West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Aug 1904, p. 5

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' to leave ya: ine pairof hand- for tall we". “with nrneyman shoo- u attend pmlnpt- yr in repairing or ube known as * in Durham rive fall vul- Iling with as 18, 1904 SHDEMAN 033 & Shoes pea. Schooi ms, ctc, In ac hand thresh- ir that are cur. ACE---Next Warehouse. hinOP'LI Ispect Mid I St. JASH RICES BELL ROWS are the isol out to follow 'akery Goods. ase Scum Aron. TUR swnn every Mt ah may , up nous (IVS c you st re. “I” leap met astn' ads " and 1r Ff" The huge new wing. now being built to the College. Will be completed and furnished during the holidays and will he opened on that date. The Northern IS the only Business College in Canada, owning a College building. The new wmg will provide turcominodotion for lat more students. Bend for circular describing our courses of study, which are, Business Course. Bhorttiand and Typewriung Course Preparatory Cum-u Address c. A. FLRIING. Panama, Owen Sound Will begin on THURSDAY. SEPIA“). The Hanover Con veyancer. Hanover ,. -"-F "e"""'--. llml he has sold nearly every property lurllulvd in his Ilsl in.the REVIEW but ln- now offers the following bargains: 200 Acres in Normanby. well in: roved. Ow nur mm ell and determined to sea. " 50 Acr.. in Elm-mom. near Holstein. Splen- nii‘l farm. Will sell cheapor trade forhrger. 100 A POI in Bentinck near Crawford. _itrttsp .-.r?r.-.| as owner is bound to sell. Good (am. 50 Aer in Remind. Aberdeen P. o. Well ml ill...\vmm'ed & fenced. Cheap or will We Blacksmith a In A money maker, no 'i'/ff/l'ili'o'l.'.e'd,'o'Pfra' other "mimics, NEW LIST OF LANDS TI th (7prmytrl1r.8y/s, 47 . u 'rIrettirs win. mono? to tend, Ansur- .nm-e- placed debts col ected. writings drawn. Business established 1884. The FALL TERM at the (trr-emitter',",",,,;: Black Mereerizcd swoon [indenting A Mun. Luge size rhoulle Table Cloths, u, _ V ¥V-_--v.-r- ‘III uwvv W". burnt in. they will not wuh CIT, 7 Pictur ulna berry sets” ...............AOe and I pic-tr lele Sets. 3 patterns huh! ole-muted Table lets.................... 81.75 nah .. Water 8ets......,...........k 1.83 eateh .. 7 piece Berry Sea. a: 91.60 and 1.75 etch Fancy l I. II. )IILLER. HE MI 4 r- {layover 'lonvevancer, begs to say The leading Watchmaker and Jeweller. To have. your watch fixed. RIGHT, get it done at AUGUST 18. By Modern Methods And at Reasonable Rates And Insure Satisfaction REPAIRS Don't Forget l'kinds Ind “its w. II. BEAN fill ori" Hair " n m _A_tLAg-., Flair “got A. iiordon's tiltt.rtii ti,h','dh'i'a,'e?tit Mee 7MW“-mu~ . . . In. J. M. nth “no... hair food you can buy. Form year: it has been doing has: that we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor Is the only /_._..(_..1_,iii"'i"'f'1'"'i' Jtspanere PAPER FyPKHxg..........-- .100. Jun the thing for Picnics. We have every facility and long experience and it will pay you to deal with us. That We do H, H. MILLER. Hold 1.tttt!yp, on shove being Dunn. in b ‘._ ._,xu- A - White mumerpanm NE“? G LA HSVV A RE. Uall and see us - SELLS a; Efiii, It; “I! "tttttre......) eat-h 2 ids t'qut"e.......,...2A5 each for (lllllm BIUGK, l)llllillll. toe and we each Wile each r. qt. emu. 31.00 each l. 10 each ‘A P Proton Council held a meeting in the hotel on Saturday evening. We under- stand the proposed railroad was to he brought up but we haven't heard the Master Johnnie Glenister is back from Toronto. He thinks that he saw all the sights only the Mayor, who happened to be away tn England. Another of his cousins accompomed him home. A number of our young people here drove to Eugenia Falls last. week to a picnic. , Malcolm McGillivray. of Glenelg, a former resident and " pioneer of Proton, is visiting friends in our village. John A Scarlett took a business trip to Toronto. Alfred Reid has returned from a trip to Owen Sound. Mr J C Caldwell, uroprietor of the Central Hotel, Gait. and a former resi- dent. of East Egremont, has been up in Egremont and came to Hopeville to see his friend, Mr J McArdle. Aboveand beyond all these, their courage and faith in the country is shown by the enterprise ofthe great Grand Trunk Pacific. the Directorate of which was appointed only last week We will have more to say of this later. The Railway Commission, now in the west, is a late instance of Govern- ment success in dealing with trans- portrtion problems. The good work done hy Hon A. G. Blair and his col- leagues has already been seen and is on earnest of still greater benefits to come. Nothing less than government control in some shape will keep the railways in order, and there is certain- ly large room for improvement yet in the handling of both freight and ex- press. The study they give to trans- portation problems and the advice they give will be increasingly valuable. The new Railway Act, gives the people greater control over railways, removes substantial grievances of farmers in respeetof fences, gates, cattle guards. and fires, and gives assurance ot tairerand more uniform treatment to shippers generally. Discrimination in freight, rates of Canadian Railways in favour of the Standard Oil Company, was stopped-- and schedule arranged providing for equal treatment to all shippers. A policy also of guaranteeing the bonds of' Rainmv Cempanies has been adopued and in this way railroads are built withoutreal cost to the Govern- ment. Railway subsidies, which formerly were a gilt are now given on cundition that the railway companies shall per- form service by way of earrying the mails to the extent ofa fair annpal in- terest on the amount of the subsidies. - _ WW." '7 were excluded from Canadian coasting trade unless upon payment of 25 per 0cm of their value for a license. New Steamship services were ar- ranged for between St. John, N. B., to Glassguw, Belfast and Dublin; be.. tween Montreal and Quebec in sum- mer to Manchester: Halifax and St John in winter to Manchester; Atlantic £3115 to France: Atlantic ports .to tsth Africa. Then again ships built outside the British Empire is delivered by railways and min- shlpped t similar work has been done for the harbors of Ontario, the lines of route between Ontario and Montreal and tor the harbors for receiving, storing and shipment tor ocean POY- ages. The ship channel between Montreal and Quebec to the sea has also been made safer by buoys. light- houses, &c.. a matter of great. national importance. The ship channel from Montreal to Larel was lighted at night during a portion ofthe past navigation season. i I When the Government took Miee l they found that at the rate of progress I that had been made under Conserva- l the administrations the at. Lawrence Canal system would not be completed for at least ten years. Recognizing the importance of the work in the interests of the countrv, and particularly cf the Great North-West. the Government determined to rush it to completion. This was done and by 1900 a clear channel of14 feet was available from the Great Lakes to Ocean ports in Eastern Canada. Bv addition to the speedy completion of the canal system the Government has {pursued a most vigorous policy with the object of eheopenink and} facilitating transport between the Great North-West' and the Atlantiel seaboard. Great attention has also been direc- ted towards improving the harbors on Lake 1uaperlorrivhere the western grain ""e V -- vvwmv IIUIIW‘ forth a business proposition. A judicious subsidy secured the construction of the Crow’s Nest Pass Railway which developed the impor- tant Kootenay district. It was part of the bargain also with the C. P. R. that they would substantially reduce freight rates to the farmers of Mani. toba and the West. We. hear. a Erzat deal about the Thritr, the Poet thBee, and latterly ot Military matters and on all these points the Government can certainly take to itself much credit. Bat a look at what it has done for Transportation is in order. To begin with, it extended the Intercolonial Railway from Levis to Montreal and at once the periods ot detieits was over. It became hence- forth a business nrnnn-M-r" TRANSPORTATION PMCLtattt, HOPEVILLE. The Liberal Record. bt, A mm received from Mr and Mrs James Black and family of Oak River Manitoba. states that they art-Iv e hLom'e tttlr ulthough a. little stormy o Mrs Dr Hutton and ber niece, Miss Norma Patton, of Durham, spent a while with friends around here. Mus Jane Wright. tmher. spent her holidays with her sister In this town. Misses Mary and Maggie Simpson are at their motheru, Mrs Simpson. of this place. Mrs Walker and family of Toronto who waited With friends in this place. Ieturned to ber home last week. It is reported that there are to be a '.g"ttlee of marriages in the neighbor hood in t e coming week. but (wants of this kind sometimes prove to be more talk than real. Dr Dixon of this place received a bad g 'sh on the head while holding hes nurse which became unmanageable. The iron on the bridle came m contact with his head and as a result Dr Bibby of Flesherton had to put seven stitches in the wound, but. nevertheless. the lh is always attending to his duties and his patients. 80 it is with him now " Physician heal thyself quieklr" Miss Blackburn of Cleveland iaattend- ing Miss McIntyre as nurse for the last two or three weeks. Dr Conkey, of Chicago, is visiting at his old home on the north line. The Dr longs well and has the appearance M well as the reality of doing a good busi- ness in Chicago. T Donald Gilles improved his dwelling by putting a new road on it. There is a good opening for". shoe- maker in this town, as there has been none since the late Dugald McLean's death. There is u. good section of coun- try surrounding this place and we don’t see why a shoemaker could not do well by coming and starting up business. We remember the time when we had four shoeumkcrs here and all made a living. Surely one could make enough now on coliling and such like. We have three h0vsesltoers in town, and at least Wcought to have one for humankind. but, we think more of our horses some. times than We do of ourselves. l Mrs McPherson fput; up a fine monu- ment in memory 0 her heloved husband the late Alex McPherson, in the cane tery in this town. Miss Doro' McIntyre, of Rochester. is at home at present awaiting the result of her sick sister, who IS not making nmph [mplfpyemeut in health. The officers of the Artemesin Agrieul. tum! Society had a meeting on Sat urday last to appoint judges for the different classes at the coming show. Miss Maggie MchnnPl returned home, after spending her holidays with friends at Stayner and Collinirwbod. She was 1Toompanied by her sustel. Mrs Francis McLeod. and nephew, Master Donald McQueen, of Stayner. Mr and Mrs Legate, of Buflalo, daugh- ter and son-In-luw of LII-John Nichol. are at present Visiting with Mr. Nichol and family. Miss McAlister. of Collingwood. is visiting with her sister, Mrs Thus Nichol. Miss Mary MoAulley. of Detroit, is spending a. while at, the old home With her mother in this town. . Miss Mt-Aul- ley Pd a. lady that is highly osteemed and respected at home and abs-mud Rev. Mr. Rum-h. Sr., (Pastor Roach's buher), will preach in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday evening. Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist church in this place last Sals lmth. A large number attended from Ebenezer congregation. No less than three thunder- storms during the last week, but not, much damage reported to be done. MacFarlane & Go. Some odd WINDOW a. SHADES At a great reduction. Druggists & Seadsmeu PRICES ROCK BOTTOM WALL PAPER Now as the Wall Pa.. per season is about over, on going over our stock, we find we have a number of remnants in room lots which we must get rid of. If we have what suits you, price is no consider.. ation with us. Come and let us show you. PRICEVILLE. AT L 110mm»! REVIEW ONTARIO ARCH ' TORONTO Druggist and Seedsman, Machine Oils, SEED FALL WHEAT, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Rape Seed. GEM FRUIT JARS. Corks and Bungs. VINEGARS Vinegar from 30c to Yoc Der g Fon tyALK.--1 yr old Butt rising 2 yrs 2 Bull Calves. oerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedittreed. FOR Mutvrtug.--1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. $1.00. FOR SALE & for SERVICE V - _ --.-. v." ya“ 1'uulIC - WI W, U0"- 3. N. D. It., 25 acres clear. the rest hard. wood hush. The Saugoen River runs through both. For further particular send or apply to 100 Acres. Lot 86. Md Con" N. D. It., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for rultivntion. the let: hglquogg hush. _ Also Lot so, Con. At once. S able for Brick Yard Apply at the yald or to w. BLACK. ! Agplicntions for teacher for & s. No! Lots 82x St, Con. 2 s. D. R., Contain. (S, lenelg. will be received hy the ttttt 100 Mm more or less. About 90 I undersigned up till August. 9. D'utiea to f."t". cleared 'htt.d in good tttate ot cul- I commence Oct. 3, and last until end of .tivat!on for allkmda of Clogs. Remain. year. m n - I1ti,tlo, acre: nard___wond__ nah. Four im orti, Pricevnlle P: b. -to- iiidUG. Prietor. Mas. M ARGABETMO LAUCHLAN Lots43 and 44. Concession I, South Durham Road. Glenelg containing one hundred (100) acres. about 75 acres cleared. good frame barn with stone sliding. frame house. never failing well. One and one half miles from achnol. church and Post Care. For further particulars anlgon the prem- im orto Pricevnlle . " to the pro- ‘g , s'i.i't, 4 Apply to JNo EC KHARDT Bumssan 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. TEACHER WANTED. FARM FOR SALE. FARM TO RENT. Wu. RITCHIE. Becra.lrtrtss, MARY Mclx'n'nn. Markdale PARKER, Vinegar from 30c to 75c per gal. Spices and Flavoring extracts. Gasoline, Coal Oil, Paints, & Edge Hill. 'als. SCOTT. OI? BET QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods. Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargains. MP' We ask inspection of our Teas.“ For Service at Jar. Fall near Agricultural Grounds. 81,00, JAB. PAL TWEEDS d; YARNS Prtixi ,V- _...-. ww". urn-u. ruur ' tulle. from Priceville. £mile from school. S1n farm are two good wells. Brick Home 30 x 22, with kitchen l7 E 28, col i In and all conveniences. Good hank burn tio x 65. splendid stohling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit. _ purchaser. Applg if by post to Price-' ville P. O. or on t e premier to THOROBRED DURHAM BULL BOARS FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE Wu. Manon. thr., Prop Grounds. 'Terms JAB. FALxmonAu. 1rtikirttrtyunv Durha'm _ itil IN Rh - x t 'Are, anion {than men "gl'fl2rtit mum-pinto _ “lumen. rm; I." devi “I!" thehrtl ' "e"'"'-'-.....-- It'e'Nt'h%tflfg 2u1li'J2ltU.or'" m“ Adopted by all 1enditegkhoots in Mao. Wdeoenedl by "ateart mu I chat Dunn. ',siiii?Si'ii'hk'e,'i?, Ll'iat Inn:- 1t1i'ttettt8t, May, the [owing tou- can. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. an“ mptty atteaded to. nee: mm. llilrllr',,'. brstrttAthisJmpuaiGTt War- 'al'& Helium's clam-d. 1tr.tttigtmr oe. Durban, Nov. 16, m. JOHN CLARK, Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey ancer. Valuawr, Insurance Agent, ac lice, Duihun iiiria. RaraiGriaiiidiGuCr, L',', - there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be promptly Attended to, Ml on nppllmtlon to Tern" moderate. Autumn-ms for “In ii it tut.tssfry, 'et ttmade " we Review or Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Cottmtiistoner, ac. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers. Ac. Mouey to I‘ll. (Yice. McIntyre Block, our the Bank A. G. MncKuy‘. K.C. w. F Dunn Jompuny nod print. Fonda to Lou Hortense- at lowest rate: ot interest. VIII. mute by acommwnt and careful Valuator omee----LowEIt TOWN. DURH‘H HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J a J HUNTERS New Store. Couoctmno and Agency promptly attended to Wills. Doom, Mortgage-I. 149m, Agreements “warmth! pup-Jud. Ell-m of deceased per- son looked um and Executor'l and Adminis- trator-r Accounts prop-rod Ind Wed Surruuuto Court Business Prob.“ ot wu a. Letters of Ad. minumtion uni Gnu-Jump Obtained. sem- chu made in Regina 011100 ind Titles reported ,,r,_ -r""_____ “an: VI: _ I the Du nam Pharmacy Calder“: Block. Resident-g first dgnr west of the OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF ttu. nu nan: Dl..n......__ n n. . Myer’s Music Method. Ofthe, 18 PM M, late Bum-n: to Mooetietd, (London. In: to Knapp- (New York) Eye [lo-plain. Auctioneers. l, McPHA n. or to c. RMEAGE, D: tr Ceylon bu I telephone otmm, lulu: Col hm ad Simon h. Outs-lo. nee-M 'ey!iikyyr_rar.thtmth"a d Goon. O Bt., a too: at mu. old 'lltthfl'fdQ onto: nouns F-u n. m. 2-4 p. II. 'r-4 p. M. Toto»... Cum No. " J . G. HUTTON. M. D., tBce. MoKenzie's Old Stand, Durham H, -, __ ., -""'-' “an“ Gndu'ue of Mugxew York and Chicago. Iht". Dim of Ere, Ear. Nose. and Throat. awn! be u Frtapp Home Bum. the and emu-any in each month. iGGs", 1-6 D arm mce, Private Money to Loan. Colloc- tions of all kinds promptly alum ded to. Farms bought and sold Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey '. C. PICKERING ll. D S., L. D. S Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. BARRISTER, SOICITOR.“ noun" ruluc can" VANCER. a: Will be " the madam: Home. Danna. the an: Wednecdny of each month from 10.. Ill. till 4 p. m. - Ml “tendon than to Diane: a Women and Children. 333. Egg Hose dc Throat ARTHUR GUN. m PlYllchll a Summon, MACKAY d; DUNN, DEN TAL. MUSIC. LEG-AL. . LEFROY McCAUL MEDICAL. D. MePBAfL, Ceylon P. o. C. RAIAGE, Durban. over Gordon’s Jewelry More. old Post biiidii,iiiviiiii; J . P. TELFORD HOURS '. n" J. & J. '4aertor'. Money to Loan DR. BROWN, DR. BURT . JACKSON, 'to " Ll. ottGdknii @725 33.3335 Mcdexate "; P., man. mm W. F Dunn i, t-ti p (in; Owen Sound. mama; by) 3nd “I! on m

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