West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1905, p. 4

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V2 Dem-J ng :igynana'isisr gummy; NEW Raymond Dsrlf 213's Confidence . * . our Imperlai Lax Quininc far-dealer 97-03:”: wear yrv’ku (Brand Chain; - - " It has the Fit, the Hang and the Style, the The Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. ion: 'Our business is growing every season because ""; we do give better values throughout and mt have the fullest oonfidence of our customers, the because we sell every item in our stock on w smallest possible margins. I a l )len‘szBlack and Fancy stripe 'tWeed Tailor-made OVerooa'ts. vary it; faneyrand dressy ut.......n...86.m. 8.00, 1u.00, Human! 14.00 on Men‘s Fancy Tweeds and Black Cheviot Suite " . . . . . . TN'." . . . . . . 1 q...'.'. ...... ...... ...... . ..,...8tr.00, 6.O, 8.00, 10.00am 1200 m Special value in Boys' Suits and overeoats. Sc M es-_------- ' vi I? ( “ _ U . or oak. an .M l d m,-,-,,,-,-,,,,,,.,,-',,',',:::' _ h ,' l 'rr-l-rr-rs-rr-a-ii-iii-ii-iii-.- I . I t re-r-ee-ey-er-e-e-e-e-i- "e" ', I I _ ', - qn__‘_“_l_- _ Teeeefr h: We,avan give (1an a mere list? of. mu- goods. but m quality and adaptability to t a and: of-Suuh Grey we are not unlit-d: DeesrtpytJurrf"rt'sf, frtl.lr1nt!e Ploughs, “Byway? ttr.ar- CoMdenee between the merchant and his cus- tomers is the surest foundation for his success in business. To merit and retain the confi- dence of cur clothing customers has been our constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to please the most exacting and then we in an excellent position to supply our custom- ers with Tailor-made Clothing- W . h we have received large; During the 1325331313 “A “A“, Suits and Dunng we pasf mum- w- ..... - - -- - shipments of Men's and Boys' Suits and Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats and we are of- fering them at price? that mean money savers to those who take advantage of them. So many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- . t, --. "m cm- the making. there is gain @Zark. se 'UUSC Wu" up..- W, --"" - many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is no exactness in cutting that the fisiished gar; ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the difference is clearly shown. T'rhe best in their line :u-we handle only thrust. Also Wilhelm'u Earl . , 121,5 5 Shrug Seem, mg DN'l'UWD. ‘V Alum-2v... -"'""ee"" --" v __-V, Palmerston Buggies. ‘Renowned alticles. (ginning in; Machines. 15on Stoves for Goal or Wood Agent for the Dillon mnge Stay Fence. IN WASHERS: Alt? 1'tTfltttt.f p11yyecstly, in I) v _l1tea 'u wrirueemiTilTiiitTdT 13y Witsuu Gtuhyrr. wad (Farm Machineryd Tablets win stop acold in a few bouts. Try mun. For Sale only at If Coughczand Colds are pemiitted to go on their way of making us miserable! L-ttnmtrttked, iimnolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the as: of our celebrated " Now is the Winter of our Discontent " Which Gf'l'li1 tiattlgi recommend. Others speak hi y. . cacy. Whynotyou? Pica... M cents White We and Honey Store A few doors Booth of the Middautth Rouse. ran Donna mm“ .,-LL,.. ....A..;..’... nz'M’? ' Mr. M. ll. Heckler made a business: trip to Toronto [at week. Mr. That. Caldwell, Dauphin. Mani- tos.uhometoraoooe'th ovum Mr. um] In. Arch. Brown. and Mus Ada. left Tuesday on a visit to relatives in Proton A load of Epworth hamlet-n went to It. Forest. on Tue-lily to attend the Convention. Mrs. Thom Allan last week was - tr injured by a full on lee bot is now nt- moot better. Mist Tenn Hammad. Upper Town, spent a couple of weeks with relatives at Crawford Mr, W In. Moore. Flasherton. attended the funeral of his t,rothet.iu-Uw, "s. l Morice. on Tuesday. Rev's Coiling sud Manson attended the Epworth League District Conven- tion in Mr Forest on Tuesday. Mr. Theodore and Miss Mildred Lev sou left for Grand Valley Saturday to melt friends. returning Wednesday. Mr. Theodore and Ilia Mildred Leeson and sister. Mrs. Albert McClinton visit- ed at Pricevtlle Thursday and Friday, Mrs. Adams, nee Miss May Cliffs. and daughter from Dakota were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon a few days last week. - We regret to learn of the illness of Mr solved to give [no WWW m." - ___"- Thou. Scarf. Br., Rocky Saugeen Ber. Michal duties it elected. ious doubts are entertained of his re- 10. Because itiono time for lemme covery. virgin public intereltl ,',v,tf,', he unper- Mr. and Mrs. Behrieber, Arthur, uncle i t when the tsotttttry peep).", t and aunt of the bride. were guests M when it“ one cent ot imblits may i! astray . when all the members the the mrDonor--Marsha11 wedding on Government are working in ”my Wednesday. and for the good of the whole people. Misses Ferguson end Muir. Ceylon. called on their old time friends end VOTE FOR JOHN MCK‘XPHNIE neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Black. and ior tt,t trt'), and etBeient Gott. on Snturdnylut. ornmen y , e Mr.Jos. and Miss Annie McFarlnne. . Rom Cseo. w. Rogtt and Mr. “all Mrs. Thos. Banks. Owen easily the ableet statesmen of Ontario. Sound, were guests It the MeDontud-- Votes ttttd Vote early. Marshall wedding. o..-..-.-.--,---,--" Mr. John Lennhnn. Rochester. N. Y., " visited his brothers here but week. srdittmo FINANCIAL FACTS while home on the occasion of his Many, a. w... AO-lnietmhl new mother's last 11tttere. I." never-noun. Mr. Joseph Bartlet came home Satur- Ttto Moll said, in 1900: “The On- day hut from Manitoba. where he was 't',"or, Government's moneyement of travelling for the Farmers' Manufacturo $033123? 393:3. been thrifty. J'udie- ' mg and Supply Co. Tim Montreal Witness: “Ontario'n Mr. Rich. ctvadrhlpr Mass, and hie Iplcndid financial position has been I . . _ . . he . pram-ITO! 3y rnrel'uL busi scmaelik . In x??? hire. Roedditk "trl9/",ti,t'.t ham-at administrutin‘n sine:l 1t'L"ldl', ' L-,',,',',",?') .1017...“ .erution.” at“: Tnt m c,e.1Pictnktugutro.nto 'l‘elegrum: "The b __ . .'., =e'" --nA-nln‘ m.» t t W . . “Edgaaugi Jail-$6? ine, mm e,ihiiuii, tparasiii, KM. “am Falls, attended the McDonald ~Marshnll wedding on Wednesday. Mrs. Jos. Camp. near Dormwh. has been Visiting friends and old acquaint- ances at Ancaster and Brantfurd and _ other places and benefittingin health by I the change. Mr. c. A. Base". well Known in Dar. ham and now of Thessalon. umdu an introductory address at a meeting of Hon. Mr, MacKay’s at Bruce Mines last week. Mr. Geo. Petty. of near Varney. er- nved home Saturday from Soul-is. Mani- toba, and will not return until March. He is well pleased with the country and its prospects. Mr. and Mrs. Green. Arthur, and Mrs. Ferguson. Cunmock. Mm. Moore. Tees. water, sisters. visited here on the occa- sion of the but illness of their brother. Mr. Jim. Morice. Mr. John Came, on left Monday for Halifax. from which place he nails on the 23rd inst. by the Stunner Dehomey, for Bemudaiend West Indian Island; Be will be gone several months m the interests of the McLean Trude Journals. Mrs Cameron left the some day to spend the winter in Toronto. and the Ilene- Catharine and Belle left for Guelph to continue their course at the Moodon Institute. Mr. Benny Hudson and wife of Mani. toba. the latter n comm of Mr. Wm. Lawson, Jr., are visiting this weekat Lawson's Edges, etc., and will go to Walker-ton to visit Mr. Hudson’s father. They have not been in Ontario for 17 years. Mrs. John Polio: k, nee Annie McCan- nel, of Niugara, we ommitted to men- tion last Week. visited for a. couple of weeks at her old home in Boottteiite, and spent a. night in town with Miss Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stu. from North Dakota, their son and wife and child- ren, were guests of Mr. and Mm. John Cameron of town. MPH. Br, II a broth- er of Mrs. C‘tmoron‘s and Mm. Henry is a daughter of Mr. Davidson ( Giobe ) formerly of B. Egremont. I Mc'Kinnon and Miss Mary Gordon respectfullv. Bananas - Mexican": - At _ the residence of the We'- si-ter. In. . Icwrgrutler, N New.” Dee. Sha. ION, 'l'ggit MeKeeititer of hltun,to Wm J. Ben anon. ofhtrim The contracting parties have been residents of Cavalier county for . number ot your. and will resideon Mr Henderson's {an " Calvin P. o, MetDttataxo.-augtqgragt.-Ah, Wain- " Jun. Matthew-56m ofthe 'lfiLt name. by Ber. Wu. 1"qu In tdats: f,itiii,t,ltte, thank: " Andrew lush." Hannah. We”, "er. Wm, ”WW "m.-..-.-.-"'.""."'"'---"""'-'".-'"'--"",",'--.'.'; M m by. ton-um. bunt-n: mm... F3lie,ltti'it':'? 'tll,? @amw Install Nmnby. - Eidiib9rirthhq may; 'e'lrlea',Tdt'ltm4,%rAt'r4.' lcFarlgng. . kn. Owen em]: eDontud-- Votes bur. N. Y., but week, on of his 3.. ome Satur- tf are he was St danufacturo lot 5 ass. and " w, . Minn Nor.» it: DEM" "" Pe, 't'l m 0.1 Juno In“ ie 1utLetrii'i, I cr an Mnnnnsald u.. ".'" l WHY , I vain should vote for John “will. t, Bennie he is {Waltmgh TORONTO gen} Giiiiiiii" au gnu-amt. both " a VOTE FOR JOHN MCKECHNIE and for the honest and efficient Gott. armament led by the Rom Geo. W. Ron easily the ables: mmmnn of Onurio. Vote. and vote early. creditable. TMht"tlt"' Vince have been wit,, In proof ot the above te,t,'ty) it mly be staid: ontarioU annual ccipts in interest would retire r total liabilities twice over. The interest paid annually on the provincial trust funds (valued at 86.- 21tt,7tt8) amount» to more than suf- fieient to meet the entire annual payments of the province for its ll- abilities for railway eortiticates and annuities. Out of a total appropriation of seventy millions in twenty yous, the Opposition has objected to less than one cent on the dollar. no“ tgontcn.-anBentlnek, on mu January- the wife of the late In Notice on. Ontario had $2,739,200 in tho banks on December 12, 1904. Ontario, ever “ace 1872. bu shown a surplus of - after de. ducting humming may parable. DIED. McArmmrt.--irt Bottinesu. North Da- trota, on Janhary 6th. John Robert. only son of Neil and Joan lemma aged 1 yen and two months. Ontario is without I dollar of debt presently parat?ieu, --- __- _ .. Ontario's position is an enviabfo one: Its atrairs luvs been no manag- ed as not only to create no debt but to leave a surplul of interest-troaring assets that yield an annual "wow that could be capitalized at nine millions. Onta'rio's surpiG of saute the! deducting liabilities. Dec. M, 1901, was 32,549,164. or a Prawn-Iv. ao-g"-"--'" Cou- nnouu Watt " the m Govern- .ut-A ”an“. Ind Alma! Policy. (As Adopted at the great Liberal Convention) 1. An advanced policy on educa- tion and agriculture. 2. Purity of elections. B. Approval of policy of railway ussersmem and taxation. 4. Extension of Temisktunintt R. It. to G. T. Pacific. G. Timber and minerals for “I. settlers. 6. Provincial chute" and prohte cinl rights. . w.--_. __ V. . . 9. Forwurd policy on the labor queue. . ., - - . -9 \(:_:-4-- A, “F. -iritaistvation of pine m pu)r"teod _lande:. r--r - - 8. Provincia. commission for pro. tasting municipalities. _ - _. -I - l_l ._ q-,.,-.___. 10. Appointmont of Minister at Colonization and labor. 11. Tompl'runco reform. 12. I’ulynu ownership of public utilities . daughter. WANTED 1'lh'i'ili'i '?.':"‘......" mama-x _ ite an“ “9!: Ib, PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM nto 'reiegram: "The tV tot Nuzinistmt' ire. 30-93% "J,' been wl.te,.o. led." ot the ttttove te is a said: Ontario's annual ' men-st would retire I n itios twice over. S mat. paid annually on the .3 - ,ble “It WI! new- -7 _ _ Immmmm ot Away! with MI own admins-and by “all!” mu- m. " m undo an -aatiti" - at this important Wm. in up“. of Opposition owl-Halo- all erm- 'tsm. l It expended .891.” on Agricul- _ an" in tgOt. It has expended 85.830J23 on \griculwl'! since 1673. it has handed over 39,083.85! to 17:0 Agricultunl 5nd Horticultural ocietietr trittee 1872. " has nsriqted the Fruit Growerl', .etir.vttten'B, Harte. Sheep and Swin'e tveders , Poultry. BAiseserr' and I .utomologiwl LautciauorP. nrsd the . human-nu! Union. during ‘XIKOKIIUIUnuw. Mario Exp-macaw! Union. can“ as name period. It has eorried' on the moat unoccu- al isricuitttrtU College in America nth m attendant: of 728 during the J' 1903. seventy per cent. ot it! .munu-s. so far at traced. an en- Saul. "teen Hun r:xmrlmo: ml arc hem; maintained. L‘ruwcul auu‘uction in I .5' hr.- been “way gin-n. -. . _..-'.-.- III-v- _,": in "ricuitu"h " . unugc hul CI N. C series of tieid I'Hll('n'.s- 's ....- __-- Valuable bulletin! but. been put. sum; Lweho newt-u are issued an ' ally. u collect- cud publishes vclusbl atietica (agricultural nod man. null.) " csubllrhed 98 Funnm' and 5 outett'tt Institute, 127,000 “nude .4: meetings in 19034. " provided cheap “way for til millage by lumen. It alumina-d a Pioneer Fun. l. ainy River trintriet, which bu hot. n undouhtcd luau-u. the beet, huson and that” pro need in 1596 nmmmtc-d to $31,000; oo and in 1903 soa,5m.cxm. " has an looted in developing a totitalsie trade "ith other I'rovitt tit it, ”he hrrd tstock. " has net “on! $175.00" to all he sugar-hm”. indultry. It nurmd the wool mecca-tn! Farm m I. g “uric: were w t' l rename for sound be _twt't'. amry whom- law '. a. cd, attended that ta Mr, Whitney nnd his )0!le many of the in oroio'rd by the N 1mm") mTrteruuurt'. The Labor Legislation of the Lib All Govetmmcut of Ontario i. i?,ia,.ei,'ii! most uannu-d body 0 laws "hittdtatt3rrAtytt" that an. Country can shan. li‘ngludw. "tttou.: other Imlun-s, "s-, ' Thu Labor Disputes Act ar Wk ("In l’rnntnn Pill,, nude-r which n x...“ than thirty-tise (rude dispute haxe airway bmn mnlcably mett!v by the Provineiul ofturer Appointm- tor Ii.“ pun-pomp. lt bets rpm-ally eutolished A Pro Vinl'inl liuruau of Leann, in char; of an experienced and able rcpr. m-ntatiw. it has pulled labor IngisI-Hnn ttuc in rornrded as the most advance, and programme ot any self-gown. ed country. t abut WIOIMIOI " the In... hovel-anon " has palm-d the Mechanies' Lie, Act. the Kutpto.verr' Liability Act the Factory Act, the, Railway Acci. dents Art, the Act tor the itetiet o Co-operative Aluminium, the Cred hurs' "and Act, the Mnutcrn' an: Scrvunu' Act, and tho Act to Fe Cure ('ompenution to Workman to, Injuries. It has enablod trade:- unionn an labor organizations to ttecome incur paroled. It passed an important Ar regulating bake-shops. an Act n lating to trusncy And compulsor; mlmol Attendance, the Woodman' Lien tor W330- Act, the registrnlioa of mnnhood warm voles. nnd m. toncillation um Arhitration Act. It exempted trom nation "vim incomcu up to $700. It has Equine-d the closing of shops 3nd the hours at labor therein for eh)tdresn and young persons. It Ins protoéted -the claims of workmen on contracts for public works. ' " has loci-Inca on behalf of the oqplgym ot ggrqetfnilwuyu. h In: provided that In a contract for printing and binding certain work. union or equivalent wage! gun he paid by the counselor. " bu permitted mantel”! bodies to MI trruom ro‘ului-g the hour: ot certain pcrlonl. such " those-n- ployod in “very tables, and 4mm wally. And In “M IMqqq06qqqg " Note an following able of who: u to out of education: (but per pupil for 3 Public School Education in the United Btatm.-................... 1 (50" per puptt tor a miid WI, Education in New (on per POP“ tor . Public School Eduction In Ohio... that PC? pupil for . Public School Edmuon in Mas. in“ and Valet. (1900) Nola-(Ar, Behooi.............'. 11.” var... (or cm- in Ontario.. 17.01 tv%ltUlllg2'dltt'tiuifii hot per MI tor . Public; School Education 1. man. "818rtht"t"ttMttttmtMtittr v.----..-...... ' 1372. and the Fruit Growefl', Aim-Iv. Show and Swin'e - _ “‘--' and ietroi,u hive been as ended than for Dy 23“ nay and his pen.)- have up y of the import-m stun by the Agricultural ite W. rgxperimgmttl 2mm in mm. spray 'ly [EH-n. _ W -..I Arriod OI a: “' " tad teeding ex- were sent through Wake, asoiii on" a“ 4.! lug Stat put I _ $20.29 21.68 88.97 87.76 Ittatt It” We have reduced the p greet quantity of out stock. is the time to get bargain. Ant": our” . ---- in: ii2iilit,t4, the It all". 'itiJ'itt?= 1.. u... IT PAYS mo ATPEND THE HRH! Guam» WWW was»; Mun» mm Gummy”. WWW. W.J.ELMOXT. m Yong. and Alex-nut an. "mums Our handodeighs m worth look. " We Are oltiring " tIsis week it. We the otti tor " as. ash. my; anon swam; Now is the time to My may“ from 40 cts. up. We have “other supply of Hockey Sticks " " eta. and " cu. Wishes i Dirham and Owen Sound FEEL THE sun: mm Get . Snow Shovel at m. m. not wait for the - - storm: 100 Show Shank " 25 cu. each Our Bread Bonds urea! various Animal. and our prices we num Who wr?u1d Giiier when you can get one not toe. and a high as 03.50. Every was should feed some of our Stock Food and be convinced oi in merits. Who would work in the dark when you on buy 1 Lenten for 15 cts. and on extn quality one at 75 cts We are clearing out our tttal Home Blankets from see tiitit - - , ‘- It“ HARDWARE A good Blanket and ' , quarter straps, for F.. t' Now ri,"0e: time to br " $so Rn for 88. so. - a xwery person as 4.. k. " Sean Esther "Jung: the b and cheapest in e market. W. H. Bean The Big? 4 lflN tnd you will be money It.. .’.‘ _ i',fctotl1i" TORONTO. ONT. T503134. W. BLACK [DOTWEAR it! my friends and' to buy Skates without I Met and now for Ci ' , " It; Ee lib-aim Ihlm a) tttnt A otttt ouch. Ill I member Medical In" ot Drumore. B, -law. Allan. Ch Jam It 0M. not. [Myra a I out"; " boo ot t "mum-r Mule so of com: in cum all“: and winch . t mm: At Tttt sum Urn-e w D" won bum-nu Guru the part “In b, year's I lurued I Bylaw 19.5. Iva-1 Itobe be and? 1‘0:th “I... ot lid. In Robb w -eti wau new. with a per we turn)" " fort unwed I Jno cil. the Boom ta" . reese" i an M Mom itt.true "out" -Coni " pain 4 pain "cm be aw Dub-I Cho. I " ; MI and " human 'l iduo Rubi And SE? TH FIR . " bet ev

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