West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Nov 1904, p. 4

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L'l Earling’s 2hnas Seeare That we have the Largest Stock o' Jitt IDster Bottles, “media Syringes, gainful-s and Rubber Goods of every hind, ever shown in the town. If its rubber. we have it and what we have is the best of its kind in the market. Filling prescriptions is only one of our several specialties. We always lead and Just now we're more ahead than ever. Names and prices don't begin to tell our rubber story. We strive to make our Drug Store System a perfect one. Massey - Jhls'aarrfs ghowraom During 2itarmtsiurrs ‘and farm Machinery. Raymond Sewing Machines. Mommy Stoves for Coal or Wood. Adent for the Dillon Bulge Stay Fence. SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: _T'he Perforated Drnm.‘onlv in Ibe Ideal Jkhn givingston, gem, Durham. Srnsatiortal ~73ariyarins ( We can give '3an n mere list of our goods. but In quality and l adaptattirttr to t 0 needs of South Grey we m not excelled: I Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs. Honey’s Enr- neu. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fidr mice: JUhn Glarli. Fall and (8hristmas Goods arrivmg daily. Now Don't Forget Abe Wilhelm'a Wrinzers. alt made by W “son of Ayn (annuities of this (wine alight}; damaged by the recent flre, we intend to sell o . while itJaarts, at, We have Also u large quantity of this Twine which was IT,', In Burnett's store and therefore undama- ged l t in we ofter " lowest current rates. w. expect the nhowroom to be reputed " once. and will continue business at the old stand. The beet in their line ”awe handle only the but. For the next " Days, Ready - to . At Now --. In our Millinery Department To buy an up-to-date Hat PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE In Trimmed and Untrimmed Flu People's 2)rxrggist. Jht,is 3%. Earling. Z Warlock. G rcat Reduction. T cents a lb. wear Felt Hats Four - Chance A few doors South of the uiddangh Home. Editor Irwin In! in Toronwhst week. Mrs Wm Irwin visited at. hei'uneie's in Lucknow. Mia Janie Hunter is visiting in Tor- I onto this week. I Mrs. and Eva Moekler returned from Keewatin last week. I Mr John Shaw was in Whitby for n few days last week. Mr and Mrs Lavelle spent. Sunday with Pomona relatives. Mr. Albeit Kelly. Toronto, visited his I mother tor a dew last week. Mrs. Hahn visited in Berlin and Tor. onto for a few days last week. Mr Allan Bell visited Brantford and other points over Thanksgiving. emit BUR HAM RENEE Mr and In Ed Burnet visited at Mr Greenwood)', aon, last Monday. Miss Lizzie Lauder was guestof Mt. Forest friends Thanksgiving day. Mr and Mans Shaun. of Toronto. are guests of Mr and Mrs John Quinn. Miss May Ard, of Hepworth. spent Thanksgiving with Muss Nelhe Watt, Wm nod Edward Bart of Toronto visited their mother in town last week. Mimi Mulgal-el Crawfmd went the I ----". Thanksgiving holidays at the parental l Time to return to open young. home. I ---- Mrs. Telford and Bessie arethe guests of Toronto relatives during Chants" giving. Reggie and Fred Kelly of Toronto sperrt Thanksgiving with their parents Imam] Mrs Matthew: and children from Mmkdale visited her parents here lately. in town. Mrs. A. w. Watson and two children are away on nvisit to her mother in Michigan. Wat Livingston of the Bank staff spent Thanksgiving dae at his home an Harriston. Miss Sarathnck left Tuesday mot Hing far Rochester where she will remain for some time. Mr Murdoch McQuan-ie returned Tuesday from a short visit with Toron- to friends. Mr and Mrs John Cook, of Berkeley, spent Thanksgiving with E. T. McClock- lin in town, Mas 'Dean, of Toronto, spent Thanks. giving holidays with bet-sister Mrs Jno Wright. Miss Kate McDottgall returned hurt week from a month's visit with Owen Sound friends. Mrs. Ballet! ot St, Catharines is visit" mg her father Mr. Kless, who is very low at present. Mr and Mrs Jam A Hunter and baby. of Winnipeg. are now living in Toronto tor the winter. Mrs Newton went to Nt Forest but Thursday and took in the “Jessie Mc- Luchlun Concert". Mrs Donald McLean and baby, of Spokane, Washington. are visiting at Mr Hugh McLean's Messrs. J. M. Findlay, Dromore, and D McKelyie. Thistle, are attending the Reform Convention in Toronto to day. Miss McIntosh, who had been visiting her brother Norman in town. left last. Thursday for her home near Port Elgin. M-n'or Hunter left Tuesday to attend the Liberal Convention in Toronto and from there mit leave to inspect his tim- ber lauds In Halibunon. MrsT R Whelan returned Monday after a Visit at her son Juhn's in Http- worth and also at her brottuer's, Mr Waldo Putman’s in Mt Forest. Mr Esdou VA olfe Was home from Stanford nusmess College for Thanks. swing. Also Jae. Dal-hug {mm the College of Pharmacy. Toronto. Mr and Mrs Adina). of Allan Park, at with their daughter, Mrs R Mar- shall, bt town, hit A being under treat. ment from Dr Gun for a sore foot. Mr Sun " right, Kincanline. 3nd daughter, Mites Hepey. spent Sunday mth Durham friends on their way to visit Jno Wright at Proton Station. Mr Davidson jr.. of Mount Fomt. who bought the John Finn property no moving to Durham this weekhno the house lately occupied by Dr Hutton. In Sun Firth (nee Minnie Fox) with children. who lately came homo from the West, is yieitiug at peeseut with Toronto friends, previous to returning to Durham. The deer-hunting party, Messrs. P. Peterson. A Melanin). W Calder. Norman McIntyre. Ed McCIockhu. T Bolt, returned but. Thursday with n good supply of deer. Among those attending the great Reform Convention in Toronto, to-dny, Wednesday. are Diem. Geo Btnnie. John Smith. John ll Hunter, Juo Me- Kechme. C Bantams. Wand Mrs Cal- der. Dundalk bunding7or8, m moat weakly-l my. Honour and Romany have good represent-Hon and we presume Bentinek is not be. lean-U. P, Telford, Jae. am Gun. A. Jackson, A. Davidson and W. B. King. ston. Mt Forest. no attendant the trial of the Bailey one in Owen Bound the beginning of this week. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO As will be seen by advertisment on is: page a Convention of the Liberals ol'Sonth Grey will he held onThan- day of next week to nominete a candi- l date to contest the riding nt the next l Provmciel i,ieetiottiitatshiet business. As it is also the ennui meeting there should be a large ettendence. Mr. A. G. McKay, I. P. P., at North Grey and ll H. Miller, M. P., at Hen- ;over will be the chief speakers. end the abilities ot these tum gentleman are new so well known that their pres- ence is another reasan why Reformers from all pans of the riding should be present. Who shall be the victor or the victim of Dr. Jameson in his third contest for the Legislature is not known to this writer. but. there's an old saying about the third time being tsaeeeastii,-c("Tlie third time’s tat")rmyi 1Ptt be pus- bulzu - " o...- ' 7â€" -_ . - Bible that the Liberals utter two tall: from this gentleman may select a man who mu lend them to victory and thuy are the more likely to do so " the p'esent time, from having tasted the sweets ot victory so lately. Whoever the candidate may behe has no picnic betore him. The ducwr isu valiant opponent, skilled in poli- tical warfare, but that. be is invinmble is by no means assured. A Tremendous Sensation has been caused by the diacovcry that a number at bogus ballot boxes, manufactured at Natertown, N York State, had been imported before the recent Dominion elections to be used at various points in the interest, it is alleged, of Liberal candidates. The government has stepped in and made some arrests and all lovers of fair dealing will hope that speedy and stem justice will overtake the culprits. . Much as voting by ballot has been Itutded--aud it has many good features --it seems to have gisen rise to most incredible and villainous ingenuity to defeat the will otthe people. So much is this the ease that a. demand will surely arise tor a return to open voting for the honest voter will not consent that his vote. the most important act of citizenship shall be rendered nugatory that some may be saved from intimid- anon. The evils ot intimidation are evils that are known and evils that pupiic opinion may work upon, but it would seem no public orinion can influence same at the rascal y element in politics who fling honesty and integrity to the winds and doior the sake of party and prlf what they would scorn to do in prixate life, , . . 1. L ,.......- ...-, We on only hoEe again that the exposure will be t omugb, and the punishment adequate no matter on whom it tans. Ul all} “unlit: an“. “a". --..--.- __-___ __ son. near Ceylon, on Monday evening. Nov. 14th, when a largenumher of their friends meled and pleasantly sur- prised them hy the presentation of a. magnificent clock and n handsome silver fruit dish. These were presented by Mr. Alfred Chislett. and Miss Katie Mc- Leod reterrectively while the address was read by Miss Aggie Mcthl after which a pleasant. evening was BE!" in social chat. music and games. freshmen" were serVed by attentive. wsiters and averv pleasant evening was spent by all. MI. and MissMcPherson who were greatly. surprised replied feelingly to the following address and thanked their friends for their very highly ap- preciated tokenspf esteem. The follow- ing is the address t-- Mr. and Miss big-Phenom A pleasing event in the shape of a surprise party took place at the home of Mr. Hukhiirysod Mugs. fugue Mcher- Dear Friends-- With feelings of sincerest regret we your many friends have learned of your decision to leave tho old home where you have spent many happy. In View of your departure we have as- sembled here this evenina to spend a few pleasant hours with you and to wish you every success in your new home. You have scattered the seeds of courtesy and kindness about us and your genial countenances and abundant hos pitality Will be greatly missed. but we are pleased to know that this removal will not preventa continuation of our social intercourse nor sever the pleasant relationship we have enjoyed in the put and We feel that We cannot allow you to leave this neighborhood without giv- ing you some little memento of your 31w? in our midst; We ask you ere ore to accept t e accompanyin prssttents ash: token of are”; 'dll',', an watt t on ma ong qfiurd to use them. 'tlull,' Ull wishes for your future_welfare. Signed in behalf "rare 'Giii friends. Male or female. for B. B. No. 3, Ben tinck. Duties to begin at the New Year Applications to he opened Nor. 21. Ap- ply otattng qualifications and My expended to J. W. View. Secy. Vicken P. O Aunt! Corbett 1 Wm. Torry Trustee! scu.trAs-an Sullivan: T . on tho 10th inst. to Mr and In i'iiia1 Bullinn. a Sci Arsv-an Holland. on the 21at inst to Mr and Hrs Thos Sowerby. anon. Eraant,te--in Glenelg. on the '16ttt inst. to Mr and an James Ellwon. A. son. IARUED. Mcauatrrmr-NcDosar.p - On Wed acuity. Nor. 16th. at the residence of the bride‘s mun I? the R" Win thsrquh_arson, Sumac McAllistnr to Chm any. damthter ot Donald Me. Donald. all of Durham. SOUTH GREY “INVENTION Rom. Lindsay BOGUS BALLOT BOXES. TEACHER WANTED. SUBNHSE PARTY. -----V - M FEMQBON. - b. A. Mum A. 05151.21? Cheap cas?ftye Men's Raincoats, worth " 2.75' Men’s neat all-wool r, Guernseys, worth " now 700 Men's Shoes. worth 2.25 and2.50.now........... 1-501 Ladies' Coats, all sizes, latest styles. heavy homespun and beaver flung)! and Sl length, reg. price I mm upw81;we l offer them for, each .. 82 to 55 Ladies' Nightgowns, pink and game. heavy tituttselette, fora very OW re, each .".... 60c, 65c and 75c Men's Heavy Moleskin I Pants, reg. ti, for each. 750 W110 Said They Wanted gaaiu? We have them, also Rubber Boots, arrugated edge, leather insole at, ... .... ........ ....84.oo Lumbermen‘s rubbers, different kinds. Rubbers for Children, Ladies and Gentlemen. Cardigans for Ladies, Misses, Children Leggings " " Spats. [ther. &c. Slippers of different kinds in felt, lea- Boots and Shoes for all ages. Gloves, Mitts and mitt facings for Men. Gauntlets for Ladies, Misses and Gen. tlemen. Telescopes, Club bags, School bags, Trunks, Ankle supports, Skate straps, &c. Custom Work and Regan- mg Promytly Attends to. j. S. Mcllraith ppcr Town. - lliillllllllr rlllllllt paid hr Ruhr: We are at the shop " the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday.' or. den or enquiries left at C. numb“; store, or at the Rmrrmrorrrcre, will receive our best attention. Well-known 3nd mlhblc. Giving but “Mutton. Once used. any: med. Prices and term: to suit patella-en Call and main. Bdrvestirttt Machinery of thin mum tinttt nuke PEEL THE SHOE an The Public ot 2iitl'g w W the tot may! ist UPPER TOWN, Sltetus,, Mowers, 'ilii'iii""hhtasu" Give us your measure and shoe repairing. Your feet warm by wearing our footwear. We) Wain/lion _J{yency. mom a v---** LG invited iointrpq8 __a 'i.i-u.Gtttt value. TERMS : CASH. . Levine, thdén mrup DURHAM- ke, thu, and Durham. THE BUSY STORE) MACHINE REPAIRING Tea Pot Sale non!!!“ 24.1904 An o-ttred Intullhcmrer in England would on ”an. no. to turn put of hi: mock into "ah. Without use!“ the Hun- pln we counted. and the goods an has to ho impacted by our mammal. Fart of tho Illipmeut, cousin“ of To. Pan. highly doe. ouhd. of the very law-t damn, which we we selling at one-ham their “Me. Evan body come and an the goodsmvou it you don't m hero to M ' ettatoeue": r art 00mm. of To. I orued, of tbe v" which we no to their with. Eva goo the goods. " Wish to pureha". Fancy LEEDS JELLY POWDER8......., MlFluvora. per pkg,. .. EXTRACTS........ ...... ... All Flavors per bottle ICINGS....... ...... ...... ... Almond. Cboooluoe, ) “n " w. hIVO jun when into stool, mother supply of than American Fancy mel (mm: from Penn.) 1swtitu) which are now on exhibi. hon. No trouble to sell qnnlih'. when our prim are right. Almond, Chemists, 1 . Maple Cream & Pink f per pkg GROUND MIXED SPICE. . . . . .. BAKING POWDER, " 1900 ". . ...'" per can....lU~ MRS. A. BURNETT Stoves and Ranges Our Heating Stoves and 1'sstt- gen are the all: ol "My rum... and why shouldn't they be, when you can buy a ulf-tcoclmg Coal Hotter. nicklo trimmed, for ilti. A 6 hole Bnnge nah mil) re-cr- vnir ond high tube“ (with con] and wood lining“) " 'tN-oth' 1 MIL. Who will bo the lucky buyer ? Wood Hum" at ridiculously low pnicen. J, S. DRYSDALE In a reliable name and the good, are just as reliable. You will make no mistake' by giving them a. trial. "PURE GOLD " The Indus Watchuuker and swollen .Don’t Forget Br Idem Methods And " Reasonable Rates To have your watch tired RIGHT. (a it done at REPAIRS And Insure Satisfaction: WE KEEP IN STOCK I wish to intimate to the Public of Durham and vici- nity that I am prepared to repair all kinds of Imple- ments and machinery. Far meta or others wishing Im. plements or machinery re. paired. please notify me and I will bt plgased to call. Will be todud at LIVING STON'S SHOWROOMS Orders left in m? absence will receive prompt attention “I”: StridlyM for“ Work W. BLACK. A. t1ordon's That we do deal iriiiiid We! hr" every thttility and loo; mii fiance 'ytt1ity)u pagan to per pkg Itk Wt 10t Kc HF, Womat and {.30 on fli(hll. l’ur "ate 0! trom than ned 1 " int. Mr, A good but hm While a Stlll Hwy ( Still there 'dt' Why not fall buy your at the up are alway turns for Having now 0 I an: in a on short r This Stun- nittht exu-M dun. Fresh Rum- day and San: thtvre's Stomach SIM'JARD " W mm 'ti-ne. The onIy The - we (a ttt',htgg2g, we a. Ste, continua“ q we! ally ttee a," “on. In“; Ind u, (Mud any ot medicine an and CAPITAL. Au CAPITAL. Pai RESERVE FIT AGENTS in ootario, quel States sud lint A general Bnnl Dram ibhuc‘d I all point». Del out dlowpd " ' “VINGS 39.! saving. bank d Ma Prom! new" “lord a dutattee. GEO. P DURHAA Tm: an 300 gnu cut formula tid in I dam to any odd": by uni! we " cu nod 51.: A TERM I \PARTR VIIOQUA "ttt " W Mrert C. A. PLEII gu' pounun tttiN no 111131 mtion ha.- “I of rompe Bundled. “no time mom)» poduom. rorti will plan: your “I!!!" - PPP. NOVP-MBT "ursted " dent couple (um um Be month with cow-vino jerr Potastoee. Mil FECTIU w. ll. Iurhat, a; nice lttt store w head SKI PH ol br U ll W

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