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Durham Review (1897), 25 Aug 1904, p. 4

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m I i H SOMETHING NEW IN 503151111X" NEW IN WASHEIttr. The Iyaty1ttttprum Also Wilheim's wrinsters, all made by Wat%G a Raymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Agent for the Dihon Elmira Stav thnn bearing Jfarvesters kJTnd fta J) okn gx'vingston, yifassey ?aris Green, Hellebore, Jhahn Glark. We can Rive gulf; a mere list of our goods. but In l adaptability to t e needs of South Gray we are m During Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Hen new. Pa1merston'Btoggiisi Renowned articles arlfng's Ema £60229 fii; BIORLOCK It will pay you to give our Di inspection before you purchase 40" Amazon Suiting. . .. ...... . ., 4o" Camel Hair Suiting... . . . . . . . 54" Flake Suiting.... .. .... .... . 54" Canvas Suiting.... .... ..... 56" Broad Cloth Suiting. .. . . .. ., 56‘_Frieze Suiting........ ....... lashion demands which includes a FULL RANGE of the latest Weaves and Patterns in Flake, Nicker and Pebble effects. {Fine Panne finished Broad Cloths and Cheviot Suitings. These are all in suit lengths with NO TWO ALIKE and are in the newest shades. The best in their line as We have also a large quantity of this T was kept m Burnett's store and therein god: this We "Her at lowest current rate Ive expo-ct the showroom to be UIH'D. and will continue business at th, We cannot begin to tell you in detail one half of what we are showing in Ladies' Suitings for Fall. But we say we have the Newest Dress Fabrics that gr,- We have also Quantities of this twine recent tire, we intend to 149.13. IPatuiariu, Ik"AeiI,rg2tii; A full range of fancy A Complete Stock of DRUGS and MEDICICINES at Prices, the owest, quality considered. "s"-------, Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c Ili?!1rCItL1irppvart TWINE 28 Jilrfarrfs d5hoa)rooms CASH AND STXYLISH t routs a ll) DRESS GOODS ----AT-- |u§-......... jng........., we handle only ll made by “‘Q1EOTIBT Ayn Clary Stoves for Coal nge Stay Fence. slightly damaged by the sell off, while it,lasis, at aha therefore undama .............at28 ctsayd. .............at35ctsayd. ........from60ctsto$l,25 ........ " 75cts to 8r.4c ........ " 6octs to 'r.so ........ .. sects t081.25 'waisting to match. ONE PR ICE. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. Dress Goods a thorough use your fall suit. ftarm Machinery. rates. he repaired at the old stand. hut In quality and ' are not excelled: 'e Kelley’s Har- imarvt. , Durham wine which the best ;, fair prices .nnlvi Coal or lthe Ideal Wood. his wife is chief mourner. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Findlay, and Mtts little son, Dromore, are this week on a __ --- driving tour through a good part of this county. They spent Monday even- I m: with Mr. D. Leith. Normanhv, . Tuesday Rave us a call as they passed __ I through Durham, en route to o Sound, Meaford. Heathcntu, &c. Not being - I bothered with time tables and having a spanking team they will have an en. D l joyahle time. l . "'0‘ -"-""""" V... '6_arv. Miss Bradshaw returned to Toronto on Friday harms spent some weeks With her sister Mrs. Dr. Jamieson. Rev. Mr. Boone and son Chas. from Leamingtou are spending a few days with bis father-in-law, Mr. C. McDongall. Mr. Paul Vair, Brantiord, spent a . few days last week Visiting his sister. Mrs. Dr. Gun and old friends in town. _ . Mr. Wolfe and family drove ta Mea. , ford last week visiting Mrs. Wolfe's t sisters there, Mrs Culbertson and Mrs. I Roadhouse, 1 t Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb, Bunes- l sun spent last Saturday and Sunday 3 with his uncle Mr. Thus. McComb of k l ll 'lliamsford, F. I Mrs. Jno. Willinnm nf In“... in“ In, tl - ,,,,_ -_-...v..w. nu) Lune! 'fll"dfti'ite"1tti,' in to take immediate groceedmgs ve t e minnow corrected new ing to law. Dated " Pomona this thirtieth day of July, 1904. J. s. BLACK. Clerk of the Tp. Glenelg. 7 -- __-._.- mu_u-uw1uy to be entitled to vote in the said mumcipumy " elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and " mun- ici lelections: and that the said list was first Pry up up ttt myoitice at Pom9na on the thirtieth day of July, 190t, and remains there for immee. lion. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act. the co ies aired bynid Aectiops to beso transmittedp or ghudl',h of the list, made gunman to said Bet, of allpenons appeal-inn by t e last revised Assess- ment Roll ot the said Pu.nlciryylity torbe entitled tn Vftras in um um .m-Auv-n Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. County of Gray. Voters' Lists, 1904 I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carson left Tuesday l morning, for Lauder. Manitoba, form] extended visit to their family, five of whom, strangely and happily. are liv. ing in that town, Tom has a good Drug Store business. and John, the doctor, has a good practice. Miss Sadie went out there sometime ago. Another son l 18 in British Columbia, and he may join I the group before long, The mivi'dii:I washes a. pleasant Ieunion. l Mr, Harry Boulden. harness maker, who was well-known here some years ago. died of consumption at the home of his father. near Elmwood. a week ago Sunday. He was 33 years old, and his wife is chief lunnrnnv- Mr. Kelly, banker, is enjoying a two.. week's vacation. his place at the bank being taken by his old assistant. Mr R. J. S. Dewar, Harrisron, whom many old friends are glad to welcome. Aunts 150081 (Jaineron gave a. pleasant piano recital in honor of her guest Miss Wanetta Stover of Buffalo on Tuesday eyening of last week. Mrs. Sutton of Hanover, Mrs. C. Par. ker of Walkerton and Mrs. N. Gottuals of Washington City, U. S. A. spent the first part of the week With relatives in Durham and vicinity. Dr. E. Bull of Toronto spenta few days with his friend, Mr. J. A. McKin- non who is holidaying in town and at I the Rocky, and sampled'some of ii; Saugeen’s speckled trout. I Miss Isobel Cameron gave piano recital in honor of her Wanetta Stover of Buffalo 0 eyening of last week. sun spent last Saturday and Sunday with his uncle Mr. Thus. McComb ol " tlliamsford, Mrs. Jno, Williams of town lett Mon. day for a fortnight/s holiday with her two daughters Mrs. John Wilsonand Mrs. T. Byres. ". ,,,,._,, “PW“ "T'"' "W" The ceremony took place on the lawn With her aister' Mrs. Dr. Jamieson. in front of the house. amidst ch: beau. tiful fiortU surroundings. whic mark Rev: Mr. Boone led ""l, Chas. try.n the aesthetic tastes of Mrs. Lesson and Leamington are spending afew days with her daughters. Sunny skies and ideal bis father-in-law. Mr. C. McDongsll. bridal weather prevailed all day. and at. , . ' 4 p m., Rev Mr. Masson of the Varney Nr. Paul Van, 1',rantford, spent a circuit omcGtitw, the bride appeared low days last week visiting his sister, 'lffd,e'l,eetflg, bler ftttcpe1e,it, her V . . pace est " er over. w ere e vows Mrs. Dr. Gun and oid friends m town. were taken that; made them man and Mr. Wolfe and family drove ta Mea. wife. . [ ford last week visiting Mrs. Wolfe's Hearty 'ifyyy',atulat.iona.r'ylowed from _ . ters there Mrs Culbertson and M, over too friends and neighbors, there "5 , tr. being present from a distance the three Roadhouse, Misses Bourne, Grand 'iftr cousins of the bride, Mrs. (Ur.) G. A . Leeson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComh, Bums.. \Vanatah, Indiana, and 3children. Miss sun spent last Saturday and Sunday 1W"pg, Jotthg,di/yitt'hitdir young . . . a y men o t e amiym n Ianaan Tl li.'.', uncle Mr, Thus. McComb of making her first visit to Canada. Dr. 1%lliamstord, Ernest Leeson. Chicago, brother of Mrs. Jno. Williams of town lett Mon- th;:m:)e.:nd ms '"p",12'g'na't1t?,',:it't., " . i: . ,’ . , e n e was pre tily a tire In a l f? a :Tu‘l'g‘T s te,", P.""' her dress of cream gloria silk with bridal Avo t tug ters i rs. 0 n Wilson and veil. asters in her hair and carried a Mrs. T. Byres. huquet of beautiful roses. Her sister Mi . Miss Eleanor, acted as bridesmaid and / '95 Ist.?"') Cameron gavea pleasant looked attractive in a gown of pink , Mano rental in honor of her guest Miss muslin, and carried a lioquet of white ' Wanetta. Stover of Buffalo on Tuesday BMW“ The "r"."" was supported try ' Tenin r of last W k lv. Walter McCrie and the party were : l" ee . prettily attended by little Miss Margaret ' Mrs. Sutton of Hanover, Mrs. C. Pats 149950" yf her Tif/g Mfg" Ernest _ , . , as ower waters. e W] e's going er of ',,vtt,eroe,,yd, Mrs. M. (lottuals away dress was cf red Cheviot, with I f Washington City, I . S. A. spent the white silked tucked yoke and trimmed rst part of the week With relatives in with applique. . Ilnhunn and “z,“‘u _ Miss Bradshaw returned to on Friday havmg spent son: With her sister Mrs. Dr. Jamies Rev. Mr. Boone and non Ch Leamington are spending a fewi bis father-in-law, Mr. C. McDou Mr. and Mrs, Luimer and children drove over to Walkerton Saturday and spent a few days among old friends. Mr. Herbert Kelsey and titt tar, Port Rowan, are in townl visiting his father and brother, Mr. and Mn. Donnghy. m. Forest were visiting at Mr. Limin's and Mr Allan’s a few days this week. Mr. Geo. Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Morton is down with Typhoid Fever near Port Elgin. Mr. Chas. Hoare, Toronto. who has been visiting his cousins, the Liming. returned home last week. Mr. T, Moran is on a trip to Toronto, delegate to the annual meeting of the Mrs. Huntarriyed home from Detroit the! a two months' visit with her duughm. Miss Eliza McDonald, Toronto, is. at present holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Ins. Harkness of Teeswater is visiting her mother Mrs. Thos. Morton. Arthur Smith zetnrned to Brantford after I week- stay with his parents. Mr. Jimmie Low, Toronto, spent a few days with Durham friends. Mrs. Grier, of Dundalk, visited at Dr. HuttouU a. few days last week. Mr. W. D. Mills went to Murkdale for a few days on business. Mr. Edwin Allan, Toron to, is holiday- ing with his parents here. Mr. Allan Bell arrived home how the West hut week. THE DURHAM REVIEW ‘d happily. are liv. m has a good Drug John, the doctor, Miss Sadie went ago. Another son [elsey and little daugh- 'y are in town this week Strict]: tioent can Corner Yo: -_ The presents were rarely excellent and useful, quite a number coming_from id Indiana. and some still stranded T thy Custom Home. There number Isevt. a dent by the following list: Oil stove nf with kettle, lemonade set, tea-pot, two :1- smyrna rugs. lamp, pair drawn-Work . towels and tray cloth to match. five , o'clock tea cloth, sideboard drape, o d linen table cloths, mantle clock. innit-y i, l china cracker jar, l, dom bread and but- g ter plates. 2 china fruit dishes with l doz. nappies to match. 3 fancy china g salad dishes. fancy cake plate-, china l. bread tray, 2glass fruit, sets. 1 cheese Idishes, china cream plttber. 2 fancy (glass water pitchers, 2 china water , l pitchers. glass' tea set, paper lack. large 1 I chenille table cover, oil-cloth set, sou. 'l/Jill', purse. 2 pair towels. 2 colored l table spreads. l, doz. dinner napkins. 5 l . f (102 tea napkins, maple leaf pin, vinegar' r'bottle. double rice boiler. preserving [kettle and spoon with potato masher and thour sifter. two fancy pin cushions. bed spread. cut glass fruit basket. bread board and knife. mirror centre ipieee, 3sets smoothing irons, 2 fancy 1h.anliiuaiiiti, Jardiner with plant in Ihlossom. large rockingr chair. and a smaller one, upholstered rocker. bam- boo easel, large; framed picture, hatten- i burp; sofa pillow, Silver pickle jar. silver cake basket. doz tea spoons. i doz. de. sert spoons. 3 table spoons. l doz. knives and forks. souvenir spoon of lngersoll t and one of Indiana. butter knife and sugar shell, nut set, 2 butter knives, 2 l silver cold meat forks. fancy china tea I set. doz. dinner plates. The groom's present to the brides. t maid was a pair of kid gloves, to the 8 groomsman a tie and pair of out! hut. tons. The bridal roses. imported, were also a present from him. _ ~~‘-- “I we l eye. _ The house in every nook and corner spoke fioral welcome as warmly as the hosts and the compnnv spent a PTY pleasant evening in music and healthy recreation. Rice was showered on them and into the buggy as they were leaving home, to accentuate the good wishes of many friends. The happy couple have SlllCP. taken up housekeeping in Durham: the Review welcomes' them to our citizenship and, wishes once more long life and pros-l perity to Mr. and Mrs. McClinton. I The presents ware rarely excellent and k Ilshfnl "uh“ a ---, ' . Ample and toothsome refmshl; Were served on the lawn and in house and a. beautifully decorated storey wedding cake, the work 0 bride. was voted as agreeable n palate as the ornaments Were to '"e"CY""_ .ur. I'll] Term Yonge and Alexander' Sta I tirsrteUss in all departments. M rogue tree. Fall term opens Sept. rage and Alexnmlar no: l Wednesday, Aug, 17, the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Leewn. " Rose Hill." near Varne ' was the scene of a pretty Wedding. tieir Winsome and accom- plished youngest (hummer Lillie May. becoming the wife of Mr. Albert Mc- Clinton. an industrious young man well-knownm-ound here and grandson of the shoemaker McClinton who gave the name to "McClinten's Corners " south of town. The bride’s travelling dress " a suit of dark brown. with cream silk waist and white chiffon hat. Many costly and useful Presents nt.. tested tothe popularity o the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur left tot a trip tofueiph, London and other points. The ceremony waa'performed by Rev. Mr. Newton. after which all sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The guests numbered about twenty, only the immediate relatives ot the contract. ing parties being present. The evening was spent in social chat and music. everyone enjoying the talented laying of Mrs Newton. while her sweet gi'ottish songs we.re eagerly requested over and over again. nappies to match, 3 fancy china. I dishes. fancy cake plate-, china tray, 2glass fruit sets. 4 cheese I china cream pluher. 2 fancy, W'ater Pitchers. 2 ('lnnn “n.0,... l The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. mer.. ber, Lower Town, was the scene ofa very pleasant event on Wednesday evening, August 17th. when their mere Miss Cassie McGillivraz. daughter of Mr. Neil MacGilliyray. ‘lenelg. became the bride of Mr. Dan McArthur, of Bunessan. one of Glenelg's most gopular and prosperous young men. ‘hortlv l after 6 oclock the wedding march was played bi: Mrs. Newton and the luide entered! e parlor, leaning on the arm of her fat her', who gave her away. She was attended h her cousin, Miss Lottie Benton. while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. J no. M‘Arthur. The bride looked very pretty in a dress of white organdie. with trans~ parent yoke of white lace, white asters being worn in her bodice and hair. while the bridesmaid was charming in u. I dress of pale blue eolienne, with yoke of cream lace. l r snafu-r, two fancy pin cushions. read, cut glass fruit basket. card and knife. mirror centre sets smoothing irons, 2 fancy thiefs. Jardiner with plant in large rocking chair. and a me, upholstered rocker. ham- ', large framed picture. ham-n- "I “v ‘nd tonthmme refreshments d on the lawn and in the a. heautifuli, decorated four. ll.;nn- nun.“ xt . - 2.1. mum, mp... “v nnwnlvsg ' TORONTO Illillltl :ponns, l daz. Giia, spoon of lngersoll l. hung-r knife and WEDDING BELLS. """'-' a, 2 chum water fl , paper lack. large . oil-cloth set, sou. We are towels, 2 colored ery We dinner _n:lpkins. ' ders on - -- "lur- ke, the work of the as agreeulule to the .menls Were to the lune Mm Margaret, sin Master, Ernest The hride's going raid cheyiot, with pp coming from I stranded in the P number isevi. list ' Oil stove set, tea-pol, two Murm- pt. tith. SAVINGS BANE. savings bank del wards Prompt facility 'urordisd ditrta ce. - _ v - "..MI-. l'v . A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection "nude on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at current rates SAVINGS BASH. mun-eat allowed tt savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facilitv "ordisd customers living in diam ce. DURHAM AGENCY A Donn-ml D.._I-:_, . _ - V . .v-n'vvvyw. vu- uau. i,9,%yr........C.' 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND .'......... 1,000.ooo AGENTS in all prnncipal polnta m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL. Paid up.... RRRvam “'"'* (rl1llllllrtig , EMMA ' Prices and We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, ml] receive our best n"““‘“ Harvesting Give'us a .caifah-a set A first class line Bread. Cakes, Pa, always on hand at Rowe's s “no: or all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, We are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see ror yourself. FIRST of all And therefore we hear .nothing; but prase for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. 'Bu:ttsrssoistc'sis"" IT SUITS To A T/ Head Office, W. F. comm, GEO. P. as"). GOQQ REASONS: Well-known and reliable Giving best satisfaction Once used, always used. v. .usdll I I at the REVIEW OFFICE our best attention. J KELLY r *’ HARDWARE I lemon squeewnt ID Gnu Milk Pitcher a Mouse (up. Ir, Home Hunk: ... '11 Brooms ... ... 06 Doguuule... ... 30 Silver Bpoomr.. 05 Grume Water Mir-0 WturitBttagdtt ...05 Buck Saw ... ... 50 Fruit Funnels... tt7 Cop Nickle Tea Pot no odd Knives _.. oft Carpet Bweeper.io thlver Forks ... 10 Solid Nick ml: 1.50 Tum ... ... ... " " Teapot I.” Splttoons ... ...10 Churn... ... ... 1.25 Egg Hoppers ...13 Wheelbarrow ...2.00 Granite Cor Pail» 20 Wtsrlti'tr Muchine 3.75 bias, gain}; Do not forget that we are In the Bin- der Twine business with the lowest "ices d terms to Call and ed You are not compelled to buy one size of unsolene Move If you require one, u we have I number of sizes In stock. We have . ttne uuomuent of Bird & Squirrel otgvs,tutd our prices are right. Every woman should have one or our Bread Mixers. Life is too short to he kneading bread In the old way. Only 2 of these celettmted Gull! Cndles left in stock. Who can do with- out them? n known by the qunm'y our Store Ind uric" of goods we handle, and it is no trouble tor us to satis- fy our customers. -- - u U Made to order in Styles on shortest )YEDDING Some of our Prices l Machinery of tirtn's make W. BLACK. 'inders t, President, " ”Maser. 'est, thu, 50 suit Pul'Chasers examine. Torono. 3 Agent. n 1500'? by the manly}: Mam,” i fl! 311_kiuds. 'owers, Gnu Milk Pitcher 20 Home Muzzle ... 2tt Dog Muzzle... ... 30 Granite Water Pull 50 Back Bow ... ... 50 Cop Nickle Tea Pot no Carpet Bweepcr...1.fo Solid Kick Ludle 1.53 '.astry, "3 store. should have one .ot this famous CAKES of Latest notice. , BARCLAY d BELL. Call and Also Now that you have a get a Tudhope Cutter The Spring has has gone and so f Tudhope lh kick was once with those rigs with over a ca $mpZements .7 f ux all kinds. Examine our TUR, NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market; also) our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Fresh Roasted Peanuts every day and Sululday. This Store will close night except. Wednet days. PHONE No. 33 300 good Flour sacks for S They aris Show Rooms daugh Stables Havin g now Still they Come; Still there are more to tollox, Why not fall into the procession “1:3 buy your bread, cakes and palm at the up-town bakery where yr. are always sure to get the best In turns for your money ? PEEL, "z " SHOEMAN M 42610621 Spring has come A nice line of FRESH CON FECTIONERY always on hand You get RIGHT PRICES: REMEMBER THE PLACE- vat I. Csmpbell's Implement Warehouse, 9urham $iGkery _ Tnuhete gutters 'ing now obtained competent help I am in a position to fill all order: on short notice. Wt ltfveta “Root borne hand um _ We do not aim to be known as the cheapest place in Durham but wedo try to give full val. ue weveryone dealing with tlr NOW 18 THE TIME to leave v," order and get I genuine pair of hum, made Boon or Shoes fur fall tt my: I have now I. journeyman by“. tanker and can attend [Janan 1 to your Went. either in repairing " 8,lfdl Work. Also see our famous Aara Greens A Purchase That P ays Durham & Owen Sound and so has nearly Alla F8030]? Boots & Shoes, Values. 'N fltcfh"dt School Bag; Harvest ins, Wc, tl, atoc . AA? nggzy Boots dc Shoes .u so nas nearly two carload.c be Buggies and the place once so filled to overflowing rigs is now being filled up a (unload of the famous good in eiery mm mm at 90e gar pair chitiréligii-S. value. ry . pair. AUG"ST 25, 1904 TERMS: CASH. 'l,?,ilhl,,l,i? From . MCI lraith opposite Mid, , Lambtou St. dose at tt p. m. over} ednesdass and Sam: Machinery our Tudhope Buggy, & be in the swim and the Summer for Sale cheap, bison. Wednes w on C. A. FLEIING. Pri The H The huge new w mule Colleges. will furnished during Ilu he opened an tbat (I It the only Business owning a College l rm“ will provide a 150 more students, deoeritung mu mun-s Typewriumz Adds NEW LIS"! Will begin on so Acres 200 Ac Blacksmith Bus The H: Illul io inclmh- he nu“ so Acres (14 large 100 Acres Cho Ila-k N T pit-n 4 tdew Gold tit Fancy Ml4. AUGUST 25 The FALL top" all“ II. II. Al Th RlGll'l By Math-I'll Sho (I!) w. REPAI To Don't And at 1teamr, And Insure I Feed your h, give it corned Then it will I will grow lt Ayer's Hairl .0 w. II. hair food you years it has what we chi: " not dim m~50punc ”mom n.“ In. J. B 11.1“ -aurue, mu} Basin: l' It“! 'eod Cy .7/5/ 7/ A. Go " ans "il/IH [a res M' ll ly l" THl'f IN pour: ('our " “G Il

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