West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Oct 1904, p. 1

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ort H to 13.00 hool ods! 11 the ntles 1904 Alex. Russel! ‘ % ll. 11. 1VlUUl\l;Al‘:ml;.m§ 2 Fall & Winter Goods 3 DaseCelacale celeCele"alaCelae aTelaCeleCelace e eie2e" ‘eus ene ane a2nlaeele20(e2 2s ane ave se a‘ce Np * C & yopinPadt? S uie se rolP ce . dro es ic t to fill all your requirements for the coming season All Produce.s Taken as Cash and Highe: A large import order from the Old Country. Extra value and good tops with nobby handles. * + Space will not permit our going into detail but if you pay a visit to our s't.ore you will be cons:ince:l that no pains are being spared tn SIl all wany vormiwmamwcutke Kew k. d ce . dE s New Umbrellas for both Ladies aad Gentlemen Men‘s New New Ladies‘ Mantles New Gloves for Ladies and Children New Underwear for Ladies %EEEMEEEEEEEESEE New Flannelettes and Wrapperettes New Suitings and Blouse Lengths VOL. XXV1I. NO. 42 Men‘s Raincoats. . .$3 to 10. H. H. MOCKLER. VULCANIZED e RUBBER o AND e â€" CRAVENE We have a large range in heavy and fine weights at p ranging .....s ... is xiz ds le. es We id $1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3 Men‘s Suits ...$6 to 12. Boys‘ Suits. ..$2.50 to Our Stock is full of the NEWEST, NOBBIEST SUITq Fail and Winter Wear in the correct cloths and makes. Evi thing swell about them but the price. i. Fine Overcoats.7.50 to $12 Heavy Ulsters.6.50 tg Special Line of Men‘s Heavy Reefers at........... ALL e WEIGHTS o FOR e FALI e AND o wn'zn Shoes for Men, Women and Children We are carrying over twenty lines of these weights and qualities. We carry all sizes too, and can fit you pertectly. Our prices are ext Over 250 pairs passed into stock and really where to put them so we will make extr; quick sales. # The newest and most stylish Garments are shown We have the best values in the market in Cashmere and Ringwood Gloves. See our Blacks and Whites at 25c. 360 Garments of the famous Puritan Brandâ€"in cottcn, union and all wool. Also a large range of Children‘s, Girls‘, and Misses‘ Underwear in this Brand. A large range of new patterns at old prices Underwear We have a large assortment of these new in all the new weaves and patterns. We have a large number of Raincoats which we won‘t carry over, if cutting the prices will clear them out. James Ireland. * Made of good wearing materials, all sizes Men‘s Overcoats Raincoats, $3 to 10.00 ABUNDANCE OF NEW* We are opening up new consignments daily. 15 cases arrived on Friday. %7 We have put in an immense stock of Overcoats, and _ can fit any man with a good coat and fit his pocket too.: THE GOODS ARE NEW, STYLES THE LATEST, _ Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits _ ananaaaa on dn uoc d o l d THE CASH STORE. â€" ) passed into stock and really we don‘t know them so we will make extra close prices to BOYS‘ ODD KNICKERS MEN‘S ODD PANTS PRICES LOW. carry ail sizes too, remember Our prices are extremely low. Boys‘ Overcoats ... Highest Prices Paid m&sm@a;% f i’ ercoats § LL e AND o wn;tsn ’ ck of Overcoats, and _ % 51 and fit his pocket too. _ â€" W | of these gonds in all The ......GOcand. elegant goods here. 15 UrhndQ or misfortune have no home of their own." & ! _ Hous® or RErva®.â€"The Grand J ury |at the Court of General Sessions in O. . Sound last week made their usual , "" presentment." They found 14 prisonâ€" | ers it jail, the General and Marine Hosâ€" "fpib‘l flourishing, a small number of ‘aindictments, and dealt at length with | the new House of Refuge, recommendâ€" | ing that the County make provision to | pay expenses of jury visiting it twice a | year. _ The building receives high comâ€" ; mendation, but the barn is condemned in design and construction. The purâ€" chase of firs hose is recommended., also 't,bat the council be generous with the contractor who found his estimates had {landed him with financial loss, but had | done his part in & thorough and efficient | manner. _ The report concludes : "Alâ€" though the house has been open only a few months, there are now 23 inmates | viz; 19 males and 4 females, all apparentâ€" ly ha%py. contented and well pleased with their surroundings and care. We do not think however that the matron can continue to â€"discharge the heavy duties developing upon bher. In our opinion the county council should ::E- fiy further help for the house work,. e county is to be eonflnu&tad upon hayving now a comfortable w equipped and upâ€"toâ€"date home for those nq-d or misfortune hava na ham‘s nlfl-z :i Some subscribers to the Family Herâ€" , ald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, in , this neighborhood have received their ;’new premium picture. " THr Prixnorss x) AT WoORK," and are loud in their praise s E of it, _ They pronounce it the best the ~|Family Herald bas ever issued. and ) predict that when the public see it the & f publishers of that great paper will have | the biggest year in their history. _ One | dollar per year secures the Family Herâ€" \|ald and Weekly Star, along with their | beautiful picture. See our cheap clubâ€" j bing terms at the top of first page. _ We learn that Conservative Mcetings ‘ | are to be held this week in Normanby | | Dromore and Holstein irom the 19th to :2lst. We are glad of this: Mr Miller‘s | propusal of Union Mcetings has not so far been agreed to, Mr Miller‘s offer to | give reasonable time to the opposition |candidate or his friends at his own! E meetings has rot been accepted, but ' \ now that the Conservative Candidate | has decided to hold meetings, the camâ€" Ipaign will take on new features. and 'the vecple will be able to judge of the fitness of the two men for the position they are aspiring to. *# | _ We buy Poultry, dead or alive, and | are doing a bigger business than ever in | this line this year. â€" FRush in your fowl. ? TaxLOR & Co., Dromore, fi‘ The B, Y, P. U. have provided for a 'Sm:ial evening next Tuesday night, the Ef%th inst when light refreehments will E j be served and a good program rendered,. ) Admission 10 ¢ts. _ In the Chnnch F C Mr. George Hughes is having a new roof put on their residence, and improy» ing it by putting in a Gothic wiudow. We buy Poultry, dead or alive, and date to January 1, 1906 & DURHAM, B inla Mss S’&fifi&% OGOPI In the Church. _ DEAD.â€"Mr Tbomag sad telegram this, his nephew The remains but date of IIl THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20,. | _FRUIT ExHtsIrron.â€"The First Proâ€" vinciai Fruit, Flower and Honey Exhiâ€" | bition will be held at Toronto, Ontario, Noyember, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1904, at | Granite Rinks, Church Street, The 33rd Annual Conyention of the Ontario Fruit Growers‘ Association meets at same time. _ It is hoped that two purâ€" poses will be accomplished by the holdâ€" ing of this exhibition. First:â€"Fruit ‘and flower growers and apiarists willi | receive valuable information regarding ) the most modern methods of carrying‘ on their respective lines of work. * This | should result in a general improvement | in the quality of their products. Sec-! ond :â€"The number and high quality of ] the exhibits and the large extent of | country which they will represent, will demonstrate the magnitudJe and importâ€" ance of the fruit, flower and honey inâ€" terests of Ontario, â€"In connection with the fruit exhibits, there will be many interesting features. (Great prominence will be given to the proper picking, grading and packing of fruit,. The| Dominion fruit diyision will make a|| special exhibit of fruit packed tor exâ€"|] port, Demonstrations will be given by 1 experts of the best methods of packing | : . with Holiday Number . + ‘HMeop}AP4 when we asserted candid ate | _ Last Week‘s Mertinas.â€"Mr Miller / Millep‘g temperance principles there | had good meetings last week except in | was no way to justify them except by Holstein. where pouring rain came on lcontrasting with an opposite course not in the evening. He was greatly enâ€" | necessarily imputing that course to his couraged at the support he received. opponent, which was not our aim. We had the pleasure of hearing him at i But what is the aim of the unhappy Hampden and his masterly handling of | individual who writes "Corner Conâ€" National issues marks him out as cerns "? What capacity for meanness emimently the man for 8. Grey. No{lies in the nature that asserts libellousâ€" opposition has been offered at any of | 1y, that ueahpg‘ with H. H. Miller will his meetings, and his desire for union]hmd ahman l‘)" the Poor Hous?? A meetings has not been acquiesced in, 'g}:gk:noseAsbo?lisvgl:og Egtha;;hsiafg We presume Nomination Day will be’ing’ fals.ehoods as is shown by legtters the only time both will be found on one |this week. â€" This precious infoi'mation, platform. | collected or invented by someone in his A CLEVER CAPTURE followed by as | PArty has been given to lll"m to handle, . clever an escape occurred last Wednesâ€" ‘;’.s‘gte indlca;mnbt.bgp they ll'(ecog‘mze ‘ ‘ eyening on arrival of the train Local? l;‘i ness to do the dirty wor l('i Miller | | constables were warned to look out for ‘ Wan :: Xeeeli'si(:fx')o wng::gistgne otltlfer | | a man of certain stamp guilty of some | lies ament(?ed l“e'r w:ppear that hié | misdemeanor â€" at Guelph. _ The man [fether was? â€" But why go on, this is turned up,. was arrested by Constable ’tbe character of the queer campaign on Whelan and taken to the Middaugh ) the Conservative side, so markedly at House, where he was left in charge of ; variance with former practices, when someone tilla magistrate could be seâ€" national lssues would be discussed. | cured. Innocently asking to be allowed , foe l 9 ty .. .no....., to go. to the closet, permission was | HoUg®Es To Ler â€"Two NNOLUSEs in . a granted, he went up stairs. and that ’desimble art of ihe town, corner of | was the last seen of him, having e"'Gsmf P a h B:ond 0 ‘ caped by a back stairway to freedom | raxa and Durham t n;a | and in time to elude all pursuers, “:on‘ta.imS rooms, firstâ€"class furnace and | o sY c e hP fdfi% e;:: 4 The Electorsâ€"Reformers and Conâ€" servativesâ€" are earnestly invited to attend. Iitlatnieciratant â€"1, B0 wth c dole h 3 Separate School No. 8, east of Traverâ€" ston...... ...... Tuesday, Oct. 25 Town Hall, Glenelg, Wednesday Oct 26 Dornoch, ... ... «.......Friday, Oct. 28 Elmwood, ... ... ... Baturday, Oct. 29 Meetings will open at 7.30 p. m.\"~ The Public Meetings in e Reform Candidate for Son;th Grey Will be held as follows : 4 uaig‘s School, Glenelg. ... ... .‘ _ REFORM MEETINGS. ut a.. â€" H. MILLER, Ned Monday, Oct. 24 ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TOROoNTO the interests of ~ @niciItolo OL 1jg W’i;t VWM :ER, ’:Aiem r South Grey, | :;q!,,ot Mr i | ntage llows : _ _ {‘.;Pd e "arernas: > ’fiVQ-flndic' iday, Oct. 24| nOt: been | __All persons are strictliy forbidden shooting, hunting or running dogs on lots No 58. 50. 8. D. R., also lots No 60, N. D. R, and lots No 50, 60, 61, 2nd con. 8. D.R. Don‘task permits ; this means you. . Wx. Garzersox. Rost, Laxpeayx. aniil $ A meeting of Farmer‘s Association of Sonth Grey will be held in Calder‘s Hall on Saturday. 2nd of October at 2 p m, to transact important business. * _ WX ALLAX, President. HovusEs To LET.â€"Two houses in a desirable part of the town, corner of Garafraxa and Durham Roads. One contains 8 rooms, firstâ€"class furnace and bath room. The other contains 6 rooms Electric Light fixtures in both Rents moderate, Apply to _ EICT L OR C=CZ mV VS, CHOS 19 the character of the queer campaign on the Conservative side, so marked] y at variance with former practices, when national jssues would be discussed. Aberdeen P. O. £or 8. S. No, 10 Bentinck tor the year 1E e PP CCC OA VICOS, and when we asserted candidatc Miller‘s temperance principles there was no way to justifty them except by contrasting with an opposite course not necessarily imputing that course to his opponent, which was not our aim. But what is the aim of individual who writes We were taken to task for introducâ€" ing personalitiesâ€"nothing of the sort â€"we were deprecating personalities, L ut P i9 ® "Sama, 34 °5 â€"y," meoh , we are not sure "tht Mr MeKinoon has avoided this jsemptation, but we are sure that no campaign we ever took part in has deâ€" {veloped so much of paltry politics as | has this. _ Reformers have been apâ€" pealed to, and by the candidate, for their votes because Laurier is safe any â€" way and his government sure to be retained, one Conservative in S Grey not affecting the big result ! Reformâ€" ers are assured with fulsomeness that good Laurier measures will be supportâ€" ed. appeals are made to nationality, &c, but we dont believe this sapping and mining will overthrow the citade] | ‘bf principle that has its foundations in l the belief that the Laurier government should be supported by Laurier candiâ€" dates, who are not atraid to proclaim from the house tops the virtues of its | administration. | Two weeks ago we refeb“n:gd to seeâ€" ; kional canvass ctices. The ‘‘credible ifibrgftios':‘.we spoke of is | contirmed this week by candidat | Miller‘s letter ; but last week‘s Chroniâ€" cle contained evidence ecnough to ju» tify our heading that this is a ‘"queer campaign." it 4o »% ate of writing, (Tuesday, Oct. | 18), mo public meeting for the Conser. tive gndid&te have been held, none , unced that we have seen, and none of Mr Miller‘s have been taken | SufilWebe, Of to discuss the public ssues of the day. That the Conseryaâ€" tiv@ candidate and his friends have not been idle we dont doubt, but is thig Bilence, this departure from old time practice satisfactory to the party | that has had such fighters in its day as / Geo. Jackson and John Blyth, ‘Dr. | J.; n and Matthew Richardsun?[ Is the candidate ashamed of the party | he munU wAnme mssc ol CV Samue! Putherbough 1 DNaniel McLean . ~Trustees. Samue! R Jackson / 4. “Gzomn CAMPBELL, Secy, , TEACRER WANTED. WARNING. NOTICE A QUEER CAMPAIGN Wa, Brack. |R. B. KEELER & SONS | The Price Smashers, â€" _ Durham Over two hundred different Patterns to choose from. We are going to slaughter the whole stock, Come early as there will be a big rush for the greatest Wall Paper Barâ€" gains ever shown in Durham., Wall Paper I respecifully request your vote and influence at the cc ming Dominion Election and, if clected, will earnestly do my best to promote the interests of South Grey and, without being a slave to party, to support good measures and oppose bad ones. Yours Truly, H. H. MILLER, Liberal Candidate for South Grev. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY» Landed at Keeler‘s Big Jewelâ€" ery and Book Store. This was a Manufacturers‘ Stock and we bought the whole Stock at a very low rate on the Doflar,. e C oqs â€" CS ACCC APesencek Mr. J. 8. Drysdale wil’ give s solos. The Annual services of the Annivep. am?' season of the Presbytorian church will be held on Sun lay and Monday next. Services at 11 a. ‘m, and 7 p.‘m, will be conducted by Rey Jno Ross M. A, of Brussels, who ‘will also hbe at the Monday evening meeting and give an address on Bunyan, the Immortal Dreamer." _ Freewil] offerings at the Sunday Services, Kilver cuilection at the door on Monday evxvening. _ Special musical attractions are prepared and M,. T o v m ds nth P P ATLTCC . nc C ooke en c , and fine 4â€"colap cover Holiday xX um bep ! till Jan 1. 1906. Subscribe now and get ,' the benefit of this year free. _ We have | a few of our tast year‘s Annmadls left, If | any one has heen omitted we will send them one, MEETINGS.â€"Next week meetings in Mr. Miller‘s interest will be held at Moâ€" Cuarg‘s School, Glenelg, on Monday; Separate School, east of Trth'l'slon. on Tuesday; Tp Hall on “’«dnesdny: Dop. noch on Friday; Elmwood on Sat urday, Meetings at 7.30 p. m. Two Fixx® Houses â€"The new res{« dence of My J, P. Telford, etrected on the old site in Upper Town is uow ap» proaching completion and looks to he elegant and commoadious, Myp A W. H. Lauder‘s new residence is ailsop about finished and has a fine appearance comâ€" ing down the hill. We hope hoth famai» lies may live long to enjoy them, Wnn t M Hlp:â€"nrececrmercse 20,000 Rolls *T _ AFIS Y Novtick ANNIVERSARY sEry 1CES CHAS RAMAGE, Prixter axnp Pusursuce,. â€"Of newâ€" Oaly $1,00 for the UMs year free, _A ast year‘s Annuals been omitted we v 10UsSES â€"The new resiâ€" &_P. Telford, etrected on Upper Town is uow apâ€" Li% Ca# L ‘ k #) [. J lh(‘ An')iver, srian church and Monday and 7 p.im, now and get _ We have mads left, It we will sernd Review veI ¥‘J 4+

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