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Durham Review (1897), 8 Sep 1904, p. 1

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U¢@|| eney %’ A. H. MOCKLER. & Foorrrrrarerreanrate a a n o n o i o a n d a n en is e ho d k oo a n o td n oo o e enA en S\NWWWWWWWWWWWWW% ue i n n o i d w id Pn 1 o w a o ag ioi ana ied w w n a id w wa w on w o a uP VOL. XXVIL. NO. 34 Highest Prices paid here in Cash for Butter & Eggs LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILS /A _ GOLF JACKETS NEW FALL GOODS & WAISTINGS DRESS GOODS AND SUITINGS Am.___ MILLINERY JAMES IRELAND JAMES IRELAND Our vinegar is aged for over a year before we sell a gallon. Try some and be conâ€" viunced that it is the best pickling Vinegar on the market. These also are among our Fall Arrivals. The colors are bright and clear and the patterns not * common. We have got in a new supply of these handy, fashionable little garments. _ You can‘t afford to be without one when the price is only 1.50 to $2.50. The newest, daintiest patterns on the market, both light and dark colors, are represented here. _ They are the very emâ€" bodiment of strle and good taste. Fresh from the looms, newly created designs. ‘There is none newer, brighter or nobbier. â€" They are in all the newâ€" est shades, weights and weaves. Our Milliuers are back at work again and are ready for you with a stock of the very newest and nobbiest Readyâ€"toâ€" wear Hats. The Pickling Season ! For PICKLING PURPOSES WwHY NXNOT BUY GOOD V inegar Rates Star $1.80 a ews $1.85 â€"++** SHOO ++« * #L.O0 )ire. $1.75 iser $1.60 «+«+* . §heid Star $1.75 is... _ $1.60 asald of 1= 58| Ee & + a 38 §! ’/ : fr?"“ Hl New houses an [Snund this yea x | $200000. El THE Middaug | ready for use an g | tion with the H« As oo ‘yre rignt n _ Diro in Hosrrram. â€"Miss Isabella A. Fergason, daughter of the late Thos. Ferguson of the 17th Con., Egremont, died in Hamilton Hospital, on Monday Auguast 29. _ Though troubled with her ‘head for years, she was only recently taken ill enough to suggest hospital | treatment. _ She was taken there on \Sunday and died as aboye. â€" She was | within 1 month of ccmpleting her 21st | year and much sympathy is felt for her ‘ mother and other relatives at the ‘cutting off of this bright young life. [ Mr Jas. Calvert in town is an uncle of | deceased. Secy. A, Davidson, who will be glad to supply them and receive entries. This fi“ the show falls on Wednesday and ursday, Sept 21 and 22,, and again ‘fovemment judges will judge in the live Stock classes. _ Farmers, their wives, sons and daughters should perâ€" use the list and from public spirit as well as the inducement of liberal prizes, should determine to be represented. The management offer prizes in good faithâ€"the community must compete. An extra effort is being made this year to have musical features during the day and elsewhere will be seen that splendid provision is made for a concert at night. | _ The C, P. R. have added five new fsteel wing snow plows to the equipâ€" ment on this division in order to be ‘prepared for a possible repetition of (last winter‘s storms. _ The curves at Laurel and near Flesherton will also probably be straightened out and heayâ€" ler rails substituted. The traffic this year has been the heaviest yet.â€"Herald. \| We would like to hear if the G. T. R. ‘are taking any measures to keep our line open. Ed.] PRIZE Lists.â€"The Prize Lists for the South Grey Fall Show have been out for some time. _ Parties interested can get one in most of the stores or from The Electric Railway Company, whose stock was promoted by Mr. Pugh. of St. Catharines, and Dr. Rolsâ€" ton of Shelbourne. has been forgotten for many years by residents here till one day last week. This road was to B_amlell the C. P. R. branch as far as lesherton village, thence across the cuntry to some point on Lake Huron. It was the arrival in town of Thos, Grierson, formerly of Corbetton, now of Toronto, which revived the talk in reâ€" forence to the " road which never came." Mr. Grierson has still some faith in the building of the road.â€"Dundalk Heraid. ALL ARRANGED.â€"The concert comâ€" mittee of the Public Library haye about completed arrangements for their Grand Concert in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Sept. 22nd. In addition to the brilliant talent Miss Mae Dickenson, Mr. Jas. Fax and Mrs. Newton, they haye secured the services of an orchesâ€" tra and may yet add other features to make it a still more brilliant affair. Those coming to the show should imake arrangements to stay,. They will be rewarded. T f o yR eR PDEZTCERCT 27, and it is expected all the successes and perhaps more, of former years is to be repeated. _ Over 2000 people turn out to this, best of township shows, and this year‘s officers seem determined to maintain its splendid reputation, Send to or call on Secy. Treas., And. Seim, Holstein for a Prize List. The School: Drill competition so successful last year is to be repeated. Ix TrourBcr.â€"Mr W. G. Ricbhards contractor for the erection of the House of Refuge claims to have lost $2000 in its erection and is asking the members of municipal councils to sign a petition to present to the County Council asking that body to indemnify him for the loss. At the last meeting of Proton Council the members refused to sign and no acâ€" tion was taken. Egremont Show. "The World‘s Fair" takes l)ln.ce this year on Tuesday, Sept. @fer â€" o sn Pig ce mm oL n n n sys TooK Hoxors.â€"Pleased to notice in A last week‘s Chatham paper that Robt. Mills. an old Dornoch boy. was very successful at the recent examinations, not only qualifying for Junior Matricu lation but passed the Junior Leivin first in his class, winning a silver med:fi given annually, Congratulations. a Hell?" drawing many ;triking and interesting conclusions from scripture passages relating to futare punishment, but plainly showing the abounding loyve and goodness of the Father. Revy, Mr. Farquharson on Sunday evening preuched on the topic * Is there T .1163 3 . i0 t C Hous®E to REXNT.â€"The northern porâ€" tion of the McKechnie block. Ujpper Town, (lately occupied by Mr John Ehrhardt) _8 rooms, splendid cellar, furnace, almost new, good well, &c. Apply to the proprietors, We have received from Mr. Edwin Bone, Utab, some recent Salt Lake Papers, which are most readable, _ Our old neighbor we presume is in good bhealch,. Wouldn‘t we like to have a talk with him ? THE Middaugh House stable is now ready for use and will be run in connecâ€" tion with the House and not as a livery, Do 1t Now.â€"Not to make "two bites of a sherry," we offer the REVIEw to New Subscribers to Jan. 1. 1905 for 25 cts. Only a quarter, but what a quarter‘s worth to that friend of yours, either at home or abroad. New houses and improvements in 0: Sound this year total up to nearly @OUWWVU\ DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1904. »m~OwWNkH |.0: ZoOoPICS â€"|*® N., G. & J wcKEcunxnit®E. Wa. Brack. in Beview. | ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO We have n~o doubt but that this addiâ€" tional mail service will be a great convenience to the people of Holstein. Mr Miller atpeaxs to he very energetic and painstaking in securing whatever reasonable improyement can be seâ€" cured tor the convenience of the public and it would appear very evident that he will, if elected, make a splendid representative and that it will without any doubt be to the interest of the people of South Grey to see that he is elected. In further reference to your communication asking for an improveâ€" ment in the mail service of Holstein, P. 0. Ont., I have now much pleasure in informing you that the Department bas this day authorized an increase in the mail service of this Office in accorâ€" dance with your recommendation and tbhe same will go into operation at once.‘‘ A _ short time ago Mr H. H. Miller, the Liberal Candidate for South Grey, was in Holstein when it was suggested to him that a second daily mail service would be a convenience to the people of the Village. Mr Miller at once took the matter in hand and communicated with the Postoffice Department requestâ€" ing that the additional service be granted and he has received from the Office cf the Postmaster General a letter as follows :â€" * Mv Dear Sir, The Public ®chool staff is the same except for the Entrance room, which is now in charge of Mr. H,. R. Koch, a gentleman thoroughly equipped for his duties and with some experience as a teacher in a business college. The High School Department for the Fall term is in charge of Miss Forfar, B. A., and Mr. J. H. Smith, B. A., both teachers with a splendid record and a thorough grasp of the subjects they reâ€" spectively teach. The Board has been liberal in the supply of experimenting material for the higher branches, so that pnjuls preparing for matriculation or for Junior Leaving Certificates can make no mistake by coming to Durham. Thefeature of the opening this year is the large H. 8. attendance, 58, with a dozen more at least in sight, This is more than some 3â€"Master gligh Schools bave and it the attendance continues it will soon be necessary to secure adâ€" ditional High School help. Durham School @pened on Thursday | last there being an attendance first day \| of 277, since increased to oyer 330. The Model School in charge of Principal Allan, opens, m-dnr T%xesday with an | attendance of 8 only, the severity of | the examinations this summer having | lessened the supply allover theprovince. | A very interesting meeiing was held at Mrs David McCrie‘s on Thursday, Sept Ist., the attendance bemg very good. _ **Poultry " being the topic it is needless to say that this important subâ€" ject was well discussed, as to feeding, fattening, dressing and cooking the fowl. glrs McCrie gave an excellent paper on * The necessity of cultiyating the social side of life on the farm. _ The next meeting will be held at Mrs W m Hunter‘s, near Dromore, on the first Tharsday in October. The topic is * Pickling." Ax Axx10us Trm®.â€"Mucn sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs T. C. Morton and family in the anxious days they have been having over the illness of their son George, who lies, it may be at the point of death near Port Eligin. All the famâ€" ily went up on Saturday, some returned Monday, reporting the patient alive and with a thread of hope for recovery, Worrx‘s Ixsmtore. UIED at Swan RivEr®.â€"Mr. H. E. Glendinning, wellâ€"known to the older members of the teaching fraternity in 8. Grey, passed away August 23 at Swan River, Man. Afterleaving teachâ€" ing he bought out the Dundalk Herald and later went west and bought a paper in Swan River. He was agenial fellow, an influence for good in any spbere he moved in, and bis memory will be cherished. Rev. Mr. Farqubharson has chosen a number of special topics for Sunday evâ€" ening sermons, which he designates under the general title of " Pillars of Architecture." Sunday evening next his topic is "Profanity," from which. by contrast, he will erect the pillar of Revâ€" erence, TE People‘s Mills have constantly on hand all kinds of feed, especially N’:). 1 Mixed Chop at $20 per ton. Also Flour, Rolled Oats, Wheatlets, at right prices. â€"J. & W, McGowax. Master Campbell McLachlan had the misfortune the other day to tear his hand around the base of the thumb on a banana hook, which necessitated four or five stitches. For SALEâ€"Extra fine pure bred Jersey beifer calf, Dam Jessie A. J, H. B. No. 15797. Sire Pine Hursts Son A. J. C. U. No. 56584. Apply to F. PEEl, Durham. Mr. A. Seim, Secy. of the World‘s Fair, Holstein, was in town Monday, and took home a supply of posters, tickets, &c., for the Show. printed at this office. Dr. Brown, Neustadt, will be at Knapp House, Durham, on Saturday, Sept. 10th, for consultation in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat cases, â€" Hours, 12â€"6 p. m. Owen Sound is agitating for a Carnegie Library, Proton Council granted $10 to assist ittx'flplacing a telephone in their clerk‘s office, HOLSTEIN MAIL SERVICE SCHOOL REâ€"OPENING. +0 4 _ The Intermediate championship race is now at a decidedly interesting stage. |Chatham and Orniliia, the two teams in \the finals, played a tie game, 3 all in | Orillra, last Wednesday and in Chatam the return match on Labor Day, the score was again a tie, with one goal each,. _ Referee Waghorne gave the !gume and with it the chn.mpionshir to Chatham, owing to Orillia‘s refusal to break the tie in Chatham, but Secretary I Hull of the C. L A. decides that Orillia was justified in refosing and the game | will be played off at Toronto lsland. \_â€" The Weilingtons of Owen Sound, are now champions of two districts as they won their final game at home with |Southampton, winning the round by !score of 13â€"7. They look like Junior \Champions since Durham is out. No other oommv has the above in their contract. A ‘8ydenham‘*‘ policy is the best. If desirmg Our Comflmy pays market value for Grain, Hay, and Live Stock. Hay in stacks is covered by insurance on contents of barn. Farm impleâ€" Sydenham Mutual Seaforth is also out, owing to Owen Sound, as the Greys of the latter place defeated them in Stratford easity last Wednesday. _ Now they‘re waiting for Brantford. | _ The best game of the day however ’ was the football match between Varney and Holstein for a prize of $15. The teams were evenly matched, consequenâ€" tly there was fast and furious play reâ€" sulting in a score of Iâ€"0 in favor of Varney, Harry Aldrea scoring past such ‘a‘ gilant goalâ€"keeper as T. J. Jordan. | Holsttin has some good men but lacks | effective combination tactics while Var* {ney seems to have an excellent allâ€" {mund aggregatien. CEMEXNT DoINGS.â€"Messrs W. F. Cowâ€" ham and P. W. Stanbhope were in town last week in connection with the tests being made on the improvements being affected on one of the rotaries. The mill is making exceedingly satisfactory work this year, and there is every prosâ€" pect of oyertaking the difficulties of last year, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+*% 4# > Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Jas, A. Hunter over the birth of a son last week in Winnipeg. The proceeds of the day were over $50 which will make a beginning on imâ€" proving the grounds. ‘ The Concert. _ The concert in the riuk was not well attended, and the program was worthy of a much better audience, _ Mr J. 8. Drysdale sang a patriotic song, Mrs. Little, Miss Jean Brown and Miss Ida Wilson gave of their talent in the same way as did Mr, Ed. McClocklin and the «*McClorklin twins," the latter being heartily encored and much appreciated in their Sailor song in costume, Very popular instrumental numbers were given by Mr and Mrs Frank Warner. assisted on one occasion by Mr Geo. Yirrs. Mrs Newton and Miss Meredith were accomplished accompanists, A short game ot lacrosse between the *Hiawathas" and the "»Mintos" was won by the former 2 to 1. Kufuas Mcâ€" Clocklin was referee, An impromptu game of baseball in which were some veterans, made an interesting play for lovers of the game. Messrs W. D Mills and Jas, Lenahan were captains and at the end of 3 innings each the result was a tie, Messrs Allan and Mills each made a threeâ€"bagger at bat. The game of quoits was keenly conâ€" tested, players from Lower Town beatâ€" ing those from Upper Town by only one point. The contestants from Lower town were; Archie Little, Thos. Allan, Norman MciIntyre, R. Aljoe, T. G. Holt, F,. Lenahan,. From Upper Town; W. D.‘Mills, R, Cochrane, Clifton Elyidge, &,. Brooker. W. Hunt. R. Scott. Mr, R, Cochrane met with a slight accident to his leg whichstiffened him up a livtle. A cricket match between the Grits and Tories was interrupted by the footâ€" ball game when the Grits had finished their first innings, and by the time the ball game was over some of the players had ieft, so the match must be finished some other day, 64 runs were piled up during the play, Telford scoring the highest with 13, insurance, dropa card to fruit are payable in either dwellings or out Splendid weather favored the boliday makers on Monday and the efforts of the committee to get up on short nouice a day of sport, were fairly successful. The purpose underlying the effort was the laudable one to secure funds for the improvement of the Agricultural Socieâ€" ty‘s grounds, which everyone admits is susceptible of improvement. The chief promoters were Mesers Frank Lenahan, Wm. Black, Jno H. Hunter, T. G. Holt, T. G. Lauder, Jno. A. Darling, W. D. Mills. insurance on contents of barn. Farm impleâ€" ments used hand, Carpenter‘s Tools, Rolm-. Roots, Grain Bags, Wool, Beef, Pork, Flour and J. H. MecFAYDEN, Durham P. 0â€" smm & # #@oâ€"~_â€"_=> LACROSSE NOTES. LABOR DAY SPORTS. Fire Insurance Co. For pamphlet and all culars and tickets apply top:ny Canadian P‘cm:n:m. or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst, Gen, Pass. Agent, Toronto. Going Sept. 13th and 27th. Returning until Nov.14th and 28th. Kigin........ Wawanesa Binscarth .. Moosomin. Estevan. Yorkton Mowbray . Deloraine Souris...... Brandon.. Lyleton Winnipeg to send by post prepaid or deliver to David Mc{(elvle. pan?i“ James Geddes Junior the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, the scatement of their acâ€" counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the sad Exeâ€" cutors of the sard last Will and Testaâ€" ment will procveed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the sad Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Lucas, Wright & McArdle, Markdale, Solicitors for Executors. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario " 1897, chapter 129, section 38, that all creditors and others having claims aâ€" gainst the estate of the said William Bell, who died on or about the fifteenth day of August A D 1904, are required, on or before HARVEST EXCURSIONS The Leading Jewelers and Booksellers In the matter of the estate of Williaom Bell, late of the Township of Egreâ€" mont in the County of Gvrey, Genâ€" Heman, deccased, . Because we give the people Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, Silverware Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Also great bargains in School Books and School Supplies. Everybody says "Keeler must fix my watch." R. B. KEELER & SONS KEELER‘S, the first day of October A D 1904, MACHINE REPARING Davin McKeEervi®, Thistle P O, Ont. JaAs, GEDDES. J®, Dromore PO, Ont. Dated the 26th day of August, A.D. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. On the Busy Corner, WHY ? CHAS RAMAGE, ParxtEr axo Posuisece, T3 £30,00 32.25 $2.50 $3.00 32.00 RaskAtOON........... Prince Albert...... NHRCNBOC »umevccsevce Moose Jaw.......) Kamsack ......... â€" $4.00 Ewan River......) The Bus, Jewelers 1J 3 3

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