West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Jul 1904, p. 4

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M Something JNo in washers ' IDEA L. Also Wilhehn's Wringers We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled: DEERING HARROWS. WILKINSON morons, HENEYS HARNESS PALMERSTON BUGGIES. All renowned articles and at fair prices (tadf7R,R'S I M PEEJITQJYQT awmeemams ,ijltjlleir_ir: 31 C, 1f)aarsis Shensreoms 7559 Spring Rush Paris Green, Hellebore, Bus: Death DADarZing's Drug Store John givingston, Tarun 9 . s (d Mtl', g Ema Store Raymond Sewing Maehines, lemony Stoves All Trimmed Goods of the latest sun: greatly reduced prices. special m7/I'nery ga, We have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Barnétt's store and therefore undamaged: this we offer at lowest current rates. WP expect the showroom to be repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. Ihtantities of tha twine slightly damaged by the recent. tire We intend to sell oft', while it lasts, at , ohn Glark. For the next thirty days we will sell the balance of our M illinery composed of stylish and up-to-date Ready-to-wears and Sailors in Straws, Linen and Duck A Complete Stock of DRUub‘ and MEDICINES. at Priees the lowest. quality considered. w e are not overstepping the mark when we say that these Hats are worth as much again as we are asking for them. El,l,ie..t.ter..t.h Binge; _rott)iru, Jolt .9901”: for fragrant: Ctothins, l in Washers f T _lyr]lTi1rNed Drum Wilhehn's Wringers,:all made by Ivuis%ia For High-Class IMPLE- MENTS is best seen at . cents a lb. "w------. large quantity of this Twine in Battyitt's _store and therefore - -AT---. l, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &e .79 3tatt Priee 'ortock. (ii) £9.31) Durham. for Coal or Wood, ggged anmi only in the y Watson of Ayr. Agent for the Dillon 1mer styles at Mr Britton Walker, an auspicious us- tentauous youth of Sullivan is catering to the wants of the numerous customers at. H Hunt's mercantile establishment. uuu peep an we charming face 'nenth that btswitcltinsr, hat and we extended the welcome to Miss Agnes Bryce who gave the village a pleasant call before returning to the Queen eity. new auu spent afew very pleasant (133:5- in the community. One peep at. the charming face 'nenth that btswitcltinsr, hat and we extended the welcome to Miss Agnes Rn». “a”. ----, Mr Burt Batty, a tumor and very pep! sex came down frot week and spent afew in the community. Miss Mary Barry who has spent the past six months teaching near Fort Wil. liam returned Tuesday to spend the Pa- cation in the burg. Mist: Mary Smith an estimable young lady of Sundndge. is visiting in the burg the guest of Mrs Dr Smith. Intended Ne ll." week A Winsome lady is hire J Piekard of Boston. Mass. who is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs It M Dargayel of the bore. We miss the entertaining manner and lively Conversation of Mr Wm Watt who leaves this week for Seattle, Wash. after n. pleasant sojourn with friends In the hull: and community. Miss O'Learv. the popular teacher of the Separate school left last week to spend _ the vacation at her home in Part Lamhton. She was accompanied by Miss Alice Pryle whose pleasant- manneris much missed in the burg. She is a lady possessed of a charming personality is Miss Aitchison of Seaforth who is visiting her brother Rev Mr Ait. chison of this place. ___ -_, . , A very pretty wedding was solemniz- ed in Rochester, N. Y.. when Miss Mary Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt 1Vatt. of Snult. Ont.. and Dr. Wm. H. Sutherland. of New York, were united lin nmrringe Thursday evening. June 30. The bride was :uttlred in {cream silk mull over taffeta, and carried bride roses. The Inidesnmid, Miss Louise Odom. was attired In pale blue silk null]. and married cream roses. The groom wawnUended by Dr. "enrySt. John. of Rochester.. N. Y. The house was handsomely decorated with mur- gnerltes and roses. The hride was the recipient of many "enytifulaifts, among l them a diamond and pearl pendant" Rift of the groom. After an extended trip east the young couple will heat home in Rachester. N. Y. [From a t'etwnt issue of the Sun]: "Star" we cull the following item. The bride is " twice of Mrs Wm John- ston in town and of Mr Cleo Watt in Nornmnby. and has often visited here '. I Bolts-h, aninck on July 11th. to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Clark n daughter. llF.sTos.--ttt Durham. on Julv IS. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kenton. a daugh- ter, an outlet for his energies could he found in his native country. He holds at present, the impovtnni, position of S'ec- retary of the Cleveland Medical Soc-wry with a membvrship of 500. He is also Pvesident of the Union Medical Associa- tion of North Eiutorn Ohio, comprising :4 counties. Well done for a Durham )ny. Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Lauder and daugh- ter leave for Cleveland. 10-day, 1Vedies. day, the latter having spent some pleasant wtwks In her old homo. The Dr. hm been wonderfully successful across the line and we could wish that an outlet for his energies could he found The Paisley Advocate mentions a. nmngst visitors to the Bruce Co Old Bov’s Reunion, .. Mis,, Maud For-fur B A of Durham H S Staff. Miss Minnie Flir- fnr”and same others at it H Curry's 6th Bruce. Miss Gertrude King, Inuiir teacher, Mt. Forest, left Tuesday morning for Maple Creek. Assn,, and other points, where she will spend her holidays. She will resuuw het. teaching duties in Dur- ham on her return. Miss Ethelle Sweet. who has been head milliner for three years at Mors locks, has severed her connection With aha! firm and left for her home on Mon- ay. Mee. John Brown. of Bentinrk visited her mother. Mrs. McIntosh. for " few days and left Tuesday morning to spend a month with friends' in Toronto. [ Fl Miss Agnes Vollett. tf Owen Sound. accompanied by Miss Millie and Master Fred Reid. is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Motfatt M ins Velma \Vllliamson of the RE- VIEW staff left \Vednesdny to spend the holidays with friends in Gait and Minto. Mrs. James Hepburn and daughter have been visiting for a. week or two near the tevttter's early home in Glenelg. Norman. McIntyre, Sn. and Dr. Mahan left on le';",',,",., morning for Edmonton where they wi 1 visit for n. month. Miss Dick in on a visit to her home in Hensall. Miss Gardiner. of Parkhill. is looking after her business. Mr. Arghie McDougall, in company with Mies Curry Smith, vieited Walker. ton friend" on Sunday last. Mrs. G'. W. Woodland and family, Toronto. are spending u. few weeks town. Mrs Ed. Mellignn. Wiarton. has heen viailmg the past, week with old neigh- bor: and friends In town. Mrs. Shaw, who was guestuf. the Mtsses Modders. returned to Hamilton last week. Mr. Allan Bell left this week on It trip to Winnipeg. Mr J S Drysdale. Detroit, is a guest of Dur hum friends. Miss Norah Chadwick is visiting friends in Hamilton. Master Alister McDonald returned Saturday to Film. Mich. ' Mr. Martin Gooth has gone on a visit to Buffalo and Rochester. Misw Susie Gudd. of Toronto, id spend- ing a few days in town. many. a progresaivo vouug very popular among tho fair down from Manitoulin last -. - e-, - . DORNOCH. THE DURHAM REVIEW Hymeneal. »~.<-.- BORN CmrtAATey"niTtRe' TORONTO l During the past few years the increase lin attendance at this popular school has been little short of phenomenal. In the school yen: ending last. month about two hundred and fifty students received instruction at the N. B. C. and during the winter months every desk was occupied and additional rooms and to le secured. The new addition is of white brick and Will he situated in the rear of the present. building. The. dimensuonsare 27x50 feet. with two storeys and base. meut. The building will be plum and substantial and will be fitted up with the latest school furniture" and appliances. A complete new steam heating plant will be installed-NE No il. Nr, E Bruer SE 577. Neustadt P S A Gottfried 746. 35 wrote at this centre and the follow. ing passed t Mnrkdalt- P. S. -J. S. Rowe, teacher. J. Dowding 855. It. E. Tucker 738. M. Leslie 712. E. Leslie 700. H. A. Henry 652. H. Knott 650, G, Haskell frf"i'., L. Moore. tBl, R. Howard wo, It McCul- lough W.0, C. Mercer 622. L. Irving: 609. Emma Bradley ooo, M. Kelly 570. C. Brown 572. M. O’Henley Gio, 1. Smith MO, w. Neshitt 550. No, 6, Holland-Mis,,. M. .\lr(‘locklm. ( teacher. M Reid wo. F, Bradley Ne. Separate School No G, L'lenelg--Niss N E McAsey. teacher. M Fognrty 681, N Mengher 685. M Morrison ire, A Meagher .392, K Foqarty 550. No 11, Artemesia--Miss M E Hunt, teacher. M 1Veber 552. No 18, liyphvasia-gis,, J ll Oliver, teacher. w Walker 558'. No 2, Ntemesia--Miss. It Irwin, teaeher. G. Hill 550. No 1 Holland and 1s'uphrasia--E Mav. shall, teacher. E King 588. NEUSTADT. of in Mth-n I} Ml No. 15. Artemesiu and Proton, O. G. Brooks, teacher. l. M. Parks GM, A. E. 1U..I’..... yer F Here is what the London. England, Daily News save: "Are we to have the risk of an imperial crisis raised over that trumpery quarrel in which Lord Dundonald has not the shadow or a case. It is high time the British Government, which closures parlia- ment, closured this indiscreet bearer ofa great name and assured the Ca- nadinns that England disassoeiates it- self from this fire-eating general, tt and the Dnilv Mail says l $t The sooner the war ofh'ee and the British government turn their attention to the doings and sayings of Lord Dandonaid, the better it will be for both the motherland and Canada. It, is no part of the duty of an imperial officer to cause friction be- , tween England and Canada, and tl soldier who does so serves the larger l empire most indift'erently." t Entrance Results. I ( Conlinuml from page I) IM'NirALri. i 37 wrote and the following passed : _ Druidulk P. Fr'.---). J. Hakeem". teacher. H. Bowlevtrvi', W. Cowan “In. E. Nethercnrt on. C. wmy on. v.3 Claridge 592;. It. Sander rm 1 No. 13. Proton, /1', K, Paton. teacher. Fl, Dilingtll G.51. i No. 14, Proton-Miss M. Agar, leach-l er. L. A. Anderson IO), C. L. Moody 56.”). No. IG', Melanctlum--Mism C. Clark. tent-her. N. Marlin Gm, M, Hole" 5130, M. Woods 550. No, 2, Osprey-Miss B. Oldfield, tench- I or. w. Scull i83. I No. l, Osprey-Miss L. Bradley, teach. l or. E. Gray 550. NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Lord Dundonald by this time will have the plaudits ut'l‘urontu out of his ears and will be able to listen to the echbes of the British press. The iteration of "hweigner" and " stranger " by a few Conservative speakers and writers shows in what straits they are for a campaign cry. Everyone knows the local meaning the Premier had when he used the words, yet no doubt we shall hear for the --'teenth time the charge that the Premier spoke of the British gen- eral as he would of the Prince of Morocco. The greatest diiseourteay of all was in the singular omission to make a reference tothe address he had just received. The charge that the militia is neglected will go small way to hurt the Liberals for it is a fact that they have been more generous by far than their predecessors now their oppo- nents. The attempt to make capital for his would be friends will end in disaster to them toe Liberals would like nothing better than to go the country on this same "Dundonald incident." His action at the great Massey Ball meeting last week Jastiflea these re- marks. Gotten up as a purely non- political affair. prominent men of both parties invited, he failed utterly in ttraspintt the situation. The address ~which he had previously iseem,-ahe ehainuan's introduction and addresses of the other speakers were all fault- lesslv in line with the non-partizan idea, yet Lord Dundonald put his foot right in it and launched out in invec- tive against the government and of course in a Toronto audience there was bound to be many who could overlook propriety to join in it "crack " at the Liberals. Lord Dundonald has proved that a great General is not necessarily a great gentiemnn. No matter as to the merits of the dispute between him and the government. it was surely an unwise judgment that led him, still an impgriiu officer, P.. take sides with a political party. No wonder some British papers are demanding his silence or his recall seeing in his lack ot act, a positive dangerto the con. tinuance of harmony between Canada and Britain. LORD DUNDONALD 1N POLITICS. Inrmanhyn-D Heuther. teacher GOO, E Kremzer GOO, M Schans M A H RDA LE. w w Tait. leache". No wonder some s, W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURHAM AGENCY A o.-.,.,, DJHL' . _ CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL. Paid up... . RESERVE FUND'. . ... AGENTS in all prm Ontario. Quebec, Mal Stats“: and England. uill!1!ji!!,r,j!,r,i))iiit We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur',, store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Well-known and reliable. Giving best satisfaction. Once used, always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Call and examine. ll, MODEL FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY. we are artists in our line. THI RDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTI.Y, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see ior yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all And therefore we hear oothing but prase for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. urveszing tr SUITS To AT! Pete, farm/lion K algrm 0y. GOOD REA SONS: l ti. STINSON. SiyTt2SrSSCatT'S3 Do not allow your animals to offer when you can buy Fly Oil so cheap. Another shipment just ar- rived ot'the celebrated " Black Special ct Machine Oil. Our Paris Green and Bug Finish 15 second to none. See our Buggy Dusters. Rags, Lap Rubbers. Whips and Harness. Just a few Berry Boxes left in stock. Do not risk that old worn out Hay Fork Rope when you can buy a new one so cheap. We have all sues. "And still the world goes round," and so does the goods gel. scattered around the world oat of the Busy Store. We have just received a large stock of Hay Forks and Rakes which we are selling at reduced prices. bias, J KELLY, Agent Made to oriier iii'" Latest Styles on shortest notice. “WEDDING CAKES Pi HARDWARE I BAKERY, LOWER TOWN W. BLACK. Machinery of this famous firm's make 'inders yeu--..gt0oo,0a. pm. 1,000,000 '.-........ 1,000,tt00 principal pomta m Manitoba. United 4 'est, thu, 'owers, Willair & BELL Call and Also Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy get a Tudhope Cutter & be in theswin The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carioads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled ur with over a carload of the famous implements I .7 _ hi We can give you Bargaiw 'er We ask inspection of our Teas., OF' BEST QUALITY. Grocerles, Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, &c. TWEEDS & YARNS so Maxwell Machinery _ _ _ / _ " fr ' M/// M Will begin nu TH L'RSDA V. SEPT. lth The huge new WIIIR‘. now being built lathe College. will be completed and furnished during the holidays and will be opened on llmt date The Northern Is the only Business College in t'atlada. owning a. College building. 'l'henew Wing will provide "ccottmoodotion fol 150 more students. Send fur circular descril-Ing Olll emu-sen of study. wliicl: are. Business Course. shorthand and Typewritmg l 'ourse Prvpurut t ury c, uni-w Address C. A. FLEIING. Principal. Owen Sound Jinn: @z-gans They are good in every respect PEEL, shit? SHDEMAN Show Rooms dwell Stables »»~NEW filhi0ESt-s REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next Campbell's Implement Warehouse. The FALL TERM at the Shoe DRESSING Trunks & Valises Take Notice . SCOTT. $udhopo Gutters . S. MCIlraith Custom work & repairing done as neatly. cheaply and promptly as possible. TERMS: CASH. having nearly 20 varieties m choose from and more com- ing. in great variety. We urv also headquarters tor best We handle boots and Shoes from many makers and in different kinds. Also Also see our famous Be sure and see our th 'or the Babies. ‘I tanbton gt: e our Goods., opposite Mid- It 01121. 1904 , I [Mending madman n “Corinth-100:1 than Fun txAI.y:.--l yt old Hull , Bull Calves. m-runhin- H4 Plait. all registered l'v'iigr 'hmvictt.--l Jim Inhin- Mlldl ako Durham Mull. Terms. Apply tt. un 'Y mung m Behool it equip] - Maul-um: work cl Competent Teachers 1 THOS. ALLAN, l'rn Hui.» Wm Johnston ' FOR SALE & lor S NEW LIST OF I llckamith Business so Acres v " Hun. tb.'.,'rr The Hanover l l "wry TheHanox ttll tlutt he has Mild included in his I he now on. ts th 200 Acres " N too Incite. INT till" so Act" um turn Lam tthu I‘henilc- , Fulu'y Durham s 7 ptem I “our Gold " t'opettics nun- plm MI 4 (h HE as SELLS use. was L. M. Fo II. ll. Al I Ll Expert that were We trineere ners will I know a " so that we to the sch dam” given FM to be give: are being I we plural (1:1 ts n drawn. Bushy» c o rpm-it I‘ll kind hing nu nough u address know an nuanced ll PW', Hur mm 1.7. .0. y In” v“ lullmu l tho Halt 1'wor .toppen a All right."--' W. C. Lana ii"... W0. A r u. flu'Salti'a-. for I bin 1 w. JI. ii I'ilairr promptly stop t Your hair will bet too, and all dandrl appear. Could y ably expect Inytll Losing your ham out by the cord doing nothing? I that! Why doif Ayer’s Hair l san M Jf. form It 'ral Staff and Equip Chum-I It Inc TIN H. II. MILL! JULY 21. I nVNI " blal NEW ul..\HH ll (YO/10 " rep M ion tt tt " u B W ers W “I - " SW n 'em "

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