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Durham Review (1897), 27 Oct 1904, p. 1

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MP, for them W ' ll hool ol.25 ace. as “a... "Cretare TRADE Russell Alex. tro VOL. XXVI. N0. 43 sgiinrirsitarairgigaeiiegMEgegtiirg=BfillgllK F. Lhes, 7rp, 2'“. ' EMP. I: , W. ' _i,?1.,'iF,)'jr!f, t'ov' F's “.huiva-a1‘ The WWW "'".M'ieN _ ,r,,is'ifrtJifr'Csl3'i . [swam an. to. January I, "in, with DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTO l Ag: i"lri,2-.r0W “mans“! sen i,",., iiiiiiliiiiiiBlrl& L,,,,'.,').::,;,:,;,':-'.,-),'-,.!-,-,',;.,.-'; Bitt reductions in Millinery for the next 15 days. Bee ad. 8. F. Mon-lock. Mr. W. J. Adams, Dromore, took the anmw‘s special prize at Holstein Show for member winning greatest number of prizes. , We buy Poultry, dead or alive. and are doing ' bigger business than ever in this line this year. Rush to your fowl. TAYLOR & 00.. Dmmore. Dr. Geo. B. Bart. will he an the Mid- daugh Home. Durham. on Wedneaday, November 2nd, for consultation in Bye, Ear, Throat and Nose cases. Hours IO-U. There Is to bea new Post-owe; in Egremont near Drewry's School after November Ist, It will be called Lan. derkin nnd Mr. Allan McDougall will be postmdater. Nu'rsct--0nly $1.00'for the REVIEW and ttne 4-color cover Holiday Number till Jan. I, 1906. Subscribe now and get the benefit of this year free. We have a. few of our last year's Annuals left. It any one has been omitted we will send them one. Overcoats a. Specialty at Flarity'u. the tailor, and every suit guaranteed. Also an up-to-date fine of Men's Furnishings at Keeler's old stand. A Grand Concert is being planned for Friday. 28th inst. under the auspices of the L. 0. L. No, 689, Varner. Miss King. Mt. Forest. has charge of the pro- gram. and a brilliant company comes with her and will render a. varied pro- gram. Admission 25e, children Itie. Only $1 for the vamw'to Jun. 1. 1006. Subscribe at once. Owing to rush of work and 3 weeks " duty. the Furniture Factory em- ployee are working overtime two hours in the evening. . A BISHOP DrrAD,---Memoruu services were held in Trinity church on Sunday evening for Bishop Baldwin or the Dio. cese of Enron who died last week, Dur ing the hours of the funeralon Saturday the Rector '. had the bell ' tolled. The deceased was a broad-minded man, of the Evangelical branch ot the church and the papersall speak highly of " worth. His successor will he appointed at a. meeting to be held on Nov, 29. A MOTHER DEAD.--- We regret to learn, that to-day, Tuesday. Mrs Neil McGillivray, of the Rocky 'Saugeen. is being buried, she having died in Owen Sound hospital on Sunday from an attack of typhoid fever. We have no further particulars at present but join with the community in extending sym- pathy to sorrowing husband and family . in their severe bereavement. A daugh- _ ter of Mr John Vessie's is reported :senously ill with typhoid fever also. WINTER Fam. - The twentrlhnst Annual Ontario Provincial Winter Fair will be held in Guelph on Dec. 5th to 9th next. Over $8000 is offered in prizes. Practical lectures wilt bede- lirered each day during the show. Re. duced rates on all railways. Pl ize lists' and entry forms may he had be apply- iugto A W Smith. President. Maple Lodge, Ont., or to A P Westervelt. Beer, Parliament Buildings. Toronto, Breeders of cattle. sheep. swine or poultry wouldn't miss this for any- thing. THE Cvnrew BeLAw,--At the last meeting of the town council. Constable Russel was given instructions to rigidly enforce the Curfew Bylaw. The age limit is 14 years. and any youngster, whether boy or girl found on the street after the 9 o'clock bell rings may be run in. Russel has been zealously endetsr- oring to enforce the bylaw, during the last few days. but no matter how small the child may be whom he interviews the reply invariably is .. I'm over 14 l", It will thus be seen that there is more or less diiBculty in enforcing the law.- Ex. A CHARIVARI IhtNmActt.-- Wednes- day of last week, Mr Joseph Oat-war- dine, was married to Mrs M Moffat. who for some years has been his housekeep- er. The community wishes them well in their new relationship. The younger portion of the community had their own views on the'matler and decided to give them a serenade in the old shameful way of demanding money to the ac- eornpaniment of tin horns and sounds of all uncouthness. Constable Carson made an arrest and placed him in the lock-up for a short tlme as a reminder of thepowerand majesty of the law. Later we were told they got the bride- groom out and phyed on him some rough practical john. "Bors will be hon.” but the sooner they getaway ml: to euclmv such practices the better for annulu- and theoommuiti. trfak'Ci,2tir'a9iri,tkivdi tr, , AI'f.3aErfM! 'tyet, H able and helpful sermons on Stand? large congregations. On Monday , ing another fair sized audience with i to alloy the musical mid literary swab" Mon or the mniversnry time. Mr J, .1 Drysdale sang three solos in his ' ethietive style and was heartily typitt'ai', ded whilethe choir had several echo-‘4 tions appropriate in their nature "idj: were fhiely rendered. '22‘ vvynv IIII\ I, l‘ll'hl £1“. 1' . Rey Mr Farquharson was in the o;ili, and In his happiest mood. In in _ ing the lecturer, he. referred at _.3 length to his college days when .- 1 Rosa' force of character hm! imp _ f Itself on college memories, in more way.‘ than on theological lines. Mr Rad happily parried some facetlous all“ before entering on his theme, (5pr pleasure at meeting some friends of . tirst visit here in Rev Mr Manir'n tent and glad to see the progress made. u"'," A cordial vote of thanks was giver , Mr Root. to Mr Drydnlc and to? .r " choir. " (induce the King " In trib, Ber Mr Man-on pronounced the hood: diction. and *he Anniversary of If!!! was over. uulu uu ""'.""c'N'"'" Hues. Ill' _"' 't2 Th . . . happily panned some facetlous ..- * ° PttPi.tr It' txeotntntrnding before entering on his theme, exp , , '5, , I in the British empire. His lite pleasule at meeting some friends oft d, ' has been to promote and main- tirst vigil here in Rev Mr McNair‘s tn tl8 good will among the diversified and glad to see the progress made. 3“; =- In Canada. and next to peace Mg then dlacusaed the; “1mmw , hmnony. he has studied and reamer. John Bunyan. one at -, a. 'edtopromote their ms it greatestnnen England had prod fail .8 pen y. Aglaphxc description followed of G" . tat he haa not failed in these state of England at the time. of Bull- ' objects can not be questioned. yau 5 home hie. traced the course oft” , years ago he was represented as young iy:o.tlitrtt.tefttm! darkness to II _ running. under the domination of spokepf his value to the whole En t vt t--how does he stand 9 H speaking world. for his audience can“ “ “nan h h ed now.' . It "mull? grew larger. the Pilgrim’s PM f [ d ' o as tlt' the ttoldies 6 - )emg exceeded only by the BitSt .1 w, [l m not the poisoned dagger of In the extent of cireuutidn. In " (it.,q, herons Intrlque. Hi, dealing 'T vem he touched on Bunyan's In _ , . the mother Cottt1try too, has been rgnge. the depth of his domestic“ trhiis everlssting honor. “one ae., " “Pd "t In my {a '/'.'idt While th P . . . h "Fudhfull. the “Hopefuls." T J A bs ae romlen. y ls " t. " Plittt.te" ae., of modern time.. - i r - dom, his cabinet. tt isadmitted orntorlcal successes of his last yen-s. gt , it ll . tmbinat of talents. In 1900 gregnphsnt death were eloquently . if" t years in .oiriee., the eouytry.en." . " ' ,. them with sn moressed majori- Hunky and Monday the . .mdthic district Ind th I Annhemry nerriera. The any " timed to correspond whirl pastor’- arrival here and tiled of the series was by no meets the, Interesting. During the tr var. I)“ tor Farquhurson's iucumhenc . er" church has prospered mad 'au) greedy. The old deht w“ v'gi"tt additions to the church 001mg a '4000 have been made and In“! sheds have been built. the Mean: remodelled. and tile pastor! “he, creased. The addi ions to the men! Obi: roll has shown the same expand an the spiritual progress. we hope] been commensurate. .- Rev Mr Ross. of Brussels. m 1T.etktr Str. tty _o_cca.siuu and Jrristu About $70 net was the result ot the offerings. A _ - Very and was the telegram received; Thursdav momma last, by Inspector. Harris that/bis nep ew, Norman H Mc- 5 Rae of Fort William was dead. Sadder" still was the later news of the cause” Deceased was the only son of the late Findlay McRae. (whose widow, a,eister of Inspector Harris, is well known in Durham.) and was born here24 years ago. He received his elementary edu. cation in this town and we remember him as a painstaking student. a dili- Fent and obliging pupil, He subsequent- y qutdifitd for a druggist and spent some time here and longer in Murkdnle. About two years ago he went into bus. iness for himself at Fort William and was succeeding in working upa good business. with eyery prospect of a. use- ful career as a citizen. the hope and joy of his widowed mother, who only two weeks ago. transferred her membership in the Presbyterian Church, Durham. tothe church at Fort William in the expectation of permanency there. Bat alas! for human plans! The in- scrutable mystery of death was to inter- vene. Having a headache he preferred a bromo-seltzer, an efferyescing rink. drank it off, remarked to an emgloyee that it had a (ricer taste. an was suddenly taken il and a;ter a few flaps was dead. Poison. it is suppose had been used in the vessel or had got into the powder through some one I care- lessness and the result was the ending of a bright young life and the plunging into profound grief of a loving mother and sisters and many friends who will have the sincere sympathy ot the whole community. Deceased wasa member of the Masonic fraternity and " breth- ren there dld not lack in fraternal min- istrat ions in the tryinq hour. Near him too. was an old schoo -mate. friend and fe1iow-manort, Mr Douglas Sutherland. who on Friday morning left with the remains reaching here on Saturday by late train. It was deemed wise that the mother in her prostrated condition should not come. The funeral took ghee from the rent- dence of his uncle t Harris. at 2p m on Sundey to the unseen Cemetery. many friends of the deceased and of " father and mother being present. Rev Mr Ferquhereon conducted the eervicee speaking of the Father's care in all Circumstances even amid the mysteries of human life; of the forces of nature yhieh men Ff" {earnin to subdue but 11:101ng that the knowleage was accom- pani by ever nresent danger. Over 30 of his brother muons were Bream: and marched to the grove and old the usunl rites and ceremonies. Amongst, the visitors from n dietsnce were Mr Geo Rutherford, Hamilton: Mr Will Harris. Rockwood, a. cousin; Walter and John Turner, Mal-hide: Mr Hughes. of Toronto, . close and intim- ate friend of the deceased; sisters “in Geo! gin Incline, Pol-thin end In Me- Alpin. Toronto. Mrs William' (“Mame from B . in hy ire'f,,',Wdll'tt'l'h'l,h"u'dlt rennin. but there In- time forth. melancholy “auction adoring the mains. She mama with In: THE LATE NORIAN H. IMRA'L 3mm." as Attm11RRSA" SERVICE Jsf r'c'. r, " ','3" w'Ni6c"srt, 'iitiiiji1 i iii i't'i 'ikiliiifi' i . ‘. “<4,“ - ii . * i'tikfh3.luiltit a & f: , ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO 30354“ a H 331 "70rd gist.. much "a... Witht. leer. to his the -3 l the inn-pal have all been pronounced success. Sir Chas. Hilbert Tapper batted against 8itton and went down, Fielding has handled, and successfully. a revenue far in advance of any predecessor, Cartwright, Soon, Burden and all have been men adapted to their duties and Hyman and Aylesworth the new men an: admitted tp be strong acquisitions. Population is pouring in, wealth is increasing. every public department is well nandled. Canada is prosperous while Britain and the States are serious- ly depressed, Clearly the duty of the hour, nationally, is to vote for H. H. Miller. who supports this government. who admires the integrity ot its mem- ben, and believes that they have still more good things in store for this country. _ LOCALLY The duty ofthe hour, locally is to consider the qutrlitiauions of the candi- dm It has been said the choice is between a. good Grit and a bad one. Thin isfor the people to decide, but were the elections a month further oft and that much more opportunity " funded of getting to know Mr Miller, qreNxt 00min hundreds more would be added to the majority he will have on the nitthtot Nov. 3. (Additional Political matter on all the Pturrstr-so'on be over.) A Elan Gncmaarrmt-We ask our New to peruse the letter from Chats- worth on page 4. The writer is one otthe moat prominent Citizens of the plan. and known all over the county and 3M. opsiiton of Mr. Miller in the prevail- Inte one. Crystallize this opinion into you. on Nov. 3. PM BNow.---tievernl incipient bvush. as lute taken place but to-day, Wednes- day Oct. m. we have a respectable talt ofafew inches, and there will be mild galore. TI: MArmgtgoN' weoDrso.---We ex- pected to present a more detailed will; of the Matheson-Davidson wedding then appeared last week, We made ummenu to gait. but regret that it bu not come to hand. All ','t"ll,'lLl'f utricuy fostn'dden an n or mania on on with a. a. 5:3... 1llll'klT'i we ItM'etAlhtl" or runnm no." nu lot: No . B. 6. 3.. .180 fats No 00. It D. Brood lot; No 50.0. 61, 2nd con. 8.9.3. Don'tuk pan-mm; thin mum For tr. 8. No, 10 Bentinck tor the year Aberdeen P. o. " our next issue reaches most of the army of Voters will be . at on willlmve marched to the "h-, . The issues to be decided have likened Km and can and while , pointst ere may be differertees V ion. there is on any of reasons or of retaining in power Sir Wil- j. . Mat and his government on I all men are agreed. Hut and foremost it has been a 3 government and no breath at tlt attaches to it. The unhappy My. to pakethe Ross government “we for every fit of crooked- I in elections an then to attach I to the Dominion will not do. [lung vast amounts of money. Pr than ever before handled in in. n'o instance of t1nfaithf'alneim rectum 1pusbeenehareed, certain- ever has been proved. gm no" or THE noun. in 7 Nation": ed them with an increased majori- and will do so for sum again. not lathe Post Otf1ee, Fisher, at aikalaalNntgtarnruritster 9t Agri- , Mu later that an investigation mum! that Bo true of pot-on nor were then any "unmou- I,tet moments that tuutatlr accom- Hdnth by paleonllg. It " held I formation' of gas might have Spawn that Would. Affect. the heart ltr suffocation. Samuel Putherbough] Daniel New Trustees. emu: R Jackson f Gloom: Gunman. Becy, for '...’ i'tia' iyg _ T by g C . T, 3 i‘ . - k . TEACHER WAN TED. WARNING. br, as,Minister ot Agri- 'ihiiirtiit of the Interior, Ct Ato.. Wu. Gannon. Havens To Let-Two houses in . desirable part of the town, corner of Catalan. and Durham Roads. One contains 8 moan. f1tstrelass furnace and bath room. The othel contdns 6 rooms Electric Light "ture. in both Rents moderate. Applv Io__ _ GENTLBIIEN '. I respectfully request your vote and iniluettee " the coming Dominion Election and, it elected, will earnestly do my best to promote the intensis of South Grey and, without being a slave to party. to support good measures and oppose bad ones. Yours Truly, H. H. MILLER, Liberal Candidate for South Grey. _ - Wu. BLACK. Tm: Funn- Wm'rn tgrerrurru--Cap. tain John Spence of Southampton. an old Bruce pioneer, died there last Thare. dar. He in and to be the first white mm to settle in the County of Bruce. He can. to Southampton in the spring of 1848. taking the oeer4and route from Bud-ours Bar. He had been an calcu- in the Hud-on‘l Buy Go. He was aver I!) you" of use. He was an utteie of G. W. Spence. of Mulke'rton.--reiescope. - -.-..- O O _------ To the Electors of South Grew Mr. Hillel's first. meeting at Holstein was unfortunately on a night of puuring min. He has arranged for a meeting there on Nomination night. nnd there will be With him (Inn same "vening MR. W. E. BANEY. of Toronto, a brilliant weaker and student of public questions. It will he worth going miles to new. Mr Miller smnklng the must hrillmnt plmforln campaign ever made by u candidate in 8. Grey. cod votem on both sides praise " furneu. Oppmilion invited. Over two hundred atitreeent Patterns to choose from. ll. B, mm , sous Wall Paper NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY? can AMAGE. Pugs: an hm We are going to slaughter the whole stock. Come - as there will be a big rush for the greeted Wall Paper Bar- gains ever shown in Durham. Landed " Keeler’s Big Jewel- ery and Book Store. This was I Mmufacturers' Stock and we bought the whole Stock at a very low rate on the Dollar. 20,000 Rolls MIL! " AT HOLSTEIN. Thursday Night new-- ELI:

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