West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Oct 1904, p. 9

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ESTHER' Leads teapot” W h BOWLS Hem! ill 'Orge. If LACK. an n WARE! Shi ml: on's Mitts I lunch REPAIRING M1 tteh, "er at acumen kely to sther " r you ngold icism. ine of >r the them. than ncky your Iorse s am most stas and oven lish- out You 3;! 3E u cy. , The Hanover Conyeyaneer. Hanover -At tho- Northern Bpsirtetts _ Collage The Telegraphic Department u in chute of an updater of years of experience on the “all? telegraphic lines. The eqttirmept in the but M fy/h; hpietth2It tet',utt,"rfhTll','ll,1ts',l, true on e regu " in United sum .nd Gum 'i'i'ttttett 'relegraphy, Penman! W Spelling. Tyr, tall FIE“ Maul 06mm A general Banking business transact"! Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at curren' rote. SAVINGS BANE; mtereat allowed on savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every t'orilitt afforded customers living at a distance. a KELLY, Agent. diiiiiiiiit "'7" (a; PM ”I.“ The Hanover Conveyancer. but to say liml he has sold nearly every property included in his llsl- in the REVIEW but he nnw ofters the following bargains: in Normm , well im Ted. 0w. '""VItrtu' and g'a2kgi to 'IW' in Egre mont, new Holstein. Splen- so It," Mm'. Will sen cheaportmdefarurtter. 1 in Remind neu- anlord. 8113p, oo /,VJete,,, owner is bound to sell. Good 1am. AGENTS in ali principal point. m Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba,' United Status: and England. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000,001. CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1.0mm) RESERVE FUND..,......... 1,000,000 DURHAM AGENCY l’rupu ties solo. manor to tend, ignit- unce placed debts col ecled, writ!!!” d Pawn. Business established 1884. NEW LIST OF um Bt I: m. a A money mane '",',l'?,t'?i'i'ot."to"g 101-01 other woperties, all kind" and prices. SIMDARD BANK (lf GAMMA 100 Aer. inFaremont, "mos lunch-r- ml. tMw'o"oli' bush at! "up mm, very prod buildings and fence: with names}: orchard. Price m. Will W nud allow balmce to run at 4 per cent. OF BEST QUALITY. Grocerles, Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, &c.' We can give you Bargains. rip' We ask inspection ofour Tau.“ S. SCOTT. TWEEDS & YARNS 300 good Flour sacks for Sale cheap Fresh Roasted Pennulu every Wednes- day and Saturday. A nice line of FRESH CON- FECTIONERY always on hand. This Store will close no p. m. every nigh; except Wednesdays and Satur- days. ' Why not {all into the recession and buy yourbread, cakes and putty at the tip-town bakety where you are el'ways sun to get the best re- turns for you: money? Having now obtained competent help, I am in a position to fill all orders. on short notice. Still they Come "s. Still there are more to follow Agoodlinool - m amutmmn . "mud“ Woman m- and no”. Al r " an)“, Mingus» 'l1N'llfht'fMrrp"- I I. II. MIIAIJERQ "1h"'""y'em'tt'titt :: m: ”.55 _ . d G “I“ ttat Whiteen my Itll""','.'."" n he“ f,'eyea"rv't8fAeeirqy 1h!!- Ii!- ld This nun-'- 1’. In”. lurham Jii?ueo, Head Office, Torono. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. H. H. MILLER, bier? sound. Ont. '. ll. BEAN PHONE NO. 38. LEARN hmmyu” F. hturfi, 13"“;- :j, frailty as» r bison. There were beautiful wreaths from the Bible Class of Logan Avenue Bap- tist Cpurcb, of whose B. School he was superintendent. from the church itself, from G. Haggen and J. Barton. intimirte companions, from the Toronto coming. from May and Annie McOrocken. Aber- deem and from Shop-mates nnd em- players. Mr. and Mrs. Jar. Rutherford of Win: nipeg. and Miss Maggie Pritchard. of Swan River, were unremitting in their attentions to their sitttertrtit cousin. These and Mrs Edward Banal). of Somerset, Man., attended the Winnipeg To the many Manda. near and far, who tendered and rendered tympathy and assistance during the illne- ind a the death of our dear Ion. Hugh H. Mann, we other hen-den than and iiiaikapttteote-tt"'te1t'h & In. no In. A”. new. Mu1oeeeirot.st,%. -. ',-t '. funeral. Deceased who was in his wad year learned his trade with The: Smith of this town and later spent some years with Mr C. C. James in Priceville. The friendships formed then seen) to have lasted to this dag, and had it been pos- sible to have ha the news spread even more would hrve given eyidence of their sorrow at his premature" demise, Mr and Nre Neil McKinnon, Ptn"eeville, were over, and a large number went from Durham. The family circle. that. bereaved. consists of the parents and a fumily of five, Duncan, Donald and Archie, Marion and Archie S. McLean. the two latter cousins and wards of Mr and Mrs McLean. Amongst the sym; pathy extended to the family circle is that of the REVIEW. I Mr Pineo conducted the services. and will next Sundaghold a memorial ser- vice " Murock aptiec Church at the usual hour. The piul-betsrereerp Don- ald McLean, Kenneth Comm. o. Sound. Nei. McKinnon. Don. McDonald. Wm. Irvine. Jr., Alex Fletcher. all cousins of the deceased. Rey. Mr. Black. a. visit- ing Presbyterian minister uttered prayer at the grave. , " Funeral arrangements were do] made and on Thursday at 2 p. m., a funeral was held from the undertaking rooms to [gran Avenue Baptist Church. where large y attended services were held. Six Durham ta,titd "ite, bearers- Joe. Burnet, uglas unro, Wm. Swallow. Chas. Scott. --.-. Young. Jam. Bell, and the procession was followed by a large. number of his shop-mates of the Great Western Saddlery Uo..°and friends of the deceased who had learned to love and admire the character of the deceased. Service over. the remains were entrained at'3 p, m and the journey home was accomplished safely. Toron- to was reached Saturday. afternoon, with only a few minutes to spare? and here the lonely brother was met by Mrs Downer. Mrs Walker. and Misses Maggie and Mary Cowan. Bella McLe an. Lizzie McIntosh and Jessie HeArthur. Durham was reached about 9 , m. and at last the weight of responsi ,ility was divided for here were many friends to assist. The remains were taken to the paternal home, at rest for a night 'a- monk the circle of loved ones. and on Sunday with appropriate services were laid in the silent grave in Rocky Sau.. econ cemetery, amid a very large com- an of friends and mourners. Rev. Rh fl/fd conducted the services._ and We intimated last week. the death from typhoid tever. of the above gentle- man. and this week add a: few other alticnlnrs. He took ill on the 17th gept. and three days later went to the hospital nut oh" and nursing were of no avail. and on Monday, Oct 10. " 11 . m. he breathed " last. Bis brother Mall', Rot to his bedside Satay-(lav he- fore he died, and found him conscious, and his last Moments were lightened by the presence of one so near and dear from the old home, and there. was that satisfaction in the mournful trip. A.. McDonald. He gees Viv-loll. df a larger Canada. visiorU.whieh are not more chimeras but which he ttmplr he- lieves will be realized within the life. tin’ of the rising generation and upon. whose realization' he strikes the splendid reputation for practical tthtesefyutahip which he has built up for himself. To his power bf insight is "Med magnifi- cent courage " We shall not nil for lack of boldness." he said. Andwho shall any that. tie is wrong? Is he not seeking to open the eyes of his fellow. countrymen to thenlmost unbelievable development which is sure to take place in Canada. the beginning pt which is at hand ? This appeals to all. It rises above etty partyism, and parish Poli- tum. I is our greatest Canadian leader whom we delightto honor and to follow. t 1lfiogt,' not tr, 21% ttl, listened at Igmtepeec an e an aunt. Meet upod that vast Sff'/,',,tt1ttt Sir Wilfrid Lauder was nearing: or. had reached the acme of his power. The completion of the G. T, P. he seems» to regard as the greatest achievementof hishle. lbw." hehlu grate-at monu- qnenkanjho fl P R)”: that. of Sir John out, may the: the door' ia%aiiGa 1ttitlrr hyi.futysd Min the THE LATE HUGH B. McLEAN. fi CARD or THANKS. v- 'x,Friit8t".'s:fsht), 53%.»? 'ikiha'ii on” Ientettt thidGreGii" J, . ' ik “.3 q‘;_vrlv my 7 ',ftiii'g'ii,'i'; “if"? (“a b,,' _ l , Ira Iti,7 C 'ii5iti'i'f at iit"itit", In. if , '33; ik9't'i'E'/i,g, I. . H Il." i.' m 1rld Autumn ls alum-e orihcal pericd for a cowfrosh in ttttlk thin winter. Cold ruin. und nw winds are fruitful ounces of decreumg milk. The Brat mikes im. active the musculno system, while the Nu: to disturb. the nervom optesen an: "it fails to perform its work. Cows would therefore not be ”so“ to all ruins. "left out dam col night, or ordined in muddy or wot yuan-n0 any time. One night or even a. few hours of cold rain causes an enormous shrinkage of milk, Food, comfort and contentment are the prime factors in succoseful dairy. ing. and it is not too much to say “at comfort is the primes: factor. To teed wombat diarognrd the, bodily comfort ot the com irto court enclosure disappoint. ment. A cow will fail to cllboratc a tull- moon of milk it the is wet or shiver- ing from cold, no matter how generously the is fed. . At this season of the year. when farm. ers are extremely busy preparing for winter. the dairy cows are apt to be neglected. _Freqnently they are left to pick a scanty livmg from bare pastures and the fence corners of grain fields', ex- posed to all the inclemeucies of the ant- umn weather. The highly organized dairy cow is very sensitive to sudden and ex- heme changes in the weather, and nothing could be more detrimental to economical milk production. The Bow of milk ts often so materially lessened that it cannot be brought back to the normal standard (luring the winter. Ex. posure to storms and lying on the cold damp ground " night not only lead to a dccressed flor.r of milk but they are very apt to cause udder troubles. rheu- matism and other diseases. and in some cases even death. It is therefore, ad. vnsahle to see that the cows get a sut. fitnent supply, of suitable food during this criiicsl period, and that they are protected from storms during the day and comfortably stabled " night. That eminent dairy authority. Prof. Haecker of the Minnesota Experiment Station. has given considerable attention to this' subject, and"some of his experiments and: conclusions are well worthy oteotniiUra. tion by owners of cows. In the course} bf an article on the full cure of cows he" says: 1 Miss Dick. tlit tlil fli)fii)tii)fii)gi)tlRfii) Latest in Trimmed Millinery Wednesday, September 28, g'v",fi"p,ilFitll1)iRtii)tii)g';,)tt.ii) Nillinery. . Openings . . . . MacFarlane & Go. Bruggists ' Sandman. This week we announce our Ital Millinery Opening to be held and following days, when we will have for your inspection all the We will have on display Ladies' Bonnets, Children 's Hats and Bonnets, and all sorts of Millinery Novelties. We cordially invite you to our Fall Millinery Openings THE COMFORT 0F COWS. Wall Paper' {Maris the FOR 30 DAYS G EN UIN E CLEARIN G SALE " Bf.; $3 fit?!" A,eir,:stACii' cY, _ a,' b. "i'iriicdt "rt'i"iiii'iiiiii of Lumier- itt GOA LOIL A Condition Powdar bf First Class Mint BARCLAY t BELL Call and see our HORSE? cA-TTIFSPmE Also Mama Magnum-y Nowtlutyou have: Tndhope Bum. getnTttd1toreCrttter&tteinthem'rh. (tlit C? 86 J. McKechnie Tudhope Buggies ad the jaw: h ieh was: once so fiiled toovalc'hg' with thmserigttisnow being “his! with over I cutout! ot,,'de In“, new; lumen-(1 the has gone and» hnotearirtseo iii',', G.,&J. gakiuiei' NIP PULPERS; they use the best an the when also: out CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR- ,. fur" f b" {1 tf. vdq 'trs'h v$1=3£2h$< H" 'ttlf, 143955,; It“??? It? "ii_'iii,),,'i_,i"r'i;"iiii I u', I', Wp, w "tl ", ... 2;" h', :MQE '5s'4 s'2 tl Fig s!stE 5:41.51" - Show Rooms opposite Mid. daugh Stables, Lambton St. PM! Not more' thanatwo mats can be sold to any one a " I r" customer. We have. just; received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are . still selling them at Compounded from Concentrated Flesh Forming Foods and Ingredients. It will be toundot great benefit in bringing Horses was. Sheep and Pigs into prime condition without the least injnry to the constitution. C $114M? Gutters Also see our Imam Jinn Organ- m good in every respéct. A? . H. fWll(fjll'8. '50 (The popular Cash Store-) ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO FIGS ii'et""iil, A Good. Tbiiic and Apnetizer. One Car of the Best CANADIAN k AMERICAN MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN department of our esuttliahtnertt. LASTLY. our prices m nttttolute1yfair, Give us a all and see tor yourself. A Jiprt elm line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. Always on hand " Rowe's More. . “our 3nd otheijuGfuiG. --. SECONDLY..we Ire artists in our line. THI’RDLY, 'i1tattlitte" Tigytin every f GOOD REASONS: FIRE? of all, ye Inge only the finest [Team-s TO A T ,I iseme for our ttmia,-, Gia,' FiiiiGG" - desirable variety of putty. G. H. STINSON. 1M} WEDDING . CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. 'td I. [inor- 'ly.3lh1.e..Le?y.yee.tity.gg SON "ai he; min; tttst m . M OurCom S 3nd We No other 06mm bathe than In that can” ' "Sydenhgn" pong {the but If “an By denhamngggtpfl Lteenred Auctioneer to! the Co. of Grey. we: mainly “tended to. mom We. on m be lea n his biplanes: Wm mm. Nahum” old sand. tteat the Ram ce. Durhun. NOT. to, NB. JOHN CLARK) otBtttr-----Lomttt TOWN. DUN“. Jon , and m Fund- to Lou on KW“: Imam“. of than“. Valuation and. by 5001::th 0mm! van-Jot. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J t J HUNTERS New Store. - _.,_v. _.._ u-wuwu I lull unmit- truon' Account. W 1"p2tret Sun-o an Court 'drt,'t,1t Prob“. of W .Intun ot'Ad- qtiatstmtionuii Guardianship Obtained. nou- ohu and. in “In" one. and Title. mpoetod OI D. McPHA IL.) W. C. PICKERING o. D s, L. B. S Notary Public. Commissioner. Conny ulcer. hunter. lnsunnce Agent. to Private Money to loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Fum- bought and sold Barrister. Solicitor!!! Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. Money to Loan. nmce. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. Concetta“ and Agency promptly 'deg, c1,'tti,t,,'f,ttt,iii'E2ii"iiii1 .oomotly . I a .'et!.tt,ttCitu7 Ind Encutor'u u OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST O! the Du nun Pharmacy Calder“. Block. Residence t1rat door west of the old Post otttee, Durham. late nut-tun to human to xll"W'- (New York) Terms modenee. Armngements for alc- n to (but. Ae., man be made n the Review of- bse,Durham. tar comsqtom1ettmoddre-d thee. or to Ceylon P. o., will he mommy “tended to, Terms on uppucauou to D. IcPHAIL. Ceylon P. o. or to C. BAILGE, Durban J. G. HUMOR. I. D. '""'""'-tt.eetr-- o'Weteantrtfr"artr,ut,ut P..- mucous “'11.... Hp... 74’... 7% Con-outlo- No. " Llama-a... “in! “I.“ “I“! Kinda!“ = “until”. Mar, Nooe, “an"... m tt 11Plt,'tP"hei, {um -. -_' - dmri iiiiiii; a, ',iiLiiieiii'ii0iiiliJ," room] j,tti" men and Can-en err ti, Roots. Gum 2N,2t, Beef. Pork. Flour may. ii,'eSii In at“ dwelling: or out» BARRIITI'R. OOICI TOR, , noarnr mayo convcnucln, cc Br. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Auctioneers. nice. McKenzie's Old Stand, Durham 'e'tittPt-ettsorotmaoom- WMMCMM. ARTHUR GUN. . My tun-ox. "In our J.&J.Hum'u locum! 3:31:11: Will be " the mad“: the ttnrt “My! Eye. @5150“, i, Thiéit - Ceylon bu I telephone out» Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. MEDICAL muons, --- DEN TAIL. LEG-AL. ', Jdilli'R0Y McCAUL. A. B. JACKSON, . P. TELFORD ICPAYDII nu. BROWN, M, ,ys market mltte for Gain. Ear. wk. _ {by and; 11 may!!!) DR. BURT lo d." iCUT 4TH Fire Insurance Co. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. _ ncy promptly “handed to not. I“, Agreement- _. Elm of 2rtr,2rc Eugutof‘l an! Aden nil- fteM'tt (London. Big) and York) Eye Kw ' Home. M... P. _each month an. Modern.“ I W. F Dunn l- t-a' #3.; Owen Sana

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