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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1904, p. 1

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l. 1904 L'RDM: J. Russell K1118 ole for Above. , , q V l o q $115!: KIRI‘ rear Agency. 65c 65c $5.25 . Me 50c 35c ll ' Pe, 333E5633E33333¢3333333m3333§ VOL. XXVI. NO. 30 & 31 y,' - m if.3141-:EEEEEEEEEESEHEEEEEWEEQE "r-_-sitio/iii/iii/iii/ii/hi/ii/iii"')):, 2.: House Furnishing Department ii, H. iirii"iiii'iitER. i, WARP} 3,9 PPMAMMMWWMMM CLEARING =Cp Tweed eireets in colors, reg. 600 and 75e, midsum- mer Sale, per yd . . . . .. 500 Reg mac and 150 yd to clear, per yd. ...... Reg. '1.C1Jand $125. Sale price Odd lengths of printed organ- dies, figured dimities. Scotch ginzlvams, regular 1he to 25e, to clca r at per yd 100 Wash goods forCool Dresses Ready=t0=wear Throughout the store. Every department IS clam- oring to have its bargains known. These prices are samples. _ Wc have many new and Stylish Draperies. Coverings, &c. NEW CRIC'I‘ONNES and ART MUSLINS. NEW ART SATEI'ZNS ( IO different patterns and shades.) NiiW DRAI’ERIES and SILKOIJNES. Only few lune- . ly onvstoclearat HalfPrlce Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only Inc per yd Our C,1NtitIAMS. ZV.PHYRS, and COTTON VOICES are all ma: lml just a little closer than most. Remember Laces & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons lk Trimmings JAMES IRELAND JAMES IRELAND Boy -,' Summer Suits Linen Buggy Dusters Tou'll wonderat Ireland 's selling Trimmed Hatssocheap hat its better to turn them into money at half price and less than to carry them over. '. No old stocx " is our motto, so here they go at 50e, at 750. at $1.00 to $3.00. 20 o), i Fancy Wool Violes We are showing all the newest and daintiest patterns in One of the best offerings of the season is our lme of 500 yds Print Remember. our Stock is New and Complete and it is only to introduce our perfect fitting Clothing that we offer this generous discount FOR IO DAN'S ()NLX'. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. 6 BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. 1V.e are always pleased to show our new goods whether yon by or not. 75c & $1 THE (LUSH STORE Midsummer That's what we're going to 'tive on our new Stock of is a Big Discount ---IN OUR---- Our large Stock of New lOc ' Good brown denim, regular 75e pair. midsummer . Sale, par pr.... ...... 500 All sizes. reg: it1.40tot1.75,at Ill d; $1,25 Sale Price Dress Goods and Suitings Clothing Men's Overalls itil ttttttttit ii iiiiilliiiiii8?Aktll i Fotrytr.-a mourning brooch with f photo of young man. This ttttice l FORT F1r.wcna FrotrrttsmNG.--A let. ‘ler received a. few duyi ago from Mr. Chas liluenau. late of Normanhv, con -tains a most, optimistic. ring. He says ' .. Keep your eye on Fort Frances," and y t proceeds to cxpatiate on the fine farm- i §ing possibilities of the district and the } new lite given to the plate by railway ‘accommodation. "The grind thing I about this part is that we have in ahun- |(lance what our next neighbors to the 5 west need so much: lumber. wood. tele- lgraph poles, ties, fence posts. &e., and t I since the. railway opened the demand for $these things is becoming more urgent. 'Men with full pockets are coming here l to manufacture these things. It is said lthere is enough to last 100 years. so you lsee there is some back bone in the thing. 'Just enough tanning is done here to i keep everything booming. and the little farmer has. at the end of the year', as l much money as the big further with you ,owing to higher prices. For instance hay is $20 a. tom Wages are excellent _ too. For the benefit of any who may care .to know, 1 may state that I and my two little boys get 807.N a month." ~Mr. Elrenau's tribute to the REVIEW is Jan unique that we give it in full, being. .of course, well-pleased to know that his Us one ot litany homes wherethe Review lis highly prized: “But. Mr. Editor. l amongst all our' blessings here, and they 1are many. I want to mention the Dur- Iham Review. Indeed so necessarv has has that paper' become. to my existence that my wife bemoans the fact that there will he no Durham papers in 1 Heaven. She says she doesn't see how 1 am going to stand it there without it. " But to tell you the truth, Mr. Editor, _ she watches for its arrival even more learnestly than I do. It was only the /other night that as I was about to re- I.ceive the paper from one of the boys 1 who had brought it, from the office. that '[a hand came slipping past. me and the " next, moment my wife had the Durham b Review clasped to her bosom and she psar on it all supper time so that she "night have the titst reading when we i got through i" i HEATHER IN BLoo.u.--We were 'plensed last, week to receive in good lshnpe n. package of heather. nicely In , bloom, picked. packed and sent. hy Mr. i Geo. annhull. now visiting relatives in this old Sutherland home. With char. lncteristic thoughtfulneu he had tied up ,nnumher of little. bundles. which we “and pleasure in delivel ing to the parties gmdicnted. Mr.Tu|-nhull Is Ihm‘ougth Jenjnvmg himself on his native heat [and leaves for home about, the end of ,ithis tuouth. He has our hearty thanks fin-the henntiful flower. associated so l much with Scottish poetry and song. SEED \VHFAT FOB SALE-A good variety.----' PARKKR'B Drum STORE. JERSEY Cow FOR SALE-A young Jersey cow will he mid reasonable. Apply at the Separator Works or to C. Law. Prop. THE People's Mills have constantly on hand all kinds of feed, eapeciallv No. 1 Mixed Chop at. $20 per ton. Alan Flour, Rolled Oats. Wheatlets, at, right prices. --J. k w. MCGOWAN. Fun F3ALE--Extra tine pun-o bred Jersey heifer calf. Dam Jessie A. J, H. B. No. 15797. Hire Pine Bursts Son A. J. G. C. No. Nk581. Apply to F. PEEL Durham. Arno \VANTS IT?--The Weekly Globe with its nmny fine features, 4-pnge illu- strated etlitson, umrkele. round-the- world news. home news of the best, kc. all fot 2.5 CIN. lo Jan. l. 15105. Review nnd Glam tc' beginners foe same period 60 cl h. New TEACHERS. -- The St hool Board have omipleted ttrrttt1Retur'ttts with MI. H. R. Koch of Mannheim. Ont.. to lake the Entrance mom lately taught. so successfully by Mr. McIntosh. The assistant for the model term is Mr. J. H. Smith. Is. A. of Kuhrywlle. Both come highly vecotttmended. SERIOL‘H ACCIDENT. - While Mrs. (homer. n. sister-in-law of Mrs. Dr. Me. Donald was at the. station on Thursday lust waiting. seated ttt a. buggy. her horse, ( the same that mu utf with Dr. Jamieson ) took fright and holted. She steered it snfel.s out of the yard but just us it got straight. on Lumhton tit. it "mile " dash for the right going between two poles at, DI. Wolfe's stable. Being only rr'few feet apart the buggy was caught fast and the impact sent, Mrs. t‘rozier into the air landing on her side on the cement sidewalk some 12 feet, away She was removed to Mrs. Allan's near hy and has since been taken to Ilv. McDonald‘s. It is thought no bones nre broken hut the shock has been a. NOVPI'O one and some weeks will elapse before she can walk. Her hushnnd. Rev Hugh G. (lmzier. son of the well known pi. pioneet' pastor oi Egretuont. is in the North West, at present. The horse. wlm'h wrenched itself free from its t'mtenings. was none the Worse. except for the cotttivtnation of a bad habit. DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 4, 1904.3; CANADIAN skill has recoived two no- tableaucessinns. Lou Sclmles won at Henley the dimnond sculls. thus becom- mg world’s chmnpion mwer, Private Perry of Vancouver won the King's Prize ut. Bituey. Scholes got, u. Ire- tnenrlous reception at Ton-(tutu but week and one is being planned for Perry. furnwrely a annntu boy. Town COUNCIL met on Monday night and missed accounts to the annount of 8trltt.37, one ofthe largest items being for the purchase of some five appliances for the Brigade amounting to $228. Consideration was given to the estimates and the Tutu will be struck in nfew days. The School Board handed In an estimate- ha. school purpusvs of $3100. Twrntrfive dollars was granted to H. McCracken for work he had done filling in at. sidewalk in front of his property. Sunday evening last after a few darts", severe illness um! several yeah: impaired f health. Herbert, W. Mockler passed _ away at. the age of 56 yrs. 5 monthsw falling a victim to Petuaicioue Anaemia. i Although out of the current; of civic life. ', for a year or two the deceased has teen" i so long tetope the lawn M business '. 1mm and citizen that is taking off calls for morn than passing comment. f He came ("Ourhznn about 1856 with his parents who had been residing in Fergus. His father was a retired clergy- man of the. church of England and» nun of considerable learning and liter- ary culture. The deceased spent his hnyhood here and at the close. of his school "ars was a Heel: in Owen Sound fora time coming to Durham “pin to enter the. employ of the. late J. H, Hun- ter. He remained there quite a. number of years and in 1870 entered into busi- ness for himself in Upper Town in the store Inst octupied by Mr. McCahe. Since then there has been almost con- tinnuuslya Muckler store. he having a tew year-s ago transferred the business to his son Mr. H. H. Mockler. His wife is a daughter of the late Mr. Jones who was also in business here. and the. with her daughter Eva and son Herbert will sincerely mourn the lose of an utfection- ale husband and father. Two sisters of deceased are well-known resident:- of Upper Town. The. Review extends sympathy to all. Mr. Mocklevwas st: oneg Conserva- tive in politics and form number of years was President of the Association here, Indeed he was within reach had he wished of being its candidate for Parruunentarv honors. and his counsel and advice wept" valued. As a ritizmx of Durham also he was bottoved having held the Mayor's chair tor n numhet. of years, and did what we never saw done before, retire from a higher ottice to accept, a. council position the next year. About 10 years ago he was appointed R J. P. Eden. and Mrs. P, Black. of Egremont. and one hrutlwr, Wm. Chapman. of Shallow Lake. The funeral services wow held in the Methodist. church. Hol- slein by the prvsont pastor and the late pustm. Rev. Mr. Totax. of (angill, who WM instrumental in leading her to calm resignation and faith in her Heavenly Father. In pvivate life he wns genial and tttr- assuming to a. degree. He was n. umn offine phyqque and as we remember him 30 years ago and after. few tiner specimens could be seen. He was a member of the Chum-h of England and Rural Dean Ryun otficitsted at, the ham»: and grave. On Sunday. July that. at her home at. Holstein. Mrs. ti. T. Orchard passed away at the age of 41 years and 2 mos. She had been ill for almut 4 months and her death was not unexpected hut leaves a sad vacancy in the family circle. Hee husluunl and fouy children, the youngest ll your-snl-l. aw loft behind to mourn hmw-nrly doisira. She was the young- est :lnughm- of I he hue Wm. Chapman, of I‘Igrvnmnl. lim- sisters are. Mrs. Jaw. Being n. prominent mason his hreth-i pen accorded him a Masonic fonerul.i Ten Lrethren were present, from Mt.) ForeaL: Priceville, Fleshetton and other; places Were: represented. Places of , Imsinvsq were closed during the mar-e {nary hours, the Town Council attended , in u hod'y'hnd A very large nmulwr of! old friends and neighbors did honor to: his memory. (, WW1”- Rev. Mv. Truax. of Cargill, who) 'liyova "laden splendid showing at Mt. w"? ins!.vuttsenty ll) leading her to calm {Forest against the Lorne-s the day after resignation and faith In her Heavenly i Fluyinf in Durham, The final score was Father. ( J---0, " though the Rocks were ahead at Mics, ED. IIU'I‘TON. half time. M i- ' . l l 3 The championship of the district de. st,.i',"t1tl'vi,"c'.y1/nt"i,.ait""ttd', "idol," IVA“ mended upon the result of the Hanover- laid iiia, fourth han d t h Q “id a Y ",tt'ottthatnption match at Hanover last . .", Re to. t e Pet" tr"re Thursdav. and the Hanover. houtelrrews of her son Ill Benti.nck.. For some time l were downed by the score of 4-l, We past she has been ttt Indifferent. health. regret Durham will not have a chance atteetmq her mind and m a moment of lto hatrle for championship honors with weakness had resolved on and actom- 1 their old rivals plished the taking of her own life. For ' . . . I.. _ Immv yeari by industrious habits and l The Din-hams (:rosyst mics '." the" last "mu-1- many difficulties she struggled I scheduled game In this district in Dueli- and succeeded in raising her family in ldn’lk next Puesday with the hotue.clll " comfort and leupectahility. and the sad i They mtend to win Sure and then full" termination of the life which we have , with the .W.elliturtons ior district recorded. will be forgotten in the mem- :Clmlnplonshtp brnors. ory of her devoted motherhood. Her) It took the WeliinRtorw of o. Sound husband. who had been separated from mil their time to defeat Markdalt- last her for some time died alioutn year ago. l Friday. The Aherdeens came out our Sincere sympathy is extended to ihelgottl tiehittd,3--2. members of the family in their sorei -------H ---- '---t- bereavement. l Money to Loan at, is per cent. Man. LARTER DEAn.---Mr. and Mrs. Charter Smith and son Robt. attended on Monday the funeral of Mrs. Lmrter sister of Mr, Smith who died in Toronto from diabetes on Saturday previous. Many here will learn with regret her demise as. for a number of years she was " resident. of Durham. She leaves four or tive children. who, with Mr. Larter's first, family tenderly cared for her in her illness. -.---t-, 00 i------- See S. F. Movlock's coats and skirts fut-fall. IMPROVEMENTS. - As the summer ad. vances progress is being: made m civic improvement. The north retaining wall on Lamhton Bt.. east of bridge is completed, and the one on the south is under way. When the filling in N done there will he it fine stretch of sheet. leading us to wish {that a. similiar wall could he erected on ot least, one side of Gavafraxa St.. north of bridge. Some. thing has got. to he done there soon. The Middauuh House stables are rem-- ing completion again, Mr. Geo. Moore havingthe work in hand. Mr. A. IV. H. Laudet's new house is assuming shape. across the way Mr. Lnidlaw’s residence is bright, with new paint l Mr. McCrnt-k- on is getting the front, of his two new residences in very attractive shape. Besides all this prepartion is made for new cement, sidewalks, and the School Board have in contemplation certain much needed improvements to the grounds. THE LATE H. W. MOCKLER. Death Was Busy. MRS. S. T. ORCHARD. " 1.34%? 3-1 . t1lJilttti). l '.' . F i it"??? a The that closely contested tactos- f unit the season here. In scoring at, lend. won by the Din-hams over 'Elor e Junior U. L. A. champions. ion M, July 21. The lllilll'll was Hum at considerable expense chiefly ifor the purpose of testing the strength 'ot the chxmpions with the home club. and to give Durham spectators it high- lclnn exhibition of lacrosse. As expect- ‘ed. the. Rocks were it hard pt-upositivn. ‘, Dmhun winning out by the closest, 9mm of any home match m the last two Kent's, 8 goals to ti, but with " purely ot_ne.fetus Elam has n strung hunch. i but fthe combination and sit-night shots inlude Durhmn‘s goals count up. The l, home team was always in the lead, the Escore it halt time being 5.2. in Dur. jhntu' ihwor, but the Rocks made " stro lni-zh. Richiuxitiou, of Fergus. lprox n whim-wry referee. only it Jew, pbwers being ruled off. while no "orioats injuries were inflicted. l The last (mutter saw the boys in irlue I and white laying all round their op- l ponenls. 'Fhe Thistle-s moved almost ‘, all the home down on the defence. but 1 still the hall flew the greater portion of 1 1iiG' tune. in dangerous proximity to the I I Dundulk goal. Whenever it. did trnvul lap held. Theobald and lintchins were there tocheck it, and throughout the It,',',",; they fed the home in tine style. he game ended with four goals more liar Durham. one of them at time side “hot. by S. Gmlmm. The match was ' conlpyntively free from roughness only GG or two players being penalized. tty l 'aeteree Lambert. of Mt. Forest. i yours l Four straight victot'ie for the D I, C. l McCatfrey and Graham have the mm- llvitmlion down flrte. i Matheson was always on the spot [ while at cover point, Bert McDonald is ', impassnhle. Just. one week inter. the 28th uit., the Dnudalk club was defeated here by the decistve score of ll-H. The last sched- uled home game was marked by un‘in- creuaed nttendnnoe. showing the grow- lt interest of Dm-humitvs in lacrosse. A DOC" 00 routers accompanied the This- lles. ieho had serious intentions of win- ning. but these were dispelled in the second quarter. In fact. it ww; the :3th game put up by Skelton and Wilson. at point and cover point, which saved them from an even worse defeat. lathe first quarter. the Dun-hams. it appeared. eoUldn't strike their gait. scoring only one goal in a sormnhle, while Dundalk evened up afew minutes later. In the net-0nd and third. " though Dundnlk still put up a good game. Durham by fast. corulutstttiou scored 3 and l more goals respectively. Charlie anelle in goal being invim-ilnlo against Dundnlk‘s attacks. The Dun-hams crosa st irks in their. but scheduled game in this district in Dun- dnlk next, Tuesday with the home cluh. They mtend to win sure and then hatin- with the welliuRtons for district championship hrnors. It took the WeliinRtonst of o. Sound all their time to defeat Murkdalu last Friday. The Aberdeens came out one goal behind. 3--2. w. Lavelle and P. Glaser, assisted in the scoring. IV. Hunter played a slur gmue in the field, Dundalk has a Rood goal-tender. A regrettahle"cet0.eut, Occurred to a Dundulk player in the thst gum-tutu A swift, hall struck him 0n the ribs lbl't‘ilk- tuggtwo of them, as a, result of which he was laid off for the vest of the game and is still seriously ill at the Muidaucrlt House. P. Crawford want otf to even ups. . . .. . . . . ... Waterloo Separator for SMOMNWIIIV new. in fitst, class threshing order. wil h duster. a Inn-gain. Alsogo-bd cedar tank ‘with pump. Apply to A ORR, Dvoutore P o, Con IO. Egremout. , S. mcNIc-The annual p, Nhyh'rian Picnic tykes place to-day. Thursday at the park. " Mactalla, " said to be the only (int-lie paper published in the world, crtssed publication last week after an i-xi-lence of 12 yum. It Wu pitoliuved at Sydney. N, S. USE BATIIING siprs.--In ('onw-x-sw tion with Mayor Hunter. he awn-m us that the prohibition as to bathing does not apply under thecivctuttritttties' re. ferred to by "mother" ttt the letter in the Review two weeks ago. ELECTRIC sroRsr.--tvednosda.v of last week a violent storm of thunder lightning and rain, some plat-us hail-r passed over this sectinnand cullsidl‘lilllll,‘ damage was done. A inn-n in S. w, Norumnhy Was burned. two horses were killed ill Proton, the chimney of the old " Big 4" 51.0119!“ Upper row" wan smashed and several people were atfert- ed by shock. The greatest injurv near here was done to the electric works at Aherdeen, which were put out, of business mu] the town has been dark since. An expert, from Toronto has been secured lat investigate and it is not known yet, when things will be righted. Everyone hopes soon. The Durhams Still on Top. Money to Loan at, 4.5 per cent. . MacKay & DUNN Dullmm. Elem. Junior C. L. A. cham- Feated in an Exhibition Game Dundalk's Waterloo. ONTARTCT ARCHIVES TORONTO l JOHN. LIVINGSTON. The latest, wow“: and patterns in new fall dress goods " ti. F. Morlock's. tlt. Leon’s Mineral MUter wen-Med. in t.'l; and qlmrts . on dtttft,t25c. a gallon. . Parker. Hr. Brown. Natural. wull not be In Durham during August, hut will be here as usual Sept. 13. READY AoAm.--The Midduugh Home stables have heen put in lhomugh re- pair since the [In and are again at the service of the public. 4 , EARLY WHttaT.-The reference in last REVIEW (nearly wheat culling h w E McAllister who cut an the MK of July vmu trawl try C. Melanin. Yeovil,' who writesui that he cut his wheat on July mm Iti96. For certain improvements to the gt'html grounds, consmting ot grading. h-wlling. stonework kc.. norm-ding to tepecilietttiontr to be seen at the Secre- t-Iy’s oMee ml or after Sutul‘dny. Alums! (i Tenders vereived ulna 6 p In August”. Lowest or any tendernot necessarily accepted. - SOME TWINE PRICES We are selling off this excellent brand of well~known twine at the fol- lowing prices: GOLD MEDAL TWINE which runs 650 feet to the lb for . . . . 13L, cts. GREEN SHEAF..............12cts PLYMOUTH SPECIAL... . . " I as Can be had at Robt. Burnett 's store or at our showrooms. We are Going To Move And for the IO days We still have in the old stand, we offer you red-hot Bargains. Come with the crowd and get your share of the Bargains. The Leading Jewelers and Booksellers Where we will have the best and thc largest Jewelery and Bookstore in the County. Clearing out Sale of Ply- mouth Binder Twine. TENDERS WANTED. In“ CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-u an PUIUIIIB. KEELER’S, If You Have “ART BAKING POWDER" THREE NATTY, BOWLS It really doesn't matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but is guarantcd to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to give this Powder a trial, we pre- sent you with with each lb, can for 50c J. Burnett, cast iron Stomach, - C'. RAMAGE. My. Durham Sch. Board. To the big Store on the Corner in the McIntyre Block I To wn. ll cts I'l

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