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Durham Review (1897), 21 Jul 1904, p. 1

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M Y: tr, re ft . whi 3T5 l... Me gem}. "/ use - 650 .$5.25 ussell Mor e. an . 25c 50c " _,-.-:),'-';:.'?,, ES H. MOCKLER. iifi, fiamasm,mmwmg in E2 't___-_-_-rib:.)"'""""')'""'"',,;.,,, :5 A A ' Lt" 1531':2:37:59;EXEEEEESWEEESEWHEEE @WEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEE VOL. XXVI. N035 We are showing all the Laces 6: Insertions, all O' FOR ONE WEEK MORE One of the best offerings of the season is oqr line of Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only 1ch per yd Our GINGtiAMS, ZEPHYRS, and COTTON VOILES are all marked just a little closer than most. Remember o JAMES mtrsLaiiiiip We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coverings, &c. NFAV CRETONNES and ART MUSLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( 10 different patterns and Shades.) NEW DRAPERUi,0, and SILKOLINES. House Furnishing Department Ready=to=wear cLEARINirac-sALEi'ii Boys' Summer Suits Only fewloue- . ly 0110s tocleapat HalfPriee Reg. Am and $1.25. Sale price Reg my: and 15c yd to clear. per yd. ...... I “III“, V'WI VlUICb Retr. 75e to eiear " Tweed effeets in colors, reg 50e. Reg 50eto clear at Me wound 75e, midsum- . _----------- "e--.---------.------- _-e-__-e--------- mcr Sale, per yd . . .... Mt, " __. “I . . m Odd lengths of printed organ- dies, figured dimities, Seotch ginghams. regular 15e - _ Wash goods forCool Dresses Throughout the store. Every department IS clam- oring to have its bargains known. These prices are samples. 2?ie,GihdaT'rtTirFii 100 20 010 i Ynu‘ll wonder at Ireland 'g selling Trimmed Hatssochcap hat its better to turn them into money at half price and loss than to carry them over. " No old stocx " is our motto, so here they go at, 50e, at 'me, at $1.00 to 83.00. Linen Buggy Dusters JAMES IRELAND 3? Fancy Wool Violes Highest and it is only to introduce Clothing that we offer this Foil 1 0 T) Remember, our Stock is New and Complete and it is only to introduce our nerfrrf fittir,rr r..~~ "r'"'"'.. .. "urns... 't0.00 and Mort. “Nelly Hemld.$l.15 New P 500 yds Print " can MUKE We will offer those New Embroideries inches wide, worth from 20c to 25c. at . .LWeie per yd ew Patterns worth from 7c to me, for . . . . .. .Ge per yd We are always pleased to show our new goods whether yonJu'or not BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. "rn r THE CASH STORE. 'rices pai That's what we're going to give on our new Stock of 75e d; $1 allover Laces, Ribbons" & 'rrim/nings is a Big Discount -----IN OUR-- Midsummer at large Stock of New newest and daintiest patterns in 10e - d for Butter and Eggs. AYS O? 313) 81.85 84.50 31.00 81.751 81.011 81.761 $1.751 8u.eoi Dress Goods and Suitings 'ith,, 50c, 75e, $1, 1.25 Another new lot -- in latest styles. See our lines at $6 & $8.50 Ltutles'Crav'nette Raincoats '..:_:i'1'i"'ii_,i'l itirtlitlttrg, All sizea reg 81.l0tot1.75,at Good brown denim, regular 75e pair, midsummer Sale, per pr.... ...... 500 Men's & Boys' Straw Hats Warm Weather Shirts For i11en--dorens of them Clothing our perfect fitting generous discount Men's Working Shoes Men's Overalls NLXT. '53} Ill d; $1,25 5 5:5 - l vV .-...-. .. "ulna,"- ‘F lbllll'it' " .11903 Junior chum ions, at 4 III to-day. E I p p ( Accovx'r of a picnic in Egremont, is _ promised us for next issue. I j Fotrsn.--w mourning brunch with t photo of ymmg mun. This omce, ( i Fovsn.-on street. Dominion Day, a. _,' M [ locket, MIL-losing hair. This office. i I wAsre.ro.--A young lady to learn I E1 telegraphy at McFavlilne's Drug Store. _ Mi Mm-Fnrlnne has some Wall Paper i Elmmps. See his ad. Price is no con KA i sid9rntinn. i TEACHE R WANTED. il Mr. C. M. Blyth of Orchard. while in gtown on Tuesday told an Advance re- ;pm'ler (if an. str mgr freak at present] In l his orchard. His pear trees which are i heavily loaded with fruit about the SIZE :01’ hen eggs are ugain out in blossom. "1‘0 add tothe myatery of the unusual inccurrence, the blossoms are on this spring's growth on the end of the 1'nthsr--Arton Advance. H CANED. -After a residence of 14 yrs. if in Ayton, for 13 years principal of the ,Puhlic School and 1 year Sec. of the .N’ew Cordage Co.. Mr. w. I. Huston ‘left last week for Portage La Prairie. ,havintt caught the prevailing western 1ffyyp, The citizens presented him with ' a. gold headed cane as a mark of esteem 'to one who had served the village so (well and long. FIRST HABVRsrrst,.---Not long since we were asking "Through Seeding yet ?" and here we learn on July 18, that. Mr w. E. McAllister of the 3rd Con. Normanby, is today cutting wheat. It ins a good crop too, stood the winter 'well, and is n. variety called "Early ;Demo(-mt.” Will some of our diary- I keepers inform us when wheat was cut l earlier ? We hear it whispered thatn hard wart- , husinew is to open shortly In the new A. S. Hunter. storm with an expert, in 'charge. The J. & J. Hunter corner I store next door has got things inside 'adjusted nicelv, and certainly there is ; no liner place in town to do business in. l The great. slaughter sale is still on. Applications for teacher for S. S. No 3. Glenelg, will he r.eceived by the undersigned up till August 9. Duties to commence Oct. 3, and last until end of year. - - _ 12 E a ' x, 'dr. = m _llarTosse mat V ___ ._. .._ w... ... 115‘ ural.. our" [all for 25 as to Jan. l, 1905. Review I[and Globe to beginners for same. period all) cts. l i A GRUESUMH story comm fruiu Oreh. nrdville. While wm-knieii ware demol- j ishing an old stare they found between 'the Joists of the Ceiling Mild alinve the iplnster " large jar (-niitniniiig the te- "unites of an infant. It is supposed 10 'years at least, must have elapsed since placed there. THE Ayton Mining» Chr. held a suc- rewfui annual meeting. all the share- ' linlvlei-s seeming to be. well satisfied With their investment. They have some good ; men in the, directorate, and by avoiding and profiting hy the mistakes of same jotliei' facial-lea we believe they will go ' ahead all right. 1 Fuum EN'S Cox vKNTro.N,---Clnef Torry land Mr John Ruse of the Durham Fire i Brigade will he the deleaates to attend ithe Provincial Volunteers Firemen's, 'Convention to he held at Milton on 3 August 2nd, 3rd and 4th. 1 Nun WANTS IT.'-ie Werskly Globe l with its many fine features, 4-page illu- strated "ditnon, markets, round-tho- l world news', hornsa news nf the best. Kc., all for 25 as to Jan. l, 1905. Review land Glolre to beginners for same period "1|an I The Bus and Dray husinees has again [changed hands. John Murdock selling ottt his interests to Frank Hinds. Mr. anrdock leaves next week for British I Columbia. , MUCH sympathy is felt for Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. McIlvride, of Craighurst. in 3 the loss by an accident ot' theu ymmgesr. lilaughtvr. Flora. We have nu put-mew .lnrs at this writing. alum: "fyoLtDAe.-Next weak- we shall Inks our Annual Holiday and there will in: no issue of the REVIEW. The office will be open as usual for jabbing work and other business. Phone No o, 11HE People',, Mills have constantly on hand all kinds of feed, especially No. 1 Mixed Chop at, $20 per ton. Also Flour, Rolled Outs. Theatlets, at right prices. -J. & W. MCGUWAN. NoTICE.--Any person desirnw: to see the Mayor on mwn business will lease leave word at the clerk’s omce untls‘such tune as he occupies his own store prem- sea: A GARDEN Party will be held on the grounds of Mr. Yaruit, Vurney, on Thursday. July 28th, under the auspices of the Durham M. Y. P. U. On page Swe give afull and able uddrvss by Rev Mr Little, Holstein. who is being sought after by his Synod for evangelistic work. Readers will be thinking we we luk- mg Our holiday this week unannounced. Not so. The delnv is again attributable to the G T R. Since the snow blockade we had our puperseut by express : three weeks 0120 we thought we might. ven- ture to trust freight gelling tluough In four dnvs from Hmuillun. hut it seems our judgment was wrong for as we write. Thursday, it. is not here, vet and we. will he again compelled to he at unnecessary expense to prevent such delnys. Next week nu elsewhere au- uonnred Isnur week off for this year. Ottiee open as usual fnr Imam.“ Lacrosse mntclr-Dtwhtu" w W. . . . - DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 21, 1904 WM. RITCHIE, f3ettttyts tt3ii . srs7i:i,tesf.,n.rjtlhatt t9illttii.i..tlolPlliCtt open as usu_ul for business. OUR HOLIDAY. THE PUBEISHER Edge Hill. tit Elora. 2m No. s, Osprey-Miss M. Adair, teach. er. V. Sproft 589. No. 7, Osprey-E. H. Morrison, teach- er. S. Heron 5.50, T. Spencer 5.30, No. 5, Osprey-Miss E. M. H mean, teacher. It. Cooper 666. No. 9, Arteutesia--Miss N. McMullen, teachev. A. Walters 611. No. 3. Artemtsia--A. Reed, teacher. A. Orr 637, w. G. Wyatt 552. No. 6, ArtetnesG--Miss E. M. sr/G," teacher. - Fletcher 679. E. Whittaker 655. J. Fletcher. 583. No. 13, Arteutesia--Miss A. E teacher. A. Fisher. 675. No. 7, Avtemesia--Miss M, Bate, teacher. J. Oliver. 658. A. Dingwall 5.30, A, McPhail 550. No. 17. Artemesia-Miss H. Stafford, teacher. V. McLean 593. B. Russell 551. No. 6, ArtetnesG--Miss E. M. Small, In.‘nL.... "L4 .L,_, Mn n u-.. . - No. 9, Osprey-vi'. Andrew. teachel S. Hudson 637. _ - --'e-i-_iF ”I. "A. “U!“ My L. Davis 630. It. Trimlnle 624. E. Kar. atadt IOS, B. Hales 50t, U. Whitten 570. C. Vanlmsen 556. L. Boyd 553. K. Le- gard 553 No. 12. Artemcsia and frlenelst--C. E, Stuart, teacher. D, McKinnon' 634. B Watson 600, L. Watson 550. 46 wrote M this centre and the follow. passed: Fletrherton P. B.--N. U. Manse", Putty.. E. B,taeti,e.68.t, 1riBtLyti_tk5o.' No. a, Merttinek--Misg G. Nichol, teacher. M. A. Mauser 714, S. Cluttick 00t. No. 3, Bentmck and Brant-H. Wil- loughhy. teacher. V. Bauer 850. A. Pttirrais 747. U. ts'tadtlandevtm, L. Sande nan No. 2, Bentjnek--it. A. Thum‘won. teacher. E. C. Purves 562. M. E. i' ’illis 56.). S. L. Edmonds M). No. l, Bentinck--Mist, H. Marshall, teacher. B. J ucklin 655. No. 5, Bentinek--Mise G. Nichol. teacher. M. A. Mauser 714. S. Chum-k Hanover P. h'.-Miss M. Dmmghy. teacher. L. Mann 790. S. Hertel (55.3. A. Klemmet, 612. E. Penpler 597. H. Prater 585. A. Pvast 584. L. Sclmus 538. No. 2. Bentinck and Brant-hir. Mc- Donald, teachev, T. Walker 628, B. Chttzke 62]. a. Black Ga. 32 wrole at this centre and the follow me passed: No 2, Nnrnmnhy & 1sGemont-Mi,q, A Harrow. teacher. A Mark ooo, M Pindev588. No l, Glenelg--A Firth, teacher. C Kennedy 617. No 14, Eprietttont- Miss M. Gordon. teacher. M Campbell wa E 1vilsontioi, also at. Dundalk Maggie RIthiugzall 551. No o, Gleneer,---H FTyreman. tsurher. E Weir um, A Aljoe 552. F Ritchie 550. irCri, A Cari, .356 No 13, Eqtvttsont-- J H (mu-hon A Welh, 070, Bl () Moore 5.30, G Reid 550. No lo, Bvntinek-.iuis, D tyyych.etr, L van 007, Mam: No ll, Bentinck--r, A. Gmhmn. tea. Chet. F Mountain 755. M Petty 710, W Notice (552. J A Lawrence, 560 J T Mil- “gun Gm. S Hopkins 550, D Vollelt 550. No IO, Glanelg~ Miss M McCunnel- teacher. 5. McDermid 676. No. 3, Bentim k.-. Miss B Gilcluist, teaeher. E H Vickels 550. No 7. Proton-M J McMillan. teacheo. F Wutson NU, R. Alcorn im, N Kinneu 550, N G'autpNslt.rra50, _ No. ll, Fotrtunont-Miss A Fates, tea. cher. T Mason 025. H C Love eo. Ny. 3. flleue,lw--J w Firth, leuclu-r. M. Edge 782, Lena Edge 550. l The result is given below: DURHAM. Irene Latimer. .742 Charlie Funny Momn...736 E. Mek BesruV Telford...7ir, All, Met Wm Curnpbeti..7oo Jewel L Tuna, Mcummmms Jean CY Amy Kolly......694 Emma} Edith Allan ....671 Arch. D Katie Clark. . . . .661 Bertha! Clavk. McCaul..653 Chas. lh Hazel Chtldweil.,0t9 Lottie T Mary 1titchie...ttt4 Wm. La Rom. Ltidlaw..at2 Annie A Stan. Manlly. .631 Marion Lot. Harltottie.mo Ettie Hu Ella Ector. . . ...608 Ben Mat Miss M Edge, daughter of Mr D Edge. takes the bronze medal for highest at Durham centre. Mr Jno A Graham. shall We say " us usual " passes 100 per cent. Mr Graham it seems mus has an unapproachnul" record. THR. Gordon Silver Medal for highest in the Inspectorate goes to A. Dowding, of Mnrkdnle. who has 855. A pupil of Mr. Willouzhhy. Bentinck. runs him close with BN). [ Durham passes 80 out of " Saturday last word was wired here hv Inspector Cmuphell that Durham School had [mused for Entrance 30mm "CU, which Is the largest number lhe school has passed at one examination in its hiqtory. The result is gratifying f It to the pupils of Coutse ( 2) to the teach. er Ne. McIntosh. who ind chtuore of the room for 8 months. and (3) to the. School Board who see in the result, material for the higher work of the school so ably conducted by Principal Allan and Miss L. Forer B. A A large proportion of these Will likely continue and as year hy year the number from the country taking advantage of High School privileges is increasing. considers ntion of the question of a High School _ for Duihuu can not be long deterred. [ We heurlily congratulate the pupils' and Mr. McIntosh on the brilliant record i, made, and hope the former under tl new ' tnnnhnn “GM "0:“ 1.7u.‘ - I . a _ V 7 "r' -..x -_r. u-cl unucl' " new teacher will still keep pushing ahead making new conquests in wider fields. Continued on page 4. :'i.th,r,t:,,tuGriiiiriVir'iiiiuh' AtJOwen Sound on the 12th. ENTRANCE RESULTS. FEES H ERTON. Petttont-- J H, Coleridge, Wells 070. B Renwick 001, I‘ Y), LA] >-(. HANOVER. Charlie Rmnnge 606 E. McKInnun. . .601 All, McGloek1in.att Jewel Little. . . . .592 Joan Cvuwfovd. .59] Emma Harvey-"575 Arch. Davidson .570 Bertha Spuling Mr, Chas. anlimz. .561 Lottie Turner. ..557 Wm. Lawrence.S52 Annie Aljoe. . . .550 Marion Gun . . . .550 Eitie Hunter. . . .550 Bea McUracken.a50 I. A.Airahtuu. tea- Miss D Davidson. ', Maggie C Smith Pt S. L? Scott, Lots 43 and 4t, Cmtrutwiort l. South DUI-hum Rand. Gleuelar cunhiningnm- hundred (100) amen. uhuur 7,5 awn-s cleared. good frame harn with "tone smhling. frame huusv. new-r mam”; well. One and (me-half mun-s from school, church and Post, 0mm. For further particulars u 'plyon theme";- iseu Otto Pricevnlle ll! o.. lo the pro- prietor. Mrte MAttoAmerMcLatangLAs" [In reference to the "hove it has been pointed out to us that the notices forl-itl bathing anywhere. we have tho Mayor's assurance that no such drastic order is intended! The pmlnhitiun :tp- phes only to the river and public pl;tve.s --thottgti not. an ribvted-nid to put'lit's ')l1"i""" there in Edvuic com tunes. St a l, DEAR 8m,--Just n. word for the boys ‘re bathing privileges to wk if it, is not gossihle to modify the Order. of the uyor, and instead of including all om hove in the prohibition have the Older to read that if proper bathing suits or trunks are worn this order shall not apply. I write as a mother. who pealizes what a hardship it is for the . ludduw " to In) unable to get into the rafwshingz water except at hours which are too early and too late. The last few hot days compel me to ask if our boys may out. have-”om opportunity giVen town (by providing Bimini guifbvl'u enjoy the water. EDITOR REVIEW t An interesting event was the presen- tation of n medal to an octogenariatt whose membership extended over 06 years. 'mmunems. Tet prize for largest, lodge. iii. 2nd foe flfe and drum hand, being Ede-barred from 1st because they had 'tttore than "one" fire and drum! yet, singularly got 2nd over othet competi- tors. It was. In our correspondent's view, by far the best music on the ground. and they also made the heel, marching. John Par-slaw got let in loo yds race, Bert Watson 2nd in l mile Jaek Brown Wd in 1 mile, Hrto Kinnell and J Parslow 2nd in :i-legged moo. j A Ttrespondent writes us some notes regarding the great. Orange, denmnstra- ’tion in Owen Sound. whit-h was very [successful as to attendance-and interest. {The Dundonald incident furnished a theme. for several of the, speakers. and {the political bias of many was apparent. (Rev. Rural Dean Ardill made a good 1speeeh. Inspectot H uglier-1. of Toronto. spoke of growing entltusuoim among ['i,l)1lir.e..l't.rf, which was growing in the l, States as well as in Canada. They kept {the day as a reminder of the overthrow of tvranny. and he enjoined them to he ever on the alert. Alex. Muir, author of "The Maple Leaf Forever." still l strong and vigorous. was present and), made a patriotic address in line with his famous song. He quoted poetrv hearing on each nation's love of home, and was quite eloquent. Swintnn Park Lodge and members won many lftnors and more admiring comments. it prize for lamest, lodue. I) f. w? Durham o. Sound Dundulk Markdale _ The Owe Sound \Vvllingtons took lheil :19ch game from Dundalk on Tuesday at home, hy the scan- uf 7 to I. This narrows the struggle in this tii..s trict down to Durham and Owen Sound. Walkerton came out second has! at Southmupton last week. Score ll---','. The Thistlesot Fergus, two years in- termediate champions. haw " very pum- show of winning n mum» this sensnn in the senior series. They have now lost 4 straight. 2 M home. The following is the present standing in District. No. 3, Junim- serivs, ll. L. A '. Won Lost To play Per (-vnl Durham 3 l 2 750 o, Bound 3 l 2 750 Dundalk l 3 2 250 Markdide I 3 2 250 .. ... _.. turll'l ytt.ten they (Toms tsticks this season with the til duh. Another tine victors. I to the Credit of the Du boys. last Friday no": Mm-kdule to play the re mane with the Aberdeen with a. greater mnjnrity they elpected. As Phu" opposing tram played a it_mietink injuries on St players. Burl McDmm cover point, received a Pt new! which required tie while {Inn Gi‘ghauu tett It r . i , cut t mu . 2'dl'i',','df hruispn R... FARM TO RENT. Letters to the Editor. lynx“ Defeated at Home LAcmmsw: Norm ne Heron-v has been added t of the Durham Ituwomse Friday noun they left for. play the return whedule te Aberdeen"; and retmnud rs were all Durham. ring. our boys secured 3rd and three in the 'et mull Ming put in majority of mink iiLii As exuected, his", the .I‘r I A MOTHER. L‘turv has ii the first, “In; strong Dundalk TORONTO f If You Have Also a good choioe of Ladies’ Bonnets. Children's Wear. dcc MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES Leading Jewelers to buy Keelvr's, f fl, B. IlllilaL/ SON We bought away under rice 80 fitait class Chains. Each an: every chain warranted by the makers. So we give you a chance to buy a tirstclass Chain very chea lc. Come in and see them anyway. Also great bargains in Watches Clocks Jewelery, Diamond and other stom- Rings. Speciui prices in Silverware , We were pleased a few days "not" have it hriet letter from Mr Geo Turn. 3 hull. and his many friends will he pleas- t ed to hnve a whiff of Scotland [mm his :pen and will he glad to have "some l noted later on." l Writing hoot Filling. Lot-lumen ( Scotland. he says: "After " pleasant journey amiss the Atlantic. I m rived in Glasgow on Sundnv 'aith. Stayed there all night. then on Monday left tor the north. arriving sutely at Loehiuwr on F.ed.petda.v, 2Mh. L whiuver is a hequ i. ful lillle place by the seaside and cl- l lhouzh it appears out. of the wow. it. is _ Visited yearly by Visitors from all mm. Nince coming I hnve enjoyed myself. (in Sunday I went. twnce to church and heard one sermon in the Gaelic language. The singing especially delighted one. On Monday my mother and I had at walk through the maxim and palm-es of the Duke's private residence. Yesterm day Ji'.', Visited the school Mid Were Ilnn- ' Go....-" . . On Friday ht. Dominion Day. " Inh- 1v'tllsuntrrudttr.,v the mad l mu: much in. torosted in seeing a yacht Pome in de. cal-Med with Hugs. Thinkinullwv were cell-braking Dominion [bowl made en.. quiries hut. found it was the hirthda, of same "no on board. I leave here on the 12th and may send won some noted later on. l GREAT CHANGE ,4 .. T'""".'" """""rwe. t day we visited the school and ttsuch intarrerted in seeing and h all Mum". school "ttutrwetttetn in land. To-murmw we are going to" and on Fring to call on the Minister. THREE NATTY BOWLS “ART BAKING POWDER" A cast iron Stomach, We alwavs look forward to a good trade during the midsummer and this season is no exception as we are still busy. We keep a good stock of trimmed hats always, in black particularly as there is so much demand for black hats and black materials suitable for mourning. with each 1b. can for 50e. Powder a trial, sent you with It really doesn't matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to give this MISS DICK. CHAS BAMAGE. Pun“ an F '1fjtee, the chaps!“ in Grey Cr .,11ryifit1hfe) Books 9,995wa . Burnett, A WORD FROI SCOTLAND To buy a. Ladies' or Gents aotd-filled Watch Chain. Upper Town. Atlantic, I an rived in 'zlnh. stayed them, Monday left tor the 'ly l hu-lniuwr on we pre G Eu. T'vit.xnvra. " and hen-ins: Remain! in Sun- ".'.'e going am to Durham "

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