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Durham Review (1897), 3 Nov 1904, p. 5

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REPAIRING on s thods ble Rates lisfaction at cheapness 13€ GOLD® URNETT ACK. at ARE ! w1 rget t you pay ; et for what t what you deal at THE RE, and you variety that here to pick K € h r and isvl _of are the ind ive n en n O T W *oot s A general Banking ousiness transacted Drafts issued and collection :+made 0P all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed «t evrrent rates SAVINGS BANk® _ aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. A TERM IN ANY OF THE DEâ€" ~vPARTMENTS OF ThE CAPITAL, Paid up.‘......... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" _Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound. Fresh Koasted Peanuts every Wednesâ€" day and Saturday. STAVOARD BAMK OF CANAD DURMHAM AGENCGCY This Store will close at 6 p. m. every night except Wednesdays and Saturâ€" days. HA. W Watson. complete t'ol;xtr;es oanudy."Bus!n‘ne:' Sborthand and pewriting ; Telegraphy w + Thc-re]?; no time like the present to enter. 'fgc institution bas unexcelled equipment; a full staff of competent and g teachers. Hundreds who were just able to spend a few winter months with us are now filiing firstâ€"class positions. For full particulars address, M Wanted immediately â€" Honest Mâ€"| Thniine frame _ cient couple to work 89.,”,] and dairy s't:nhfinl. fru‘n:d farm near Berkeley, Ont. Salary $20 a tC ?::rch s month with ‘proogoct of advance when Mhnhc'l.' particular services justify, _ Freehouse, Firew00d. | jes or to Priceyi Potatoes, Milk. Butter. Apply - k‘v. J. Rircui®, Port Arthur. |prietor, Mro Ma Why not fall into the procession and buy your bread, cakes and pastry at the upâ€"town bakery where you are always sure to get the best reâ€" turns for your money ? Having now obtained competent help, I am in a pusition to fill all orders on short notice. Still they Come ; Still there are more to ftollow Durham â€"RBRakery A good line of Men‘s knit Shirts ‘nâ€" dear at from 50¢ up. tor a«ng Un will place your services in greater demand. _ Fou Lar ) uit i sin ie AwteweI)!/ at Woman‘s Dress Skirts in black only at $3.50 and 4,50 each. A Bargain. ® 4 sike, §€.20 pus.| > 4 >" .0 ~~.)5 Bed Comforters well filled with all pure white fillâ€" ing, size 54 x 72, $1.25 each “!n%flmh w0 x 72, $2.25 each 72 x 72, extra heavy, $3.00 each Pure wool Blankets 64 x $4 at $3.50 a pr & 68 x 81 at 11 a br * x .10 & white and Grey flannelette Blankets largpe'u x4 Ludbg ) s 3k i0 TCB .2 Cl C Cue 2A0oe e0G said administratrix will proceed tn disâ€" tribute the assets of the snid deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which she then .bas notice. And that the said administratrix shall not be liaâ€" ble for the said nasets or any otber part thereof so distributed to sny person or persons of whose claim or clarms notice shall not have heen received at the time of distribution,. * THos. Dixox, Waliflton P 0. Solicitor for thesaid Administratrix Dated at Walkerton this 28th October, 1904, j00 good Flour sacks for Sale cheap BIQG 4 And, further take notice. that af is M & t after the said third day of December, 1904 the bale . pat ol y 0o0 @tniite in that i t | i or against t at irchibald E ter, late of the eville in our County of Om > ed, who died on mfiyfllw tember 1904, are requnired : On or before fil.‘fi' of December 1901 to send by po«t, prepaid. or deliver to the ubdflzltd uihlzrbr the adâ€" ministratrix of the estate the deceased their Christian and ZSurnames, the full particulars of their claims, their adâ€" dresses and descriptions. and the nature of the securl.ty. if any, held by them. APITAL, Authorized.... ... $2,000,001 A nice line of FRESH CONâ€" FECTIONERY always on hand. Fur Caperin«s, satin lined, high storm collars trom $3.00 up. : _ Fur Ruffs from $1.50 up. This season‘s Pure Honey. Call and see [ T o 1 1 W. H. BEAN 2 as% SELLS w CHEAP OTICE I8 Head Office, Torono. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. PHONE NO. 38. ard only to those claims of ben .bas notice. And that ninistratrix shall not be liaâ€" satd a:‘net: or any otber part WANTED Grey, MercBuant. deceas. | ; ""* "** Pn " or as t @ * m- i ie Larel, rreBant. deeens» | ston pats it =But 1am a GALDER‘S BLOGK, _PAfL L TT deliver | *®® it into a 'tt'fld."flo'fi @ :m“. The ertizens of the empire. edeceased | ®D‘p neither depends on race nor creed s, the fuli | but is the seal of a union to car y out their ad. | the end for which ciyil ::mme-th he nature | Ostablished. If the m olfi them ** | church is to manifest the mercy of God, j s that cf the state is to reveal the justice that after | of God, so that for citizenship there is r. 1004 the peither Jew nor Greek, Pagians nor ped tn disâ€" Christian, bot a union ot all whno love l d"h":::":? righteousness and hate a lie. 44 The church bad done much in proclaimâ€" ing man‘s spirituality and his irdesâ€" tructible personality, The early Chris tians hbad suffered and borne with paâ€" tience the ills heaped un them for the Christ‘s.sake, but so little did they learn tolerance that clerical or priestly rule had almost become synonymous with a spirit narrow and lligole({ The Reâ€" formers laid claim to individual judfi- ment, but the time for the free and fall recognition of others rights was not yet come. It remains for us to press on never yieldinlg till this spirmt is carried out to the full. But how is this to be attained ? There must be in the first place a spirit of inâ€" telligence among the citizens,.. â€"It will not do to he lzoog though ignorant, honâ€" est thoughb incompetent. _It is not a question of the character of the individâ€" ual but of their fitness to push forward measures that will bless the land. Some of the worst laws that have marred our statute book have been put there at the instigation of well meaning but ill inâ€" formed citizeas. The electors are the physicians and in order to succeed in curing, they must not only mean well, but. be possessed of skill to know the ill and to »Hyply the remedy. Strange to say the first step in advancing toward this intelliience is doubt. Had Luther never doubted the teachings bhanded down to him, there would have been no reformation as far as he was concerned. Had Deseartes and those with him nevâ€" er doubted the explanation of the world offered to them there would have been no modeérn science and had our fathers never doubted the rights of king and nobles to rule them, there had been for us no such thing as liberty. This doubt is not infidel nor is it opfused to faith but it does sweep away all mere credulâ€" ity and all Llind superstition. In the second place there must be courage to stand to principles of right. It is said that the distinguishing virtue of this age is not courage. We would rather take our ease, enjoy what good we can and depend on some large imâ€" peridl power securing to us what we want without any sacrifice on our part. Strange to say we sometimes use religâ€" ion itself to cover our cowardice. One has satirized that easy going religious temper as follows : * Let us confess the truth in botes and corners, act daily falsehoods, look sharp after qur vines and fig treesâ€"andâ€"say our prayers." Honor Roll of S. 8. No. 9 for October. 5th classâ€"Fred Ritchbie. 4thâ€"-z%§nes McGirr, Maggie Weir. Lizzie eir, Katie Ritchie. _ 3rdâ€"Victoria Aljoe, Ulara Ritchie, Earnest MeGirr, Annie Atkinson,. Eva Atkinson, Alex Bell, Howard Whitmore. 8r 2ndâ€"Margaret Ann Ritchie, Robt Lawrence, John Weir Wm C1 utchlen. Blanche Mattbews, Jr 2ndâ€"Susie Bell. Thomas Bell, M ret Matthews. . Pt 2ndâ€"Irene Ritchie. Eer- bert Atkinson, May Patterson. Sr. lst â€"William Weir and John Bell oqE Wm McGirr, Nina Noble. Jr. 1stâ€"Emma Atkinson and Blanche Bell «li" Ruby Meenagh. Joun A. Granax, Teacher, ‘The principle of toleration ims been one of slow growth. Ti is a case where exâ€" perience teaches but little. Each party that cried against oppression when they suffered was ready to follow its predeâ€" cessor when power came to their side. Afnes Marsball. Sr3â€"Eva McAllister, Viola Backus. Jr 3â€"Willie McAllister, Willie Wallace, Harry Gray. S 2â€" Lizzie Buros. Jr 2â€"!;13&&!&. Myrâ€" tle Caldwell. _ Sr Part anet Grhy. Neila Marsball. _ Jr Part 2â€"John Kerr, Grace Mountain. _ Sr Iâ€"Elmer Fee, Harry Caldwell. Jrlâ€"Mabel Wallace. In conclusion the preacher urged the need of that fear of God which it the beginning of wisdom, which must ever be the guide to true liberty and the poâ€" wer to support all who seek it. Bem)rt of 8 S No 1, Normnnbi. for October, ©8r 4â€"Nellie Burne, â€" Jr 4â€" Lots 43 and 44, Concession 1, South Durham Road, Glenelg containing one bundred (100) rcres, about‘75 acres cleared. good frame barn with stone stabling, frame house, never failing well. _ One and one balf milas from zm ebnr;:éh‘and Post m particulars a on the i ises or to Priceyville B%.. the prc The duty involved in this privilege is that we allow .the rights of Freedmn to others which we clats for ourselves. __The privilege of this cittizenship is that itq:.ocnm to the individual bis Pight as a free personali‘y. â€" In the olden :’&Wu Lhe fRmm:ln :i':.‘i’zm wn‘l*leflnod mmanity fron. degrading pun ments, be was given the right to appeal to CUaesar â€"and bad secured to him a voice in the affairsof government. The value of heing a citizen of a great emmpire was seen the other day wgn the powerful Russian fleet was beld up_ till they should giye an account of their firing at the poor fishermen, humble it may be but as British citizens backed up by all the vower of the British navy. fi’he :ight to exercise a real power in state airs bad been secured after a long and painful struggle. It began in that limitation of the sovereign power you read of in Daniel where we are told that the king though he could make a law mustâ€"himself be subject to that law when made and could not alter it to suit his arbitrary will. It had embraced ‘ auch immatters as the right of fair trial, the right of tazation. liberty of speech, the freedom of the press and the right of public meetings for discussing public ?uestmns. If we enter our lHbherties as ree bornu citizens they were bought for us at a cost, not of goldor silyer, but by the precious blood of our heroic ancesâ€" tors. 108 ie ies TARM TO RENT. A. L McIRack®EX®, Teacher. | ‘. M Ei §2’ $° ’.. to point out the how it is tn he a is tn he : wV P in e tall nlni of the term if possible. Board can be obtainâ€" ed at reasonable rates. â€" Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. Wm. Johanston, Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Secretary Writing in the November Delineator on * The Chbristian Spitit in the Home," Mrs Theodore W Birney says : Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly e uiPped in teaching ability, in chemical and elegtrfln su[:fllel and fitâ€" tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. The following competent staff are in "The object of religious training is to enable the child to recognize the 5ivine laws, and to learn to obey them. {hese are not matters of creeds and doctrines, which vary and bear more or less the human imprint, but are the messages that we bhear when we listen to the inner voice. _ Even young children can be made to understand that this yoice is not one we hear with the physical sense of hearing, but it is a yoice that speaks to our minds and souls, and the more earnestly we listen and long to do its lightest bidding the clearer will be its message to us. _ Christian life in the home requires that the child should be started right, that he should be given, as one author expresses it, ‘right primary ideas on the great relations and duties of life.‘ _ In no way can he ol tain these as through the conyersation and conduct of his elders. These directâ€" ly influence his heart and imagination. and his standards of right and wrong are unconsciously fashioned after the pattern thus set. _If those who comâ€" pose hbis home circle have high ideas, are reverent, sincere, kind, thoughtful, his mind and soul will assimilate their ood thoughts and deeds as surely as gin horgr assimilates the nourishing rood so carefully supplied to hiim three times each day." **The fruit growers of the province,; according to a statement to be publishâ€" ed in the November issue of THE CANADIAN HORTICULTUSIST are much ple:ied i;:lme sctio: of the ra‘i.ll way commission in appointing a spec committee, including the President of the Ontario F: uit Growers‘ Association to visit points in the United States to see what measures have been adopted by the railroads and frait growers aâ€" crass the border for the transporation of fruit. â€" A special effort will be made by this committee to see if a car can be found that will be suitable for the sransportation of frait during the fruit season and that the railroad companies will be able to use at other seasons for uther purposes. ‘The short season for lhig;;ing frait, has been the chiet obâ€" stacle in the past to the supplying of ly fitted cars for the trade." nuhnrge commission is one the hers in u&of the Launrier govâ€" Vote for its Candidate, H. Religious Training In The Home. Durnam School RAIL WAY COMMISSION PRAISED. es s 52l ow 2e L L on t ob J. H. SMITH, B. A., Mathematics and Science. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. h. FORT..R, B. A., Classics and Mo MacFarlane & Go. 100 Each, Cambridge Classics, Laurelhurst Series and Deâ€" votional, each in a separate box and daintely bound, 25¢ 100 ‘Cloth bound., Gilt *9 Standard Authors. ... 100 Cloth bound Poets. . ... 30¢ 100 Cloth bound, Colored plates, . Good titles.... ...... .. &5¢. Druggists & Booksellers FEES: $1 per month in advance Any Magazine or paper seâ€" cured on shortest notice. Burnt Leather Classics and Poets in padded Moroco and burnt Leather, Speciai disâ€" count to shools. It is impossible to enumerâ€" ate, but here is a few barâ€" gains. ° Is a joy forever. No truer [J|with over a carload of the u’é sentence was ever penned f 'l"l“'-‘ Gutters * m OUR ANNUAI, â€" IMPORâ€" & TATION is now complete. Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy, and we can as truly say is xetGTndhopeCnttet&'heintheni- larger and better than ever. it mmmatces We would like you to.come ‘ and examine it. l Also . Masewsell _ Machinaeru tops, COAL OIL A Condition Powdor of First Class Merit. BARCLAY & BELL Call: and see our Goods. ORSE & CATTLE SPiQE humuf.llo has nearly two carloads Tudhope Buggiessnd the place h ich was onte so filled to cverfiowing with those rigs is now being filled up IEmploments 2 JN., G.,&J. McKechnie} Of all kinds. â€" Examine our TURâ€" NIP ~PULPERS ; they are the best on the market; also} our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Marn Organs They are good in every respect. Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" daugh Stables, Lambton St. INfaxwel!l «Jffachinery Compounded from Concentrated Flesh Forming Foods and Ingredients. It will be found of great benefit in bringing Horses Cattle. Sheep and Pigs into prime condition without the least injury to the constitution. Also see our famous m e on i â€"~ E00 20 coriiie yR o o AT ol H. PARKER‘S. ONTARIO ARCHI & TORONTO k A Good Tonic and Apoetiger. WI ’One Car of the Best CANADIAN & AMERICAN MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN .« Give us a call and see ror yourself. A â€" first _ class line â€" of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest o Styles on shortest notice. _ d partment of our establishment. . LASTLY, our prices are absolutely fair, â€"_Flour and other ingredients,. _ SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THI!.DL\_(. cleanliness reigns in every FIRST of all, we use only the finest And therefore we hear .nothing but prase for our bread, cakers, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. T suiTts To a T | . H. STINSON. REASONS: tuace Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHANM. Collections and Agen romptly attendod to Wills, D..d.,..l ”? !m':u' Amonounh &e. wy.mm.-l.m of dmdrr- m?b‘lmnhmmn s‘::. Burro M:; Court !ldn: Probate of 'llr-.w"t:r‘- of':d- ::..'m"h Registiy Office and Titles roported Jompany and rc-ln'u Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a comnetent apd careful Valuator. W.C. PICKERING D. DS.,.L. D.S Barristers, Souclzors. Conveyancers, C. Money to Loan. 6 Oflice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay® K. C. W. F Dunn ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST o6 the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘; Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham., HONOR .GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &¢ Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to, Farms bough: and sold J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. --o-.w............. Qfluflmw.w and Bt., at foot of Hill. _ Old Moodic GComer®"*" OFFICE hOURS Late assistant to Moorfield‘s to Knapp‘s (New York) Office, 13 Frost St, JOHN CLARK _»# D. McPHAIL _â€"4 L. R. C. P., London, England Oraduate of London,;New York and Chicago. e Diseases of Eye, Kar, Nose, and Throat, par Wil be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Our(‘,onfiny &{l market value for Grain, Hay. and Live k. _ Hay in stacks is covered by insurance on contents of barn. _ Farm i . ments used by hand, Carpenter‘s Tools, Roots, Grain , Wool, Beef. Pork, Flour fruit are pa in either dwellings or outâ€" buildings. Ko other compan« has the above in their contract Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08. Sydenham Mutual ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Puysician & Surczox, Office over J. & J. Munter‘s Store nouss:! i‘ +k to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham., s Correspondenceaddressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, ‘Terms on application to D. McPHAIL, Ceylon P. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durbham 9â€"11 a. m, 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"Q p. Telephone Connection No. 10 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Bales * m& be left :8!:1- Implement ‘Wareâ€" v;_.llczlnu'loldund,cummm BARRISTER, soiciror,â€" mnoarry PuBLic °°.V"Mc’.. aC Dr. T. G. KOLT L. D. S. * OBA T A ut . Money to Loan, ffice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. 4@ Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children, Will be at the Middaugh House, the first Wednesday of each m 10 a. m. til}l 4 p. m. fnmutznce drop e ces w °7 *‘ J. M. McFAYDEN, Durham ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Daorham A.iblctioncers. MACKAY & DUNN, dEBDLCATEC.. ‘ye, Ear, Nose & Throat Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey,. . LEFROY McCAUL. & J HUNTER‘S New Store. A. H. JACKSON, J. P. TELFORD Ceylon has a telephone office. DR. BROWN, «d lA Ty,. DR. BURT Fire Insurance Co. Beld‘s (London, Eng) and York) Eye Hospitals, ALoderate j| House, Durham, each month from ts for sales ms Owen Sound 1â€"6 p .m.® 7â€"â€"9 p. m,

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