West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Nov 1904, p. 5

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can!" nub:- I into uln- to the vici- red to Imple. . Far- ing Im. ery re- me and to call. IVING- OOMS. absence ttentiou }rget . r ran-on. be. when In: Coal the goods, You wilt iving them, tto stock marina Penna;- I exhibi- anIi". D soul. by our ipmont I, che- design. mo-hnll mile amt II don't lo: .18. J, “-0!- eo-l and y 1 Ion. r My" , icnlomly per pkg. We 1000"..-. Der can....10c DRE mods Me Rates ‘isfactlon AIRING agility erionee you to on's ate I at maker RNETT M Work. bottle per pkg. K ALE LD " eh tixed Pure wool Blankets " ar so at 83:0 1: pt .. a x a n 4.50 n 1: .. ‘3qu 4.h"te n hue and Grey Mttmt!ette than“ lu'ge " x 4 line. 31.20 p. _ Med Comforters Weil tttted with all run white on- me, Mn- " x 72. 01.25 etch I x 72. 'tatb etch .1) , P..', W.2.5 each 72 x 72. on. how. 8.00 each [IE is. SELLS atts CHEAP Woman Dim an", In black on . and 4,50 etch. A w. lr It my) Fur !PePy s. nun lined, high um count: In trom 32'...» up. Fur Bull. tro- $1.50 up. ful 4 A good line of Men'- kuit to SM . Our II from We up. p m. and C. gar/1 am $ltukery Still they Come; Still there are more to follow Why not fall into the procession and buy your bread. cakes and pastry at the uptown bakery where you are always sure to get the best re- turns lot your money? Having now chained competent help, I am in a punitioa to fill all orders A nice line of FRESH CON- FECTIONERY always on hand. This Store will clone at 6 p. In. every night except Wednesdays and tutar. days. Fresh Roasted Peanuts every Wednes- day and Saturday. NOV!!!“ " 1904 M Hutu-E's cm int-I o... ot, GEN) W M WM I'APITAL. tuooelaed. . . . . . .q.%glm eiiiiiEE 3335'“ en D. C11"Crri E5SPlii (iiiFjiTiiii?? 'ieilli,i),,)ie.i, 'i'i"ifiliEEi5iiij .... .. iGiiifiri tsip..----?"!.".','.','.', RESERVE FUND~ .... . .. . .. . 1.01),!!!) AGENTS in all principal point. Mt Ontario. Quebec. Hamel». United States and England. ”Unnnun MN.--"- v - A general Bulking when tun-um Drafts issue}! anq colic-egg y.eee.'. DURHAM AGENGX This ”your. hm Booty. Call and m 500 good Flour n trttttattee “." nu“, I'll. for-uh dub ,,,,tiitisliiEi muuammfin-n: may“ our 'g2turgt on I M A TERM IN ANY OF THE MY WPANMENTS or THE, MAMMIIIMN. ”has.“ ." 'ttttMN a' c. A. mum. WMWO'W IV . H. BEAN -d. You '1“ch wanknlnmdc. t In '2utfte1'lll,',eTlGh'ttl, will“ . yy' ”wage-3.323”. tte.'., g. Mt 133. institution has GraaNTt 'i an"; an of competent M Jat8tllt a.” Hundred. who wen M M ttt will!“ vinm months with!» a. now nun. petitions. to: Hifi-ini-at-Mr-, (gigtfllittikiFiy, Wanted /e"gTf',kl'. - Bomtdsey- dent coup e to wor tit."tl fti'a',"ti WWW. “a” 'et non t - w atvicu justify. when... Mood. PotatoeiMiiE, Butter. A” - 7 - -_--_ M..-- AL..- on short iotice. Head Office, Torono. w. r. 0014!. -trryhlet. if' PHONE NO. 38. Flour sacks for Sale cheap . a KELLY. Atom- 5 Watson. WANTED 1llllm Mil, A%"iiTahiit" can. "sun! “when: . '.T.y./.y.riWnM? o......... 1.000.000 HS. it??? Griiiiik 'laee.et.'."M"r.hTa"atFrt. m 'll alum who f'lGteA"hEf/ 1'lJ,'r,'fl Pttalr2t home. m-ood. iligtnl? w an: n" Incl-7' a Anvil I WWW“ "a L you ulnar. 51"." 'l"l'rAFmé"iaTiiieh't'. . On at the In "an that a! u community 2b'2P%', mule 2fhr, took “up. at the hm: It Ind " Donald McDonald. Bt., an want Mth In“... who-mell- yooum chug_ jet. 40hr. ,ttmpityd in Inn use MIBM Works. A few minute. after " thr hm couple walked into thou-Hound: their!” Hug an than“. Rev If numb-non. the Weston“ being In. “Winn. sister of the groom. while Ink-Mm. a brother of the bride, was. snowman. The, solemn vow: were soon “no and they won-e dareiared man and wife. and bunny count-Muh- bone and good with” followvd from the “new Ned friend; The bride looked handsome and win. Iomo in hr: travelling suit or snow- Med cloth white the bridesmaid was uttm'tively athred in Mae. ' Cowmlntiom over the gnarl-e. [mire to the dittitttprooto where a 'e"llte"It, dinner was served WWW“ by u McDonald um her daughter " Alexander. The wedding cake was a beuutdul B-storey one. hudwmely decorated and mm the landmark of the bride and her sister. Ample jmticn havmg been done to the good things Droviued. the company retired to the parlor and agent b maple of pleasant. hours. speec es being given by Ree Mr Ifttrquhkrason and Malcolm McDonald. The wedding party walked the few step- to the station to we the happy couple " on the 8 p. to train tor Pat. wanton. Benton]: and other points. As they pound the (ileum Sepamlor worka’ his fellow workmen amassed good wishes by a happy salute. Iriqmntr the whistle. rapping on windows. &c. Amid shown: ot rice and good wishes the happy young couple were man oft on tum? honeymoon trip. Guests hom a. distance were Malcolm McDonald, Mrs and Miss McAlliau-r. ruthenium Mr and Mrs Duxald Me. Donald. from Lumlnsh; Mr Dun Me. Donald and Miss Alexander from Wel- The presents to the bride were M l follows t From the bride's father, tann- ly Bible; the bride’s mother. many nsa- ( ful articles too numemns to mention; Mrs McAllister. the groom's mother. pr. ot Montana; Mono McAlln-ter. half dita, knives and forks; Malcolm McDonald, a "mug rum-nine; Mr and Mn Falqh~ hur~on. a chum fruit dish l Mr and Mrs Dllllltld McDonald. pair of blankets; Dan McDonald. tr of blankets; Mr and Mn: John 'litli2'f, lemonade set: Mrs Alexander. white bed spread; Mr and Mn: Duncan. silver pickle duh; Mr Allan Bell. lemonade not; Mrs Eva. tlt,',': thatus, towet and times; Miss low McKenzie. china hreadplate and hair-pin holder-, Mm Gun, a fancy pin cushion: Mrs Sllnson. linen table cloth; Mr and Mn Hugh McDonald. th damask table cloth: Mrs Louie. linen table clolh: Stinwn McDonald fancy mute “a! pen F . . "inritivuew extends hearty congra- tulauons. St John's Roman Catholic Church Pomona. was the scene of as happy event on Monday. the Mth inst. when at 9 a tn Min lure Ann. Bram. of ghe ft!) Pflp, Mia Mary Ann £5”). ot the m: com. Gleneugiwu uni In bonds of wedlock to Mr. Lone] mailing“ of 'tryveystom tr, key Father Walters. Mr Angus oohey acted as groomsman while Miss Maggie. sister of the bride. made a. charming bridesmaid. She was attired. like the ride in sdress of blue cashmere and yoke of "or de chine, The cere- mony over. the 5 guests from Durham. Dornoch. Markdule. and the home neighborhood enjoyed a sumptuous din- ner " the home of the bride’s mother Mrs I Ryan. Numerous and costly presents were received marking the esteem in which the newly-joined couple areheld. _ .. . .. . & "Citiii"keeompanrimr the bridal party to Markdsle to catch the 4.3) train the guests yeturneqtg PtArlft't heme an} 'v"""" ._..q.__- wv --r___ V _~_V V - sgent the remainder of the evening land t t? morning ) tripping the light [anus- tie, while the happy couple were. tfi, ing on their honeymoon lo the SI. uis Exposition. The Review wishes them a pleasant journvy over the sea of life On Wednesday, Noe 18th, 1904. Murkdule. at 10.90 o'clock by the ' Father Walters, Miss Mara. younl daughgeggqur and Mrs ee. Ill l son. of 10th concmion. Glenda. was united to the man of her choice. Mr Archibald McMillan. of Scotch Town. The bride was minted by her sister Mina Annie. while Mr Bunk! McMillan. brother of the groom. from Toronto. ably ttlied the pooition of groomsmnn. After the ceremony the company ell f drove to the parental home of the bride where menv more awaited them, , end put-took of e richly. well prepared dinner and did emple jnetice to the wedding cane which wee herd to eqnel. The efternoon pertd quickly in merry chat. can?“ politice. Leaner. Boer. nice ll El illet stood well to.,the front ii,i,1pg,g2gt,1'g1'iofl,'lly1'l'r' tg,tlr tet tt war e t pl ' r _ eon. Father %'lf'd'll,' More“. Picket. ‘ MeMiiirn, I Biech and eeverel others. Mr J J Blech. of Scotch Town. eu-ongly tip-held the Dnndoneld. Whitney end Genie, eide of the putter-tn. but Mr Wilenn wee to well rented {or him " he had been enppiied with " my " eeven Gloheee day during the recent cempeiun. but we think prohebly he. meent eeyen e week. " being now enneet tether “mitt-re end eevernl of the elder folhe had retir- ed to their reepective bounce the merri- Inent 'g,t't,tgthl'l eel-art. ',tr2'g wee I as morn . r In Ml Miiirfek end ',l'llialllhl, ell from Toronto were Manhoetoh the let-hide {one end meal from iiigtimKrts, in " there wee e :5 hundred. Mr end In Wilson femityere worthy of irtteMt mention for their kindneee to all --ett. Thebeideworee trrmoeprtittf,ee eilh endarrtcde hoqnetof hride'e men. The wide-meld we! ettited in e likewhet menace. while the groom end 'iiGiiGFioiiudhAiof Reece end cheer. The bride received mm tgasdotmt_e, end neefnl present; It In Helmet: are now eettled in their home in Scotch Townendwe join their any friende in been, metaletinne. WANTED u! an “an In an: tttttttata'; old 'ii'iiiiiiiiiiitfiiitttArsig' “on muggy": Ergiiityiittlart& to -Itr In tl tiii'f,t""iiiiii.iid)s;ft!'it'iii' I,"t BYIIIIAL the am: in It. All persons are strictly forbidden shooting. hunting or running dogs on lots No " 50. B. ' . R., also on No no. N. D. It, and lots No.50. an. 61. 2nd con. 8 D. R. Lot No 59, con I, N D R, Ben. tinck. Dont ask permits; this means you. Wu. Grumman Ron-r. LINDSAY. J NO BAILEY. The Farmers’ Mamtfturtttriattrantt Sup- ply Co. Limited. Continued from page J. short time have a market value very much above par. As this Company in a limited liability one no sharetioWer is responsible for any more than the amount for which he subscribes. subscriptions for Shares of Stock ag000eaishJwill ce payable 8G.00 per Share per month for four consecutive months. the mart payment (86.00 per plate) In 80 day: from date of subscribo ing. Blank forms of application for Sham may he forWnrded in the meantime to the Secretary of Company. P. O. Box 43, Durham, Ontario. Good Boot A I hereby apply torand request you to allot tome o..... q... Share-ofwn) ‘each in your Company. smountmg to To The Directors, The Farmers' Mfg. & Supnly Co Linn. Durham, "Onttsrttt. Gentlemen. 100 Cloth bound, Colored pines. Goodtitles.... ...... ...'ilk. I sync to accept the number of Shale. applied for or my lesser number which settl't, allotted. ind to any for the name 0tlper month per 8 ore for tdur consecutive months. the timt par. ment of '6.00 per there to be made one month from date hereof utter Notice from your Secretary. i00 Cloth bound Poets. .. . 100 Cloth bound, Gilt Standard Authors.... 100 Each. Cambridge Classics, Laurelhurst Series and De- votional. each in a separate box and daintely bound, 2hc A fityle_li_lhttLa...y MacFarlane t Co. Bruggists ' Buckstllers Winter Millinery he joy forever. No truer sentence was ever penned. OUR ANNUAL IMPOR- TATION is now complete and we can as truly say is larger and better than ever. We would like you to come and examine it. It is impossible to caning- ate, but here is stew bar- gains. Burnt Leather Classics and Poets in padded Moroco and bur ntheather, Special dis- count to shoals. APPLICATION FOR SHARES. WEDNEDAY. NOVEMBER 9th Any Magazine or paper se- cured on shortest notice. The you durum! for Winter [luxury in now " in height inn-educa- onr opening display of Winter. mum. We will hue .9va {atom (“not tram New " and 'roronro. This Millinery Opening is purely to than the new slaps new tars for trimming that are and no “unduly. 110' tot- on. new when and trim- mingl will tteintmduesei1. We extend e hearty welcome to all wanend this tstyles Jttsttt- (Addrus)............... (Namv).... . . Miss Dick. You" truly. WARNING. ...0F... tppt, M, The spring human! the Sui-nu, hugmeudsohunmlyfvocufblh Now that you have a Tudhope may. get a Tudhope Cutter & bein the.“ Tudhope Biggie. and the 'plau' h icll was once so filled to overBoarug with Medgshm being Med up with over a unload of the {cloud Ilan I g _.. m p amazes rt: T _ tm-Iii-i-ics-cr. Also Maxwell Machinery Call and BARCLAY ill BELL A Condition Powder of First. Clasq Merit. x:a,.,_BlltI'nsriL-s,a, HORSE tl BATTLE SPIBE Of all kinds. Examine our TUR- NIP PULPERS; they ere the best on the market; also our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. COAL OIL 'r'o3Jt? , 'i':'iWJr3lti7: Also see our famous Jtarn Greens They are good in every respect. Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. $1:er We. Comppunded from Cmoentrnted Flesh Forming Foods and Ingredients. It will hominid of greet bettetit in bringing Horses Cutie. Sheep and Pitts into prime condition without the least injury to the constitution. . AT Ak., "1 m see our H. ‘PARKER’S. 'h.5,l!it"e'il, -erNTARro" TEE-Ii . TORONTO I EiéavTonic and Apnetizen rr suns re A Tl And thesefm we hen .nothing but page for our breed, can. pies, end every desirable variety of p-try. FIRST of all, we age only: the finest _ Flour and other ingredients. BECGNDLY, we are artists in our line. 31111313131. cleanliness niggajn evgry I departinent of our estaSiiatunent.' EASILY, our prisms Ire attoo1tstelytni.r., -ldseunaitusdseesorrttirueit. A tintt class line of Brood. Cakes, Putz-y. always on hand at Rowe's store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN One Car of the Best CANADIAN A: AMERICAN GOOD RE ASONS G. H. STINSON. tC, ' gf '48., gig m! MI 'tmet-est-CJ-rye-_',"..' Mothqlu.No-e.udhmt. In. - w. h. flS1'd',tttutthu. ,u'l1?tetr't,tAt J. e. BUTTON. M. D., C. M. tP1t.efitePgtPetr,'le,t, and new a..umanm. clamor-a. onto: $MtttRtt .-uts.tgt. 2-4Fm. 74p... Toluhm Coo-ow.- No. " Puma am. :0!!!” our J.‘J.Hum‘o - Intent-(m: to Moohletd's (lmdon. Bug) and to me'l (New York) Fre MoqiU. Ollce.BMSt, - - - - OwenSouud " the Du nan: Pharmacy Calder. Block. Residence first door west of the old Poet Ottiee, Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. D s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univenlty. graduate of Boyd College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Over J t J HUNTERS New Store. 0Mtt.----L0WER TOWN. puma. 001W am” tt tea-dud t Winn. Dads... ' r"dh"d',%'h"1'rl.'d t,th'g,tt? Sum. In... ot wrat- can ' trd Inc-wan and ttt at: m AMI -dttt, ttret um thtqet 1tfgttt'i"dhtt', . 'fa'd2%hT I“. S-dt-ahh' om“. pu- gl-Ium in My Ola-ud'l‘mumomd Jammy and tite, Fund. to Lon on Mttetg.di. " low.- “ at when. Val-cum: and. M locum‘vllld will vuum. ”out. I!” gum. MEEIOAL. ARTHUR GUN. I. D., Italian. novu:{ zoo n.- Tttt Cal. bwmudmeh-ud th'ttettettandCtttMgegt. Barristers. Scholars. Conveyneors. Money to Loan. 0%. McIntyre Block. over the Bank ‘A. a. “any. the. W. F Dun Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Will he um. “Md-“sh Km. Dun-Inn. the am VIM: o not: month (mm " B. In. an c p. M. 1?atrdirtq,tltte, 6:111:99? Banister. &ttittttetrin Supreme Court Notary Public. Cowman». he. ‘FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CAI uRRIGTI‘R. IOIOITOR. noun-r - BOIVIVMOII. ac. Iomy Public. tptmuttirsitnter.thttt" no», humor. [nuance Agent. to Private Money to bow. Collec- tion“)! .1”ng [31-09me Pt G. LEFBOY McCAUL. o. MoPHAIL.) .1on CLARK DEN T Din-.30“ M, NB. sydenham Mutual "tl- Inn! Ottrr, min-hum ttethutrt. '.'itrB'Ntit..' tNttstktt4'lile4 iliiiiiiidaiJit'gtrih' 'liiii!lll'ig'Elli H“..- Sada-Him" 'ro.-. 'miie-tik'.?,.',;':?'!??,:.!", err. I” aairitftf8 It, Money to ma. lace. over GoMon'I Jewelry Store. “and AM for the My of WW “mammal . at. w." PMtt iil':/tr,i',l'iit,'iriii'ii ng glllh,llhGa'iui"iii'ir'iia"'m"r 3:3): "iGiGiliiiaGaiau not. McKenzie'n Old Band. Durham Auctioneers- " BROWN, LEG-AL. PE a}: P1 [Jenn-d Auctioneer for 00. Urer -e. Alix!II W” an...“ to at 3. we" 0-: 'ii,55ii'i'iitiiti?li.te1tut'y, was!“ and». 'alrGG"ri'asiiiiiriiu", -. y A. B. JACKSON. BR. BURT J. P. TELFORD I]: an... Tibial. Dark-w on». m.wM hug-7311mm“ Co. Mod-cub. ,

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