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Durham Review (1897), 22 Sep 1904, p. 6

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) wayr 44 WAiu, [ 12e i uusrdllat pue Cherit vears After t «K viet oryv they did tached t would k golg anc 1. Topte : Jerzoboam‘s effort to cstabâ€" lish bimseli in his kingdom. Place : The northern part of Palestine. _ As soon as Jeroboam was declared king of the ten tribes, he took measures to establish bimseclf in his kingdom; there were bright ,;rnspl'ttn before him; he enlarged and ortified several cities; he then took steps to keep his people from going to Jerusaiem to worship fearing that if they did their hearts would become atâ€" tached to fichoboam and that they then would kil him; he made two caives of Sunday School. SEDHNAZY.â€" boam‘s azsw their revolt. beid at Shee the peopic : chuose a ne Renoboam 1\ was young a and wicked; lieved of ex counseted v answer he s eounsel of t the counsel « ‘p in THAAI Review.â€"liced Ps mary.â€"Lesson 1 answer to the evolt. Place : Shechem. Afte Otie assembled a new king. nem was heir t ung and terder icked; the peopl of excessive ta: nese cltics instead of going to i. This became a sin for the on fell into idolatry. wic : Judah‘s prosperity and Place : Judah, Asa‘s kingdom. : death of Rehobosm, Abijab, cigned in his stead; his reign , and at his death, Asa, his son ¢i one up in, urging se cities | t â€"Lesson I.â€"Topic: Rekoâ€" ‘r to the ten tribes and Place : The assembly was em. After Solomon‘s death ssembled at Shechem to Â¥ king. Solomon‘s son, as heir to the throne; he id tender hearted, but vain the people asked to be reâ€" essive taxation; RMehoboam th the people as to what ould give; he forsook the c oid men and listened to the young men; he returnâ€" ‘ply and said he would be than even his father Soloâ€" i; ten of the twelve tribes and chose Jeroboam as n lieed Psaim 163; 1â€"12 waltes e n ) . Oy se w in Bethel the peopl peopie to worâ€" id of going to a sin for the n 1 11 At Lt n 1« i the sile of the Atlantic to this, and that the number of bachelors on one side and spinsters on the other remains unaltered. Truth wonders that the possibility of this result did not occur to any of the colonial papers which published the advertisement., Truth has recoived seyâ€" (NetEy . «2 V EOWE . _ A08e â€" sEHCEUHE ress a Truth representat ouse had been empty fo he advertisors propised t n the colonies with suit rom the thonsanis of CC itls arovnd Leyton. Any farey for one of thess sked to remit fivre dolia T enics U 4 to remit five dollars. uth fears the only result of the enâ€" ise has been that a number of doiâ€" have been transferred from the other of the Atlantic to this, and that the | * 41014ML Lessons two, five and twelve are conâ€" nected with the story of Israel, the soâ€" coding kingdom. They should be reviewed in connection. In them we have national evil introduced, increased, rebuked. Jeroâ€" boam, forgetful of the power which had liited him from the estate of a fugitive to sovereignty, violated the first fundaâ€" mental command and as a political straâ€" imngturies A disastrous division. For nearly thirâ€" teen centuries the current of Jewish hisâ€" tery hbad flowed through a devious but imdivided channel. United and obedient CGod‘s people were unconquerable, and from a nation of slaves had risen to peorless power and unrivaled _ glory, which exceeoded all the far and fabulous accourts and before which the splendor of Sheba faded into astonished insignitiâ€" cance. Divided and contending, â€" their strength wasted and glory declined until the once proud and powerful people beâ€" came an easy prey to their enemies, They were literally "consamed one of anâ€" other." be rnon me wind into heay XTL Topic: horted to seek a rative of 7 were worshipping idols; because of the‘ir sins Amos tells them that they would be carried into captivity. PRACTICAL SURVEY. 1 MATRM OM eriean sgenis, 091 St. Mary‘s ton. On imauiry at the adâ€" ruth representative found the been emptv for some weeks. i. FAWCETT ncern Offored ronto Juneti the town da low, God always has such who human landmarks in eras of cline in church or state. Their thes are the clarion call of a ringing echo of doom if 1isâ€" Fearless and faithful such men e storm cenrtres of progress. procession of such eharantare 1 1016 Topic: Israel reproved and exâ€" a _ Ub i o seek CGod. Places: Amos was : _of Tekoa, lt prophesied at Jeroaboam II. was kin@ of‘ he lingdom was prosperous and " » people were vyery wicked ar‘.dl rshippins idols; because of their ds tallt tham Thak Tha« tonnL® t n Cifcred to Supply Wiveos to Colenials, tkin 1 b W Th lGer EDMIAL AGENCY rom Carada resarding " FElijah went up by a whirlâ€" 1y the Story cf an Elopement. life 1X fross in justice, he had intended givâ€" . but he now realized = condition that he ruld carry it on sueâ€" his own personal atâ€" ed to effect such a watch with interest x of creditors called ture of a ondorn Truth has ons respeciing an e clamon cail of ho of doom if 4isâ€" faithful such men ntres of progress. of such characters 16 PET reform rennial e maity ) s1 8 dn ist week. rc n URNS ame rGverti â€" Dur turn from rsonal imâ€" sely interâ€" + character unbending, a great towers _ in C( and her truths o and var 101 ensa nd th orse itl ere ‘nce "/mCv on earthqturke was feit in this city. _It lasted about eleven secords. Two distinet shocks were felt. the first being the more severe, Objects _ in houses were shaken and even dis placed. On Sandy Hill people were so much alarmed that they ran out of their resiâ€" denees. _ The vibrations were in a sonthwesterly | direction. _ No rumbiing nefse was heard. Dr. Ami. of the Geological Survey, who was intervieve!, expressed the opinion that the shock utes fortyâ€"five se night an earthqn city. It lasted n Two distinet shoect being â€"the â€"more houses were shake On Sandy Hill ; alarmed that they denees. ‘The vil Objects in Housos Shaken and4 People Alarmed. ing fomale ills. She has helped nundreds of thousands of women back to health. Her address is iyun, Mass.; her advice is freo. If there is an{lthing about your case about which you would like special advice, write freel to Mrs. Pinkham. She will hols your letter in strict confidence. she can surecly help you, for no person in Amecrica can speak from a widerexperience in treatâ€" «* Youxe WorExr:â€"I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark spots before my eyes, and at my menâ€" strual periods I suffered untold agony. A memtmber of the lodge advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" table Compound, but I only scorned good advice and felt that my case was hopeless, but she kept at me until I bought a bottle and started taking it. I soon had the best reason in the world to change my opinion of the medicine, as each day my health imâ€" proved, and finally I was entirely withâ€" out pain at my menstruation periods. I am most grateful."â€" NETTIE Buackâ€" MorE, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. â€"$5000 forfeit if orlginal of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. and see what wonders it works in their condition. See how suap and vim to the horsesâ€"how \\ much better they workâ€"and yet /:';.‘-.,. ~ see how much less it costs to é%‘;\\ keep them fat. Sce how much z_ 5; ‘% his more milk the cows giveâ€"and whut $/!, Js ~*we. C fine calves you raise. A few cents inâ€" / vested in Myers‘ Royal Horse and ‘{' + ;/&{{ Cattle Spice returns many doilars t‘ \";/' f £, ,L‘ in improved quality of all kinds of 4 "W live stock. Write for cifculars, etc. \ ‘B Myers Royal Spice Co. MB sez«e" Sord Niagara Falls, Ont. } (if z. and N.Y. â€"â€" $RA 7. ‘!' ;{"':é,"‘" Lvoerywhere «oug * Te it en t n on * Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minâ€" 4 neapolis, tells how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by takâ€" ing Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" table Compound. see how i keep the more mil fine caly vested Cattle in i ti1 Myers‘ Royal Horse and Cattle Spice EARTHQUAKE AT OTTAWA Car Construction Company to be Formed in Canada. as "SALADA®" biack is displacing all other biack teas. Sealed lead packets conly. 25¢ and 40c¢ per Ib. By all grocers. CEYLON NATURAL CREEN tea absolutely purs and free from aduilteration. it will displace Japan tea just ~ & .‘QA' To Fo M BV o ce mele TWns i kn ns qo e o e e t c on oi 2 c t Pnd wa Fully Appreciated Mess y ;i How world you like to be tied down to J â€" an unchanging diet every day in the year . & M Wouldn‘t you rebel? Your stomach would. .V r *Po8Â¥ vet think how little variety the live stock have in their food. Szason it with G. T. R. ENTERPRISE. Hoe â€" y on [ s tes : s 5o f PP 1 M e h ;"fé;/,f/,’,;.{,;v’ 5 P & P HI M N. wC CGive the . br ,/f;,,’Z’,{f//,'t,’/;;'/ Live S 2 10 COr At fiftyâ€"two mir a By all drinkers of Japan tea. to â€"A lady in New York State, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart, says: "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from keart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerâ€" ful treatment. I owe my life to 1t. ""â€"13, First domeâ€"ticâ€"Thousht place wht Sii you leave |Truprd Comesiin=â€"â€"1 Hked a drup store, where she bought a poiâ€" sor, bu:t not the drug that ended her life the following merning. Cote explained at the investigation that he had meroly befriended the girl, and no evidence was produced to show that his conduct had been anything more than indiscrect. itiona, the young giri from Prescott who committed suicide by taking Paris green at a downâ€"town hotel here two' weeks ago. Cote, having recovered a quantity of stolen goods and money in | the girl‘s possession, bought supper for‘ her and then accompanied hovr to thei hotel. _ He afterwards went with her to} a drup store, where she bought a poi-l sor, bu: not the drug that ended her | Montreal, Sept. 19.â€"Detective Cote, one of the cldest members of the city force, was reduced to the rank of a conâ€" stable by the Police committee this atfâ€" termoon, following an investigation into his conpection with the case of Mamie Lalond, the young girl from Prescott who committed suicide by taking Paris green at a downâ€"town hotel here two Detective Cote, of is already done. Returns from the maâ€" chines quite confirm the previous estiâ€" mate made by the company of fiftyâ€" eight million bushels and inspection reâ€" turns reveal a very fair quality indeed. vvinnipeg, Sept. 19.â€"Mr. Black, westâ€" ern manager ot the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.. speaking in reference to reports cirâ€" eulated on the Chicago Board of Trade yesterday of great damage by frost to the wheat crop in Manitoba, said that such reports wore untrue, and wore cirâ€" culated no doubt by interested parties. °/ nan tre gail to appoint the fuTleralt;E e of the daugbters on my day off. Â¥ Â¥oApNih t Wns " Aaruintatrt The facts were that fully cightyâ€"five per cent. of the wheat was cut at the end of last week and more or less threshing@ Hooart relief in half an hoeur. ination before a scientific commission including physiologists, psychologists pedagogues, naturalists, aninma‘ trainers and others. ,Their report sets forth that the evidence he gave of comprehending bandwriting, his musical and color dis crimination and mathematical work were performed under circumstances excludâ€" ing the possibility of a trick. The meth ods of the horse‘s owner, Herr yvon Osâ€" etn, are pronounrced to be those of a pedagogue rather than of an â€" animal trainer. The case appears to them to be wholly exceeptional, and to deserve thorâ€" ouwn scientific It Eyos and Noso ran Wator.â€" C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says: "I have had catarrh for several years. Wator would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was inâ€" duced to try Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy, 1 have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes."" 50 cents.â€"17. These occurrences are not infrequent in this part of Canada, especially along the north shore of the Ottawa. About fifty miles from this city there is a hill, to which the name "Trembling Mounâ€" tain" has been given by reason of the very frequens carthquakes which take place in that neighborhood. ully SS Per Cent of the Northâ€" west Wheat Cut. was probbty due to the adjustment and settlement of the large blocks of rock constituting the earth‘s crust in this faulted region of eastorn Ontario. t Passes Successfully an Examination by Scientists. 1* condition. See how it gives REDUCED TO 00 Variety. CROPS ALL RigHT, THE LEARNED HORSE Cote, of Montrcal, Punished for Being Indiscrest. Much for Gool Wature. TORONTO V s1000 & SUccesst c a scientific con ysiologists, | psycl! aturalists, aninma‘ Their report sets fo he gave of compr his musical and c 10. THE RANKS it all right, but you liked your ALR. Faweett, cessful examâ€" â€" commission, psychologists, nma‘! trainers ‘ts forth that | 5§ miending or disâ€" k were excludâ€" i etainiin Pn dafiih h c d sc d s c Men who do not bclie\l' ness, sharpness, cunning e«lness are the best qualit success, Lawyers who will not I to bring suits merely to s of them when they know they have no chance cf oC ss. © good ma ' for gene + firmly h Men who cannot be bought. Men who put character above wealth. + Menwho see the divine in the common, Mer who will not lose their individualâ€" ity in a crowd. Men who will be as honest in smail things as in great things, Men whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires, Men who are not afraid to take chances, who are not afraid of failure. Meon who sre listzns Hhae . dhutlng _ e |__ Hamilton wholesale trade circles this week have displayed more a etivity, Numâ€" lbers of buyers have been in the market | and they have placed liberal sized sort ‘ ing parcels for the fall and winter trade. | Prices of manufactured goods are firmly | held. ‘The outlock for businesss is wood, The movement of trade in London this { week has been satisfactory, The sorting demand for the fall is developing mcely. Ftocks do not seem to be excessive in any department. ‘ At Victoria, Vancouver and other Paâ€" eifie Coast trade centres, business has shown some revival this week. _ The real estate market is much more active, At Winnipeg this week after a lull in the demand pending more certain vrop developments, the buymg has picked up again. _ The crop news has been more reassuring and that has developed some disposition to discount the future :o. The demand in wholtesale trade c at Ottwa this week has been better good many departments. â€" The pros iqe . _ L EL 1OR _( _ 2 T00( HeFquned ~some disposition to discount the future reâ€" quirements of trade in a manner such as had not been shown to some extent earlâ€" ier in the season. _ The sales so far for the coming season have been beavy but it is certain that retailors will yet have to buy large quantities of goods. Values are firm. land water points has been heavier. At Quebec the business of the week in various lines has been tairly active. ‘The Exhibition, which has heen in fall swing, has been well patronized and the exhibâ€" its in the various departments showed up well. The shoe trade is still very dull. Hamilton wholesale trade cireles this Business in Toronto has continued actâ€" ive this week. â€" There have been many buyers in the market and they have been purchasing liberally for the coming seaâ€" son. _ The buying for shipment to inâ€" land water points has been beavier There Las been furtner improvement in the wholesale trade situation at Montâ€" real this week. Orders have been coming forward in an encouraging manner and the general outlook for the fall and early winter trado, is for most departments of business, regarded as particularly proâ€" mising _ The values of staple goods and imported lines are firm,. _ New cotton prices have not yet been issued but are expected soon. The feature of the market toâ€"day was a further dectine in the price of hogs. Selects sold at $5.25 per cewt., and lights and fats at {5 per cxwt. * s J. A. Biue, of Duart P. O.. had of stockers that he refused to seli a offered, and «4ipped them back home ‘Wesley Dunzs bought the $% sh ported as coming in toâ€"CGay, at $ Cwt. The only sale quoted toâ€"day was 199 stockers and feeders, weighing from 400 to 1,050 pounds, sold by Maybee & Wilson at $2.25 to $3.90 per ewt. T yimel Had there been a few loads of good to choice wellâ€"bred feeders they would have found a ready market, as there were many farmers and dealers looking for them. Toronto Live Stock. Receints of live stock at the city cattle market were 5 carloads, composed of 1 steer, 440 hogs, 39 sheep, and 12 horses. There was little doing at the market, as is usual on Fridays now, excepting what was done by Mr. Harris on the hog market, and sheep bought by Wesley Dunn. WThere was a common eastern from Thursday‘s tryng to sell.. New York Duluth .. St. Louis Toledo ... Detro‘. .. h t huices d t 008 Snd Wheat, new, white, bush., $1. to Sl._04; do., red, bush., $1 to $1.04; do., spring, bush., 95¢; do., goose, new, bush., 91¢; oats, old, bush., 4214c; do., new,, 38 to 3814e: barley, bush., 47¢; hay, old, per ton, $12; hay, new, per ton, $10 to $11.50; ' straw, per ton, $12; seedsâ€"Alsike, No. 1, bush.. £5 to $6; do., No. 2, $4.75 to $5.00; do., No. S, $3.50 to $3.75; red clover, bushel. $5.50 to $6.00; timothy, bush., &$1.00 to $1.30; dressed hogs, light, $1.50 to $8.00; apples, per bbl., $1.00 to $1.50; eggs, per dozen, 20 to 22¢; butter, dairy, 17 to 20¢: do., creamery, 19 to 22¢; chickâ€" ens, spring, per Ib., 13 to 14¢; ducks, per Ib., 12 to 13¢; turkeys, per lb., 13 to 15¢; cabbags, per dozen, 40 to 50¢; potatoes, new, bush, 50 to G65¢; caulifiower, per dozen, 75¢ to $1.50; celery, per doz., 35 to 50¢; beci, hindquarters, $7.50 to $8.50; do., forequarters, $4.50 to $5.50; do., choice, carcase. $7.00 to $7.50; do., medâ€" ium, carease, $5.50 to £6.50; mutton, per: ewt.. $5.50 to $7.50; veal, per ewt., $7.50° to $8.50; lambs, per ewt., $8.00 to $8.50. ‘ Toroxto Farmers‘ Market. The offerings of grain toâ€"day were 4 little more liberal, with prices firm as & rule. _ One load of choice white cereal wheat sold at $1.08, 400 bushels of new white and red winter at $1 to $1.04, and one load of goose at Olc. Oats are firmâ€" er, with sales of 500 bushels of new at 3814e, and one load of old at 421%e. Barâ€" ley sold a 45¢ for a load of poor stuff. Dairy produce in good supply, with prices ateady. Choice dairy butter 18 to 20¢, and new laid eggs at 20 to 22e per dozen, Hay is unchanged, with sales of 20 loads at 810 to $11.50 a ton. Straw is nominal at 812 a ton. wl.;r-;:.s;e(i 'h(.)é; are steady with §$7.50. to. $8.00. .: .: ... 1 . eral trade are good. 1 held. What the World Wants. m the best aualities for Leading Wheat Markets. Bradstreet‘s on Trade. E0 C AATE CCTTCRUB merely to squeeze fees out We 4 ol 2 & rney know very will that chanee cf winning, â€"Sye. ‘I! 2s in pros{)erit'_v. i not believe that shrewd c has lw{{p better in a large number of illâ€"bred cattle that was left over market that drovers were not persuade clients ade in London this ectory. The sorting s developing meely. to be excessive in jba ynd_ longflléfi. The prospé&t; Sent. $1.113 . had a load seli at prices alues are 1.09% 1.12% 1.13% winning 3 sheep reâ€" at $3.80 per CPCes sales at $1.12 Dec 119% 1.10% 1.10% 1.15 com| 10cxport, _ Rept, 19.â€"Mrs Brown, of Niagara Falls, w dudge Hickey to send her t Prison in order that she migh her husband, has grown tired life. Brown and his wife wep ard triel on a charge of app property in a house in â€" w} boarded and removing it fop MKO, o Mvmeim <su i2 0 Nor TRA Will Be Released Besause She is Guilt less of Any Crime, , \ â€" 3 _ Ned up apparently togethce landed in a heap about the sam tance in the opposite direction, ed and sealded, and two of them conscious. _ The others were thro different parts of the building an among the piles of wrecked ma and machinrery. Between 1 and 2 when all of the emy over the glowing fw boiler which was bef the regwi!iar plant in denly exploded. The below. and with a +. Toronto, Rept. 19.â€"A sudden and fearâ€" ’tu! explosion, followed by a storm _ of bricks and iron faggots, raining _ down through ciouds ot _ released stcam, _eaught the employees in the rooling mill of the Toronto Bolt and Forging Comâ€" pany yesterday afternoon. Five o7 the fifty employees were afterwards carried into the open air all with severe _ inâ€" juries, but almost all with stories 10 tell of miraculous escapes from death. The men injured wore: William Dixon, water tender; James Watson, chief enâ€" gincer; Frederick Jones, first engineer; James Hall, sccond engineer; Albert E. Dunsford, ironworker; Georgze _ Woods, mill hand; Charles Jolly, superintendent. Dixon was reported from the Woestern Hospital to be in a dving _ condition. James Watson and Frederick Jones, are also suffering from dangerous injuries. Between 1 and 2 o‘clock vesterday, stt Cas m us t Three heers for He knows all the a€¢ Boiler at the Toronto Bolt Works‘ Mills Exploded. Two men are on a 16,000â€"mile journey from Lowescroft, Eng., to Austialia, in a l4â€"ton boat. At the Cape Town municipal elections a eclored man was elected to represent one of the European districts. An official return shows that â€" of the deaths in London, Eng., last due to starvation. James Share ,a coal shoveller on Diamond collier Wobun, was stru hea;l and killed at Montreal by a coal. Surgeonâ€"General James Jameson, C. who served in Canada in 1866, Gied at L The Interâ€"Parliamentary Louis passed a resolution ers to intervene in the war Captain Bernier will not take part in the steamer Arctic‘s expedition to the head of the Mackenzie River, le has resigned on the ground that he will not accept tae posiâ€" tion of second in cammand. Melvin Bartlett, Government license clerk at Winnipeg, who was arrested at Detroit on a charge of having embezzled $1,700, decided that bhe would not fight extradition, and has returned with an officer. Sir William MacCregor, the newlyâ€"appointâ€" ed4 Governor of Newfoundland, took leave of the King at Balmoral Castie prior to starting for his post. Miss Jessie Barnum, of Toronto, has issued a writ against W. J. Jienry, of ‘Toronto, for o breach of promise of marriage. She deâ€" mands damages as a salve for her wounded affections. John Henry, on eldâ€"time lumberman | of the west, was killed by a freight train on the Crow‘s Aest dine. sienry was waiking through the slide ease of Frank when hit by a train. "An Icelandic woman named Jacobson was found arowned at imli, Man,. vomestic troubles caused suicide. E. C. Harding, Secretary of the Miners‘ Union at Nile, N. W. T., committed suicide last night in a disorderly house at Blairâ€" more, Mr. J. T. Middlemore, M. P.,. and his daughter will Ius&ect the immigrant childâ€" ren settled in the Maritime Provinces of Canâ€" â€"-Bfilv'!‘ht weather is reported in the west, and the Canadian Northern crop report says cutâ€" ting is practically finished. Yields' reported REQEIEAATTIE : EN HRCHE N Oe sls are mu seasons Mr. Edward _J. Williamson, M. A., of Kingston, has been appointed lecturer _ in German and French in S8t,. John‘s College, affiliated with the @niversity of Manitoba. The South Essex Liberal Association has nominated Mr. A. H. Clarke, K. ©., of Windsor, as candidate for the Commons, Premier Ross and Hon. Mr. Dryden wore zt at the opening of the new dairy gufldlng at the Western Fair, London, The young son of C. Malone, the Narrows, Lake Manitoba, aged 17, was drowned y the upsetting of a boat during a squail, It is officially announced that postal orders will in future be issued in Great Britain payâ€" able in Newfoundland. Much less fruit is being shipped from the Niagara peninsula this season than a year ago, plums particularly being a poor crop. Hon. J. M. Gibson has received intimation that be will not be needed, although subâ€" poellmed, to give evidence in the Soo election trial. * 2n In try &'.:».fli;‘f: ; much better then the average of previous BRITISH AND FOREIGN. SEVEN SERIOUSLY HURT. _ weers for old Admira Togo! Wws all the dodges in vogue, O; peps each Russian ship bhis tarrible grip, BB erada bim i) w. 22 TIRED Oor PRISON vada Wns sn * evade him it‘s no go i 1 and 2 o‘cloc} of the employees glowing furpaces, One for Togo. (London Truth,) hrough one of t! f the building a uninjured on a 1 feet away. Thre, front of the illâ€"¢ the court with 4 e preferred life ; ‘om her husbang granted her requ to Auburn and husband. _ y, ie employees were toiling ng furpaces, an auxiliary as being used to reinforce s east into the air, the m roof of the building n, and the great iron h had reached sixtyâ€" Â¥, came tumbling down the force of the exâ€" on tired of prison B wife were arrested rge of appropriat ing se in â€" which they ng it for their own convicted, but the his wife was guiltâ€" : ids c i ‘alls, who asked s P hows that thirtyâ€"nine n a ple of slag Three engineers > illâ€"fated boiler tflg(‘“l(‘r and he same disâ€" ction, | bruisâ€" f them unâ€" re thrown to ding and felt to Auburn ght be wit® Union 2t it urging the pow in the far east. Lae npvnings and dmppod pile of slaz. masonry Nettie year were the Black k on ts bucket of e p : B BF Ja Both Mr. aad No Carrol‘s expression upon it in confid: g@genly an exclama eaped the lips of What appeared most disastrous curped. It evidently contained which required careful | the workmen were yvery it; but in ewinging it . A large and pond been raiwed from th windlaes "You were Taint," he pesponded, "I caught 3 eswayed in your sgeat, an« near the door, it was a moment to get you peally believe no one « ur indisposition, for &hnnlcam until we 1 the saloon, when you | When morning its mig! ard ehe arrived of many ol conf: bold hes were p: wia vs. After t to the «d selves uc opera tion gage fro Floret back to on her rightâ€"t monopo former though upon t! yearnin umes. life. Pethap, the reason i and digniiiad years. He folde and pmne pin which it, as defil done. *"Thank 3 just for a minu rol explained, w was h\'mg' ovel momentâ€"blissfu egfdu_rlng: wh "What nersel! ; eoineid » tha tâ€"â€"‘ "I «sincorel of whom yo rathor thin rol, althous has l1 me have been t untowand f; in a hopoefu you a win] He drew within his mdnncn t to herâ€" to draw h sell, until recent indi conversing romed anir * T« yvour | fairs. Whe hardly k that will Dame For My mother ant J uy p ing not n my purpos I push ou: againâ€"just cu‘lte slon His vone raddened I that he m ead revers elight while her b upon his l_m "I am glad thougcht u!,*" i now quietly from Ims ene have been so wcene, aml I attacks; I 4 fainting hbofto ehmrered as s ense in Rose had been so : rqgroduoul t Then the drew her h they boegan Helod he The alt Itsolt ‘to again fro wa‘m «1 am ul\Cc he replied feeling that any outwa: would have *You a with gon y ; "how am Eure y and sis=t: the «am They m way, wh low me," s arm whe soon 1« almost wit part. "Ah," «h pardon n clined to t0â€"night." "It was h» knd y reproac natilve oi though it for many portanceo, me there, 10 Eaglan The form 1 1C r 3 M | x I y dero idet

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