West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Jul 1904, p. 4

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L) Something Auto in washers t 111fiItrjyetetl mum, only IDEAL. Also 1filttlttewrirwersdall made by “$58133: Ayr. We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled.. Dunno HARROWS, WILKINSON morons, mamas m PALMERSTON BUGGIF.S. All renowned articles and at it GWRJi'S LhtT.)hi'il,fttuytT. swyzzeemsms _f-rhe spring Rusk Masseyu a1farraos f5hoa)rooms 'a ris G reen Earlfng’s 39mg gape Ftrt, Seiu'ngsion, ..»\E__HZ)a.rZing'.s Drug Store Raymond Sewing Machines. leClary Stoves for Coal or Wood All Trimmed Goods of the latest summer styles greatly reduced prices. 2haeciat ftmrhery ga, We, have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Burnett's store and therefore undamaged: this we offer at lowest cun'em rates. Th'" expect tho showroom to be repaired at once, and will continue business " the old stand. Quantities of this twine slightly damaged by the recent fire we intend to sell off, while it lasts, at gain @Zark. For the next thirty days we will sell the balance of our Millinery composed of stylish and up-to-date Ready-to-wears and Sailors in Straws, Linen and Duck A Complete Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES. at Prievs the lowest, quality considered. We are not overstepping the mark when we say that these Hats are worth as much again as we are asking for them. Hellebore, Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c Joh, Msenta for fragrant eluding. EEEE§§__Bindar fwine. For High-Class IMPLE. MENTS is best seen at 3W 3tatt fJuriee cents a Ch -A'p 'ortock. (ii) but in quality and icfheevt, Durham. Agent for the Dillon S HARNESS at fair prices r' in the at L 1 Or, INTEREST To LAnrFs.-The visit l of Prof. Dorenwend to Middaugh House [on Wednesday, July 20th. will afford l' the ladies of Durham and surrounding grountry ar. opportunity of consulting ; hun regarding their Hair, its needs. and . l their requirements in all styles of Hair I Goods. Prof. Dorenwend carries with ) him a large and most varied assortment g of hie famous conceptions in Switches. i Bangs. Pompadours, Wavy flonts and I 1Vigs. The' equal of these high grade 1 natural hau- productions can not be pro- .curcd from any hair goods dealer:, in i America. Prof. Dotenwen.d has the, distinction of being the largest manu- facturer and the most noted specialist in these goods. Private apartments are at the convenience of all who avail themselves of calling at the Middaugh I House on the day of his visit. Wednes- . day; July 20th. f From Sr. II to Jr. IH---rleatrvitre Simp- son. Maggie Mortley. From Jr. II to Br. Ir-Sadie Vaughan. Fl om Sr. Pt. II to Jr. II-Morrison Smith. Alex. Turnbull, Marv Mortley From J r. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. II-Lizzté Smith. Istlle Turnbull. Norma Black. Bu Pney Cofrield. From Sr. I to Jr. Pt. II-Clin/ard Moun- tain. Vinie Mortiey. Peter. Mountain. Katie Smith, Arthur Simpson. Names in order of merit. ------ o --- w---- Promotion Exam.vS. S. No. 3, B. & G LivIxusTosur-.In Durham, on Julv 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Livingstone, a daughter. GrrtmrrEtt.-In Durham. on June 27th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster, a daughter. CAsIERoy.--ln Durham, on Wednesday, June20, to Mr and Mrs Angus Camer- on, a son. Mr. J. E. Mantel] of Tilsonhnrg was visiting at Mrs. Thos. Aniietson's, Pomona. Hereturned home on Mon. day. Mrs. Mantel] remaining with her brother George who IS very low. P.ev's. I1'aruuhuvson, Durham, and Campbell. Drmnorv. exchanged pulpits on Salrhnlh last, Thvfunner by request gave an account of the leading ISSUPS that were before the General Assembly held in St John last month. Miss S. A. Coleridge, Humlv.w, spunk part of Monday and Tuesday with her. sister at the REVIEW "ttice, and left fur the home of her parents in Egremont to spend the holidays. Mr. Ed. Kress was a visitm- in Ht. Catherunes and nuttalolast, week. He was 'tec'opanied hack by his niece, Miss Carrie Hallet. Mr, and Mm. Lutz are ontvrtuimng the Irtt,tet's sister this week. also [hour son. Harry. who has hum [aiding with his grandpattmts. Miss Lizzie Hamilton. of London. and Miss Jessie of St Mavv's, swims of Mrs. Mcilraith, are guests with her this week and next. Mrs. F. Stuhhs. Toronto. and grand- daughter, Miss Irune Hollty, visited at Messrs John and Thus Turnhnll‘s last week. Rev. Mr, Fnrquharson, Miws Jessie. and son Charlie drove 100. Sound on Monday to take optical advice ftom Dr, Bun. ' Rev. Mr. Dunlap. Clinton. is' viuiting Durham friends and was a mwst for a day With Mr, Thos. McCotuh. Bunessan. Miss Barbara Marshall is making a fair wom'vrv from an operation for a kidney trouble pevformed ahrout m days ago. Mr. Mcllvaith has secured the seryivvs of Mr. Thotus, of SI. Jacobs. to enable him to keep pace with his work. Miss Islay Cmnplwll. so daugemuuly ill last week. Is. wear» pleased to rm port. tel-ovel-ing nicely. Mrs. Moore, (nee Miss Nettie Cameron, Varney,) and 3 children. of Detroit, are Visitors at Mr. Elvidgehr. Mr. Mot‘nrnnck. of Hamilton. was n guest, for a few days of his comm. Mr. Chas. McKinnon." Mrs. Edwm Hunt and daughter Miss Mutual visited at, Mr. Hunt’s Sh, from SatuvdnY to Monday. Muss Gun. Teacher. left lust Wedrus day on her anmml holiday trip to Mani- toulin Islands. Miss Forsyth, of Londnn, and Mr. Plunkett, of Mt. FN'eat, are guests at Mr. J. P. Hunter's. Mr. and Mrs. John Voilett and daugh- tee (have spent Sunday With friends in orehartlville. M m. A. Gordon has been t uita ill for a few days with a 'll')',,,',';',',',',',,,'] attack of appendicitis. Mr. Ehrhardt is moving this week to the new house of Mr McUvatlenN. next Dr. Hutton. Mrs. Morlock and family left. this week for. a two weeks' visnt with Listo. wel friends. Mr. Fenton Ireland, Guelph. is staying in town. and clerking in his uncle’s store. M r. and Mrs. And. Scott. drove to 1villianvdord and o. Bound on Tuesday. Mrs Jackson and daughter Christine left. on Monday for a trip to England. Mrs. McDougall, Sr.. left last week end im- o. Sound to visit her daughter, Mrs. Fiddis. MissClarke, of Brantford ha visitor at. the home of her sister. Mrs. Park, Alister McDonald returned to Flint. Mich. this week. Mr. L. G, Ireland. of Toronto. spent a few days at his home here. Mr. Alex. Russell was in Hamilton last week. Miss May Harris arrived home from Kingston this week. Misses Rita and Gertie MoCumb are holidaying with Bunessnn friends. Miss Clara Ireland. of Guelph. is visit. ing hor cousin. Miss Annie Ireland. Mrs. Renton. Sn. Dromoxe. is a guest. at her son \ViUiam's in town. ETHEL LIMIS. Teacher, THE DURHAM~ REVIEW BORN Mrs. Fred Harris, nee Jenny Baxter, came home from Toronto on I visit to her mother Thursday last. and will probably remain for three weeks. Miss M, E, mcKenzie came home how Toronto on the occasion of the death of her sister’s child, and is staying a week. Time the present system was abolished, It would he impossible to substitute any- thing Worse. and we might be saved the aggravation of seeing a. tiue piece of grad. i ing perhaps, but at the expense of cover- [ ing up With mil what the township has spent money in gravelhng, Shades of svacadam ! gravel, soil, gravel I reminding one ot Phil I‘urcel's pig which had " " sin-aka oi lane and of phat toime about." And then again the folly, the mad-cap- idity of drawing gravel from tields or long distances when plenty of it can be had on the spot on the face and brow oi lulls conferring the double benefit; of low, eiing the hill at the same time. many complain of gravel bong too coarse and hard to shovel, but when properly applied this will last a life time while the Jiner 3 material will become out up and ineorpor. [ nted With the soil. In other places it is alleged stones and boulders are left on the highway because the pathmaster has no occuswn to pass that way! Time for a mange ofsystem. ' The humiliating experience of shoveling gravel has passed for the year and the roads, we hope, are so much tl.e betusv. Owing to their lack of gravel ! one " beat " has to draw from its western neighbor. 2l miles. Mr. John M, Lawrence. by giving the woodwork of his tine brick house a fresh 003.: of pmnt,has improved its appearance very much and shown a taste in blending of colors. Mrs. George Watson, Proton Station, and ms. Falconer, Durham. accmnpnuieu by their hmbauds, visited at their parents Mr. and ms. Thos. Hopkins (Duiley,i on Sunday last. NTARRraiii5ikii/iis TORONTO Airs. Frank Bonnie and two little dnugh. tors, near Dundnlk, Visited her parents, Mr. and ms. James Tucker. and other “wads last week, The Rev. Mr. Roach preached to the Orangemen on Sunday lust. in the hall, hiking forhie text the Winds .. Thou art the Christ. the Son of God rt and tk Upon this Huck will 1 build my Church." The learned speaker took a rettxrxpeetive vicw of the Protestant church. citing :nnnngult other thing» the " Arnmda 8t and also the brave defenders of Lunmnnlerry. who knew and inwardly declared by their spirited actluns the sentiment comeyed in the titut part at the text tlint Thou art the Christ. ste. Ile. spoke also of what is ex- pected ol the Orange Order, of their walk and coumsatlon and of their behaviour to each other and tc others not members. He very forcibly, in summing up,deelarcsd it to be a disgrace to live in such a. land, a land of gospel light and Christian) privi- leges. and not live up to the principles of the Lord Jesus Christ. A good represen- tatxou front Swinton Park and Glenelg lodges were present. The choir sung: np- proprinte pieces fur the uccmiou. and were unguicuted by the Drouwre and libenezm- chairs. One of those sad eants which awakens all the inborn sympathy in tmtn's nuture , transpired here hint Friday morning when the bright infant son of Mr. and urn. Jonathan Long passed away at the we of 1 your and 1 week. He was “all and full at innocent childish pruttle " the begin. nun: at the week in n neighbor's house, and having while there, unknown to its parents. swallowed some foreign substance 'oiekedotr the floor and which lacorated the throat in its ”snags, iiually lodging in tho bowels inducing intlammutmn, tron) which it died on Friday morning alter giant suffering. “in grief-stricken parents did everything in their power possible, having conwcyed hnn to Listovlel on l'uesdev last to have him submitted to the X-rays there. but. nothing could he discovered in either throat or stomach. They have the sympathy ot the whole cimmunity in their severe loss. The collie “as decked with white and pink‘ munitions and orange 1sltoi,iotuc, and though very beautiful were nothing Cour parod to the SWeet. peaceful countenance within, it countenance in all youthful subjects portraying the many embodiment ofiuuoeeuce and of the Angels in heaven. Rev. Mr. Campbell Conducted the mutual services, Remains were interred in Amos I Church cemetery. Altogether a fine innv was' 'gli?,',', every one voting that tor dell]: tful scenery and surroundings. the proximity of the Lake and its induslries. the sinus. tion of the house and Its water facilities Owing tmpplied with wind mill), together will) the tine lawn. were hard lo be duplicated anywhere. Mrs Chas Gray, Stu. gave a good paper on "Good Manners." and deplored the tendency of the present day young people in referring to their dad as the "Gov.," the “lmsa” or the “old man." Her summing up was good and went far to show that the proper cultivation of manners easily attained went a long way towards making the perfect gentle- man. Mrs And. Scott and Pres. Mrs McGirr each gave good papers on cook- ing Int-ate. The discussion on all papers being racy and lengthy. Miss Mary Dixon, latelv fmtn the McDonald In- stitute, Guelph, was plied with questions in regard to the Institution and the work engaged in from day to day. The timely subject of canning {runs was also touched upon. Pres. McGirr also gave a paper on "Rest" recommending a short recline after dinner or at stated intervals, which elicited the. remark from one of the ladies present the pro- priety of discussing the possibility of keeping house without work of any kind. Miss Kate Dixon, Sec., was slight- ly indisposed having tecentlv returned from an extended trip to friends near Milverton. The regular monthly meeting of this progressive body met on Thurs- day last at the fine residence of Mrand Mrs David Hamilton. This meeting is reported as being the best and the Ittrtptst yet held, some 40 good specimens of the tiner sex bring present. There were also pr esent some 10 couch men or drivers who whiled away the time in whining sticks and in homing on the Late. WOMENS INSTITUTE. NORTH LGREMONT MODE I. BAKERY. LOWER TOWN A fust class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECQNIHA'. we are artists in our line. THI RDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment: LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see mr Yourself And therefore we hear .nothing but prase for our bread. cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. tr SUITS TO AT! We invite you to come Ready=Made Clothing GOOD REASONS: The "lMPEplAL " Shoe THE PEOPLE’S STORE STINSON'S Brick Houses and Lots for Sale. One very desirable cor- ner building lot. ROBT. BURNETT No home is complete with- oat one of our Gasoline or Coal Oil Stoves. We have some great bar. mains in Granite and Enamel- ware, to offer you such as: Rice Boilers, Water Pails. Cream Pails, Preserving Kettles, Bed Pans and Kneading Pans. Property for Sale Do not start Haying without securing a box of Bickmore Gall Cure. Granite & Enamel ware Summer Stoves Our stock of Bieveleattaeh- meats is complete. Gall Cure Bicycle Attachments GREAT BARGAIE WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. W. BLACK. If not, come and let us con'vince yox not find its equal anywhere in qual Also the "Regent Brand" Clothing -. '- G""""","',"'" "I Boys, or Youths. Have' you n ___. " " In this department Me shine, as we alwa; on hand large stocks of the best Clothing 1 guy, the v IgcaYQplly Brand :” H This is THE Shot: for Comfort, Style and Wear. It is of Canadian manufacture, and we have them for both men and women. In other lines of Patent shoes, we have the "ttoith" a fine-fitting American made shoe. Considering quality, they are very cheap. Try a pair. Freshest Groceries always on and inspect our Goods .M u. um ucu uounug you can adilly Brand :” For Men, Have' you tried a Suit yet? at us convince you that you can anywhere in quality and price. D_n_j " n1 .1 . Address C. A. FLEMING. Principal. Owen Sound The huge new wmg. now being built to the College. wull he completed and furnished during the holidays and will he opened on that date The Notthern Is the only Business College in Canada. owning a, College building. Tin-new Wing will provide "ttot-lotion for 1.5o more students. Send for circular descriluug out courses of study, which are. Business Course. Hhorthnnd and TypeweirtngrlouPse Preparatory Course Will begin on TH UHtit9A Y. SEPT. 1th. PEEL, :HE SMEl0lll >9:9'NEW fiyioiiiyree- j. S. MCIlraith REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next D Campbell's Implement Warehouse. Trunks & Valises Shoe DRESSING Take Notice The FALL TERM at the Jp,-a0rTtipyt, /r' having nearly 20 varieties to choose from and more com. ing. Custom work & repairing done as neatly, cheaply and promptly as possible. TERMS: CASH. We handle boots and Shoes from many makers and in different kinds. Also in great variety. We are also headquarters tor best Be sure and see our No trouble to show them For the Babies. we always hare Imam. ' JULY 14. 1904 INLGOO. Scott. tir., of M DOM in our vl'.p. rook. Ins Edith Gieu icon in Toronto alum". with he! OL Sm pl. went Mr. Lee} than. The Prctilwt picnic Lere m well attended Dromore, 'ras' [Ire oldretme Some lum- d, count. of the _\'. to sell drinlu. our people “Ill "Cl and glam-'0 any School tue Mr. J. W. , Sundu' [Nth Mr. (image Mr, But-h titudeut in ' the music-m old friend, I as his pttrti IcAatlnur. In Grocerles, Dry 601 & Shoes, Crock 1*“ We ask TWEEDS d: s. SC 'HIII') Black M t 1qu Isnltl II "E at SELLS 00s MI 4 "l We can ”m 'fiii"i"ii 'ttlatches, Optical .900 female fPe 0/210 5Peopie Good linoleum AMI-mum w. H. v, VI the dandruff, a! and added mu. not entirely bald Opportunity. In " Pr. - tat "on. “m m [m1]: ot no. bf..- ""'"°Az.-r- 11-» w Bald P Scalp shi; Then " prob: You 'tegiecaed l you had only a Vice. you would 2% 3'or, Who ltr 'tthu, by (a " LY ld NEW “Innis! " HOPEHLLE ll must A 00sec for cm * tu tu

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