West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Oct 1904, p. 5

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SUP" nbbers. tn and (gl Meat that Mela van ave tt, m :et AIRING )WLS tl Work qua 'arurae, net DER" ALE} and tio: 1C MIC " will ican Ah- Ind and 11t " ER: or BEST QUALITY. Grocenes, Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, am. We can give you Bargaint. fre' We ask inspection of our Tell.“ SIMDARD BANK OF CANADA CAPITAL. Authoriaed.....i00tMl01. CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1.000.000 th‘HRVE FUND............ 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points m 1)ntario. Quebec. Manntobn. United Fit m... and England. Fresh Housled Peanuts every Wedneo- day and Saturday. This Fitore will close at 6 . m. a . night except Wednesdays tdl aw. diiyti. . A gvnt'nll Banking nunineu transneted hmfr‘ issued and collection tmade on a” points. Deposits received and inter "st "llowed at curt-em rote. SAVINGS BANS. -ntemt allowed on \H‘HWS bank deposits of '1.00 and up w truis Prompt attention and every turr‘ilv afforded customer. living“ " Alma-11109. a KELLY, Agent. TWEEDS d; YARNS DURHAM AGENCY Why not fall into the ptoceuion and buy your bread, cakes and - at the up-town bakery where you are always sure to get the best re- turns lor your money? Having now obtained competent help, I am in a position to fill all orders on short notice. S. SCOTT. Still they Come; _ Still there are utore' to follow gar/mm Jiihueo, Pure wool m0.“ xi‘w _ " . 1“; , " .8 laig,ii, Il “are and (In, -at,'ii'rrl,i.tit Marg il ' toner! wen “viii 3;”. 'd.'.,? CA x 72, “and nag: M. ”2.32.2."th 728nm“. " NEW LIST i)? LANDS 200 Acres in Norman!) . well In ed. ow m r unwell and 2'lllliklli to 15f. 50 Acre. in lineman, new Holstein. aplen- ' "l hum. Will 5???ieyte.t,'t"E'; '00 Acres in Ermine) mu an rd. " ' m red as ow net is bound to 2Pg,'a hm. 1C0 Acre: in Brunei". about“ acme)!“- . " lmumocd bum Ind awn» timMr, W ..t l d “Hiding: 9nd farm with 1'ggl'lllt m Mud. I'm-cm. wm new" at .| ml nl low balm“ to run at 4 It! can. Blacksmith In --ametnernt"erxno 1 ”winemag’mm ot other pmrertiea, all kinds and prices. no good Flour sacks for Sale cheap A TERM IN ANY OF THE DE. ' PARTMENTS 0F Thar 'The Hanover Conveyance?- 11E - I l, Hammer Convey-ne'er. be” to any . mu he has sold nearly every property. , hultd in his list in the REV!" but t t l ..w offers the following bargains: MIA. c. A. rm. mammalian null mice o-ie-eerie/Pte: m ,rnuplete 20‘1"?! 011%. Jr'l'lt' . t%dtttnmt .m-I " ~ewrln I can him}. lla m J/lil' times)“. ihemdseitt to - “n mstitution bu i,iiaeyiLtrhlmf1i, .l iitf,dg,d ho t"N'tltl"t.CibriCiiir" u w In. winter months within an m In!" w Louder”. "iirhiiriatfisN-". ,ailiiom ate " A nice line of FRESH CON- IHiCTIONERY always on hand. This semi M In”. Cs]! and no In. :. patios sqlq,_mono] ty Ymih,!ett- uoatagt'n W m- I.“ m"” munch. Am . run". rimmmlhd, u- 1,1f, 'str/ll',.' 'r'ttll2tfodrdWc y gqod }l§§gt_{f_m'l hit to up an Una {Infe- iiiaifii'etGrafeit ed. writ in!” drawn. Business established 1884. II. II. MILLER. W. H. BEAN l fi2t Watson. Head Office,' Torono. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hammer. n. H. MILLER, PHONE NO. M. De = CHEAP well improved. 0w Hanover At the Conservative meeting " Dro. more on Thursday evening last. Mr. M. K. Richardson. x M. P.. in trying to show that the Gland Trunk Ptujitie would cost. much more than is estimated by the Ottawa Government. ridiculed the idea that it could eifeet a loan at 3 percent and asserted that Canada had never been able to get a loan at so low a rate. Mr. Arthur W. Wright of Mt. Forest, who tollowed in the interest of Mr. Miller, contradicted this assertion. and stated that the government had effected a loan at 25 er cent. Dr Jam. ieson asked him for his authority. He could give onli his memory, bucprom- ised to look t e matter up and either confirm or withdraw the statement. Mr Wright also spoke at Holstein on Friday evening and was able then to say that in 1897 Mr Fielding on the Lon.. don market. had, effected a 21 per cent loan at the rate of ISI, Uhr. 6d on Jnoo, which would be out rate of less than Itt an cent on the money received. Mr iehardson in his addr ess which followed, disputed this statement. saying that the differrnee between £100 and £91. IN. 6d, which must paid at the maturity of the bonds had not been taken into account. and that it it were the real rate paid would be considerably over3 per cent. Ht would refer the matter to any mathematical expert. Mr Wright had no oppxtunitv to reply but he writes as to say that if those interested will toot, up the Barnard of I”. Vol. 1.. page 3120. they will find that the real rate paid for the money borrowed. tak- ing into consideration that it Wilmld below par. b just about2i Jf,'. cent. This is still i per cent below per cent as low as which Mr. Richardson stated Canada had never been able to borrow moneys Voter-tau the time and trouble to no oat our” on Nov. 3rd and vote for M. M, Mi er and you will have the 'mtbfnetion of being on the winning side locnlly and nationally. Let this motto be your. till Nov 3-( and it won‘t hurt you afterwards F-" Always prompt ---Ne'ver negligent." $1.2." 1'n't att " "' ""‘- fl'., #32:." . me p. and)“ to A'l,'%llllt$t h'i' Hi. unle- lt m clearly out. fAtrttt he tttataTtlgiie,,t mien; hi. a,ttl"td Jl'fJS,"l= felt on "on! occasion m Irena-3 roam improvementu and advantage.» _ a", it the b'l'roltt',"t to Minimal " a bush.- - an m. "eood naturi- to him. At Own" when the into-nub of South (in your: no at "no more will he 'lad eontgtUnee that Mr: lillul'a lami- ne-o prinmpla will ate-guard them. Be In: the forensic ability to champion our cum by voice or pent he has the backbone towel to his principles when convinced they no right. No turnout he. bot a worthy Hammond" of Li- beral princnpleo. yet broad minded F and?!) to l nine the good in my par y. and high minded enough to be slave to m ne. A mild sensation was made this week when tt became ynostttsntyy.primfrttt TI). ofBeitti, had stated publicly at one 0 Mi Mckinnon's meetings in the Tp. Hall. Glenelg. that f,o"aeg',','." ago. he as Deputy Returning cer tuid-re- ceived a ballot box, with government stamp. and containing a secret chamber for the rrg,'relttlr, of bogus ballots ll and that as e had refused to do dirty work he had not, as usual, been swim- ed D R o. Investigation show that the same boxes had been in use in Glenelg since voting by ballot began. that there was not and never was such a. device. The tap of the box is made of two pieces of tin fastened together to: st rength and sodder orwirinn haying iven away in one tne under piece may f'nvl'e' opened a little. causing the so- called secret chamber l The hole of course. goes through both pieces audit would he impossible to use trnudLin thisI - - .. --_-_ A”) A A ' WU!!!“ "C ""e""'"""T -- __- - way. for the scrutineers and the poll book at close of poll would at once de tort a descrepency. Mr J O Chapais, Assistant Dairy Commissioner, who is particularly well acquainted with agricultural con- ditions in Quebec. said in an address: From my experience, I am led to be- lieve that the reason why the Babeock test is not more generally adopted " a basis for payment for milk id lack of knowledge on the part of the farmers. They do not know anything about the 1 true value of cows. When they are told ' that a cow that yields thirty pounds ot milk is more valuable than one yielding forty pounds they do not understand it. I came across an in- stance cf this kind when I was work" ing with the inspectors in the Lake of iSt John district. One man said, "I have the best cow' in the parish, she gives sixty pounds ot milk. " I went, outta his place. having with me the figure) as to the butter fat in his milk. I got from him the facts” to cost of feeding " cow, and titturisd out the east dig? -iieiL12't")llt't, it coir, allow e ry or t 9 feed used, 12001:. 96 Set, per ste,"",",,',',', .ponndl. t W3 ttr-tt ot the 'iiii'GiiaiiiyiteePt! by Jlll - "L ---= “1.. u “an m Cows that pay and Cows that dont “It Han-w wvvr, - whose milk cost only 44 cents per hundred pounds. I showed the man that the petcentage of butter fat in the milk at his cow was 2.85 while in that ot the priest's cow it was 5.50. I was sblo to show him that, instead at hov- intt the has cow in the psi-ill. he had the worst. The result was that, whereas this man ml]! sold s calf " 015 st unh..m halt you. wk thoulf wsss W. nobody w hay it. Tttb, MI W the “no" will imaigeid' this ttttttor if we go to than sud with; , ' _ fro litthtantht A QUESTION or FIGURES. Ir Richardson Counted Out. 375??!“ jf1'/u'i2ier,Q th' "Y It' wwmgflfig Ballot-Box Sensation _ _f',)ric','r)',ict,f'2"ri'it'i' it!. far» 5; 3:534 it', FRiA%a M tii,)titiitRti1r6i)tirltie1tri1 Millinery Openings . . . , Wednesday, September 28, Latest in Trimmed Millinery . Miss Dick. tit)tr'ig.)tlFltlii)tF:s'lG)ilii) WHEREAS L John B. Black. of the Township of Gleuelg. in the County of Grey, Farmer. at a political meeting held in the JPat2 all in the sari Township of Glene g on the night of Saturday the 22nd do? of October 1904. stated from the pub ie platform that the ballot box supplied to me as Deputy Returning emcer in the last Dominion Election contained a secret chamber for the purpose of concealing votes. AND WHEREAS there was no secret chamber as aforesaid in the said ballot Lox. but aimplz an open space between the top em cased cover and the under cover of the said ballot box caused by the lower lid having Fried from the upper lid owing to the ”New ing baring become loose, and whereas the statements made by me as afore- said were without foundation in fact and misleading in their purport. Now I. the said John B. Black hereby retract the said statements made by me and all and every of them. with refer- ence to the said ballot box and I further say that I intended in no way to cast any imputation on the character of Thomas Alleyn Bariis. the Returning rim-er. or to impute to the said Thomas A'lleyn Harris any improper motives or conduct in connection with the said ballot box'. Dated " the Township of Glenelg. in the County of Grey this 20th day of October 190i. l.. " n HUNTING EXTENSION. Owing to the fact that the Dominion Elections will he held on the 8rd of November. aod,that a great many hunters‘ have represented. "hat unless the gen-on In egtomlfdx tiny mill be Illa Uranu- no ---‘_,- unable to exercise their frinchise. an Older-in-Councll ha been paused ex- (dealt,' hunt“)? season north and West. o French Rver. Luke Nipium and the Matt-um River (to) 19th day , November. A Iinnlu' extension would be granted throughout the rent of Ontario it the Statute I) provided. While the Btntute moot New. it has been decided that . to. tlg, we be allowed. Vigo.- to and inched as number 19th. [WALL PAPER SALE MacFarlane & 'it Druggists t Sandman. This week we announce .our Fal Millinery Opening to be held . and following days, when we will have for your inspection all the We will have on display Ladies' Bonnets, Children's Hats and Bonnets, and all sorts of Millinery Novelties. We cordially invite you to our Fall Millinery Openings -. «A jr), u},”’}g:% 'ttii iillilij Am.” “iii.” 11. 'fii'ii','9'1it'"i,ij'i'9y"'iC',iC:; Come & let us show you. Just one week more of sale. We are still rushing off, balance of stock of Wall Paper. It must go; we want the room Remnants in room lots at 2c and 3c. mum» ”hey of tumor. Dunno Gnu Containment. RETRACTION. OI-.. J. s. BLACK. Ah" Call and see our Goods, BARCLAY tl uu Now that you luv; u. Tttdhope Buggy. getnTudhope Caner &ttehtthetmhts A Condition Powdar of First} Oats. Merit- 'Tudhope Buggies and the piece 11 id: was once so fiiled 19 ovepticiigT with those rigs is now being Med up with 'ovef a iairioad of the ham COAL OIL The Spring has come and the Sun‘s humeandto 1taittttettrfytwoenrto- HORSE 8: BATTLE SPIGE 'Attdsitdtxta trt Of all kinds. 1tarttmireqtrttR- NIP PULPERS: they are the best on the market; attso,'our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. t,aaasaasss4tt iiiiaiis?'iiis?'iils*allba) iN,, G.,& J, gdkephnie Ram Gram They are good in every mapped. Show Rooms opposite Mid.. daugh Stables, Lambton St. Mama Machinery 9:11:1th Gutters Nge- d, J. McKechnie§ Compounded from Concentrated Flesh Forming Foods and Ingredients. It will be tound of (rent benefit in bringing Horses Cattle. Sheep and Pigs into prime condition without the least injury to the constitution. Also see our famous We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. tr AT Jig-7 iailiGa a Ei?, ',g)r4"yri'iiri, qre'; _ . -' , {a .'.§,- "£11M‘ A v31; L4 "£27 Cl ' Maw tiiis%1hi)f,5?i:'h. x.“ V A (The popular Cash Store.) H. (?hlll(fillf1 EpICrEil ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO BRITISH 1 Tiiriia -iiiiiiii, and Apnetizer. One Car of the Best CANADIAN to AMERICAN Braid. Cakes, Pastry. an“ 'ttt hand at Rowe's store. . f WEDDING CAKES MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN t't'hhurttis TO A T I 7 7 Mi . cut of our etrtntaiatunent." . ' ' our prices are absolutelyfair. ' us a call and see xor yourself. L l It: clue line of h” H. STiNSON. 36! all, we use only the finest yr and other ingredients. ELY. we at utists in our line. ELY. cleanliness reignsjn every _ we hut .nothing but te; lucid, cakes, pies, 3nd washable may of putty. Made to order in Lutest Styles on shortest notice. RE A SONG: in! 'cd2 '3 I ‘MazachL. MN.'AiArgrH,'ki . "'tr'"eeh'1-eatgytlt-tr- o tttttttttmi.'". on 'lt','tsft,1,ett muons J. G. HUTTON. M. 1).. C. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. [locum Over J & J HUNTERS New Store. Llama-cu.“ We! “MY-id“. L _ Dina-cud In. In. Note. and “that. LTh'Mttt2 ml do“. 1.613;: W.C. PICKERING o. D s., L. B. S ottieer----LoWEtt TOWN. DUB" " OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du can) Pharmacy Calder', Block. Residence first door west of the old Poet omce, Durban. [Men-um: to Incl-Imam (London. Em to “In“ (New You) lye lie-pith cumm- ud Anne ram ttr “and“ to 'det, u ' will...) t 'dfth"d,'t .oomc y . u a on- Iolu 109m .Qua 2%.. sud 'i'iiil?Y: Union A“! M ttret Irma. . 0m Bahama! W .mp0! Ad. 'tttr-ttoar" 4Naeliyapytti. Obhlnod. nou- ohm and. In My ommnuunpoma on Jot-my and link Fund; to Lon on Harm " /l'l'ld",i'd.' of law. Valuation and. M sognfmtmo‘nful Vuutor. .-ua.at. Hp... 7.9 p, Tm Cos-mu.- In. so Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Cuurt Notary Public, Commitment. lac. Notary Public. Cotntnittsiontrr,Conver sneer. Valuawr, Insurance Agent. to JOHN CLARK) ----" I I 1 once. . Durham. Nov. M, w ‘Our Can I met Vim: nu u._... - . Ind 5:353. by m and“: coveted 15y Mammalian! hum. rum tm menu and hand. (Jul-pence" Tools. Ia. In“. Gull: Wool. Beef. Pat. “our cum-n n- to either dwemnuotou- Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. By denhammMutyal ARTHUR GUN. M. D., W a Bun-Ion, who our J.‘J.Hnu-hr'u tun aehreeet-rtutt-eartom-oe Wales-um. 'toiaf4pd'arMtts'teittrd'lt'tle"s1%' if22fdtitri'leiih1' Ill BARRISTER, OOIOITOR. - uoarnr value connnucla. ac Wttt I." the Kidd-n? Home. Dun-tun. the “m WM!" o etch month from 10a. In. an d p. m. 11tt, 13580319 & Throat semi, modem. Amusement: tor mm- u to duel. ae., mm be made " the Review Of- tiee, Durban. "e -caakriv1en-ddrvtit.t'd, them, or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly amended to, Term on Applicator: to D. MttPEAIL. Ceylon P. 0. or to C. IAIAGE, Durham Licenued Auctioneer for the (loamy of Grey. WAmtormmom-ey- kid my, attended to. nus mm. In: iirErt,itLty.tPeetet, Wan- mtMM. ,'l'tklllU, gold-bud. anthem“! LEG-AL. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Money to boon. Mce, over Gordon'. Jewelry Store. unmet, ------... (rice. McKenzie'a Old Sand. Durham DEN TEAL. aesnaxtt1iDan.ere:rtB. amp In: Private Money to Lou). Collec- tions of all kinds promptly alum ded to. Farms boughL and sold arm " LiJemsed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. HOD“ t TE MAYO". mm- A. H. JACKSON, DB. BROWN, . P. TELFOBD DR. BURT Ceylon has I elepttone wee M, " "he: "Inc for 0min. any. . n-.. 1.. *‘b- I. Mun-M M via; Vin, nuance Co. IL "out: "tt (In: Moan-.1» ' Owen Sound '-* P. I. Ruby!) And uh.“ T?,

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