West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Oct 1904, p. 1

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N00 d (1] We Ryssel l Al a"a n "a c o n n ned aned ww n m n wnge mnn w en O ann a n L n a t w w uns a e ces ane a ud uk spiddrineneraiaandiaianaadrinshnetr/. S . E ‘ K 0 & s Millinery |ePewhe sbelnCeleTele"ale®s aPoleCale®s ane e2nlete, pCole@elenelane enelace|ane a%e s2e a2ele20 020 )o 0e s20 VOL. XXVI. NO. 40 A Bargain r« «« Men and Boys Girls‘ Ulsters and Jackets Ladies‘ New Jackets James Ireland.â€"â€" We have a big pile of Men‘s and Boys‘ VULCANIZED RUBBER RAINCOATS. The goods are good but we baye too many. ~â€" We want the money instead of whe coats. _ That‘s why we‘re prepared to take iess regular price: _ See the special values we‘re giving at $3.00, 5.00 and 6.00 The charm of this season‘s Coats is in the PERFECT FIT. Our Coate are without exception the best fitting and best finished garments we have ever seen. The Styles are the very latest. Altogether they are the nobbiest Coats you ever saw. Prices 6.00 to 15.00 In the new Stylss, new Cloths, new Colors. we have all{sizes in these stylish garments to fit all sizes of girls from about two years of age to eighteen. COur Millinery Department is filled with a large stock of Readyâ€"toâ€"wear and Trimmed Hats. Almost every novelâ€" ty and style iggrepresented, and a style will be found to suit every wearer. Orders filled promptly and satisâ€" factory, and our prices are so low as to astonish you . To) "Z nthd |_ WoOMExN‘s IN8STITUTE.â€"A meeting will | be held at the home of Mrs Wimn, Hunâ€" ‘ter, near Wiléer‘s School, on the 20th |Con. of Egremont,. on Thursday, Uct. !6th _ The topic is " pieckling." Papers on other interesting subjects will also ‘be read. _ All ladies are cordially invited |to attend. TEACHERS‘ CONVENTION,â€"The Anâ€" nual MeetiniAl of South Grey Teachers was held in Markdale on Thursday and Friday of last week and was yery sucâ€" cesful. Otherengagements prevented us from being present, much to our regret, and having no formal report at hand we must content ourselyes this week with brief reference. The President chosen last vear Mr Baker, hemi out of the district, his place was taken by Vice Pres., Miss Forfar, of the Durham High School staff, and very high compliments are paid to her clever occupancy of the chair, lm‘). Campbell is the new Presiâ€" dent, Mr Allan is :sain Becge A memâ€" ber of the Meaford High School staff was present, and gave valuable assisâ€" tance. _ All the teachers we have seen :maok of it as a very helpful session, and nk Markdale is a fine yillage. Shot Guns â€" Doubled barreled and guaranteed, from $5 to $17 at the Big tore. AT Murock.â€"Remember the Anniâ€" versary Services in Bentinck Baptist Church on Sunday, Oct. 9, and the social and musical evening Monday following. Rev. E. A. Brownlee, B. A., Walkerton, will preach morning and evening on Sunday and on Monday will also be present along with Rev Mr KruZ{{ and Rev Mr _Budge, Hanover, and Rey W. L Newton, Durham, Revd‘s Budge and Brownlee with Mrs Newton wil? sustain the musical part. Admission 25 cts. * A Banp Wouxp.â€"Mr. T. Swallow,s little Eleanor, 4 years old, received, while playing with neighbor D. McKenâ€" zes dog, a bad bite on the cheek in front of the ear, and behind the ear also. _ She bled profusely and Dr. Mcâ€" Donald had to put in 14 stitches in the gaping wounds. She is pow getting fil-?f’fi all right and the dog has been illed, Rey. Mr Ross, of Brussels, will be presâ€" ent both days, preaching twice on Sunâ€" day, and giving a popular lecture on Monday evening when also Mr Drysâ€" dale and the choir will give musical selections. Silyer collection at door. The Anniversary Services of the Presbyterian Church are to be held on Sunday and Monday, Oct, 23 and 24. AstraAYy STEER.â€"A yr old Stcer came to the premises of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con 3, N. D. R., Glenelg. about Aug. 20 last. Owner may secure same by proying property, paying expenses and applying to Joux McDoNnALD. Sept 27, 1904. * ‘â€"â€"*.~ Bunessan. DAILY GLOBE for two months, best edition, only 25 cts. You cant do withâ€" out it. _ Send it to a friend. _ Send or bring the quarter with the address, we do the rest. _ New yearly subscribers to the Weekly Globe for 1905 will get*the balance of this year free. Our clubbing rate is $1.60. HousEs to Lrt.â€"Two bouses in a desirable part of the town, corner of Garafraxa and Durham Roads. One contains 8 rooms, firstâ€"class furnace and bath room. The other contains6 rooms Electric Light fixtures in both. Rents moderate, Apply to ___ _ Call and inspect the stock of Stoves at the Rig Store, ITwo rrRox OX®.â€"The McKechnie firm are remodeliing the north residence of the stone block and will make two self contained houses out of one. _ This will accommodate twn tenants at a moderâ€" ate rent, something very much needed in town. A DirEcror DEap.â€"The sad news was telegraphed to Mr. Gilbert McKechâ€" nie on Tuesday that his coâ€"director in the National gement Co., Dr. Mallory, of Colborne, had died that day. He had been in St. Louis and Mr McKechnie supposes h> has died there. The annual meeting of the British anud Foreign Bible Society will be held in the Baptist Church on Tuesday, l1th inst at 8p. m, Rev‘s. Farquharson and Colling will address the meeting and others. Collection at close. PricEyvILLEâ€"Don‘tforget that Thursâ€" day and Friday is Artemesia Show days. The show is among the best of its kind and should weather prove fayâ€" orable there will be record crowd on Friday. THANKs.â€" We must refer with thanks to tne ecouncil an behalf of Upper Town. to the fine new crossing at Burnet‘s store and tne next improyement must Dr. Brown will be at the Knapp House on Saturday, Oct. 8th for conâ€" sultation in Eye. Ear, Nose and Trhoat cases. Sorp OuT.â€"Mr. B. H. Townsend afâ€" ter publishing the Wroxeter Star for nearly 5 years has sold out to Mr 8. 8. Palmer, a "practical printer of many year‘s experience." be the light petitioned for at Miss Mockler‘s corner. a Public Library Board meets on Friâ€" Qay evening, to receive report of Conâ€" cert committee and attend to other regâ€" ular but important business. You can get a "Happy Thought" at the Big Stoge. 'p & Only $1 for the REvirw to Jan, 1. 1906. Subscribe at once, Inspector J, Ritchie wants an honest and efficient couple to manage his farm near Berkely, See ad. DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904. em wit K. L. Dixc®K, S2cy. Wax. Brack. 4o8fe 3h Feeh m , Botx TEaxs OUT.â€"Poor 0. Sound ! Two lacrosse championships were comâ€" ing their way, so they tigured out, but now both are out of sight. as far as Owen Sound is concerned. At Idlewyld Park, Orangeville, last week, the senior team, the Greys, went down beftore Orillia, Intermediate champions, being defeatâ€" ed 9 goals to 3 by a better team. The Wellingtons, Durham‘s formidable opâ€" gonents. were cleaned up by Woodâ€" ridge‘s switt bunch, by 6 goals to 0. The Iron Dukes complained of rough treatment there and planned to get even at home, They won by 4 to 3, but did not decrease Owen Sound‘s reputaâ€" tion for roughness as their opponents ot the usual visitors‘ treatment and ieferee Waghorne ruled off only 21 of the Wellingtons! Woodbridge wins the series by 5 goals and will now make a strong bis for the Junior finals. MorE Rooxm.â€"Schcol Board meets this, Thursday evening, and has imporâ€" tant business on hand, The crowded High School rooms has necessitated taking Miss M, McKenzie and her puâ€" pils to the Public: Library room until the end of the year anyway, perhaps longer. Chatsworth had a small fire last week in which two stables were burned. But for the efforts of the citizens with pails, the business section of the village migbt have gone. Our space forbids more extended noâ€" tice this week but we confidently recâ€" commend town or country customers to visit the artistes named and see for themselves the skilful work and pretty millinery effects. Small moderate sized and very large hats are all displayed. Thereare toques, continentals, turbans etc., and picture bhais while for street hats the New York sailor is well to the front. The crown from 3 to 4 inches high is most favored, Miss. Denbolm. last J'ear's milliner, is at her old post, and has as before surrounded herself with very attractive shapes, which are meeting with popâ€" ular fayor, even more than last year. which is saying a good deal. We made our semiâ€"annual call on the milliners whose fall openings were anâ€" nounced last week and found no deâ€" terioration from _ past efforts but rather an advance in _all that pertains to the aestheticism that attaches to feminine headwear. Prices too we were credibly informed were cheaper than before and even beats Toronto in this respect. Toronto may have more variety, but we think any woman is unâ€" necessarily fastidious if she cannot suit herself with the stock and the skill at her command in Durham. Mr, 8, F. Morlock Miss Hall is in charge here and the business done warrants the belief that she is a worthy successor to Miss Sweet. The stock is still large and varied though they have been going every day. Miss Dick Again the Lambtoa St rooms are radiant with fine goods artistically put together and in form and color blending bespeak the high skill Miss Dick has acquired from her extensive experience. Mr. Jas. Ireland COME and ask your neighbor come with you. A petition was presented for an eâ€" lectric light at Miss Mockler‘s corner. Referred to Fire and Light Committee. Accts passed as follows : A. Hamilton assisting engineer with sidewalks $4 90 ; A. McDonald, 3 mos sulaEy 10,00; Geo. McKay, la bor, 3.50 ; Lock Elvidge, Drgo age1.75 ; Geo Meikle, 3 mos salary 10.00 , Geo Meikle, assisting survegor 8.15; W Irwin, printing 35.20; Jsohn Kinnee, watering streets to Oct 2nd, 9.60; Hugh McKay. 3 mos salary H Inap. 6.%5 ; Jas Davidson. 3 mos sal. 15.00, sugglies 65c ; W m Black, bardware 38.18 ; B Volâ€" let, salary and postage 25.08 ; A Thomgâ€" son, 3 mos salary 2.50; N G& J McKeckâ€" nie, lumber supplies 21.79 ; 31 G Vollett, mason work 14.65; no Mitchel. teamâ€" ing 8.93; Total $214.23. The Conservative Candidate is inâ€" vited to be present at all the meetings and either he or any representative he may send will be welcomed and fairly treated, and will be allowed a reasonâ€" able part of the time. Mr. Miller, the Reform Candidate, expects to be present at each meeting. The Electorsâ€"Reformers and Conâ€" servativesâ€" are earnestly invited to attend. vx+ s sx ks .. }........ Friday, Oct. 14 HAMPDEN School..Saturday, Oct. 15 The Reform Candidate for South Grey, will be held in EGREMONT and NORMANBY as follows : HOLSTEIN Hall.... . Monday, Oct. 10 YEOVIL, ............ Tuesday. Oct. 11 DROMORE, Russell Hall, Wed, Oct 12 DRURY‘S SCHOOL, Thursday, Oct 13 ALSFELDT, ‘Anderson‘s School, .. .. .. Public Meetings in the interests of Meetings to open at 8 o‘clock, p. m Met on Monday evening, all present, REFORM MEETINGS. MILLINERY*QPENINGS. ~â€" * 7% H. H. MILLER, TOWN COUNCIL, 4 $â€"4 We he4 000 n 46 Foge" ) Had »ices i6 qs | ut veard f © We Must Hav®E a JOoKE®."â€"Aucâ€" tioneer MacKay was delighted a few days Ifio to receiye from Glaisdale, England. a Ficture Post Card with a fine view of Hawick ani underneath written "Kindly regards from vour fishing friends, we must have a joke." Burely we‘ve all heard that last clause somewhere? And its echo reached England! ‘*Twas kindly done. | _ Politically, Mr Miller has always been jan active Liberal worker but while | energetic and forceful he has never been {narrow or bitter, or carried away by | politcal partizan prejudice. . Since his nomination he has given abundant eviâ€" | dence of a desire to faithfully and enerâ€" | gecically serve the Constituency. When {the people of Durham petitioned for a second Grand Trunk Mail service, the | matter was referred to Mr Miller by the |Department ‘and was promptly recomâ€" | mended hy him and granted. _ For the | West end of Hanover, remote from the \Post Office, he secured a street letter box. _ At the suggestion of some of the | citizens of Holstein, he secured for that ivilluge a second North and South daily \Grand Trunk Mail service, proving also | a great convenience to Dromore, Yeovil ‘ and other places supplied from Holstein. \He is now making endeavors to obtain \a new Post office in Sullivan and anâ€" iother in Egremont. _ In two cases Mr Miller has been asked by the Post office |Department to recommend Postmasters for country offices in which vacancies ‘had occurred and in each case, with his | usual thoroughness, he drovye. to the ipl&ces and personally attended to the meking of such new appointments as |would best suit the convenience of the neighborhood. ExrROUTORS‘ SaAcw.â€"Auctioneer Macâ€" Kay will on Frida{lOct. 14. sell by pubâ€" lic Auction, the Household furniture and effects of the late Wm. Bell. %‘.elfmt Cash. Bale at 2 p. m. Seesmall ills, It is certain therefore that South Grey will best serve its own interests by electing Mr Miller on Nov 3. _ His life history shows that he will be faithful to his duties. He is a talented platform speaker with a comprehensive grasp of public affairs. _ He will thus be able to take his place in debate on the floor of the House, and in every way will be a representative that will be a credit to South Grey. _ Meetings will likely be held in several public places and voters should make a point to hear him disâ€" cusse the questions of the day. &y. In this matter many leading Bseryatives, among them Sir Chas. Wr. differ in opinion from Mr. ep, and are opposed toa Goyernâ€" ment ‘owned and operated railway, ut%favoring Mr Laurier‘s puolicy that the railway shall be built by a Moompany with some assistance rom the (Goyernment for which the country will. in different ways, be amply rewarded. It is expected that Mr H. H. Milicr, the Liberal Candidate will be elected in South Grey with a good majority. _ He is now well and favorably known in most parts of the riding, though of course has found it impossible to call on a large number of the nearly 6000 yoters comprised in it, Before election day he will become betrer known. As a business man he has been singuâ€" larly successful, a tribute to his business ability, his energy, integrity and appliâ€" cation, qualitiee which have won him the conadence of the people and ywill win him votes in the coming contest ‘ , Statesman everywhere stands ? , we as Canadians are especially of him as a man who tor perâ€" uprightness, patriotsm and goodâ€" ‘of character and who is a statesâ€" for breadth of mind, keen foresight general bigness of calibre, aimable 1 and yet firm, has seldom been ' by any man of the Empire of this or any other day and it is not a ble that such a man shoald be o from the Fremiership and plaged in a position where his great strength and ability would be lost to (The great differences toâ€"day beâ€" two great political parties in a are upon the two questions of the proposed new transcontinental rallway and the tariff. Mr Borden the: rvative leader, advocates the ding of a transcontinental railway _declares that the road should be owned and cperated by the Other mimmor issues will be discussed during the camlpaign but the railway and the tariff will be the great issues. _Jhe contest is at hand, the date of G‘{elect!on having been fixed for Nov 8, Nominations on Oct 27. J is generally admitted and conâ€" ded by all parties that the Laurier Government will be returned to power with in ali probability an increased zority. for while in some of the deâ€" of the administration there may |some room for honest differences of ionnas to the actions and legislation Mn iA td mis dn P w s ntuci css ids 2 he Goyernment, the public generâ€" are satisfied that the Government conducted the affairs and business country honestly and with great ess ability, enterprise and energy that this successful and business management has largely conâ€" to the remarkably good times Canada has been and still is ing. And, further, while the whole Briâ€" »Empire bas for some years been ing praise and commendation on Sir Wilfrid Laurier, whose name TRE DOMINION ELECTIONS. ; um Miss Dick. £ G C & & & & ® (6 Latest in Trimmed Millinery w# C & & C tw to (@ to Millinery Openings . . .. The Price Smashers, Wednesday, September 28, R. B. KEELER & SON§ . Over two hundred different Patterns to choose from. To the Electors of South G1ey : GENTLENMEX : I respectfully request your vote and influence at the coming Dominion Election and, if elected, will earnestly do my best to promote the interests of South Grey and, without being a slave to party, to support good measures and oppose bad ones. Yours Truly, H. H. MILLER, Liberal Candidate for South Grevy. Wall Paper NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ? We will have on display Ladies‘ Bonnets, Children‘s Hats and Bonnets, and all sorts of Millinery Novelties. We cordially invite you to our Fall Millinery Openings and following days, when we will have for your inspection all the This week we announce our Fal Millinery Opening to be held We are going to slaughter the whole stock, Come early as there will be a big rush for the greatest Wall Paper Barâ€" gains ever shown in Durham. Landed at Keeler‘s Big Jewelâ€" ery and Book Store. This was a Manufacturers‘ Stock and we bought the whole Stock at a very low rate on the Dollar. CHAS RAMAGE, j Peamtsr anp PosursuEe. 20,000 Rolls â€"Of newâ€" 3 Durham §

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