West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Aug 1904, p. 5

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BELL base 6’01"er arson. LACE -Next ; Warehouse. SHOEMAN Ilraith 'RICES 25, 1904 se hand threstt, sir that are an. St "Denna auend p. r m repair .1ASH tn toHow ioods s & Shoes . Schooi a. (re. m nown as Durham fall val. tttit' with Ila 1nd " Ppenpt- pairing or Pa " your l" 9" hand, m we“ 33th ays '" The Hanover ConYeyancer. Hanover The la: me new wing, now being built to the College. will he completed, and furnished during the holidays and will he opened on that date The Northern ls the only Business College in Canada, owning a College building. The new Wing will pronde twcominodotion for 150 more students. Bend for circular describing our courses of study. which are. Business Course. Bhorthnnd and Typewritmg Course Preparatory Course Address c. A. FLEIING, Principal, Owen Sound Will begin on THURSDAY. SEPT. 4th. lili1ll LIST i)? LANDS 200 Acpgg in Nummnbi'. well improved. Ow- HI'I‘ uzm ell and determ ned to sell. so Acpgg in Egromom. near Holstein. Splen- Ilnl funn. Will sell cheapo: trade forlarger. 100 Acpgg in Bentinok near Crawford. Snap “vi-Tm an owner is bound to sell. Good (arm. so ACPGI in Bentinrk. Aberdeen PAY. Well mm. man-red & fenced. Cheapor “intrude B 1aeumAth 'Pdlgfot-J) money maker._no 'Jlgiwilallll - A W" ot of other properties, Jr-Noor: a” (Cd 7517/// ..' . . The Hanover Converaneer, begs to say that F," hm: sold nearly every property inn-hum] in his list in the REVIEW but hr. now otters the following bargains: Prime-Him sum. mom? to lend, insur- 'tttt't' placed debts col ected, wrttmRs d, awn. Business established 1884. Large size. White councerpanes. Black MereerizeU Sateen UrtderAirts......tt.00 each A 81-min. t [mule Table Cloths. 134 was square.......1.1.‘v each .. g bu Ment.......,...'-'." each 1.0M dwnrated Table Sets...................(a 81.73 mbett _. Water Sets ................lgr 1.33 each .. T piece Berry Sent. In 91.60 and 1.75 etch 7 pfem I [new HF, g; SELLS atts CHFAI’ The FALL TERM at the Ml 4 'artcy AUGUST 25. 1904 I r. II. )IILLER. The leading Watchmaker and Jeweller. To have your watch fixed RIGHT, get it done at By Modern Methods And at Reasonable Rates And Insure Satisfaction REPAIRS 0on't Forget Short Hair Hair Vigor W " me. l') ArAlt hair food you can buy. Form years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. 1,ib'52'iirit12strii:r,to!rtettt4 Wumram "a J. IL Iggmm syn-9.0m. _u_/.ltiii""'l,"i'"i Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow lone and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only Hold detention: on above being burnt in. they will not math oth glass berry sets. ................10c and Table Sets. l titems............... ...... Japan”: PAPER X.\PKI.\'S..........'0(- .100. Just the thing for Picnics. A. (iordon's We have every facility and long experience and it will pay you to deal with as. Yhat we do H. II. MILLER. . II. BEAN N B1W 0 LA HS‘V A " " and prices Call and - for illlll)ill'l "lt I)illllllllt "S. 10c Ind t.he etch ...... ”Wane much a. 0. Am om. his" , Ina. 1.10 each women's Institutes have opened up a. wide field of usefulness for the women of the farm. so many subjects being dealt. with that relate to the we0-heing of that which nmkes life not only profit- able. but enjoyable as well, There is something Mint" the Women's Institute. that brings us in common touch with one another It seems to he the means of bringing about the old time sociabili- ty by removing that spirit of gossip and jealousy and giving something else to think about. If we do not make it the means of enlightening and londenmg our minds it is useless to keep it up. A woman's duties are many," her lie',,'),),'").',';', are even more. Wherever erlife touches another there she has opportunity. Tho young girl. who shall come to preside over the homes of on. tario, will he fur better fitted to assume the responsibilities than were a minority of their mothers when they came to l preside over the new home that mar- riage gsve them. This is due to the The Women of some countries are not, thought as much of as the “omen in our own dear land. Here they rule their own houses and an» vaunted of first im. portance. They nixed great work to do. On them devolves the duty of in- culcating the sprit of thrift. Thrift properly defined means care and prod ence. making the best of things in the best sense. In this we uhonld try and do our very best, for every little counts in home-making. We had one meeting this last month in Es,rvemont. We tind It nnpossilxle to meet in the winter M the roads are so had and the members are scattered so far over the four townships. Now this is just our own hunch of the Institute and I think the Secretary will he able to tell usnhout tho other branches. We hope they are going on working and meeting with success. [here is often a thought comes to my mind something like this: .. I expect to pass through this world hut once. mm if there he any kindness I can show. or any good I can do to any one near me, let me do it now, let tne not. negle-t it. for 1 shall not pass this way again." We should he up and doing what we can to help each other to make this life better and pleasunter. We held meetings in Aug., Sept., Oct. and Nov., two in Glenelg. one in Ben.. tinck "ndoneinEqremont. These were very well attended, and we had papvrs on diffvrvnt subje-cts at each meeting. The Question Drawer is quue an intets esting Nature at each meeting. We sent a delegate to Guelph to the N. I. C'onvention in Dec., and she brought home an excellent report which was wad at our meeting in Durham in Jam. It was a. very stormy time and there Were not many there hut we had a good tueeting. Several paper; on home nursing Were given. which were listened to very attentively. ' We held our annual meeting in Thus ham last year, and we had Miss L. Rose, of Guelph, will: us. She gave us a splendid "ddres on the work of the week. Shejlht told us how she would do her work each day of the week. "As it. falls to my lot to preside over the third annual meeting of the B. G w. l., I may tell you of some of the work that this Institute is doing. Dun ing the past year we held ntute a number of meetings. Last, July we had two lady delegates. Miss Beam and Miss Roddick. They held fire meetings in S. Grey. We tried to start a branch at Allan Pan but failed, HS we eonld not get any of the ladies to take hold and work The meetings Were fairly well attended. At Durham Miss Beam spoke on "Cheer. fulness in the Home." and at. Allan Park and Elmwood on th Butter Making." Miss Rodilick also addressed the meet- ings and gave tl.otuonstrutions in ranking deserts, meals. vegetables, making sal- ads. ele. The See. and myself accom- panied them to Elmwood, and we had a veiv pleasant and protitahle time. The following address was given an the last anmml meeting. and though delayed somewhat we take pleasure in presenting in as a smnple of what is do. mg in this worthy institution, whose next meeting will be held at the home of Me. David McC'vie, Normanhy, on first Thursday in Sept.: President's Addvesa-Mrs. Thos. McGirr Rev. Messrs. Callipbell and Little opened the meeting by scripture read- ing and prayer and Mr Wm Isaac sang a solo during the evening. A huge addition is being made to the Pointe Aux Trexuhles School to keep Vice with the growmg work. ond Mr 'easot. Is the accredited agent to help raise funds. Mr Veuot’s father was a. retired oiticer of the Freuch army. and on counngto Canada. angaged [rudely In Missionary work alnung his French Catholic fellow-countrymen in Quebec plovince. He eluted with a tine peroration, de- scribing ms teeling of sadness on view- ing the ruins of Lounsburg, where the blond of so many of his fellow-country- men had been shed. The cry of the soldiers had been "Canada for the King." yet he viewed the defeat as being the hand of Providence “Wing it Into the hands of the grmL Anglo mmon fur the spread of the gospel. The cry of the great. Protestant. Armv in Can- ad" would be ”Canada for God." His text was "Holding forth the Womi of Lite." the motto of the late Rev. Dr. McVicar. an applied to the Pres. College The mental condition ot the people was vividly portrayed and contrasted with that of Ontario. Then. edncation was descriped as being ofa meagre character, but gradually the spirit of Irtreraiity in spreading and being instilled among them, through interiuingling with others who have come under the influence of the goapel teaching received from such institu- tions. He ascribed his ability to show the urgent need of such work, as being perhaps due to the fact that his great- Kresndtather, 114 yeaia ago. had, for $12.50. purchased a bible from a mission- ary at Niagara. Falls. where he was stationed an a Hudson Bay Agent. At a meeting held in Amos Church. Dnuuure. on the ith Inst, Rev. U. H. Vossot, Montleal, made an address shun-mg the necessity of French Evan. gehzutmn, and incidental? the nu- pox-lance at supporting the ointe Aux ‘l'reml-lcs School. where the children of French parents may receive a neligiouu us well as secular training. Contributed by North Egremottt Cur, FRENCH EVANGELIZATION. WOMEN'b' INSTITUTE -0- Now it is our custom to appoint new officers at our annual meeting. You have now a President, Vice-President and Board of Directors to elect. I ae- sure you I feel more than obliged to you for Four kind helpfulness and sympathy for the past year. I know I have made many mistakes but you haye borne with me and given me every encouragement. In justice to myself. lean conscientious- ly say I have at least tried to do my best, but it I have failed I thank you again for your forbearance. and who ever my successor may he. she can ever rely on my assistance and help in all she undertakes for the good of the' Institute. different educational schools that have been started in this country. Yet allow me to say in closing that the greatest boon towards making the home happy is God's richest blessings resting upon that home. Let every member of the family live each day. each hour of their lives trusting in God for everything, and then. and not till then. will the homes experience that Deuce which the world cannot give. Wm.Johnston,dr., C. Ramage. Cha ir ma 11. ',cectitarT Intending Students should enter at the begin- ning of the term it possible. Board can he obtain- ed at reasonable rates. Durham is u healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. The school is thoroughly equipped In touching ability, in ohcmiml and electrical "/a8if', and tit- tings, &e., for full Junior Leaving an Matricula- tion work. The following competent staff are in charge t Durham School derns. _ J. ll. SMITH. B. A., Mathematics and Science MISS L. M. FORFAR, B. A., Classics an (1 Mo THUS. ALLAN, lstClass t"ertuieate, Principal MacFarlane tt Go. Some odd WINDOW ae SHADES ROCK BOTTOM PRICES MLL PAPER THREE NATTY BOWLS "ART BAKING POWDER” A cast iron Stomach, Druggists ' Seedsmeu. FEES: $1 per month in advance At a great reduction. with each lb, can for 50c. is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to give this Powder a trial, we pre- sent you with J. Burnett, It really doesn't matter what kind oi Baking Powder you are using but Staff and Equipment. Now as the Wall Pa- per season is about over, on going over our stock, we find we have a number of remnants in room lots which we must get rid of. If we have what suits you, price is no consider.. ation with us. Come and let us show you. You Have Upper Town. AT THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO f Y( nng Bulls. Heifers and Cows. lTerms on: '. Versehoyle (Imported) at 'Head of and. Druggist and Seedsman, FOR tYALE.-. 1 yr old Bull rising 2 yrs 2 Bull Calves. oerkshire Boat and Bow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. FOR SERvrcae.--1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. 81.00. GEM FRUIT JARS. Corks and Bungs. VINEGARS Vinegar from 30c to i'5c per g FOR SALE & for SERVICE 3. N. D. R., 25 acres clear. the rest hard. wood hush. The Snugeen River runs through both. For further particular send or apply to Machine Oils, 100 Acres. Lot 36. 2nd Com, N. D. R., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for rultivation. the Real. herqrofyf bush. _ Also_Lot S6,Prrt. SEED FALL WHEAT, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Rape Seed. At once. 8 able for Brick Yard Apply at the yard or to w. BLACK. a? mama: a"8ie"a"""'"" ifirsaasieaiyaieiiEy 'aeiiiigbiiieiiEgytgtei", South Grey, Durham......Sopt. 21-22 Industrial. Toronto...Ang. f.tai,te, 10 Western. London...............Sept. --17 Northern, Wtdortou.........8espt. ll-lg Centre Canada. Ottawa...... " 10-24 CIDEI‘BI. Guelph...............Sept-. 20--eg flhetle.v-...... .-...........%pt. 21-22 North Grey.Owen b'ound...8etrt 22-24 Emu Grey, 1netsherton......8spt. 27-28 ligament, Holstein............Sept. 27 Apply to sz ECKBARDT Bnnessan 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. N, G & J McKechnie N., G.,& J, MoKechnie FARM FOR SALE. Not more than 'two mats can be sold to any one customer. We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Mane MCINTYRE. MarkdaYe H,, PARKER, 50 CTS,. A MAT. (The popular Cash Store.) Vinegar from 30c to 75¢ per gal. Spices and Flavoring extracts. FIGS Gasoline, Coal Oil, Paints, &c. For Service at Jan. Ihylkinirhnmu, near Agricultural Grounds. Terms 31.00. JAB. FALKINGHAI. TWEEDS & YARNS OF BEBT QUALITY. Grocenes, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, dx. We can give you Bargains. It We ask inspection of our Tessa The undersigned has for sale, ready to use. (5) the thorohred Tumwonth Rom. Price reasonable. HENRY ALEXANDER. Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. S. SCOTT. mi THOROBRED DURHAM BULL, BOARS FOR SALE. Wu. MCLEOD. Sm. Prop. i Durham In: Insurer Gun, Teacher. [ml Adopted try tlt 1eadintfiehoo1s In Toronto. Thin demedl In I men b . mean: of 81?" 2Q'; F'i'i?Siithhiii?, “giant inter. e co- nn o owing on with Nana's immediate communion. Hutu! Kantian 312‘:th Motion Plano Won Key-board Daemon natal Ill-ton Technical. Durham, Nov. 16, m, JOHN CLARK D. McPHA n. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey ancer, Valuaoor, Insurance Agent, to Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinda promptly alum ded to. Farms bought and sold omee----LOWER TOWN. DURH‘I. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST 01' the Du mun Pharmacy Calder“: Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Ottice, Durham. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER'S New Sm re. Jompwy um private Funds: to Loan Ion Menswe- n lowest rakes of interest. Valuation undo hv neommteul. and cmful “manor. All Charge- Moder-x. Late “shun: to Mooefteidss (Minion. Eng) and to Kanpp'n (New York) Eye [lo-plus. Ollce. 18 Float M, Barristers, Solicitors. Converuusers ac. Money to lin. A. G. MncKly'.‘ Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commisnoner. we. Money bo Loan. fMice, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. Licensed Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. sues abruptly Attended to. Intel mm. I'den DIV be left " his Implement Win. an; lemons old and. or“ the Built ce. J. G. HUTTON. M.D., C.M. one? and Residence Cor. (instru- tef. Georg. an, " tool of mu. Old noodle (one. OFFICE HOURS '-tt B. m. 2-4 p. In. t--9 p. I. Tolophono Connection No. " L. B. C. P., London. Duh-d Gmduate ot Londongxew You and Chicago. TX Diseases of Eye. Ear. Nose. and Throat. GIWIII be " Knapp Home. Dun-nu. the and Saturday in each month Hours. I-ti p .m.NB Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales u to dates, an, must be made " the Review Of- tiee, Durham. I: CpmsspoMcutwaddrxied there. of to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Couocuonl and Agency promptly Amended to Wills, Doom. Mort 'MMM', Low, Agreement- &c.cormctly planning. Esm- of deceased Per- Iona looked “on nnd Executor-‘1 and Adm nil- mton' Account: prepared ma rum Sun-onto Court Bunnie.- Prob-.00 of Wit B. Lemar:- of Ad. minutntion uni Gutsrditumltip obtained. sear- chu made in Begisuy 0mm and Titles rammed an " m: spout?» Pn'ncux & Benelux. OHtoe over J. & J. Hunter’s Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S- '. C. PICKERING B. o s., L. D. S. Myer’s Music Method. aecu.ee.ean.eexs. ARTHUR GUN. - Epoch! “tendon given to Dim of Women and Children. flice. McKenzie's Old Stand. Durham BARRISTER. SOIGITOR, 2 uoarnv - couvlnucnn. ac Will be at the llddnuxh Home. Dal-hm. the an! Wednendny at each month from to B. m. an 4 p. m. or to Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat lumbar Collage 9.9.3993!" and Surgeon nice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank " Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. MEDICAL. DEN TAT... MACKAY & DUNN, LEG-AL. . LEFROY lcCAUL. MUSICL‘. HOURS A. B. JACKSON, D. .OPHAIL. Ceylon C. RAIAGE. J. P. TELIORD C. RAIAGE. Durban; Ceylon has a telephone 0mm. DR. BROWN, DR. BURT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Ito " Ll. W. F Dunn Owen Sound. *3!

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