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Durham Review (1897), 24 Nov 1904, p. 8

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il M [In manly been asked to tul [nations " bay, “or.“ I month. It pays to get the be“ tminitttt. Wimp Torn on!" Jan. a mason. “as?” he. W. J. ELLIOTT. l‘omer Yonre A: Alexander an. Prtnei81. In tht ,Surrqgugg Court of tht.cotetta! of Grett, in the matter of the We of Thou Tut-Mull. the elder. late of the Tomahip of Wok. in the county of Grey. Yeoman. Deceased. NOTlCE is how». given pursuant to R. B. o., m. MJ IM), 800. tBand Amending Acts. that all W0!!! having claims union! the Butane of the mid Thu-nu.- Turnhull. who died or. or shout the 24m day of Sentgmhern A. D. IPI :1; squigé G Gia --ee poit prepaid or to dvlner to J. P. Train-d of the Town of Durham. Solicitor fol the Executor. on or his)" the ttttt day of Deeember. A. 11.1904. then- memes. eddreeeee and (imagine nod e full etetement of portion of their chime and the nature of the 'NNtup. ity (if any) held by them duly eerrtifUd. and that after the add duty the executor will proceed, to distribute the use“ of the deceued muons tne pantie. entitled thereto. having regard rt to the claims of which he shall en haye notice. Dated this 16th day of November, A. D.. mus. J. P. Tumour). Am te,v,'grprp,'lt"dstJt lonthhde acne"! PM JukimtterttAttt.. torandhtdettt. will!“ \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- L pliant to the Statute in that be. half that all |perv-om having claims upon "r minst t . estate of Archibald But- ter. late of the Village of Neckline in our County of Greg. Merchant. accu- ed, whn died on t e 27th day of Sep- trather um. um required On or before the may of Mather 100t to send by post. prepaid. or deliver to the underiuened soliCItor for the nd.. mmistrat rix of the 'tstate of the deceased their Christian and Surnames. the full particulars of their chiius. their ad- "ret-e and descriptions. and the unture of the security. it nay. held by them. you how lt alas the tickling throat, L"dl the 'tthate l, lungs, and controls the hardest d coughs. 'l".?,',?.',':?)""'?""' "gttT, ',tat,t. Alattitltth- for -,tiitcl'iiti And. further take notice. that After the said third day of December. Ill)! the said ndministratrU will proceed to die trihute the use“ of the said deceased among the person- entitled thereto. having regard only to those chime of which she then has notice. And that the and administratrix dull not he lia- ble for the aid meets or any other part thereof so distributed to any pemn or venous of whose claim or chime notice shell not have been received at the time of distribution. Tuna. DIXON. Walkerton P O. Solicitor for the said Administratrix Datrd a. demon this 28th October. 1004. [lard Coughs For the next 30 days, we will sell all Suits and Owned; at such prices " will make them go. We want the money; you want the goods; let us trade and hemutually benefitted Administrator's Notice to Creditors. 30 Days' Sale Some Snaps in Children's Shoes C. L. Grant. Cherry Pectoral TORONTO. ONT. Notice to Crediton. Of CLOTHING, SUITS, AND OVERCOATS... Solicitor for Executor. The eomloriehle home of Andrew”- wert. ir. Normenhy wen the - ot I quiet but pretty wedding on Wedneednt lees. when hie eieter-in-lew. Ill-e the: Ellie. wee united inthe holy honde metrimony to the men of her choice. Ir Beninel Barlow. ot Guelph. The one. many wee fermented in the paler by the Rev D Cemphell. in the 're" o! e limited nemlier of invited reletivee end friende. The bride dread in pole line Indie- club. trimmed with white “tin. overleeed end modellione. with roeette ehite thitroas edorning her heed end coming e bonnet of white eerne- ( tione. looked her preth'eet. while the hrideemeid. Mire Lottie Ellie. dreeeed in neyy blue trimmed with arena “in. overhead and eppliqne end her hend‘ edorned with rosette of pink ohilnn.‘ looked sweet. The groom, whom on short eeqneintenee. we would “he to be e model hon-bend. wee eeeieteil by " brother, Mr Fred Berlow. ot Owen Sound. who eeoompliehed the leek with dinghy end credit to himself. After the neuel congretnletione end good with ell repeired to the dining room where e very ',','l,'dte'd'e rope-it weein waiting end it in n lose to any. woe very hard], pertai- en of. The bride's eeke. e huge one. wee mede by Mrstinsou,batror of Dar. hem end judging by its excellent composi- tion end good flavor we could hurtan recommend him to ell intending pnrchee~ ere. The newly married couple left e couple of days afterwards on their hon eymoon trip to Guelph and Toronto. after which they will take up their elude in New Ontario on e farm. Mr Barlow u en expert at cement paving. lining elong with other contacts enpervieed the lev- ing of in long sidewalk In your town. To the happy wedded couple We extend hearty eorisirtrtstlstior" for I. long end happy wedded Illa. The presente to the bide were numerous end coetly emong the some being e gift by the 'troom of . gold watch and chein. . Never have the weds been better no: the weather more bountiful than whet we have enjoyed lince November came in end bu evory nppeamnce of continuing it for some time yet. Colin Blythe and but nephew. Clan Blythe attended the funeral! of tho for. mat". brother-in-uw, Mr Bennie. of For- gus. In» weak. Mr and Mn Wm Emilia and (hush. tor Minnie. of St Jacobs. Out., Wore [he guests of Mr and In Don chlvrido on Thank-giving: day., Word has been teoeivod of the very precerioua condxtion of mucus Hoetiut, who went West eome eight or nine years ago to seek his fortune and in now lying in n hoepitnl in Regine, " the point of death. It append thet only tut winter the nnlortnnete young men stepped on a rusty mil which penetreted hie foot end shortly elterwarde blood winning so: in. He went to the houpitel when hie leg I” opened no late then " nine. diirerent linen. but still without any good meal“. Then the pbyeicien resorted to amputa- ting the limb which they beve done, three times and It leteet ecconnt it wen not expected he would recover. Jno Calvert. of Orchard. want West a fortnight ago to visit his brows! lumen, wholieu in I Winnipeg hospital " the point. of death. The funeral of the late Mu Ed Ryan took place last Saturday to the B. C. cem- etery In Ayton. Deceased 1nd been In suing bum) for an. put two years wish Wale! on the lungs Ind tie-pm: " 'dtorts no motor. her to beam: site gn mull, sank sud on Thursday the pound ”awfully “my to that land from whence no tearad- lor returns. beloved and rec-poem! by all. She no used 62 yous and 2 months. To the summing Inmuy aud “have: we ox- tond the antipathy of this ueighbortsood. Row Mr Kendal. of Woodland And Conn occupied the pulpit in Knox Church but Sunday Ind prouched s very inspiring MIND!) from the text " The “one Which the builders minted the lame bu become the ' ot the corner." Two . master thought ubxy rendered. In Redford upon; I few Glyn unit. with ll" ll IcDoInld. If nnd In Robert Lodingham visttod n J no uoDongau‘o on Sunday. Guy Wslker in home from the West. at: nnd Ira Baht Carrie. of Lamlub. Vilma " Linus-tows on Thanksgiving. lusts. J and N “rind. ot Cari“, upon: . tow any: hunting In our mix!)- borhood. Robert lcCuhn. accompanied by mu chonzio visited Durham Manda on Sand” last. ur 3nd In Goo nqbkitk. ot Seafonh. vidud the Bobkuk funny on Satan“) and Sunduy. Oar school was cloud on Friday. Alex Column-wing rented his farm to a Normunby farmer. nu returned to Tot. onto. Some time bu elnpsed Mr Ed,. since any newa bu nppeared in your papa: from our pert of the country, so thoroloru we will try and give you a tor of the ban- peningl in and tround our bare. Don McFarlane And daughter Milt l enuio veaited Proton friends one day Int week. Mira Leah MoComb in " prawn: rid. ting Hinds in Snlhvnn Tp. Chan Mon-that hnd an suction ale on the 18th. disposing ot :1! his turn and and implomeuu. lit IoAnhnr and bun- ". inund laying for Nisan: Fglls in we wring. Pour Muir. who Shun been eoMnod to hit bed for the put nine Inch with she lever in not improving very much. Misa Marumt MeArthnr. of Ceylon. spent. a few day: last week with tbs Iron. nedy family. ' John Muir, of Toronto. an» up to no Thee tank a trip to Tor-mm his We: Peter. who in Very in. Ho . new aortic-d d am here We intends "It-yum toe o couple of weeks. l wish them may happy days. Me and Mn Wm Britton united tho Kenny funny at the truth handy. BLYT1MN comm. CRAWFORD BUNESSAN. to--. r, ., . - J: A Clan Round]. who has boon on the sick lbtiorshoputfowmnbnm chitonyonlhe mend, . --_ John drain: and brother Dough]. of war town spent Thought“ with the MoOonmck timilr. A a moon; of an Durham 0mm Senator {notary - a few days at hon: Int wuk. Thunder and lightening on Sotnnhy evening in; but the run did not omonnt to much. This is one oftho finest tulle we be." had for 1 number of yearn. Ne ploughing of any noeonns done for the In!» two Inch on account of the and...» of the front. Fine tune tor taking on wood and such like. Our wood. on ringing with repom from hunters mnskets. nanny o no" innocent erennre safer; dent!) to Iota!) the sportsman their" and plea. enro and could then innocent undeter- Ipenk their tbnngbts their cry would be " ol, oporumon - my life." We new e lot ot young men ermed with gene amusing themselvee in Norman Me. Inlvre'e tuid on Thanksgiving day, our leer- m-re eroueed than either the Jepe or Bastien: bad arrived. bat to our pleunre and comfort we found out our mistake for it wee neither. but a lot of young fellow- hnnting in Norman‘s swamp end failing to find enythinu took revenge no firing on e slump an urge: no gel. rid of rho charge in their awaken. A number in the neighborhood are com- plnininx. Mrs Than Fisher Val under the doesor'e care on Snnrlav hut but re- port that eho's boner. Commissioner John Mehrtltur rip-mt he: meek at the Cunnty Capital attending on parliament-r31 duties on e small scale. John no doubt will be elected by ecclemu- tion for another term or he has proven himself to be a. good and efBeiont servant in the past which entitles him to it comin- nenee of the rams for the (more term. Municipal matters are quiet no far. We do ttot he" whether Reeve Muir will have any opposition in Artemeeia or not. He fulfilled the ofhee very satisfactorily during the put year. which recommend: him highly tor a continuance for mother year. Arch McLellan. collector. was incur town on Saturday receiving taxes lor wad No2. Glenelg. and was successful in getting in a Inge portion of the amount on his book. Al foe Glonelu we hue the idea that all will be elected by aeeltuuntion again. fur we dont but no complaints. yet: D McCormick still curios the tax gath- ering book for No. l. Artomeun and will take tome time before he will get nd ot It " Au, McLeod in a busty mun these tunos attending to his chopper and customers. No vanity of flour In our town for Iota of it wilt be lound " Moms MoAnhnr. McKinuon and Branders. at modentc price: and good quality. - Oar “not”: etieaorit a Mr Cumnobnel. from Noun“. village. Notuw-ugn, tor our whoa here tor 1995. We heard it said that to secure a good poeition one must he a. good reformer, a Presbyterian and n Scotchmen. wall We preuume our new teacher is all of them. but one of our trustees is a thoroughbred Irishman, a. lull-bred Conservative and a tirsrtrltiuso all round man be it " the snvil or on school hummer. so we cannot vouch whether our new teacher is Reformer or Conunstive.hutine Immaterial which: “though the majority of our trustees are rotor-men we can safely any they did not take panties into conhidention. Thcukuiving day was obrened hero by some gum; to church and . larger or- rion going to the Murray. around-t. an Marbecon and Ranch preached . union cervicc in the Presbyterian church. Boyd's Batch. of Onngeville. and Muh- oson or this place exchanged pulpim Snu- day before last. The Methodists of this ttt bud- unnd entertainment on T nlugiving evening. Supper served at Wataou's Ball Ind entertainment in the church an that so its almost from all pun. Moth- odim In nevu- behiud In making their meeting entertaining. Pastor Ranch Ind 0mm spared no time In making the meat- in. n success both f1muteittlly and other. Donald Graham 1n. of Biilinh Columbia is Ironing a while at his father's in this town " mount. Nine: Jules McDonald. Meadie Hineks Ind Janet McEacheru left Int week to Ipond . while with the citizens of Toronto. Angus Mchcbem. of Cleveland, who spent over a month at home, south line. left on Fndly last. John MoDonnll. of the Toronto Asylum staff. is visltmg his mother. Mn McDougoll. north line, at present. Joseph “oDonsld. of British Colum- bia. spent s few days vinting his par- ents of this place.‘ Mgny ,rit1.retnem)ryr 309 as helix; tt tirst.euG miller In Me. Gowm’l milk in “In town some you: Mrs McDonald. scum line, moved with bet nephew Jun McDonald (Rod Jim) where the will receive the beat of cure allwinwr. Hector McLesn, at the corner, in one of the beat men in the country. for his home is s refuge to the needy. Although Hector dent nuke any loud prolesaiunu u to his gmdnesn. he he: very for eqnell in ~helterinn the poor end unfortunate end they take the advantage of him in thus respect. A The weather has boon good hare. from enough temp ploughing. Roads m Rood. Married Mr Wm J Gl‘nister of this place to Mics Minnie Staph-mum of Ezmmnm on the Theh, Resr Mr Ranch of Price-ville tied the, binding knot. Thee tank a tripto Mum and are nnw gunk-d d an here We all here PRICEVILLE to-..“ THE DUBHAI REVIEW BOPEVILLE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO WANTLE DEPT. Ladies' HARDWARE DE PT- SOME BUMPERS FOR SA r., Rev" Child's Lamb Continues, were $1.00, Saturday . . . . . . "se " were 2.00, " .......75c " were 2.50, " ......$x.25 Men's and Boys' Caps, were 25c, noun. .... ...... .... 15c It is an old ssying that one sorrow never comes alone. Mr A H Buruet E: was called away to see his sister buried w near Hamilton some weeks ago. last week he got notice ot his brother-m- M law, Mr Curran oi'Normanby, tuning 3 died. He staved a few days with his a sister and fumilv. Me Joseph McArd- le since his wife's death six months ago a got notice of his brother-in law's death a in the Township of Gavan. Co. Durham M and last Friday a telephone message came tor him announcing the dram of MI " eldest sister. Mrs Armstrong of. g Hope Tp., Ca Durham. Mrs Arm-l stmng had received a parslvtic stroke ' (8) some time ago and her death was 'e"xCIR) pected. Mr MeArdle had arranged toy attend the itineral when the message‘ would come. but by the people forgoi- ting to deliver it, tt was detained here 24 hours. thus preventing him ofgoing. ': He feels ted'tgt',l',f,'rg', very keen~| ly as he had not een down to see his; friends in that neighborhood where he; once lived for many years. [a Mr George McLeach. I local preach- '3 er and one who has spent milllderlblCM time in this neitthborhoud arrived here last Saturday and preached in Hope- ville church 2 Be is broad in his views and a. cul- tured oottvergatiottailtst is Mr Thou. Campbell who leit lust. Weak man. lucrative position in Minnesota. We are pleased to see Mia Mamie McKnight in the vinlage once more atter u trying experience with Bttoro hand in one ot the Toronto haspitals. Miss Euwbison of Markdule in spend- inga few pleasant days in the burg. ths, guest of Mrs H pun. - - The village was shocked on Thurs-, day last on hearing that Mrs John Cor- lett had passed to the greater beyond, I She had only been sick for a " days when pneumonia set in and robbed the home of a loving motherand an "eet-' innate wife and the communitv of its most estimable character. The funeral on Saturday to Lamina cemetery was one of the largest ever in the c »mmnnity [ showing the respect in which the do? ceased was held. Bey Mr Aitchlaen amounting at the home and grave. We meet thy pensive loving face Th? thrilling voice we here, And ormer hours and scenes retrace Too fleeting and too dear, We little thought it could be thus ' In days more blight and fair That earth could have a place tor na And than no longer there. Yet death cannot our hearts divide Or make thee le- an: own. T'w.ere better sleeping“ thy aide Than watching here alone. Yet never never can we gar: While Helm)" holds er reign, Thine Thine is still these mum-ed . hands Tttt we shall meet again. These Jackets are made from the finest of cloths, cut with ell the at!“ and duh of made-to-order conte. beautifully lined throughout. Iplend- idly finished in evety detail. perfect fits. We have not forgotten the little girls and even the babies, 3 full line for all. Coats from ,1,ul,r0 to $13 Misses' Coats. 2.50 to 17 Ohild s Coats from $2 to 4.30 FUR DEPARTMENT 003N003. The Big Store Alex. Russell. Staff and Equipment. The school In man-manly at in awning sunny. in cheated and ')lk'iiri?tii1lilr.' and at. unp. Ae., toe full Junta Lam Kntgteu1- uoo work. The following competent and we In Intending students would enter " the halo- ntniiifittetiy.tittit8t: Boudmnheobtdn- danceable” Durban-balmymd Fiti%ifiitoam,trtgmi"mmtdmimtrie pl.“ "tiiiTidfdeit cc Wm . Johnston. Jr., c. Rain-.0. Chit-n. an." Durham School face. ALLAN, 1.: cm mam. mm was L. n. mama. B. A., Chslel and lo J. B. SUITE, B. A" 'EAtttetttatieidBeieatee, Furs! Furs! Furs! Ltuiiett'Ji'qr gapes. t1aperines, Boas, and other Ladies' Astrachan Jackets in good varieties. Neck Fufs. - Ladies' and Girls' Gauntlets. in gray and black Astrachan and Persian Lamb. s'.: l Ladies' and Men's, Fur Cups of every descriptiUt just arrived, making our stock most complete in this line. Come early and get the advantage of a good choice. We will just mention right here that we have the largest stock of Rubber 1httttrrt.tg in town. We can furnish you with a complete Wintér Outiit: Butter, Eggs and Fowl wanted-every day in the week Highest Prices paid either in ash or Produce. FEES: 01 per month in advance The largest stock to select from. the best qual- ity, and the lowest priced accordingly in town. THE PEOPLE’S STORE THE PEG PLE’S STORE 'y cat may! _the !trle Robt. Burnett. More New Overcoats GENTLEstEN-See our Coon, Fur-lined, Wombats. Astraehau, Bear skim and other varieties of Nr Coats FRESH GROCERIES always arriving. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. 3 ll' 13odrsu.. 31b. Fancy Biscuits...... ...... ...r I pkgMaltaVita,wa513c......... I pngorce, was15c ...o.... ...... I -pkgMcLarett'sps1tr.... ......... GROCERIES FOR SATURDA Y X Cut Saws : Lance, Racer, President, Toledo Blade, Philadelphia Lance, &c. Axes, Hay Knives, ac, ae. C For Service at Jan. Pat' near Agricultural Grounds. 81.11). Jan. PAL Lots 32: 88, Con. 2 8. D. R.. maln- mg 100 are: more or less. About an aereeeleneed and in good Mote!“- tintion for dlkindc of Ben-nin- in 10 acre. hood 'J'ou'l'%d Four ones from Priceville. finite from school. On farm are two gel, we"; Brick House so It 22. with itch» " x 23..ch lar and.“ numbness. Good hank moo: G. Iii-Illa stoning. Title. good. In, tor- of mymt tum“ pan-burr. App! it hy [nut to Prim- "te P. o. or on do plunke- to NOWIBBI " THOROBRED DUKE“ BULL I “I Tri, 'h' in til, FARM FOR SALE EM .... ....Satuthy i. Inform). an ', 'ryeintrhaanu, mods. mriim ;. FALKIXGIAI. a 07c 2te 25c l,- a VOL. Sim 275 in fey 'tttee. as": I00 50 " The Hi A

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