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Durham Review (1897), 20 Oct 1904, p. 13

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g li " Ailgil'g; TORONTO. ONT. Lots t.3 and M, Concession I, South Durham Road. Glenelg containing one hundred (100) news. about 75 acres cleared. good frame barn with stone stahling, frame house, never failing well. One and one half mules from school. church and Post Ottice. For further particulars tt ply on the prem- ises or to Pricevnlle P. 0.. to the pro- prret or. M Rs MsrtoatteTMcLAtrcHLAN REVIEW to Jan. I, 06 for $1 Lots 32x 'W, Con. 2 S. D. R.. contain. mg 100 acres more or less. About 90 acres cleared and in good state of cut- tivation for allkinds of Tqt, Remain. in lo acres hard wood ash. Four 'Md from Prieevil1e, imile front school. On farm are two Rood wells. Brick House 30 x 22. with kitchen 17 x 23. cel lar and all conveniences. Good hank born 50: 65. splendid marbling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit purchaser. Apply d by post to Price- ville P. o. or on the premises to WI! nut-chum I" (Icy-"menu. - lean “locus tree. Student: admitted a In! “no. Comer Yonge and Alexander Bu. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. 100 Acres. Lot Stt. Sud con.. N. D. It., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for rultivation. the rest hardwood hush. Also Lot S6, Con. 3. N. D. It.. 25 acres clear. the not hard. wood hush. The Snugeen River runs through both. For further particular send or applv to For Service at Jan. F'tukintrtyun'e near Agricultural Granada. Terms 314D. ‘53 J?ri/irr,ls,ii, WANTED 1Spg'il SW,.", In winging and " u’mwgfififiz i'rkrhTiirrG '-i'rciriEiaatr- Tic women m " ”weekly with exp-s- odvucad nittttt. , Lmawan-é‘? [,l'iihaetv,ut.ctsxe, in. & Mt tth1ta'a".'lit2t 3|..an Mirmhttt1tuhttrartddti1itgtght. jtilaiir Vigor Doyou like your thin,rougb, short hair? Ot course you don't. Do you like thick. heavy, smooth hair? " course you do. Then why In Men's & Women’s and guar- anteed positively unshrinkable. Weak Hair '"' . balo- AH mm- THOROBRED DURHAM BULL, not be pleased? Alli? Hair' Vigor makes beau heads of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for so years. C. L. GRLXNT. if - . k “Pm: “a . 1'ltABh',l'.Fyihl nonhuman-nu gun-19.“. no an. 'tet hGiFii7ieed,ttetk J{EEP WARM We have some nice Furs for your inspection from good reliable makers. To start at 81.a) for a Ruff; 83.25, 3.50, and up. Caps are the thing for this kind of weather. Do you want one? Come to us and get them right. How about Underwear for the cold weather? Have you bought it yet ? If you have not, then buy STAN- FIELDS, and get the best. The best is not too good for you ', it lasts longer, is warmer and won't shrink. FAR M TO BEN T. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. UNDERWEAR MARY Mrlx'n'RE. Markdale WM. MCLEOD. Bn., Prop. Pulls for 1A3. FAumoqu Increase of Public Debt 1878 to 1393 was $118,000,000. Increase of Debt 1896 to 1aA----auu Sabina-sod ttXue . c- tre,flh. Ar.'. J. 1r "_,-' A: an The members ot the Ebenezer ttMr; their friends and other neighbon. tttit " the tire, of Mr land Mrs Ed imm- son an nt a peasant even ttr. gether. 'IRL there they 1flNllt cated by the latest musical rim)“ handsome new organ lately Jrltil','ll1 to the enjoyment and edifieatiott of the ‘ inmates ot the home. Mr Harris!) end his stalwart sons are making things hum in the matter ot taking out new- I logs and other timber, the proximity ot the new sawmill contributing ma- terially to their eonVenience while Mr. Harrison's meat horn may be hard humming once a week on stated route. supplying the natives with prime quality beet. The annual winding up meeting of the beef ring whose head Shi',',",', are " Mr Wm Brown's was he d on Wed- nesday night last, in his hospitable home when everything was t"tlfi ened ufp satisfactorily for all. net thinko it? Over 3: tons otheet eaten by the inhabitanta-7626 lbs. We are glad we are not in Port Arthur. A tine class of Beeves was this year furnished the inspectors appointed doing their work without tear or tavor. The average dressed weight of animals amounted to 4761 lbs. the heaviest being put in by Mr Robt Renw'ick which weighed630 lbs. After the business was transacted Mrs Brown assisted by her handsome daughters served up to all present a substantial lunch and tea. A vote of thanks in felicitous terms to Mr and Mrs Brown for the use of their house and their un- failing hospitality, was moved tw Mr. Geo. Lothian and seconded by JC Adams and carried unanimously by standing vote. Mr W Hastie, Reeve and J M Findlay, acted in the ca- pacity of chairman and Seey respec- tively. W Thompson was butcher for the season. Mrs Wm Benton after a. short stay with her mother Mrs Jae‘Baxter re- turned to town last week her daughter Bella returning in her place tobelp and cheer her grandmother with her vivuciuus presence. A large and successful Ladies’ Insti- _ tute meeting was held last Thursdsy " the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Hun. ter, 20th eon., when some% ladies attended and discussed pickles sud salads and other matters pertaining to successful housekeeping, Pspers were read by Pres. Mrs.'McGirr and Secy. Miss Kate Dixon. The ladies tosay the least. are enthusiastic ton degree in their work of mutual im- provement and are loyal to the can. duly closing their meeting withGod save the King. At the close some solos were sung by Mrs Chas Gray Br., who yet displays good voice sud spirit in her selections. Miss Jean Brown also favored the audience with a. se- lection together with the fair young lady oi the house, Miss Dixon presiding at the organ. For the benefit of our county readers we would make reference to the ar- rival of a fair young daughter " the home of Mr Wm Lawrence Jr. As if in recognition of his patriotism Willis has been summoned to serve his coun- try as a juror this week " the eounty sessions at Owen Sound. Messrs Her- man Barr, Eddie Haas, Walter Fer- guson and Wm Brown are also seriously adjudicating at the County Capital. We are pleased to congratulate our neighbors to the north ot us in S Glen- elg for taking the prize in weed seeds display at the recent show in Durham, this is what one might expect, the section containing as it does the Pres. and Secy. of the Farmer’s Institute, the Secy. of the Horticultural Society, Pres. or Agricultural Society, Reeve of Township, Piper of the Sons ot Scut- land and other men of note trom all of whom we might expect weeds of every' description to be furnished l l ! Is any of their farms for sale just now ? We are reminded of weeds in this locality by having a weed-named P, O. in the near neighborhood, but that is no eri. terion of bad tarming, only a Scotch patriotic sentiment. and then we see an occasional oilcloth emblazoned with the Scottish emblem. Threshing is a thing of the past in this locality and everybody is busy getting out their roots which are an excellent crop especially the potatoes. Mr John Hewitt and son Wm have rented John MeArthar's farm on the 10th con for the coming year. Wm Weir attended Prioevillo Fur last Friday and took in the concert " night. l It Geo Aljoe cot eave- In on lib has 1.: week. 'a'Witglt The school children were more than delighted last Wednesday when the news came that they were goiugto have a half holiday. Mr Dan McKinnon. tad sister Mia Susie attended Priceville Fair In: Friday. Albert Davis and Hiram Dean made an excellent job of the road through the swamp. Bill says its much easier to drive over now. Mia Martha Firth ofProcon visual " Mr Wm Weir's for . few days Glad to hear that Mr Chas Ritchie is having] better health since he returned tron t e west. NORTH mm. _ Arrived too late tor last week. UARKIES' CORNER. H j, ' ma; a Mr and Mrs Carson from Ceylon vis- ited " Mr Wm Timmin's on Sunday the hh inst. -- wili‘éiasbouon is hired with Mr Arch Eetorfor a time. Charlie will make things muve you bet. The Rant home is bright them days as 1.11 the girls are home. sickneu having closed up the school at Vande- leur. Zion beef-ring is closed again for the season, your humble servant supply- ing the last beef and nearly everyone says is was a good one, tipping the scales " four hundred and sixty three lbs. We expect to have the meeting about the full ot the moon. Visitors to Zion were numerous on t%pdaylto celebrate the Hagveet Boga. Amongst others we noticed were: Mr and Mrs Jae Staples trom Etuttt Hill, Mrs Russel and others from Trev- ereton. quite a number from Durham, Thee Cook from Lanriston and others from more distant points. The after- l noonservice " the church was very well attended. Rev Mr. Ferquherson rreached a very able sermon and was istened to with great interest. The Bee gentleman's text was: " Let your light so shine." We are looking for- werd to hearing him again. The pee tor, Rev Mr Coiling had a ehiairén's service which considering the night was well attended. The conceltnnd supper on Monday night of course was s greetsnecess and is said to beone of the beat ever held in Zion. Miss Ella Benton and her grand. mother returned last week from their wait to friends in Guelph ylcinity. The weather during toe past few days bu been fine and more like sum- mer and the farmers are making use of it by taking up their root crop. Melly of them are complaining of the potatoes being bedly rotten. We hope for a lot of fine weather yet this fall. Miss Lizzne Laughton and Mrs John Snell returned last week after spending a month with friends in Sunnis. Miss E. Arthur's. of Toronto, is Visitor at the home of Mr P. Stem. Mr und Mrs John Garson had the pleasure of entertaining friends from Feversbam last week. Mr and Mrs Thus Henderson otDun. dalk were visiting their parental home over Sunday last: h _ . . Zionites are through with this seasons dust as far " thrashing is concerned and it has beena. dusty one. The crops have not turned out as well as was hoped they would, wheat especi- ally is a very poor sample. Root harvest is now in fun swing and we are hoping for a few dry days. Some how they seem who few and far bet ween. Tuesday last, the 11th inst. the home of Mr Alex Henderson was brightened when Mrs Henderson presented her husband with a. bouncing baby boy. Both are doing well. Ree Mr Edmissou of Rothsay and Rev D L Campbell exchanged pulpits hot Sunday. Mr and Mrs NeailHi'alkinglmm ac- companied by the latter’s sister. Miss Ethel Hogkins visited friends at Glas. oott Sun ay and Monday and report hsving a, good time. Miss Hopkins is making many friends around Zion. Reeve Hastie has had a fine new bridge built on the 15th sideroad winch was badly needed, the contractors be- ing Messrs John Scott and G Lothian. The job will bear inspection. While Mrs Taylor and daughter Mary were returning home faom a drive last week, hlmost at their door the horse took fright and ran away throwing Mrs and Miss Taylor out. Mrs Taylor fell on her face and shoulder and received a bad shaking up while Mary was more fortunate, escaping unhurt. We are pleased to think it was not worse. The horse got clear of the buggy after smashing it up pretty well and came oat none the worse. Mr H H Miller's meeting last Wed- nesday evening in Dromore was a great success. a fair representation being present. Mr o Lothian filled the chair The meeting was opened by a song by Mr Wm Ramage after which Mr Walt. Hastie gave a short address which was well rendered. Mr Miller was then in- troduced and was heartily greeted by the audience. Mr Miller spoke of the great resources of Canada and the im- portance of haying men of ability and record at the head of the Government. Among the different subjects he took up was the G. T, P. with the use of a map to those the true route and he very clearly and fairly went over the whole contract. We could not imagine any One leaving the hall that evening with- out having a clear idea of the whole subject. We much appreciate Mr Mil. ler‘s appeal to the electorate for a hut and clean campaign. With a few re- marks from the chairman and a song by Me Wm Isaac, the meeting closed by all joining in singing " God Saye the King." Mr Miller was complim- ented by many on haying delivered one of the i1nart addresses they over head and one man in our hearing said it was the best he had heard in 40 years. One thing we would like to know is why we have had no opposition am. an! r'l1t1"1ightg'e,',',',tt'y,t' his t run . and ml: contains: 1fl'lllL'til or wht hind at campaign as by Ian- h? ' DROMORE. mm. l in oneofthe hotels inthmth Greyal lkwdnysago. "oetettttriutttrtorts or glean meant was heroically aiming to bet one hundred dollar! that Mr Me- Kinnon would be elected with two hundred of a. mujority. . While Goliath wits thus brandishing his sword and crying “come on" a David appeared in the person ofa commercial traveller who had been pretty well over the j l riding and Mr traveller promptly of- fered to take the bet but the you“ I l man wilted. Then the traveller offer- , ed two hundred dollars tonne hundred ', l that Mr McKinnon would not be elect- ', ed by one huhdred, then by fifty, then by any majority " all and fitttUly offered to put up one hundred dollars l to ten dollars that Mr Miller would be '. elected by one hundred of a majority, . but the young man had got quite out ' ot betting humor and departed, leav- . ingasmall crowd thoroughly enjoy- ', ing his chagrin. They whistle to hoop (pair com up In the coming Municipal Election, w we understand that George Wright _ has announced himself as a candidate _ for Reeve. The names of Swine! ‘ Rogers, Duncan McKenzie. James Cor- ‘bett, are also mentioned. It has been 'to1dthatit wouldbodecided at Dun- Ilt5,e showday, but Bogusianwny ; now in Toronto. and Duncan McKen- zie took in the show at Dam. Bhaks'rtg hands with the do“ and 33mm; and boasting beforehand do not win an elastion. Sir Wilfrid's health may not he rugged hut f't,i't',"'d,tll who build on its decay must ave been dsshed lately to see the vigor he displwys. Hamilton. Toronto. Guelph. Chatham, London t on the way from London to Lucknow he made. four speeches at four stations. and alans With effeeti7enesm though necessarily brief. Here is a. pathetic peroratio.n made at Lucknow with ehiraetootrtie eloquence. referring to the fairness of his gowrnment he said t t. When the day comes thoitl shall be laid in our grave. be that near or for. everyone wi l have to admit that the life which will have hem closed was a life devoted to the best interests of Canada. Every- body will have to admit who thinks without passion or prejudice that I fought an honest bottom everything ttiiil'iiiri I never appealed to the feelings or prejudices of my own countryman or toany creed, butthat I fought simply on the principles of the great party ' f. reform. 1 am of French blood, but, I do not remember that there even was a day in my life when I did not proclaim myself a liberal of the English school. a. liberal of the school of Fox and of Bright. I do not know what made me so. Yes, I know. God made me so. He gave me these views. and I endeavor to carry them out. I have been eight years" in office and I am proud to say after these eight years of Mice the man does not live that can stand before me and say that, I have ever stirred up any prejudice. On the contrary, the lan- guage that I use here I use in my own Province. and I ask them. as I askgon. to forget those days which shoul be forgotten, that oral past, and stand up for Canada. Canada first and Canada. always." ( Applause.) Fewful and awful is the carnage tak" ing place in Munchurin. A battle 10 days’ long is in program and many thousand own have "hit the dust." Two weeks ago Kuropatkin issued " bombastic bulletin to his army that the time had come to advance to relieve Port Arthur. St Petersburg said .. Yes. Yes. now you’ll see something" and was in ecstacy of delight. The ad vance began. J upon was pressed baeka hit. hutthe wonderful warriors again rolled on the Russians. have driven them hack. captured, over 60 guns. and. though the Russians linvo won at sotne.".points. it is almost certain that Kuropatkin will achieve nothing hut in .. masterly vetreat," Mr Buchanan has given the Hope- ville people another call and preached in the church here and at Woodland. He was accompanied by his wife and two children. -. ,,m J "Mr Firth left for Toronto last Monday to attend the University. We all join in wishing him success. Election is quiet, Dr Sproule held a meeting here and was fairly well at- tended. We hear he is to have an opponent. _ -protott Show in Dundalk was well attended from this neighborhood, es- pecially by the young people. The ans are resolving to defy nature and curry on a winter war. when cold will he adden to the horrors of the battlefield. _ - _ - A Thrashing is the order of the day in this part. Three machines withm a. mile. - sorry to hear of J as MeCraeken being ill. We hope soon whearof his speedy recovery. '~ A - _ Mr and _ Mrs Robt McMeekin of town called on friends in this burg one day ugly; __ _ . __. Mr George Staples is getting ance- mqbt floor pm. into his stable. Mr That Davis has the contract and is making a. first etapaghb orit. -- _ _ - Pleased to hear that Mrs Rich Banks is improving nicely, A number from this Eur: spent a very gleamnt time at the ome of Mr Wm I oulnp; of the Rob Roy one evening use v. A'number from here attended the funeral ot the late Joseph Sharpe last Thursday. Miss Martha Firth of Jessopvilleis " present visiting her many friends around here. Port Arthur is longing for help that never comes and it is expected to fall now early in November. The Baltic fieet starts and stops at intervals. J rr', cv- ' AR "M V’( a: . 1 a“? ”I: T - in .‘ a IT C' ti,ilq ...4 m Mlfit El _iti' 'i') it“ 1'iiiti?i . ii'ii"i" ii my... kiGi :4,” a “5“?" If! " ., SIR WILFRID'S TOUR. HOPEVILLE. EDGE BILL, THE WAR. .0-.. Wgitg Aki, Russ: I month with - e of Mint cervical . F (iii?,'!,?,:'.?,)?,?',;,','??')).":)','; w; Ladies’ Kid Cloves ' Pewny's French Kids, every pair guaranteed, in browns, greens, greys, fawn, black and the washable white kids. Waited tmengsdutelru- Honest em- cient couple to 'ggftt,tyf, and dairy hr- nonr Berkeley. " Solar! no a month with of advance when W1-“ ._ whoops. Firewood. enquiring about the welfare of the people. He came by Hopeville home and made several calls on the way. The name of Wm. Rooney, one of the Councillors, is also brought up now for Reeve. Quite a few of the gipsy people attended the Dundalk Show and were camping along the mad at night. Joseph McArdle took a business trip to OWen Sound lately. Men’s Overcoats Over two hund- Shot Guns. Rifles, Ammunition and 8porttunen's Supplies- Rush in your Produce and get CASH 0R TRADE. coal Heaters , Prepare for a winter like last by buy- ing one of our Famous Buck Heaters. s,,Iiiiirs BIO STORE am. from. . . . red and fifty to choose from, in prices 374 R} Alex. Russell. Ova-coats T he Largest and Newest Stock in Town Lateiy we bought the W. E. Theobald stock worth $1200, at 55 cents on the Dollar. This stock comprises everything a man wears-Read-de Clothing, all Our own stock of Furs is being opened up this week . -all new and up-to-date goods from the best manufactur- ers, Dozens of Men 's and Ladies' Fur Coats. Highest Prices paid for Fowl, Butter and Eggs. Ties, Underwear. Raincoats, Overcoats, Boots and slet. GrtsrLEsuts-iust call in and see our Coon and Far-lined Coats. ' Fur Caps, Ruffs, Collarettes and Caperines for the LADIES. Ready-made Clothing sizes, Tweeds, Suitings, Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collgg. THE PEOPLE’S STORE TH E PEOPLE'S STORE WANTED Robt. Burnett. -’--~-~--5.00 to l6.00 Everything to be sold at Half Price. Freshest Groceries always on hand. Goods delivered to all parts of town. BARGAINS Hardware Our New Furs mam. Vote for Killer. Ladies’ Neckwaar The Plucky little J ups are still on top, SO ARB9nil. or inferior goods because we think The Best none too good for them Our Customers cannot cast any reflection on us for handling cheap profusion. Spiff New all the latest shades, ty green, &c., from 26¢ Our own " Regent" and "Pie- cadilly " Braads--ahe best. sum and Equip-nut. The school is 'drr,tr21,geggielg,', In (new: utility in menial Ind sharia ”The: uni It tings, in. for full Junior Leaving an Ina-Icah- mork. The tollowin; mm: tttaft are in I manta “TI“ ireri1ar, .. if.” I'i'a'l,t e. an o u- can which? Inn-In- a. balmy sud teed1tt town, nun; " . m dumb): place W..Jm. dr., c. Durham School Tmm. ALLAN, men-W. Hindu! '"I'l L. I. PO"..I, B. A., Chile. ggggd Mo ems. J. B. SKI‘I'H. B. L, Wind Science. maimewu Mammy! ttse Mn "mr-ri-ttttrod-, 2bereto t .25 "f in great w York styles, such " brown ffa kTi‘a'wF 22m: VOL. Rxx SW Ram“: Raw" Raw-m Runs. Ruvmw REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW R an!" 11me ALI tl Me ran VU Me all ll

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