West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1904, p. 5

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'me : more to tollow a juurneyman shoe- nd can attend prompt- I either in repairing or at horse hand thresh- per pair that are an Try a pair. in) to be known as tplaee in Durham ry to give full val. IM' dealing with us IE PLACE-Next be lament Warehouse. HT PRICES genuine pair of band Shoes for tall wear rly Boots & Shoes, any”. School as: mu. are. m ST li, 1904 IS: CASH. HE SHOEMAR’ TIN l rom posite M id ambton St. F. L BA R ROWS? every respect 3'5335 mine our TUR. they are the raga: chase at Pays " Owen Sound & BELL our Goods ws Uuhinarg ants .' 1 'ttlatson. I] Cllraith " fiGkery n gs"Prt erftowior filled up , famous the swim cave your ill on Ct mum "loaik, plat an n and ‘P MEI The hu Re new wing, now being built to the College. will be completed, and furnished during the holidays and will he opened on that date. The Northern ts the only Business College in Canada, ”Mung n. College building. Tim new Wing will provide accommodation for Im more students. Send for circular describing our courses of study, which are, Business Course. Shorthand and Typewrittng Course Preparatory Course Address c. A. name. maul. Won Sound The Hanover Conveyancer. Hanover Will begin on TH L'RSDA Y. SEPT. Ith. NEW LIST OF LANDS 200 Acres _ln Spry-ab; we!) improved. Ow V -- liér'lhBVell mid tietertit1isedto sen. - so Jli'iegm.intifie,',gregtt,'oyf,1ffeig2it'r'.' 1 oo "feat, 3:31;??? 'e,J,,eti,f',trf t'S, il',',',','.' so 1%ttdutnat"/gtaA.Wffeit, JS, J2ll B "r!:!ri'i'i,lill'sl,",a',tli',trrc) 'goeiTt,e,'tilt The “allover Conveyancer, he” to say tlmt he has sold nearly every property included in his list. in the REVIEW but he now utters the following bargains: Proper ties solo. mane to lend, Artem'- :uu'e placed debts IW/U", writings drawn. Business ntublished 188t. The FALL TERM at the d:?t)-o"af7itrif/te'i7/r . Luge -ize, White counwrpunes Black “creamed Sateen Urtdertairts, A Dustin. o'hvnilu Table Moths. lp','.,!',',',' 'qtMue......F.t bb 2 y 'qutMe.......,...2.4 Fnury Jar-um it PAPER NAPKINS..... J us: the thing for Picnics. 7 piece glass berry sets. ....... I piece Table scan. 3 plums 1.0M doe-armed Table tlets..,..............- 01.75 m]: '. Water Sets o................ 1.51 each .. 7 piece Berry Sets.. (a 81.60 and 1.75 etch Hold decorations on above Pa. bum: in. they will not wash . I I. H. MILLER. HE MI 4 Expert Repairer and Jeweler Teachers will kindly let us know a tow days before hand so that we can send the medals to the schools. These are the first medals that were given in 8. Grey and We sineerely hope that the win- Hers will prize them as such. It must be thoroughly un- "erstood that these medals are given FREE by us and are not to be given till the eertHeates are being given out. AUGUST, 11. The teachers of those win.. ning medals will be kind e- nough to send their names and addresses to us as soon as they know so that they may be an- nounced in the paper. The time has now come that the reports of the Entrance Examinations are out. w. II. BEAN tiitprt Had: u it... {IRAQ Hair Vigor Jf. Sordozt, hair food you can 1:675:00 year: it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. :53ATchx'ifi-Emfi figmwwww {yak Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will Mop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor la the only I Araui.w" -""""'""H 'ral.Tar"r'ath'ti'Ca'"cii' a, II. II. MILLER, N lov l ' LAHSVV A RE. 2yehoot medals Call and we - SELLS a; CHEAP Given by I. 0. Am a... for -dfatlh2ftiti (lllll)fil'll Bl0GK, I)llllllllt “S. 'ttttPj/ Ant and 4Ge each ...... .....:i0c each 91.00 each HO each " .17: each 2.4.3 elch "Oc a loo, sessor for 18tr5.---Lwt. Moved b Mr Dunsmoor and Seconded by Mr Bayis that Alex Bell be asgessor.---Uarried, Yeas, Neil and McMillan, hays. Davis, Dunsmoor and McCuaig. A hy-law was paused fixing the tiensurer‘s salary at 8100 per annum. Collectors' same as preVIous year. Moved by Mr Neil, sec- onded by M: Dunsmoor. that this coun- cil grant a. reward of $100 for the appre- hension and conviction of the Darty or parties who entered Peter Neil's field on Oct 15 and broke his mareN leg with a stroke of some blunt imerament.--Car- ned. After the usual vote of thanks to the reeve for his excellent services, &c.. the council sdioumed sine die. Council for 1880--Chtva Moffat reeve. Archibald McUuaig deputy reeve. Geo Binnie. George Limb, and ChristOpher Williams councillors, Adam Turner and John Nichol auditors. Moved .by Bit. McCuaig. seconded by Mr Binnie that John McDonald be assessor for 1886.-- Loar. Moved in amendment by Mr Lamb. seconded by Mr McMillan that Edward Rutledge be "sestror.--Warried. Collectors some as year before. Counml for 1884-Thos Davis reeve. John A McMillan deputy I-oeve. Arch'd Mchuig, N Dunsmoor and Patrick Neil councillors, Robt Edge and Geo Binnie auditors. On motion of Mr Neil and McMillan that Edward Rqtiedge.be 93- Finlay Mcllae, Esq” reeve. asked for leave of nh-wnu' three. months t it was granted. w H Anowsmith was "l" pointed assessm- at a salary of $8“. MI- McRae tendered his resignation as move and Thus Davis, Fur, was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr Arrowsmith declined acting as assessor. and a special meeting was called foe the purpose of appointing an auditor as the time was getting fur advanced that the assessor should he at his work. It was thought necessary to divide the township into two sub-din» ions, the boundary line to be at mines- san being north and south. Thomas McGirr was a pointed for the west half and John Mc%onuld for the east at a. salary of $40 each. This is the only time. in the history of Glenelgthnt it was divided for assessment lil',,?',',')',',','; However. the experiment. wor ed very well hut never was tried since. (Inllec. tors tor 188t, Tho: McGirr Waml No l, W H Arrowsmith Ward No 2, Thos Cook Ward No 3, John Hunt ward No 4. I take this opportunity of thanking you individually' for your courtesy to- ward me, and I shall remember with gratitude the cordial relations which existed hetwwn myself and the rate. payers of Glenelg. Having spent the best part of my life in discharging the responsible duties of 1cnvnshipcletk, I feel it is time to make way for a young- er man. I remain. gentlemen. Your obedient servant. JAMES BROWN. On motion of Mr Dunsmoor. seconded hy Mr Neil, the thanks of the council were tendered to Mr Brown and his resignation accepted. with the sum of 8100 overand above his usual salary in recognition of his valuable services as clerk. &c.--C'tutied. Moved by Mr Neil, seconded by M r McMillan. that John S Black be (-Imk of this Municipality and that his salary he the same as Mr itvown's.--Carried. Council for 1884~Finlny McRae Peeve, John A McMillan de uty were, Nathan Dunsmoor Patrick 'f?l,iri' and Archibald McCunig councillors. The peeve ap- pointed George Binnie auditor and the council John McDonald for the big sum of 85 apiece. The clerk, James Brown, Esq" tendered his resignation. of which we give a copv. To the Reeve and Councillors of the Township of Glenelg '. GE?TLrpiv.s.---Havuu, served the Municipality of Glenelg as Township Clerk for. u period of twenty five years. I now tender you my resignation as clerk. Counril for 1883~Finlay Mane reeve, Thus Mullm-kv deuty Veeve, Thomas Davis. John A McMillan and Nathan Dunsmour counetllovs. John Moffat and Christopher Firth nudilm'q. John S Black usseswr. Collect:us for 1883. Thos McGirr Ward No l, W A Arrow. smith \Vax'd No 2, Thos Cook Ward No 3. John Hunt Ward N" 4. Salary same as usual. uuulltn's. John S Black assessor. Wi5. Council for 1i8r--F'inlay McRaetreeve. Thus Mullnrky deputy ”eve. Patrick Neil, Nathan Dunsmoor and Wm Glen. crnss councillors. Chas Motfat and Jas Banks, auditors. John S Black assessor. ,V . M-r "a" .uu-u-v all“ an auditors. John S Black assesson and ! wounctl for s1tm.Hiynus McKee. flit-eve. Thon. Davis Deputy Reeve." Patrick Neil, John A. McMillan and I Nathan Dunsmoor Councillors. Archi- l bald Black and Chas Motrin, were ap- _ pointed auditors. two good pursemen. ; John B. Black assessor at actuary of , 875 The council for 1879 saw that they Were destitute of a House of Refuge l in which to usetuble & hold meetings for imunieipai and other purposes. Conse- quently some of the wise heads moved and seconded that a town hall be built. -Carried. Then it was moved by John A McMillan seconded by Patrick Neil 1 that the township hall be built on the 1 nonth east corner of lot 10. on the 4th con., N D R, provided a clear title be given for the quantity of land required. --AUrried. Moved by M: Davis in amendment seconded by Mr Dunsmoor that, the town hall he built on the south part. of lot IO, con T, N D R, provided a deed will he procured.- Lost. Had the amendment carried. it would certain- ly have been more suitable for township I ball than where it is. Moved by Mr Mthllan seconded by Mr Neil that the clerk be authorized to advertise for tenders to erect a. township hall, stables and shed, and that. a committee consist. ing of Messrs Neil. Davis and the mover be appointed to procure plans and speci- ficnthins for ""me.--Cvattied. The com tract was let to tho-lute Roht Bull, of Durham, for 8900 or thereabouts. Council tot P80--FiNay Melina Reeve. Thus Davis Deplltv Reeve. Jun A M.., Cantimtrd from last Council for 187B-ahnh geoya. I"99-, Davis Des ”men or sums miiiii, wot-ind to avartiSe for H" a township hall, stables i that. a committee consist. 1 Neil. Davis and the mover to procure plans and speci- ""me.--ihutied. The cow 'to the late Rum Bull, of $900 or thereatsouts. week. is; a wish; ("nonL's: Intending Students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board an be obtain- ed at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy Ind attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. Wm. Johanna, Jr., C. Ran-Iago. (:lmirmun. Score tttrr The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching abilit 3'. in chemical and electrical supislles and tlt- tings, M2,. tor full Junior Leaving am Matricula- tion work. The following eompetcnt stat! are in charge t January lst, ’05 You can get both Weekly Globe The Review Durham School So it's good-bye berries we must leave you Though it break: our hearts to go, Some one told us we must leave you For themselves to pick you know. _ On the fence those crown were sitting} And we could no longer stay. link I we hear those crows a outing. Bo good-bye for many. MIRS L. ht. FORFAR, B. A., Classics and M0- (terns. T T . - - J. It. SMITH, B. A., Mathematics and Scion“: THUS. A LLAN, Ist Class Certitlcate, Principal Aberdonian Berry Picking. MacFarlane tt Go. Some odd WINDOW 3“ SHADES Half an hour. They went huh upon the fence, Theg had nothing for defence, An they told them to go hence Halt An hour. mm an hour, And the ttnt there were mean Half an our, And . man whose name is Neil. Thought. that we were going to steal All the Berries from the tield In half an hour. And the boys were not in blue um an hour. And_t_h9y nugnbered only two, Druggists & Seedsmeu. For the small sum of I went out to Aberdeen FEES: tl per month in advance. LOCK BOTTOM PRICES WALL PAPER At a great reduction. 50 cts. Staff and Equipment. From Now Uutil Tune "Dolly Grey. Now as the Wail Pa- per season is about over, on going over our stock, we find we have a number of remnants in room lots which we must get rid of. If we have what suits you, price is no consider.. ation with us. Come and let us show you. ttX", Country County & Covers AND AT 111; DURHAM REVIEW Druggist and Seedsman, Machine Oils, SEED FALL WHEAT, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Rape Seed. GEM FRUIT JARS. Corks and Bungs. VINEGARS Vinegar from 30c to i'5c Der g: §mpmmm a"iltP"""'l""" Iron trALR.--1 yr old Bull thing 2 yrs 2 Bull Calves, perkshire Boat and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. FOR BERvrcae.--1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. 81.00. FOR SALE & for SERVICE 100 Acres. Lot 36. 2nd Com, N. D. It., Glenelg. " acres tit for cultivation. the rent, hardwood hush. Also Lot so, Con. 3. N. D. R., 25 acres clear. the mt hard. wood hush. The Saugeen River rum through both. For further particular send or apply to _ Applications for teacher for B. S. No 3, Glenelg. will be received by the , undersigned up till August. 9. Duties to , commence Oct. 3. and last until end of ‘year. -___ -- W At once. 8 able for Brick Y Apply at the ymd or to w. BLACK. Lots43 and 44. Concession l, South Durham Road, Glenelg containing one hundred (100) news. about 75 acres cleared. good frame barn with stone stnhling. frame house. never failing well. One and one half mules from whoa]. church and Post Otrire. For further particulars " ply on the prem- ises or to Pricevnlle a 0.. to the pro- Prietor. Mus. MARGARETMC LAUCHLAN I TEACHE ft WANTED. EN, G itil" McKechnie Apply to Jtm Ec HEARD? Bunessan 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. N .,Gr.,&J. McKechnie§ FARM FOR SALE. Not moro than two mats can be sold to anyone customer. We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at FARM TO RENI‘. War. RITCHIE. Seen-1:59: MARY MCINTYRE. Mnrkdnle H. PARKER, (The popular Cash Store.) FIG-S Vinegar from 30c to 75¢ per and Flavoring extracts. Gasoline, Coal Oil, Paints, k Edge Hill. We can give you Bargainr if We ask inspection of our Tettis.a or BEBT QUALITY. GrOcenes. Dry Goods. Boots 8: Shoes, Crockery, doc. For Service at Jan. Full near Agricultural Grounds, .l,m. JAR. Rs, TWEEDS & YARNS The undersigned hue for sale. ready to me. (5) fire thorohred Tamworth Bonn. Price reasonable. HENRY Aurxmnmz. Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. Lots 322 33. Con. 2 S. D, mg 100 acres more or less. um cleared and in good .tivu'tlion for 5!!“qu of ore] THOROBRED DURHAM BULL . SCOTT. BOARS FOR BALE. FARM FOR SALE 22, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO JAE. _r'tyikintrteuw Grounds. 'Terms JAs. FALszouAn. gal. Spices Durham I Adopted by all 1eadinttyettoo1s in Toronto. _ 1higftrgthlUg'ttg system try mum of _ Chm Drills. Black rp/gg,',,'.'?,', and otherlnter- gdtGphf,t bring: the to owing mph. within the ld'l inaudible comprehension. lulled Notation Rhnhmic Motion Plano Work Key-bond mum "ikiikteat History mundane " term swim In: lax-nut Gun. TWA m. Durham, Nov. 16, '03 JOHN CLARK.) D. McPHAIL.) Notary Public, Commissioner. Convey ancer. Valuator. Insurance Agent, to Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly alum ded to. Farms bought and sold Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Count Notary Public, Cottuniisioner, Inc. M oney to Loan. fVlce, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. A. G. MncKny'. Jompcny sud privato Funds to Lon on long-gel so love“ “to: ot [nu-rut. Vila-Mon made hv ucommhnt and mom] Van-tor. W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgmmn of Ontario. Rooms. Over J & J HUNTERS New Store. Barristers, Solicitors. Conveynncers‘ Ac. Money to Loan. Licensed Auctioneer for the Cdt. of Grey. Holes my “tended to. um Mable. t,th2i, left " " Implement Wur- pgno. l m: old and, or at the REVIEW omee----Lowttlt TOWN. DURH‘I OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST 05 the Du mun Pharmacy Calder', Block. Residence tlrr,t door west of the old Post Ottiee, Durham. Term moderate. Armngemenu tor Ink-u u wanes. m, must be nude " the Review or Bee, Durham. - Correspondence “are.“ there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be woman- “tended to, mm- on nppllmlon to D. MttPRML, Ceylon P. o. or to C. [AIMEE Durham " Ceylon hultclcphouc office. . ,7--. _"_n_,“' IN'II", uglwluall' “.mrmuy (imputed. Estate- of decanted por- soua looked utter ind Executor: Ind Almmh- truou' Amsottnta prepmd and film Burroughs Court. Busing“ ProtNo of Wil I. Letter! 0! Ad. miuumtion and Gundlmuhlp Obtained. sau- chu made in Bunny 0mm and Titles, "pond on once. " noun. - - - - owenttou Will beat the lull-ugh Rune. Durham, the ttmt Wednesday at each month from Ion. I. all 1 p. m. Conoetiotm ud Annoy promptly “and“! to Slit: Dooldl. Mortal-gen. 1m, “room-nu Ammo " ----" "747‘ - " late mm“; to Nomad-n to Knapp'. ( New Yak) J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C oe Ind Reside- Cor. c. tit., It foot ot mu. 0 "r _ - " “up“. mull Wane of undongh'ew York and Chic-go. t; Dianne. of Eye, Ear, Noor. and Throat, "PWilt be u Klan House, Dufhun. the M autumn-1n etch month. Hum. I-tle, m-s- Myer’s Music Method. 2Snaetieaa.eexta. mce. McKenzie's Old Stand, Durham OFFICE HOURS '--tta. m. 2-4 p. I. t Tolophono 6.0"...th No Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. BARRISTER. OOIOITOR,‘: IOATRV ru-uc containment. ac ttice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank Eye. Ear, Nose i fhiiLt - ttseem “do: than to mm or WomennadChudm. Airman GUN. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. “but Col " and 3 no. 'latt,'y °"°°" MACKAY d; DUNN, DEN TEAL. MEDICAL. LEG-AL. ildilr'ROY McCAUL. A. H. JACKSON, MUSIC. I "or J.‘J.H.".'o. I I to " A.I. BOL‘BBL 2to 41-- J . P. TELFORD Plum“ a and”; DR. BROWN, DR. BURT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. BehtT (Inndon. Eng: 1nd York) We Rasputin. Guilt-x: and cm Old locale Comer. Manx-x. -. London. Bach-d W. F Dunn Owen Sound haunt-“ii t-4 p. M. I. to " ill,

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