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Durham Review (1897), 18 Aug 1904, p. 1

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eno nssell 10.00 6.50 25c 15c .50 U fiii To the first three boys and girls who tell us who it _c_,-_-c,ii,"r'!,e" Our Clothing 'r,_-_,iiii"i1ii'i1iiiihriihhuihiiii0huiiAuihim?g. :-::-::-::-:35:3magmazmmmmmmfi i , as. ti ”MARK-z: Am l 3;; AUGUST SPECIALS i'i'ii JAMES IRELAND fifiS-QEEE33323238$Eé§ééfi§§§é§é VOL. xxiiiriiirrfi We have delighted many a buyer. We would like to please you by selling you one of these nobby suits at a low price. Much lower than usual just now to clear out the remainder of our summer stock to make room for the Fall Goods. neat, quiet and respectable. There is a something about our Clothing which suggests refinement and taste ;------and the prices, so low, you would hardly know how we do it. Somebody that ought to know, once said this Highest Prices paid here in Cash for Butter (is Eggs They're as pretty as can beand made so veryfull and sell at.... .... .... .... .......... To There is no dimming the popularity of the tailor-made Skirt_ They're dressier than ever-ttt least these are that we have just reeeived, made of Cheviots, Tweeds and Broad- cloths. Priees.... .. .. ...... ...... .... ...... $2.50 to 5.50 New and stylish and best values: Ladies and girls...... $3.00108.50 Prints, Vestings. Linens, odd lengths, odd prices. Fine and dainty " reduced prices. JAMES IRELAND TV was expressed the opinion of our opening quo- tation, and where it occurs, we will give a Boy's Tie or a Ladies' Silk Stock. H. fir, NWCKLER. iii :5? ,Ffifig‘fi’WflIWVWMH/‘fié make room for Fall Goods, already arriving, wish to move all broken lines and all summer goods from all Departments, including Whitewear Oinghams, Muslins, Ladies' Raincoats ATTRACTIVE SHOW 0F FALL SKIRTS " The Apparel 0ft Proclaims the Man" LA0IES' BLACK UNDERSKIRTS BBOKEN LINES TO oo QUICK. We want toclear them all out at.. 75C to I.75 White Waists is sought for by people It hose tastes incline to the ' There is a something Big stock of rubberlined and cravenette. Prices .......... ...... ...... $5 UP You will want some new ones this fall. You can buy them cheap now. Men's Raincoats Lace Curtains Still a few left to clear at 39c Colored Waists (iliirttitlrg, $l.00 to 2.50 --Thty British Mission, under com- I' cavrie'd' mand of Col. YounghUsband, entered l, Mag,s,rie Lhassa, the sacred capitol ot Thibet, timid wa utter a long and perilous march. i fllyid They tought several battles en roure. l," Me Ma The success of the expedition WHUgralnln certainly enhance the reputation ofiand sat British arms in the middle east. i The In“: _ DURHAM BRICK YAItD.--we had the o Dortunitylust; week of a ride behind 'ill'.' Wm. Black's hhut maize "Nelly," and took it. en route for the hrirkyurd. set agoing this year. largely, as we pointed out, some. Linu- ngo. through Mr. Blach's enterprise. The Messrs \Vulker iwere busy With their [inst kiln, having had no httie drltirulty in wru'ing wood. beginning so We in the season. This that "but! " they oll a small one, con- taining about, 100,000 bricks. and they have at, this writing nearly as many more to begin another one. A burning kiln, and its accessories. is an interest.- ing sight. and the visitors were duly appreciative of the courtesy shown I them and explanations given. This enterprise is Inund to he a great boon i to this neighborhood. and we hope it may prove profitahle tothe energetic' owners who are experts in the business. A A Bun IHANT METuon~0ur North Eyremnnt and Boothville correspond- ents both mention the thght or explos» ion of a meteor on Saturday last about, 8 p m. It Was acrompanied hy “a rumbling sound as of distant thunder" or as of "a ricochetlmg mth, hall. only greatly intensified." This is one of the famous August meteors, through a Zone of which the earth passes about, this time in its fiighr round the sun occasion- innally attracting them to its surface. The friction caused by the resistance of the earth’s atmosphere sets them alive. some to hum out, others to cool again and continue their journey. The "No. vemher Meteors " are still more famotrc, l The final lacrosse mauh for the Disr- l trict championship comes off tomorrow , in Hanover. An enormous crowd " ex- i peeled from both Owen Sound and f Durham to witness the last and decisive 'gume between the Dnrhmns and the I Wellingtons. I SINCE our last. issue we had an inter- !esting talk with Mr, George 'l‘urnhnll, lately from Scotland. He is full of in- ,teresting information regarding. and } impressions of the old land, of suiytcient, l intereut to he r'et'tumdtul, and we shall at ‘.o this next week. as he had no practice whatever with Lee-Kufleid rifle-, Ilia Rye has not lost, its cleuvness nor his hand its Mead" tiess.--Confederate. STILL A CRACK sHoT.-C'olrnel the Hon. J. M, Gibson, in the first section of the wutson-Fostet. mem Hummu- tion fur the right, half of the l3th Hegi- mum's ulna-IN and staff sm-gvunts at, Hamilton on July 30ch. won theofficetss' upon". The ranges were 200, {Miami wo yards, seven shots "t eaeh range. and his sum-vs wvrv 32, 20and20., total 87. Captain It. A. Rnlwrtsnn, with a, total of80, was second. Hon. Mr. Gilsson's shunting ‘was Considm-ed remarkable. 5 OWING to the absence of the pastor Ilust Sunday. the services in the Metho.. ldlst chmch in the morning and afternoon at Zion WPte taken by members of the lEpworth League. and Rev. Mr. Mason, {of Varney, preached in the evening. Grao WANTS IT.9-The Weekly Globe with its many fine features, 4-puge illu- strated edition, mtu'ketse, round-the- world nmvs. home news of the best, Gun. all for 20 cts. to Jan. l, W05. Review and Globe to beginners for sauna period : H13. f ”777.. .0. "my .1. nu ' LII: strong Mount Forest nine being Dur. ham') opponents. Admission, adults lik, ladies free. Hanover having now over 2000 inhatw itants is making application to he e- meted into a. town its present status living a village. I BEST Yrer.--Do you went the Weekly. Globe for ION? Enquire as to our clubbing rates with the Review. Harwst excursion to Mnnitnlm Aug. 23rd. Tickets $12. For. par'tlculars 5m It. Macfarlane. Jr.. C. 1'. H. ticket agent. Electrical Storms. :wcmupanied by heavy rains, and doing great, datiias,re to crops. property and even human life are n feat ure oi this summer. HELD Ovem--A long and inte write-up of the Vessot Mise Memiug at Dromnre is held oven THE Middaugh House ready for. two and will be tion with the House and 1 Y DURHAM, 'ii"ciiillliiii-i.i-)8ltpdst and will be run in connec- ll . George Tututltull, He is full of in- I regarding. and l and not as tt livery. ong and intevestine Vessot Missionary _ c, L A I " THURSDAY. AUGUST 18, stable is now -e - h ........, F6rhWa icarried It banquet of flowers. Miss lMuggie McNally acted as bridesmaid l and was tastefully guwnml in [pm-glam" ‘n'l-pe tle clune, tx-Hmnml uuth white. i The groan] was suppnrlml by his cousin, lMl' Malcolm MchClwru. After mm- fgrmnlatinns all 1epaired to the hnuse Iand sat down to a sumptuous repast. l The presents were numerous and valu. ‘l.l._ II, able/--Com X I k l i d i' “qu1 unuuuuuu LI t mppy event too p ace I ug. 3r MIMI}! r ' . _ the home of Mr Thus. Mthlly. Glenolst, 5‘ ha will Jlekliie1t/oticyi,a,tu'y when his sister Annie was united in i “est of Wiuuipcg as farm- mmriage to Mr John Ellison. Rev. u. E. ; Pineo officiating. A very pretty arch l MOOSE JAW of evergreen and flowers was formed in f the parlor under which the happy I ESTEVAN' and couple were expected to stand, hut asI the night was so warm the umrr'iage _ was performed outdoors under, the trees l YORKTON where all the guests could witness the ; From all mum”, 0.. p. P. R. T ceremony. The bride, who mm given 'Ilo\l\"\'1||c. '/'1"lrt, 11:51me north away by her father, was her-omingly ii'ir'ii)jl)i)',i,,y ti. I'. Ps.: '/1,',',y'//y,,1',.t attired in White'lustre. with chiffon and I 'i?,7o1'/lJ'jn"eit/'horap,'i1)gjj, (j,'? silk applique rrunnnngs and sash, and _ . p... --. t _ i I . " fl ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . 'ttACTION tSNtrINEs.--An amendment 3 to the Statutes this year' leaves the law l in this shape as regards the crowing of l bridges and culverts by traction engines: I “Before crossing any bridge or l culvert, it shall be the duty ofthe person proposing to run an engine or other heavy machinery to lay down on all bridges or culverts l planks of sullictent width and thick- l ness as may be necessary tO fully I protect the flooring or sulfare of i such bridge or culvert from any in- _ jury that might, otherwise result thereto from the contact ol the wheels of such engine or machinery; _ and in default theieoftbc person in I charge and his employer. if any. _ shall he liable to the municipality ( for all damages resulting to the tloot/ ing or surface of such bridge or cul- i vert as aforesaid.” l Traction engines are a necessity, and; they have entirely displaced the horse; power for running threshing,r machines; all the same they are pretty hard on} culverts and small bridges. By using.‘ the planks now required by law. thei, danger to these structures will largely; ditmppeav.---Ex. , TitACTios Estusussv-An to the Statutes this year' le: in this shape as regards [In In idges and culverts lrsr trac I V -e" --, .--uu. Ill ulwll. "ITS D-i l Neal, Orchard. Mr: Hilton. Holstein;' , three sons, Will of '1t,i',Y"2,re/e:,',,ii, . Normanby, John in town, Her uneral l on Sunday was attended by many citi- , r I zens and old neighbors in the country. l l 1 She was buried in Maplewood cemetery. " Rev: Mr Masson conducting the ' set-wees. i I DIED AT DAVPHvs.--The folkn‘ F brief notice of the passing of an otdi , resident of this part. reached us byl" mail on Monday. Ever is death step-i ping into some home. We extend; sympathy to the sorrowing husband; and other relatives: "Died ntl Dauphin. Manitoba. August, 7th, of; Apoplexy, Jane Uargavel wife of Asa' Robson. Mrs. A. Robson was born In l: Bentinck, Feb 20. 1856 and was welli| known in Durham and vicinity. She t 1 was a member of the Dauphin Presby- t itevian church and was very highle‘ ‘respected as was manifested by thint very large procession which folloyrer? her remains to the grave. Mary. Wil- 1 linm. Alexander,Git Dr. J. Dal-gavel t attended the funeral. Q Tme LATE WM. 1haa.-ie were ' pained and nor rised last Monday night if to have n. telephone talk with Mr. John " Muir, Toronto. the subiect. being the' ' !rr,nth of Wm. Bell. well Limw. it“? North Egremont and a good distance " beyond. He died on Monday at theid home ofnfriend in Toronto from cramps _ j which worked up from his limbs to some Pl vital part. His death will come tth' a i; surprise to his old neighbors who knew I I and respected "Hilly.” He had justi lately disposed of his valuable property it to the Lothian Bros" and he had nppar- , it ently a prospect of reaching old age in ii” comfort. He. IS the last of the family, I" who Were, all unmarried; his brother T John died many years ago and there IN followed in succession his brother Itobt.. "t his mother. sister Jane, his father, who ; li' reached about the century mark, his; brother Tom. and now he will follow them to the little Ebenezer burying ground on ('on. 2, S. D. It. Cllrrn,,ir, nnu-rving Me Hind some13 years 820. y she Was Mrs vollett, Wife of the late'! Henry vollett. of Bentinek. Besides] herhushand she leaves to mourn her; lows. four dauglm-rs. Mes E. McAllister. i b': 32an A, Hind. in town. Mrs f9.l -., _.L . .- ---- Thursday [MERE-ed oo yrs tyavrving Ml'Hind some she was Mrs anlpH m MISS M. Henvrrt-stm another vie- tim to lhe grim nape-r. when, on Sun- day the only dauuhter of Mr and Mrs Hewitt passed away. She was an at. tractive voting lmlv. just Hunting up m womanhood. and her death " a severe blow to parents and triends. The fum- ily only recently purchased the “MM. 9|]:an property moving there from Ihwky Sallgw-‘n. The funeral takes place to-duy. \lenesday, two brothers being expected from Omaha. Mm, GEO. Hrsm.--This ladv ' nn "-e--e____6. #-WcrVV '_'cNq-AOisN “Vell- known citizen of Glenelg passed away very suddenly on Sunday inst. As we have been informed he had juet Rot out Of the door when he fell and expired, He was one of the pioneers of his town- ship and had reached the ripe ave ot 81 yrs. He was a native of the North of Ireland. a member of the Methodist communion. and Conservative in poll- tics, mu] how a high reputation as friend and neighbor. MrR. T, Edwards. former-Iv a well-known teacher. is a son. We hope to have more particulars [ next week. MR. Ty.os. E.ioyyNuya,-This well.. ---. -iq+ -- -v o------...-.. H YMENEA L. Another Death Roll. I"' 3W5 m f-i-j' = . l rrfhis lndv died on h rmmtnlion as It. R. T, Edwards. u teacher. is a more particulars 'vevious to P TUII-IrJ dowvale, Guel h City and In on lines of G. 'P. R.. Toronto I excepting north of (fardwoll Toronto on North Bay section Farm Laborers Wanted. PARM Ullililfllli' flllllllilllllln Strictly first-class/n all departments. Mawni rice“! catalogue free. Fall term opens Supt. an: comer Yonge and Alexander tltr. l A successful [nesting Wan held at the {hump of Mrs Jan. MrAltllivary on Thurs. iday 4th inst, Ilhere was an :ittvmlum-v "uf nearlythirty. Thetnpics were' meats” g ' Canning Fruits.‘ 'Hyrssiene,' Eta. which , Wore instructive. Short miners were jal-mgiven on "rrrevetvnce " bt Itest,"ete, iwhich were highlv npprrrialed. i The next meeting will Ite held at. Mrs. David McCrie's tttt lst Thursday in Sep- temher. The topic is .. Poultry tq and we hope the ladies will "vail tht-nm-lw-s at the npportunitv of attending this meeting and discussing: the hes! meth- ods of drawing and cookingthe fowl, as cling them. One w I The Lower Town hall has been serured “or tht {all term for one of the Junior :4’- Ems. the requirements ofthe Modol ' .ayt', 'tr-err-arthur tho change. If :metowu continues growing an it has idone, and everyone hopes it will.ud- iditionat school accommodation is a \pressintz necessifv. and one whwh 1should he and no doubt. will. receive the I hearty sanction of the town. one way tickets to Winnipeg onl each person purchasing will be f Upon on which. after such [u d at Winnipeg to work as a far" later than August mm. mm. {we 1 be given the holder from Wir, uiirui Pteitie station in Manitoba r or 8outh-west or Knrlhqvnu mf1 We have astaft second to none in towne of our 3120. and pawn“: who wish for their children High Srhnnl privi- leges. amidst healthy surroundings, should send them to Durham school. Tho higher rooms are thornughlv equipped with thecheniical and ph wind :mparatus necessary for the higher Work. myond Moo.uytrwriiic, VT: 'oe pamphlet. and all mm . to any Canadian Paviti ' H. Noun“), Asst. Gen. P i The contuwt of terrucinq and othet. 'wise improving the school grounds has been let to Mr Thos. Daniels. He in- tends to have it done before school re- opening and at last we shall have. the satisfaction of seeing a beginning made to have aesthetic surroundings to the spot. where our young people, at a most impressionable lure spend so much of their time. The fine trees already there will not he interfered with, but will he added to at the proper tune. The Japanese caved frbm drowning 600 Russians WIN-n the Rurik went down. . How the Japs towed torpedo hon! out of Chofoo harbor and much other mat. ter will be found on our inside pages. This double naval d‘easrer has dachod the Russians and elated the ans Two other disasters are m tollow--titnyhavo taken place even now r-the capture of Port. Arthur and the defeat or rupture C Kuropntkm at Lianyang or M ukden. .l amt: things a-doium The Port Ar. .'tlllr tieet. never safe outside. found l tryere not safe inside but. week. as T; 1Japanese guns on surrounding l _ " were getting within range and , Ilka-ally "making it but" for them. ‘Acting on orders from Admiral Slay- ldlte. conveved into the fortress some- Sho "the bottled up fleet in Port Arthur. Amide " hold dash out. no doubt, aiming lto unite With the 1'ludivostock fleet. ButTogo was on the \vulvll. and there was fought. when all comes to lu- jknown. one of the greatest emu battles 50f modern times. The Ruwian fietrt j‘sthered, the hulk of them going hack , to Port Arthur, Spine going to the hot. tom. some few Ibis thought have PM-- ;CW. n few reached Chinese Ports. the ( meal: battleship Czaveviu.h and thrvoi "destroyers reached Klan Chow, (Eur-I : " seaport. hattered and nlmoct. J,!,?),,?'., and these had to leave in 24 hours or lower. their fbur, and be diss al med. The latter has been done. About the same time the Vlmlivostm-k Beet was steaming south on the other l side of the Peninsula, but, alas! the‘ iunction aimed at was never umde. for Kaunimura. the silent Adlmml. who: hitherto has failed to check them. met, them in Corea strait. and i,?Jitii,iil.j') slashing defeat. sinking the battleship _ Rurik. and chasing the others home to l Vladivostock. crippled and beaten. l ffl'li'it'i'i)i / {W l 'ft'.efrytu-.. t TORONTO. ONT. WOMENS INSTITUTE: Intended for last Week SCHOOL MATTERS. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal P. R. Torom mi north, um] mm to Sun“: 0"“. THE WAR 9-". bull“) 5.-.- " neet in Port Arthur. m. no doaht aiming 1nadivostock fleet. the 'vatvlt. and theve I all came: to he KPeatest mm lmltltw The [{uwian fleet ot them going Inn-k 1.le sming to the trot. At. z t tp---------,., l During August we wish to draw your attention to the bargains We are offering in Millinery. The remainder at the amok must be cleared out during the next four weeks and to do so We are going to sell everything at a very low future. There are still a lot of beautiful black hats, everyone made of' the bes material and selling for half what thvv are worth. Also some Ladies' Bonnets we are offering very cheap. Every hat in the store is reduced to the low est price possible. 'l? he . MISS DICK. The largest stock of Witches, cloete, Jewelery. Silverware, Speetacles 193 Eye Glasses ever shown in Durham, is now to be seen at Keeler‘s end for the short ume we still have in the old stand, we will give you gloat bargain. For the School Re-opening 'GOLD MEDAL TWINE which'mm I 650 feet to the 1b for . . .. 13 '4 cu. {GREEN SHEAF ..-.......i2cu I PLYMOUTH SPECIAL... . .11 eta Can be had at Robt. Burnett's i store or at our showrooms. i1j,earsse Stock We are selling brand of well-known lowing prices.. School Books and Supplies SOME TWINE PRICES KEELER’S, We have a most wmplete iine ot Leading Jewelers and Boom-um JOHN LIVINGSTON. Clearing out Sale of Ply- mouth Binder Twine. Keeler's, the tttig',', store in Grey County to " trout. CHAS RAMAGE. Pun” AND Poznan“ AUGUST MILLINERY Upper Town lsglling off this excellent we bargains we are ry. The remainder )c cleared out during ks and to do so We :verything at a very twine at the fol-

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