West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Oct 1904, p. 4

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M " it) rad.?, SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Perforated Drum. onlv in the Ideal Also Wilhelm'. Wrimzers. all made by Watson of Ayr. s and Sewin Machines. Mommy Stoves for Coal or Wood. It wn Agent for the Dihon Bulge Stay Fence. $t For want of a Nail, the Shoe was lost : For want of a Shoe, the Horse was lost: For want of a Horse, the Rider was lost : ' And all for the want of a horseshoe Nail. " You remember the old jingle ? Well, its often so. , often due to a lack of attention to some small detail. gar want Dd rz . , 1223 s 'cl, iowdcr. It's Easy to h . P cook with Darling's Ba , ng St cake, no biscuit thrown away, but digestable food at ev- ery baking-that causes the smile that won't come off. Massey " Jhfararfs 550102002210 bearing 2/'arvesters 901m. Siehagsieon, J)rgent J)f'ada ftrursh Tailg at the people’s Drug Store. fohn (5llarh. We can Rive onlg a mere list of our goods. hut m quality and adaptability to t e needs of South Gvy We are not excelled: Bearing Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Henoy’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices Jensat/ond/ gtargahts Quantities of this twme slightly damaged by the recent fire, we intend to sell off, while It‘lasts. at We have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept 1n Burnett's stow and therefore undama- ged . this we offer at lowest current rates. We expect the showroom to he repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. The best in their line asuwe handle only the beet. PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE At a Great Reduction. To buy an up-to-date Hat Ready - to - wear Felt Hats. Now - is - your - Chance For the next " Days, In Trimmed and Untrimmed In our Mllllnery Department Perhaps some of our best cooks have lost many Cakes and Pastry by the use of inferior Baking T cents a lb. Wad giant: Machinery. a 3tu1, 'ortoek. A few doom South of the gidduugh Home. Powder and its use in- sures success. No soggy Yon believe in the Laurie; Government. -- Slippogt B. R. Miller, the Luring Citidtihitt ' "' . The great losses are Bowel” arling. , Durham. LG Dear Situ-As one of the listeners at Mr H. H. Miller's meeting at Chatsworth last night, I cannot refrain from expres- sing my satisfaction with the Liberal candidate for South Grey, The Liberals of the riding are certainly to he Congrat- ulated on having placed so competent a standard bearer in the field. The speech was admitted on all hands to be one of the ablest ever delivered in our Town Hall, and we have had some of the best speakers in the Dominion here. This may seem an rt'it.ggyhif,"p but it certainly is not. Mr Mi ler has the rare faculty of making his arguments and descriptions stand out so clearly that his hearers can see and understand them so distinctly as it they were printed in bright colors before their eyes. This I repeat isarare natural gift. His de. description and explanation of the Transcontinental Railway. the tariff question. the development of the Do- minion under Liberal rule, and many of the other great issues before the coun- try were ofamasterly character. and were enjoyed by all present. friends as well as apponents as a rare treat. The I people of this part will await with in- terest the appearance of his opponent on the same platform. A man of Mr Mil- ler’s ability and powers of exposition could not Gil if elected to have a mark- ed influence in the House of Commons and to he of great advantage to the constituency lie would represent. For these reasons aswell as for the grand record of progress and prosperity which the Dominion can show for the past eight years; surely it will be in the in- terest. of South Grey to elect Mr Miller on the” "l i',',",',)',','?,; . an no as PRESENT. Chatsworth, Oct. 21, 1904 . Editor DURHAM REVIEW t Now we do not ohiect to you offering criticism. but we do object to the man- ner in which you offer it. Would itnot be more manly to come to the directors and offer advice? Now Mr Farmer if you will become a member we shall be pleased to have you on the board and shall be pleased to adopt any suggestion you may make on " How to increase the potato exhibit.” and Mr Member make yourself known and no doubt you shall be made a director so that the board may profit by your ability as a financier. Signed on behalf of the Board by a DIRECTOR. The annual meeting is always well advertised In the local papers and he 'ahould--if he read thenr-iee the date. South Grey Fair is now acknowledged to be the best fair in this northern por- tion of the Province, and excepting the. writers, evelv visitor to the Fair of 1903 was well satisfied. In reply to the member we may say that if he come to the Becretary's offlee he. will have full liberty to examine the accounts or if he be manly enough to attend the meetings and ask for infor- mation he will be furnished with it. The "Farmer" complains about the small display of pototoes. Now if the growers did not care to bring out their potatoes you can’t blame the manage- ment as the prizes were offered. Dear Sir. The management of South Grey Fair has been criticised through the columns of thelocal papers b one signing him- self " Farmer " ll? the other signimz "Member." The writers seem not to have the courage to come to any meet- ings to offer their advice or ask for information. j A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of the Misses McLarty. _ Victorin St. at 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening. when Miss Isabelle Manrty. ‘youngest daughter ‘of the late Archi- bald McLarty of Durham, and until recently a. valued member of the Sun stall. became the wife of Mr. Hewston Young, head upholsterer at the North American Bent Chair Co.’s factory, and eldest son orMrTrtumut Young, Stephen St. Only a. few of the immediate vehs. twee of the contracting parties were present at the interesting ceremony. which was performed by Rev Dr Somer- ville, pastor of Division tit. Presbyterian Church. A bank of ferns and plants before wbwh the parties stood made a pleasing effect. The bride who was unattended, was prettilv gowned in cream votle trimmed with seed pearls and French embroidery, and carried a shower boquet of carnations and maiden hair fern. At the conclusion of the. ceremony a sumptuous; dejeuuer was served in the adjoining diningoroom and the dainty table decorations were of pink and white. The mrwnificentttvmty of wedding gifts testified in some meas- ure. to the regard in which the bride. is held by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs Young" will reside In their new home on Sutherland St. The management and staff of the Sun join in extending to them their best wishes for a life full of happiness and prospttity.---Com. In. N. W. Campbell is visiting wttit friends in Toronto this week. lino Kate Fitzgerald of London is the - of Mile 3. Vollet for a. week or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. two. list McEwan. of Berlin, has been the goal. of Miss Margaret Gun for some um. . In. It. Williamson left \\'eaneedoy morning for Gall. to visit her daughter Mrs. II. Benton Mr. W. B. Chamherhun. of Toronto. we. the guest of " cousin. Mrs. Baht. Marshall. the beginning of the week. Mrs. Jam Burt left on Monday morn- ing to vim. her siuer. Mrs. ----.- (nee Skid Sutherland )at Dauphin, Manitoba. MissVelnm Williamson of the REVIEW an! and her brother Wm. left Tuesday mornirt'to attend the wedding of a éousin in Minto. Editor REVIEW, Mr. Miller at Chatsworth. HYIENEAL If: To avoid union meetings, to absent himself from his own meetings and have his cause upheld by others is surely evidence enough that Parlia- ment is not Mr McKinnon 's sphere; and South Grey will honor itself next week by electing himto - " home, a result at this 'writing almost a certainty. __ “a, .-._..,.,... do." Mr Laidlaw at Holstein pointed out the value of Mr Mekinnon'i muni- cipal experience: surely its value should be seen in the proper discussion of public questions. Mr McKinnon on several occasions has showu he could d‘scuss Co. Council questions, and that he does not now discuss national ques- tions is either because he eanYor he wont. . MARRIED. 2owuDtme--heomrAr. - o, Wednes- day, October 19th 1001, by the Rev. Wm FarquhQI-son. Joseph B. Cow. ardine to Mntilda. Moist, both pf Durham, . Surely the public have a rightto expect a man trying for public position to make public appearances: one sagacious Egremont farmer said "if McKinnon could take Richardson and £409,118 1.0 Qttawa with ytnyittpisrht Bat what do the electors of South Grey, of Egremont any way. think of the situation ? Was it ever before seen that a candidate did not attend his own meetings? Mr McKinnon was conSpicuons by his absence at the meetings called in his interest at Robertaonh school house. Dromore and Holstein last week. It was not claimed he was holding meetings elsewhere. bat it was explained that not knowing the election was coming on so soon he had neglected his canvas. and was now trying to overtake it! t. l Evidently the decision of the execu- tive has been against such meetings for nothing more has been heard of them. Mr Miller went on, advertised his own meetings by paper and poster, and ultimately his opponents followed suit on the same lines. Mr McKinnon informed us in the Poet oftiee Wednesday afternoon about 3 p. m. that he had written a reply. We called at his residence and got it. It stated that the question of union meetings would be decided by the executive, which was to meet in a few days: it didn't say no, it didn't say yes. The Conservative candidate and his friends allowed a week or 10 days to go by alter announcement of election date before they made their minds up as to whether or no they should have meetings. It was Mr Miller's desire to have nion Meetings and on Monday Oct 3, he wrote Mr McKinnon posting and registering the letter in Durham that day asking him to agree to such meetings and requesting an answer by noon of Wednesday, Oct 5, so that there would be time to announce them in that week's papers. Mr Hillel- is eweident of Bunyan There is no riydly hetan the two two towns. The great need of both in erase country railway running how some point on the C. P. R. Westerly through Durham and Believer. Mr Miller has away: been active in sup- porting suchn propoeition and when. recently. a clutter was upplied for, for e C. P. R. branch from Hmover to Tees- :wnter he advocated etrongly t,trtt'. meeting the extension of the Eu- tfrit throng!) Dughemto . point on the Bewareof ronrlmchs and newspaper election yarns that may appear just before Election day when there will he no opportunity to deny or contradict them. Do not he influenced by any such stories which are just as likely to he untrue as the stories that have 't penred about Mr Miller’s limwge. U. P. R. d’wen Sound branch. 1'tSi that it would be e greatly in convenience to the ibhe end 3 source ot Td,' ly ri,i'i'r'r't'li'd?,i's,'i',i, to the Put; way mpeny. e rosperlt o e industries of either Durham or iL'll,Tr' will provide increased freight to such 1 road and help to obtain its con-traction no that the prosperity of either town wih help the other. , Where ts Mr McKinnon ? His name appeal rs as one of the sneakers on the posters advertising his meetings but he does not appenr on some nlatforms. Why? Is it because he has no opinions or ideas to express. or is it because he is unable or afraid .to express them ? In either case is he a tit man to represent. South Grey in the House of Commons? \yhnt use would such a mun he to us if e acted ? Really we think this is the first time in the history of South Grey that " political candidate, upon either side. failed to make full use of the plat- form to state his own case. £3; The 2'2"ilt'f, industries of both Dar. ham nd q Hanover are furniture and cement factories. Mr Miller has seven! thousand dollars invested in furniture and ccmont factories In Reliever and any legislation that will artist the furniture and cement industries of Heu- oyer. in which Mr Miller is so largely personally interested cannot fail to he to the name extent, an advantageto the same branches of manufacture in Du!- ham. Mr Miller is interested as 't entail stock holder in the Durham Cream Sep- arator Factory. Mr Miller is much more like a citizen of Durham than most men of the Rid- ing who do not now live in Durham. For over four years he lived here. As learned his business in Durham and since leaving us has kept up a, business connection and retained many warm friendships. Many Durham Liberals have supported Dr Jamieson and we think that it will he no injury to Dur- ham. any more than to an other part of the Riding should Mr hifllf he elec- ted as representative from South Grey to the. House of Ctntittsoni. We believe, too. that he will he. All signs pomt that way. Why Inlet should be them. in? TORONTO ABOUT MEETINGS. SOUS REASOIS o.-. ..-.- store. or at the REVIEW oAirGGCii receive op: best attention. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. or. dets or entptiriet left at C. McArthur’s Well-known and reliable. l Giving beat tsatisfaction. Once used, a always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Call and examine. Harvesting Machinery of this famous firtn'a make PEEL’S SHOE STORE Cheap Cash Store SHOE Y fl ll R CHILDREN REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next Ctunpbell's Implement Warehouse. I S. Mollraith Men's Raincoats, Mb " 2.75 Men’s neat all-wool -YGirnGjii," worth " now 750 Men's Shoes, worth 2.25 . and 2.50, now 1.60 Ladies’ ants, all sizes, 1Uetrt; at rl he: homespun and haver- flask? 22 ttll length, reg. price r0 to ; W "of: the?!) {which , $2 to $5 Ladies? Nighigowiis, pink and flue. heavy f1anne1ette, for: very $51. .r.r.' 60c, Mo and 750 Upper Town, - - Durham. Miller and McKinnon Are after your Vote Trunks. Valiees, Club bags, Telescores &e, on hand. Ment and Boys' M as lined or unlined. Gloves, kid and moeho, woman’s gauntlets " rock bot- tom prices. Try a. box of the water- proof dubbin we sell ie5, 10, 15e tins. Men’s Heavy Moleskin Pants, reg. 01, for each. 750 I am after a share of your trade and have in stock a. good supply ot Boots, Shoes, Rubbers das, forall classes. A long rubber boot with leather insole and corrugated edge worth 84.25. selling at 84.00. the best rubber boot tor the money to be had in town. Durham & Owen Sound than“ tl, Jh"t,"d and we are v toipqqt the wiring ttitoderhie.tt "“1 be found nut-chm value: We) familial: ' 3991203. UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. Custom Work and Repair- ing Promytly Attended to. 'akes, J. Levine, TERMS : CASH § ", 71/0100", Jihhater, as '696 thu, (Fe' MACHINE REPAIRING The leading w.nhmk.r Jeweller. To have your watch RIGHT. get it done " By Modern Methods And at. Reasonable Rates And Insure Satisfaction REPAIRS Ion't Forget " Wh- tho leaves basin to NI. do not we: " Nelly " in me mu." Our nook of Home Blanca nro of “mogul”, $8. o a have . good lip- E: at Email. Lap Rubben. 3.. Whips. Carry Combs and gee our ottoman: at Meat Canon end be convinced that we hove the very article you have been looking tor. m Silk". ite. thrive by using our American Stock Food. _ Ask your neigh- hon regarding its results. Having utely received a Car of Coal Oil we no in a posi- tion to snpplv you with superior quality, Bring along your Any person requiring Coal should praise their ardent once and avoid being left in the cold. h. Gordon’s HARDWARE I J We have every facility and long experience and it will- pay you to deal with as. ,nifotum. That We do Your bones and cattle yin Illh BLACK. we lead in mutual-Md “no in Stove rxis, L Pine]. COCI Souths. A “if ftotrt 't'i"t"t:'sti','ii well “i at M x 72, t1.O = '22:. etch 7: I attiou . M and (my Btlll they Still there ' Why This Fit: :11 night excel days. Fresh Run» dar and Sam BIG4 91mm Having now I am in on short 300 go oc TWEED or m: Grocenes, & Shoes, 1 F We ask ins SIMDARD CAPITAL Au CA PI T A L. I ’a RESERV If Fl AGENTS ; (hump. Q Gum- and I Ageneml Bunk Dmfts issued an ullpoints. Den Qt allowed at "I SAVINGS BAN“. DURHA “wing. hank d Ms Promr hen“? afford, Idiutnnce. NEW LI The Hur, that he I inclum d he now l 50 Acres 200 Ac A TERM " ““PARTN The Hat 100 Acres (a “I" Pun too Acres C. A. FLESH! '1 DIN til 1ltrleit A Ba; "gym?! Ma I'lcktmith B ”£932???“ 't FECTiOhl “HI hilt (“mph-u mm 1 bl Therc " huh!!!" all of MIN - n Willow W. 114 M WOf r not fall buy you, It the ul ac alwa; turns tot lope In” ILM. NICO. Head Of? can El GEO. P 50m PCB " Id Gail PH SE] " " tut" ll

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