West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1904, p. 4

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M ----..-t. Also Wilhelm’s Wrinceri. all made Raymond Sewipg Machines. Mctnarr SOMETHING NEW IN peering J11? arvesters chff?assey " 1fr.aarrls gkawrcoms cook with Darling's 1059“] “8 cake, no biscuit thrown away, butdigestable food at ev- ery baking-that causes the smile that won't come off. ftoa, want " For want of a Nail. the Shoe was lost : For want of a Shoe, the Horse was lost: For want of a Horse, the Rider was lost : And all for the want of a horseshoe Nail. " You remember the old jingle? Well, its often so. (l often due to a lack of attention to some small detail. I 0 . , Perhaarc, some of our best l ar Ins s Cakes and Pastry by the u Powder. It's easy to A . P cook with Darling's Ba , ng 91 7ohn givingstcn, we.“ Mada (Fresh Daily at the people's Drug Stare. J7 ohn (31arh. Deer Jensatz'ona/ ,'i'targairts The best in their line agave handle only the best. ITss have also a large quantity of this Twine which was kept In Burnett's Mort. and therefore undama- ged : this we offer at lowest tun-em. mm. We expect the showroom to he repaired at once, and will continue business at the old stand. Quantities of this twine slightly dnmntred by recent tire, we intend to sell off. while itjakt mg Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood. Agent for the Dillon Bulge Stay Fence. PLYMOI'TH BINDER TWINE '. OT. Warlock. At a Great Reduction. To buy an up-to-date Hat Now --. is -- your - Chance Ileauy-to-wear Felt Hats. For the next " Days, In our Millinery Department In Trimmed and Untrimmed WASHEitts: The Perforated Drum. rnlv in the Ideal =,m-..,.,',wtmtd Warm Machinery. Edwin some of our best cooks have lost many :akcs and Pastry by the use of inferior Baking l emits a ll) fif,, yearling. by Watson of Arr. A_few doors South of the Middaugh Home. Gf l, Powder and its use in sures success. No soggy Bowoler F the n. at The great losses are Durham. Teacher Wanted for S. B, No. 11. Bentinck. (Hutton Hill), Male or Fe- male, holder of a 2nd Class _Certitieate. Duties". commence Jan 1.1%. Ap- licuions received up to December IO, You. . Apply stating qualifications and experience to CHAS. LAWRENCE, Durham P. o. Secy.-Treas. will never allow the fleet to reach a harbor without fiehting a general en- gagement. With Russia's naval power absolutely destroyed, Port Ar- thur captured, Corea in process of Japanning, the Manchurian railway in her hands, and a great army in the north, the Island Kingdom can await in eontidenee the opening of the sewnd campaign of the greatest of modern wars." The Globe's expert on Tuesdav says : "The capture of Port Arthur, which must follow in a few days upon the storming of the Kekwan forts, will no doubt compensate for the slow pro. Cit of the northern campaign. The ltic fleet new en route to the east will have no other port than Vladivos- tok long before it is due to arrive. and 1'SPN, be very sure that the Japanese I The Baltic fleet, which, in the North sea, fired on a British fishing fleet, killing some men and injuring others and sinking some boats has had a dis- graceful start, The excuse given is that they were about to be attacked by Japanese torpeds boats'.! The tacts seem to be that the officers were loaded with liquor, and in a state of nervous tension. Russia has apologized and the n hole matter is to be ipyestigated at the Hague tribunal. For a tew days there was danger of war, bat the Russians held their fleet arVigo in Spain, till reparation was planned for. The fleet sailed to Tangier and has suited from there westward, but wheth- er to go by Ca Horn or Gocd Hope is not known. iris being shadowed by a chain of British war vessels connec- ted by wireless telegrupy. and goes on to almost certain destruction. l Kuropatkin has been chased a few miles further north, bat the Japs have not yet got into Mukden, so greatly desired for winter quarters. The op- posing armies are face to face for over 20 miles and only a tew hundred yards apart, and while Russia would like to close the campaign at the present stage, Japan is net so minded and another record-breaking battle is imminent in the next few days. Both sides are re- ceiving reinforcements and thousands more will soon go to swell the roll ot dead which on Japan 's side in the last 3_ months is estimated to amount to 40111) The struggle of politics for the last month has abscured the great and san- guinuy eonfiiet in the East but now that the smoke has cleared awav and we turn our eyes to Manchuria we see the gallant Sweesel still holding out in Port Arthur, though his active and nevertiring foe is creeping steadily nearer, every few days capturing a tort or some coign of vantage, though at an apalling cost of human life. These will be found on our inside pages. though of course the tigrttretr in some cases have varied since these were primed. South Grey appears as 200 while it is really 316; North Grey as 5 instead ot 23, &c. The correct standing of the parties by provinces as late as we have been able to get them is found on page 8, 3rd column. Mr Frank Harris is visiting In Strat- ford this week. SWALLow.- On Friday. November 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos Swallow a. son. DIED. FLUKER-1n Durham. on Mondav, Nov 7th, Jane Fluker, aged 85 yams. ------ Si--.--- O. Messrs John H. Hunter, T. Harris, C. Ramona. Ur. Gun, P. Saunders. Geo. Hughes. C. C. McFavden. we" in Han- nvpr on Friday last. to mingle with Hanover citizens In theirrejoieings over H. H, Miller's victory. Mr Will Hunter is a. visitor in Mt Forest mic week. Mr Donald Graham. B. c., son of Donald Graham, Prieev0le, and brother of John A.. tearher. here. came home last week for a lengthened Visit. Miss Sophia Burnett was in Toronto for several dayq last. week. Mrs Jas Baxter, North Egremont, moved to town last week. to takenp residence with her daughter. Mrs Wm Renton. Mr Arch Galbraith of Butte. Montana, is a guest of friends in town. Messrs W and P (Bass and Ansel Cook spent Sunday in Arthur. Mrs C. McLean and Miss Rennie, Up- per Town, returned to the City this week. where they will spend the winter. Miss Fitzgerald returned to London after a few weeks' visit at: W B Vollet's. Mrs Bradshaw who spent some weeks with her daughter Mrs. ( Dr ) Jamicsnn returned to her home on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs T Moran cf Durham visited friends here on Bttndttr.---Ayton Advance. Messrs Lauder Buchan and Howard Lawrence came home on Thursday last by late train. THE 1WRRA1llI REVIEW RETURNS FROM THE COUNTRY TEACHER WANTED. ------_. o WAR N EWS. BORN TORONTO The Fruit Growers. with the idea of increasing the demand for trait, ar- ranging to distribute free of cost, neat- ly gotten up booklets containing num- erous recipes for the cooking, preserv- ing, etc.. of all varieties of fruit, such as apples, [Stars peaches, plums and grapes. uch the same line of work is being followed by the Bee Keepers. Everything possible is being done to make the show of " great educational value " possible. It is expected it will be a. strong rival, in its way, to l the big Winter Fair at Guelph. I t lit id% FLOWER, FRUIT AND HONEY SHOW Gifts given for Attendance. A novel method of advertising the Provincial Fruit, Flower and Honey Show, which will be held in Toronto, November 15-19, has been devised. The Fruit Growers and Iiuritsta inter- ested have decided to give apples and flowets tree to every person who at- tends the exhibition on two days of the show. It is expected this will greatly increase the attendance and add greatly to the interest taken in the ex- hibition. The editor comments at the close as follows: "Starting With only acom- mon school education he forged his way ahead. became a municipal omcer. Bets ved six years in Parliament and eight years ago was appointed Government Emigration Commissioner and went. to Michigan where he worked for seven years. At present he has the states of \Vashington, Oregon, California and Idaho to look after, but his strong ex. ecutive ability and personality make his task seem light. and shows howa lad brought up in the Woods may imbibe enough of Nature’s smiles to have a plenty to scatter all through life." "No. Iean't say that I would," he said as he stroked his chin tettectively, " Do you know there's a place in Calla. G that used to be away hack in the woods 15 miles from any neighbor that has always dwelt in my mind as the dearest spot on earth. I wasn't bot n there, but my boyhood days were all spent in that log house and later the school house was built of logs and I don't know but what We got about as much real. good, practical hen-d sense knocked into us by those hardships. as we'd call them now, as the avenge pub- lie school gives to-dav.” 'rReally ndw, wouldn't 'you riding? live here than any other place you ever saw ?" I asked. Under the above heading a late issue of the "Oregon Statesman" pews a warm tribute to Mr J. N. Grieve. whose Wife was Miss Jemima Arrowsmitb. daugh- ter of Mrs Arrowsuiith of town Mr Grieve is government emigration agent at Salem. Part of the article is an in. leryiew. Mr Grieve beginning wuh com- plunentary references to town and neighborhood, and the. yeporler says: Btratton and Davis it is reported. have resigned. Gibson will likely follow suit. These men have. been under grave char es. especmlly Stratton. yet a. tc','l,'l'it of judges frees tum. However, without swimming them guilty. there is no doubt t e pub ic conscience in look- ing for a scapegoat has fastened upon them, and their action in resigning will give the Hon. G. W. Ross an opportun- ity With a. g.'Tel",7e,',,' cabinet. to lace. the electors. an when he does so his long and excellent record wall go {at to carry him and his adrmnstratidn to vie. tory once more. Today, Jf,th'tetg, Nov. 9, King Edward VII attains t we ot Sign. The untoward season revenuon oor celebrations in the K'orthern hemio sphere anyway. and his Majesty. re- cognizing this has ordered his birth- day to be celebrated on Empire Day, May 24, which, by this generation. will alwaysbe associated in memory with.the good Queen Victoria. The long record of power has much brilliant legislation to its credit. On- tario has prospered through good and evil times, more than any other pro- vinee. No stain of neglect of the needy and the heipless lies at their door, the needs of the great farming. class have received due attention. the conserva- tion of the Forest wealth of the province has been fairly well attended to, the development of the mineral wealth has been encouraged. and not one cent of debt rests on the province while during 18 years of Conservative rule in the Do- minion 8118.000,000 was added to the debt. and during the last ft years of Re. form rule the debt has been reduced. King Edward since mounting the throne has not been a. future head. He has been a great peace promoter. he recognizes his high station as an in- flaenee tor good, he hasa noble wo- man for wife and all will heartilypray God Save the King & Queen. r These weaknesses have without doubt in some cases become crimes. We do not Shirk the question. we do not at- tempt to palliale them much less to juslily them. He has been blamed for profiting by them, but it can never he shown that c, W Rosa at any time con- uived at tbe crime-s of unwise partizanm ever attempted to insiify them, and where judicially and legally proved has not been slow to condemn. One thing he has not done. He has not committed polihcal suicide by giv- ing up the reins to his opponents. Had he done so he would have gone to op- position admitting his personal com- plicity. He deplorcs corruption as much as any man. but the man has not yet been found who, tecnuse that hit! neighbor is diseased, will voluntarily do himself to death. ' Scarcely hate the din of iaille m the Dominion died away. till rumor-5 of n rovinoinl engagement go abroad. Il','.',',,",,",?,,",,' Ross is described by the Toron- to News us .. Shivering on the Brink," whiie those who know him well, and the News ehonid certainly. are con- vinced there's no shivering about him. He is a statesman in the unfortunate pmition of being at the far end of a long lease of power, and has to face the nd.. ded calmnnies of a third of a century of vitupetation, with the weaknesses which inevitably creep into " party so long in Pep'" . . ... . , .. THE ONTARIO ELECTIONS. THE SAME OLD STORY. GOD SAVE TUE KING. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, wtll receive our best attention. Well-known and reliable. Giving beet satisfaction. Once used. “le! need. Prices and terms to unit purchasers. Call and examine. Harvesting Machinery of this famous arm's make t PEEL, The Slli)lllllhli HIGHEST PRICES paid fur hm Furs Cheap Cash Store REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next Campbell's Implement Warehouse. I S. Mollraith Trunks, Valisea, Club bags. Telescopes &e. on hand. Men's and Boys' M as lined or unlined. Gloves, kid and mocho. womanh gauntlets " rock bot- tom prices. Try a box of the water- proof dnbbin we sell in 5, IO, 15e tins. Men's Raincoats, worm . Men's neat all-wool Guernsey's“, worth " now you Men's Shoes, worth 2.25 r, and2.50.now........... 1.50 Ladies' Coats, all sizes, latest styles, heavy homespun and beaver- cloth. tand (dl length, reg. price irxstn85upto81 ; we offer them for, each .. 82 to $5 Ladies' Nightgowns, pink and blue, heavy fiannelette, fora very low pre, ' each ...... 600, Mo and 750 Miller and McKinnon Are after your Vote Upper Town, - - Men's Heavy Moleskin Pants,, reg. tl, for each., I am after a share ot your trade and have in stock a good supply at Boots, Shoes, Rubbers &c, for all classes. A long rubber boot with leather insole and corrugated edge worth td.25, selling " 84.00. the best rubber boot tor the money to be had in town. The Public of Durham and vicinity are invited to inspect the following goods which will be found "first-class value. he) familiar: ' 294m cg. Give us your measure and shoe repairing. UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. Custom Work and Repair- ing Promytly Attended to. Your feet warm by wearing our footwear. 'akos, J. Levine, TERMS: CASH. My Woevert finder: so 'mar, thu, W! worth " 2.75 Durham. and 76e 75e GROUND MIXED SPICE BAKING' POWDER, ' MRS. A. BURNETT ICINGS JELLY POWDERS . ...... All Flawrs. per pkg, EXTRACTS . MACHINE REPAIRING The leading Watchmnker Jeweller. To hue your watch fixed RIGHT, get it done " Almond, Chocolate, t Maple Cream & Pink s' per pkg. 10e " PURE GOLD " Is a reliable name and the goods are just as reliable. You will make no mistake' by giving them a trial. By Modern Methods And In Reasonable Rates And Insure Satisfaction REPAIRS Remember that chenpnees is not based on what you pay ; but on what you get for what you pay. You get what you pay for, when you deal at THE HARDWARE STORE, and you have the greatest variety that can be found anywhere to pick .Don’t Forget from. Just received from Pennsyl- vania, ancther shipment of these Fancy Lamps that are picked, up so rapidly by the Toronto travellers. because they cannot buy of equal appearance as cheap in their own home. We also carry Coal Oil Heaters, which are greatly used when the weather is changing. Every Family should have one of our Knife Cleaners They are superior to anything ever offered before. We look to the wants of every person, and this week have taken into stock another supply of Buggy Lanterns Mi-- rect from New Venn. Our assortment of Stable Lanterns is worth examining. Our Heating Stoves and Ranges are going. 1?f.r. rapidly. Seeour Wheelbarrows be- fore buying elsewhere. WE KEEP IN STOCK HARDWARE I We have every feeimy and lone experience and it will pay you to deal with In. All Flavors, per bottle....10c That We do OCTOBER M, ttrot . 0ordon's W. BLACK. adi, percan....10c per pkg. 10e w; It Still they 1 Still there ar Whr t This S1 night u days. any a ud ll SlMURRD CAPITAI " AGENTS Ontario. l 81-!“ and ll! Daft, is all paint: all ulluw SAVINGS BAN cAl'l'I khan! uvmgt, l wards MN" I dist-cm BIG/4? DURHA A TERM IN \PARTMI C. A. FLEMDK cient 1 turn: I: mom h not-v in Pom“ wih plm oomph-u an" Ty Them ir Innituu otqft of aunan. rim” Ti MUM“- FECT w n yenet'a 'N'N Raute m any _ 1:913:- melt at if laws. Over- eatiyte-rt-tr 'rtiid brings indignuon. llldlgzstiOI Ina-u ynpep- all and consti- tration. Too iictt [cod and drink menu billouuess-nd kidney trouble She gnu I“. 1 w. ll ova Urhaz men " m. Tr turn are alw it ll UV WOW India! mm the OCTO Head 0 NW six, moo GEO. F 4Cyt, " a" M 1Vti S “Rt \\

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