C, Owen Sound. is home for vacation. Johnnie; McDunnlol, (Hugh's Johnnie), left fur the Soo a. frw duyu "yo. Johnnie woll he missed as he was ayoung ”um who made " tuvoralrle impression where. ever he formal 'aetpruuottute". Donald MeDougall and a 8'6: Mary, are taking their holiday trip up t) the Au 9 i. can Soo. Tiny left, a few 'lays ago and mtend staying a iew weeks. Alex McDonald of 1'otonto spent u few days waiting old friends at Prieeyille, and returned again on Muuduy last. Mrs Nell Mcleil and fuuuly,of Dnimh, are spendlug a whale at Mr Jno McPlrail's, Sautb EntstCrlessulg. I Mr and Mrs D McQueen, of Smyner. spent. a few days at Mr Neil Mecaunel'r, of Top Cliff. Alex McDonald. (iletl sandy), lmuuln old Mm James McDonald's farm, S Line. Gaelic Communion was heid in the Presbyterian Church here last Sunday with "fairly good nnleudutce. Humid: Communion next Sunday, Rev Mr Thom of Flesherlou to Drench preynrulory su- vicea on Fridny at 11 a. In. The Garden Party at the Methodist. Pnrnounge on Thursday evening last was a. good success. N The Baptists an: improving their chapel by putting a. new platform in irout. Mrs McGillivray from Glenelg Centre is enjoying herself among the citizen-x at Pricevnllo for we past week. Mrs Mc- Gillivray is my ninety-seven years. but nevertheless she is not too young to Walk to Pliceville when she takes the notion. She euiovod herself and parmuk of Sacrament. in the Presbyterian clnnch on Sunday but m her native lnugnuge, tins gaelic. A - A number from here attended the Eu. trance Examination at Durham and Flasherton. We are pleased to notice that Comuiiua siouer Mehrthur of this Town mudo . move in Council to memoralize the gown: merit to have the lime of school vncuuou changed; to shorlou the lime m summer and have It longer in winter. As John hush good level head he will be apt Io have his proposition carried out; Much is but a. reasonable one. Miss Stonehcuse is still keeping poorly. David MeNiehol, Ex M. P. P. visited at Mr Nichol‘s last Saturday and Sunday, He drove his neice. Miss Nichol. who )8 teacher at Lamlush, lmme to her father». Mr Jno Nichol. Mr McNIchol intended the syushe sen/Ice on Sunday. Mr Edward Glenister of Tomato. wok u trip here to see his unele Wus and mim- friends. Mr and Mrs Chambers from near 0 Wen Sound have been vcsitingHtaeno here. Mr Finlnysou has left, for Toronto to at- tend a Convention. We are glad he Cor- meted the statement in the REVIEW of the 81111"an ot money Collected at their big meeting here some tium ago. We a." sorry he wag pun to the trouble of Correct,- ing and: n small error; hut the tttitotHtt sent in was what we were, Luiti bv out: of their promineut members. Dominion Day hes come and gone. A few went to Durham to see the sports and others weuba-fislnuur. 8o out town was very qnist. We; understand the hotel is likely to change hand» Mr Beltou of Conn, is ex pected to be the, new proprietor. Lightning struck Vint Hill's Iuilkhuust: me other Inglis. Tue only damage: was a human Pall": - Mr Arch McLellau and his sister Mary and Mary McFarlaue of Bunesa-zm, visited at Chas McQuoeu’s last Sunday. Misses Mary and Emma. Wilson and Maggie Campbell returned home Friday from Durham where they were writing on the examinations. Mr Duncan McLeod of Minus, IR visiting his daughter, Mrs Clark, Dmmore. Mrs Neil McLeod in compuny wrtls M's; Maggie McCunnel. will leave on Wednes- day on a trip to Owen Sound. Collingwood and Stayner. A NobleWVilsou is making improvements in enlarging his kitchen. - Fred Rnnciman pat up the school bell last week. It sounds well and can be heard for a long distance. Our teacher. Miss Gordon has resignill her school here. Her pupils were very sorry to heat that she was gomg to leave them. She was well liked by everyone and was a favorite with the young people. The school was well disciplined and the pupils made great progress in their Mu. dies during Miss Gordon’s stay here. She leaves to “lend the Normal College Dugald Ferguson visited " J. Me. Queen's on Sunday. P310“! ua. BOOTH VILLE. HOPEVILLE. THE DURHAE REVIEW ONTARW -ATRTf TORONTO Miss lbw-ell of Elmwood and Mr Bobt Lam" and dlnuluer Bertha of New Linkeunl. New Ontariu. are visinng at mu 'J'aylor's. Miss Lizzie Leslie of an Forest was renewing old acquaintances here last Snu- dny tureompeniedhy an; ucFee and Inns Jennie Cooper. was naggie Hay returned to the mty Inst week, also Miss Lizzie Gum-u. The Eecho family hm! the pleasure of a. visit from an aunt. and eouim from Acton, Mn Smith and ms McMillan. Mr and mu Wan Lester, of Daomorc. took a trip in Shrubturd hut. week to Visit their daughter. Mrs Culuf. Miss E Anhnru. who has been visiting her uncla od aunt. Mr od Mrs Sterne here, returned tu ller home in the city 1:31 week. We fame) more will be some ot our 301mg: mun going down them soon. ur Wm Hunter [churned moudny from a short visit to the city. looking quite bright, Mr and ms Isaac were visuting friends In nonkmu and Lauriscou last week. ni~s Elir, ermn, teaeher at. mrkdaIe. is huliduying at her home here. Dr 81mm: took " trip home to ti-tt lsiv, parents " Barrie last week. Dr Fr..ttes looliitrg after his pumice dutiug his "lrrcuree.. Married at the Manse. Dromore, on the 29th. David Golden to Miss Annie Black. both ofthe 2m] Com. Ewen-out. the Rev Mr Campbell Lining the knot. \‘C-- are Berry to say that an Wu, Snell is nut very Well " human. an em] Mrs John Garson had the pituislll‘c! oi a vieit (mm the luller's mother, Mr" Inkster. of bevel-sham. ()m- of those happy events took piuee in Alum ehnrch on 22nd June. when quite a number of hiends ttttd acquain- lance gathered together to mine»: the mulriage of one ol Drolnore'e fairert young girls in the person of Miss Kxuie Hay, who was United in the holy homi- of wedlock to Mr James Andrew Brice. one at TorontoU police staff At. 10 n‘ulzck the bride entered the church leaning on her father's arm, while the Wedding: march was being played bv Mi-s Aggie Ileuwiek. The bride Wes support- ed by Miss Minnie L'lwhend ot Toronto. while the groom was attendcd by his brother David, of Alnnsdale. The bride was dressed in whitelustre, brimmeu with while satin and Irish upplique, currymg in her hand a bunch ot white roses. The bridesmaid was Ilrekseu in Hue muslin. trimmed with lace and shined ribbon. The bride's travelling suit was fraked guodh', with hat. to match. Rev Mr Campbell performed the rero- muny and Mger having pronounced them mun and wite. the lumpy couple and in- Vihd guests prepmed to the home " the brulc's purenm. when: a bountiful re- pust. “an awaiting them. The 301mg Ci uple leit on the after- Dunn tram tor Tu rout”. humus m Amsdulc, Party Sound district. to yin! tho gumm’u parents, then ”naming to Toronto where they intend making their home. The presents the bride received Were “hummus and costly. many ot them coming from the city where she had been “Hug lor the past two or three yrs” uilwrs from Dromore Mud vieintty, lpespouking the high (New: in which she wu~ huh]. We join in wishing .m- nmi Mru Brice many happy yuan: of wedded life Quite u nutulwr Iron) hore attended the-C F, Cunwutiun in Durham on Tues- Jay last and report a profitable time. Mr Jns l'cttigrcw who has been home irottt thn Went. on it Visit to his lather who liar; been very ill for about four mouths ictui-un-l to his western home last week. 311- Thus Main-hall who has heron "ttend- iiig the Business College " Cliaithuin sir- rived homo in few davs ago to snow} his 1mm and inlent at liooin;_I root (ti-ops Mid lurking hay of which his up-to date farmer father has no Sluull annumt. libs Janet Blythe of Arthur and Ida of Al>lelllt arrived liUlilt: lint work in wand their,,uut!uer Vacuum. All ihrc-o of the yuiingoi lllvilin tounly namely Mary lulirn. John and Jim. who have heen unending: the tit Forest High Selma! the past year have come home with honors. Congratulations. The Ayton Cordage Co. twine fuetory with is Working gang of about. 40 men be'. gun manufacturing twine last Monday. and the, nionatrous roar of the whistle night and morning no doubt told the surrounding shareholders thatthey “ere " doing it." and so they were, for at the round up on Saturday night they were sunuised to find that they had made no less thin tour halls of liviue. Huts " to the managing Cl mmittec. A picnic under the auspices of the Knox Aux. to Hamilton's Lake takes piaee.this afternoon. ( Mon.) Those who were tortunaate enough to be able to at- tend would,no doubt, have quite it frol- i:lsiug time. m- Andrew S ewart aw! C Blythe have each purchmed a. hay hmderaud will in all likelihood make the hay ily. The statute labor throughout the town. ship. is mostly all performed and many a. silent" cuss" from the Weary pedestrian has gone downward when he entered in a. half mile: stlelch of new made road of which much " left so rough that a man is safer on his knees in the bottom of his rig and will come tiff safe even than with a broken rib and a scratched Mose. The Sons of Scotland in Durham are certainly to be congratulated in the very efficient manner in which they carried out their program to the letter and spirit on Dominion Day, Thatis the way to hold a crowd in always giving them what you advertise. We think in our humble opinion and would suggest that your committee would be safe enough In funk. ing it an annual "air. A few of our farmers are starting at heir hay this week. BLYTHES CORNERS. DROIORE. F2 I: i” Alex. Russell I THE BIG STORE I Alex. md Every Summer we have certain odds and ends which we call left-overs. These we are bound to get rid of at any price. They must go in order to keep our stock clean and up to-date. - A - , l Men is ilannel 2 piece SUM-' MER SUI y s, reg. 1 85, Saturday. . . . . .. 3ditr, 3 Summer COATS sk, VEb'TS/ in fancy stripe lustre l veg. $4.50, Saturday. 3 OO) 5 BICYCLE SUITS, hand-i somely made, reg $5, Saturday. . . ... . . . . . 2.501 8 Men's ODD COATS, t reg. $1, Saturday. . . . 7liei, PASTE,........ 7 lbs TAPIOCA, 5 lbs CURRANTS. WOOL, BUTTER, AND Black Jack STOVE MT: __ _ ----- e 7‘7 ""7 ' - -ie---i- _ Hillis. Edwin Search. (Hume Russell. PROMOTION EXAMlNAHONS. I Harold Mckeehuie. Sum Hurtford, Rug. _"'." sell Lnelle. “We Morton. L, McAnultv Dunn.“ hymn)!” . , Sr] to Pt 2 A-Mturgie Hurtfnrd.Jen- Nautes are. wrung-ad In Mdvr ot nun-I'll. nie Kelsey, Franku' Hells-Milli. Tummy His,rltscltool Depuvunetst. , {fr-TM. Italy 11.':gl,tJr,'1,:'!/'t :Vé'llie Faun li to Furl" HI-Lillie Walkev, tlt' on "l. an 'ttttt , W '... kw" ur- Rita Mchnh. Elke! (irm:nwuml, 51.1w don. Jolm Py"r""l"_ Httrty l-' ollet, Shnrp. Herlr. Cmnlphell. (mrmuu Anne. "tttu'.',")"),?)".' to hr r-wee." J.ohy- , p.... H-h" "th Newton {slam Emily Llovd. May MoKechme. [jmm I to fun: t ' . r . I Fred Gilt-um Helthn Hnvetr. Illuv Oliver. Hunter. Etlte1 Murrlmu. hurl l Quinn Cecil M'Nullv Mar Mt-K echnié Brown and George llnrhmlle Pl' lyilli.e) Mvrtltl DAMN: Dal»; Bin“: Annie Fau-quh-n'sun: :!.,td""c1.,s11t,').'c1iiit:: lliutfw I Mitruw iiiiiiiiii, iMuglas Janet ici,iiiiiit 1/tt'pi1'C: 1Gsel Laid aw, ILL nun. i. Percy Brynn, Norma" McDonald, Mur- n "lfl't,.., unluud I‘nnull'llnnn', my Williamson. trulean DWUL Public School Department. Jr l to " 4-L'htwlie Urruvford, Nellie Smith. Thos.Holt. Cecil Wolfe, Fced Smith. Lynn Grunt, Allan anlwrtsnn, Lizzie Kimwe. Ada Lunin. Oscar Hahn and Athole Gordon etl, Jessie Luton, Myrtle McDonald, Flint Hind, Sadie Kresge. Jean W"tsou. Lillie Harris. Mium Saunders. 1'addie Caldwell. Russell Cturvie. Frank McKay, Eva Burnett. Beat vice Wilson, Alec Kearney. Willie Gadd, Willie (‘mnerum James McLean. Nellie Becki-r. Jr3tnSn-1L "3rock Gvant. Willie Me- (Irio. Ruhy Knisley. Lizzie Kearney, Umherine Mennugull. Eddie MeAnully. Willie McGowan, Lyla Kelsey. 1'lareuce Dal-ling. Hazel Guthrie. Jenny Mellmv- an. Art bur Hutton. L,'havlie Vollel. An- nie Kearney. Grace Hunter. Archie Gray. Nellie Mcumlh, llln llm-lmula. Barney Huitl'm-d. 81-3 tqu-l Ella. Kimsee, tieottte1Ui- ton, Foster Saunders. Haze-l Marshall. Laura rieiuitev_littlry yills,. l,'ella Eclul', Sr 2 to Jr 3-Nellie Hepburn. John Vollet, James Smith, AlIsrep Umnrron and Victor Livingstone ct]. Harold Al- joe, H._I_rper !iressc!a.m/t 1":1muryy'tion, lElma Ha, Mary Wright, Russ Turner and Gevtvude MeComir, HI, J. McNally, Lena Wilson and Latin-tut Peel. ml, Leo Becker. Agnes Rmunge. Willie Brumningund Anson Lloyd "q, James McLachlan and Itoy Calder eq. Russell But-gamut and Reggie Shut-pm]. Ruth Mom". Vol-nun Elvitlga. Maggie Lauder and Annie Emm- eq. Eric Kelly. Muy McGowan, itohiue. Saunders and Mar. jmie McKenzie on. Gladys Whittucee, James vollett, Part2(A) to Jr Pt 2-Maad Rims] Mary Hartford, Pearl Mitchell, Lizzie Jr Pt 2to Sr Pt 2-Vivien Ci-wam-d. Ruhy Canon, Mamie Mmmhin. May Cliff, Horace Elvidge, Karl Lennhun. Evelyn Levi, Lida Livingston, Winnie Warner, Katie B Black. Tommy Lauder Leone Russell, Nettie DameU. Annie Vollet. Verna Flaker, Irene Lawson. Earl McDonald. Hurry 1i'alkiagham, Marion McKenzie. James Lloyd, Jr 2 to Sr 2-tltsta Dan-ling, Mabel La. timer. Hortotvw Livingston. Lizzie Rus- sell, Willie Pert y, Roy Fluka-r & Mack Saunders eq. \Vilfrid Calder, Mall; Wil. son, Nellie Russell and Zetta Mal-mall mg. Calvin Kunwe. Jessie Curme, Win- nitied McCaul, John Vollet, Edna hic. Cro. Willie (71m k. Tressa McKay. Mast. gie McNally, Robbie Cmuphell. Mamie Wilson, 1sessie Saunders. Joe Warming- ton. Lenard Lavelle, Lorne Williamson. Sr Pr 2 to Jr 2--Fced Laidlaw, Winnie Brooker, Susie Kelsey, John Mcilraith, Campbell MteLtuhlan, Clam Lawrence. Sydney Holt, Milton Mills, Maggie Tots IT. Han ttGot/de!, Lorne Dean. Maud Humett. Charlie Harbottle, Vyirbl; it“: vey, Florence Barclay, George Kress, Aggie Becker. 15fie Iva, Gertie Camp- ral Ready=Mades Note the following BILL OF FARE for SATURDAY: Groceries Alex. Russell. Our Attraction; For SATURDAY Sat Sat EGGS taken as 5m ‘MACHIXE ()IL, Sutur- 5c day, per gal. . . . . . . . . Me 25c Hay Rakes, Scythes, Suatbs, Me ( Gasoline Stoves &c. {' giggl'lhlay. . . . . ... . . . . . Me " Ladies' White SKIRTS i Saturday............. Me -'4 Ladies' GOWNS, Sat- _ urday...............'. 500 We have only a. few rem- nants In whitewear left, wnich we are bound to clear at any price. 7 Ladies' White SKIRTS Jr B to Jr A-EIU, Carson. Gordan Gun. Myctle Spur-ling. Zell (Trnwfnrd. Walter. Marshall. Roy \‘Vulsou. Marion ‘(lnldmz Arutie Russell. .lunwn \Vulh. Emnm Wiltum. Nellie Pinker. Isabel I Lawson. 1 Jr I) to " H-Willie Landau. Cecil ITowner. Edna Lawrence. Lotate Jurk- ltyn: Roy Voile! John Livingrtnn. Eva i Redford. Irene McFee. i Sr 3 to Jr t--Lizzie Niclmlsun. Irvin» I Hmulersun. John Knish-y and Mary Swans-Lon w . Ruby Jordan. " 3 to Sr _ il-, Lvmmrd Ll":',',',.' Clmrlw McUqu-tll E Sr 2 to " 3--fGte Sim-lair. Eva RUM, I Hattie Eula-1t. Alex Nichnlmn Jv2. to iSr 2-Belln Mt-Arlllur. MerIe Jordan. l Minnie Conn... Florence Foster. Pt 2 l tn J! 2-Elme Jordan. Sophia McArthur l Dave Robb. Calder McArthur. Robert i, Dickson. Jr A to Itst,evtuedute---Lrtttru. [in-Wm. Leone Faun". Mttrguevite Hutmnn. Eiilett Ireland. Georgina Lawwn. '1'everom Vol. let. Ethtl Lawrence. Rem Torry, Chas. Haw-ma. Frank Mm-lnck. Sesame Blou-k. Virlm- Fallon. Bert Gibson. ,,. _..-.."\.. ‘nnuvnI-ull, ‘IR'U. E. Cuff. km. A. GRAHAM, Tencher. Promotion of S 8 No l, Glenelz. To Jr tttr-Winnie Binnie. Jennie McGil. liv-Iry. Pei-CV Davis. Wittrtie Smith. Eva Edwitrde, Jammie Fulladso. David Nichol. To Sr 3tx1--Mavv Ann Bell. To J, ind-Amelia. Righy. Emnn Brown Novetta Fulluise, Laura Benton. To Sr 2nd.---Rennie Smillr, Ben Whitmore, John Arnett. To Jr 2ttd--Aiex Mx-Fnr- InneJh-mge Mclnnis, Wilfrid Nichol, Ruhhie Matthew-x. To Br Pt 2ttd-- Charlie Manrhne. Bertha Seam-y. Nellie Myra. Theodore Fullus'e. Maggie Myra. To Jr Pt 2nd--Ruttt Mahi. livatg: Flora. McMillan. Average n- tten nee for June " Aural-u. Mu. Potty, Maggie Morton. Sadie Lunm'ill. Percy aldred. Willie \Vellu. Jr 2 to Sr. 2--ItohertCuff. Fred Cuff. Victor No- hle, Jean Pickett. Leila May Vollett. Arthur Morice, Maggie Mountain. Sr Pr. 2 to Jr 2-Mangie Donne-Hy. Nina Noble, Leslie Marine. Sudio Lawrence. 1Villie Langrill. Ella. Cuff. Herb. Noble. Jr Pt. 2to Sr Pt. 2--Edwerd J. Hutton. Sr Pt. 1 toJr Pt. 2---gtos. M. lungrill. Grace Petty. Sr Pt. I-Melville Marlee. Jr Pt. 1--Nrillie Vollett, Lorne Mount. ain, Hattie Lawrence. Uecil Mountain. Elmer Hutton, Maxwell Grlerson, Geo. E. Cuff. JNO. A. GRAHAM. Teacher. Cuss G-Alice Luwwnce. Elsie Pettv, Dollie Hopkins. Mary Morton, Sr. 4- Fred Mountain. Maudie Peuy. Della Vallett. and Wm. Morice. en. Salim; Hopkins. Jane Millignu' Edward S Luv- rem-v. Berta Cuff. Sr. 3 to Jr. 4--Bes- sie C, Milligan. Edna C. Reid. Earl" vollett, (Elms. B. Lawrence. Jno. Petty. Gertie Morioe. Will Nnhlp. Jnn. Picket]. Sr. 2 to Jr. 3- Florence Mountain. Ast- thet! Petty. Balfour; Guerson. Marion Whitewear Hardware mu f, MG - " U'rTox Hun No. 10, EGREw )NT. for Above. ' M i-c-li",'" Remembe 'jikve ')iihWiiitr' {iii VOL.XXVL "m"""----- tgjXXlKyu"ys'ys"x,X m © ty,', h'l $1315: 'Fr/K/y,',' REVIEW and Tomato tl Elva" and ‘l‘omnm DI RIVIEW and badly Glut REVIEW and \Vwkly Gl REVIEW and W. Mail l REVIEW and "Osteen, A REVIEW and Weeklv SI REVIEW and Fum. Her, Bcvucw and Weekly 1\ REVIEW and Mun. Weet Beautiful Fancy FOR ONE WEEK Our GINtruA5iS Laces & Insertion We have many new House Fu Ready=t0 Review Ctubty LADIES‘ COLOR Men's Fine Shir Men's and Boys' Men's Fancy Su 1U dozen Mm yott're lookin FA NCY COLORE Price or P What we'r, goods Th our Summer Mi Money S. Clean JAM 20 j, We are show Our Latest NI NI NI Mast be clt on them at Mon: M' them. Regular tilk We have an]: prime, numb. One of t Highest I Remember. and it clothin FN , ll W W sr mart CRI‘ITO ART S “RAP he We tti t " I” he "

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