West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Jul 1904, p. 1

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Teacher gsell era M Above. 35¢ Siirenrenseecdaaariacaridariainrhtr) FalnCeleale aleCaleCaleCele s aPléleCale®aleCole"oleCs} s zo la%ela Ce e ols 2al awalen ale "0! e "a " o |o "al a "ol 0 0) E Price or Profits are no consideration now. What we‘re thinking of is clearing out the % goods ‘The profits are yours because all xi â€" our Summer Millinery is REDUCED TO HALE PRICE. [ane wealeCalabe aSeleCale®nle®ale=sle=s eeelexslens, peelaenle@elanela=ole2olonelane an0 a2 ole »alo ze le "o s2e) VOL. XXVIL. NO. 28 Men‘s Fine Shirts We have also a large stock of these Shirts, made of best prints, camb.ies and Madras in newest patterns $1 and 1.25 Men‘s Fancy Summer Shirts Men‘s and Boys‘ Straw and Canvas Hats LADIES‘ COLORED SHIRT WAISTS FANCY COLORED MUSLINS Money Savers « Summer Goods Cleanâ€"up is Millinery JAMES IRELANDE JAMES IRELAND k: Onr Latest Arrivalsâ€"Swell NEW SWEATERS Must be cleared out at once. We‘re giving special bargains on them at 25¢ and 50c. 10 dozen Men‘s Colored Shirtsâ€"just the comfortabe kind you‘re looking for, regular #1 for 69c. Regular 60c to $1.25 each, to clear at 39ec. More of them. _ Regular 15¢ to 25¢ yard, to clear at 10c yd. For Men and Bovs, at 50¢ to ©2.00 Rates . Star $1.80 aA. , ews $1.85 .... â€" $4.50 | .... $1.00 A nive. $1.75 iser â€"$1.060 «...+. â€" $1.170 Star â€" $1.175 s... _ $1.0600 [b 7 Te oi _ T y onl s Peao t se Y w I!'.“":h 2 solkâ€"OUW NB 5 HForice _ Dundalk at home defeated Markdale | by a score of 8â€"2 last Friday, Another small riot took place. \ _ By defeating the champion Brantâ€" \ford‘s in two games, the Shamrocks of Montreal still hold the Minto Cup. Kixouy TrEaATED.â€"Letters received from Mr Geo Turnbuall show that he \nrrived safely in the land of his foreâ€" fathers. _ Before landing, the 2nd Cabin | passengers drew up a resolution to \ Uaptain Arden and crew â€" including \Stewards and StewarJesses who had | * vied with each other in ministering to | the comfort of all the passengers, while |the sick received such special care as \ greatly relieved their troubles and inade the voyage pleasant." _ This and more was signed by A, MacKay, Preshyterian Minister, Lucknow, Mrs MceNaugton, ‘ Montreal, Geo. Turnbull, Darham, Tur 12t.â€"The great fectal day of {tho Orangemen opened with pouring ] rain and lowering sky. but it was easily | seen that the worst was over. and about {100 of the brethren and tbeir friends , boarded the train for Listowel where great preparations had been made for {(he annual demonstration. _ The day | cleared up fine. with,. of course, no disâ€" | comfort from dust, and the outing was | thoroughly enjoyable, all coming home pleased with the trip, | _ A CorrrcTIOXN.â€"We regret that owâ€" | ng to some misunderstanding,â€"before \ reaching us,â€"the report of the Egreâ€" mon 8, 8. Convention had the statement Ithnt Miss Naismith read a paper preâ€" | pared by Mrs. Rogers. The paper, very | highly spoken of, was Miss Naismith‘s | own work, and we are glad to give her | credit, â€" Miss N. gives promise of bright | literary genius and cccasionally drops |into poetry, we believe, producing | creditable verses, Tak QuEstroX® or BaAupxEss.â€"This is a vital question with hundreds of men who are bald or partially so. _ How to overcome the disfigurement lent by baldness is a simple matter when you consider the perfection of modern art in the making of Wigs and Toupees. The visit of Prof, Dorenwend of Toronto to Durham on Wednesday, July 20th, when he will be at the Middaugh House renâ€" ders it possible for any who wish to consult him to do so at his private apartâ€" ments retained at Middaugh House for this purpose. _ Demonstration given to show the perfect naturalness of his Wigs and Toupees, _ Do not miss this opporâ€" tunity. _ Remember the day and date, Wednesday, July 20th. In Markdale this Friday an interestâ€" ing match may be expected between the Durhams of Durham and Aberdeens of Markdale. _ Durham is out to win the championship of this district at least, and realize that they need to win every game yet to be played. It wili be worth seeing, Owen Sound Seniors were defeated In Mt Forest at the R. C. Picnic lest week, their old time opponents,. the Lornss, doing the trick, Score 3â€"1. Hanover won from Walkerton last week by score of 9 â€"3 at home, J. &s J. HUNTER are marking their entry into their splendid new store on the old Stewart corner by a great slaughter sale. Their present stock has to be reduced to make rgom for new importatioen« of fall ;;Mfioquenuy for 30 days there will be bargains going. Read their ad. on page s, GarpEx ParTY.â€"A Garden Party will be held at the residence of Mr. John Aldred, Varney, on Thursday, July 21. Admission to the grounds 10 c+s. â€" Sandâ€" wiches, coffee, cake, Ice cream &c., on sale at reasonable ratos, _ Sports ; footâ€" ball, baseball, &6°., to commence at 6.30, Everybody come. | Cill at_Livingstone‘s for your binder itwine. Best quality, at lowest price. | A quantity scorched by the fire is offerâ€" led at 7c. A recent issue of the S0o, Michigan Times contains reference to a new busiâ€" ness firm, Geo. Lamb and Son,. who are filtting up a new grocery an4 provision business, This is our friend exâ€"councilâ€" lor Lamb of Glenelg and his frtends here will wish him success, TELEPHONE ExTEXSION.â€"On Monday next at 2 p. m. a mecting will be held at Dromore to arrange for the formation of a Stock Coy. to run is line from Hopeville to Holstein via Swinton Park, Dromore and Yeovil. CHEAP _ TWINE.â€"John Livingston is offering twine. slightly damaged by the recent fire, at 7¢ a lb, Come early. He also has large quantities of the best Ply. mouth brand perfectly undamaged. NoTICE,â€"Any person desiving to see the Mayor on town business will please leave word at the clerk‘s office until such time as he occupies his own store premâ€" ses, A GARDEXN Party will be held on the grounds of Mr. Yandt, Varney, on Thursday, July 28th, under the auspices of the Darham 6. Y. P. U A NEW assortment of tancey lace stocks and collurs, some handmade, just arrived at Miss Dick‘s. We acknowledge with thanks the re* ceipt of some interesting California papers sent us by Miss H. Burgess, PosTPONED.â€"Walkerton horse uces have been postponed until Thursday, July 21st. 2â€"page Supplement this week,. Money to Loan at 4} per cent. MacRKRayÂ¥y & DUXx Durham. WaxTED.â€"A young Jady to learn telegraphy at McCFarlane‘s Drug Store. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1904. â€" LACROSSE NOTES. T o% W hiz &A# VV Ig* Ige The undersigned Committee repreâ€" senting Durham District, L. O, L., are instructed to express their appreciation of the cordial reception they and "their brethren received from Rev. and Mrs. Newton at their Annual parade on Sunâ€" day last, Also to the chowrand band for their very‘ efficient services on the occasion. _ The Committee also thank the brethren for turning out, 100 strong in response to thecall, Signed July 12, 1904, â€"Chief Judge Alton B. Parker was selected on the first ballot by the Naâ€" tional Democratic Convention at St. Louis as their canditate for President. He torms no mean opponent to the Republican nominee, Theodore Rooseâ€" velt. The fight on Nov. 4 next will be a warm one. Fon SaALS.â€"â€"1 yr old Bult rising 2 yrs, 2 Buall Clyes, oerkshire Boat and Sow Pigs, all registered Pedigrecd, Fonr Servic®E.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. $1.00, Presbytery adll:!ourned to meet in Guthrie Church, Harriston, on the 20th day of September next. FOR SALE & for SERVICH A request from Cedarville, Esplin and Kignscote, to retain MrLee in charge during the winter with leaye to be abâ€" sent the major part of each week,. atâ€" tending classes at Knox College, was referred to a committee consisting of Revs Farquharson and Little. A communication was received from Rev Mr Murray, Toronto, Convener of the Synod‘s Eyangelistic Commuttee, asking that the Presbytery relieye Rev Mri Little of Holstein from his pastoral work for two months to enable him to engage in Eyvangelistic work throughâ€" out the Synod with the hope that a permanent appointment may be made to that position at a salary of $1200, The congregational representatives preâ€" seat objected to leave being granted and the matter was put in the hands of a committee consisting of Rev‘s Hanna and Campbell, who will tornmllf acâ€" quaint the congregations of Holstein ard Fairbairn of the request and if they are willing grant Mr Little the two months release asked for by the Eyanâ€" gelistic Committee. ‘ In answer to a communication from the Presbytery of Orangeville as to opening a new station near Wesley beâ€" tween Con and Keldon, the Presbytery took steps to haye interested congregaâ€" tions consulted. The trustees of Westminster Church. Mount Forest, asked for and received pet mission to borrow a sum of $2500 on the security of their church property, this to be applied to the building of a manse estimated to crost $3500. _ A similar request from Arthur was also granted, so that in the near future every .congregation in the Presbytery with one exception will be provided with a manse, The Saugeen Presbytery beld its reâ€" gular meeting at Durham" on Tuesday, July 5th, the moderator, Rev. Mr. Edmison, of Rothsay, in the chair. Though Durham is much to one side of the Presbyterial bounds there was a goodly representation of the members, The report of Young Peoples Societie= was presented by Rev ldr Little and that of statistics by Rev Mr McCaullough, the latter showing a slight advance in contributions over last year, This splendid record under Liberal administration has never been equalled, and South Grey should return a candiâ€" date who will asid in maintaining the country‘s prosperity under Laurier as Leader. was made when the preferential tanif went in force; not only in peace but in war, Canada has shown an excellent spirit as South Africa can testify. In 8 years immigration has increased from 15,000 to 128.000: trade from $230,000,000 to $467.000,008 ; agricultural ex ports from $50,000,000 to $114,000,000 ; a great step forward in empireâ€"building | _ Monday evening the Finance Minister was the guest of the Toronto Fielding Club at a banquet held in the King | Edward Hotel. _ Sir Wm. Mulock, Hon Wm. Paterson, Hon H. R. Emmerson _and many leading liberals of Soronto _and the province were present and all either spoke or applanded words of apâ€" proval of Hon W. 8. Fielding the guest of the evening. The extraordinary buoyancy of Can«@â€" dian National Finances since 1896 was of course the preyailing theme, but the developing of Canada‘s resources, _reâ€" trospective and prospective, the importâ€" ance of this work as compared with militarism, all received attention, while the zeal and nbility of the Nova Scotian, now no longer a stranger to Toronto, was freely recognized. The story of the surpluses neyver grows eld. _ After a period of deficits, and in spite of reduction of duties, lowering of postage rates, &c., to have surplu_ses coming yearly and this year mounting: up to $16,500,000.â€"more than the actual government outlay of the 4 T P Railâ€". wayâ€"is a greac fact and a great feat, the fact redourding to the credit of . Canada, the feat speaking volumes for | the present administration, i Apply to Jxo ECKHERARDT Bunessan. HON. W A GREAT BANQUET. SAUGEEN PRESBYTERY. CARD OF THANKS. J\VM Rircxi®, C. Master, Jxo, WILLIAXS, C. OChap., lJAs.. BuÂ¥YTH, D. D. Master, . 8. FIELDING HUNORED. EVi 4 6 & |_ _The cnticism of this paper by Rev. \Mr, Hannah was highly flattering to | the writer, and was itself a most worthy contribution to the subject, It was | pitiable, he said, to hear the class of | books asked for at public libravies, pitiâ€" !able to hear publiefiers say they must ipuhlish trash or go out of business, pitâ€" | iable that people should unfit themselves during 6 days for the higher study of the Lord‘s day. â€" There was a wholesale dementalization going on by modern literature. THE EVENING, Following a smnmptuons tea in the basement and some pleasant out door basking, the evening session was conâ€" vened and the report of the Nominating Com. received and adopted,. The new officers are: Pres., Mr. J. Corkill, Harâ€" riston ; Vice Pres., Miss Stevenson, Holâ€" stein ; Ree. See., Miss Dulmage, Palmerâ€" ston ; Cor, Sec., Miss Neliie Smith, Holstein ; Treas., Miss Kuilgour, Mt. Fotrest. * Chaitman Corkill then took the chair and made a Lbwief appreciatiye address, Rev. Mr, McCallough spoke on essenâ€" tials for the success of Young People‘s Societies, amongst these beingâ€"a pasâ€" tor in full syimpathy ; a band of trasted young perple to cling round their pastor and be willing to sacrifice much ; good organization, conveners that work and get octhers to work, &c. Meliked the Guildidea, would place greater emphbasis on the prayerâ€"meeting committee and the society must not exist for its own sauke. Reilef of the poor, benevolent ob jects, missions, &e., would provide tields. | _ Miss Lizzie Laughton, one of Droâ€" more‘s many enthusiastic endeavorers, \gave an inspiring paper on "Christian ;(Jitizenehip.” One of its essentials was unity of purpose, based on love to our fellowmen, purity in public life, springâ€" | ing from an ideat homelife. Her points | were logically and ably presented. _ _One of the best things of the session was Miss Forfar‘s paper on "*Study of Literature in Young People‘s Societies " | In her absence it was read by Miss Allte |Blackburn, who did it ample justice and received many compliments for her clearness of expression and generally intelligent rendering of an able paper. Tt was partly a plea for adaptation of modern methods to meet modern condiâ€" tions, _ Socital evenings attract some who may be induaced to step further and enjoy a literary evening ard ultimately be brought to take part in devotional work. _ Appropriate quotations were cleverly muso to show that the study of great bhuman works leads to the study of the Divine word. _A Society has acâ€" complished much if it has created a deâ€" sire for literary work. | Prayerfal hearts strengthened from the closet, was the great requisite. 1tt, [ i Mr. R. R. }"Vnt.s;ml. (;f Knox, Normanâ€" |by, gave a thoughtful paper on * Our indebtedness togthe C.pl'l." It was a realization of Christian indebtedness that actuated St. Paul, John Howard _in visiting prisons, David Livingstone jand others, Socially the C. E. was doâ€" ing much, acting as guard lines to keep right, leading our activities in doing ‘right on temperance lines, on Sabbath obseryance, and in other ways. _ We | should banish the credit system of putâ€" |ting off till toâ€"morrow, spiritual activiâ€" ltives. * What thy hemJ findeth to do, \do it with thy might." In discussion reference was made to the change of \name, and it was remarked that it !might go down but thousands of souls had been brought to the fight of Jesus | through its instrumentality. i_ Mr. J. A. Grey, Clifford, spoke on | «*Character." It is Goa‘s best gift to man, the product of nature and of nursâ€" | ing,. _Endeavorers can help a great deal | in building up character by their walk and conversation, the C. K. being a kind of ndvanced cluss for 8. 8. scholars. Rev. Mr. Farquharson in discussion made a strong plea for Bible influence in building up character. _ Stand in it, live in it, and this would be the effect. _ * Missicamnry Work at Home," a paper by Miss Nellie Smith, Holstein, was well received. Our Kith and Kin are wort hy of all attention. They form part and parcel of the great country we profess to be proud of, Avenues in usefulness are abundant and it behoyed C. Endeayâ€" erers to help in extending thisimportant work. Rev, Mr. Little and Rev. Mr. Lee pointed out ways of engaging in Home Mission work., Rev. Mr, McCulâ€" lough gave a vivid wicture of the disâ€" comforts of Home Missionaries, leading | us to admire their devotion, and Rev.: Mr. Farquharson spoke of the experience | of Dr Pringle in the Yukon,. who in‘ homely garb and unministerial appeatâ€" | ance was yet a true ministerimng «pivrit, | After deyotional exercises by Mr. Campbell, the minutes of the f meeting at Holstein were read. Co notes bad hbeen taken by the Sec hearsing salient points brought c the papers and discussions, â€" Miss Hartiston, gave the Treasurer‘s R showing a balance on the richt s Agbes Apae ul sc OO 1 PPR C EY bth. The attendance was good and inâ€" terest _ fully up to previous occasions, The President was Mr. Geo, Lothian, Dromore, Rec. Secty., Miss Dulmage, Palmerston, Presbytery‘s Convener, Rev. J. Little, Holstein, efficient and devoted officers, all of them. The anvual meeting of this body, comâ€" posed of the Young People‘s Societies of the Presbytery of Saugeen, met in the Presh{fniml church, Durham, on July 5th. e attendance was good and inâ€" terest _ fully up to previous occasions, Mik ) WÂ¥ xn c E> LECCm * gAUGEEN PRESEYTERIAL ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO EtE o 2CCT s the minutes of the former en were read. _ Copious taken by the Secy. reâ€" * Treasurer‘s Report, on the right side of tÂ¥ Sa i by Rev, out in 8 Yule, § If You Have Also a good choics of Ladies‘ Bonnets, Children‘s Wear. &6 | _._the musical features of the sessions | were thoroughly enjoyable : the choir, ‘‘a duett by Mrs. "Jackson and Miss Burâ€" | net, soles by Dr. Brown, Mr. Wim, | Isaac, Mrs, W. Lauder and Misses Jean IBmwn. B. Crawford and lda Wiison | furnished pleasant interludes and were j beartily applauded. MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES to buy your Scehool Books ahd Supplies Leading Jewelers, R. B. KEELER & SON We bought away under price 80 first class Chains. Each and every chain warranted by the makers. (So we give you a chance to buy a firstclass Chain very cheap. Come in and see them any way. Also great bargains in Watches Clocks Jewelery, Diamond and other stonc Rings. Special prices in Silverwares Kee A GREAT CHANCE FARM FOR SALE. 100 Acres, Lot 36. 2nd Con., N. D, R., Glenelg, â€" 15 acres fit for cultivation, the rest harawood bush. _ Also Lot 36, Con. 3. N. D. R., 25 acres clear, the rest hardâ€" wood bush. â€" The Saugeen River runs through both. _ For further particulars send or apply to Mr. Glassford‘s lecture was noted last week, THREE NATTY BOWLS «ART BAKING POWDER" A cast iron Stomach, We keep a good stock of trimmed hats always, in black particularly as there is so much demand for black hats and black materials, suitable for mourning. We always look forward to a good trade during the midsummer and this season is no exception as we are still busv. ler‘s Store, the cheapest in Grev Co induce you to give this Powder a trial, we preâ€" sent you with with each 1b. can for 50c It really doesn‘t matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To J. Burnett, CHAS RAMAGE, Prrmmter axo Pususeee, MISS DICK. To buy a Ladies‘ or Gents‘ Goldâ€"filled Watch Chain. Mary Mc Upper Town INTYRE, Markdale Durham #

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