West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1904, p. 1

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t 1904 'L'RDAV " only rday Alex. Russell $100 21c .30e 50-! LE] st Exxmmmmmammmsmmfié VOL. ' N0. 46 .735 'rait% The REVIEW too, remember extremely low. [ ANOTHER GREAT CONCERT. -- The 180m of Scotland 1titt here. remem- ibering their experience est winter. are taking time by the forelock and have arranged for a first class concert on Thur-duly Dec, 8. The talent consists of the wel -known and talented Harold Jarvis, of Benoit. Mine Marietta La Dell Toronto. Miss Dunlap. Hamilton, aciev. er eortralto Scotch vocalist. and also an accompanist. The high class talent being expensive, the committee have pieced the Mimi-awn to all parts of the Bell for 500. There will thus be no prowling. Plan " MocFerlene’e Drug Store tint come first served in the tttui In“. Dot. of opening the' an be announced next week. ( “v“- "I m.-.NrF "~va nun-vulvui a heat of all is that his school WOT-Ends; not in the least deteriot ate. ', The premium picture gin-n this your fwith the Family Hera] and \Veekly }Stnr of Montreal is a decided change , from former you”. It is entitled .. The I'Princess utwnrk." and is proving im. i int-mu ly popular. Th nun who hnve re 'ceived their copies Kronounce it easiiy fworth more than t e entire years sub- ‘scription to that great pltle". The I publishers are on the lookout for ener- ', getic canvass": in awry locality. Any 1 smart. boy or girl can make lots of pocket money for Christmas by Writing to the 1"ftll'iut' Rmsma THE FLao.--On Wednesday of last week F. very Interesting ceremony toot; place " Bunessan school house. This was the honoring and raising of a. new flair, procured by the teacher and his pupils. A nice program of music and speeches was rendered. Teacher Mr A. Firth is not only popular but public spirited and patriotic: the for. mer shown by the splendid exhibition of native weeds at the fall show. the latter yyp.if,latyt. function . and the _ INTO HIS NEW thmm-Mr Wm. J ' Me. Farlane. blacksmith. moved this week into the renovated shop on the corner of Chester and Garnfraxa Sta, and has now comfortable and commodious quarters without the persistent lean over that characterized the old building. new be. ing torn down. in which he and his fa. ther before him have done business since early Durham days. Mr McFarlanzo‘s business keeps agrowing and we wish him many prosperous days in " new quarters. is Miss Eldn. Flounf Wiarton, a grad- uate of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Special otrerintrtgtut. Trust funds at all the services. AXNIVERSARY b'envictrac-Tue an- ttttal anniversary services of the Metho. diet chmch here wtll he held on Sunday next with a reunion on Monday evening. The paw-r will preach the anniversary t,r2y.onsxyyi wt.!yi.tou?itt..t9t' the occasion hood. She died from an acute attack of pneumonia and is greatly mourned. " sons acted as pall-heave/ar, Ive would like to rPceive a fuller obituary notice of this worthy lady for next Week’s paper. Tm; LATE Mm, CortLtrrr.-The tuner. al of thelate Mrs Collett to the Lntonn Cemetery on Sutuldny last is said to be tAtl,'meitt, trt," seen in the neighlgnr: at.Hy.ihyitAt,.--Toroy. Wednesday. a little bird tells as Miss Clara McDonald daughter of Mr Donald McDonald is being united in marriage to Mr Samuel McAllister of town. They leave by afternoon twin for Palmerston and other points. The Review thettdsull good wishes. Particulars next. week. 7 v - 7"“--. unor~uulun lu- ”NW nun. tet room. The othu m.ttttrJny 6 room Ltttht mum-a. in hath .. Rent! "todernte. Apple tu__ - HOUSES To Lrr.-Two houses in a desirable part of the town, corner at GWI'NXM and Durham Roads. One tettlet 8 ruins. (lg-stacks“ tux-mes 0nd m Ntrrcte,--0nly $1.00 for the REVIEW and tine 4-cnlor cover Holiday Numb: r till Jan. I. 1906. Suhscrihe now and get the Lem-m of this year ft ee. We have a tew ot our last yertr'ts,AnnuaU left, It fey one has been omitted we will send thém onis. We buy Poultry. dead or alive. and are doing a. higger hueiness than ever in this line this year. Rush In your fowl TAYLOR & 00.. Drumore. A CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION is tsuU., led fur Mummy next in the Town Hall. Prominent speakers annrnunced are Mr Miscampln-ll and Ml-Downey, both lend- ing mambo-rs ot the party and reputed to be good speakers. THANKSGIVING SERVICES - Will be held in the Preehyterinn Church at 11 a. m. on Thursday. Pastor Furquhax-son will french. A full attendance should mat the occasion. Mrs. McArthur has taken charge of the C. McArthur atorem the place of Mr. Alex McArthur. former clerk and respectfully trolieitsaeontinaance of the public patronage, / PASTOR AND WIFE Wttracomen.-. Our Dornnch 1'orrestptpndent does justice to the reception to Rey Mr. and Mrs. Ait. chimn. We take space to add our own congratulations, GUILD t$ocrAL.--Another of the pop- ular social: of this body is to be held on 28th inst . and the committee are mak- ing due preparations. Fuller notice next week, FARM Borax--Mr. Jaa. Moriee has told his farm to Mr. McCulin. near Allan Park. and will as we mentioned last week move west. in the spring. Poultry Wanted-Dead or alive. Highest prion, cash or trade, at J. M. Findlay':, Dromorv. Nam lth---A year ago to-duy winter begun. Tttureiirhaimr weather and upland” loads. Only 81 for the Blvmw to Jan, 1 man. t%tteerthe at once. to Juan: 1, 1908, with Holiday Number] W CCE WM. BLACK. if? 'vc 7, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER till, E fiii"if m Male or female. for B. 8. No. 3. Ben- tinck. Duties to begin at the New Year. Applications to be opened Nor. 21. Ap- ply 2ti1't qunutiutions and ulna-y expected o ‘J. W. Vienna. Beer, Vick"- P. o Alhed Corbett] _ ' . Rocky Saugeen " We the members of Burn’e Church congregation in gathering here to tret. come nAitchIeon to our midst ask you to accept this agree as a memento of this occasion. e understand that the Dornoch people are contributing to the furnishing of the mouse ty therm- chasing)“ a hall rack. We would ra her ( like t is' oornoeh people l have pur- chased some article of fur-mime hut not knowing what was needed moat we place the money in “your hands and have you make the action yourself. In ankmgh you to accept this small gift we do I0 oping that you will accept it as a mark of our utehm. We all join heartily in welcoming In Aitchieon to out m dot and tr that ig",', may be ',t',M'""d to eac other your noble wo . A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Alt- ehison of at tine halt stand and a pun-e containing a goodly sum of monev. the former from Lutomt congregation and the latter agitt from Burns’ Chum-h. ( Rocky Smut-en. Mt Aitrhison replied , i very fillingly. The following are the' j uddreascss read with the presentation t . Latona I t6 We the members and ndhereuls off Lutomt congregation on this the nus-: picious occasion of your entering our; :nidet ustbe helpmeet of our beloved und honored pastor do extend to you a most. cordial welcome knowing that! your presence in the ntztnse and com-I munity will aid in perpetuating and in- i, creasing the gratifying success that has F attended the labors of our pastor a- mong us. PT/gi that the benetieatnt ini1uénee of a christ an home in a com- munity cannot be. estimated. and feeling and to ly appreciatan this we beg you to accept this as a memento of the, occasion with the earnest prayer that. you and our pastor may long be spared It to do good serwce in the Master's cause it that {gar labors mag be blessed in the I' iugat rin into an strengthening of I; tlodt GfllLlll? l Wm. Torr P""" Baht. Ling.” . - r, _.r...,., .......... 319mm, to the many temp! ine delicacies. he choir tendered several tine selec- tions and were heartily encored. l On Wednesday of last week a very I pleasant evening “ms spent, in the lume- ment of the Presbyterian church here when a goodly "ttttttret. gathered to ex»? tend a hearty Welcome to Mrs Aitchiloo. l, The night was an ideal one and the com- ' Iuodlons basement was moo filled to _ t.ryetfiowing. Mr Putherlmugh of the f Rocky congregation was unanimously l chosen chairman and discharged the " duties of that office in n. creditable and l satisfactory manner. The ladies of the I congregation are to he congratulated on I: the, .lunch. provided. all .doingunmple ;. The bride received many handomne in"! useful presents. She went to Onio- mdo n few' year: Run and ttan made many friends there and these with {elm t1veeiand friends around her Mr. (including thet writer. boring _ q ‘5. whileMvM' will!) he the arAqiiiit. Bosnia a. full share of life's Meanings. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh left the aG.. ing day tor their home in Aspen. where Mr McIntosh is engaged in mining. . The bride wore a gown of white Ipuu silk and carried almqurt of bride's roan. After the ceremony»; wedding ltreait. fate, was served in the timing-mom. which. mi well as the drawing ram"). was preltlly decorated with “not pout. 'nmruuerim. and white carnation; a , The marriage of M19: Bessie Putt. youngest daughter of Mr June. 2t Newton House. Bentinck. to Mt. In.’ McIntimh. of Aspen, Colorado. In. col-t emnized "tt Monday evening. Oct. 17%: at8o'eiock at, the home of the bride _ sister. Mrs TlmsNichol. 435 West Niall Street. ()ulnmdo Springs. Col. Rev,‘ J ' Heiser performed the ceremony In tbr presence of a. few intimate friend: sud} relatives. 1 A meet ing of the Executive of South Grey Reform Association is to he held ',p,tTiiarpfgggi,ii, and n Convention glll, likely be dean ed upon at an early ate. Box RocrAL.--At S. S. No. 9. Glenda. on Friday, November 26. Active pn- fnratirms for Rood mourn"). Admission» 5c. Ladies with xes free. Every- body invited. REVIEW HOLIDAY Nmrmm.--As us- in! we have made provitdonto puma} all subscribers paid in advance for 1tlt' with a handsome illustrated holidny number which will he My helm“ Christmas. Itisnvery handsome . zine and will he much "y'll'r"eh'l't'he.""% new now before tho rush. . -----i._----- Mr Vmcicle. Evangelist. will hold A series of meetings in the 1'ghi,eio,tegl,i heginn ing next. Sunday. Al are hunted to come and must in Christian work. 1rtt_wttoanttmtsreoa-. By our Doturoch Correttpmutamt Rejoicings at Domoch. TEACHER WANTED. YI ELECTION NOTICE. HYIENEAL - 0‘-.. Joan r.“ -erNut"TuTR5 ARCH, . TORONTO w: .i'.> y The Stu”- brightness is not, how- ‘ever. the only factor which has con- tributed to its marvelous success in \the duly new-paper field. The Star has a complete and accurate record of stock and commercial transactions daily, which business men may con- Iult with eonttdemee. On the stat! of The Btar ere three women Writers; who compile space which makes The Btar very popular around the firreide. The Stu“: editorinls we not blindly patina. but one fur. cane, and strong. M20 W Idea-ye. The Stu“. black And white artist. u prolnbly the beet in We. and his contribution: to the - m A feature of great chum. Al- together. 3 more evenly balanced new- paper it himpoeolble to and. and it goes without laying that a daily newsmper of some sort should go into every home, Young“ mun-end the paper you are not needing from now until Mb“ I“. for 01.75. l A Toronto man of standing said the other dsy that he had found nothing that can BO near to providing the elixir ot life " does a. bright daily newnptper. It stimulateoonetotakea lively inure» in event.- the world around. Be went further. and declu - ed that the paper which provided this perennial stimulant to the greatest de- gree WA: The Toronto Daily Mar. We shall attain refer to this matter next week. Considering it nttr duty to let you know the true tttate of tdNirt, and be. lining that vour aim is to keep up the ftandlpg of our school. I truat you will lmmedlulely give the matter your most serious mmidemtion." Your obedient Servant, N oe. In. we; I " After having had nearly a month's i"a't,'ite,',e in teaching an hour and I. i ha f a (lay in the High School Depart. ' "want. I am forced to ensue to the con- ‘-rlu~‘ium that a third tearher in this de- lpartment is absolute” nae-wry if the I work in to he dore:efheirnti. it We are lto retain in our school those u ho.eome tere, A distance and if the reputation of [our school is to be kept up. Regulutlnno could he hrken li/ but if two tmheu have to do the work some of the tttthieetts will not receive the at- tention raqmred by law. I According to the New Regulntmnu. p 39 10. sectton 40, sub. we. 1, the av- erage class attendance in the Lower School ll ttot to he more mun twenty- tive, Now we have. thirty eight ttt one mom nod thirty-nine in the other. In the latter room we em- compelled to make. two elm in Algebra. Euelid, Latin and French. and yet the two lee t-onu have to he taught in half an hour. Again in teaching Physicq I find it uh- aolntely impossible to m-mngc- 1; chem of nearly forty around the table so that. eon-h pupil can even Ret a chance " seeing the experiment. performed. If a third tench" were engaged for the first half of INF). We would he able to so arrange the work that all the sub. If"... roguimd to. Eu- tunght. by tht Nev: L- ' t . Thursday. the union is invit. id _ "Mayne blaming-a of a STRANGE YET TRUE. Ate' ".00 THANKSGIVING Taos. ALLAN. Fh' The Genuine Bargain Store, On the Buy Comer, -- Burial, ll. B. lflllll2lll t SONS Also 100 pieces of tine china, worth " each. They tto Saturday etch 25c. 25c bottles of Perfume for 75c 11.99 buy for HALF PRIOE while it lasts. This means you can buy here next At 50c on the dollar, which you can This week we bought a lot of EXTRA FINE PERFUME Winter Millinery i w .......‘.u.. ". mwm uu- mum-rot tatt to She t'ls'll'etu'Ir"i'. the "noun! of thr deposit . F '.eeKemttoiiriut Int-u ot tends may he ttaat on tqthe lieu-amt at the WI the" . 2,'tt""r h the In!“ d them- The Iowan or my tender not 'te-MIS - Friiies, ittseetitte thin nrtveetisemettt with- out w horny farm the department will um he [dd for it. J. B. tTRMTott. l'mvlnvhl 'U'metary. PAIN-Inn... II..II uh - - A Style Display ”gun-uncut Buildings, 3323.7: "N'rrOo"--'rettstertt are not n-qnlrod for the Inpply of maul to tlwuylnma iuToioruo, London. Kingston. [luniltnn and "rm-krillv. nor for tho Cetttml Prim" and Merccr 1teiorttuttor.v. Toronto A marked eh: nu tor tive per cont. of the estlm ated nmount Tttf, contra-t. payable to the order of the Humble the Pmrlnolnl Rent-tar): mud be laminated hymn non-1n" as a guarantee of his bum Bdes. Two mama“ sun-tier will he rt- quimd for the due tultmmeot of “ch mum-wt. 3nd mould any "1th he wltlldrurn Mlun- the (unmet is awarded. or should the “warm“: to fund-hm mu-dt.. ac, __-, - - - [I'll mum and Mrrn-r Refmmunry. Toronto 'mstitution for Deaf and Dumb. Re0evilie, um Blind M Buntfoni. 'trrrrttion--raiiem are not n-quln-d for 'P,ty3g of Tr" ttt theaa.viuns inToionto, In" The undersigned will receive tenders tf', noon on Hominy. an: inn. for supplies of urban” meat, ammon- hutter, flour, mtmul. minim. mm. em. em. for the folio wing iuititutiou, "f/NY, year MAG, vir. : - At t Asylum: forthe Insane in Toronto. Ion. don. Kingston. munitton, Mlmloo. Buy-krill“, Cotpmam,i HI": and Penettuttruishetie ; the Cett. ml Prison and Mercer Retmmunry. Toronto: the ly.rtttutton tor Deaf mul numb, mum-nun ...." ..... TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, I905 their names mam and description. and a full Btatmttettt of pmicul-n of their china and the nature of the uncut-- ity tif any) held by them duly mrrtitled. and that after the mid day the executor will proceed to distribute the “sets of the decent-d among me partim entitled ttteroto, having regard only to the chums of which he shall then have noun. Dated this 16t.h day of November. A. D., 1903. J, P. TreLrxtrus. Solicitor for Executor. OTICE in hm given puuuult tn N 3.8.0.. 187%» m.8x.8md Amending Acts. that all penan- halving chum minat the Estate of the mid Thomas Turnhull. who died or. or about. the 'e/gtg of 2,ri,",,tg: A. D, all. are u to lien y post wept or be $35» to {. J.'..TetfiGl pf we Town -- fl. -. - . -‘llulu ul tau LUV! of Durham. Soliciml' tot the Executor on or before the In the WEDNBDAY. NOVEMBER 9th introduces our opening display of Winter Milruierv. We will have several patterns dine: tram New York and Toronto. This Millinery Opening is purely toshow the new shapes new furs for trimming that are used so extensively. new col- ors. new velvete end trim- mings will be introduced. We exoend a. hearty welcome to all toattend this style tune- tion. Miss Dick. m day of December. A. The great demand for Winter Millinery is now " its height and the Surmpate Com-t of theCoaoet of Grey. In the ”caller of tlu, 'J,22, of This WWI. the ddtr. lair of the ”no“, of Routine-h en the county qt Guy. Yeoman. Damn-d. CHAS an“. hung up hum SNAP SATURDAY: Nttticetatamit-s. MU, --olf.- IUD 15c iaGiiiili " a. bathe Mo '. the and the 53%

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