West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1905, p. 1

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o R E Fly, We town. below Cost : blrT'irikirmi/ ion we land to RANGE ew Year RE maxi-5 ’ARY 5, 1905 1tr.titiy.v,trstt ce Sale s’ Mantles I T' ' bound to the money ing we do not be sold at Prado at m (a? FURS : for Butter tore ell. 6.0) 5 u, UALITY U (I JO DIM ntlets M 14th U10 Store Store in M EM“ vtts " L"2 've, La): TEE g; Jiimes'nj7'elti'tid. ti acmmmmmmmmsmmag .mamimmzmmfimm itiichhhlihiihhhhhhhnhhhhi"thhttii Sl The Gash Store H. E Mockler ' VOL. xxvu. NO 3 Many b'trletr---many Prices. Lttmberman's 1tuhtters---While we have sold a greet many pairs of these since redtuung the grices. we hiya still all sizes in all snyles. Lumberman’s Socks and Leggings Felt tmirperrr-----Men'g, Women's and Children's sizes. Game“ and Linoleums Luce Curtai Wool Blankets Underwear, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes Fur Rum-I and Caps Men's and Buys’ overeoats--A large stock to choose from Stock=Taking Sale The ballot is secret and should be ‘, ma. McKochnie condemn m intuiitiihiitt_ lurk your ballot for noxechnie Remember-Were cutting down the prices of all Winter Goods, rather than carry them over. We are now into the thick of the stock-takingx and so havent time for a lengthy adver-, ment. But when we advertise our stock-tak- i ing sale, we follow it up with genuine bargains , That "gives you an extra chance to save money t Some of the lines it will pay you to buy, even _ if you don't need them for immediate use, are i m : _ . i. i, ;‘f . " .10” 't ' T, . _ . ”L. : F - " $1.86 if - .. 34.50 'r, - '. ' T. It .. tl.gl , 7 a PII Ol', a g. I P. . " A . _ 81.; C. T Mi" mipArh'r' , _ l," l .. 31.75 __ . _ . tr tms P ' . Lia tl:8 . , _ t . . f 6 _â€"______.;._______ _ On} A, ' . 0].!) sun 34.50 Cl.m $1.75 am» 31.75 ‘ 81.15 ( 31m 36-25 KN I w. M. Brown will he atthe Knapp Hotel. Durham, Saturday. Jun. u, tor mnsultntiun in Ere, Ear. Nose and a Throat Cases. Hun". 12 tn 8 p, m. " Another incendiary flre occured in Mt Forest luau week when a shed In the 3 rmr of the Human-mi block was burned. and the Con'ed omn- slightly scorched. Little damage WM done. JU - . -!*M‘ . I WANI‘ BETTER AccoMortATioN.-- Complaints are mum made a, tanner: I than. the accumuwdutmu " the “Minn .fm'urhvery of hog: especially. ls very ilt.1e.tiy.s It us unwary to cross three dutch It prement, and the approach by waggous to the delivery yawn In an 3 alone and very bad. The Hunt of the whale on our tine shuuld Wan-nut, It sec-ms to nu. name anthem-on to this unt- .ter tor neural accidents have occurred [tea-ally. , The town of Winghnm owns the elec- vtric light flank and the hminns but 5 your netter the town it profit of cm. I Amxmca r.'"a",,f,t-dtt or girl Ito learn printing. Apply an is otBee. f teAsrtrn-smnrt boy to learn drug I'Iuainm. not afraid of work. must. be , qtmtifud.--J. A. Darling. If the pat-w who accidentally broke the glass in W. Blrv'kh, store window "n the night of Jan. 2nd will call and nettle it Will avoid trouble. as the four parties am: known that Were toga-then Wet regret. talent: of the death by bronchitis of Mrs Fred Luuney. forum-r- I of Bentinck. but. the lazuli rs. of gunman she taarned Mr gummy in at. 1.0mm. over Mt yrn. nun. and mu [wed in Beuuuck " years of that. time. her tun-band dying 2 yrs ago. Her children are Duvid. (Juno, Wm. of Mu. luck. Fred of Durham, June. of Anemia-n. James of Michigan. luau: at the Boo, Geo. in Elltnwuun. and Maggie warned In Huancr She was lauded in the Durbtuu cemetery and was 77 yea: of A pleasant. surprise took place at the vamck Baptist, Parsonage on the evenmg of Jan. tit.h, when I. goodly number of young people from (Hem-lg came with their butt-ta and took pos- seuiuu of the parsonage. Atter'spenttintt some Lime In music und gnmenund uocml intercourse.’ the suing-31px we.elleti, to order and Mr. iv', G. Baker. of Wnudby. was appouned chairman. Alter a reci- tation by Mm- Morton and a. piece of "made. the following address was "In! by Mom Flora. McArthur and Mrs. John Ellison presented Mrs. Pmeo with u. benuuful Morocco lest her purse. contain- inst over 820. Following in the Midi-ea: mm: was. PINEOr-YV e 11an mutter. I SERVANT Glut. MutmtD--Appry to Mdteante Meetiagtt. Mm. W. Black. I " -- . The new Principal of annoy er School Mr John McKechnie. Lherat Candi- ll " Mr. Mauve of Meaford. l date, will addr- meetle as follows: Amgmcg Mure.-Bot_orortrt I 14ttt--Tow"nsendu Lake tkhoot Home. ed here Hus evrnmg to spend a lewl hours with you In your home. and also , for the purpoue of lhnukiug you for! vuur uervnceu an! organist for the put; two years. We know we cannot repay I you as we Would like Io. hm we ask you totusept this purse. not for in. value. but that you may always remember your Gleuelg (menus. In concluumu We desire to 91pm: our l, hope that you many than he foundf Working for the one great. cause. and that when God shall be pleased to call you hence you may hm thou, blessed words " Well done. than good and faith. tul cannot. enter thou into thy mot." I Wishnng you and Tour husband and may a happy New Your. Signed in who]! of your friends: W. a. BAKIB. Man. I swans. ', B. P. “OABTHUK. ‘ After the. presentation ull tenured to the dining room where the tatrte Woks _ auburn My t1tiest with the (and things l mo- luv-he's contained. mu! of which all paw-lb. arm which Hwy gunned for f ttwir lung 12 "tile div» home. An en- l ju'uble awning mu spent by nil. fey, ",t't'.:.1 L%2ri, Presentation and Address. DURHAM, 1li?mrR8DAY,irNgUAtMt 12.55905 No, No. No. No. N Ward E Ward W Ward Ith.h Jana-At; Drewry's School iriiiii Egrrmont. 20th "n.-At Cedarville. Mr. George Bunnie will be one of the speakers at. Drrwry's School House and ('edarwlle. Opposition inrited. Ben tinck 338 Gleuelg 12 Durham 49 Hanover 610 autumn COUNCILLORS. CANDIDATES 1 2 3 4 ti Arrowsmnh 70 43 68 " 4 Black 4 12 48 8 ti Hunt " 51 67 46 E Rooney til 16 25 NI 3 Karma? at 11 " 46 I McMilan 71 so 23 19 4 Sullivan 17 9 16 9 l Weir UT ar 8 Colt 4 tthh Jan.--.' Seusraue School. Glen- elg, emu: of vavrston. to he uddmued by P. McCullough. Dr. Gun. C Rum-Age. Other meetings in his interest will he held on 17th Jtut.--At Holstein. to he Midtow- ed by Senator McMullen and others. '9th--Elmwood. iéuilian 71 so a, 19 46 m Sullivan 17 9 16 9 12 'il Weir 147 ar 8 50 " 318i; NORMANBY. 1 The Council for 1905 is as follows t-- R. Malice. reeve by mammalian. The winning candidates and their votes were: M. E Murray 339, Wm. Moore 826, Wm. Umbach 293, R. Racing 236. The three defeated candidates were Chas. Forbes 232, David Glebe 209, and Lewis Schreiber 196. moron Wilson bent MnArdle for the reeve- ship by 101. The following "ttret' we take from the Herold : [ Diruissets67ttttl Wut--Neruuttt. Glam-lg. 16th--Avton. Wilson 3i4trtrrtuttr,2041rtlt McArdle 48 48 3212 213018 19 Bell si67ti6tatgtgsgr43 Booger iiiiiirttjtj404titrl0.. Me Gillie 7063824l381448 9 Wriglht 21 55 832024 19 16 21 Unpeund 815353 7 317 Conner " 18 33 10 16 4 10 All meetings at 'LSO p. A. rueru," Gumfrnxa Iowa. Apply IO To Rmrr.--T)te old-Retry Sllltt County Council Election. PROGRESSIVE ONTARIO. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BALL AND IcCANNEL. 12 10 " I) 123tti678Totar 'iiaiiaiiiiriGiiiiit an wwwmmmwm a tatrTti6tsitie8s8li.43 a iiiiiiiiiiit4o4titrlk1. m mwmumuas W mammmmmm % 'itikiiiiiiriggtTft1T m Summarv. tit? 471 58 471 Glands. Durham. 12 345 7043682449 41248851 7351674656 5116 255836 3211544516 7160211946 17915 912 14769 35041 91 52 175 116 Hanover. rn 747 172 r5FrrRrrtriy.',st'"tti1t,Eli' Mmmocx MCQUARBIE- 116 'istTeLit, Upper lt7 474 117 145 61 ti Total 147 147 ll 78 l7 n 78 186 IN 115 - v llltt, " ' ”(he Mfoumed ' _ ‘r' 'Cd 'it ' , ochoo attain e Aictir)tk ' I. with onlva mm . il' r “up” [lunar was in c - l? ("Ned Srst on Wm. h " - - - Jun ofthe Hmud, who ' ~ e ' Ell memory the gunne- ill 0!! r. " of schootmnance<. both”. a. " " (looming. fin-spoke d ' . " . shy for inert-awed _ w br, rr mt Ei ion, and drew a con- = . lwtwn the chool of 19 years ago Vhr he “(at low-rune ttatstee and the present. Then there wu only three teachers now them were 9, with ll necessity for 10 during Model School term. He pointed am until umwuh- standing the Inert-Mu. thernte to-dny was several mills lower than in f mum-r tiuws. This was mung tothe ineremd amm- fum Guvemmcnt and County equivalents. WIN evening of this week Mr. , Crr:srtacaerts, JetttttvaeKeetinie has a. meeting “l I respectfully Much Luke School Home, North , and ittfluence at M. utvvhich he and others will 11) .- . ' . be Ira-om. This district has often'; rot itteial F:lectior mellowed. [905. Should you bus: Tavlor. Hanover. and Wm. Lung me " your rt , Durham} are billed to speak faithfully do all 1 at lash on Friday. 13th inst. and best interests of Oi :5 ' 1e,8hool House on Tuepday. swam". of nnr Pm curred Mme}: the series otjnint men: ingrown:- to a close on Friday at, Noam. They have been fairly well , aha advantage of considering the/TO mam season. vex-mung in 1008, $38. in In». m. Supplies. including. chemicals. brooms. chalk. Ike.. cost in INS. 884.02. in 1904. 854.50. while small improyey"Ct' in I” were $12.10. increuod in 1901 m macs owmg to the flooring of a room. new cents. ac., beside! thin there was a. miscellaneous expenditure of $3.65 and 844.25 in the respective years. A can” of Irrff 84440 in lim, and of over 85550 Maura Mills and Saunders also spoke and than with Socy. and Chairman. stood by our; rent of the esrpenditttre, and predicte other necessities before long to meet the growing needs of the school. Measr! Carson and Bean were nut present. All at them too favored the. retention of the Continuation Clam and the Model School. chiefly for their educational fucilities. hut also for the fitvuuiu strength to the town directly and indirectly. Mr Saunders hmught up the question ot feet: which at present are Point] to town and country pupil: and some moditication muy be made in this before long. in 5 My next in the Town Hull. ,5 Tubman will min he received for, t e Dace. of Mayor and Councillors of the Town of Durham. It appears n ', ffmlity ofthe low bu not been oom- , ( plied with. viz: toting». decimation; id qemlifitsation beiore 9 p. m. of the I day following the nomination. This in In mendment to the Municipal Act , valued in 190t, and overlooked here as; it has been in many pieces. We P?" , amethe mateercnn be teetiiied with. _ out another election. ttill the matte: is optimum! it mine would thoughts pre- , all. he mu see tlt contest where none , was before. causing considerable more “page. and we milled feelings, , Imp. Campbell gave the speech of the vvening thawing the great. impor- tance of the position of trtastee and the rvept?msihil'tty attaching to it, He thmked the trance: for the improy": moms already etterted, and commended their “Lien in securing a new tetttrtier for the High School Dept., which had oumqoqn a. two tearher 1tiel.?,yc , He - ‘L - =--- ‘-- ..- mas-‘- - 0n oumwwu - v-vv ...q.'-e'" "___-'" “7 urged that the town take seriously to heart the. necessity of providing u once incl-cued accommodation. prerferauy a High School. tor the preent can" meat of one umber in the public Ulmuilding mu merely a. innbe Ihlfl. ides there would he needed 'utothrr extra room Dex! full. Principal Allan Ipoke brief}: showing the mirth taking pluce In metron- aviation just relinved hr the addition of u bd teacher. Mr Calder spoke " me length urging we in lino-ping "than." ', .ippmxirnuloly nou- to expotmtut an i that immu- surplvseb nor ayes-dam I should be excessive. ANOTHER ELECTION. m... ..._ THE CAIPAIGN. of {Provincial Election on 35th Januarv, “905. Should you honor me by elec- Iting me as your representative I will faithfully do all I can to promote the {best interests of our Riding and the i welfare of our Province, by support- iing only such legislation as I con- 'iceive to be in the public interest. no Unatter from what source it comes. i Yours very truly, _ JOHN McKECHNm. Liberal Candidate for S. Grey. KEEI,ER'S Busy Stem On the Busy Corner, l B. KEELER and SONS on1r----01 oo----, ”8-0-; 11:39. idii'raiaE ie' fiitirir, "r' - Couiziy to buy Winches. Clocks? Silver'u'c. Jewelery. Rim Spectacles end Eye slum. Violins. Quint-s. Accordions. Violin strings. etc. Pipes. Purses. Brushes, Books and Stationery. Fancy Goods. School Books cud Supplies. etc. Great Bargains in WALL PA- PER. Toke a look through our store. .B'Rggtr---aNtcigb---rttgMt-; Our Baud-acne [Hammad HOL- IDAY NUUBER in given hoe, to nil who my or In" paid their mattrerfptioit to the RSV! Kw up to and for um Bounce of tho ya:- tree to new mthsemhr.es to: Be. NOW it the time to anew or sub. scrim. Addrose nt' mien: to THE REVIEW. DURHAM, Ont. Wall Paper Sale the Electors of South Grey: llltthtltu it (h. “waist: ' Bummer: um.) Mums. Pam». At, p respectfully request your vote To make room for our new spring stock of wall paper expect- ed about Feb. lst, We are determined to sacrifice balance of stock on hand this month. We simply must have the room ; out it gges. ' - Come and let} us show you. '"""P"r""" ------ the approaching Durban If!

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