West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Dec 1904, p. 8

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# All kinds of Logs delivered to the| Mr and Mrs Joun Harbottle, of Dur Company‘s yards in Durham for which | Daw, visited with yr and Mrs Neaill the following prices will be paid : F";:‘“Rblm on Sund«y. s + a Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood _ | . °[ (FiuNC! 5 Jacques intends spending CHE Adks. ... c«««xs >« «s«c «ef /+ {HMOQ Maple, Birch & Beech......... 12.00 Hemlack..... .... ..... $$&00 to 100 Spruce, Cedat, &C¢............. 10.00 Prices will be regulated from the abâ€" ove basis according to quality. The DURMHAM FURNITURE CO Limited Lots 2x 33, Con, 28. D. R., containâ€" ing 100 acres more or less. _ About 90 acres clenred and in good state of culâ€" tivation for allkinds of crops. Remainâ€" ing 10 acres hard wood bush,. Four wiles from Priceville, $# mile from school. On farm are two good wells, Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 23, cel lar and all couveniences, Good hank barn x 65, splendid stabling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit purchaser. Apply if by post to Price= ville P. 0, or on the premises to LID Solid Oak Suite, with iron bed,...... P Regular, $35.00, Holiday $30.00 Quarterâ€"cut oak, 3â€"piece suite,.......... Regular, $45.00, Holiday $38 75 These are but a few with different Styles to select from. Bedroom Suite. golden ouk finish, ... .. 3 draw ers in dresser. iron bed,..... Regular, $17.00. Holiday Oll.(lil‘ 30 Days‘ Sale ROCKING CHAIRS in Quarterâ€"cut oakâ€"$2.50 to $12 5oâ€"Holiday $1.90 to $9.75 AN ELEGANT LINE OF RATTAN ROCKEKS For the next 30 days, we will sell all Suits and Overcoats at such prices as will mak® them go. We want the money; you want the goods; let us trade and be mutually benefitted Some Snaps in Children‘s Shoes FPARM FOR SALE, C. L. Grant. The above is but a few of the articles we have and they are all appropriate gifts. Inspection Invited. _ Buy nowâ€"We will hold them for future delivery. NOTICE. Of CLOTHING, SUITS, AND OVERCOATS... vner ct. Wx. McLrEop, 8Sr., Prop Quarterâ€"cut oak, «welled front solid.... brass trimmings. British beve...... el mirrorâ€"Reg. $43, holiday, $35.00 Your choice in 3 different designs...... in Golden Oak, extends 8 ft....... regular $10.50, holiday price $9.00 Extension table 8 ft. Golden Oxk...... .. .regular $9 00, holiday price $7.95 Extension table 8 ft. Golden Oak ...... .. .regular $7.50, holiday price $6.50 With different designs to choose from Parlor tables in all the different ...... size« and styles from 80 cts. to $8.50 and 15 per ceni. off Shewell & Lenahan SHEWELL & LENARAN *\ Big Furniture Sale |"% § ies Extension Tables. tw SIDEBOARDS THESE VALUES point the way to positive savings. Mr Sacine! S Jacques intends spendiug Christmas with triends in Detroit, and we know he will put in a good time. _ Al wish bim a pleaâ€"»nt trip. Mr and Mrs Hewitt, of Darkies‘ Corner spent Sunday with the Timmios famniy, xr and ars Win Timmins #ro spending a tew days with the lattor‘s sister at Fleâ€"berton. Lawrence McGoyenor and Ben Mayse are busy cutting wood these aays. _ At present they are wear‘ng away aia conâ€" trace of fifty cords for xr Jobn Greenwood Jr. They are hustiers. The officers of Zion Sunday School are making arrangements to hold their annual | Christmas Tree concert on Christmas eve. ‘There will be a good program prepared and popuiar prices at the door. Every | body welcome. Come and haye a good | time, also bring your presents to the tree, We are sorry to report the sickness of Albert MeNally. He is sufferingy from a kevere atinck of quiney, We are hoping for his speedy recovery, xr Minuis is makiog things rush at the Falls these days und bas quite a gang on. He has Mr Barber from meaford and oir John xcLeod, Owen Sound, to engineer the work, and we think they are getting along well cousiderinsy the weatker. He expecis to bave it working by the of January. Say, xr Editor, spar up those merchâ€" ants of your town a little, as they surely have uo energy to allow axr ans xyrs Wim Kenny co take from under their nose a load of turkeys and geese to Markdaie that brought about ninety doliars, prices in wmarkdale being about four cents per lb more than in the city ot Cement and Smoke. \ Messrs W. Burgess and A. Hastie |are making the timber for Sandy Mcâ€" iDnnald's barn which will be erected 1 next summer. \ Rev. Mr. Atcheson, of Chesley, |preached in the Presbyterian church |bere on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Leslie preaching in Chesley. Miss Aggie Milne spent SBunday at home. | _ Messrs Donald and Charlie McKechâ€" : nie, of Glenelg, vizited fiiends in this | neighborhood on Sunday. There‘s a good time coming boys,â€" A Xmas tree in the Methodist church bere on Thuarsday evening, another in the Baptist church, Mualock, Wednesâ€" day evening, one in tne Dornoch Pres. church Friday evening, and one in the Presbvterian church here on Wedâ€" nesday evening of next week. " Gea, verily, a good time coming." 5 piece Parlor Suite, in mahogany ... .. | Hnished frames, upholsteredin...... velours.â€"Reg. $35.00, hohday $20.75 5 piece ParlorSuite, Mahoganyfinâ€"...... ished frames, upholstered in ...... velours,â€"Reg. $25 00. holiday $20.00 3 piece Parlor Suite, in best Eurlbh.. s2 W‘iton Rugâ€"Reg. $65, Holiday $55, Miss Hannah Hastie, of Toronto Norâ€" #o9C 9 Parlor Suites CRAWFORD ZION. Your choice of 3 samples in solid ...... golden oak, 3 drawers.............. .. .. Regular $15.00, holiday $1175 Sideboards.... Reg $11.50, holiday $9.75 Springs, Chairs, Hall Racks, etc. Springs from $1 75 to $4.50. holiâ€" O .............Gay price $1.50 to $3.00 Matresses from $2.75 to $6.50 holâ€"...... .............Iday price $2 25 to $5.00 Chaire per 4 doz from $2.70 to $25...... ........ holiday price $2.40 to $21.00 Hall Racks from $6.00 to $17.00...... ........ holiday price $5.00 to $15.00 Jardineres from $2 00 to $3.50 holâ€"...... ............iday price $1.50 to $2.20 Iron Beds from $5.00 to $2000,...... .... ... .. holiday price $4.25 to $16.75 immiddle i mal, is spending her Xmas bolidays at nome. Mr Ailex. McDonald, Sr., is getting the material ready for his new house which will also be erected next sumâ€" mer. _ Unbounded p;osperity makes the buildings go up. 8Jehat a great thing it is to have a good government in power. A pirverâ€"meeting was bheid at the bouse of xur G+orge Turnbull on Tnesday evenâ€" ing, condneted by Rev aur Farguharson. ar Robt, ratthews sold his farm here to m Alired Corbet, and Corbet in turn sold his to »r Jas xcltonald. ar Thos Lawrence is preparing for a brick house next sumter, and axessrs Chas Lawrence and Henry Reav lmvye their brick laid down for a simi lur purpose. Dr Jamieson drove through our village a few days ago and called on a ftew friends. 1 Again Mr John McKechnic. the Reâ€" form Candidate, was here and held a meeting of his friends and appointed a comnmittee to do his work here. Couches, upholstered, in velours...... . ... regular $8 50, boliday price $7.25 Couches with spring edge. regular...... ‘ .......... $11.50, holiday price $9.00 Couches, 28 inches wide, hutton...... tufted, ~ak frame, regular...... ..... .. .. $18.00, holiday price $15.75 More to select from than there is space to mention. The Proton Council beld a meeting here on the 15th to finish up the year‘s business. The Council had another meeting on Saturday about drains, but did cot do much business. AWW ald the ( Pectoral in breabing up a Ayers ;*mf"’“s:: t aoa‘h. rox â€" ~â€"â€" S e * ‘rie +A You can hardly find a home without its Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Thl‘Oat:L!lEg_s_ up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians adâ€" vise parents to keep it on hand. " The best cough medicine money can Cherry P ectoral HOPEVILLE. THE DURHAM REVIEW per ct. off VICKERS. 15 We find 1t again our duty to report anâ€" other death in our widst. The youth 0d miduleâ€"aged may die, but <the aged wnst. . The subject of our bmief «keich this time is the aged, one who bas exâ€" corued the Lighest maurk allotted to ma«n. Un the morning of Tuesdavy, Dec. 18ih, here passed away peacefolly to hber everlasting home, Mrs Hector McKinnu, uastive of the Isle of Tyree, Argyiesbire. Scotland, at the good old age of eighiyâ€" _our years Mrs M:Kinuon has bsen ailing for a number of years, aithough able always to go abuout ber domestic dutree uotil abvout a few mouths ago. She was carefully attended to by her daughter aud granddaugbters, Mre Roger McEachern and family. AMrs McKinnon emigrated to this counâ€" try some fittyâ€"five years ago, of wuich she speut over filtyâ€"three on the Southn Liwe avd in Priooviflo. She was tamiliar with the trials associated with life in a newly settica couuiry, for she, like the wajority of her robust couutry peopie, in the carly bistory of the piace, had to be content with ber lot, which by no meaus, was like thut of the man that fared sumptuously, but she with peace of wind und couscieuce counid lay down un betr pillow at night, thauking the Lord tor all Ins goodness in providiog tor herâ€" self and family the simple means of iuveiihood at ber disposal. 6 The annual Sunoday School Anniversary beld ou Tbursday eveniug. the 15th Dec:, i1u the Presbyterian church was, without exception, the best of the kind ever heis in Priceville. The church was full io its utmost. â€" The night was an ideal one witu clear keen trost but ca‘m. _ ‘Iue moun sbone most gloriously and the roaus were unsurpassable in goodness, The laties, who are always to the front in every goud work, provided for the fuist part of the program by way ‘of a supper, abundunce of ail the good things of the season. â€" HFue program was an excellent one, and we are sorry that it would take up too much space f we »ttempted to give it in full for it counsisted otf so many different parts that it is impossible tor us to describe, but we wmust make special mention of a few of those who took part as semors,. _ Ana those littie boys nud girls who so splenâ€" didey did their part in reciting wiil exâ€" cuse us for not giviug each one in detai. Tue pastor, Rev a: amatheson, occupicu the chair and gave those unruiy feliows up stairs to understand that order was to be the rmie of the eyeniug, and so it was. Mi:s C‘Neil, Elocutiounist, gave somâ€" splendid pieces which were well reuderes. ur Ramxge (for be was rebuking us for calling him professor) in bis asual way gave some splendid pieces of music. ‘The choir neâ€"ver did beiter, so we now feeli poud that we baye a choir in Pricevitie that ca« compete with any other town or village iu the country. _ Miss Reily deâ€" serves credit for the mauner in which she trained the group of girle for m drill, of which we have no uame,. but they acted to pertection. xr Roach gave a shoâ€"t adâ€" dress in his usual zood style, wishing all a xerry Chuistmas and Happy New Year, Mirses Avure Jamwe, Emma xcheou and Mirs Watson sang beautitol solos. amisees James and McLhean sang a piece called " My Mother‘s Beautiful Hands," which was well receiyes. â€" Rev Finley matheson, of Chateworch, gave oub of the best adâ€" dresses ever gelivered in Pricevilie on music. Mr Matheson 1s a good speaker and clearly pointed out tke good resuits that are deriyed from good singing &e. Mr Mathesen served as a estudent in Friceville some 8 years ago and he says he wiil neyer forget his first attompt ot preaclhnug his first Gaelic Sermon,. â€" The choir during the eyening gave plenty of music ut interyals. _ Atter » vote of thanks to ail concerned in making the entertainment a success, ali went howe near the big kour of the vight, 12. Proâ€" cceds at the door $57.15. Mis McKinuon in religion was a staunch old Presbyterian and while she bad uer bealith she was atteniive at thoe house «t Prayer until late years as the natume of ver sickness disabled bher from sttenuiug any place of worship, _ Sbe was bmied in the cemetery in this village on Dec l5th. the tuneral sermon being preached by Rev Mr Mathueson. _ The funeral was largey attended, _ Tue linâ€"band is lefto 1u loneliness but will ve cared for by Ins dau;,hier and grandchildren. . Inu giving a backward look we find that lew there be that are leit now ot the good old mothers and fathers, who endured pioneer life in the Woods some 5o or 60 years ago, and in a littie whue there memoiy aud name will be gone and cheir tives will be ouly as a tme that h«s been toid, for the piaces they ocâ€" eupied in this world shall know tuem no more. Mr Danean MeDonald, D Road, met wiih an accident two weeks ago which disabled im for a time, from the cause of his horse becoming unmanageable. throwing him agamst a fence breaking his eollar bone. _ Ur Dixon set the boue and he is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs Malcolm McDonald. South Line, Artemesia, lies in a critical condivion with Pnenmonia. _ We hope to zear of her recovery soon,. Neil McCannel has decided to run for County Commissioner for 3rd Division Connty Grey, at the coming election. <I10O ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr Joo MeArthur and son bhave purâ€" clhased the goods of the late A Butrers and are now selling out at reasouable prices, which demaunds patronage, &c, TORONTO, OHYF. ~~ Hasrecently been asked to fill positions at $50, $60 or $65 a month. _ It pays to get the best training. _ Winter Term opens Jan. 3 Bmd.omeuimu free. _ W.J. ELLIOTT, Corner Yonge Alexrander Sts. _ Principal. Rey Mr Matheson agvounvced that he will preach a Xmas sermon nest Sunday. Miss Maggio McLean and her nephew, H H MeDovald, are sperdiog a while with the citizens of Toronto xt preseut. Mr Angus McEachern, of Cleyeland, attended his gravdmother‘s funerai, the late Mrs H McKizrnoa. A Merry Cnristmas and a Happy New Year to the Editor and all the Review readers, and eyerybody else, /(/J;’/{ZZOJ, ALL T h n '/’/{’r//- F 4 WANTED CA + & um:;:d wot:m m:n?eom .&akm. oining , to represent and adve 2C e ue ts soars n soud y t on nrnn; men §21 w . to women positions at | to $18 wuekl;ovmh expenm’sdnneed each get the best lo-nnw check direct from headquarters; is Jan. 3‘ Hore buggy furnished when necessary, LIOTT, * gdw-â€"n.t. Address, Blew Bros. & Princips}. hep . A, Monen Bldg, Chicago, 111. ts « THE BIG STORE In our Fur Department. That it will keep 0% growing is an assured fact for we‘re determined that eyery Fur Coat we submit to our Customers will be OdaL Wws ougilllk M C RED v--:-â€"':v y o t * rice Right in Quality,â€"â€" Right in Style, â€"â€" Right in Price bigllby 111 YQUCRILWJ, _ AbARAU ®MC * 0 OM 0 0C e Just now we are showing stunning values in Ladies‘ Astrach» an‘s, with or without sable collar, and neat Seal Jackets. Our Men‘s Fur Coats at $18 and $20 They are great values. Bargains in Ladies‘ Jackets, A_lg.test :tzle f %%EE THE PEOPLE‘S STORE EE} 2 The People‘s Store Men‘s Overcoats The Hardware Dept. Do you want Skates ? Groceries for Saturday, Dec. 24 yes»® THE PEOPLE‘S STORE 5 miles north of Durham on Garaâ€" fraxa Road. â€" A few acres of cedar and other timber. _ All swamp. _A variety of the timhber on it is suitable for many {farm purposes. Apply to A. J. McCormack, . Glenroaden, TIMBER FOR SALE. great Reduction in Ladies‘ Skirts : 5 Ladies‘ Black and Dark Grey Coats, 7 ib§Rice.:...‘..;...... 2’)c| 4 pkgs King‘s Corn Starch 25¢ 3 pkgs Chinese Starch .. .. 25¢ | A fine lot of New Skates jast to hand. Prices range from.... ... i. YAipon i aomimran t irer sns on $ > xi k CC GSALT 15 pr Boys‘ and Men‘s Skates, were 50c for.. 1 only Wood Heater, was 15.50 for 1 We 44 :% 12.50 tor We are doing MOTC Business than eveI Santa CGlaus Has brought a large and well assorted stock of Christmas Fruits, Candies, Dates, Nuts, Peels, &c. Secure your supply here. For a Christmas preseut of any kind, for any age, buy here, as we offer the widest selection. Goods delivered free to all parts of the town. Prosperous and Happy New Year , 8, 10, and 12. Alex. Russell. Wishes its many friends and customers a Merey Ohristmas Robt. Burnett. RKocky Saugeen P. O. % ie dR â€" y * £$.§ Men‘s beautifal black. drak grey, and Fancy Cloth Overcoats, dressy and comfortable, for C<X 2,& l 1 pkg Swiss Food, was 15¢ for 12¢ on, | 1 pkg Maita Vita, was 15¢ for 12¢ nE C And a DECEMBER 33. 1904 Farmers and others will please no> tice that hereafter the following pric es will be paid for Lumber, delivered to our Factory : 2. <apopae Ash, Elm & Bass.,... .. .. ...... §$17.00 Maple, Birch & Beech . ... .. . ... 15.00 The DURHAM FURNITURE Co.. To cut wood by the cord. _ 200 cords of 2‘2‘|n¢.:h wood wanted. For further particulars apply to Rocky Saugeen P. O. were $6.00, for. 8.00, for. 9.00, for. 11.00, for. 13.00, for. Mu: Miy y ut ing" > APD@t z21~ T wrsg +aF W P 4 MEN WANTED. ie WANTED. McCormack urog., , 1904 : ‘t be beat. ... 12.59 ... 10.00 .. 11.00 Glenroaden. 4.50 #} We * E& & &. .-_ fi o) @oit #t% Gre Dress Goo Ladies‘ Sh Ladios‘ J2 Girls‘ Ulst Ladies‘ F Small Fu Men‘s He Lumberm Heayy Ru Mens Leg Boys‘ & 1 Felt S Millin and Fam .MWGJ and Moan FEefo: must meau gai We ha Christ WV

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