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Durham Review (1897), 3 Nov 1904, p. 8

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3i , W U2} I I 'itrksl Quietly nut-chum I" departrneata. lulu, Icon: mm free. madam “mined at my time. corner Yongc Ind Alexander Bu. w. J. ELLIOTT. Pdnclpul. Ararrl, PM: Increase the activity a? the liver. and "we and mom. Come to Grant's. He keeps the King Shoes as we)! as some oth- er makes and sells them just as cheap as a poorer quality. The best is the cheapest and is none too good for you. Is the question. Well, our ad.. vice is to buy from a firm who have a good name and a reputa- tion at stake. There are plenty of them and among the foremost are the J. D. King Co, who have been in business over a quarter of a century. It's a long time, but the goods manufactured by them have given such good sa-- tisfaction that they did the bus iness and consequently are still doing it. Are indispensible at any time, but note so in the cold and wet weather. A person well shod looks comfortable and feels as he looks. AiiiF'ii, Boots & Shoes Tm cold "snr' Throat tender? [.qu vent? tts relatives have communion Then a cough men: 3 great JiiLTtbiiift - is h. deal " you. Follow your doctor’s advice and take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " - - an only"! si'li'i/r.'e5iyati' cit-353.60: let. I "'"gttn."aith8uT'dlrdriisu. Weak Lungs c. EVERYBODY WHO READS THE In the Star to-night you find to-day's prices on all the principal markets-the closing market reports in fact from London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and Toronto. You will find also, to-night, all to-day's important doings through- out the whole world, written in a catchy, interesting style; the latest political news from an independent standpoint l complete and accurate commercial news ; to-day’s social gossip; a special department for women; and strong, sane, fair editorials. LET US HAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION CASH OR PRODUCE TORONTO. ONT. Cherry Pectoral Acknowledges it to be the Brightest and Newsiest Daily in Canada When you Buy Where to buy , HAVE YOU TRIED IT? You can have it and the paper you are reading for only $1.75 a your ELLIOTT for TORONTO STAR THIS. REMEMBER. TOGETHER WITH THE PAPER YOU ARE READING POR "as A YEAR Increase of Public Debt 1878 to ttmi was 311,000,000. km of n.» 1890 to mri---araitiiiiisiiac ' c. 4mg». LGUit, I Messrs Dan McDonald and Georgelarrived home Sum“ [Moutgomvry are busy caning tutd skim; Mr Wm J Glen-ii i dun; logs tor Mr Thos Patten, 'Turonto m, Suturdn, ', A number from the bare altendml an“ l u {alumni month's a ’Reform meeting In Domoch last Friday the city. (yup' and new Mr H .H Miller. t? The Hopeville c 'Reform Candidate, malnpg one of In)" supplied on Sunday Jamal" speeches. Mr Miller seemed m t onto, ‘exceHent spirits and made an excellent ll CW ll t -apverh and seemed to carry the crowd; I ' r I ar "e WIN] him. One thing, most in his tnvor f/lt; was '.er"ou N he never cruized or paid one word "veins” le.' a. names»: me hic, opponent. So If we pile up 60 or. MrWm Dezeil I 70 If a mnjority fur Miller In this ward. i engine last winter h don't you hush. . . idc the Work it WI Mr A Mckiuuou was at the burg‘They btonuhtit to L Cm\u~.~im,: for his brother and said that-1’“Id had two expert during the hard years his brother Chit“. io examine it. Tr, Foul furnished hay and straw to the have a law suit tn Luau-1w and lot; at money he Lal not go: does not tuko It buck i' Mr Wm Lake has been repairing his fbuune tld, last. week by at paper and .Sbinghm. Mr Lake had one his nbi (broken by faking against a pile of poets febout three weeks ago but resumes work to-day, Tuesday. The trauma of our school how been renovating the old sehoor.'br tar paper Ind shingles on the sides and and. and a. new shingle roof. the contact“: {being Maura Hamburg!» Md M Complell. [They I)". made, a. flrtrt clan job. l Our school tanker. Min Reynolds. is te-eugaged for tuMtther you n a "lazy of 8300. Mus Chm Hill is, we be“. on the sick mt. We wish her I speedy re. covery. Mr H Alexander's two hams that were reported berondrctrovery are on the mend. The fine weather ot hurt week-trr, taken advnntuge of by our farmers uk. mg up roota. picking apples uni pueb- ing up old hulldiugo to loop old Jul: frost out. Well Mr Editor it, being a long titturl lines we have seen my new In your nimble paper from our burg plan allow e I. lime spur-e. I would seem impossible to spoil it except by deubeme in'tention,- a in! in tance, voting for but: candidates. The voter below it supposed to have marked himllot for Miller, a muting that will be popular on November 3rd. Thefounbelow is“ atqmisrigrtatkes to thefonnof the ballot tuned in Dominion Electioan 1tureefuettrmeretand can't betmeedoatee it you ntoththox. Aerto"a'sr"tereinthearhiteieeumetiemedtytodtrotut W ELI! ECK. F31 Secret Ballot “h mi Mr Wm Dezeil purchased a gasoline engine last winter but found it would not do the Work it was Warrauted to do. They brought. " to Unmlnlk last Saturday and had two expert engineers come there Io examine it. They are Pxpecting to have a lawsuit. (went if the company The Hopeville church has to be P"', supplied on Sunduys " parties from Tor- onto. Mr Wm J Glenister came home [rum Turouto In) Saturday last where he put in a faithful month's aork at brick-laying in the city. Mr A H Burnett got notice'of the death of his sister. Mrs E Curlew. at Burlinguru. near Hamilton hint week. He left to " tend the funeral accompnnied by "as daughtpr Mrs Noble of Dundalk. they arrived home Saturday last. Mr CW Hartman the Reform candi- date was: here on Saturday evening and held a. lusinesa meeting with his friends. I "t. Well. by us sending him to Ottawa , wont pay for the bay nnd another thing ‘we may have mother bard Winter and it we and Mr McKiuuou "my why we (will be lmylass Iud Ptrawless. So we will have tn keep Mr McKmnon Iuome- lihat w:ll be doing two stood things at 'unou. Send a gun! man to Ottawa and i keep a good man home. A Fowl Supper wee held Monday even- me the 24th inst, in the Methodist Church 16th con and well attended. The choir was well filled by the minister, the Rev Mr Beach. The Roy Mr Mauheeon of Pricenlle assisted with a good nddreu and music of the best. was plentiful. The church was well tilUd and 860 was rea- lized Including a eollectiou on Sunday. A social was held on the Wednesday fol- lowing and fturly well attended. Dr Sheath had usudden calico come- hero to "tend Mrs And Watson who took luck with a number of complicated com- plnints but in now recovering. HOPEVILLE. - F/f,".'?",'.")?., TORONTO Born to Mr and Mrs John Bradiey. Jr, a son, in the early part of October. Congratulations. Mr Jas Marks, our genial and oblig- ing merchant and postmaster, has ad- ded much to the comfort of " lip-bo- date store by having a new coal stove placed therein. Mr Jno Marshall, who was operated on three weeks .ago tor appendicitis, has made a Very rapid recovery and is anxiously awaiting the authority of Dr Meikle, Mt Forest, the attending Ehysician, to get on his feet, which will e nearly a week yet. The unfavorable weather the past week has hindered the farmers greatly in getting their root crop harvested but the apppearance of the weather at present is such as to lead us to say that the incoming week will see most of the roots garnered in, the same being a good average crop in this section. The annual Sunday School entertain- ment in Knox Church. Normanbv was held Tuesday evening 25th, and wasa grand success fimuteially and in fact, every way, the crowd being supposed to be largest ever assembled on an occasion of that kind. The chair was occupied by Mr David Leitn, the S. S. Supt., to the satisfaction to all present. The choir under the leaderehi of the reliable major-general Jas. 'Wdlt excelled all records and rendered good selections during the evening and ‘whisper' (Mr Ed.) we understand it is to be a permanent thing: we mean the 'ehoir' which we think is a progressive step. The recitation by the children: were good without exception and the single by the Junior choir so sweet 'i't'itt')',hi'h'iii'i',',if,rtiiili'iti to fear a shorts e , en y oping up their mug record as a choir. Rev Mr Manon, Vnrney, gave a short address on "little things" sud while not bril- liant. it was novertbeleu helm]. Rev Mt Campbell nude n few remarks on We think this incoming week a splendid opportunity of slipping into our place of duty again. as no doubt, Mr Ed, you will be so disappointed at the result of the eleetions on the eve of November 3rd that you will never no- Lice your humble scribe crawling .in through the back way alter so long an absence. Anniversary t"aukueiving services were held here on Sunday last at 2 30 and 7 30 The church Was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Rev Mr Massan gave two able addremes relating to the day and its purpose. A verv succemlul entertainment in aid of the Sunday School was hehl here on October 18, Iley Mr Mmson aeted as chairman in a very able manna Selec- tions were well rendered by a Durham chuir and male quartette, Theiaro ta- ken by the school showed no little effort on the part of the sum. and oifieera. Mr and Mrs D Donnelly are now cam- fonablv settled in Iheir new brick' dwelling Mr and In Wm Livingston visited friends in Louise recently. Mr and Mrs Vickers and Master Boy water visiting the farmer‘s sister. Mrs French of Port Huron. . Mrs vae. who spent a. month with friends returned again to her home at Woodbridge. George Simpson of Vancouver. spent a few days at the old home here a few wqus ago. There was a lune party at It uoDon- ald's. (Callum og’s) south line one even- ing last week. Angus Mer1ihushern of Clevoland. who tTent I month " home on the South line. returns again this Week. Neil MoCannel finished his barn Int week. Arch McCunig in busy getting the roof on hi! tine brick house. Reeds. Mathemn and Roach axe? Ing- od pulpit' Sunday before last. The McLachliu boys. Durham Road. Glenelu. have when; B large contract hull- ing lumber and wood for If Orchard. Eg. remnnt. John MoArthur of Town is away sgun attending to his duties, he. Misses Kate and Minnie McIntyte. 8 Line, left for Toronto lately where they Imam Io remain for some time. John McIntyre is back again from Bruce and makes " home with Nor- man McIntyre. tl Line. Our town merchants are preparing to meet the demands of an upprouching winter by laying in a good stock of goods. A McLeod is busy with bu, chopper Miss Bella. McKinncn (Hugh's) is spending a winds in Toronto this fall. Halloween lo-mgln. Monday. the small boys and big ones too, will probably be amusing themselves with some tricks of some kind, &c. It is some time doe. we vote held from in thttt W-ttsee. trying to use new ”mom to and thedonnndoofoo MIC “inter. u we have bed e font-ate otit in n mud form olnody by hung on inch or two of loo. In: week. tttse (Inn with doid {tony nights. Very few turnip. taken up yet. consequently we on looking for tine Ive-the: for that purpoee for I week or two. ' Threshing it wont wound tip, thie week will make a. flnist, of it it. Throw]: indimite In and: winter a they no all stripped of their summer garment tag has s barren appearance. “1.. -_... - ---- _. ... A' .7 ,7..- - -.%... -3! two!!- We saw a thteit of wild 'iu'ir"iGC7i, migm be some grinders too ) outing high towards the south uno evening Intoly uhowing that the north pole' was getting too cold for them already. Tlns in the busy week of the set-on u " commands the Atlantion of all classes of the people to be prepared mdecide on Iorsdtiy next who they are to cast their ballot for. So we will await patiently to hear the results. Some have considerable ploughing done while others have none. BLY THES CORN ERS. VICKERS. RUGBY!” vi. took active steps to bear upon the number who repugnant: as (likely Me) in mum-ting certain measures. no “or whether " side of the house in In or an!“ the same. They meet In A Marshall. Durham, is visiting " In John Nathan‘s the put week. A meeting of the Fumers' Amok- tion was held in Watson 'tt Schoolhouse and besides dual-in: nutter: of vital Impottttrttu' tr? the welhrp at our oonnr Hrs Wm Carson who has been quite m the I,',','."',',',',',',),,',' of months. is making very s ow progress towards recovery. m hope she will take a turn for the better soon. the various parts of the program and also announced the proceeds 823 after which the meeting closed bv singing the nations! anthem. " BF The above prices are for Trade or Cash for Saturday only A - FEW " BARGAIN - DRESS . ENDS - FOR " SATURDAY t 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar for 3 lbs Soda Bistmits............. 4 plus McDonald Tobacco..... Something Startling for Saturday Bargains We never have permitted and never will permit, “Y one to undersell us or successfully to dispute our supremacy in any branch of our business. {15313311 of -ti'r',i,JJii,-iit"'isrt"'i; than Thursdaz of each week. Alex. Russell. 2 Dress Ends Black, were tme, Santana”... mo; paryd 1 " was 950. " ........76cperyd 2 " . wereol..w. " .... ....Tlitsperyd 2 " were 1.25, " ........l.mperyd Highest Prices paid for Fowl, Batter and Eggs. . Our own " Regent" and "Pic. Ready-matte Clothing cadilly " Brands----; best. Ovefcoats The Largest and Newest Stock in Town. Our own stock of Furs is being opened up this week -all new and up-to-date goods from the best manufactur. ers, Dozens of Men 's and Ladies' Fur Coats. GEs'rr.EMEs--iust call in and see our Coon and Fur-lined Coats. Fur Caps, Ruffs, Collarettes and Caperines for the LADIES. lirtsrTrcaeds, fiuitiygt, IRES, HY! Caps, Ftirtr, Counts Ties, Underwear. Raincoats, Overcoats, Boots and Shoes Lately we bought the W. E. Theobahrstock worth $1200, at 55 cents on the Dollar. This stock comprises evergtlxin L It 21311 -re1rs----Readymade Clothing. all THE PEOPLE’S STORE Fowl. must be dry pic1rA crops empty, THE BIG‘ STORE .22. THE PEOPLE’S STORE Robt. Burnett. REE LISTEN Everything to be sold at Half Price. 'Freshest Groceries always on hand Goods delivered to all parts of town B Our New Furs an. P76. Iu' Ina an .eottr.enteesGir" .. " a. CPI good.mExt:y5. can... Iadtt Tl“: punching:- A .ttr ”New. to Butt "nun n'-_ PP." If brood. m 9.4.; _ -_- -T""H.. “I. mi” in IO more. hard rum. Four 2lid from Pruning, {mile from school. Ort farm are tmf ht't, wells. Brick 150“”de a. with! “than lg x aha-1k u m mum we... ood mac: 6i. Inland“ ‘-“'" - prices ever vicinity. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 32: 33. Con. 2 B. D. R., main- my 100mm name or loan. About 90 'lah demand induced out. of cul- u on M Romain- 1'h'li lem- "ma '.e.1fPte. - Now Don't feed them too long. We are prepared to pay the highest again in the ante piece in Novembe r on Monday night on or before the mu moon. Look up your ointment! be ready to go with the mud. Iilerrr. body welcome, Indies Bpechlly invited use -. a - v /dGi, W "H" '. G'.' o.tll"IL 2titfd' PM me. ”Mn-on. tkt.. Pron is the time to sell your fowl ..............;1.oo We paid" in Durham or is" 3‘ * Fla; h" . a itil' NE giraffe ", 't)'i'i',(,'itiijjil,"lT',Pii' 'lMy', ‘ if " “W H, ls' MrR'vg» . 'calf, and delivered '.... 21c ......30c We E52 m w W VOL. I a?" 3' war lawn; BIN!" Blvusw anvmw Ruvucw Ralew REVIEW Our nl (ill! LA " U

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