West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1905, p. 4

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n: SAVINGS BASIL -ntemt allowed on caving: haunt deposit. of 31.0) and up wards Prompt attention and our) hem" worded customers living " adiot‘ncc. A genorul Banking business transact“! Drafts issued and collection mud: on all points. Deposits received and inte, out allowed " our-rem rote- DURHAM AGE~cy \,;\rlldL. Authorized.......82,(u).(ll CA PITAL. Paid up. . . . . m.. . . . 1,0tl0.000 RESERVE 1i'UNDF......1.y. 1,000,an AGENTS in all principal point.- an Ontario. Quebec. Mumoba. United states and England. (Mj1l,lljl.lllii,prpuit Winter iiiiiiiiii; lu.y.'Isy L. éuthorized 33333 :e:d"a:sata:sas:s:e.s.s.s.s 33:33" Also Wilhetm'a Writ-291:8. Raymond Sewing Machines. lit .eeiiF:Fiir.c 'm"taF:tF:'r'ir.t.t.t.tt.t.t.t.t.te lf 3 When does the Mnnnv camp. fr " METHING NEW 1N Head Office, Toronti, w. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, lunar. The Farmers’ Fit 81 Supply 00., 11H? WHAT MONEY? The money that makes mil of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery ? out cf the pockets ot the farmers who buy and fin for the machine. Why not save some of this money for yourself by: shares in the Farmers' M'f'g and Supply Co., L What you don't save in the price paid for your me you receive yourself in dividends which otherwise otherwise go into thes who“ at Hm ---- _..., - Write for particulars to . Special value in Boys' Suits and Overcoazs. It has the Fat, the Hang and the Style, the Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. Our business is growing every season': because we do give better values throughout and have the fullest confidence of our customers, because we sell every item in our stock on smallest pOssible margins. T Men'e Block and Fancy stripe tweed Tailor-made Overcoats, very fancy and dressy at... . .. ... . ..86.N, 8.60. 1U.00, 12.00 and 14.00 Men's Fency Tweed: and Black Cheviot Suits at...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ......85.00, 6.50, 8.00,10.00andi2.00 yarfz’ou/ar grower: wear fray)?” grand Cuthas Jrohrt 6241242. tlkmpideavee . . . mat you don't save in the price paid ‘for your mm , receive yourself in dividends which otherwise erwise go into the pockets of the wealthy manufac I --.uu-...ML-.,-= . - The best in ‘heir line mg Machines. McClary Stoves for l Agent for the Dillon Emge Stay Fence. During the" past month we have receiYEd large shipments of Men's and Boys' Suits and Men’s and Boys’ 0rereoats and we are of- fering them at prices that mean money savers to those who take advantage of then]. So many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is not exactness in cutting that the finished gate ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the difference is clearly shown. ' . _ Confh)enee between the merchanf.and his cus- tomers is the surest foundation for his success in business. To ment and retain the eonfi- dence of cur clothing customets has beenour constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to plelase the most exacting and then. we in an exce lent position to sup ly our custoni- ers with Tailor-made 'h'rll'l2i. does the Money come inn? I .7. War/oak. WASHERS: The I.'ttf.Lzett1U?v_rrv. nnlv in the Id It! up over) as " Cast and ' Spree.. Miss I. Dick. ,, all mnde 'Ty-Wa-tTai; of Ari, and a 3 Brown, White. iiiii 'iii, 'iii/C to sell at a great re We will quote some Hats that were $2.75 8 We make special mention this week of the Big Millinery Sale. We have about I00 READY-TO-WEARS I for yourself by securing es: hats are very stylish i a good quality. Colors: awn, Navy] Champign and site Made hats In Velvet and Plush at a bargain. Supply Co., Limited) makes millionaires A few doors Snuth of the Middaugh Mouse, your machinery inery ? Why, and finally pay were .81-50 8:3: .....32 25 for 79e erwise would anufacturers. great reduction. ru-.firsb: .73 ats.... Coal or Wocd $5 ' S 13?: -- A? l J.' r I I 'ti if [:37 . . . Id 'iii' I ice,,' (ll (tit! 'd In". N13": (ll morn iii iii'ii m :1!“ (ll I g 'ii'. (ll a ue i..' (t h tea . iti ore i6 n l (ll h Mm: in t,iiri q . “.8de . 31:” I)1 r . 0e 1 n w I NM.” i . . "par. il rs,'r':,'o,'.'i,ta',', - Mr. and Mrs fi. Bel ___ itea the ltuter's prtt'ert "s It. Williamson, tromt "h day. Her sislcr. M it) them home. DIED. inst. David Lulu. "hltt) Ar. end In. A. g lARRIBD. RUSK. - McCAonx. - On Dee. mm, at the reside bride’s mother. by the quuhuraou. Roland Burma. to Tana Mac-In BORN Jomttmm-an C1ut.pipgtort, Dec. 30. a at and Mrs It J Johnston. a dumb r. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Brown, of Hartney, Manitoba, who a week ago Monday were united in marriage and came out. to visit rela- tives on their wedding trip. They were warmly welcomed by parents and friends here. Mr. J ohn Robertson, Sn. we rennet to report is still very low, with no sign of improvement, His daughter, Mrs. Marshall of Ottawa, came home last week to assist in kindly ministncions. We would fain hope there’s a rally still possible. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bean. oven the holidays had with them as guests Mus. B's. brother and ulster Mr. John and Miss Patterson. of Howick and a ne- phew, Mr. Earl Patterson. Miss Patter. son will stay a month or two. Mrs. Cowley. (nee Miss Colbert) of Normanny, now of ‘nelph, came up last week to see old “FIE friends, among l them being Mrs. Gm d, and he: Sister. Mrs H. Burnett, and others. Mr. and Mrs H. Bail, Btratfortl, were guests of Mrs. B.'s parents in town foe a few days over the New Year. While here they made a family trip to visit son and brcther, James. in 0. Bound. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bean.ovei the holidays had with them us guests Mrs. Mrs. Welsh (nee Maggie Dan Hamilton. and her sitter Mary present visiting their mother , now reccvering itom an allaek petuitcttus. rcr" tor a couple (inlays last, week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid came home last Friday from visiting their son Robert in Flint, Mich. They report our Duihaiu colony of Canadian friends there doing well. Barrister w. S. Davidson. of, Peter.. lgorrugb, spent n few days in town last weitk and this, and met a warm wel- eoiste from old friends. , Misses Bea McCracken, Amy Kelly. Jenn Crawford and Mr. Edmund Glass came home Monday from a week’s visit. "ttts Mt. Forest friends. . , 'ti*ti?it?,. _ ther, Mrs. . . _ Edge Hill, and other friends. ',fitr. E. A. Peltz, wife and child. of all) Bend. Indiana, the former a Ember-1114mm visited at Mr. and Mrs, Guy’s, tor a couple ofdavs, last lulu-ab Mr. Koch, teacher, has moved his family-to tbwn and now occupies the Crawford residence just vacated Ly J. P. Teltoed. Mr. w. R. Reid and family last week moved into the Black residence Across the road from the Review oMr.e. Mr. J. P. Telford and family are now comfortably settled in their tine new home in the north of the town. Mr. It. Tulry, with some members of his family. Visited his father in Beutmck on New Year), Day. Mias Edith Williams accompanied Mr and Mrs. W. J. Byers, back to Toronto where she will spend a month. Mr. and Miss Matthews, Upper Town, are spending the holidays with a brother in Uanmngwn. The Mum McKay. of Townto. spent Xmas hummus In Durham with their father and water. Miss McDonald. Toronto, was visiting her water. Mrs. N. W. C'.unplrell, over the holidays. . Mr. The...” U. Morton visited " bwther and fnlunlv‘in Hamilton over the New Year. Mrs. Chan. Cameron. Upper Town, left for Toronto lust Weeit to spend the winter there. Mis- Edith Gillan. of Hamilton Nor. mal Comte. is visiting her cousin. 'Mm Jean Ireland. Mrs. James Burt ulna home Sam day from a few months‘ Visit with her sister in Manitoba. Mr. Ind In. Cdliu new“: are visiting their con Allan " Chit-Worth. uh'hhbbeéma m lumbar. ot at. Forest. an visiting at Mr E. T. Me. Uloeklin'n. mud 11;,” taira u home holidaying st present “to: tho mill-um mu. III- 'ttair'," .. Ichn came. home Squirt!” {iamhoudnymg in Toronto. It. Thou. Swallow took a trip to It. pom: git-my my 1 _ Mr. ma )1ch mud " Mark. dale on Monday. 43933307332: V - ' 'uv Air" m. .. Roland Rusk, " of Tenn McCalmon, of Dur. ..-.n v -- a In“: “1". "e. Whig“ ot, the 11. Benton, of Galt, vis- 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. , trom Saturday to Tues- ay, accompanied ACUTE??? I an attack l of ap- lltttFydr.n Daniels), of J, "'_ V the p Amer lining 1903. vet to grinn gn of the t' Mrs. the a 1 last to lo, " in Fe ',1"It strucl ttrtt navy. . The Mrs. sea, I [out astonil ed in taking rela. brave] were Milling pa e and cit-dam But One a shall t r an: at who is to Reticulum m. Rocky Bunsen P. o. Guam To cut wood by the cord. of” and: wood wanted. 1 particular. opply to 1903. Japan, not idle meanwhile t grinned and bore this usurpation till , the date named, and at once began the wordy negotiations which coming to no conclusion. Japan broke off earlv in February last and a few days after struck a decisive blow at the Russian navy. . The amazing effleipmsy on land and sea. at the eastern Island power has astonished the world and compelled a taking stock of all armaments. The bravery and skill of her soldiers under remarkably eihcient oititNm, has eom- l polled Russian feeling to change from i disdain to admiration. But Oh! the horror of the siege! One of the greatest in 1gtrtpry--iitto shall tell? t is estimated that Japan lost over so ooo men in the long strug- gle. swessel. the Russian in command will he a poplar hero for " bull-dog defence, he ships in the harbor have been blown up, but Japan is $ttt-. cording very honorable terms. -' W n_., -. “u, ”null, E7"r53""tu- l tie of Russian power there has fallen to the Japs. Ten years ago Japan captured it from China, held it a year or two, till pressure by European nations, led by Rhssia forced Japan to evacuate: As Japan went out. Russia crept in and began " once tomuke the place impregnable. though (imm- king to eyacuate Manchuria on t. 8. After a naval investment of 10 months and sea and land of 8 months, the great fortress ofthe East, emblem- tie of Russian Power there has fallen to the Japs. fen years ago Japan captured it from China, held it n rear At the very time this was being nn~ earthed, Mr. Whitney was at Brant, ford setting forth his claim, perhaps, for support from the the temperance people. Straws show which way the Wind blows, and this is the leader of the arty who are tryingto blacken the rd Geo. W. Ross. a may with a life-record ofintegritv and good living behind him, and whose ability is un- questioned. Electors, vote for McKechnie. who tollows this honorable lender and who' believes in a pure and progressive policy. qll 'W"'" . . "d ' TORONTO Our cry ls ngretsive Onturlo. There shall be no Sleeping at our posts; there mir be no negligence in the watch tower when Provincial rights are being mulled, there shell be no fiuteriutt to grapple with whateVer problem arises. whether it be the de- velopment of our industries or the pro- motlun of moral relortn. ThigG'ovisrqw went cannot fail in View of the intelli- gence of the people at this country. The cry of corruption, when properly presented, recalls upon the heads of our adversaries. We defy them to assail uses aOuverument,' either in our political integrity or the fitnega of our sduiiniistration.--liun. George W. [ Ross at the Ross Club banquet. 1 Mr. McKechnie is outta win. We urge all within reach to attend his meetings. to weigh the arguments pro and (sun and we feel convinced that enlighcened Sum!) Grey will return a supporter ot Hon. U. W. Russ. Hon. Geo. W. Ross is conducting a. splendid_ campaign. His speeches have the ring of a true man u be it. The attacks upon him are brutal in the extreme. and are not only Warm- ing up his own triends, but disgusting some or his opponents who believe in fair play. MEN WANTED. He “and: tor the puny of Ill',,"':',' the party ofhoneu nndcnpa o gov- ernment, and notwithstanding the parrut cry ot corruption. the party that is going to win. Mr McKechnio deplore: owruption as much as In man, but he believes with Iliuulaudl more that lbe cry is gm. up as a cry. in the absence at anything tangible to attack in the record of the govern- mum. _ Reports man may pom indicate that the rldittttariii be tivUeased, but more must be no our conddcucc The candidate i: doing w chum man cm to win. and " friends untold lee that no some is left crammed to encore his election by a rousing majority. Holmi- being now over. we mum to the polities! m. It. Ft 'ttttdraft tl','u,'t'T 'l'll'g , t a a v . campaigning only .ulled by the warmth at his name». all log: Mme-mar hound " own - quelnunee who the public and public emu are wing that be h the men " the pagan Ind will wonhlly re- ggae: Booth Grey alter on. Mth. be same thorough” he bu exhib- ited in " busing-he hue shown in the camp-Inn. and will show later on in the wider sphere. . Are, l P. , - . .. -9. 9r. Whitney in a Liquor Case, PORT ARTHUR FALLS PROGRESSIVE ONTARIO. who are 'tryirut to blacken on. W. Ross. a may with a sf' integrity and good living ' and whose abxlity is un- _ 0-... ---- --- “I “PAIGE ,_._-.-_. .... vll vvv. U, t idle meanwhile this usurpatipn till . 200 card- For further ' Ptrreepst. in -... Lat. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. or. ders or enquiries left " C. McArthur’s store. ar at the REVIEW Orruat, mu receive our best attention. Well-known and reliable. Giving beat satisfaction. Once and. nlwnyuued. Prices andtefms to unit pal-chum. - Call and examine. Ell-vesting Machinery of this famous firm's make Durham and PEEL THE SHOE mm For 1905 and you will be pocket. PEEL’S SHOE STORE ! TORONTO. ONT. - 7, -- n... Bowl munch: bi in Canada, Open the entire yen. Handsome 'eataloguttree. W. J. Corner Tonga and Alexander Ste. IT PAYS T0 AtrgitNIt THE BEST Our Store is better stocked than ever hetero ivith articles very nimble for Holiday Gifts. Do drop in and see for yourself. HAPPY NEW YEAR _ _ Tdiie'), cc, tH “gm, (.,r,t,i.iiis'.i, irA n ' 'tl. a: an, /', ['i"i,'l);'i!f g Vh F vb“: . Pt l 1 3;? , I I .ivi'm $3? mm ii'i/'il,,'id .1 '1: fi; do. LL", _ t..: , “I“ , We: familiar: ..-.... algeat 0y. Thin Haj): ka,, Women, b glider: St of “Wt. H3195“ mining -. 1"“ "' .7 out by the oturitttutt . , doing '-tstattt Mtt - m that! W 'jHtlt, M" ' A???" an: “unpaid. bfompdi “of the my Your hair " by! 'tFey tii'Ga"ki"iiiiiiiiiir, " db- attitetir." Co'uid You W‘ ably expetit, tttttle, ttttit git-M!!!- "rCi'iaB, T0 EVERY PERSON FLUTWEAR Your place to buy W. BLACK ELLIOTT 'l.fl'gtfjjl2t'i kpf, thu, Owen Sound le. 21¢ w [ lreiiEiiTsifit'aty5 for, mar-l. 'tlit money in BARCLAY if BELL Call and see our Go Show Rooms opposite Mid. but" M10. bullion St. Also Now that you have g get I Tudhone Chi-t.- {Rikki The Spring has come and the Summer humnemd In '--, _ . implements I I _ - - -- a Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP, PULPERS ; they are the beet on the market; atnd om CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. ""-- Allo lee our famous Aarn. Organ: They are good in every respect. " BAKING POWDER, tt MRS. A. BURNETT 11 GROUND MIXED SPICE, ICING In great variety, also Same Goods bv that yard Men's and Ladies’ 0 Ready-Made Clothing . .Wch”. "rt. Aes" in stock. ample supplies at CHM Seus including 4argtgtrat-t on" 1tuda, _.-. the W. 0"th. Jhticieut. tttttn. stttkd 'utd unlit-lied. in great Almond. Chocolate.- 1 Maple Cream & Pink j t)hriitmeot . ; . 'ttttth Ike ”all” S2ftSSSSSSt'rS-SS . CEO-Ilsa [may 6tttttttttat" Upper Town Dry Goods Store Watson, m Jihrter manual! , -_ ..-vc - manope Buggy, Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim Fudhoe Gutters We notion your order- for 2rii,et,iesdiytla . If you wish to procure Dry Goods of good quality at reasonable prices, call at the Up- per Town Dry Goods Store and examine our stock. Only plum In do" when , '00 “II tr" . 2 machinery Itratttye our TUR- '218eptpusres, per can per pkg. Ice? [tlt?, per pkg. Mk out IG 10e Mretttt. Cuts always oll hand " MO SECOKDIA TIHRDI.\'. departw Indian-mu tred The H: thttt, he include he no“ The Hanovet so Acre, I 200 Ae Pre pe I; (f ' t t ' 100 Acres 100 Acre; NEW ll) ability u up. don w chant! Mn: ol tut' " edit region: who tot 'tte Ma Wishes its Wm. J.”.“”n At The Down I have a In lulu. size: I tl GOOD G. H. Durna 11.”. drain. Bush 8T3: W. "ttttit Wishing meats of ever Dru Custom W a heath; c SUI (In (CC P858 “TIDE 'Che St." a Ha PM Ne If II I “I the! "

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