West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1904, p. 4

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Icaymond Bewipg Maphines Foal ETHING NEW IN 4l)ehat, givingston, peering 2/'arvesiurs Jtcfassey " guru's Sheu)areom,s 'aris Green, Hellobore, Earling’s Drug Siieare, S. 14131 OR-LOCK f ohn Shark. This is an exceptional opportunity to procure a thoroughly well made, stylish and tap-to-date Skirt at a very low price. We can give pt; a mere list of cursoods. but m 1 adaptability to t e needs of South 611‘, we are m Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Hen nose, Palmerston;Buggies. Renowned mticles, and are the correct thing for Early Fall Wear. We have just received a large lot of stylish ready-to-wear Shirts, which excels any we have ever shown before. They are made of C', NEW IN “'ASHERS: The Perforated Drum Also Wiiheim's Wrinaers. all made hv “mm-7: The best in their line as We have ulsn a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Burnett's store and therefore undama- ged : this we offer at lowest current rates. We expect the showroom to be repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. Quantities of this twine slightly damaged by the recent tire, we intend to sell off. while ir,laits, " t Wilhelm's Wrirurers, all made by Watson of Ayr ing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. A Complete Stock ot DRU‘. at Prices the owest, " , Darling’s Drug Store 92112193111- mum: TWINE ' LADIES’ Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c. LN E BR OADULOTIIS. \' I , FANOX' SNO‘VFLA KE T‘VEEDS SKIRTS STYLISH CASH AND ONE PR ICE T cents a lb. we handle only the best ayrnd ftarm Machinery. MS and MEDICICINES ,. quality considered. trgoods, but In quality and l (hwy we are not excelled: Plouths. ”H_ene_y_’s Har- A tew doors South of the Niddaugh House. 3489!”, Durham. I. fair. pl ices coIltin the Ideal or Wood. Mr. John Watson, of London. was visiting his relatives' in Glenelg, Nor. manby and Egremor.t last week. He is on a. business tour through Grey and iBruce in the interests of the Western Real Estate Exchange, headquarters in London, Ont. A few years ago Mr Watson commenced to do a little busi- ness for them "on the side." and proved so successful that he entered entirely into then. employ rising steadily step by step, till he is now one of there Inspectors whose duties are ehitdy the appointing and supervision of local agents, and he is becoming practically acquainted With the geography of all western Ontario. Congratulations to Mr Watson whose business instinct hudded in the field of opportunity. His son Chester was also around fora few days. Rey. John and Mrs. Little, Holstein, called on Rev. Mr Parquharaon on Tuesday on their way north to Owen Sound on a holiday tour. He preached fAtnday last in Nassagawe a, his home. Rev. Mr. iii?iiiiri. Drolzg'ley. taking his place, while Mr. Dixon Went to Dromore. 7-.-- e'"'") also. She speaks In high terms of some features, but, like many others, discov- ered it to be a. money grabbing affair. Mrs. J. Firth, with daughter Hattie and granddaughter Wanetta Stoyer, came up Saturday last and are guests with friends in town this .week. Miss Hattie returns shortly, but Mrs Firth and \Vanetta will extend their stay. Mrs. (Rem) Newton came home Friday evening from St. Louis. where she was visiting her son. Karl. Her trip and yisiting took in Detroitand other points a,“ uh, . .. . Mr. and Mrs, Allan left Weduesuay for Gumfraxa to spend a two weeks' holiday. Their son, Arthur, preceded them and Edwin, in Toronto, will plan to spend his holiday with them. Messrs. Rom. Vullett and James Mc- Laren, of Owen Sound, visited friends in town on Sunday. They were accom- panied back by Misses Agnes Vullett. Millie Reid and Pearl Burnet. Mr. R. J. Johnston, of Cannmgton, arrived last week and is spending n few weeks at Mr, S. S'cott's. He was accom- panied from Shelburne by his sister, Miss Johnston. Mr. James Brown. Sn. Miss Brown and Miss Gale, of Mt. Forest, passed through town recently and called on Mr Allan McKinnon, Rose View Place, Dr, Culbertson and wife and Mr. S. Scott. spent a few days in Meufurd this week. Dr. and Mrs. Culbertson leave for their western home on Saturday. M I'. Frank Coleridge, Guelph, came home last week on a visit to his parents in Egremont and visited his relatives at the Renew office on Tuesiiay. Mr. Thos. Brown, of Harriston, and his friend, Mr. Turner, spent over Sun. day guests of the fornwr's aunt, Mrs. Allan McKinnon of town. Miss Lizzie McArthur and Mrs. An. derson, {tom Niagara Falls, have been home to we their sister at. Bunessan who is very ill. Rev. and Mrs, Cousins and little son, pastor of the Methodist church, Brus- sels, are visiting the former’s sister. Mrs. Mcthae. Miss Bradshaw, of Toronto. is assist- ing her sister, Mrs. Jamieson, in nursmg the Dr., who Is not improving very fast this week. Mr and Mrs A. Gordon and son Gil- bert drove to Harrington on Tuesday, on a. visit to Mrs Gordon's parents. Mrs. Chas. Brown and daughter, Miss Ada, left Weduesduy morning fur Stratford to visit daughter and sister, Mrs. Ball. Misses M. 'l‘m-nhull and M. Burnet and Mr. and Mrs Curran visited friends at Gleneden in N orumnbv recently. Miss Lizzie McIntosh and her friend, Miss Windrim,T0ronto,are visiting the former's mother, in Upper Town. Mrs. Frank Livingston and baby are enjoying Port Elgin breezes and hospi- tality for a couple of weeks. Mrs. (Du) Hutton and Miss Norma Patton are spending n. few weeks at Priceville and other places. M r. Chas. Home. of Toronto, is n guest of his cousins, the McClocklin family. and somebody else. Miss Mildred J. Lemon. Varney. Tris, ited friends at the Review office Satin" day and Sunday. Mrs. Fred MtrClocklin and clnldren were visiting her parents in Chatsworth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Banks, o. Sound. were in town last week calling on friends. Misses Alice and Agnes Raluage spent frum Friday to Monday with friends at Ceylon. Mrs. (Rem) Calling and two children are In london, Ont., for a few weeks. The Misses Campbell, of Hanover, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. McKechme. Miss Cousins, of Trowhridge. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. MeCrae. Mrs. John Kelly and Mrs. Wm. Black camped for a week at Eugenia Falls. Rev. Thos. Farr, wife and daughter, are guests of the Misses Hughes. Mr. Arthur Jackson is In Toronto this week, Mr. Geo. Binnie, teported ill last Week. has quite recovered. THE DURHAM REVIEW .rs whose duties are chiefly the ng and supervision of local and he is becoming practically ed with the geography of all iOntario. Congratulations to teen whose business instinct in the field of opportunity. Chester was also around fora l il ll Acres choice. tlnimprovedland, , 2..1. miles from the growing town of Rocanville. in which there has been five elevators erected in the past2 yrs, and 18 miles from Moosomin. Price $11 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Full particulars from W. E JOPP, or WM. EDGE. Mooaomin, Ass. Edge Hill. NORTH WEST WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE. illlll Acres choice. unimproved land, - fo. miles from the growing town I went grant with total receipts of $1200 , paid out but $15 for agricultural. A ’ third society receiving a grant of $140 paid 385 tor agricultural work. A large number of cases ol this kind have been discovered. The suggestion that has been made that the govern- ment grant shall be distributed to societies in proportion to what they actually expend for agricultural pur- poses, is being advocated strongly in many sections. A detailed report con- cerning the work being done by differ. ent societies, will be presented by Supt. Cowan at the next annual meet- ink of the Canadian Association of Pairs and Exhibitions. A 1t?tr'g'plr, “bongo znokl-y: kigi,iiiit ',"llMor'Uf 1t'o','ngt'tt 1Ut 1T,'tli ,ifa'lla'dd " ' HUN! t Guam-m New hrt Ola. . I It. Wmuiiiiirk. D. TORONTO ir$lriiiiffii" ffiFnE‘iican. Patent. Men 113F662!!- 1535'?" mega can“, xlt‘hgut. ehtt_rtre, In the Anyone sending a sketch sud 2r,',tgr, - quickly ascertain our opinion me I out. " Invention In probably watchable. Commqu Hons Ftrttst1rieouttdenuat. Handbook on PM lent free. Oldest agency for 1fi'n"d',."fgit, Pgtgnq'ukeqnt mugh Mann a o. noun It has been found that a township society near Toronto paid out in 1902 lover 82300 in Agricultural prizes, being the largest sum paid out by any society either district or township in the province for that year. Of the four societies which paid out the most for agricultural purposes, two are organizations. One township society receiving a grant ot 880. paid out over $1000 in agricultural prizes, while a district society receiving a grant of $800,paid out only $1128. One dis itrict society receiving a government grant ot 8520, whose total receipts were 84420 paid out less than $000fer agricultural purposes. Another dis-l trict society receiving a grant of 'iii/ With total receipts of $5100, paid out about 8800 in agricultural prizes. Another society receiving a grant of $350 with total receipts of may 81200 paid less than t250 for agricultural work. Among the township societies, one which received a grant of $122. paid out only 372 for agricultural prizes: another one receiving wo fora govern- Some Very interesting information is being gathered by H. B. Cowan, Superintendent of agricultural socie- ties, who is making an investigation of the work being done by various agricultural societies of the province. It has. been found that as a general rule the exhibitions that are paying ‘ out the largest sums for special attrac- tions are giving the least for agricul- tural purposes. Many of the town- ship societies in the provinee receiving small grants are holding much better exhibitions and doing more for the cause of agriculture than a large num- ber of district societies are doing, while there are many township soeie. ties which hold such poor exhibitions that they should be closed up or utilize their funds for other purposes. In quite afew counties in the province there are so many exhibitions that they eonfiiet with each other seriously. Fewer but better exhibitions would be a great improvement in these counties. been writing good bye to a friend remarking that he will never sur. render, "Port Arthur will be my tomb." Kuropatkin is still hemmed in on three sides, with a small chance of escaping. --Latest news from the seat of war seems to place Japan within a mile at Port Arthur fortress. Scoessel, the Russian General in charge, seems to think the place doomed, for he has --h"ranee presents a stranze contrast to England just now. Trying to lib- eralize education. the former has had to break all diplomatic relations with the Vatican. England on the other hand, by her Education Act. has taken a backward step which is causing a. mild revolution at home, " present described as " passive resistance. tt -Perry, the winner of the King’s prize at Bisley camp, England, was given a great reception in Toronto on Tuesday. A grandfather's clock by the city, a cabinet of silver by his military friends, were two of the many presents he received. -Port Arthur has been “falling " every other day for a fortnight. The Japs are near bat the flapr of Russia still floats. -The Canadian Government has asserted their rights in Hudson Bay. Successful Agricultural Societies. TOHUS OF THE WEEK ABotter Method Needed. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection tmade, on all points. Deposits received and inter eat uIIOWed it mzrrent rates SAVINGS BARB. -nterest allowed 0 savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at diets ce, DURHAM AGENCY AGENTS in all principal points an Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000,001, C'APITAL, 1'Ndup........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND-............ 1,000,000 'a,lllll!oililllll 3W We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur', store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Prices and terms Harvesting Machinery of iirm's make MODE}, Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THI RDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see ror yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRSF of all, we And therefore we hear .nothing: but prasedor our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. fr SUITS To A TI GOOD REASONS: w. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, lanager. Well-known and reliable. Giving best satisfaction. Once used, always used. Separator Oil always- in Stock. Do not listen mother people, come and see for yourself. We have plenty ot Central Prison and McCormick Binder Twine on hand. SSCt:'TCtTS3Casr'Sg No farmer can ttfrord to be without one of our Horse Muzzles when cutting grain, We) 3tamitto, __ .2?an 53/. Another supply ot those Superior Grain Cradles justw hand. Any woman putting up Preserves should have one of our Fruit Funnels and Gem Holders. For comfort. secure one of our Gasoline Stoves for summer ‘1 H. STINSON, Whv remain in darkness these nights when you can bay a Lamp as cheap " we are selling them. See our Bargains in Screen Doors and Window Screens. Every person can own a Hammock " the price we are selling them. We are headquarters for Wedding Presents. Have a look at our Silverware Window and Show Cases. 'akes, . BAKERY. LOWER TOWN li terms to suit purchasers. Call and examine. \VEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest St yles on shortest notice. a KELLY, Agent. 5 HARDWARE I W. BLACK. 0tirtders we use only the finest other ingredients. $i, 'ck, Ad w '0 wars, this famous Call ' and Also Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim BARCLAY lit BELL The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overf1owie with those rigs is now being filled " with over a earload of the famous $mplemenés I 1' 300 good Flour sacks for Of all kinds. Examine our Tl'k- NIP PULPERS; they are . the best on the market ; also] our. CHURNS & WHEELBARRO\\'S.. Having now obtained competent help, I am in a position to fill all orders, on short notice. Why not fall into the procession and buy your bread, cakes and pastry at the up-town bakery where you Still they Come; Still there are more to lollow Ram @rgans They are good in every respect PEEL, 'l HE SHOEMAN“ You get RIGHT PRICES Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next D Cnmpbeu’l Implement Warehouse. J. S. Mcllraith A nice line of FRESH CON FECTIONF.RY always on hand We have. line at home hand thrash en’ Mina " 90e per pair that are extra good wine. Try a pair. NOW m THE TIME to leave your order and get a. genuine pair of hand nude Boots or Shoes for fall wear I have now a Journeyman shoe maker and can mend prompL 1y to your wanna either in repairing on Canon) Work. A Purchase That Pays Jttaxaat Machinery- are always sure to get the best re turns for your money ? 1urham 'itukery gudhopo Gutters Durham & Owen Sound Also 2r'ta Boots & Shoes, Volt-ea. To any». School fest, Hal-vent m... doc. 1n stoc . Also see our famous We do not aim to be known as the cbea post place in Durham bat we do try to give full val- ue toeveryonedolintt with us PHONE NO AUG"ST 11, 1904 TERMS: CASH. TRUNKS see our From bison. Sale cheap. ora C. A. FLEIING. Pu The huge i to the Collep furnished dun he opened on l I tlie only Hu- ownmg " Col Wing will pru I” tum-e Hut deecrilung nu! m, Batiiness l hpewritmg l 'm Addhm< will begin on Til The Hnmwvr l m 50 Acres Ill-1hr NEW L182 I Melanin» Bus: 200 Acres so Atty, 'til, \ , 00 As re; The Hunmu that he has , included in h he now nth l , Prom-Him Mild. anot- placed 11M drawn. Bum Buck M The FALL‘ a1 Noel, 01/4/04 Chem le T ' Meta 1 tdetw Fun-3 Gold 114 BIG HE j. SIC AUGUST II. II. Al know so the to the that m We sine hers wi given F to be tris are brim flli'r' hing Doug! add re know nounc that the I Examiuu Sho (I!) wit w. II.l Xp 026%?in hair food yc years it ha what we cl will not di " Ur nu ,2ttW, Inn Feed your give it son Then it wil will Crow Arer's Hui lulu " ll.ll. " m " e " hh 0m " It

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