West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1904, p. 8

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Sr. 3rd.--John McKeclmie. tsarah Me. Dougull. Maude Pineo. Jr. Srd---rarttie Button May Britton, 2nd-arcttie Mc- Dougall. Campbell Clarke. Arthur Lun- ney. Pt 2nd t5r--Frank Twamley. Jim Brown. Pt 2nd Jr-Irene Button. Pearl Hopkins. Fred Tony. Pt. 1 Br.-- Willie Button. Willie Hofrkrrys. Pt 1 Jr ---MmtRie Lunney. Maggie Clark. Hugh Hendry. ISA CAIPBILL, Teacher. Report of S. S. No 10. Gleuelg & E mont. 5th cimur.--g S MeDerriiid. 'lt Jim». Uhinlett. Lizzie McClain. 3rd...-. gurus McKinnon. Ada. McLean. Saul! Nebulae": Chan McDonald. tir ttmt-- Jennie Hooper. 'fee, Hutton! and 11trr 'y:..errp,re,J_iii't?.tt Meyer. It - . n . - --W" -"eeP'f. “ Snd--Katid, McCuaig. Cbu ' McKinnon. Ro Mth-rlnid. Ida McCuam. Ptaud 1'fi7d'ech?,', 1,Stht Bennie' Eudora. Pt lst tbr--rnoqsio nope. (Nady- Tue. ker. Pt let JrtA9iedfs Hooper. Henry Tucker. MatrtrieAte1aaoGi. Male nr female. for S. S. No. 3, Bon.. tinct. Duties to begin at the New Year. Applications to he opened Noy. 21. Ap- ply tstating qualitieation. and salary expected to J. w. VICKERS, Bevy, Vicious P. o. Athed Corbett] Wm. Ita, [Trustees Rom. Lin any, All persons are strictly forbidden 'ttootintr. hunlirg nrnmning dogs on lots No 58. 50 S. . R.. also lots No 60, N. D. R. and lots No 50. tto. fu. 2nd (son. 8 D. R. lot No ar, con l, N D R, Ben- tinck. Drmt Mk permits: this mean. you. Wu. Gum-neon. Rom. LINDSAY. Jxo BAILEY. Wm. Johnston, Jr., Dblmy tings," tion w charge Report lor S. B. Durnam School The school THOS. ALLAN MISS L. h. Fo strictly "trt-et- In all (Remnants. In"! new! “Mac the. Student. admitted " any itrte. comer You” and Alexander Bu. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Come to Grant's. He keeps the King Shoes as well as some oth.. er makes and sells them just as cheap as a poorer quality. The best is the cheapest and is none too good for you. CASH OR PRODUCE. Is the question. Well. our ad- vice is to buy from a firm who have a good name and a reputa- tion at stake. 'There are plenty of them and among the foremost are the J. D. King Co, who have been in business over a quarter of a century. It's a long time, but the goods manufactured by them have given such good sa- thfaction that they did the bus- iness and consequently are still doing it. ll Health mm action a bomb. Ala ',h"lMtlttit Ann”. 'ar. nk -. ----i_eV -- 'llJ ‘Iu" but more so in the cold and wet weather. A person well shod looks comfortable and feels " he looks. dorm Are indispen.sirle at Any time, in Boots & Shoes FF. ES: 91 per month in Bdeaatee, AiiiiF'i; Consumption Give nature three helps, and nearly ever], ease of col- suption vi recover. Fresh air, most important of all. “IN“AMMM you: no. P2T.f,'.",U'W'..'2trN'tT. “an. Inn-I'MIL" mammals. Nourishing food comes next. Then. a medicine to control the couch and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. MIT". R. A., Matbenuucs Ind Science TEACHER WANTED. tool is thoroughly equilpped in teaching "ltetrticst Ind electric. supine: and tit- for full Junior Leaving an Mammal- Thc following competent nut! are in St-" and Equipment- /// Te-"-" "d, A', / [/42v/4' life 'ijirfaaii.iii,ii',is' 'ifiiisfi,i, rename. ONT. \/ Cherry Pectoral iii. When you Buy IN. 1stcitoscertmente, Niacin-l b"irRC.R, B. A., Classics and Mo Chairman Where to buy ? M. 'ershGiiia,, Team WARNING "T'"-".-, udu-4..¢. ' Grant. for o. C. Ram-go, Sun-tan Bentiuck. g. a. A)!!!» Toronto send: 5 Commuting Hali- fax. Kingston. london, Ottawa, Win- nipeg. all go Liberal, Hamilton has one Liberal out at two, Mona-u! In: 4 liberals on: of 5, Baum is Gomor- nu..- - se --_--, mm by 167 vain: swept N. y(P,i,ryej0tiriiii"n"iCi'uTtl rad. won in S. Bruce. The 3 Hahn: tttttttsed me: surprise by all going Conserved". Conmee. Thunder Bar, is elecked while Duncan Marshall is defeated in Intake. _ _ .7 -'_..W. vuv a"%"Mo"v" issues, Ontario has still a Conserva- tive majority though small now. Quebec gives 11 out of 65 seats to the ConserVatives, Nova Sootia has every seat liberal, and so has British. 001- umbin and the Territories, Maniaobo 7 Liberals, 3 Cori, New Brunswick 7 Liberels, 6 Con's; P. E. Island I Lib- eral, 3 Conservatives. W. P. Ielfoirfgtxet,rr, of ohr on J. P.) is elected in Grey. Martin. Idherat swept N. Wellington. Mackenzie, Libe- ral, won in S. Bruce. “r ... -"--.9.._.. to. urry in line with Laurierand greater Canada. E. J. Rose Mi Forest-Hearty congratulations. D. McQueen, A Mch-hern. P F Metn. tyre. Ch,etrler--Contrratuiatiomt. You’re a. dandy. Wm. Me Dom-Id C'hesuey--Hurrtu, for Sullivan.' We are all proud of You. B S Halliday. Aurorn---Heartiest congratulations to yourself. constituency. and the country in your splendid victory. Wm Unlock. 3.i.ontrttrccomrratauations. S in line with Lauriernnd are“... ft, From outside points on his desk were a sheaf of telegl-vns of con ratulation and We append a few we Loci the liber- ty of copying: But the Durham coach was ready and who spoke. sangnr played subse- quently. or whether Mr Miller got to bed that night is not known to this writer but we haven't the least doubt that the excusable mutual admiration party came to an agreeable close. The mantle of Dr Landerkin has tallen on H H Miller's shoulders and that he will wear it worthily and well is a certainty. n tempemm principles. Mr Miller decided against this" too common rat-tier; hut caused it to be known 1'M'i"/it, dining tables Were open to all who wished to stay for the evening. and many accepted the liliernlily in the ‘spilit in which it was offered. Friday as the news spread to country districts. the same enthusiasm ted many to Hanover to see sud congratulate the new member. As the afternoon ad. vaneed the streets of the busy manu facturin town became thickly hesprinko led witg enthusiasts and a steady stream of Milena passed into and out of Mr Miller’s tine otBce and found of course the game glad hand as before. If any came expecting free drinks, and it certainly did not appear so, they would be diteopty1tted,frittrG to his to man. playedufew pieces outside. Very properly there was no irritating jubilat- tion, no broom brigades. rather. a quiet subduction on the part of friends and a satisfied at'qttieseeriee on the part of opponent-s that the representation of South Grey would not nude: in the hands of H. H. Miller. The Town hand at intervals gave some good selections andthe Hanover hand, t.hatyeompanied their towns- f His father. MrR B Miller. who was present was called upon and Ibo made an Interesting address. He began by heetiousiy reminding them that his pedigree had preceded tum. and gave again the substance of his letter as it appeared in the. REVIEW. Me was proud of his son’s success. but he was prouder still that that success had been won without Iesort to any improper methods or ttacratice of principle. He did not inninuate that his opponent bud been lacking in that respect for he he. lieved it had been n clean campaign. He dealt with puhlic mutton for a while in a atrain and with such ability as to show plainly where "H. H." got his platform power. I few “word; ghout the Hanover. ind thought. and he and BO with all modesty. that it spoke well for the puhlic life of nomad» that npoor hay could attain to this highest erle' sentative position in that time. "Sed Save the King? and then home The audience were especial]; at one with him as he recounted his rat M)- pearance in Durham 25 Yen" ago. He went four years here, the remainder In course there had been no uradi& bitter lieu. thanked his friend. mirmly for ttearte and unsolicited on give credit to the [knew for “to work during the campaign and mu hall I word for the Chronicle. HOW hir Msumnces made on every platform. that he would represent the whole people. that he would be as accessible“; Conservatives as to Reform”. turd would endeavor with all earnestness to worthily represent Mouth Grey. 'Y B. a mum, M. my"! (Continued from m), Receiving the no“ AT HANOVER. Wm. Mé'bouilé' . F. tandem}; Dominion E33 Grey uu wave me “one hummer " the cGG omen. Henover. on or before the 15th day of December. 190h--carmd Tfillitsr--thora--/rut H Past refund to Commienoner Willie the sum of 82.80 money received by him for gravel taken oi the med. and that he (the aid H Phat vithdr'uv the suit use"? 0 Heater. and pay enema incurred y the heme wit-Mid. Tlot-tIrie-v-pri," J t paid " for 24 rods of wire lot 89, eon 8, W G R, Smith. fence ‘iewer. be Pt 'tpetting same end cheque: 1lrottinriusraott-.Ta lie leave the “one Uauneg omen. Hanover, on or bet a” of December. 1906.--C same and cheque uaue.--carried. . --- -.. Cronin-WMU-Thu the Reeve and Assessor be paid " each for selocling jurora and cheque do iatmm---carriek. Mr Cronin reported on expenditure of “$25 on roads on Diyisiou No 4 since last meeting, ' To the Reeve and Council all the Town. l ship of Bentinck: I Gentlemeu,--I beg to report " fol. _ lows: As one of the committee on Ihr "iation T L B & s., I warot to Deeboro on Oct. 8rd to see what action the Coun- ml of Sullivan was going to take In the elevation in question. They appointed two of their Council to not with us. My- self and Mr Moore were appointed to go to the-e ptsrtio and get them to sign an Agreement before the engineer would be brought out. i We did so. The next week the engineer was to come to enrvey the road. so they notified me the day he was l coming and asked me to be there on Oct mm " 10 o'clock. Bo the donation we. surveyed thee day. (t3gd) Funk Gnome. Councillor. Tors--ariersou--TUt the report of Mr Cronin on aeration town‘line Ben- tlneh end Sullivan be received end he. Mr Cronin. be paid $3 for time spent an I amend cheque uaue.--.turried. The Beutiuck Council met in the clerk's offlee, Hanover, on Sutulday. the 29m October. Members all present, the new in the chair. The ways reported hav- expeuded Mo.26 In the repairs of bridges since last meeting. C I38 72 4 Liberal umjoritv ar. Elections yet to he held are Kootpnny arid Ytsle-Ciritooo, in British Columbia; Mackenzie, in the North-West Territo- ries, and the Yukon. Ontario . ....... Quebec ........ Nova Scotia .. . N Brunswick .. P. E. Island . . . .. Manitoba .. . . . .. N W Territories . grins!) Col. ..... Yukon .: The Ayton Advance of last week says: "This election was the least impassion- ute of any that has been fought out here for sometime. We think the credit of this is due largely to the candidates. They showed " splendid example to the electors. Mr Miller, the reform candi- date, did not decrynr in any way showm- abnoes on his opponent, a. campaign tactic which was very much resorted so in former elections. and it is nowhere stated that Mr McKinnon indulged in personal abuse of Me. Miller. This good example as we say was copied by the electors and while each party worked hard fox its man, there was very little ill feeling created throughout the riding. And this is omit should he. Good neigh- bors cannot afford to quarrel over poli- ties and politicians. They have the politicians with them during the short space of time that the campaign em- braces. but the good neighbor is ever presentto lend a helping hand. or whis- per 9. word of cheer in the time of need. OPPOSITION‘S COMFORT GONE. After the last two elections Ontario Conservatives had one poser which to them was a wonderful crumb of com- fort to be rolled under the tongue as a rare morsel. How many thousand times has this statement been made : 6t If Laurier was not a French-Cana- dian, and did not carry a solid Quebec. his majority would be wiped out"? But this time that one crumb of comfort has been brushed away. The Govern ment majority in Quebec this time, while large, will not be more than 45, r and outside Quebec the Government will have a majority of 25, and pro- bably 30. Quebec could have given a Conservative majority of 10 and the _ Government would still have been sus~ tained. It is perhaps the most re. markable tribute that Canada has ever paid to a political leader. Not only 18 the majority thelargest. bat it comes after eight years of ottiee. and the his- tory ot Governments in Canada hither- to has been that they do not get strong- fr with years" " When Sir Wilfrid Laurier taces his new Parliament he will have a major ity of at least 70, and perhaps over that. Bis majority will be greater than the number of seats held by the Conservatives altogether, and it the Opposition to Parliament had to put up a deyosit on the same terms " the individual candidates their depo- sit would be lost. Such is the over- whelming verdict of the electors of Canada yesterdav. Fielding's great victory in Nova Scott. is a tribute to his 'trenttth. 1896 majority W, 1900 majority 52, 1901 majority 70. Afew more elec- tionaand we country will be amni- Inons for Liberal ttdtitinUtration. The solid Liberal west is a plain de. mind tor the new Railway, and for the Liberal plan of construction. Ayleeworth is the only member ot the government defeated.' . The Result by Provinces. BENTINCK COUNLIL‘ (From the Tbronto Stan) me we engineer would be We did so. The next week was to come to aurvey the notified me the day he wan m-That John D Clark be rods of wirefonee In tlt st W G R., and John W awer. be paid M for in. und cheques itutut.--Ahrr. mon-Tut Mr _Robt Lou- Long Live Lauder. Lib. tiid "WE THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Con. To be held 47 . ll Tans. Dixon. deerton P o. Solicitor for theaaid Admin Matrix Dated at deerton this m October, I“. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the Statute in that he- half that all persons having claims upon or against the estate of Archibald But. ter, late of the Village of Pricegille in our County of Greg. Merchant. eceae- ed, who died on t e 27th day of Set» teuiher 1904. are required On or before the 8rd day of December 1901 to send by post. prepaid. or deliver l to the undersigned tsolicitor for the ad- minietmtrix of the estate of the deceased their Christian and Surnames. the full particulars of their claims, their ‘nd- dresses and descriptions. end the nature of the security. if any. held by them. And, further take notice. that after the said third day of December. 1001 the said administrUrix will proceed to die. trihute the assets of the eeid deceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to thoee claim- of which the then had notice. And that the said edminietntrix ehell not be lie- hie for the aid - or any other pert thereof on Gingham to my pet-eon or persons of when chin: or claim notice the“ not have been receivedet the time of dietribution. Me Neil Stewart has been (am-aged with Mr Sparling and commenced to-day, Monday. ' Mr John Stewart has tiuished thrashing and is now busy tilling the sail. We beg to apo'ogize for an error last week. We said we heard Mum Clara Hill was on the Sick list but we should have said Mrs Cleveland Bevington, With cousin. U S A, daughter of Mrs Wm Hill. Bantinck We are glad to hear she in re- covering. Dnrinu the last electric storm tl tamrnck tree In the big swamp about 90ft lugh was struck by a bolt and slivered to the around after wards catching Sre and burn. ine off at the root fell over. A curious feature in there was t brush pile onlyn few feet " and did not catch fire. . Administrators Notice to Creditors Well Mr Editor here we are again WIN) a little more news. We had A little error last week hinting we might pile up 60 or 70 majority for Mr Miller. Well we than aged to get half of the latter 35. We would have given more but We had a few l rusty guns that relused to go to the poll, but they Will be polished before six week,' The election pulsed of very quiet here. Early in the day inwas expectad Mr Mc- Kilmou's majority would be 100 but grad- ually it ten and by four o‘clock it was expected to be a close our, bat Mr Eur mm was gonng to be-elecwu so consequent- ly u large number started for Durham and a large number hols the back streets for home. We understand two or three took for home through the Woods. Election day Was very quiet, Part voted then went [mum ho the unnip th and all went nice and quiet. “h ----_--------.,- P Shaw's two 50m: buy. gone north lo the lumber camp. Jet, Snell and Wm Gunble have gone to Muskoka deer hunting. Mrs Scarlet. 8r.. formerly of the babe! and for dunghu-rr Serena. left on the 5th tor San]: St Marie. and bid the people here farewell for good. The Proton Council held a meelmg here in Hilton's Hotel on Suturday. the 29th. There was only three of the mem. bore of Council present until 4 o'cloqk p. m. when another arrived. Mr Shaw was absent by being away at Hamilton on business. The grim leaper, Dearth has been in our midst auxin taking as its victim Ruby, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Anderson. She had been ailing for some time until early Sunday morn- ing when Death opened for her the por- tals hy whidb she entered in unto Him who said .. Btuter little childien to come unto me and forbid them not." The funeral took place on Monday. We join the umny friends in extending sympathy. The Bible Suck-Ly meeting in the Methodist church here last Tunsdny evening was fairly well attended. Mrs H McDonald and Miss Thom'p; Eanof Unrhmu spent Sunday at Hoh- tr 's. Miss Hutton at present attending the'Durham Model Selma] has been en. gazed 'tateather here for the commg year. The school is in excellent shape. hem-r Hun it has been for ears. hav- ing been brought up to a IU standard through the efforts of Miss McKenzie. who has been engaged as teacher in Varney School at "sulrstantiat salary. Messrs S and C Habermehl named ttTyysthtown on Sunday. Mrs H Mchnald spent a week's visit with friends in Walkerlun and in Han. over. The McCartney Bros. lane this weak for New Ontario. after spending a very pleasant month with friends and Icquuu- tttttees In the community. Mt Geo Skene, after spouding a short time in the progressive Went. returned in time to pm. in a tute for Miller and good government. We regret the departure to the Guy of Miss Cohan. thuupbelt winning manner is much missed eociul circles. Ber Mr Altchisou. aeeompanied by his estimable life partner, unyed in the burg on Thursday eve. We extend cou- grntnlations and an addition to within! them temporal prosperity may their rpiritual stfortt: be crowned with sum“. ma Me Editor, the election no 'P." am. the Victory in South any m III Dominion m n gloriou- ono indeed. The Tories want into the enmptign wulmut a policy‘nnd came out of it with- out my leader, The three wand: sur- rounding Dornocb rolled up a tnaanih- cient majority (184) for ll B Muller. whose victory wu heralded with joy and glgdnessr. 3’5. WELBECK. HOPEVILLE. CRAWFORD 0‘-.. I --A mutonhé hllou in London is make plus. Hon Mr Hyman's m- Queen whore in the k fb', b"' “1’ _ 'it; j ”5.x! "--A airmen! elation is being held in Que this month ad the Comer.. vuive party have decided to pm: no candidates anywhere as I prBteat tutu“ dissolution. They were only 7 in number in Int parliament. The undersigned has for sale, ready to use, (5) Me thorobred Tumwoa th Bouts, Price reasonable. __, . Haunt ALEXANDER. ot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R.. Bentinck. TOPICS OF THE WEEK The above prices are for Trade or Cash for Saturday only A . FEW " BARGAIN - DRESS . ENDS " FOR - SATURDAY: 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar for..........-) 3 lbs Soda Bistnlitr.....................-. 213 4 plugs McDonald Tobacco-uh..................3oc w BOARS FOR SALE. Something Startling for Saturday . Bargains. We never have permitted and never will permit, may one to underSell us or successfully to dispute our supremacy in any branch of our business. (iripjart of the week, not later thap Thursday of each week. 2l,ti, THE BIO STORE Butter, Eggs and Fowl wtytted--every day in the week Highest Prices paid either in Cash or Produce- just arrived, making our stock most oom'plete in this line. Come early and get the advantage of a good choice. We m1 just mention Tight here that we have the largest stock of Rubber lilphtremr in town. We can furnish you with a complete Winter Outfit. Ladies' and Men’s Fur Caps of every description Ladies' and Girls’ Gauntlets. in gray and black Astrachan and Persian Lamb. Ladies' Fur Capes. Caperines. Boas, and other Neck Furs. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets in good varieties. Furs! Furs! Furs/li)! Alex. Russell. 2 Dress Ends Black, were Me, Saturday. .. . .. ..60e per yd 1 " was 95e, " ........75tt peryd 2 " werett.00, " ........75cperyd 2 " were 1.25, " ........t.00per yd The largest stock to select from, the best qual- ity, and the lowest priced accordingly in town. THE PEOPLE'tt STORE Robt. Burnett. Fowl must be dry picked, grops empty, and delivered THE PEOPLE’S STORE More New Overcoats Goods delivered to all parts 07 the town FRESH GROCERIES always Gr:x'rLEMEs-.See our Coon, Fur-lined, Wombats, Astrachan, Bear- skin and other varieties of Fur Coats LISTEN was um. mum and in good Mecca]. tintion for dlkindo of Remain- in lo new. hard worm Pour rage. from Priming. {mile from Ochoa. On farm on two good wilt, Brick Hommxawith Itch“: 17:28.13] ttg',iiiii tyj'tgliiliiiiiiii? “a: m tt ood. Eu term. of that to“ 'fflllhue."e,,t If L',.'tte " - - - -- v. F um. A If 9m..- P. o, cram Ut Lou32x33. Oon.2s. D. a “It! 100 acre. mare or teen. J maeendmd In m - For Service It Jan. Pat near Attrfeuitumt 930% 'Loo. 1A. B.- Don't feed them too long. $"i'"'I'9 are prepared to pay the highest prices ever paid in Durham or vicinity. . ' Now is the time to sell your fowl FARM: FOR SALE Ki NOWHIB IO, 1904 L "chop; ii, o JYns won-m. "GU Jae. FALKINGKAI. LTTit-rr--- DR SALE. , tk D. R., 'mttatet. , he. About an u Ir,ttkittet2aanu ith, fix l, f'd 18.IMMMy: 'lil,' VOL. _kie'v'/h'alyg; Space will not to our More ya to an all you All Pmduee New Udi New Umb New Shoe Men's Un New Glow New Und New Flam. In“: and , 3mm and T1 ”may and n Blvmw and M REVIEW and ll REVIEW and W Rlvmw and ll Rttvtttw and bl Blvmw und ll Blvutw and M New Suiti GIRLS' co Millin Pall LA0lES' c Men's Our st Review RUFFS value That we Short l m3. Our M work models you 'd We cat tracks 1 Rem: I The n Over , where quick ur at We a! weigh and cl Stole 360 union Girls', A In; "Jae We h Ring, Ot A td We It in all tttte to dai XX W m

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