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Durham Review (1897), 20 Oct 1904, p. 10

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ri', If?! t'rlttt,'l the eamraign by the" rink and in of the-British army, and he has "mferred on Sorgt. Nututerley, form- dy of the 17th Lumen. who took part in the charm of the Light Brigade at B.tnelava. $0 medal for meritorious aer- The. The unwary oi tlv, '?r'r"t" 'i.t3TV ? in. mud to Sergt. Knuth] One of the Six Hundred. h the recent birthday honors list were I number of veteran officers who reeeiv. ed mnrks of royal favor in commemora- tion of the jubilee of the Crimean war. Iii: Majesty at the same time. was not ”inlet ,Jr1emlid benign) Aisphtrtd ttur l\"!.' dws:d Imi- T. mi‘ "tttt - .. ". 'ogr'her with the annuity , I mt! for No long tad highly mer er'. sea-faring men. How many ships of which we have received no tidings, and of which not so much as a drifting spar has Nor been picked up. have been dragged' by irresistible winds into those oolitudos of the South Pacific no one will ever know, for the ocean guards its my full ,rell.-Ahieago Chronicle. Miaard's linimem Rdieves Rankin. This are Some Lonely Spots on the Ocean Seldom Crossed by Ships. There are deserts on the ocean as well as on the dry tnnd-enat wastes you which the eye of man has never mud and which have seldom, if ever, ha crossed by the ships of commerce. se.: waves "l, that: wastes have never parted row of a sailin ml or lasheyd by {he repeller of f isomer; immense Ll'ltu','.' where the lip of a sail is never heard nor the disdain cry of a siren; veritable des- cts, whose silence is broken only by the howling of the wind and the roar d the waves, which have been vainly "suing one another since the day of action. These deserts lie unforgotten Hwixt the narrow ocean highway. tnvelled by vessels. In such waste MBees of the sea a disabled ship, driven out of its course by a hurricane, may drift for months, tossed by the ceaseless pound swell, without being able to hail ushtance. Her only chance of escape in the possibility that some ocean cur. rent may drag her into a more frequent- d region. It ts generally supposed that by rea- m of the universal increase of mari- the traffic the sea is everywhere tur. lowed by vessels. This is a mistake. Gun commerce has grown enormously during the last half century, but that _ Melopment is due to the substitution l d steam navigation for the old-fashion- l d employment of sailing vessels. When the first steamer began to churn the 1 “to! with its paddle wheels, the Bail- ' ' fleets ceased to increase. With the 1 gent of the screw propeller they began b decrease. The gradual but constant 1 Ai.appearance of sailing ships made the l ocean more of a desert than before. l hiling vessels had their established -tes in accordance with winds, cur-,1 Nuts and seasons. The gaps between l the routes taken by the outward bound 1 and hmneward bound ships was often memorable. Mun-over, the capricious! t elements not infrequently played them mischief with nautical instruments, and: 1 an a result the fir-Id oi operation for: ocean shipping was vnstly expanded. i l The Indian Ocean is frequented only in the north by lines out of India and tsado-China, and a little in the west by liners from Oceania, which call at Colombia. end then make straight for Australia. Two lines, each with a steam- ship a month, follow a slender lane from Australia to Cape Town. The "Pacific is the Sahara of the great sens. Saving only the stenmships from the Far East to California and British Columbia, 3 line from Sydney to San Francisco, and a one-horse line (with sailings {minor in times in year) between Tahiti and the United States-save for these mere ribbon~like streaks, the Pacific is a des. at. Only s few native canoes ply dar- ingly from island to island in archi- plug”?! girt round with coral reehr-- veritable oeenn grsreysrds. the, terror no. therviore, anything but nuiiwrods. TU most frequented of oceans in the Atlantic. Apart from the polar song, we we that in its msrthern part there i only one dtveert amoral dreary waste of watt-rs between tho routes from Eu. rope to the Uniutd States or Canada, and those from Eurnpo to the Antilles. In the South, between the routes from South America or the western Ameri.. ban eoast and the routes from South an coast and the routes from South Atrien, extends a desert occasionally tun-nod by the steamers of the lines from Cape Town and Mozambique which, when the coffee season is at its height in Brazil. cross the Atlantic for cargoes " Rio Joniero and Santos. This is nrflonm-r true to-duy. The he: goes straight nheud, in defiance ot wind and wave. the ports between which she plies are great industrial or “menial centres, whither come num- Unless railways, serving as prolongs» thus of the lines of navigation. Freight an carry their loads of merchandise te the lesser ports and the cities of the interior. The railway has killed coast- wise navigation. The mean highways “Haring sprained my beck with heavy "tin,” Mr. Shaun up in tellling his defy, "it brouth on Urinary and Kid- ney Trouble. got BO weak that I ll- noet hinted, and could mung hold .. I we. terribly troubled wi hav- " Pt get out of bed so frequently to m. "After th many medicine withw rod reenlte, tried Dodd's Kidney ills. have used ten boxes in all, and now I - sleep without being disturbed, and old trouble has vanished." "LI'sh Kidney Pill. cure the Kidneys' cued Kidneys cures numroun diseases, handing Rlteumatisas, Dropsy, and WV: Disease. _ Ink that he could scarcely hold up. My be is enjoying the beat of health a more, and when gaked how he got " health back he unAesitatingV ul- ee" 1'Dodd'ts Kidney Tuit" It" lie-owed the and 'gtwee. and mwmu- blim- ha- wall.- "in... My Harbor South, P. E. I., Oct. 10. r-4tireeiai.t-Hurt through straining B bet while lifting, Mr. William Sha- un, [and gatekeeper h_ere,_ got no MEMBER fllll BABE ' WHILE LIFTIHG Was in a Bad Way till be Used Data'- Kidney Pills. DESERTS or THE SEA. aiE"s'5, " Leaf browii eolierme is one of thémogt charming of stuffs for house or reception dresses. Embroidered velvet" typp'aiques/iinau, elegant designs, grim t.aHeta tft.tetive1s, Ptiqsomenterie effects, as well as cords and taseds, are among the favored. (Working betweeirieh velvet and shim. mtry silk ribbonsris difficult. Hard to Make them Do It. (Brooklln Lite.) First boarding-house mum-cu -r'vq non it tigured out that people can I!" on " cents a dar. Second boarding-ions. mum-Ah! But you can’t get than to do it. Accordion chiffon is as much favored as ever under lace flounces. Heavy lace is a prominent feature of evening and carnage cloaks. on y Furs border the foot of the dresa and serve for hats. No one style seems to prevail in any sort of garment. For afmost any purpose ribbons in three shades of a color are chosen. tioutaehe buttons come in one and two- tone effects. --rt in human mture to kid about the quality of.what we get for nothing. listen to Kiri“ â€"'â€" --..e.- ”my" 'w‘ Hmspiek-How the done. do. the lucky tol- lcw mm ttt For the meringue on pies use one table, spoonful of granulated sugar to the white of one egg. It is more satisfactory than powdered sugar. The novice should memorize this rule: White meats well done, dark meats un- tlerdotte, except in fowls, which should al- wzlyx be thoroughly cooked. A novel pickle is made by combining sweet corn and cabbage, each cooked sep- "rately, then scalzlml in sweet spiced vin- wnr tt nd canned for winter uge.--The Pilgrim. stand the jar to be filled with hot fruit on a steel knifeeblade or a cloth wet with very hot water, and there will be no danger of n broken jar. no danger ot a Broken jar. Perch "r other nmall fish are much bet, ter if fried quickly in deep, hot fat. Larger fish can be fried slowly in a skil- let in hot salt p0rk.f:1t. After a can of condensed milk has been opened, keep the lid raised, or, better mill, cut it off so the contents will be exposed to the air. No odor from onions will pervade the house, it is said, if a generous piece of stale bread is cooked with them. A nut pick kept on the kitchen table is the most convenient utensil for remov- ing the paper cover from the milk bot. ties. Never use newspapers to wrap about anything eatnble. It is economy to have a supply of paraffin paper always on hand. . Eggs should be kept in a receptacle to themselves, since the shells (when fresh) [ are so porous every strong odor is "i sorbed. Coarse salt a enamelled ware or discolored. Potatoes will bake mnro upidly if a pan of water ii put into the oven with them. Berries. Peaches. Cherries. Apricots. Tangerine. Crab apples. Lady apples. ST?“ green apples. Re. listic little pears. Cherries come in all colors. All furits come in clusters. and never ta!h."-35 Plush peaches are tenhpting. Small oranges are "it as to color. Velvet dmsons match a favorite blue. is the quickest. safest end unrest ham to medical science. I use tt tn my own practice. It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment Inside of thirty minutes Strong words by a New York Specialist. -“Aiter your: ot testing and comparison. t have no hesitation in say- ing that pr. Agnew! Cure tor the Heat l'ichus remain. Cont-tails appear. Pleated skirts reign. Shaded plumes are lovely. Nrw Emma are attractive. There are lace hat smurfs. Lavender girdles are delights. Shirred cloth blouses attract. Skirt trimmings are ubiquitous Basques complete most coats. Broad vegetable fibre braid is used. A tailored petal turban u an odd nov- and t had - 1t"A'y"Yemd Wt". th . escapes from death. Within a few yards of the Russian guns, horse waa shot and fallonitsh‘qlgend‘eamredtopullit up, but found t ’animal was unable to move, its foreleg having been blown off. I left my ,rouMed char?" and forced my way on foot. when was attacked by Rusian cavalry, through whom I succeeded in cuttinlg my way. No soon- er, however, had got char of my foes than I was knocked down and ridden over by a number of rides-less horses. Having regained my feet, I observed one of the 13th Light Dragons under his home," which had been killed. The rider (Trooper J. Malone), not being able to free himself, I succeeded in dragging the horse off of him, and set him at lib-, erty. Later on I assisted Sergt. Major) Farrell. of the same regiment, to carry ft?': Webb, who was badly wounded, out of danger. I once more returned to the open under a heavy fire 3nd brought out Trumpeter William Bretton, who way very seriously wounded. -I then caught a stray horse belonging to the 8th Hussars. which I mounted, and returned up the valley, galloping through scores of dead comrades and horses that lay there strewn over the ground. Later on I found that out of 145 men belonging to the 17th Lancers, who went into the eharge.only thirty-five could be dir. eovered."--Lmdoh Telegraph, yuan up. Be says: “We had not pro- 1t.t,'tr,,?,"g,dtir','d,",,t2fdi vision my 'tmasdrm we. may moved down, will}: urge-m, who hadhishendblon’ ,buttfterwud rode shout thirty before he fell from the saddle. “not from the enent't gyms can _ ' deadly effect, toriom net-vice, war.” Envinblc. (Town Topic.) ytteeb-1ur huhud “up” won't Fabric Fruits for Hats. I? salt t! yiqegnr will clean CULINARY anus, For the Fair. u tuuuiLiruriiii-e __" a: an; Be up: "We had not pm- that his tGirtsuGai yd ye" gran _ vltH $3.5 Willie (after thinking earnestly for five Tinutes0-Bring me a whole box of chocolate creams, mother. and my): Tommy Smith to come in and watch me eat 'em. else? Bliss Beyond Compare. Fond Mother-You will be 5 years old to-morrow, Willie, and I want to give you a real birthday treat. Tell me what you. would like better then anything The first of September I cut or break off slips and put them into and or earth to root for winter growing. The slips out now will not do much blooming dur- ing the winter, but will make nice plants for next summer’s planting out. From July until frost I slip g-runlums and put them into tin cans In earth com- posed of two-thirds good gardtn soil and one-third sand. They seldom fail to rout if not kept too damp. If rooted in pure, sand the sand must he kept wet all of} the time, but by rooting them in soil they do not have to he tramTlanted and I find they grow hotter and stronger. l A dealer in trunks in Chicago credits his large local and general trade to the fact that he is the only trunk man in town who advertises extensively' in the daily newspapers "I think,' he says, "that the custom of travellers alone (due almost oxelutrive1y to the newspaper advertising) fully pays the cost of newspaper space." ?? - it‘yEuE’iia?ii§E§F.-'d25ic'r'déiLEFc-rry thetti,write us for bookkt. Sold by most dealers at $3.50. 182 DWSVILLL “[0 to. tfo., mum, CAI. Hens LG, All Year Round time delight themselves. 1:a1l-beariugs Ind strong spiral strings Induce to a minimum till the wor usually necessary. Fiy.e to SE; ne.iuutes_doy a_ tutr-Ni. " is not away: that pleasure Bad pro- fit can Le (gunned. The. New Century Wash..- ILords the childrcu an crtyortuuity c! rpndcgigg scfcy.tire tt.elp-usp .2391: sync Root for taotts2ti'e" Pleasant for ‘ho Children in nitrogenous matter-supplies all the V , constituents that compose the egg sud given I! more lasting internal heat. It makes hens lay-and insures fertile eggs for setting. 4 It's wonderful for making young pullete early Inrers---for fattening chickens, chukka tii; tttrkeys--nnd for raising plump, strong. .44 vigorous poultry. I in when you season the food with I N Myers' Roy-l Poultry Spice. li, i, Just think what it means to have ' tr, the hens laying regularly all winter 'rl ik")itiili-, --when eggs bring their best prices. tith" ‘\ ir' That's what Myers' Royal Poultry 6ltitti5' Spice does for the chickens. lt'a rich b'." B Ps l: When to "Slip" Flowers. A TRUNK ADVERTISER. Will - reader of this enquiry “WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT BANNIGER" please drop a "no on the subject " , THE 3&3ng swan " HULL. mum iiilillNI BPiillflillrl SHEATHING PAPER Who Knows Anything About Alt buyers. sullen and users of " EBAPtllllN"DESuFe " If -rort want to make money out of your "chieken yard " feed - Roy-I your, tbee. _ k It's not 3 food-but: relish. are Interested In this question limit new we: co. "MP-“mountain biiiitjii,'s?,)i'ti" TORONTO cleric-This, miss, is an employment offiee, not a matrimonial agency. (New York Weekly.) Girl (jokingls)--l'd iilie a place when I’ll have everything 1 want, nothing to do and no we to boss me." It is a very gruesome report which the "Utereeo medical officer of health pre- 'nts as to the moral and sanitary con. Ellen‘s of laundries, says the London ‘iraphic. The rate of mortality is high, ~msumption and rheumatism are preva- 'ont. diseases. and the workers are ad- dicted. beyond their fellow creatures. to ulcoholic excess. Miami's Linlmem for sale everywhere Water in which potatoes have been hailed is very effective in keeping silver “right. It can be bottled for use, and If required to be kept for a long time 'l tenth part of methylated spirits will ..lo this. In cooking goosoberriei a piece of bak- 'trg soda the size of a pea, used with a mart of the tart fruit, will materially wince the amount of sugar required to . v.veten. Leave a few of the husks on your sweet corn for boiling, and take it to the table with them on. It will nee warm longer, and you will find it mile: sweater.- The skins of new potatoes can be re- moved more quickly with a stiff vege- table brush than by scraping. One Came of Divorce. (Life.) "Most divorces are caused by a. very common mistake. "What is itt" “Many a man in love only with a. dim. ple or a curl makes the mistake of mar- rying the whole gin. Use 2ever's Dry tsoap (a powder) to wash woolen: and t1tuutehs,--rm'it like it. as ta It is thio sand historic watch which Helen Keller now owns. and it come to her as e lift from Hon. has" mu. formerly Consul- Genersl from Switzerland to Washington. D, C. He was a friend of the Amhundor from whom he came into possession of the Witch. Mr. Kittie suoerintendent of the Volta Bur- MN for the Diffusion and Distribution of Knowledge Relating to the Deaf. He long has been one of Miss Keller's best friends. That the gift has been anvreclated is shown by the fact that Miss Kellen has learned to tell the hour with remsrkazle tourney. or to within two minutes of the exact time. wholly by the delicacy p! her Pele, ' " Tiii' G',oirrGiiACwhieiCwG inisdertsd on tho plan of the original. was presented to hm. by another trionr1._wtto had It made expressly Gr -tGriif Switzerland Prof. Hussey, of California, has found 100 new stars in a year. And, my: the Brooklyn Battle, here's the theatrical lyn- dicate trotting all over the earth and has not been able to find one. The American representative at the Court at France by good fortune come into nonunion ot a watch which was extraor- - in its construction and which made it poeeihle tor htm to tell nearly the cor- rect time merely by feeling ot the watch while it wee concealed in 'hle clothing. This he Gould do, with a little practice. in so clever a way that it could not be de- tected. nu proved enter to him then to rely upon " Judgment in the pas-in. at time during an interview granted by the Emperor, and it is history that he was per- partieularlr successful in consequence In " diplomatic work, - - _ _ _ - _ Yen-e ego. in the'deyl of the Ruth. on America Hunter tound tt niece-en. of coune. on occasions to seek on urea-view withth e Emperor. and tn this he an." we: mindful of the ueceeelty ot “In; mm interviews as brief on Double and of vuhdrewinx to noon nacho could from the Emperor's preeence. main; it 'dltti tie] for him to keep watch on the - I of time. How to do this III e WON“- tor to consult one'e watch openly 113.010 fluence of the royal personm meanest- y would be 1 great breech of othuetto: yet In the audience chember there In no timepiece by which thoee received 'T, the Emperor could be guided in the least the mutter of time. 7 -. the pone-or ot I unique “may“ Mow III. can", Into mason ot this witch Ind hm- ot m countomrt b than told In the Beton Tunneling A - -- __A___ Bullet": Rona-could an than. otaarttnaetttentreeuae-oerrrt- te people who Aid not know an no!” On. my new the not; tr Simply WetingtheWateh. SYNDICATE AND PROFESSOR. mttatNEBuWtSI3mtPmat, Unsanitary Laundries. USEFUL HINTS. l?'? Mint eveniig dreGG"ilre masses of shining, tucking, plating and dainty needlework. Copper and gold spangles nppeur on 1 cinnamon ground. One spangled net robe is all in shades of riwinkle blue. at!) dresses are in faded pink, cinna- mon. strawberry and resedp. Miruout is a feature both in hat- Ind nhgulder wraps. __ _ Net rivals lace. f 12,eit,tg'f,e,'g),it A 1i ue goo A'lll'fl/ld,,.'t prevails. Chenillel is not neglected. Pale blue is much liked. Apricot is a. favored color. Mouueline is one of the leaders. Pale biscuit tints are almost white. The" are embroidered taffeta motifs. Some affect tb touch of American manta A _ - - - a- ...._v ...... a naval: "Kill."' I suggest that we now Mop? 'tor this purpose the popular and victorious err of “Danni? which means simply “success" or “good fortune." Not only will this be I com- pliment to our Japanese allies, but it will supply I more suitable cry tor civil occuions. Surely it would be better to treat, say. . Lord Mum, or royalty, or Mr. Chamber- lain. with “Banzai!" thnn with n (bu-suck how! for their blood. Miami’s Llnlment Cum Bum, etc. - tliu%iRurtirriTi:,"""" """"" no we wont I'll. me tree. To mu am: luau. to see new tttr I plus this world might " no can!!!“ "ttted it. Bolivar 'r?ytttreprrtar, ,tta't"tiyStS Stir a or pl " , . no mid-'1 at": It. " Fllt, which how-lg, nun Ip'tl1litt e not I“ to Ben-a qMidrm, thotfght "M mgr: word tt. In shouting “Hurrah" we are (in than days unconsciously) repeating the victori. on: err ot the Cossack Tune." in pursuit“ their ttttetntet- cognate word to the “More" of our Indian cavalry as they encourage each 'tt,t,ite,',,,to, strike. Both words simply mean “u... ' ....__-_. 41... _--- __ _ A I. new tool I ltr of rat. no couldn't “for tt; inthtt2tCtiiyUryjiars pro-u. Shiloh’s Cooassyurnption I EFFECT OF ADVERTISING _ A telephone company which had 11.- 000 stations had made but little in- crease in two years. Then it began to advertise in the newspapers. Three years later ita stations numbered more than 70,000. "Advertising," said the manager, "achieved what house-to-house canvnaaing could not." Banzai" u 3 Substitute for "Hurrah." Renown Ill hard, not: or allowed lumps and blemish“ from hornet. blood mum. curl». splint, ringbono, "you”. um“. sprains: cute: not! and Iwoolon throat. cough, etc. Save 860 by the use of one Bot- tm. Wmnud the most wonderful Ill-nun Cur. our known. With 3. devilish delight; - KeeEing time, time, time, Wit a. boiler maker’s rhyme As they hammer, and they hammer and they knock, And they knock. On the anvil: you can hear them " they shock Al they shock, shock, shock, As they shock, shock. shock, With the knocking of the hammers on the block. (Chicago Chronicle.) Hear the Knockers how they knock, Always knock, What a. lot of trouble they can make by the knock, How they hammer, hammer, hammer In the day and in the night, They are ii ways, ever knocking, Amity: pounding, always shocking Dear Birs,--lrhis in to certify tint I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen - - I have used three bottles_ of your . few minutes before'the ceremony wee to he performed he announced thet he would withdrew, and took e 'ate/tee",.' train for his home. Fowler is s wido er and thewom is e widow. They had been aequatntastees many yous. The wedding date wu set for Sunday. The preacher wu present, the guests were there and the wedding dinner was set. But it is aid that the bride-to-be'. tthih dren cried s good deal ,and Fowler said if they were going to feel so badly about their mother getting married he would withdraw, and he did. MINARD’S LINIMENT, and um isom. plttelt cured. _ _ . It gives me great pleasure to recom- mend it, ami you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable medicOe. Sidney Fowler, of Fairfax. I... was to [awaken untied to ' Ruhville woman on Sunday, any: the Awhison Globe, but Soap will wash other clothes. . A little Sunlight Soap mrflt dun cut giass and other guides until ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs. Give them Two Rivers, Lure It will cure them quickly and strengthen their' lungs. It iitpleasant to take, What He Got Out of It. WWI Eu; mg A Kind-Rudd Lover. For Evening. Yr't The Knockers. The Luhs Tonic ' le, “a slam. m ROBBIE; ROSS. fvi'gt'ii .~ M,.'2PT,% mm - 1., r .p...4 F 3“. $331. irler tefiiit, 'iX the, (tce thihgsthan bond: wtrp Amber-ck; the tin rust; let the tongue rot And the while the hornet: build nut.- In bor, and sparrow- breed In the d Let the baring and the - of tine, then in . you or two go binder like u mun. Tutu m done. Giving Advice to Bennett. (Sylvan Grove, Kan, News.) . Bur I new binder and nee it I week; then let It that! out under . tree or behind the burn tor the. rent or the you, where the hog an root under it, the calves Jump on the tioor, the hilly gout chew the can". end the chicken meet on the reel. Let the run we]: up the boxes and the sun bust.- the paint. Take out I few an bolt- h It: the cultivator In the Iran; a another for the thee, tn the In]; let ch. tge,'Pd"ite.yieiitCttiiry'd"'r'retTlllt rtntt: M tho mnnn- m -m‘ a” _. - mum's Uni-cut Cares Blur-ft tory in Canada. Thigh it over. The sales ot'the iU,aroiden Shoo Compagy "f. now ML: was they were Under the / the Montreal Steel Works employed c' ' hands. Undnr tho 'B it employs 69 hands. From I: couple of tttree-storey build- ings tho concern bu grown ' 't .,. . Kldnoy Gry.--ruin In the Met ll the cry ot the kidney- ter help. " neglect the cell in to deliver the My one to I disease cruel, ruthless and the"! lite destroying. South America Kidney Cum bu power akin to mlnculoue in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire at also“; It relieves in six hour-.4: Messrs. Christie. London auctioneerl, recently received what is technically dee- cribed as a “first state with untrinuned margins" of J. R. Smith’s engraving of Reynold’s prtrnit of [My Catherine Pelham Clinton." It had been folded and creased in ell directions, out! we.- reoelv- ed through the mail with an iliiurtte note, which Item far its return if not found worth 2'lltlt the owner evident- ly thinking it. value not more than . few shilling». It won auctioned off for nearly 'tt,ir00. . with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. u‘hm out!“ reach the neat ot the dine-e. Court-h I. e Mood oh constitutions] dieeue. end in or“ to cure tt you must tote intern! G",'."2t Hell's Court]: Cure in token intemelly, no acts directly on the blood end mucous eur- hcen. Hell‘s Courrh Cure b not e "tit medicine. it wu prescribed by one o the beet physician in thie country for not! end I: e rennin preecription. It to com- posed ot the but tonic known. combined with the best blood purifiers, noting directly on the mueoun surfaces. The perfect combin- etion ot the two ingredients to whet produoee such wonderful results in curing Ceterrb. Send tor teqtimontatrr. free. P. J. CHENEY 1 00.. Prope., Toledo, o. Sold by Jl'i"se,',th' price The. Take Hell's uniiy Pill- tor continued. The Vienne new-papal tell the leery of a fire which broke out " Berni-.m- reuth. an Austrian village w the Bi. varian frontier. A Bevan-n tim brigede which was Itntioned not more then three miles away, hutened to the name. but the Austrian Custom Home Author- ities refused to allow the fire engines to page the frontier before the usual tax on imported maehinet we: paid. The Bavarian firemen naturally turned back and half the villinge wee burned down before the nearest Austrian brigade wee on the scene. . CATARRU CANNOT BE CURE!) Ptttt Ixcunlon Hamilton to Ito-mu. - 01.00. to- tun 612.00. 'if/TI,'.'"", to Ionic-l. M “-50: near- iGU has bottom pom. Further Intonation up” to B. O o. man. or writ. to IS. FOSTER CHAPTER. Futon PM An". Town: The Mound-"Shae comp“, In. tilt, in Montreal, .." .. “h: C, Cr . .l _ the largest choc die. isuisiddrU. mmnuumf -_ - Send along your dollar d 'tt'v',,rgit't “chm“ Write or. ”a. Btu-an In." Emma It url'.".' gonojxo p.n.. Tun-duo. Thu - Every tune contain. done- of articles by "men who know." on every feature of fem work. We the deepest and best ppm for the traiser, his wife and children, in Canada. Two Yam (or $1.00 “ailment of the mroodlot-- cutting tree. to insure repro- '.1tyetioiscplaetine trees to regu- late supply of '"ttr--puatin to bind the s?il--ridtre plantglg. etc. Thin in only one of the may good thing: in Fymer's SMdpoint Agents want“ for our tstr" outttt 3°"... 'ecte, ”I“. - at -. -v_ plot. otttftt doc. 'IT,t"ilur"ii.Ti All cool sellers. Writ. 81 mu m and. Tomato. In. LTil"trrhC I.“ wank-db! L"iEEui, I8 magma-naggin- “I.“' ”but“. and) -..----------e"'err===» Cioxarmmmlufl “a? was“ PP.' F,t2tgt'fd 'tu'ug1Multrtti1'a%ATGik"ii: ISSUE N0. " 1904. For .Al-I M hum Aut ,rgg,,tgrgthAfrl'- n-ru. mum). 70mm. Farging' World IOVELTY “WHOM” qh MFA. Fang forestry A Valuable Engraving. Too Inch Rod up Hero Montreal Herndl. no: rm: "___ --_.._. “I t lad the who“ sq, d nest: in the an... d in the drive wk”; “N In?!“ so: out or two so buy A new Thur: the VA: It% Hamilton- Toronto- Montreal Line - wu w. u, 3:53" ll f, " Mummy: “npimuid WM (MM ' " Pull” Mnko'n “finishing “3951 m N that I) * troops ll .31. install. kl unlu h m They W Job ttt the T“) Cable. ll it. h prem-rvwl at h the numb “Eldon. lt i, I the Runiun ml Idamwd. “Maui mum; iwvll van” Russian , Mun wi e . am tripe, de oo hurried 'kid muegr Mn M Wu, and Nubian Cable ”HIV“ "tol tth'; army i, column on thy “cunning As u not r the Bil-sinus While the rigl Inintaimul i mummy mud in about the Y ttttt continue " is impo min}: will c figlui mri.v in the, d five hour: Japanese Iin texirtt 1nd up try attack. In... Left Brie unturned Hakka, Ctalsle -The battle (mull along the line, "t taeeftie artillery In “away line alllnu~1 lea-ion of thr H itself Ills lu-vn dun With"). Th,. and the mum! of I He I distance of t, on the mites mm the fighting "tste hitter: saying a tut) h the halal are coming get to her Il.--- no artil Mn Attack Met tack by th, runway, " Dlling. 'l from Mukd ittg the ll, The armh- mountain r valley. TI h“. and p put haul. Gen. Jun under duh country tl for their mm of l I hung N"rriidl I. there lln- [In M with tlu- . or the main (m ted. TL,- mnrch tio ahimtitihitv,: - the right , rctirc mun-ms mini: wi but throu deqrarteh I that a gr Iukdcn "xx, tttits in nu One-Hum! Great Batt MAM; " TO Skirmis About In Manda y The ssh l ups RETREA THE RUSSIAN IAPS WELCO UN l'hoil Us K In in Gmat sd Battle Sid MONDAY ARTILLE the Two I and " M and

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