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Durham Review (1897), 18 Aug 1904, p. 8

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Rev. and Mre T. H. Farr and little girl, of Wallaceburg, are at presect visitâ€" ivg at the old howse. Mr J Dovabue, and Mrs â€"â€"â€"â€", ot Toronto, are guests of their brother, Mr Hiram Dean, at present, Sorry to hear of Miss Maggio Hewitt being very poorly, We hope soon to hear of her spee4y recovery, Mr and Mrs John Hanoah, of Hoiland Centre, are at present yisiting friends and relatives in this part. Tom Davis makes some frequent visits up the second of late. What‘s the atâ€" traction Tom ? I saw by lasst week‘s Chronicle that there was a budges in from this part, so I thought I might as well try and get one for your valuable paper as it wouldn‘t be right to bhuye it all a oneâ€"sided affair A great number of pecple, not only in Dromote but other satside villages, are wondering what has become of Drothore footâ€"ball team. Those boys who wore the blue and white last year are beginning to think last winter must hLaye gone bhard with them, _ Well, we must confess it was a hard winter, but if you want to hear from them or if you imagine for a moment that they are still frozen up, just send them a challenge. They never were known to refuse eme, and wo fancy before they get through with you you will find out that there is no frost about their jJoints. 1e thinke you will be wishing for winter again. The like of these voys don‘t freezo up, Last week we gave the names of all those who had written on the teachers‘ training course, but unable to give a proâ€" per report. This week we are able to give a better report of Rev D L Campbell‘s class. Mr Hlobt Renwick wrote on three subjects and was saccessful in taking 1st class honors in Seriptare, 20d class honors in Doctrine, 1st class honors in Art of Teaching: M J Smell 1st class honors in Seripture, 2nd clase honors in Doctrine and Art of Teaching; Chbas Drimmis 2nd class honors in Doewine, 1st class honors in Art of Teaching; John Drimwie 20d class bonors in Doctrine ; Belia Garson 2ad class honors io Doctrive ; Aggie Hunâ€" ter 2nd class honors im Doctrine; Ella Renton 2nd class honors in Doctrine ; Doctrine, J C Adams, martha »ay Eecles. John x Findlay, Aggie Renwick. We would say this is highly creditable to all. ‘The union choir picnic last week at the lake was a great success. Quite a nuwber from our town were invited and report a good time. Judging from the time some of them got home, they maust have put in all the time there was to spure that afterâ€" noon,. We are pleased to report this week that all the sick around here are able to be around agam. ur and xrs Dave marshall, of Normanby were guests of the Lothian family over Sunday. Haying is a thing of the past, 1904, now and harvesting will begin this week, The all wheat is all cut and is yery much rusted. »r Joseph Snel!, of Zion City, is spendâ€" ing his holidays at his parental home here. miss Jennie Graham, of Owen Sonnd vicinity, is visitmg the Lothian family. ur Frank ueCartnooy is visiting with the Colbert family on the base line ayenue these days. We understand that xiss Lizzie is gettng on well with her music lessons. »xrs Wm Timmons visited friends at Vandeleur last Sanday. * wasters Harry Falkingham, of Durham, and Freddy watheson, of markdale, yvisited at the Falls last week, They both put in a good time We are glad to report that ur Jas xcâ€" Nally, who has lately been very sick, is able to be around again. xr Thos meNally is completing the stone work under his barn,. Thos has already a good barn but this will be a good addition to his stabling. xr Mminvis and his gang are already making a good show at the dam that they are consiructing at the Falls. yxr x has a good head and knows when he has a good thing, also how to devyelop it, and we proaâ€" diet that he will construct the dam with little more than the National Cement Co spent in surveys and such like work. We believe that xur mionis intends to haye it working before Xmas. We all wish him success in bis undertaking. The Timmios Bros. are more than busy this spriog. They bhave already completed seyeral jobs and hayefour or five barn foundations waiting for them as well as emaller contracts. They are bustlers, and they say Larry meGovern is a crackerâ€"jack to make mortar. « The Epworth Leagae of Christian Enâ€" deavor held a most enjoyable sccial on the night of the 11th inst. A good proâ€" gram consisting of songs, recitatious, diaâ€" lognues and instramental music was given. Amongst others who did extra well were the following: wiss may Robson in the recitation of * He counted the egzgs" was traly at hore ; wiss Hurd recited in good style, and everyone says that mss Stella Jack is a star ; miss muarial Davenport sang u solo in yvery effectivye manoer. The little folk, as usual, excelled themselives. A eollection was taken up amounting to about $4.75, to be devoted to forward movement purposes; a worthy departâ€" meut with ywiss Anabella Blair at its The new house is about complete, and we expect ur John Greenwood and his fair partner to occupy it in a few days. Look oul for visitors Jack, xr Wm Paylor was roade a member of the Independent Order of Foresters on the evening of the 11th of Aug, W is a good risk and will make a worthy member of that most noble Order. He was proâ€" posed by Bro S 8 Jacques. mss wurial Dayvenport is visaiting with old friends around Zion at present. We all like to have starial bere, VARKIES‘ CORNER. DR@OMORE. «+ <tim + ZION. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtainâ€" ed at reasonable rates,. _ Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. Wm. Johaston, Jr., C. Ramage, ' Chairman. Secretary ; The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical sup'flies and fitâ€" tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tign work. . The following competent staff are in charge : While writing we are sorry to hear of the death of Wim Bell at the home of a friend in Toronto, _ xr Bell is the last of his family, and many of his old neighbors will regret to hear of his death. Dromore will give particulars. School opened monday with xr W L Dixoun in charge. axr Dixon is a veteran in the teachng ravks and has a record of suceess equalled by few. ir Sandy mcLean, wife and two dlflxlfs ters, of Brownsyille, visited urs McLean { sister, Mrs Chas Brown, and fawily o Darbam, last week. Jos Campbell, Balsam Valley, bad a barn raised last week by the block and tackle system, arr Campbell is well pleasâ€" ed with his framer, ur Cuonningham moore. The hoisting was done by mal mcFadden and the new system gave satisfaction. Miss Katio mcFarlane, Bunessan, was yvisiting her old schoolmates here recently. A fierce storm, electrical in its nature, passed over here on Wednesday last, unâ€" roofing Dan 1cCannel‘s pigâ€"pen, levelling his and other tences, and generally acting like a mild cyclone, We are pleased to see mur Hill about again after his attack of Typhord, but sorry to hear his daughter, ars Willie marskall, is now ill with the same trouble, and hope to hear of her recovery soon, Mmiss Martha Wilson has returned to Toâ€" ronto from her kolidays. Miss Annie reCannel visited her friend, Miss M Gordon, Durham, lately, over the week end. mrs Peter mcQueen, from the loth of Egremont, and neice, miss MmcEachern, were welsome callers at ur Jno mcQueen‘s Sunday. Mr Robt English had his large house veneered and the first coat of plaster on, last week. He had a gang of seven men at it, hence the work was pushed along in a hurry. _ When finished it will be an upâ€"toâ€"date dwelling. _ Mr Will Bell had his house plastered with the same gang. What‘s the matter Will with getting one of the fair sex ? Born. on July Soth, to wir and Mrs, Samuel Baines, a son, ental roof. city again, Mr Chas. Boyle had a well drilled some time ago, Mr Robt McKenne! of Holland doine the work. He fouud soms very hard ma#erial to work in but struck a good spring at 38 feet. * The Missos Duncan accompaniel by Mr Gray of Toronto, came up from the city to snend_g._ few days uuder the parâ€" The many readers around here of the Markdale Strodard were pleased to read the interesting letter wiitten by Mr Joe Boyle, who has speut the summer months in Calgary, Alberta, Four of our stalwart youths, viz. ; Wilâ€" lie English, Willie Scott, Campbell Livâ€" imgston and Geo,. Bradley intend going West on the exenrsion which runs Aug. 23rd. Success boys. Harvest is in full swing now, The crops as a rule are very good. Mr Cap McDonald of Ponoma was a caller in our burg one evening last week but was not alone. Come again when we are at home Cap. Harvest is in full swing this week. We extend spmpathy to the Edwards family in Zion in their sore affliction this week. Durnam School Messrs Malcolm and Alex McMillan are hustling up a house wall for John A McMillan this week, Miss Katie McFa.!den of the Avenue is spending afew days with friends in our burg this week. A few from our burg spent a Fleasant eévening with the Martin family of the 6th, Monday of this week. Miss Kate McQuarrie leaves for Duâ€" luth tnis week. derns. : t o peiee S Y6 ) esns t J. H. SMITH, B. A., Mathematics and Science THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. M. FORFAR, B. A., Classics and Moâ€" Mrs John Gilbert and children who have been on a visit to the old home in Maple Grove returned to her home in the Queen City on Saturday last. Master Johnore Weir, of Oxen Sound, is the guest of his cousin, Arthur Weir, for the last two or three weeks. Master Geordie Heartwell is on the sick list at present. Mr Richard Barker, of Edge Hil!. was the guest of Mat Staples over Suzsday. Miss May Martin was in our burg Saturday and Sunday last. Miss M. Collier, Toronto, enlled on friends around bere the beginning of last week. Mr Angus Black bad a house raising last week in the old fashioned style and the next thing we expect is a nouse warming. We‘ wish Angus prosperity. Mr Hiram Deanv, accompanied by one of the fair ones of the 4th con., attendâ€" ed the picuic in Ectors‘ groye last week. Mrs Smith. of White Pigeon, Mich., iotends leaving for ber home shortly. We wonder where that covered cab from town was gomg a week ago last Sunday in thke rain, and it didn‘t forget ‘to make a call near Edge Hill either * See ‘ere boys, it was pretty wet." FEES Staff and Ecuipment. $1 per month in advance BOOTHVILLE They +ave returned to the sCOTCH TOWN Glascott. Kig ... ...*«<*xi«« ... 108 Raspberry .........10¢ Strawberry ........ 10c Jam in Pails........ 50c Phone 27. Pmm..........>.. .106 Cron‘nâ€"Griersooâ€"That Dan meDougal! be collector at a salary of $110 for the eurrent year, be to giye bonds to the satâ€" isfection of council, and that he proceed to collect as the law directs, in the eyent of the council extending time for the reâ€" turn of roll beyond the day set by law, and if the roll is not with the Treasurer with alk money that can be collected Croninâ€"Grier:souâ€"That a vote of the eiectors be taken at the next municipal election to abolish statute laborâ€"Carried. Croninâ€"Griersonâ€"That the commisâ€" sioners in each diyision get a grant of $75 to be spent toimprove the roadsâ€"Carried. Griersonâ€"â€"Torryâ€"â€"That the cierk demand and press payment of $6 from Robt Ewen jr, lot 81, ecn 2, W G R, for money paid him for township werk not performed by bimâ€"Carried, Griersonâ€"Willisâ€"That $2 statute l1 bor pard by Alfred Redford be expended by Thos Torry in division in which it was paidâ€"Carried. Torryâ€"Griersonâ€"That $5 statute labor paid by John Dirstein be refunded to Frank Cronin to be expended in the divisâ€" ion in which it was paid.â€"Carried,. Croninâ€"Torryâ€"That $2 paid in taxes by Henry Gunder last year be exvended by Robt Grierson in his road divisionâ€" Carried. Croninâ€"Torryâ€"That the request of the assessor be not entertainedâ€"Carried. Willisâ€"Torryâ€"That the pathmaster notify xr F Wagner to remoye his fence off road allowauce at lot 3, con 3, § D R â€"Carriea,. Torryâ€"Griersonâ€"That the clerk be empowered to employ counsel to defend sut â€"â€"â€" Clark against the corporation Carried. Willisâ€"Torryâ€"That the reeye be apâ€" pointed to search the Registry office re coliector‘s suretiesâ€"Carried, Torryâ€"Croniuâ€"That John Unruh be paid $3.58 for 28 rods and 10 feet of wire tence and Thos Clark $1 for inspecting sameâ€"Carried. Griersonâ€"Croninâ€"That John Winter be paid $4.2%0 tor 838 rods, 9} feet of wire fence, and John Patterson ve paid $1 as fence viewer of same and echeques do issue â€"Carried. Torry Willisâ€"That Herry Geisel be paid $6.50 for 52 rods wire fense and Wm Iryine $1 for inspecting sameâ€"Carried, ‘Torryâ€"Croninâ€"That the account of $8.80 for repairs for grader be paid and cheques 1esuedâ€"Carriel. Torryâ€"Willisâ€"That Robt Grierson and Frank Cronin be a committee to meet Sullivan council on townline 8 & B re deviationsâ€"Carried. Willisâ€"Torryâ€"That Charles mauer be allowed to do his road work under »mark Willis before the 1st day of Oct 1904â€" Carried. xet at Dornoch on monday the 1st Aug. inst. »members all present. ‘The reeye in the chair. »minutes of Court of Revision and may meeting read and passed, The reeve reported having expended $96 in reâ€" pairs to bridges eincs last meeting. The road commissioners reported expenditure on roads since last meeting as follows :â€" Mz Grierson in div No 1 $214.02, ar Torry in div No 2 $201.11, xur Willis in div No 3 $161.01, xr Cronin in div No 4 $152 16. Reports ordered to be received and cheques issued. Rev D A McLean, Tara, acceptably filled the Rocky Saugeen pulpit for the last two Sabbaths. _ Rev Dr Smith, Bradford, is to occupy it next Sabpath. Arch Ector yeneered his house lataly, the work being efficiently done by Ritchie Bros. Mr Joseph Firth finished the mason work of his barn last week, work being done in good style by Messrs Mal. and Alex McMillen, of Scotchtown. Mr and Mrs Goodeve, Acton, formerly of Allan Park, are visiting their neice, Mrs D Greenwood. Berry picking is a thing of the past now but there was a lively time in the bush while they lasted, Mise Burgess visited frisnds iv town one day lately, Schoc! started on Mondar with a very good attendance. Miss Madge Collier, of the Queen City, and Miss Vina Kress of town visitel at Mr _ John Collier‘s for a few days last week, Mr and Mrs Gurnie, of Toronto, called on friends in this part last week. Mr and Mrs Tucker of Egremont visitâ€" ed at Mr ltobt Ectors one day recently, Mr Johnnie Weir, of Owen Sound, spent a couple of weeks the guest of his cousin, Mr Arthor. Weir. Miss Ada Limtn of town visited with her cousin, Miss Ada Staples, for a few days lately. Miss Amy Edge was the guest of cousin, Miss Bella McGirr, for a days recently. Mr and Mrs Robt Williams, of Berkley, called on frieeds in this part last Sunâ€" day. Mr and Mrs J HMceFayden spent from Saturday till Monday in Owen Sound. J A M Bentinck Council. McINTYRE‘S GROCERY THE DURHAM REVIEW THESE ARE GUARANTEED : Edge Hill N. P. MciNTYRE, C CKGAT§... ... a%¥«‘1r. Plums, 2 kinds. ... Pineapples.. 15, 20, Pie Peaches...... Peaches (in syrup) CANNED FRUITS her few Ycung Bulls, Heifers and Cows, Terms easy. Verschoy.2 (Imported) at Head of Herd. PURE _BRED DURHAMS FOR SALE. Chorus Retreat of Aberdonian Berry Pickers. The council adjourned till August 13 at 10 a m. Commission on expenditures was paid as follow : Thos Davis $6, W T Kerney $10, Geo E Arrowswmith $10. J &A xcatiilan $5, WT Kerney overseeing $2, T Davis overseeing $8, Thos McFadden overseging §$3, J A mcatillan overseeing %2, total $48, J, Staples was paid $y for equalizing 8 school sections and 10 certs per muile for 32 miles, total $12 20, Commussioner for ward 3 was instructed to wait on M J O‘Haunley and offer himw §50 for deviations of lot 26, con 8, and lot 25, con 9, and in case of retusal to offer to leaye the matter to arbitration, Henry Williams was refunded $1 pard in errvor for statute labor, charged in error. Houry Lawrence was paid $87 for covâ€" ecing a hridge at lot 56, son 2, E G R, and Mary Mullen $21 tor keep uf Mrs Dillon for 19 weeks and 8 days. The clerk was refunded 50 cents paid tor searches in Registry office. . _Joseph O‘Neil was paid $3 for conveyâ€" ing inmute to House of Refuge. Charity payments were as follows :â€" James McGilliyray for keep of Mary Mcâ€" Arthur $12, Henry Clayburn $12%, George Roy $12, These were final payments. A McCuaig was paid $8 for damage to hbay and wagon on detectiye road. Cheques were issned as follows for exâ€" peuses and medical attendauce on Frank McCartuey while suffering from a broken leg, viz., Wm O‘Mara $5.50, Dr Smith $25, the Dr to puy all other attendance. Gravel accounts were paid as follows :â€" Wmm Anderson $7, \Wm Vassie $2.40 and d«amage to crop $1, Chas Tibbut $4.75, Thos Long $4.10, Archie McDouald for 1908 95¢, Dugaid McNab $2.45, Wm Britton $4, John Varty $4, Geo Ledingâ€" hbaw for 1903 $2, J Colbert $5, National Portland Cement Co, $1.80, A McLachlin repair of bridge lot 45, The Reeve and Com‘r Arrowsmith were instructed to build a bridge on Black Creek lot 10, con 11, aud the reeve and Comtuissioner Kerney were instructad to build a bridge on base line at lot 1, con 18. Special jobs were paid for as follows :â€" A McLean culvert townline G. & A con 3, N D R...:s:.sss.:ccsscciss«rs¢ee W Smeilie reparr of hill lot 80, coun Byâ€"law No 5 leyying township rate 84 mills on $1, county rate 2 and oneâ€"tenth h11 is on $1, general school rate 2 mills on §$1. Byâ€"law No 6 levying school rates and By.â€"law No 7 confirming the appointment of Dan »cDouga‘l as collector were duly Report of comumiltee aypointed io take leye‘!s on lots 60, 61 and 62 was adopted. avud the reeve and Mr Davis were paid‘*§$2 each and J P Telford $3 for their trouvie in the watter, The reeve and Mr Kerney reported the case of Fraok McCartuey and were paid $2 each for their trouble. Torryâ€"Willisâ€"That council do now adâ€" journ to meet in Elmwood on Saturday, Oct. 1st, at 9 o‘clock in the forencoonâ€" Curried, thereon at time she auditors are making their reprt, the collector and bondamen be beld responsible tor any extra expense incurredâ€"Carried. The council met Jaly 9th. _ All the members present. ‘The reeve in the chair, Minutes of former msetivng read and conâ€" firmed. Summary of proceedings were as follows :â€" Ward commissioners reported expend:iâ€" tures from appropriations as follows: Com for ward 1 $101.53, Com for ward 3 $97.45, Com ward 4 $158.40. Statements of these expenditures in detail were adoptâ€" ed by the council. Petition for deyiation of road through lots 103 and 104, con 3. 8 W T R, was presented. The reeve and Mr Arrowsmith were appoinsed to investigate and report. Byâ€"law 441, for the protection of shade trees, was passed, R Ward appropriation was raised from $150 to $200 for eaeh ward. L So goodâ€"bye Gordons you must leave us, Though it breaks gl'our hearts to go, Your empty jars at home to greet you, Oun them your berries to bestow. On the fence those crows were sitting, Seeing them along the way, Hark ! they hear those crows a cawing, Goodâ€"bye Gordons for toâ€"day. COU S M D Rt....;.sccccccercscrcctserseete QH OO LN DCA:.:c ::3Â¥ tiaenhnecere avesrer¢e Tune * Dolly Grey." They came out to Aberdecn For half an hour, They saw the people who were mean For half an hour. It was the Gordon clan, With each a salmon can, To pick berries in the shade For half an hour. Then tive minutes in the patch. For they had their daddy‘s watch, But the crows cawed out the batch In half an hour. For half an hour. _ _ They unhitched their shinney horse For half an hour, A pound of hay to him they toss, 20c 25¢ 10c GLENELG COUNCIL. Dairy Cheese ..... Stiiton Cheese. .... MeLlarea‘s Cheese.. Strawberries.. ... Raspberries ... .. CHEESE H. PARKER, Durham TORONTO J. 8. Buack, Clerk. Sole Agency. 3 00 (ROWDS 0F PEOML Alex. Russell "THESLA TER SHOEF We invite you to come and inspect our Goods The " Imperial " Shoe Regent Tailored Garments "Piccadilly Brand" Clothing THE PEOPLES STORE At the end of each season there is usually broken lines that have to be cleared np in order to start next season with new goods. These must be sold at any old price. So here goes ; 4 Ibs Best RaiSlh8 ...;,. ....,» :s«a22 @a4a 1@¢ra% s r quart Catsup. ... .....+.:,» +1rk 4« ho buues *L * % n 7 lbs New Figsâ€"â€"First Class Quality, for... ... ROBT. BURNETT Are daily crowding our store and taking aUvVemtCn~â€" of this very special npportunity to buy Readyâ€"made Clothing, at UNHEARD OF PRICES We bought them rightâ€"you can buy them rightâ€"they sell on sight and the reason is not far to seek : $18.00 Pure Wool Worsted Suits .. .. .Saturday for....$15 00 12.00 t +% for.... 10.00 8.56 Pure Wool Tweed Snits....... +* for. .. > 6 yo 7 White Bed Spreads, Saturday, 100 yds. 12%c. print ** Alex. Russell. Balance of Whitewear Stock must be sold at your own Prices SATURDAY GROCERIES Freshest Groceries always on In the Shoe line, we offer you the "Imperial," Shoe for Men and Womenâ€""made in Canada, sell the "KEITH,*" a fine patent shoe of Ame Prices unequalled. Is another line of readyâ€"toâ€"wear C perfect fitting, attractive looking with good dressers. Inspect this This is our leader and for quality is the best Clothing to be had toâ€"day. Your attention is called to the materials used to give staying power and shape to Piccadilly Brand Clothâ€" thing, viz: Hair Cloth, Felt, Linen Canvas and Shoulder Pads, producing the so long looked for athletic shoulders and unbreakable front, We are sole agents in Durham for this Clothing. _ Come and secure a suit ; we have them in all sizes for Men, Boys and Youths,. Prices the lowest. "LEFEFT OVERS " THR BIG STORR | Alex. Russell menâ€""‘made in Canada." We also a fine patent shoe of American pattern, tive looking and popular everywhere Inspect this before buying elsewhere. â€"toâ€"wear Clothingy we handle: AUVGUST 18. and taking advantage guide post is on the straight road to foot comâ€" fort, shoe satisfaction and economy. "‘The Sign of the Slate " marks the hours of Slater Shoes. It tells the passersâ€"by that this the placs of honestly made shoesâ€"comfortable shoes, stylish shoes. The man who takes the Sign of the Slate as his No trouble to show them §8 hand. : ++ +++«+» 49GC, (" 4 high-grade . . . . ) &5 ts â€"‘~+~+ ty k. > > + +~ § »t8 It is VOL. ReviEw and Review and REvIiE®w and REviEw and ReviEw and REvIEw and Revirw and REvIEW and REevIEw and ReviEw and /A l BB Review 21 The This i Remen this ye ) Hea ) fine ) fine g | nobb Grey Blaci Heay

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