1904 tut M 'DA Y d 45 " " iii 50 8,?llirlll,!l?.l.liill e??? (iiflegWtll(lllllilli2f, it 75 ms mum curtain lllrl,lll i6t 20 illll mm" mm Pr" HEEEEEEEHEEEEEWEEEWEE VOL. XXVI. NO. 48 ' Fagâ€"52$ Wammmzmaw iii Millinery Ladies’ Mantteg Corsets Shoot " Skirts Cottom, Tick! " Gloves Pillow Cottous Tove " Hosiery The Famous " Brittania" Underwear for Men and " Puritan derwear for Ladies in many weights and qualities. MI) lit MI 00000000 1;? 020330‘50‘30 32531830; LOMthND SHIRTiNGS. These goods are Mill ends from one yard to twelve yards in length. Selling at. .. . . . . . . . . . ..... .... .... ...... ...... r.... lessthan wholesale prices 0 I (l in all the newest weaves and pat- I 'li?,?,,]?!,,!,!,,?!)?!,.!!,, a,,f/2Ug,',l,t,g,'y;1g,fi ilflt I in.Black, Navy. Brown anti gram; worth ()() 'Ei."£’!..§9!l'."§§ y'dT,Tr..-v.a.r.d. . . .'l1l".".".ty..".r.i.d.'T. iillt Want of space will not permit mentioning any more, but we have hundreds of other bargains waiting for you in t Highest Prices paid for Fowl, Batter and Eggs- ii'ihhhMhhhhhohhhht'hhhhhhhhMMimea " It's an Ill Wind that 'i'iti, Blows Nobody Good " it Men’s Fur Coats Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets Ladies’ Jackets Men's Overcoats Snaps in Dress Goods and Suitings _:;:' H. H. MOCKLER. ’73 iiirititGG9a";r"tadtr Leave your order and you may be sure it will be filled on tistactory. Now is your chance to buy From now on all our stock A TRUE PROVERB. Somebody lost mo- my on the goods listed below, but we were the gainers, and it is in our power to Save Money for you also. That's what we're going to do as we prom- ised last'week. All these goods just passed into stock last and this week. Here goes: We have coats that will suit you it you want one for tine wear or for heavy ale. Coats that look well and wear well.... .... ...... .... . ...t Broadway Overcoats and Ulster: also, heavy ul. new and Rulers with storm collar-all sizes and Pd James "Ireland. ) Mtt Every tittt a Bargain. regular price 51.25 per yd, in 3 different shades selling on above days at (Ill f, ll I 38 inches wide, regular price 1lll IOC, selling for per yd.. . . . . regular 20c and 25c. at Iii I perpair................. a regular 40c and Soc per yd, on sale for per yd only..... . ....... _,,:"",,,:"'.,.:;:,,',,,,':',,;:.',,,,] iiliirl"lttliittit 1llil,it, DURHAM, THURSDAY. milanlahiia, % Fil ow R . l R I gig-gag; (iiiiiilliiiiit8lrl& I "'""5L,. d',,"'"'."' 'sl,'?,':'". v,' "r "','" _ 'r," _a'1,""' "l5'",/'-rr"f'ri"" '., “x "in an. 6.1mm L 1906. " Honky tit-e ind-6 'l Tme LATE GEORGE 2'eri-i?,t'fit? A very happy eve »zfor.:noon last. after several weeks' il home of Mi. B. V , ness. the above gentleman passed away when then only t .I In his goth year. His removal breaks a united in marriage 1Hunk between the Durham ofthe past of Toronto. At bin 'and of to-day, for back in the NN he couple walled into 'lfoanded the well-unoWn cabinet shop, strains of the Brid t' which. under him and his sons. has had Nuptiulu,†pluyvd ' continuous existence. He was a man Rev. Mr. Nt-thn l _ of straight forward character. affable in I many. after which c _ business and valued as neighbor and t good wishes fullowet _ friend. His family consists of six sons. "pail-oi to the dir: George. Michael, Jacob. Edqu all sumptuous wedding ‘ resident here. John in Wisconsin. who The wedding cake l is home for the funeral. and Wm who awn-y one and want went soiling some. years ago; three who partoot Mit m daughters are Looms. the youngest " they had over octet homo, Mrs Ballet St Gluhuryyit.ysndi w†Miss Little. 0 Mary married In the Bates. Mr Areas [momentum Mr. H was born in Alsace. tnen in France. tNeneitp The fathm over ar years ago and amp to this was a cheque for I country at the age of " working some- eveathing In how. time in New York and New Jerserat cou hedeurg-d. Tl his trade of cabinet maker. From there wore too numerous he mane to Durham and established his ifts of silver'nre ttmt shop where th. R 'iriiiiiiiii?ilh"i hrlde's weddlm midencs now stands. In religion he I “an. .ilk with sill adhered to the Church of England And I and elation ruchmg 2fa; in being burned in the .Fr1tytt [smug '.'lNgi'llll', a schurc comm! beside his wife who i with-ml m: hat Whine!“ yarn-.0. wunosthscoming. theow.-After 8 or 4 woeku of brand tal fall weather. snow fell on "ttttuh" 26thinst., Imminent to make sleighlng for light. loads At Sealant: A fall at two feet cunt place. hat three inches onlv fell hue. and sincv we have bum mildly treated. Blizzards and stalled trains in England "tttt to call for Kip. ling to celebrate his own .. Lady of the Sunnis.†Dortsocu.--Cmnmunion Service will he held at, Dornoch on Sundug next.“ ll t% m.. and will he conducte by Pas. tor Attchison, Prepamlory services will be held an Friday a! 2.30 p. m.. and on Squrdny Ull a. m. Raw. F. Matheson at Ohntswwrth will preach on Friday. Preparations am heing made for the annual Christmas tree on Dec. 23rd. and the workers are determined it shall not be inferior to its predecessors. Beet vxlue in town in Xmas Groceries and Candies. B. P. Morlock. ANOTHER GREAT CONCERT. ..-- The Sons of Scotland Sociotly here, remem- bering their experience out winter. are taking time by the forelock and have wronged for a first clue concert on Thursday Dee, 8. The talent consists of the well-known and talented Harold Jarvis, of Detiolt. Miss Marietta Lu. Dell Toronto, Miss Dunlap. Hamilton, oclev- er cacti-alto Scotch vocalist. Pigsr J. Ross. Acton, and his son. Muster illie Scottish dancer. Mrs Newton will again he accompanist. The high class talent being expensive, the committee have placed the ndmiaalon to all parts of the Hall for tioe. There will thus be no rlowding. Plan at MacFarlnne’s Drug Store and first come first served in the choice of seats. Plan is now open. Get A thgARr.--This weak Prof Tes- ter. preuoluniat and Itpde,tt"git,, is “trading heads" for t in community and pointing out your “mm for some sphere of liteU duties. He " to he taunt! " the Middmmh Home. and your character will he mid tor80ennd fuller write!) Information forli0eand 31.0). {in A verv happy event took place at the home of Mi. B. wiilmms Nov. 23rd when theii only daughter. Ida. was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Large. of Toronto. At thh noon the hip . couple walked into the parlor to the strains of the Bridal March. "Happy Nuptiule." pluyvd by Mrs. Newton. Rev. Mr. Newton performed the cere- mony. after which congmlnletmns and good wishes followed. The guests then repaint! to the dining room where n sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The wedding cake wow a beautiful 4 storey one and was pronounced by II" who pet-toot of it the heat wedding cake they bad ever 'tatett. The bridesmaid we: Mine Little, of Hanover. The [mailman Mr. Hugh McArthur. of Glenelg. The father'- gift to the bride was a. cheque for 81(1). The motherh tgtgiled in household goods that con lit-desired. Thegil'u- from friends were too numerous to mention. costly gig!- of silverware Inc-mg prominent. e helde'e wedding dress wm white tatreta, eilk with silk velenciennee lute and elation "who? rimming. 2'a gmngnwn gown!) new .uh with on! grown.“ endosu-ich [Jane Pte AND Box BociAu--Mr John Graham’s school social. in McGirr's school house last Friday night beat. all records in llnunrml results. even his own at. Hvtton Hill last year. Money must he plenty around No. 0, when pies no at onv old price from 75 cent- to 33.25. Mr Graham himself was in the chair and the Program had only one fault. it was too orig and two varied for one evening. Jae. WI son’s groumnhone was a. feature and fine instrumental music by the Ritchie Bros. There was a dialogue gotten up with care. some good recita- tione. and onion tram such Well known artistes as Miss Jenn Brown and Ida Wilson, besides Mr. J ts Di-ysdnle. the Scottish baritone was present and added may to the excellence of the prom-om. Er Jae Staples acted as auctioneer and the prices testify to his skill. One of the chief partners in a la e city wholesale firm withdrew hum 'E fhau. The other members tried to float a. new company hut Were nmucceuful. The whence fell through. thousands of dollars won th of goods were Inning and had to he sold at once at . great uncri- tice, H. H. Mocklor was on hand and bought. a large quantity oftheae new goods. He lists some of the mum in his " this week. for the pan two months The Gaiiiii Were taken to Brandon where the fun. and took phtee from his brother's mi- dence, on Tuesday. to Brandon ceme- terr-Anon Advance. The tirst social evening of the sewn Prepared Ivy the Presbyterian Guild for Mt Manda! evening mm a. decided sun can. In a dition to games. a. flno pro- gmm was rendered cumming of solos by Misses Gibson. Jessie Luidlnw. B. Crawford and Ida wiuort, and rather humomm trading» by Misses L. M. Forfar, A. Blackburn and M Hunter. After light retreshmonts Were served the sotGl was brought to A close by singing "God have the King." . yet-em nun been undergoing treat- Pr/hi? this: Wipnipvg 9eny.et ospi.tn1 ONTARIO ARCHW . TORONTO . “Domination: of space prev-m as "fen-ink " grater hugâ€) at. pr can; totttiitatrtestraaeetAraattiiutMsuom. Among: the notable speeches of the Convention. next to the Premier's. w a that of Mr. McDonald of the Globe, Which " its clan tiane morn! tune could not be Durward. The four new numbers Ill made a good impression. "That any candidate bearing the Liberal colors should try to complete " organization out of reputable men t.etidiptr. or having business connec- tionsin his own ridingcshear, bur)- nnd that it is an naive My of awry Libero! candidate to see that. no persm who has been judicially noted tor cor rapt practices is included in his elec- to!!! organization on brought Into Here and there men are found whose nucleon prevents theat not from taking devious countess. but these are local manilestationsjusm as the ballot 3mm": in Durham back in the 90's in the interests of the 1,ymservtu,iveis, was local. and it was small wonder that young delegatm and old heartily cheered the tt'aukdemitieittthms ot cor- ruption within the palm and took steps to cleanse it by adopting as among resolution which we give herewith _ " That this conv: ntion, representing the Liberal party of the vaince ot Ontario. repudistPe and condemns in the must utsqanlifb.td terms every form of bribery by which electors are ille- gally or corruptly irdiaeneed at elee. time to the Leftielktive Assembly. and all fraudulent schemes to defeat the honest purposes at the electorate as be- ing . violittion of the inndamcntul principles of responsible government sud contrary to the spirit and tradi- tions ot the Liberal party. (Hear, beer.) And this convention would also call upon the Li hers! members of Nr.. Ilenient to dense the must ample Inesns whereby election trials shall be continued until "erg offender is duly convicted end penis ed, and that no political or other Considerations be per- mitted to stand in the way at the fullest vindication of the sanctity of the bellot and the protection at public moi-sis." most I gm: tribute to a grant leader, the Hun. G. W. Ross, and the dtffrtu enoe in the size of the Ouux'entions w" a fair ttqt'tattmt of the valuation of the leaders bv their respective parties. The remarkable communion was also 3 pluses; against the persisuem. attempt to viliify the whole Liberal perm from their lender downward by accusing them of justifying new of cut-mpmn. when the tact is the true heartot the Liberal party and of its great leader, deptoresi every attempt muse uniuir means to win punctual udeiugc. Dr. Hunter. Liberal Candidate in West Tomato. mined the following rider which was attached to the motion and " amended carried unanimously ,__ tt tht called. Mr. Roy. M. P. " . "' ltm'd be $t All“ tenure," I' mlmdeend rem-rk'mey hue. . . lender, Mr, Whitney, wall i ' ,1 , Mme the dar utter. which ell now rewgnlse wee I notice! I ".', l e. lorin nnmbere end enume- .-. end we mu eullyprediet in T tt was fer inferior to the Liber- _' dieting. mention Ball, tha' $fll _.. Tdatse of the Conurvuiveei ' N “Wendunotime didih 3 ' . and melanin tlte Bttetnd. _ " Cd iiiiiiii;d17a"G11'd', when cool .73 . an thouende on their lut- ‘ . (tt r. Whitney made such mi... "in r “premier“ Would be no more! 'h in h't=," No, can it be iiiiil the" “a Bugatti-lug] we; . J‘caepneen ve. r t rue t {taunt on? "wuurietly adhered! V . every not nu tiled till audi- an. end tlatte-rt rear were filitsd, I, AttNttettmt.tnrtsaitto"tie dirtsetedto, 1%,: gallery; ( in the meeting readers of the; 3taii, are informed was nude up of? “Mg. tag end hobotnll. " at " MieitN 'l,, hatclleenekm." whose "eXpeneee " attthi', a. an, " which Fail provided with revnlvere! l wherel Old was going to ecu-eh mother‘s5 fuel! when Rev. J, McDoneld. of ttteo'lotm, defended corruption end! -tstteerrxsd tor doing no! i! I in. editorial in the Meilnnd lam-f tltg'd2tttg but. dealing with the 1 entice. a dieguee to Cunndinn a r, lien, and tendon who read that; . ‘ only are gran-Iv misled. The; H ' the Telegram. the News. all “a Wvuive pane“, while using l, Winn. genre trauma-thy rep-mi ROSA: A L‘I 'c, te,tt Boom: with his ooeditusnta." F Ween.) do and tmtdriidiGiiiiii"Ga; 1 their min on Thttmdar oven- Ligan- the Inc great debate on do envy touted the word and" Mthttarto Libel-ah in In. weak. nod It indium]: to hqxoepc in the Inner-lulu do- Ttie mud-nee of dtrlettates B In numbcr. and hundreds hand the galleries. Fun t foreman wanton to the In: Iittetytrat magnum“, Mid an? OOIVBII Wtttt tefrrltrgt and tore- Mun . Cie,t. F, 's,ca"fb"'riti'k't2g This week we bought a lot of me At soc on the dollar, which you can buy for HALF PRICE w11ileitlasts. This means you can buy here nu 7lie 31 oo Also too pieces of tine china. worth 50c each. They go Saturday cu-h Me. EXTRA FINE PERFUME The Genuine Bargain Store, On the Busy Comer, -- Durham. fl. B. KEELER t SONS Winter Millinery 2.00 I SHOP EARLY. ma tltthtlnt t (h Iktggittt ' Booksellers Ittmililhtu%hho Short Weeks we are better thle than over to Moutnamlu trade. It's an Acknowledged bet tint we are Non for thin†and nap-hoe Haiku, Goode and a took " our Immune .toek this yam-will mu convince you that our pouiuon still remains unchanged. With an Balugad Stun We In†I good demand fo Winter Mullinery M present and we will no planed m hue you as“ who m-Ht ooetV ent and use our goods. bottles of Perfume. for Fun. Flushes. Volvo“. Flow- er‘ and Folk†-there you have the clmwmn whieh an hm. mmhinrd for the materials in the muting at winter huts We haven lam stock of all that mun-rind- and a good Mimi-er of I‘VE m "' " the popular colon and than; can IAIN“. m m it... Miss Dick. we have. All In out in; vult fmm to“. We do not pro-- any-um- to buy. but take plumbkndiu our 'totutanew. if undo-d. in "uh-a your oak-(150nm no use nun their aloo- uonl only - Mun-e it tum-a bemu- Selection and hotter Sonics to "mum-mu- the many way and “new! nth-In pm barium, and what In": on". ttu hu. uum mu an u‘prormunuo and how prune we alt no. Tilt Christmas, SNAP SATURDAY: 75c (MD 150 n hottie M" t'i'ir,