West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Oct 1904, p. 4

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s ay Paris Green, Hellebore, Raymond Sewing Machines. _ McClary; Stoves for Coal or Wood. Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. sOMETHING » P assoy « [Larris fibcwroom.? Teering [farvesters Gohn PBivingst0Rs {gent, Perrem. arling‘s $Prug Ltore Satll Our Stock is stilt Large and we Confidently Invite Your Inspection. Gohn Glark. We beg to Announce that our FPall Opening of We can give onli a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Sronch and Paris Pattern Hats and Vjiltinery Vovelties 1 +9) » Htlinery Openings G NEW IN WASHERS :Z The Perforated Drum, only in the Ideal Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watsontof Ayr. Quantities of this twine slightly damaged by the recent fire, we intend to sell off, while it lasts, at Eminently Successful We have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept in Burnett‘s store and therefore undamaâ€" ged ; this we offer at lowest current rates, We expect the showroom to be repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. A Complete Stock of DRUGS and MEDICICINES at Prices the owest, quality considered. The best in their line as.we bandle only the best. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices J. L Wortock. Tarling‘s [Drug Store PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE Bug Death, the new Plant Food, Blue Stone, Insect Powder, &c. wnmmreoss [A P use 7 cents a lb. Was {Ind Rarm ffachinery. A few doors South of the Middaugh House: THE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs. G. L. McCaul is a visitor in Ferâ€" gus this week. Mrs. De Touffe Lauder left Saturday for ber home in Toronto. Mr. W. R. Rombough. Toronto is & guest with friends in town. Mrs. Arrowsmith left on Wednesday morning for Baltimore, Md, Miss Bella Renton is at home for a few weeks with her parents. Mr. Jno. Rose and sister, Tena. are visitors at the St. Louis Fair. Mr. Willet Porter, of New York, is & visitor at the home of his mother. Miss Minnie Thornhill. Mt Forest. is a guest of Miss Ella Laidlaw, this week. Miss Maggie Supernault is at present the guest o{ her sister, Mrs. T, Swallow, Miss Edith Daniels left last week for lga.millon. where sheâ€"will remain for a time. 'ii'r Young and Miss Currie, of Walk erton. visited Miss Currie, Milliner, of Sunday. Miss Kate Whitmore spent Sunday in Hanover. the guest of her uncle, Dr. Staples, Miss Alice Elyidge left last a yvisit to her brother Walter‘ Belwood. Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw returned on Saturâ€" day from Detroit where she visited her son for 2 weeks. Miss Flo Richardson, Flesherton. is fl»endir:ig a few weeks with ber friend, iss Ada Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCleceklin spent a conple of days at Flesherton and Boothville last week. Mr. Koch, of the Public School Staff visited his home from Thursday to Saturday last week. Mrs, Calder returned last Thursday from a lengthened visit with her sister in Saginaw, who has been ill, Mrs. and Miss McEwen of Mt Forest, were guests last week and this of the former‘s sister, Mrs. 8. McComb. Mr. and Mrs, Fred McClocklin and children yisited friends in Flesbherton for a few days last week. Miss Edith Grant came home Saturâ€" day from Wallaceburg, where she had been a guest of Rev. and Mrs T. Farr. Mr and Mrs J. P. Hunter. of Durbham, were thisweek the guests of Mr and Mrs John McDonala, â€"Chatsworth Banner. Mrs. Wm Renton went to Egremont last week to wait on her mother Mrs, Baxter who is in poor health at present. Miss Allie Grant took a trip to Lonâ€" don Saturday, bad about 5 hours to spend in business and returned same evening. Mrs Renton, Sr.. Dromore, and neice Miss Elien Renton are visitinég near Guelph, the former‘s brother and other friends. Mesers Jas. Geddes and David McKelâ€" vey were in town Tuesdavy in the interâ€" est of the Bell estate of which they are executors. Model Schocl Insp. Mr. Tilley, visited Durham School last week and found everything going along all right under Principal Allan‘s guidance. Mrs. John Firth went to Priceville on Friday, to visit friends there and at Flesherton. â€" Her granddaughter, Miss Stover, lett same day for her bhome in Buffalo. McLropâ€"To Mr. and Mrs, Wm Mcâ€" Leod Jr,, on the Durham Road, Glen. elg, on Sept, 2nd, 1904, a son. Messrs. Thos. and Wiwm. Black, Hugh and G Mnch, R MacFarlane, Sr.. Jas. Ireland, Dr. Hutton, C. Bamage. Allan Bell, were among the number from Durâ€" ham attending the funeral of the late Arch. Buitter last Friday. Dr. J. C. McGillivray, Police Surgeon, Denver, Colorado, was in town on Saturday, and for a few dafs before and since was making fiying calls on friends in South Grey with no hoge of seeing all of them as he has to be back in Deuâ€" ver on 10th inst. _ Pleased to meet with him, Denvyer air seems to agree with him, and the West has made of him a prosperous citizen. An interesting article on "Farm Hyâ€" giene" will be found on an inside page. Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church on the 16th inst. > EyEs.â€"T. P. Smith, Eye Specialistâ€" will be at the Knapp House for consul, tation, Wednesday, October 12. For the third successive season, the Brantfords of Brantford have won the senior championship of the Canadian Lacrosse Association, by defeating their formidable opponents, the Tecumsebs, of Toronto, at Guelpbh last Saturday most decisively. They plas the final ame for senior honors with Orillia next gnt urday but the victor is not doubtful. KReport of 8. S. No. 10, Glenelg, for Sept. _ _5th _ Classâ€"Samuel McDermid. 4thâ€"Edna Chislett, Harold McDermid. 3rdâ€"Julia McKinnon, Ada McLean, Chas. McDonald, John McEacharn, Sarah A McEachern. _ Sr 2ndâ€"Maggie Hartford, Jennie Hooper, Joe Hooper, Mary Hoolzer, JIr 2ndâ€"Katie McCuaig, Chas McKinnon, Ida McCuaig, Rr? McDermid. _ Pt2ndâ€"Bernie Hartford, Sammel Cherry. _ Pt lst Srâ€"Flossie Hooper, Gladys Tucker, Maggie Kenâ€" ‘he Durham School Report next week. W. J. Rrrout®. Teacher. BORN. eoceniigs t week on ‘s home in We have been credibly informed that the Conservative candidate has been requesting support for himself becanse Mr. Miller. the reform candidate, is, as he says a "temperance man." Prohibiâ€" tion can only be introduced into the present camssign for partisan political purposes and has nothing to do with the issue, for the Dominion Goyernment has nothing at all in do with Prohibition or with the license or liquor question which is regulated and controlled solely by the Ontario Legislature. Leaders paurier and Borden have each publicly stated that they gre not prohibirionists and it is not possible that either party in the House of Commons can or will enact any law to probibit the lhquor traffic. Talk of Prohibition therefore can only be introduced as a 'golitiul trick. Mr. Miller doee not drink and never did and we are certain that he will not be hypocrite enough to do so now to catch any man‘s vote but is that any reason why any one shouid refuse w0 vote for him? How much lhquor world he have to drink, say every twentf-four hours, to make him a more snuitable candidate than he is not to drink at all? It will be hbetter for all concerned to conduct the campaign on higher grounds. An active Conservative worker in Normanby is canvminmqtaimt Mr. Miller because he is * A Methodist and a Temperance Man." We believe that until some more serious crime can hbe urged against Mr. Miller, the electors of South Grey will continue to think him a very excellent candidate and one worthy of their votes,. Any elector, u0 matter how much or how little he may driok hirself, will prefer a sober meimber of parliament just as he prefers to employ a sober man to attend to any other important business. An intemâ€" perate member can be no credit to any constituency,. On Wednesday, a pretty wedding took Yluce at the‘ home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McCannel, when thei:dyoungest daughter Annie was married to Mr. John Pollock of Niagara Falls, Rev Mr. Matheson performed the ceremony on the lawn in the presence of about 100 guests. The bridal party stood under a beautiful arch of evergreens decorated with flags and roses. _ Miss Gordgn. Durbam, played the wedding inarch, The bride looked lovely, her dress of cream crepe de chine, trimmed with all over lace and silk and wore a bridal veil and orange blossoms. _ Her boyuet was of white asters and ferns, _ Miss Kate Livingstone was bridesmaid and was dressed in white organdy. Mr. Dan McCannel brother of the bride was groomsman and performed the part ably. Little Aunie Marshall was flower girl and did her part nicely. After the ceremony and congratulations were over the whole company were placed in position and Mr. Nicholson of Mt, Forâ€" est photographer, secured a good negaâ€" tive of the company. * Wanted immediately:â€" Honest effiâ€" clent couple to work geneml and dairy farm near Berkeley, Ont. Salary $20 a month with tpros%ect of: advance when services justify, _ Free house, Firewood, Potatoes, Milk, Butter. _Apply ‘The dining room next claiimed atentâ€" tion and the spread was in abundance and of the best. The bride‘s cake was beautiful, and when it was lit up with different wax colored candles it looked really brilliant. _ The drawingâ€"room was beautifully decorated with ferns and evergieens. CARDWELLâ€"NOBLE.â€"At Dunn Avenue Methodist Church, Toronto, on Sept. 22§d_, by Rev, Mr. Leech, Miss Sad:e After the inner man was satisfied the floor was cleared and the young people enjoyed themselves by tripping the lizght fantastic We will make special mention of the music. Mr, Tom McDoug all gave very soul stirring seleciions on the Bagpipes. Mr. Fred Runciman with his piccolo claims special mention together with the piano and violin and singing. 1t was indeed a feast of music to the musically inclined. The young cougle wili reside at Niagara Falls, The bride‘s travelling dress is a mauve, camel‘s hair, tailorâ€"made suit, white silk waist. The costly %resent,s which were numâ€" erous. were beautiful and useful and showed the high esceem in which the bride was held by her friends and acâ€" quaintances, The groom‘s present to the bride was a Plato Clock, to the best man & fanc& crab inkâ€"stand and pen souvenir of Niagara Falls, to the hriges- maid a pearl chatelaine bag, a souyvenir of Niagara Falls. Guests from a distance were : Mr & M7s Pollock, Mr., wre. & »miss Waddell, Mr & Mrs Drumm, Holâ€" stein ; Miss Cook, Sault Ste Marie; Mrs & Miss Gorâ€" don, Mr and Miss McKinnon, Master and Miss Eaunders. Miss Mary M c(,‘renrfl, Mr and Mrs Vollet, from Durham; Mr & Mrs Neil McCannel, Proton Station ; Misses Kate aud Sadie Livingstone, Miss Mamie and Mr & Mrs Dan McLean, Priceville. Other presents and donors follow : The Bride‘s parents parlor suite, Jas and Mrs Gardiner 8â€"day parlor elock, Mr & Miss Osm\‘»‘bell tablecloth, 1L a Mrs McDougal! a tablecloth, Mr and Miss Taylor a white quilt, Miss McCrea:ty a fancy cushion cover, Miss Sauwders toilet set of mats, Gco Lothian, pr. towels, Will Gardner pair towels, Peter and Kate McDonald fancy table cover, Ida Kinsman white spread, Jennie and Annie Marshall ; doz. wine towels, J and Mrs Marshall bedroom lamp, Kate McCannel cheese dish, Rand Mrs MeDonald fruit dish and servers, Mrand Mrs Aberdeen lemonade set, T and Nrs ucAule{eberry dish, Harvey Anderâ€" son lemonade set, Mabel Waddel gilt edged fruit dish, C and Mrs McQueen table cover, Tom Mcâ€" Donll(gnll pair towels, Selia Merean fruit dish, Mary MceKechnie erystal cake dish, R Renton pair scisâ€" sors, Mr and Mrs Ferguson lemonade set, Alex Mc Cannel gilt edged bread plate, Mrs Matheson fanâ€" ey framed picture, Edith and Maggie Campbell, lemonade set, John and Mrs Mo?otwen white quilt, Fred and Mrs Runciman table cloth, Rob. & Geo. Reid, table cloth, Mr and Mrs Pollock pair pillow covers a comforter and pair of qllows, Miss. C A. Pollock 14 doz. table napkins, Mr & Mrs Gordon a gilver server, Miss M Gordon centre piece, Dan & Mrs McLean bed spread, Neil and Mrs McCannel a bedroom set, John and Jennie McCannel lace curâ€" tains, Annie Saunders lace curtains, Maggie Mcâ€" Cannel carving set, Mrand Mrs Drumm ugulor lamp, Mary Eccles salad dish, Mrand Mrs Vollet silver Vickle dish, Mary Clark silver pepfiner & salt set, W.and Mrs Waddel ; doz. fruit dishes & gilt edge server, M. and Mrs McCannel 14 dozen silver spoons, Jennie McFarlane fancy g:ate. Dr. Sneath 14 doz, silver knives, Mr & Miss Calder silver butâ€" ter dish, Flo McKenzie cocoa set, James and Noble Wilson lemonade set, Mary McDonald fancy vases, Will Isaac fancy burnt wood photo frame, John Laughton fruit dish and *4 dozen nappies. flasses, Findlay and Flora Clark lemonade set‘ A cQueen silver butter cooler, Dan McCannel silver cream and sugar cruet, Dr. Brown silver gilt berry spoon, Dmfak McCannel $1 bill, Dan & 8 McKinâ€" non doz. silver tea spoons, Maggie McAulay pair Noble, formerly of Durham, to Mr, Wm. Cardwell, Motorman of Toronto St. Railway. Prohibition not an Issue. TORONTO J. RitcuIE, Port Arthur. HYMENEAL. W ANTED MARRIED. MIVE Cheap Cash Store Ladies‘ Nightgowns, pink and blue, beavy flannelette, for a very Men‘s Heavy Moleskin Pants, reg. $1, for each.. _ 785C Upper Town, â€"â€" â€"â€" _ Durham. For 1 Week We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘s store, or at the REvIEw OFFICE, will receive our best attention. We were $1I were 1 were I Wellâ€"known and reliable. Giving best satisfaction. Once used, always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Call and examine. Harvesting Machinery of this famous firm‘s make From PEEL, ue swoeman Durham & Owen Sound. each ...... 60c, 656 and 75¢ low The Public of Durbham and We will sell the balance of our Ladies‘ vicinity are inyited to inspect the following goods which will be found. firstâ€"class value. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. PRakes, ‘ote: AHamilton _J{yency. J. ‘Levine, «509, +3§5) .25, for for for 3I, â€" IHHfOW@rs, RBinders sw cA thu? Pcuah l l a 4 { uiscc sn utm i n t MACBHINE REPARING either coal or wood oFf Dob". ‘The ‘Peon &t:n:ltn‘ i;.: Range superior to any manuâ€" factured for cooking parposes. The ‘Record Chart‘ is the cheapâ€" est and best seltâ€"feeding heati:g Stove on the market. Made in different sizes. If you mfiu a Scissors, buy the CLA brand; double swedged blade, fully warranted paund forged trom finest steel, welded on composition metal, hardened . by water, tempered by natural gas; full crocas finish ‘ _ Bo great has been our sale of Guns that we have been obliged to receive our 3rd shipâ€" ment. _ One of car customers saw a Gun advertised in“a Torâ€" ;;;) ad. and sent for it, but was disgusted when befound hecould buy the same 1.10 cheaper here Secure one of our extension Ladders and you can pick your apples without rauch trouble. J. S. DRYSDALE. s We‘ve a large stock of Plow Lines, Trace Chains,Sweat Pads Horse Brushes & Carry Combs. See our Galvinized Iron, Willow & Chip bushel Baskets. The leading Watchmaker Jeweller. HARDWARE ! To have your watc RIGHT, get it done at By Modem Methods Ard at Reasonable Rates And Insure Satisfaction REP AIRS .Don‘t Forget A cast iron Stomach, If You Have + THREE NATTY BOWLS *ART BAKING POWDER" I wish to intimate to the Public of Durham and viciâ€" nity that I am prepared to repair all kinds of Impleâ€" ments and machinery. Farâ€" mers or others wishing Imâ€" plements or machinery reâ€" paired, please notify me and We have "Stoves to Burn. TERMS : Strictly Cash, for A 1 Work I will be pleased to call. Will be found at LIVINGâ€" STON‘S SHOWROOMS. Orders left in my absence will receive prompt attention is guaranted to be frde from alum and all other injurious ingredients, ‘To induce you to giye this Powder a trial, we preâ€" sent you with with each 1b. can for 50c. It really doesn‘t matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but W. BLACK. J. Burnett, We bave every facility and lony experience and it will pay you to deal with us. That we do baoR w t C tlin â€" Gordon‘s Upper Town. Tt and a d cd _ BIG h4 A good lin dear at from i» Woman ‘â€" and 4,30 eac) at nom $3.% Why not i buy v Still they Still there : White a1 This Sto: night exce days. Fresh R day and ® TWEE Having n I am on sh Groceries, & Shoes p*&" We ask in STANDARD CAPITAL, Av CaAPITAi. Pa RESERVE FC AGENTS Ontario, States and A general Ba: Drafts issued all points. D« est allowed at SAVINGS Ba® GEO. P DURHbH A} savings bank « wards . Prom; facilit® afford a distance, The Ha! that he | included he now « NEW LJ 50 Acres 200 Acres 100 Acres 100 Acres Blacksmith The Ha Properti ance pl dra w OCTOBE Northern This sea can C. A. FLEMIN 1‘1{ l‘mw:: kfinl Epelling. our cours Far Caper FECT Comior «ize 54 We can gi **Â¥. H Pu urh e at the are aly turns H. MH. rood 1 nice C Head O 1 {1 H. i S$1 Qu Ow

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