West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1904, p. 1

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per yd E yd r vd SATURDAY : turday OI .....31.oo rday only ht eac Alex. Russell ll 21c 30c 'e,i_itikiii"ihiilii"iihui"iihiihhMkfi..: it? THE CASH STORE. 'il? 5-333:33?:HEEEEEEEBWEEEEEMEEEE i,'t'i"'ma'55ff?5l?i'?r?.?'irjfy x JAMES IRELAND. VOL. XXVI. N0. 45 ['il." H. H.MOCKLER. jiti New Underwear for Ladies New Ladies' Mantles New Gloves for Ladies and Children New Flannelettes and Wrapperettes New Shoes for Men, Women and Cliildren A large import order from the Old Country. mm value and good tops with nobby handles. , F Space will not permit our going into detail but if you y a M 102?]: “f?” you wil} be fetletd tlutt.no pins am has: In!!! Men’s Underwear We are carrying over twenty lines of these Main All weights and qualities. We carry all sizes too, remember and can fit you perfectly. Our prices are extremely low. New Umbrellas for both Ladies and Gentlemen New Suitings and Blouse Lengths to fill all vain mquiretriiriG Vtgr't'lia Gaiii 'iiGiic All Produce Taken u Cub and Highs: GIRLS’ COATS Millinery BEAR IN MIND 'cr) 'l! 7 " 5's 5tl That we can give you every satisfaction in FUR COA 'r'_' R, Our stock was never better selected or more complete. Excep tlr, til al values in Ladies' Astrachan Jackets at $30 to. ... T lil I £11, Phi PUFFS AND STOLES . Ely . 2tl Our stock contains the newest and handsomest tsty1etti It; i (lt Stoles and Ruffs, all kinds of fur prices. . .. . . .. $2 ,to " ta')', f, ilk' »' PIC: '. o _ "(if Fi LA0IES' CLOTH COATS Men's Fur Coats Fail & Winter Goods Short and Ulster Lenths; plain and tweed effects-gre: greens, blue, red, all sizes, prices according to size, 2.25 We can supply you with all kinds of Fur Coats-Coon, 4 tracha n, Galloway, Greenland Seal, Kangaroo or any ot fur at prices from...... ...... ..... ...... .--$2tt Kenn mber you serve yourself best by buyipg Furs early, Some are in the easy-fitting box back styles, others have fitted backs; all are stylish, tailor made garments, tli & James Ireland. 360 Garments ot the famous Pantan Brand-in Gotten. union and all wool. l Also a large range of Children’s. Girls', and Misses' Underwear in this Brand. A large range of new patterns at old prices. Over 250 pairs passed into stock and really we don't know where to put them so we will make extra close prices to quick sales. We have a large assortment of these new' elegant goods in all the new weaves and patterns. The newest and most stylish Garments are shown here. We have the best values in the market in Cashmere and Ringwood Gloves. See our Blacks and Whites " 25c. ABUNDANCE OF HEW' daiiv We arc opening up new consignments W BEAR IN MIND 1.5 cases arrived on Friday. cm. 81.0 81.75 31-75 . 'ryjt'E5rvt . _ , _ F _ . _ _ W Ys"it's Eu .aii,i,?,8)'t'_ _ , .1.” ,1 $3514 . f T J: , . i' - I ‘15 q ' ' l ‘1.” "r i _ _ _ .m" am. . .- . 7 . 't.00 , ' k, ' , .135 _ I V . . $1.75 a , _ " P. _ 31.“) A ( 'j'"-' 81.15 i o-.:" . . and Highest Pttesltitgtt The "."i:s'yt'ii"se, . _ l ' __):';'.,':':,:':":"::::.;:,",;,",,,", _ . T v- ' ". Wflmulmlem.withlofidulmbu-u I have the Conservative 7 four yrs ago land this year gives the Liberal 55. f Surprises in the campaign were t No I: Glenelg, rose from 28 to 39 ', Allan Park, dropped from 45 to 2 l Holstein Efrem 17 to 8; Ayton from 51 to 22; the ! "Ulen Ft from 34toli. E The attempt to stampede the Scotch acn account of Imd Dundonmd or the ',eandidate has completely failed in S. lGrey as elsewhere as it was certain to 1do. and deserved to do. Even Glen- :garry returned a Liberal. Scotch- ', men are not alone in being able. to : think for themselves. THE RESULT IN THIS RIDING: No. Numenf Ward Mil. Mek. maj. hmj l North Ward 30 45 It 2 East 1Vard 33 62 a 3 West " an] 64 Ill 45 258 trim Hanover. but H. H. Miller was elected without Hanover. South Grey Redeemed. " South (h'er-Lib.--316. tt Three hundred and sixteen. A majority safe, satisfactory, cube MEAL _ - _', _ Leader Borden also defeated, and his Province. Nova Scout. swept by the Liberals. DURHAM, THURSDAY. novnunna i}. (9'04. Yeovil 81 Mt Forest W’d 56 AY LESWORTB DEFEATED. 127 218 McKinnon’s mttiorirs---01. H. H. Miller, M. P., by 316. Miiler'a mNoritr--8f. Glenelg bie’s 48 " Miller's maioritr--2. Egremont Miller’s mtsior1tr--At2, Normanby liner? _mniaritr'--4k Durham Benti nck 367 MO 31 49 77 61 #13353 50 " til 47 C:' , THR. /, TF', Mil. Mek. 101 115 58 18 IO 18 16 l4 Laurier Government Majority new“: 49 01 31 51 10 l, When [he fateftila5o'clock was reach- fed Interested voters lvegnn to gather [mound the honilm. Thu first Io he an- lnounmd was Mr. Mekinuon's home i ward which mun- him u. umjm ity of 15 ',Soon there followed the when; with lnmjorlties slightly larger tttan calcu- Hated hy the Lamas but. still, 91 in all l not very encouraging to their opponents. la few minutes later 0mm: the sledge- A hammer majority of 258 from Hanover. (hut even yet Conuermuve hopes held 'itult. But when near-by polls came in ey,.',?.?',',: in nearly every case liberal Jail“! the fact had to ise accepted that "ts Grey was going, "other. had gone ! Liberal' and that the efforts of the trect '(‘anvasser in the Conservative rank. had not prevailed to secure him the (seat. o’ciock before u Rot here for of GGG Remove! had claims upon him that. Meanwhile the hall kept full, even the when holding out. and It T. Kerrie. g,t: trl, " tttgtg, “if. " ttte t me ween w t to furnished tr, Mean J P rams? Dry-due. mRamatteand3" Mather. At but!!! Miller reached the Hell and any wean we: the-welcome extended. 'hen the epplnnse gained down he spoke " come Ion reviewing the (impugn. He /,'abt, that during an Splendid fall wenthel "prevailed on t elecition day. and roads ware in kdlil shape for "get: ing out the vote." Humv- tbosh was in ttctivo (lunatic fur the two classes that new] that "trutttttr.e, titst the class. lwrfm'tly homomhle. that dis I lance m- disrrhilit.v prevent trout getting out, and the Other class that me tun indiirervnt to walk to the poll and arcs-pt, assistnnw. Mr. Gladstone)! ivsmd even in oldage insisted (m walking to the' poll to perfmm the duty and unlit-arc the privilege of the humble-st citizen. 1 An arrangement was made by both parties to secure the Town Hull. It, was soon filled. A similar arrmgvment with Mr Mucleune. secured outside telegraphic returns, and as these began to come in, the hopes of a Borden vie. tory, so strongly clung to. vanished into thin air, " the returns elsewhere show. At 9.15 p, m., the telegraphic 1'"l"'la showed Lsurner ttth by 42. " 10d and 11.15. the majority ent increasing and the last bulletin at 12.15 showed it majority for the government of 62. The crowd was a mixed one and cheers Were given for vlctbries on either side. Popular victories Were Martin and Guthriaof North and South Wei. lington Ptre'it,t,"ie,,lg, A great cheer welcomed_t__ angered of the announce- ment of W P Terrd'I defeat in N. Grey. and Reform enthusiasm became rapidly in the ascendent as the niece.- of the Minietrgowas assured and Comer- vntive leader rden defeated. Mr Mills. local agent of the Imperial life Assurance 00.. distributed very con- benient election Score unit. which were miduonsly fuled up u the return- cune m. About 9 E. m. word was wired Mr Miller that e was elected by about am and he was asked tocome over. His answer was “Shake. boys. shake. com- iett 1teuettit", bug i_t we! nearly one Continued on page I. ONTARIG JEReHI . TORONTO Wig FIE! As ENLARGED Ixut'm'm'. ,_ We have pleasule in 1urtting t.ltl t week that " company has been formed ('ullrd the "Farmers? Manufacturing: and Supply Go." or some such mime. whose purpose Is to buy out the resent Cream Separa- tor Works IU' not only enlarge them but extend the industry lw taking up other branches of mnnufurture. and giving employment possibly to twice as many men. Not only so " wilt be co.. opemtlve to a. safe degree and will not only be in " "tuition to earn dividends but WI" enable the farmer its a share- holder to secure many useful art idea at reduced cost. Mr. w. D. Mills and Mr. T. Livingstone ate two of the promoters and theV have gone about their part. of it with due caution and discretion. m, wish them all "Ct?etiq, “JERRY FROM ktratRv."--The Patten and Perry Co made theivseeoud appear- ance in town lust Saturday and after a parade at nnon. drew it crowded house in the evening in witness their play "Jerry from Kerry." The hand is mm of the best we have heard. Barring a little slang. the play was creditable and set ved its purpose-it gave the (-mwd a couple 1uuus fun. The show ii rhtimed lo he the Ines! on the road: the price certainly b, and the t'eptettahle feature is they draw in thettowo. also the cash while home societies or (-mnprmins Nottte- times tind difritutlty in set-tiring an nudi- euce large enough to puv expenses. No town will become a good business centre as long as the mnjority ot its business men rely upon a few memhnnts to bring trade to town. Too often the men in A few lines of trade are about the onlv ones that reach out after cus- tom. Other merchants wait until these business men influence peogle to town and content themselves wit trade that naturally drifts to their place. A public sphited men asks himself it he is doing his part to attract people to come to town. Any person who induces people to come to town to node is helping the and” business community, and no town is 5 success unless all lines ct trade are walking to extend business " fir ss possible and trying to bring . Inger (suitor-y in the circle of which the town is the' business centre. The date of holding these is expected thle week but nothl definite is known a we so to press. "f, new: certain all will beaver beforeChrietmu. A rumor aye Dec. so. tjiFttiiE Fiuiria"iariaTrai'riiG4 My Wampum). Your: Trulv L g " H. H. Mun. Humour. Nor 7, 190t To It. “to: of The RIVIBW. I he; to earnestly thunk. through mania-nu. my good triendn who on willy worked or me In the Decent and thou. too, who voted for 'yt., lytittt thank the electors generally tt brim, with or" Eat-Ike in: "" fit, Droinore. iosIan'r Enmsn. - Telegraphic to. thin Wedneodny looming show ”to“ elected President. by a [use , r. ' “my Polery. dead or 'tlive, and hing n bigger hmineu than ever in Hue this {can Rush In your fowl that Cub price paid for raw Fun 'et'e 8 hoestom. pl); u for the Baum to Jan. I. ' Subunit» " once. - . complete majority ot Peter " Ele. Liberal in South Bruce, is 144. bttrypranter-Deaa. or gig". Thanks From Mr. liner V‘m Ontario Elections ;,1-,sowNiittte §0PICS £939 Wall Paper Over two hundred More“ Patterns to choose fwm. We are going to slaughter the whole stock. Come early as there will be a big nah for the greatest Wall Paper Bar- gains ever shown in Durham. ll. B. Illlll2lll t SONS Ttseprieett-hees, - WWI Nah Met on MoodanNovmh. All present The following uncount- wm named t C McDon‘nll. “In. hr, 31.”: Thomas Daniels. beaming 8L4N, c Smith & sons mnchlne hammer 75c: N Molntyie. ex- ritte,ttftt',e',', Sound I”. 250; Joueph “lingo. teaming 21.”: Ohm- Brown. work 'ahah Maple In! Paving Co $37.12: Wm Benton. work " Inc Kinoee wire and Mini 13.3): Fred Shewell. wood 14.43: C Elvidxe. choosing jurors 82 I Jae Carson, mining engineer [3.50; J as Wuhan. labor on swarm 19.50; A S Hunter, choosing: jurors 2 l Clerk. Octo- ber nil. 825. choosing jurors " pure 2he hinge We. wood 12.37. telegraph ttte,'. Charter Smith. iron piling an labor 592); (that: Brown. labor on tanks 29.55: Wm Moore. work 10.20. gravel and plow share 48.85; Wut wauou, work 6.60: W Irwin. printing 7.75; John Moller, team lnlior 4.50; A Davidson. on tMNtt. oveNeer of sidewalks 30; Crawford & McIntyre. electric suppliee 3 05. Sheet lighting from Jun l. 190t to Sept 3). 1901. 270.41). Total $138.78 Petition from Thm Swallow and oth- ers asking foratittht at corner of Wil- [inn and Hunter Se. Granted. - M O V------ SALE REGISTER. FRIDAY. Nov. H. 1g0i.---Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements an Lot, 22, con. 2. Egremont. on attove date. we at 1 o'clock. Tuna-12 months credit, 0 per cent discount for cub. GEO. Pottocar. DUGALD MCPBAIL. Proprietor. Auctioneer. On Monday, the Uth November. he- ginnimz at 12 o'clock. Mr Dan McLeod of Glenela, will hold ll crediteutction sale. Terms --12 month credit on ap- proved pulsar. D. McPhail, Auetiotuiis, Sututday. Nent l'Ah, John w, lite. Keclmiv offer: for sulu M the Contral Hotel. Upper Town. Durham on above date27 “and ot doittueule Much-rs. rum- ptining m two-year-old straw. 4 tum-yr- old hate-N. 3 dry count. om- mmpnsed to Le in MIL Tum": P2 mum. 6 per cent diswouut fur (nub. Sal» MI 2 p. III Iso. W. Mt'KEcuxm .Iunxt‘l..ucu I. Prop. Attctioueet AStyle Display NOW IS YOUR CHANG TO SAVE MONEY? WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9th introducm our opening display of Winter Millinerv. We will have several patterns direct mom New York and Toronto. This Millinery Opening is purely to trhow the new shapes new lnrs for trimming that are used so extensively, new cul- ors. new velvet: and trim. mings will be introduced. We extenda hearty welcome to all toattend this styleitunc- tion. 0 O Miss Dick. cry and Book Store. This was a Mandated Stock tard we bought the whole Stock at a very low rate on the Dollar. Landed at Keelerjs Big Ric] r?’ The great. demand " Winter Milliucl'y is now at its height and CRAB MIME. Puma an Poms. 20,000 Rolls o--0f tttNr-- --OP-- Millinery w. “.5.

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