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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1904, p. 4

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Something Auto in washers ' TIre Perforated Drum GMRJi'S IMPEMQJY? nihmuimeats We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of Sopth Grey, we are not excelled.. DEERIXG HARROWS, WILKINSON I'L0UGHS, HENEY’S HARNESS P ALMERSTON BI'GGIES. g All renowned articles and at lair prices Jhhn givingston, t,)ttassersrf,'aatau's . f5henoareoms (rho Spring Rush kDarh’ng’s Drug Store waerng’s Drug $150 Ire UTS' Itaymomt Sewing Iaehines. Icelary Stores tor, Coal or " ""“u at ... “0 995030"? . fue I'erlorated Drum, only in the IDEAL. Also 1vflltelm's, 1vrintrtrtidal1 made by waiaa' Ayr. SEA/IORLOUK Green, Hellebore, Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c., This is an exceptional opportunity to procure a thoroughly well made, stylish and up-to-date Skirt at a very low price. and are the correct thing for Early Fall Wear We have just received a large lot of stylish ready-to wear Skirts, which excels any we have ever shown before. They are made of We have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Bitrmitt'ss More and therefore undamaged: this we offer at lowest current rates. We expect the showroom to be repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. Quantities of thm twine slightly damaged by the recent fire we intend to sell off, while it lasts, at 7 cents a Ch. A Complete Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES, Tat Prices the lowest, quality considered. gain Glark. Fl N IC BR th.t DCLOTI I S. A N " FANCY SNO‘VJ'IJA ICM TW'EEDS. 7i..,1i.iLee1rtii_2iiruur Tuns. SKIRTS STYLISH LADIES’ CASH AND ONE PRICE. For High-Class IMPLE- MENTS is best seen at ----AT--- 3?ng Durham. Agent for the Dillon Wood. . a"-'""- -v... “.4 a... uLuKu Auc- Laan's. Monday last, August lst, was his 70th hilthday. and by way of cele- hmtion. had a number of friends to duly celebrate It. Among these were Laird McGillivmy of the old stock and Mr. Drysdale. the ginger whom he met in Detroit recently. The REVIEW joins in feluntatiome. . Mrs. J. E. Mantell. of Tilsonhurg, will leturn this week to her parental home to nurse her brother. George Anderson. of Pomona, who is gradually growing weaker. Her sister. Mrs. Grant. of To: ronto, who has been relieving her for the past. three weeks, will return to her home in Toronto Friday. Mr. Jnhn McVicar. Detroit, formerly a resident of Glenelg hack in the 70’s, came over two weeks ago to see his old neighbors and the old spot and is mak- t!i, ly? hendqgurtgrs at. Mr. Hugh Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Uoutts, Georgtown. the former Principal of the Prd, School there left on Wednesday ast after spending a week with the farmer’s sister, Mrs. Rev. Farquharson. Chief R. Torry and J no. Rose. star. warts of our Fire' Bri ade, are in Milton this week for a few guys in attendance at annual meeting of the Provincial Vol. unteer Firemen's Association. Mr. Wm. J. McFarlane went to Arthur Tp. on Saturday to attend the funeral or his uncle h I. Wm. Eden, aged 75. who has long been a prominent farmer there. Mrs. Horsburg. Sn. who went ittnt lately to reside with her son Mra0ter near Dornoch. was aerioualv ill last week. but. at latest accounts was re- covering. Mrs. Gardiner, Toronto. has been a guest with Mrs. Wehher for some time, Her husband came up last week for a brief holiday and they returned together. Dr, Jamieson was taken last week with» mild attack of Typhoid Fever, but we are glad to hear Is likely to make a quick recovery. Messrs It. Scott. Wm. Mills, 1Vm. Black, Norman McIntyre and Dan McKinnon attended the Mt. Forest races on Aug. lst. Mr. Levine. who has done business through this country before, has opened up a stock of dry goods and clothing in the Central Hotel store. Miss S. Vullett. who recently went to Fr William, has in company with her cousin, Miss Sutherland, gone on a Visit to Winnipeg. Messrs Chas. and Fred Ryan are holi. daying at the rectory last. week and this. The former is in chttrgre of mission work in Kansas. Mrs. Albert Leslie. Mt. Fountain] son Roy. came up week before last, to mend " holiday round her old Bunessan home. l Misses Teasdale, of Cvawfoad, weret visiting at Me. John Box-geis’ and other friends in the neighborhood about ten daysugo. I Mr. and Mis. Sheppard. of near Barrie t'attteovet' last. week to spend a nyvGys with the former's sister. Mrs. H. Parker. Miss Alice Mottat and friend. Miss: ---'--, are visitms at, Miss Mama’s grandfather. Mr. Chas Moffat, Glenelg, Mrs. Mollruithund children went,to Cromarty last week on n vieit to her home. Her sister returned with her. D. S. Burns of New York and his sister Dorothy of Cleveland arrived home last week on a tnonth's visit. Mr. Ferwtcon Grant. Dentist, George- town was around his houte hvreroea few days sun-u our last Issue. Mrs. Coleridge. Sn. North Egremnnt. spent. a. few days last week with her daughter Mrs. C. Rnumge. Miss Violet Blackburn, muse. arrived hrve last week and Is a. welcome guest at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Hut-old Moffat, and child. Owen Sound, visited his relatives in Glenelg last week. Miss Wright, leather at, St. Ann's, nmu' Hamilton, Is a guest with her. sis" ter, Mrs. Dr. Hutton. Miss J. Burgess, of Edge Hill, visited at Mr. Wm, Lawson's. of Bentinck. week before Last. Mr. Arch. McKinnon, traveller. paid it brief visit to the parental home week before last. Mrs. A. W. Landau. widow of the well known ML P. has been the quest of Mrs, Gun tir., and olhernld time friends. . Miss Lizzie Lnidluw came home last week and is brightening the parental home. . Mrs. Williams, Georgetown, sister of Dr, Hutton, spent a few (layh here htst week. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black visited Sullivan friends from Friday to Monday Pleased to hear that Wm Mothit is about again after an attack of Typhoid. Mr. Brad Jamieson, Tot-(mm. made it flying visit to his home here over Sunday Mr. Keisee. of Itidgetown. visited at Mr. L. Elvidge's, fora few Jaws last week. Miss Dora Davidson spent part of her holidays with friends in Owen Sound. Mr Geo. Binnie. we regret to learn. is contined tohia room this week. Mrs. Neil McKechnie has been yiqit. ing among Traverston friends. Hugh Rose of St. Louis is a visitor at I ()'g,, his home. N Mrs. Will Lauder is spending a week Wi at Eugenia Pulls. " Mrs. Lorne Botnerrille was avisitor in town lust week. THAT EUBEL.--0ut. mailing sheet has been corrected to date. Errors or omu. sions. if any, we want pointed out. . If in nu-enm, oblige by remitting nt once. THE DURHAM REVIEW 'iitiii('idi4 ot m": Stair and Equipment. The School In equipped for full Junior Leaving Ind hsatricuiatidn work. under the following scan of Competent Teachers for that Deptnmem: THOS. ALLAN, Princlpol. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Modern- Meanwhile in St. Petersburg itself a horror has taken plaee-the assasina- tion by a bomb of the chief war mini- ster, Von Plehve. He seems to have been a tyrant in his methods and his fate may have a warning tothe un- happy leaders of a troubled country which, before long, may be in the throes of revolution', The only crumb of comfort the Rus. sians have had has been obtained from the Trladivastoek squadron which sailed along the east coast of Japan and did much injury to innocent shipping. The crew Was taken from a British ship, "Knight Commander," and the shi was Bent to the bottom, an action whicg mused the British Government to do. mand satisfaction, which Russia promptly promised to give. The Russians evacuated New Chwang. giving Japan another sea base which has been promptly occu- pied. It also gives her the use of the railway to chase the Russians north- ward, On the eastern flank ot the Russians for many miles two great armies are pressmg, and to-day, Tues- day, it is reported that the Russian army has been out in two, the northern part being in flight towards Mnkden. or possibly to Harbin. Gen. Keller, one of the great Russian Generals was killed by the bursting of a shell, and Gen. Stulkelburg commanding the southern part of the Russian army seems to be in a bad way. Since the fight at Nanslmn Hill a month ago, the Japs have been steadily pressing on Port Arthur, bat not a word did the world hear of their progress till a few days ago when the announce- ment came that they occupied every dominating position but one-Golden Hill. Togo still watches outside. and in a few days more the great fortress must fall. TORONTO Durham Schooi - __..“ ”Lu”. ul .ul. aqu Mrs. John Molten of Liukeurd a son. 1'.uurv--In Sullivan on the 27th inst. to Mr. and Mm. Jas. Vast-y. u sun. Ew.\ x.-lr Lumsden, N. w, T. on Mon. dny. ll July to Mr. and Mrs. Jun. D. Ewan. a daughter. McDoccv.uaa.-, In Providence Bay, Man- iloulin Island. on July b'rh, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDongnll. a daughter. ,. -eeeH *WCIHD. Intending Student: should enter " beginning em, or us soon after u possible. McitEA- In Holland. 5mm. on the 22nd Mrs. John McRm 't - ,._ pun“, C'.".'.".."' . thomughness and veliahility ‘V v ,"V.V‘~r-I-V"l‘rllt‘ ll‘llll U.“ frivuds of Dr. Cullrertson's Iseve, Mr. Arch. Watson, Drlroit, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. 1vntson. Non-maul»). wan”. his home lust week fora brie-f holiday. We were pleased to haven call from the young scientist. for so we may call him, since he tuttered his teens, (and he is yet unruly out of them) he has been duhllling in electticit y and mechanics and to some purpnse too, for he isa very vylttedemproyVejudeir,i by the finaniO1 remuneration he te- celvess He tells of great business de. I.'restfuyt,--owirw hugely to the Presi- 1y.tPlacop.test-r'iyyeiGiCtGioiGciriir reduced his staff from 80to 20, and thousands going "Ile. Archie's position iihowever perfectly secure, a tribute to . Pi-.,--, _, . .A - 77 Dr. Culbertson. of Dauphin. Mau.. with his hride. we spendiugu few weeks with hismother, Mrs. A'. Scott. They were married very quieily owing to the recent. death of the ln-Ide's father. at the l’reshvteriun Manse at D-mphin. on Saturday, July 23rd. and took the train at once luculch the bout, to o. Sound where they unwed Tuesdnv. Mrs, Cul- herlsou was lilies Livitw,ruou, of Delor- nine, and was in training H" a nurse III the hospital at Dauphin. They me re- ceiving Iz'nny congvaol"tions frmn old friends of Dr. thillu.rtsso,,'c. humu- Rev. Mr. and M rs. M cLa Pen. Sirulmne. visited at. Me. Russell's from Friday to Monday. They 'ue on a driving tour and will end up at. Kincardine for a. summer outing. Me. Alt-Larva trreached wtth acceptance in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Mr. ROM. MoGillvul-y and wife of Hespelur. Mrs. Weir of Port, Credi' and Mrs. McUillivnry and an" of Guelph were visitors at, Mr. Dan McLean's. Bentinck. Mrs. R. J. Johnston, of 1Unningtott, is uniting her mctlwr. Mrs. S. Scott. and was here to welcome her brother, Dr. Culbertson, and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McClm-klin tti- tended the funeral of their sister ill-law, Mrs. Orchard, at Holstein, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan (bunrbell. of Hanan-r. spent the first, of t te week with their daughter, Mrs. John Mc Kechnie. Wm Home" and sister of Toronto and Mrs. [mum-sham, of Chicago visited Mr. John Cameron this week. Mr. Jas. Brown of Alpenn. Mich., visited his sister. Mrs. Thus. Brown for a. few days. Muss Beith of Owen Sound is the guest of her sister Mrs. Archie Davidson. Mr. Jno. Cmnemn and sons Jus. and William of Toronto. meat home this week. Joh'l'tan vbit. Miss Annie McKenzie of Durham. in visiting with friends in town.--O s Sun. Dr. Finch of Buffalo visited the. Kress family last week for a few days. Miss Maggie Harris accompanied Min McDonald to Detroit on u month’s Mr. Roht. Vollet. of Toronto. visited his pan-ems this week. . Miss Madge Collier of Toronto isn guest of [trends in town. t "-00 per month THE WAR. BORN It the lmme of S ilryt.. to Mr. and dist; Ice; A general Banking business, transacted Drafts issued and collection mmde on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at current rate: SAVINGS BANS. maven allowed on savings bank deposits of 31.00 and up words Prompt attention and every facilit? tttforded cuttomen living at diam c9. DURHI‘M AGENC CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . Jamaal CAPITAL, .erh11tp...l..'..".'.. 1,000.000 RESERVE) B'UND"..,...C.Y.'. 1,000gn0 AGENTS in all principal paints m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba.' United States: and England. W. P. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, Inner. 'alle?,!,,?,.!,!),!'!,'],!)))') We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday.' Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur', store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Well-known and reliable. Giving best satisfaction. Once med, always used. Prices and terms to suit pnrch Call and examine. Harvesting Machinery ol tirtnt make MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THI RDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see lor yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. And therefore we hear .nothing but prase for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. tr SUITS TO A TI GOOD REASONS: There is no Machine Oil re- fined to equal , Black's Special.' We are agents for McCor- mick & Central Prison Binder Twine. There is no Grain Cradle manutactured to equal the one we sell. S3CI:'T2TSSCWlr"S3 You can get suited in Bin- der Mitts at our establishment. Every butter maker should have one of our Butter Workers. There is nothing to equal them. See our stock of Scthes and Snaths. Scythes from 25c up. We; familiar: _ algo cg. We have an immense a- mount of Extra Graniteware. Our special is a covered Water- Pail, very suitable for Harvest Field, worth 50c for Mc each. l H. STINSON. Now is the time to buy Rub- ber Garden Hose as we have the quantity and the price is right. We have some great Bar. gains to offer this week : Our Fishing Tackle stock is well assorted and we are offering 6 split Bamboo Fishing Rods worth $3, for I. 50 each. Your Lawn cannot be atten- ded to properly without a pair of Grass Shears, and we have 2 pairs worth 01.2 5 for 9oc each. bias, WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. HARDWARE I J KELLY, Agent W. BLACK. gtiauiers S65 m1 bsf, thu, 'owers, of this famous purchasers, 9BARGLAY tl BELL Call and see our Goods. Also Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy, get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carioads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a carload of the famous 300 good Flour sacks for Sale chm; Tntrurnertiss I .7 Having now obtained competent hcip I am in a position to fill all order: on short notice. best on the market} "-' nigh] our CHURNS & WHF.F.LBARRt “VS Of all kinds. Examine our TUR- yr? PULPERS ', they are th: Why not fall into the procession and buy your bread, cakes and pasta at the lip-town bakery where you are always sure to get the host rt- turns for your money . Still they Come t Still there are more to tolloix From PEEL, :HE SHOEMAN They are good in every respect You get RIGHT PRICES (m REMEMBER THE PLACE- Nc-xt Campbell" Implement Warehouse, For one week- frnm Aug.” 5th to 1.3th--m, will Sell the following Moe Dressings at 'e reduced prices. "u Gilt Edge. . . . . . . . . regular 2he for Nonmch.......... .. 25etor Pickll’d'l 0tttnb'tttttiott " 25e for Old Bot " $s 10e " Idul.............. $i 156M- Krobllck.......... ‘I lficlor Sunbeam Oil ...... " 10e tor 1Pavteite Oil. . . . .. ' ' 10c for Mertraithu Speck“ .. me for Moody 'tt Quickshine 't we for. Packard's Black 0 " me " [llWlll.i (lllillll Ill am am (ht Also the Balance of our Boys' & Ment - -. ----- -.----- A nice line of FRESH CON FECTIONERY alwavs on hand, Show Rooms opposite Mid. daugh Stables, Lambton St. A Clearance in Shoe Qgessing Maxwell Machinery , ay. Watson. . S. MCIlraith Iurham 'itakery , Durham & Owen Sound guilt”; Gutters Jinn @rgans Also see our famous PHONE NO. J,s' TERMS: CASH TRUNKS the golden apportuni't; watts“. 1904 15e for Ple 15c tor 12e 10e tor lite 10e lor We me for 08e NC for 07e 25c for 20; 10e for We r Oh. AUGI'S“ 4. 1' il)'_'ii':"il""("'i"j" In!” Bl i Che '1 Feet Chet BIMc HR at, SELLS NEW LIS'E' 200 Acres Iter ML ‘n. 50 Acn- dnl far.- The Hanover l Rum-y The Hanover ('l'an that he has HIM “I included in his list he now otha, the t. BO Acre. Il-cksmjth Squaw , oo Ae re; Witt hegin on 'l‘Hl'lt The huge aww wu' tothe Coilege. will l furnished during the he opened an llml dk II the uuly Kindness ( owning It College hl Wing will prunde a tat more students. dewrilmlg nut (warm! are. Busmwn (bum Typowritmg Coumse I Address tr. A. lmllU. Prim Correct any madam Non with small dog. Properties said ”we plnced d; drawn. Bun ld @1055 6274/04. The FALL T ”um” ll OI] Atl Armada" Bron cures! Ask yo he doesn't use i; colds, bronchi throat and lung Don't "a cheap cincs. ct the) Cherry Pccton record it has, si " I haw found tun A h the boat mediettte In cum. mam-n}, J' know so that u uounced in the 1 it must Ire demand that. tl given FREE try to be given till are being given so that we to the sch The m: that the rapt Examination: The Hing me much [u nddressr Them are tt that were given [ we sincerely hop new will prize tl Expert Repair: IIoII.3l1 w. H. I know {JIII'\\ Mrr UiiGitii 1'lf'l'ty [I N Fm M. II. Ml (Sc/z " semi the 6 to as m " e rs W N d 00% " in "It vet MIN l 'I-AI mom Ms " forl H "

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