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Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1904, p. 3

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ed the - nnt ch; i For“ weaning my " an. - in- tir "tmgt9.q " into. an: pin-non u‘ 01ml... mu." iii an... tr“ If! on a, - Iad errtttltr.ae tn atoll an " Ian! D. I drum manna. with.“ "-4.“: Pl 5'52"- no. All .3. “I. Tm ‘IIG M. new“ to: be and by mm. m Club or. At “TOI- tom of CYOII the kind I is that may In ideratam , won” er of the of doors Brookly- rf, 701000. 0. on out Ind Whom ttMtste contra- l had to mid M. , to m ms I904. '93 and on. " Mr, t n no“. cu 119.... f. ttro, 7. ot the II- Ind in no“ cranb- Id e than t raft. win: " Lit. you dis dr \~I ?"""i-.-u-visu. fu-ut-a. The my. thet H uh (n. 1-4). t. 3..roeAhug, may, try, u but; Ill-11. ' a C88rm, To .3 m: 'tue-, y’tho "mm of t Mm to Snark, “and capital " had. The tt In lit-ltd on a. to? of 1 round it ad .ttmmasded t net valley. Tho hind: of mirr-alrtmiim, the billing kiln of m, M'become 4retaaeainrgi/i, Thymatriheof drum, at! beam chain the woe m annexing. A LIB-t fiower--A w “PI than. A (“in nower-a my Mei“. fhrtree. Their beauty and shy MB 1.4. n a n-. m, am not have the niche. and beauty that - dare. The fat "Bt-ati' vdleys tee,1 Mn: were v_ety fertile and are. The at sound Snark bountiful. Over unle- not to trrnrutiors. Ale can The dim and ml! sauna Overcome with, wine-Wine Que-ne- to (all ooeuyVietin to tenptotioo. Alcohol destroys the will 'T,uft,u'gttg "" . Rt?” ' eaten no into the vileet sine. , y . The lord hath a ...... strong one --Thi. in 3 2lgT,t to the Army of the by“ no, wile was soon to come upon thein like a daunting storm. The de- ltmctlon would be complete, like a ter- Wie hailstorm or o great nood. It h almost lmpouible for no to realize the devastation tint would come a: the half-sum hordes swept over the coun- try, ranging villages and murdering women and e ildren. 3. Trodden under foot--Suhnaneser, with the Assyrian host, invaded, over- Qme and untried the peorle sway, never to return. It is sn unso ved pmblem to this (by when the ten tribes are; whe- ther they continue to exist or sre entire. 2.e,'lt"i An of this was beam of ' and espeeislly the sin of drunken- t. A. the first ripe Ihr (R. Y.)---" the first ripe fruit ms eagerly gelled by the fruit gutherer and butin eaten, no Sunnis would be a delicious mom! {a the Auyrinnn. It in still true thnt trouble and sorrow like an invading only come upon and destroy than who might have been happy Ind prosperous but for strong firink. _ M. The crown of lory (we. 5, 6). s. Unto the reciting-J?!” phophet now turn: from the ten tribes to the two tribe. of Judah nnd Benjamin, the rem- nnt of God's tre' who were to con- tinue n kingdom or more than a. hun. dred penre alter lane] was carried into aptivity. Judah wee to he favored end blessed. Under B-kinks there was to be n revivel of religion. yr,fo11N Jeho- . '- fl‘(P-¢'»':i__v_' Gtirittii iifii'ria """lrliulelr.ims-r.sxgs,, tty.ritt1.fetiiii.iiit.Giriu the: Gi" in be "ts cm'wn of tilorr", 3nd " Mn of beauty” to those who trust Ilia word and ope, Him. ' _ . __ ce. TI of Sam vines, w, pm a 'P" mic. Exec ring deal ;". M the iigiii.ii',i,',e',i, ol . diadern a _ , F nut in "It" I! wvv-u-v 'vviiir __ - IV. Precept Upon Precept (vs. 9-13). 9, l0. Whom shall he teach, ete.---Many regard these verses an the words used bs the scoffers a there mocked the pro- phet. "They treat God’s method of deal. ing with them end warning them try his ropheta, with contempt and derision. in", any they, doth he treat an es mere intents just weaned? Doth he teach us like little children, constantly going over the name easy Iesmamst"-uClarke. We must conceive verse 10 as spoken in mimicry with 'n mocking motion of the head. ind in e childish, stammering Giie,1--asuud, PRACTICAL SURVEY. In this lesion. God. by the math of Bis prophet. pronounces a woe on the inhabitants of Ephraim. probably includ- ing the ten tribes. The capital city, Samaria. is referred to as the "Crown of Pride," and the “glorious beam; which is on the head of the tnt valley. I. Of this city God said: "It " a fading flower." 2. God not only accuses the men of Ephraim of being drunkards, but compares them to a mmpanv of men indulging in strong drink and revelry. 3. Cherncters of this kind always come to than as a. result of their own in- ce. The fertile valley made the of Samaria possible. The luxur- 6 vines, with their wealth of grapes, n 990an temptation before the e. Excessive indulgence was sure . destruction, but intempenne. not the only in for which God , in)! Eptirairy. a of Motrta is "a crown of m n linden: of beauty,” and " . iHt a! r'i'.'iT'g'a'l"a,t3lll'. [ in Kiln.“ ‘lheee m the bienn- ~1nnt God brings to Judah, "the "a. “d I!!! people.” “In: they eke hove - Awe--. 11. Nny (R. V.i---The proPhet’s reply begins with this verse. Isaiah “tacks them with great force and severity, taming their own language, spoken m mockery. back upon themselves: "Yes, it shall be us you my, ye 311a" be taught by n strange tongue, and in a strange had. whither you will be carried into captivity. Then you will be forced to learn like children." 12. This is the rest. ete.--God had given them repeated and tnithfnl warnings, pointing out to them the true rest and the way to obtain it, but they had closed their ens and "would not hear," and were goi on in their fancied security to 'i','r'Jitn"lfd't'l,l'l tion. 13. And fall barkard, ete.--They had had great light. and this made them "out sinners, and 'W, deservred a ter- rible uninhment. e cannot viohte God's tl,') with impunity. Those who persist in their wickedness and Spurn Hie offers of mercy will ultimately be out from his preeence. ' VF”? .‘ e, a 2t,"rg,get be men n vice of the htsysnn uni], through ell time 1nd prob, I”! among all people. We ere informed hr a POM]! ot wide "scorch, that new pr in the world has its intoxicating drink. While we cannot verify thin statement by recognized historical anth- ority, IQ far as we are familiar with the . we ind! link: "to Ephraim, tVr Mum - pnnulm m. tiF'ic1'ii?i 'tPt mid, hf'iuted maul: . u from tho ' , thy tun 'n'l'xalu', tlteet that his than and many do for 2llte,f, but are not My " the notice of hen. Yet the migrant- of God cane upon Israel and upon " dd), mrttrithatamrmg their diaregud ot the Ming of the prophet. - . gaeid of men, 'lncicnt and modern, we fre (weed to believe that the statement is true. this universal desire for, or disposition to drink intoxicating liquq, must spring from an evil heart, which is common to nil men. . This desire does not [ manifest itself in the same manner, nor) is it slwsys "counted for in the same‘ way. In certain circumstances trg', ir taken to counteract tne nest; un er It 1 posite conditions it is taken to mod]; I the cold. At one time to combat the wet, and spin to hold up the system1 through the drought, ete., etc. Ofcourse, these are only excuses to cover up a. ditr. i tnrbed conscience, or, if not a consci- ence, at least a consciousness that the practice works disaster in the end to all who indulge. The liquor drinker in the beginning is delighted with the wine cup. As he glides smoothlly around the outer circles of the terrible maelstrom, to all warnings and entreaties he hon-' estly replies, "I can stop whenever I choose.” But in the vsst majority of cases he goes too far before he attempts to stop and then finds it im ssible. We wilt not stop here to td',,',',',,',' whet per cent. of the world’s population do now indulge in ardent spirits, but call attention to another {actor that cuts! into the problem, namely, environment. How many of our staunch temperance people would be such, had their sur- roundings snd ssocistions been like those of some of their drinking neighbors? - Let us thank God if we have escaped this terrible monster. drink, and be ready always to extend a helping hand to our unfortunate 'hrothers' and sisters who have fallen victims to its power. Every Christian and every lover of his nee should array himself on the side of tem- perance. The curse is to be fought in every land. The fight should be pushed on by every good man and woman. Dit. ferences of method and opinion should not he Mowed to stand in the. way, or divide the forces arrayed against the evil that is destroying the bodies and souls of such a mighty army. Let us “all at it, and always at. it." J. Emory Coleman. ii1,ri,a?iitiitiitii' tA-rut is." at Bright’s Disease-Insidious! deceptive! "ttMtnttetMn m. toiled hundreds of trials by media] science to stem the tide of it: -r-tutd not until South America Kidney Cure proved beyond 1 doubt its power to turn heck the tide, we: there . glean ot anything but deep-9r for the victim of this dread form of kidney ditsettse.--u It Navigated on Historic Waters in Hort Modern Vessel. New York, Nov. M.-The European edition of the Herald says that the Dead Set. ec- corditut to the Jewish Chronicle, has been navigated by on auto boat. The navigator saw a number ot dead (thee, killed by the salt water of the lake. but was surprised to find that the water had no pecullar color of its own, though it was extremely heavy. Although travellers have alleged that birds cannot exlu around the Dea See. he saw a great number of pcaredewallovu. 7 The monotony .he writes. was intense. "Before me I tuor the wilderness of Judea. and on the right a green spot, marking the banks of Jordan. "There was not the slightest sign ot life. A deathlile silence prevailed in that stance region, namely disturbed by the be": mo- tions of the waves. toebly hosting “an: the bench." . A prominent club woman, ' Mrs. Danforth, of St. Joseph. Mich., tells how she was cured ot tailing ot the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Ah Dun Mu. Pm-.-tite look. dark indeed when a woman feels that her strength is fading nwty and aha In! no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling 3 few months ago when I was advised that my poor health we. caused by prolapsun or falling of the womb. The words mauled like n knell to me, I felt that my gun had I“: but Ret, E. Plnkham’s Veto- table. ompound came to me u an elixir of life ; it restored the lost force- nnd built me up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine daily, and each doee added health and strength. I an so thankful for thehelp I obtuinfdthgxttsgh its tma."--.). Emmet PEl'c',l,t 1007 1l'/,1f,'Mpi,; Sat; 2tgh2'. igsk- -W a M iihfldl72'2tde'gt,"JJ2Q alga/1 TO WOMEN.” . ' Women would save til-O and - sickness " the would write toMrs.pm guns 'llldft'l l put thou-nil of no... on tho It!“ and to may. - “FREE MEDICAL mm AUTO BOAT ON DEAD SEA. L"ri yet JEN; t“! "new _.." i ghmglkstrg DB 3 former marriage. One of the daugh- ' ten in Mrs. Arthur H. Flemigg, of Put- " dent. The other is unmrri . The tu- " nerd arrangements ma not' yet been loo . Mr. Fowler owned one of the fin. - Jones in Califomk. - . Emile: owned‘ orteNtlf of the N ntethmtthesAensr1rrourtottroro'9et - " M, on the Men-tho “use, and “I We! in -eraifhembnd m i London cable - Lord Lunedowne, in the nbeence of Premier Balfour at the historic Lord Mayor’s banquet, held to- dght, made a strong plea for pence 3nd arbitration on behalf of the Bri. tish. Government. Lord Lindon. pointed out to I. large and rnther-un- empathetic audience that nrhitrntibl we. the only way in which the North 1.80: dispute with Ruuia could hue been equitably settled, end almost in the same breath drew e vivid picture "rt the horror. of the struggle now pro- ‘oeeding in the For East. Continuing, the Foreign Secret", aid that while London was principally interested that peace should prevail everywhere. he did not think they should think of peace at any price. "Af this moment,” said Lord Lane- downe. "contemplating the terrible struggle between two brave and gal- lant nations in the Far East, cnn one of us contemplate without regret the legion after legion of brave men being led forth to meet their fate and the ruined homes and broken hearts t We can conceive no more terrible punish- Duluth, Minn. report-Word was re- ceived in Duluth to-day from Pasadena, Cal., announcing the death there of Eld- ridge M. Fowler, aged TO, the rich re- tired lumberman and Minefee owner, who formerly made his home in De- troit. Mr. Fowler was one of the rich pen of the world. His fortune is esti- mated by a Duluth man who knew him well and had much to do with hie in- terests, at not less than $35,000,000. The telegram from Paeeadena did not announce the cause of death, but friends of Hr. Fowler say lie had been afflicted in recent years with kidney trouble. He leavea a widow and two daughters J.7 Between the lines of every reference the Foreign Minister made to the Run- Mart-Japanese Wnr was an urgent plea, mounting almost to n ttemeut , that it might be settled trr.?rtritr"itry, -rt" Ard, a carefully prepared aute- neat before what is considered the post repretett.utiyest.th.erit of leaf!- The 250 guests included the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, the members of the Cabinet. the foreign representatives, members of Parliament, and other prom- inent persons. Army to be'Always Ready. After the usual loyal toasts, War Secretary Arnold-Forster, replying for the Imperial forces, said it was the determination of the Army Council not to rest until the British army was ready to enter the field at any time with absolute confidence of success. Lord Lansdowne, respondizg to "His Majesty’s Ministers,' referr to the unfortunate absence of Mr. Balfour, who, in spite of his illness, had not ceased to actively participate in tb affairs of the co_untry_. . - . in; not; of Great Britain. "In ouch it was generally interpreted as a holder bid for intervention than he yet em- anated from any neutral power. " He' gave an impassioned review of the North Sea affair. Although Lord Lansdowne we: unable to announce the signing of the convention, he cin- phatially confirmed statements nude in these despatcheu, randy, that Great Britain had found "m, ann'culty' in or- riving at a solution in principle of the dispute," and only supplemented What is already known by the statement that Russia. has guaranteed the punishment of any other officers, in addition to those already detached from Admiral Rojestvensky’s squadron, who might be pro__ved to have been implicated. MTLLIONAIRE FOWLER DEAD. LEAVES tri))i)i),i)ili) ESTATE. [llllilMilE e" . MAKES A PLEA For Arbitration in Japanese- Bussian War. He Also Deals With the North Sea Tragedy, But He. Speaks to an Un- sympathetic Audience. Deceased Was a Brother of Mrs. Cyrus tt. McCormick, of Chicago. , WLGI EATER“. Bill! to. I. to tho Japan to. qKhtttqr what “SAMBA” Black I. to" the Hack to. drinker. Odd only tn ml“ load make”. 960 and 40¢ per lb. .Iy all grocers. , / ', l , , . If l A ' - $4,414 ..r.r..riav" " “A; C l , P, "V “I! no. the new Cd ' . . and 'l. i A ' I 3. '. 1 , _ 7 K - ' -' " ' . . . et Reports . ' . . ' , 3 -Atr-- T _ " e Wank - ' Unibpmchablo by “will” in byiitib' ZEEJ mt than the mom of any Minister orttttdrMMh_rrhoftirmio-of temper or desire of popularity brought npon the country the new and au- urrity of needleu “I. "At this aupidous moment I an able to announce to you that not only the peace of the country in unbroken. tmtiofitr.aEamatgetofttesttettteeat is no reason why it should not remain unbroken. Not only have we had the good fortune to avoid war, but by the strict neutrality and wise interaction! arrangements we have done something to restrict the area of hodilities. The count , however, has not altogether escape? anxieties. For the last few days we have been face to face with an incident which moved the people of this country as few other incidents have done. The incident of Oct. 21, in the North Sea, was an attack on our citizens and an affront to the British flag, of which, if intentional, I would rather not contemplate the conse- quenees. It was a deplorable and un- Mountable blunder, but I am bound to add that recent evidence has satis- fied the British Government that the Russian Government believed that the facts were different from what we .mp- posed, and that each party was con- vinced of the' justice of its own cause. Great Britain has adopted the only course in referring the matter to an Independent and impartial tribunilal, and we found no difficulty in arriving " the principal questions nor in decid- ing that the terms for their reference under The Hague Convention were such as we could accept. Mot for Britain to Insist. Aftef detailing what would be the procedure of the court, Lord Lans- downe referred to the smallness of the number of Russian officers left at Vise, and said: we may offer congratulations on his return to power by a vast majority, to participate in a second international peace conference. While reserving the tight to_con§ider what s1tty'ect? and the Mr. Fowler wu ' self-made men. m nude his start in life in the lumber busi- neuinMichigammanyyeanego. 1m than tl yen ego he m wedded to his housekeepet at Ptumdertq, Mi- Reta Brewer, who was In oxeeptiml wom- _htmytrrairtdrhohittrtAttdtreirrtd hr " who know the Mini. The Foreign Secretiry added that the Government had received distinct usurence during the last day or two that the,Ruesian officers detained were those who were directly implicated, and if the enquiry showed that others were "ttt they would also be pun. "hed. rent Britain had received I full expression of regret, a promise' of ample compensation, and a guarantee against ttids recurrence, with security for all neutral commerce and promise of the punishment of the guilty per- sons. Was it possible to secure more? "Only yesterday the American Am- bassador, Mr. Choate, asked me if we were prepared to sign a similar treaty with America. I have also lately been asked by President Roosevelt, to whey terms of reference, we did not hesitate to any that we were ready to purticiplte and to tell the President that We wished him God-speed in the useful work he he undertaken. In there not a better my than this? In it not better to so ernnge niftters that a dispute shall not arise " 0. t of land on the western Megabit, that contains the Hawkinge, Crosby and oth. er iron mines. He enjoyed the tae income from the Minnesota mine- of y living person. It amounted to $600,000 a year. --. . . . , - he was s Michigan mmhermnn and he Inf his associates originally obtained these mineral lends for lumber. The iron vein was found subsequently. He was extensively interested in Duluth real estate and in Csnsdisn and Pscifie coast timber. _ E. M. Fowler we: s brother of Mrs. Cyrus H. MeCormiek, of Chicago, whose husband was at the head of the McCor- mick Harvester Company, which after- wsrds become part of the Intentions] Hamster Company. he wee s director of the latter corporation st the time of his death. 77 7 "It was not for no to “mine the re- eponeibilit for the selection of the office". Cl rested with Russia, and it would be u great mistake to relieve her of the _retsponfitrilrtr" - _ - . Continuing, Lord Lansdowne referred to other questions which have arisen during the war, especially that of contraband, which had been largely cleared up, and since July there has been no case of seizing a British ship by Russian vessels. . " is likely to come from the struihrie in the Far East. It is my hope and belief that this terrible war will give a stimulus to the existing desire for some less clumsy and brutal method of adjusting internation differences. I my- self have signed no less than five treaties of arbitration. Lord Lansdowne then referred to the Anglo-French arbitration, and. said he hoped it would be matted by I. large majority in the Chum r of Deputies, " nuaal‘ll ‘CBBCIB- . "I am sanguine enough to my,” Lord Lansdowne remarked, "that goo}! E] ,. “1-. A ' 3:51" gym ON‘TKRIU ARCH, . TORONTO United Fm Chuck Students in Scot- land tho Hunt to. london, Nov. u.--The Free Church of Scotluxd hu unneeded in its action to evict the profeunu nnd' students of the United Free Church from the New Colle, WWW“. ... . . Ptetmh-Canadiarm Returning Prom New _ England States. Montreal, Now lL-Aeeording to L. E. Carmel, Secretary of the Quebec Colo~ nintion Society, there has been consid- erable settlement in the northern and northeastern portions of this Province lime lat Jennety. "During the sea- son," Mr. Gentle! said to-dey, "there hes been an increue of over ISO r cent. in the number at colonisu dh' have been placed in land: in the district north of Montreal, the Meta die and the Lake St. John districts. Eel-e hes elm been e big improvement in the our: of colonists that have been taking _ tly lnagtU. l I U! I " A Inge percentage of French-Cana- diuu have returned from the New Eng- hqd Staten. More than two wound new n11 told have arrived since the beginning of “agar. In addition to tter pin-a ie an: of rt: tttttlt 'iiiiii 'aTGGiiidr Vo'f‘ FMCundhni went to the Canadian went. Host of. then new in tho _ pride of The result in thnt this week when the decision takes effect six professors, two lecturers and 108 students of the United Free Church will be turned out to make room for three professors and three students of the Free Church. These no the figures given b counsel for the Unitedl, Mr. T. Shaw, k. C., Argument? were concluded last meek before the Court of Session. The Wee Eirkera asked for immediate possession, and the respondents submitted, " one of several reams why the interdict should not be granted, that the Free Church had no complete heritable title to the college building. . I." all “a .51". u".- V” .. -.ee 'alL'l'"s8 pod can. All good hubs. in no “not! stock were slow of ale. Thor. w“ no prim. he": on the mu- kot. ,Idhulul told It 3360 to Mie, m luau. nae to 8%e, the com- mon M to te. and the commoner use his" . turewornotaBood_veal cult on 9‘. met The - sold at At to 8". it tb., sad the {much can: at Mio to 'tit tll. lb. "ttttt " a up are a.“ pot I)... and the other. Se to me go: lb. - sold " use to Mie w lb. t has: no“ at age to Ike per lb. Much cowl sold " no to 850 etch. tandem. Nov. tt-adre cattle In quoted " " to t2%e per tb.; refrigenwr beef, Eitii"to0settorttt.; am.mwuc per Toledo .. L. . Duluth '.'..t .... Nev York .... Detroit .... .. St. Louis .... . Minneapolis ... Woodstock, Nov. ".--'ro-dV there were 6,000 boxee cneele attend: the prices bid ringed trom W. to tthe; 3.000 boxes were tt,'lad It like . The unmet closed tor the year Peterhoro', Nov. It-TV Int meeting for the sen-on of the Peterboro' Cheese Board In held to-uy; there were 2.800 boxes on me. end prices rm from " to sue; it nub Ir all vent at the letter price. Baby Human. -Dr. man om- mt soothe- .qulcu. ad effect; quick and etteethtt cum In ntl nun eruption- common to - during making time. It I: hum- - with. m in - ot 5am Head, and can. Menu. Mt Rheum and all Skin Dina-u of older mph: as ottgtta.--6i5 Offers of mutual joint tenancy were rejected by the Free Church, while the United- refmed an offer of use of a null part of the buildings only. Pieton, Out., Nov. ".--To-dq " factories t,',"St', 700 boxes ull told; highest bid 8%e. c an. - -- ... - .,,, A”; ---_-_-_ loaned " 0v. It-About I.” head of Inner ' as much co" no spring- II. I . Mot) sheep and lumb- “a 900 m we" on“ tor ale It the M In. tMr may. The butcher: rm our .uad the" In an Active Ci “an. .. .. .. .. Ttht l heat Live Stock. If, k' SETTLIKG UP QUEBEC. Leading Wheat Market; PROFESSORS EVICTED. mud: Catt% lake“. The Cheese Markets. e Week. 92% a 1.1m I 1.15% , 1.19% , Hi? I r.iiit - ,1: ' 'dlt 1.3:: l. . 1.15% 1.15% One mm was killed and two injured by a boils explosibn at Detmit. Joseph Hartley wu buried hem-1th A pile of bricks at Toronto, and probably fatally injured. " The Cinnabar of om"nermUt Victorio passed 1 resolution in furor of a prefer- enthl tariff. " The City of Edmonton Karim in new title by I grand banquet in the Think Rink. __ .. The London Times doubt: whether (In world will ever know much about tho North Sea tragedy. - . It is said the lmperill nuthorities m in communication with the Government of Candi. as well as the Govemmenta of the other self-governing countries in the British Empire, in regard to State assumption of wireless telegmphie eye- ms. The Secretlry of‘the Liquor lkuleru' Aturoeiation denies that that orgam'ra- tion in ruining a fund to fight the On. taro Government. It up n from the report hailed by the //lllf'h's1n'd' Commiuionen that II,- 873 fair-rent notice- were disposed of during the year. The continuation of the North Grey Pnovincini election trial has been post- poned until Dec. 12. by arrangement be, "no the parties. The Argentine Republlc has asked Britain to mope- porta to her cattle in oomquenee of the dieapreamnee of the hand and mouth din-nu. The Exhibition Board will llk tho Toronto Council to submit I bylaw for $300,000 for new buildings and in- movements. J. Lorne Campbell, stock broker, of Toronto, has assigned to E. R. C. Clorknon. The liabilities are heed at $239,736, Ind the ".iiiii',iiiiiiiiiita; Pour men were wo log on Win-i; w peg gnu works oteedktt8ttreeatr"" feet high, when it-pve wqtrtt.mttipitat- ing them to the ground, the scaffolding on top of them. N c of them was sell muly hurt. I' “:7; . The St. Petersburg Nome Vremyn n- nounm that M. Lrupoukin, chief of the political police, will be ttri'"" See- retary of sum for Fink . Henry boding, right [and of to Greenville, Mich, High School foot ll eleven, wu killed in I gum with the Hnrvnrd High School " Howard. Adolph Redeker was tmried in Laurel Hill Cemetery. and his sister immedia- ly determined to erect a suitable monu- ment over his grave. Before provid'g for this, however, she decided to be: for her mm. . ... For more than 1 month My Seno- and her husband but, been and” g'",',',',,',',',),';',',,'?,;, W" t,Ta,fl,',t we , “will” 'gWthett m My at-dented, and Mr Felix at! his We -..., ..-... , ' . he coloninl su, Pia:- WNW- foundlnnd, with Premier Bottd"dBoard, returning frog Twillingde district, broke a portitfft M her machinery and barely escaped going ashore in a fierce storm. ' f - ton. His far i _ d otherwise slight- ly disfigm'hd. W F, The new T,Wei.ktiort of Window on... Mannheim“ and Jobber: of Pittsburg has bemirrohet fight against the Ameri- can Wiatd-G1tot, Company by cutting the lowest prices offered by that can» puny”!!! pgrron}. . . . . . .. *.., . ... Gen. tei,',t1i,iititi,: Minister, of France. is confined 0 his room an a re- sult of thes. asWupon him in the Chnmber a 001mm; by Deputy Syvr- mated Twenty-five Team, Lady tu. non Sought her Family. Philadelphia, Nov. 14.--After leaching for many yum for her brother and lil- ter, Lady Semen, wife of Sir Felix tie- ' men, who is n physician to King Ed- ward. left hen for New York 00-day. having, it is said. accomplished her mis. sions, so far as it was ymuible. With her husband the wtli nail the week for London, after making provision for the erection of a handsome mauso- leum over the body of her brother, which she discovered is lymg in a grave in Lantel Hill Cemetery. .. .. . - L.mtrirt; ms AT GRAVE. w 55% the

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