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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1905, p. 4

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ici:', t WIN (t 3? it if, tl, WI . . 313: (ll w, .5. The gf'": .t.'i.t:6:..t.t.t.r.t.t.t.t.t.. sag-5 Il.) Where does the Money come from ? ft' 'ii Why not save some of this money for yourself by securing . shares in the Farmers' M " and Supply Co., Limited? b, What you don't save in the price paid for your machinery E you receive yourself in dividends which otherwise would . otherwise go into the pockets of the wealthy manufacturers. .. Write for particulars to I The ham' lli'ft t Supply 00 Ihitii . ik " but... our Imperial Lax Quinine Tablets will stop a cold in a few hours. Try them. For Sale only at . , gazing .5 mg tare Darling’s Drug Store OMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The PM Also Wilhelm's Wrinsterd all mud Raymond Sewing Machines. McOIary Agent for the Dihon Hm: WHAT MON EY? The money that makes millionaires of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery? Why, out of the pockets ot the farmers who buy and finally pay for the machine. ...... ....J. ...... ...... .......86.0Q 6.50, 8.00,10.00and 12.00 Special value in Boys’Snits and Overconu. It has the Fit, the Hang and the Style, the Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. Our business is growing every season because we do give better values throughout and have the fullest confidence of our customers, because we sell every item in our stock on smallest possible margins. Men's Black and Fancy stripe tweed Tailor-mode Overcoats. very fancy and dressy at... . ...A...86.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00 and 14.00 Men's Fancy Tweeds and Black Qheyiot Suits at. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. farllbular grower: wear froyrou wrand Ctothtatg gain; (91arh. Co,tfietemee . . ' Confldenee between the merchant and his cus- tomers is the surest foundation for his success in business. To merit and retain the confi- dence of cur clothing customers has been our constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to please the most egtit,,i,',',f, and then we in an excellent position to supp y our custom- ers with Tailor-made Clothing- During the past month we have received large shipments of Men's and Boys' Suits and Men’s and Boys' Overcoats and we are of- fering them at prices that mean money savers to those who take advantage of them. So many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is no exactness in cutting that the finished gar- ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the differemfe is clearly shown. 1%? Cash and an: fun. Why nofycil .5 131:1}; If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way of making us miserable, --tmretmked, ttttmolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the use of our celebrated Which we can safely recommend speak highly 9f ity tdicacy. A - Which we " I. all made by Watson of Ayr. The Perforated Drum, only in lbs‘ td an -t---a-t------L-a.u2U.dci1, Now is the Winter of our Discontent " White Pine and Honey ----uua=i=Lt.e.r, 31 Stoves for t nae Stay Fence. A few doors South of the Middnugh Mouse, fiy Coal or Wood. 25 cents . Others Dated January 1olii, Raw." "Nw6'ue OertitUd a true co f ta furnished to me. " " I tementa Statement of election expenles of Charles Mt-Knnnnn. Conservative Can. didate in above election t Liv ttilu.................,.... 397m tl'ii74l'a'lc,iiic:.ccrr.rr. 8840 t,1tyrUr,iita.....r.C1'"..C.y.:. 2700 t.1e,nre,t..a.....-l..C.y.y..C.'.'.'. 3790 Publishing this statement. . . . . ' .. l 50 Ditted January 1olii, Giji' 7 ”an“ -- -.-‘..-vu c;pcnacu or Hemy Horton Miller, Liberal Candidate in above election. Printing £.c(ount................8131 68 Isttr.trrfitTs......C..C..C..C. 5450 E.,1orun.u-........./..C.'.'.C. 3050 Personal expenses of candidate. . * ar 1'ortatre...."..". m..'............. 9900 t8ftifi1err.....ii.y.y.y.y..' 1292 ,A,trtyr'.eipsyresC.yCC.r.'.r.' l oo Publishlng this 'rtatement........ l m . . " w mttdvi3ist, 1904. passed away " Q * ge‘old settlers of this county, MI, ,, 'l . .omns Binnie. of this town. at Iltiiiilt ' it 'CN " _ on) Wu; 4:590 Cl ”r Kelso. ItoaNiiFirS/hir4, Scotland, ti in the year 1820, and lived in that neigh- borhood until 1819, when she was mar- ried to Thomas Binnie and resided near Jedburpzh till 1851. and in Northumtwv. land. England, until 1861. when they ' and their family emigrated to Canada. and settled down on the old homestead in Glenelg in June of that year, where [ she lived until nearly two years ago when she and her son moved into town. During all these 42 ears she had her full share of work. fn the early years besides the regular work that is general- ly considered to belong to a woman‘s oepartment on the farm. she often as- sisted in clearing the land as well as in other departments of farm work, and was alwava in splendid health until about two years ago. Mr, Binnie died nearly 12 years ago and since then Mrs. Binnie lived with her son Alex. till she died. In religion she was a Presbyter- ian. and whileliving in Northumberland travelled on foot nine miles to the Free Church at Morebattle. In this country she was a member of the congregation on the Durham line and when that was _ dissolved became a member of the _ church in Durham. , Mrs. Binnie was always ready tomist l the needy and sympathize with the I tdNeted, and in manly a home where sickness tell she was Good as a minis. t tering angel there. and many; there are I who lovmgly remember er gentle a touch and motherly adetee in time of c trouble. Of her brothers and sisters two are still living. Janet in Jedbnrgh. Scotland. and Adam. who is well known in this county, in North Dakota. She had a family of nine, four boys and live girls, who all live to mourn her loss. '1 George in Glenelg'; Alex. in town. Thos. p in British Colum is. James in Tweed. p Ont., Mrs. IV. L. Dixon and Mrs. J. tt Weir in Iilgremont, Mrs. T, MrGirr. ll Mrs. D. Edge and Mrs. J. Bell, Glenelg. " Stategrent ot,,tltctio.r.t egpgnags of Up to a few Weeks Lf" the deceased was active and chem-fl: and enjozed fairly good health. but lying num- ed with pleurisy she sank 'trw,, Ind passed away " tive o‘clock on educa- duy morning. She leaves four sons and two doughuors. all"! whom, with the exception of her daughter In Monitor». have' visited their mother during her illness. The family are. Alexa." or of Aman. Edward of Elsinore, Wm. J. of South River. R. G. ot Pan Sound. Mrs Kuxltldt of Broadview, Janina)... and Mrs. McDougnll. with whom she lived up to the thue of hey death,--.),. There died at the residence of her son-iu-law. Mr. Allen McDougal, on Wuhan-day. 4th inst" at the age of " years. Mrs. Margaret Ard, relict of the hue Edward Ard. We regret to hear that. Mr Jun Mit ice is net-ions? ill mth pneumonia. hut hope to we h m make rapid recover-v. Mi. Baht. Cm-hrunei- having a very [minim time with his crushed foot. Mr Geo Adlnm. who had his great. toe um- puuted by reason of injury from the 149]) of a bum. in making n good mow ITS He is at his trel,',','"'; in town. My R Marshall. Mr ohn Robertson is still under anxious care. Mr. David Homburgh. Ihsrndutr. Ass... " umkm an extended visit to his par- ents um}; hrother. Imu- Dot-ouch. and aim-n Mrs. R. Willuuuson. of town,n.nd other rel-divu- nnd hiends in and around Holalein and Mt. Forest. Mr Frank Irwin. after many and novel experiences in far " lands came home to his father), on Monday. He should have material for many a thrill- ing nulratwe, We no planned to nee that Mr. P. Kelsey, Phi?tottraptter. is able to attend to bio business again after a severe attack of sciatica. Mr. Jim. Parrot in in Iowa at prmnt ant-r an aha-nee of 9 years. visiting his mother, Mrs J. Parrot. Dominion Election, I904 Mr. and Mm. John A. Black returned from their lengthened visit. with Chee. ley and Paisloy friends. ”in Mary Gordon left on Monday morning to rename her studies " Hun- ilton N nuns] College. mu Marlon mm; In home from Berlin utter anemia! lamina-y season. Mr. 6. P. Grant. left Sunday for To. Lonm all." spending the "caution " one. lira. Dr. Mahala. 1m last week to join her husband in the West. Returning otiGGiiirii; any Death of Its. Insure: Ara. uses of candidate. . * so 'o"'.............. 1292 'et................. 100 'statement......., 150 J. H. RENTER, A532: " 8.1593901; Alia, ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO “I” 842599 a“ -e vv-v-u- vw-w '"""t----............ 1,187.9 Commiuiom in the United sum or Brewers' and Distillers' Li- Al M] Immyement Boards in thet come. 1899 to 1903........ 310,879 Katmai“! . Shooting HM, 1392 m 'ilflll2ia, ttte “w m. to 1903............................. 99.80: duo. will am: an 1mm, , Yawn}: Ind Satan Cor- Give him mm and itfttiime. ' ”mm"- "ttts h 1908. mum of will by-lawé aid {EM}; 31;; other matters similar to certain State Commiuiom in the United States or ftttldtggt'iiiiit Boards in the at Gum . 1tltiltlllBia, tbo_ “he!!! Candi- public utilities. the iiUiiiaiGi of mun- lclpalltles for consolidating debenture debts, and by-laws pf municipalities purporting to confer monopolistic rights in public utilities such Commission to yvoqiogelz to advise upon tlte terms No. 8.--Provimsw Commission for Protection of Municipalities. --That in the opinion of this Convention many public interests would be greatly pro- tected by the appointment of a Provin- oial Commiuion having authority to deal with such questions as the bend- ing trig and normalization of com- lee' 09990111851 tt the operation of Vote'i'or Join] -jiiiEGGiiri7ii"imp. pom this sze manure. " - -_ "'""'O"'. vuvu-u wuulUILW 1 to the revenues of ','edite1,lte and the Province on a basis o assessment and taxation in everv respect equal to the assessment and taxation of the mo party of private citizens or other cor. porations. and that in the framing of such legislation the recommendations of the railway taxation commission ap- reed, at the last session of the Legis- stnre should be carried out so far " may be found suitable to the conditions 1 existing. in [he Prpyipeept Ontario. No. 3.-Ltailway Assessment and Taxatitm.-This Convention would ap- prove otany legislation whereby the Wet? of rail wags should contribute Hassock is not honest. and it isior political purposes and there is nothing nit. He cannot fool the people of' What Northumherlsnd. Here is the ghee that he ought to put his work in. e has his nephew running here. Everybody here knows the man. I ask him, and Isa y it in open challenge to him, let him come here on nomina- tion day. He shall have one good hour, or an hour and a belt, andI shall have my little say. and. if he can win, it's all right. " (Cheers) I Planks in Reform Platform. WAS NOT HONEST. "Did anyone suppose Mr Hassock had written that letter for the good ot the people? It they did, then he mis- judged his men. He had reason to know that Mr Hossack had flirted two years ago with the Conservative party in this riding. to know if there was any chance of getting the nomination. "hi had not voted Grit for Rosstwo years ago last Mav. “Just imagine what a stomach trouble he must have had it he had this bottled up all these two years," said Mr Clarke, amid laughter. "and now lets out just on the eve ot an election. I could tell you more, but I won't. I simply say to you, and I say it lmnkly. I say to the Pimple of Ontario. Rev. Donald C. tmatsk 13 not, bonnet, and " 1.4m- Mr Clark said: "Mr amok says I may lose something by writing this letter "and went on. "What had he to lose ? m played for every tiatt that was in onrlake. He had fhrhed for the biggest tith there was from a. Senntorship downward, in the giftof the Grit party. He used his brother- in-law to my knowledge for vearsin this riding, trying to climb to the office otSenator.. Then in Dufferin county there we tb vacancy when the Crown A 'i'gr,"fhis' been” at. was; _an Fi -"w, 99r..!rls.nd fResst?) Sam Clark is the Liberal candidste in West Northumberland: his op. great is Frank Field. n mallow of A v. Don. C. Hmsack. At bourg, on Saturday last, Mr Clark made relerences to his career n here he is known which show that his famous letter is simply the bitter fruit of pulm- cal chagrin. Voters oi South Grev condemn this trttttattettrtttt wrim by voting tor Jain. McKechnio a consistent admirer of the nbles: premier Ontario ever had. this is the man whose latter is being paraded in the fiet't,gtg.i"g,"',t','; A 4iaappuinteed office: seeker! u Wonder that the Moderator at the General Ashamhlv and other clergyman have been eotttttrained to process against the "bellow anicle In so far " it muligul the Buuueo W Ruse. a man with a lite record behind him ot consistent integ- rity, and wMretoirnt. Bath has been discovered that other came-then thoee alleged hue chang- ed Mr Hoe-net's views. He has been 1 lawyer offend on and my be yet and while e0 emploved had camel installations for lucrative positions Which it appears were not gretiiivd. Later he Sven cast longing eyes on e Senate position. but this also was re. lueed on the merite of the case and he is now mlfil11ng a threat made in one ot hie disappointed moments . 'to plunge a knile into the Return: partv yet." A writer in a. recent issue of the Star, a. member of his church at one time. ex- poses the character ot the man who promised to support the claim of a friend tor a Senate position. sud " the same time was pulling the wires tor himself! deeds, and dara was oppmbrinm on Hon. G. W. m... a nun who“ worth outweighs the venom of his accuser. though shielded by the dignity of big minister!“ which. _ An open iextarqrgtttett by Rev Mr Feytioti'Niikttoutiiiertismitaitit tho Ro- admigtigtgutittet In “new tqrrttttsttltrttntotttte, Hail and Empire edition.“ is be! mad u campaign literature by 'Jll't,dtl"dlil'fl. The Ree. writer wu, he alleges. I up porter of the Reform cause " one limes, but lemma account of in min. Sam Clark to Rev. Ir. Hawk. it. M Thir (Haiti nu me am. l Home of these sources and the total root-imam Succession Duties. 1892 to 1903 imilutriye.................: Estimate tor 19oc............ Supplementary Revenue Art of 1899; 1899 to Brewers' and Distillers' Li- ccnlec 1899 to 1903........ Shooting 14mm. 1892 to "tw...........- law have“ at Rom- Ulla- ”hon! Administration. Thu Liberal Government of Mr. tario has evidenced its progressive administration in many ways. on. pecially in fiscovorimr new source. ot revenue with which to meet the ever increasing needs of a growing Pro- vince. These, it may be added, have been inaugurated and developed in the face of more or less strenuous op- position of the Whitney party in the House. Home of these source- ot revenue and the total 'mxritttaque as follows; Snow-inn n... in 1nnn " Ma? E53 , lee-nee It I“. Continuity " Mb nod Constitutional Vigor. "I heve given (you the record of the Conservative party during " yeere. I hove hrutty reviewed their eight cempeiznn. every one of which wen n leilure. The policy on which they went to the country chewed eight dinerent timee. Our policyhea bed th continuity of strength and constitutional vigor which hen on. dured from 1871 down to the PN- Bent time. We hove abandoned noth- ing because we found it ueeleee; we have not repealed eny lecieletien ot our own because it bu not been eio feetive. Every policy we have Set up along the greet. long. tedious. and. shell I any. strenuous Journey stands to-day erect on when plnnted 1 by the handle of the leaders of the i great Liberal party, end should Pro- videnee spare us and permit us to retain power I hope we ehell still be able to guide the future Liberele of this country by monuments equnlly useful. equally attractive. equally valuable in the development of the gran, Province. (Prolonged ep- plnuse.) Our cry in 'Drnm-ui-u- "- tario. ' "-Premirr Vite or encourage that particular class to come to the Province. Ot course you are at liberty to speak ot Ontario generally and of ita pros. perouu condition as a suitable home toe good citiunn at any chat. with- out holding out inducements, how. ever. to the ”as": clam. either a to wage. or employment. (Slated) Geo. W. no... (2) You might inform such people as you think Would be disposed to come to Conndn of our large beet root industry. employing certain labor of women and children and perhaps men of over middle-age who are not physically able to do hard york, that they could tInd employ- - ch . “I n couplerWufggtflurhtrflrmw (3) Kindly remember that you‘nnw no commiuion to encourage the ar- tlsan classes to Come to Ontario, as the Government has fully decided that the demands for skilled labor shall be left entirely to the various industries requiring such labor, end comlder that you have no authority either from the Government or from Any employer of skilled labor to in- (1) Lot we lay that you are to devou your attention entirely to tho emarurattement ot tarm laborers. do- mestic servants and such other people as no likely to make settlers on the Agricultural lands of the Pro- Vince. (Personal) My Dear Mr. Kyle,---, In! no busy when I arranged to and you to My land that I was unable to give you tutt instructions " to what I ex- pected you to do on arriving there, although from a eonveraation I had with you before you left I hove no doubt you understood whut " ex- peertod_or you vary wall. The (allowing personal letter, which the Premier forwarded to Mr. H. E. Kyle. Indium his interest in this upoclal work of immigration. Mr. Kyle in the special agent. of the Government. to help miet the de- mud. tor farm labor in the Pro- Vince: WW Ill-I'll»... Since, thouaanda ot lot-tier! have i purchased or located (arms in New [ Ontario through pen-son“ adVico giv- -en than through thin bureau. In tour year-a nearly all the iarms in Tmuinkatnintt and Rainy River Val- ley have been said to aettlem. while many other nettle" have located in aouthern Nipiuing, Al‘oma. Thun- der Bay and Wabigoon districts. The movement of farm hands and ream-m to Now Ontario and the “not created u shortage of help on the farms of old Ontario. and stem were at once taken to relieve tho situation by " increased immigra- tion from the mother country. 'ttse number oi immigranta arriving in Ontario in 1900 was a tritle over 3.- Otto. The immigration to Ontario from Great Britain for eleven month. of l904 exceeded 23.000. These im. migrants were not dumped here. and allowed to ahiit tor themaclves " the larger cltiea, but during the past two masons over 12.000 of than: were ouppliod with railway tickets and out to iarxnera who had applied for help to the Government Farm Labor Bureau. Many of these will go to New Ontario when they become better acquainted with Ontario me thods ot farming, but in the mean- time they supply the help our farm- ors need, and which is delivered at their doors by the Gowrnment free of any cost to them. Premier ot Ontario in 1899. among other mum in commun- with the developIm-ut of New oobrto he created the Emma of Calculation to direct tnod-Kors nod in other ways to facilitate ”tut-mean in tin new districts. _ . moo " rum POLICY. Toronto, March Mth. 1903 ”4&3“?! iF tiiuii'i"'iistliiii, (Prdlongéd -"v a: in 'Pr?l‘msive 0n- Ron G iGGi; I do in 1399, among in connection with of New oohsrto he mu ot Calculation “$2,462,720 ... Mo,ooo . 315.502 --- “Jinn Wu§é Wishes i PEEL THE sun: WAN Durham and Owen Sound, For PEEL’S SHOE STORE W. H. Bean .ettttthe-attnui-tmitsi,t rim,» lam oPutheeutire-iiskr". g " WW“. W.1. ELLIOTT. memnemdu Sn. l'fincipur IT PAYS m Amxu Coal Oil The Big 4 We wish to thunk you for you: 'il'ritg'ttitri',',"lrt dating 1904. We feel in“ ed in anticipating that vow nppteciution will bear the fruits of increased business in the new year, and we have provided accordingly Silverware Out Show Cases are full of Silver were, my suitable for Wedding Presents. There is nothing it. Forks and Spoons to equal the goods stamped W. BLACK. giéld T' will be menu it', came an My 00 mu - 'a'lt'ah'ga'ls11t'l'l'oWl'rTlllllt Iriirr,'sj- Bronchitis 1ymoy and Prouperous New Year cures! Ask your doom if he doeatt't no: It for coughs, colds. bronchitis. Ind all throat and lung troubles. “I COUWMPM bzgobutalduluhwmgm. mu. ' than: 'd'hnta"fhW'ff.io. 000': any each was. diet. w, the WAR” Chen" Fedora. hat a record In. Mater rem of Don't: See our stock of Skates, Hand Sleight. Toboggnns. Sleigh Bells Rotten Rugs, Whips, Hors Blankets, Halters, Harness. Hom- Brushes. Curry Combs, X-ctet Sam Buck Saws, Axes, Trunks. Vlliles. Chums. Stable Barrows. TORONTO. ONT. Cherry Pectoral I“LUTWEAR its may friends and patrons a If??? Your place to buy HARDWARE Fancy Lamps surpasses an!) _ stock for price and quality. for I. C. A3100“ 100g Bread. Cl always on hull Dott't fat list at once Weekly St ., Connor's . it" mm srityvs'DLS THIRDLY, ttODEL " At The Dawn ITSU LASTIA' FIRST And th pro: f every I have a few his. sizes! The add! was much l "ter fur Job of an able I will not go Mr. Ink night prom Friday eve: The a the Value the Liber Act and i the Child turbiddm to minors, both in mind Junk and unm- lihural ai schools a the sum " I In“ noun no n It Whit In all: tttushlr to nit-spent i humane i imam. the ham cent-d to critici their legislation. on the cry tempo tot crummul a “duals. bud Menu dieted he momm. mit J:“;" um; ' , GOOD STI tit-kit he points! servant Faithful clerks. I changed l Denice. I mini": m amnemnq such {new column 81 &c. MW vacating cultural e erly up” ftmttmttel large bu We.” phat men-enact mum; Wishing menu ol ever pn Custom “neatly 'es " big first " Frida ve us " " Mad Styh w E} tme all "

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