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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1905, p. 5

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berry 'i, 9019’“ ii, 2tr"tt'; hens. Your l uicllin: throats, "a, pittt in mel In! eoogestioth ‘Pmo greatly and mm.1 menu-ate. gently In.” lhes not"! tttatrtmAtiott. It heals, hens. Your doctor will t this to you. Ae know: at this cough medicine. " EL 1 HE SHOE may 19, 1905 IXS SHOE STORE the ARDW ARE if rout Happy and P'Osperous "8W Year FQDTWEAR L H. Bean he Bisr, berry ...m an." Its Ir for heed mm muons a ers Throats t y P e c t oral throats, Arr. r. but": - Gud n tor tttroot I. I "a .06 'etr" N-.. tt. . __.- ' xxxany friends anib 'r.'l "too". Biz a. ,‘u,’ rod-DH- - ,A‘ h- ( New: Sound. J, e, Am 00-. uelis In... M he: ot a and now storms . each, some of mvinced tlt whet hates money it 1 Meat me fog Fa': look. week " . I. with, taotts mun ' c new key W s'.', Do Ih um“ , ml to In C wits "G, _ Wo 'tit “WWI ' 5' oo" ', / - I. Jno Lawnuco paid tio into an Conn- eil. the lull unonm mm by Council to De Shani). M. H. 0mm. tor prolulioml genie". u much. on helm" at Mr Luv- uneo'u “may. Rewind "M the lollow- i ng uc'u be paid. W B Sutton. apron chm” 01.15: Ch" Bum-ac, Soo Finland Subatom- " ; Municipal World, Election Inppliu and nulmnplnu foe paper 015.19; ihuu oBotritwon, uuvoI 1.03 ', Geo Woolin. "no! ..ra,u' Jun Wagner. filling holes on E Puma- t' my! to Ewe; was 2.50. C “in ". linen adjourned to meet on Sunni-y tf' "tit LadPth to rrqeivo the Ammon' Report, my» “diluent "i "tst'orttttrterts, Application 1&5" m'r lor Bolsttfrrattit genera! bani "Lined Bals Council not)». 93h. lumbar-chat lob-dud to “attacked who”; Minutes land. By-II' No 180 tor qr rt,',,"",',':', imp-nod. Thaw“ otttt Boa nod Joe A thmoatoa, m inn-nod in Bylaw " Autumn. usury " nah. By law No 181 foe s iutintt I . mambo: to the Board of [1333. tho I Medic-I Bum: mm. pal-0d. The mm ot Dunk! “(:an and De Sue-uh. Dromore, respectively. um inn-nu! in Bylaw. The Bot-rd ot than: tor 1805 no u hriiomrst Ae. Hum. Boon. D. Allan, Clark. D McQueen. J no Sultan] Juno- Bonnet with 133800.“). M.H. Bylaw No 182 toe spooning so Anu- not. pose-I. The mum of David Me- lutyn an unwound in Bylaw u Anne-nor. "In, "o. Byllw No 188 toth "unann- boo of member- of Council. pied. Th- unumo-ruiou Inu- tUmt " " per day ‘Lllo engaged unending Council meeting- or commune uni or any other unions in connection Nth Municipal antler-s. can: um! excvpl. the duties " Ruad Cum'ru winch no "therwiue provided for. Byluv No 184 tn appoint Coliseum for 19:5. Imam-0L The nan-a of Wm Law. vu-ce wax uncalled as Contact»! for an. N Dun-nu. minty. 03-. And the name u Duncan Hunter thtb Gallo-om: tor ti Dm- uou. "o. b'oruon--itm b-That 'ho Cork oredi, the pull» [eternal to in W Ituse's Cauli- cuw lu-t Winter wovk an touch: in thir year's Intact Ito. Suki work was nono- lowed In!» yearc--Carried. Itobb--MeArtitttr--Titat 1 gram of " be nude to the thee Childrens' Hospuul 'rorouto.-Ahwrud. A \eny alum uppnl ttom the Chair mm. ot the Sick Unldum' Hmpital. " tuei, “I! "and. Robb- aordoo-.-'rut the Clerk In! its. nrucled to ask the Clerk’- of the Two! Proton and “that Joe a “lumen: ot new of expondixure on the Com-lines with . wer' to a "rtttemsnt.-Carrud. hnrArttutr--Gor.ion--That the Clotk b. ittrtrtseted to urpmo a Bylaw to "in chm tunauror'n unlury to what it mus formerly. -C.niod. Robb-McArthur-That a grant of " per month he made to Mrs Ken on“. tanker notice. Also a upecinl grant ot " for wood " new mndv. money tobe Ducted in Dr Brown's imuds-Ahsrrrud. MeAntsur-Rour--TUt Com'r Wren. be appellant] to cumin. Rummy odieer Durham to "ennui: "tsetsets.--carrurd. JANUARY 19. 1905 We have a few pairs, Misses and Boys Lined Bale leh and will sell them at the following reduced prices In these sizes , " pains Boys', sizes 3 and 4 at. . . .ti.00 4 pairs Misses'. " l and 2 M. . . . TNs Also a few pain Ladies' Strap Slippers away down to make room for Spring goods arriving . M shortly. I Justqm Work and Repairing Done At The Down Town Boot ' Shoe Store j. S. Mollraith " suns-re f. TI And therefore we hear nothing but pm for our bread, cake's. pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY. we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see tor yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pantry, always on hand " Rowe's store. WEDDING CAFES . - -- s, -6... 303m. BAKERY. STEIN SON'S “In“? COUNCIL Made to Styles on 'iiJikitS7,,ift"' ' s-ruvsoy1 REASONS: "iCiGier in Latest on shortest notice. D. ALLAN. Clerk LOWER TOWN Harm tiatiLw Til HELP THEMSELVES Systomatic EdueatiortUrttter Hon John Dryden. tell their own story oi the result of the extension ot agricuirurai Mucu- tion among the forums of Ontario. When the American tum destroyed the barley market. and when "in- tent industries" took the attention at the Federal Government, to the disadvantage of the other classes. the sympathy ot the kind-hearted politi- cian was tor “the poor tumor." It was deserved. His (arm was mort- gaged, his sons were tlocking to the proieseions or to the United States, and his land was losing its fertility and its value. It was about this time that Hon. John Dryden be- came Minister of Agriculture tor on- tario. It may he said with all moth eration that to him more than to any other single human agency is due the happy reversal of circum- stances in which the farmer. ot this Province find themaelvea to-day. lays The Globe. Wm. the United State. market cioeed to our barley. and with the fertility ot the soil warring through uninterrupted [rain cultiva' tion, the one door open was to pro- mote mixed tarming and stock-rais- ina. with the British market an the ing. with the objoctivo. A Revolution In Auto-lento. Mr. Dryden not to work. nnd later I. van minted try the co-o-tion of the “but Government at Ot- tnwn. to nuke the change, and how successful " dons WON everybody known. In short. the whole churne- ter ol the Ontario hog I’ll changed and the qunlity of Canadian chm-so and butter raised to n commanding position. Looking back at the lot. to" quoted in the reports ot the Bureau at Industries. "porn of, any, tiiterett yenrn "o, we tind luck well- known pork-packers u the Penman oi Mnmilton. wing. "We do not ship my to the Brituds unarkot,’ nnd adding that they eoutd not compete with the western hop. Similnrly, the report nummnriun the opinion at the fnnnern them-elven in 1889, that "the Ontario horrniner can never compete on equal terms against the cheap pig feed ot the wrnmrn """l' (‘U - Staten." About this time barley took a " drop. from 65 cunts . bush-I in 1882 to 44 in 1889. At the sum.- time the old idea ot a short. {at hog was tirrnly setsted, and it wu no wonder the capture of the Eng- lish bacon trade was looked upon as almost impouible. The trade and navigation rMurns During the early and middle nine- ties Mr. Dryden took personally in hand 3 compoign tor improving the quality of the dairy and hug pio- ducts oi tho Province. From 1891 to 1598 the "trnveling dairy" made un- nnal tours. Ot courw. it was met with ridicule by tho Oppuniiiuu Word. who culled it "Drydcn’s oicti.s . t it- injured by the jean, 1'rol. 1mm 3.1-an his way, and thoulanu‘ o. ”ti-morn and their who: received inspiration tor scientific dniryiug. which hal since been made so profitable. Mean- tiun- the Dairymt-n'n Associations L grew to be powerful attrition tor the promotion of the new methods, and the interest the departueut took in them, with grant. of $4,000 each. the securing of good awaken, and the distribution oi rciortu ofthe meetings to 30,000 “the“, widen- rd the conntitucncy of ottigtttenmernt. Two' an" dairy school: were nluo opened at tgue8ttt and Stuliiroy. and that at Kingstoa- token over, and _ since "393 about tihtitfo had been ‘ spent in the education of over' 2.9.00 l diary experts. l'ndi-r those cncourug- mg conditions the amount of choo- produced in Ontario grew from $7,- lR9.957 in 1890 to $17,203,233 in 1903. and of cronmery butter trom $259,134 to 92.096.593. and the number of cheese factory patrons grew from 43,000 to 6O,000. During the past your the work has been ex. (“mini to inriude It more minute in- section of factories and farm dairy prertritus in g way which insures the highest rtettnlinet" and best quality of cheese and butter. troll“.- " ttto log. While this was proceeding. no [on portentous wu the revolution in the hog industry. There was only one Way to acrompuuh this. and that "at. in. nor-intent. oxitntion and educa- W Grant dltocl MI. - o-ru-msd' Impurity Under Dari. 0-0.. I‘M-”I". - " Whit-r ram. ‘50 funnn’ hunt-us. the Travolta. Duty. nu no 'l'oortpattr- (In at "" In". by persistent u‘itotion and educa- ‘ tion. The Provincial Winter Fair, the Former! Institutes and the dis- tribution ot reports and bulletins were chosen mediums. The Winter Pair was made a tixturr u Guelph, permanent buildings were erected, and prizes onered which would tempt the best breeders in the country. This attracted the farmers to the number of 15,000 or 20.000 per year. The pork-packers were invited to st- tend and by demonstration to toil tho crowded audience of the lecture mom just the kind ot hogs they “muted. They eagerly named. The Farmers” Institute dehrntes attended and seized the "pointé" of A good bacon hog, and how it could be pro- duced by brooding and feeding. and they carried the message to the Gur- cias to number of 125,000 or more, * “tended the district meetings lent your. The result, we. I seen in . few years in the supplem- ing of the short. tot hog by the long, lean and. in“ the kind that out" the streaked, juicy baron. and the red. sweet heme for John Bull'e din- ing-room. The phenomenal nee-II of this work in about by the inure.” in the value of the hocl sold ttr 0n- li,iiib,; (omen from 88.775352 in _ 1892 to 822,532.89? in 1903. Bo popular had the Winter Felt new that o veer or two Mo SP"'" .. pvyan‘o “to..." .. v'm'xfll (mun-m. and was new. tautss'."ttt, which will be occupied " Ottawa this you. in the culmination of com..- oul private and public Mort. Doing . work by then-elves and ret Bttinq into the whole general uheme. the Farmers' and Women’s Institute: have momplilhcd much in the nplilting of agriculture. From I record of tun-Ive meetings in 1885 the Ftsrmorte' institutes have grout: to 837 meetings last year. with an attendance of 120,352. while the Wo- men's Institutes, established only three or four years ago. . had last year 960 meeting: and an uttend‘nco of 44.698. Skilled agriculturiatn, breeders and home-makers give the lectures " the” meeting! Their nd- drmmm nre the summon” of men and women who have derived their knowledge trom experience, and in imparting it they give the impres- sion that what they have done oth- er» can do. The success of the Ontario live stock competing et the Pen-Ameri- can Exposition at Builnlo in 1901 we: the best tribute that could be paid to the quality oi stock relied end kept in this Province. On that occasion the proportion of prizes won by live etock was es ioiiowe: Ontario, 85,979: all Cenede. 87674: United States, 87,956. The triumphs " Mt. Louis during the present yeer are mm “M" . Hm . 'rt ind 'n the improvement ot Ontario live stock sir. Dryden, himseii e prec- ticei breeder and noted etock-reieer. 1 her: taken e keen interest. end the l grents to the various breeders' euc- l cietione and the securing ot low freight retee to the went for mele etock ere eemplee of precticeletepe along thin line. Helping the In" fer-tee. The reorganization of the Onterie Fruit Growere' Association two yearn ego, and piecing ot the execu- tive Work in connection therewith more directly under the cero of the department. we: e step which he: resulted in meny valuable exteneionl of the work begun by Mr. a. C. Creeimen, end continued by Mr. P. B. iiodgette. the present energetic tsecretary. In addition to the pew: reed " the ennuei meeting. end subsequently printed and distributed, there ere now fruit inetitutee end orchard datptonatrations during the summer, end thing euturnn there Wee begun the fruit, Home. end honey “how, the eucceu of which» he: de- imended that it be made perm‘eapnt. The fruit experiment stetione. tSh, boring fourteen, in ditUrent dietricte of the Province, ere doing en excel- lent work in determining the verie- tier ot fruit beet euited to eech grede of soil, attitude end climate. There he: elee been eonsiderabie de- velopment in eo-operative work in fruit, in greding. pecking end ehipo ping. Further plene ere under con- eideretion for the enlargement ot this veiunble tieid of usefulness. Idle-Olen VI. Anne-meet. An energetic interest hen been tek- en in the improvement oi tall ieirs, end e special omcer known es the Superintendent ot Fall Fairs ep- pointed. Mr. G. C. Urceiman Phe formed this work prior to his ec- ceptanee oi the -Preeidupcyu oi the ... _-.--..- - aim has been to substitute education for foolish amusement natures. The success of tho Winn-r Fair on tho former plan justified its extension to fairs generally. Model plots of ground are sown and competition! held, the ol The Ontario Tory p Whitney leadership. In tacked every pulpwom tered into by the L nation. thus proving structionisu and new It in in spite ot this therefore that the follow result. are shown as p wisdom of the Liberal p1 mutter: Sault Ste. Marie Pulp Him. Output per dar...............-"'" me No. ot non employed...............‘.....130 Monthly wages mid..................86,500 Amount invested in Pulp 'Cr"ii...".r.r.CC.."....c....A.f!fl23,l,',e Sturgeon Full: Pulp and Paper Mills. Output of pupa per dar......tont' 40 No. of men employed. including " Ann llllLPul- "' "fw- W"" - No. of men employed. including men in the a-,i,dE.../.............rrcP?? Monthly wan paid...............$23.500 Amount invutcd in Pulp 'l'vi'Gi..f."..'.r.r..l.......-y.a.fHee,of Spunk River Pulp and Paper Mills. Amount iirvGur..."..-,..r-x..8"PoyPf The Works " Spanish River have a capacity of 110 tons per day.umd " in upecud will be running only next season. The mill will probubly malnv 350 men, including those " employ 350 men, “cum...“ . Work in the woods, and will c 30.000 cords of pulp‘Vood per During the we: of 1903 than V“ . ltd! of 270 are anger: on duty. 2“ ot whom were on duty on “mud land: where, through unle- ment. mining development and tour- int tun], than is a greater degree of daer from are. “any-nix an" . LA _.-__ an Mn. of Ill: van---, -__V, - ot danger from are. Two-trail “up er: I." on duty non. the lino of the Temiskaming and Northern the tario Runway during its construc- tion. _ " is satisfactory to record that. thanks to the vigilance ot this largo (one of men. the summer of 1906 passed without any serious outbreak of tue on the Crown domain. Out-Ho’s Pulp.“ Induuuy. Ontario'- i,5ii:is,.,?),r.,,aq a and reactionariea. ' spite of this opposition at. the following tangible shown an prool of the the Liberal policy in this , Tory party, under the whip. has viciously nt- pulpwood agreement on- , the Liberal Adminis- nroving themselves ob- nu not“! "Mo"" will conuumo d per your. und Paper ,1 ""5 Minna! 9.1:th than eh : "Ct, -.--=a" Hold M In can“ "ttte you} 10og at All:- Park on land” tho ttth' In“ u It o'olnck in tho (urn-non. AM unlit». nod subscribing!» u» Dalma- 1 non nun Quliicnlioo and one. any took moi! am. the Bone in as. chair. mum.- ot thumb»: menu»: and Ind New». By. law No 1 " 1933 In: Avr l tttd “pp-anti“ "(not Clark nu-IJ W mun auditors. Bonn loud“ n - berot m. Domini Hahn toe ll "I". learn 6110mm. Tory. wan- nud Cronin. Road Cowmiusiononl. D Cindi"! cu". Wm Inn" Treasure-r. Cami-aim Ip- poumd to look uter the Olnrk m "ua' me Ts"ruehitrrmortod that nun-ration bah-u Judg- uorunuu bed bun boll-l Durham on the 28rd of Deco “bar but no do. won hm; an " been mound (com Ju in. The lullowiny accounts were orxletar0 to be mid : R IoDuwoll C E. O“. . tio tor managing mud m trout ut Clut'l' place. "ts fur Election “new“ In l" to- I u ated by County. " So In Thunm- Tom. t um r r 6 "ay"' lump " W humane. And wife. " 35 to Dr Hutton tor attendance I I Wr-me- Typuoui [Po-wt Cue. 011.80 Pi i um. c pd Wor, l for election titntio"Atr.r. I 939 6:) m Trnanrer Sudan's lull on" a l duvtts mus on lowInl-un B and S. " to J, l W. Crawford to, wiclur road tor public. also. Culzeclur my; ordered to bung his I robto Tmuurnr not Inter lhnu Feb6ih next. and Know- and Ammo: Vlokon are as p muted a column to on Trm N 'r ' u- cur tie, tlw Run In paid " hr pe- pmr-ng Finnncm lit-lament Ut-nunrllor i Willis wan msteueted nocesnuy clollnuc for In Wm Lawr no. Ind my hot pun mun to her mulllor in 'o'aruis, the Clerk! wan ordered ttt provide 6 copiu :ol the nuniucipnl Would for also of mncil. the Clerk lo recs-ya upplicutiou- for the othoe of luau-or " the 'rownutip up tn nool of the 1w. of Ethan" nut. Gonna adjourned to meet In Elmwoud on land” _ the 15a. of February next M 0 o‘clock in 1 I in the forenoon. l Writing nn " Variottst Economics” for the young housekeeper in the Fer' My Delinoutor. lube! Gordon 'c2'llrlL'. cums ntruilful topic in how t. keep expenses within the inconv. an in: unm- practical animations that I til: pea) to the homwwile who is yet Iii " ed in her nrt. Other features of mea- tie interest, tve, "Valentine L rhron Novelties" and "New for a. loniul Ten." illustrating original di " for season-mic ettterttstntuenttr, a (has re gyLr.t,itei','tl recipea n or the alpha. " ft-oven In Origin» Adapt-- tionh" "Novel Celery Com Minna" and .ii!tstnturtnrviatt Rosettes. in nddi. tion to miscellaneous house-hold hints. It pa 9 just now $01.0 ttt of puhhyc es ems. with in!" of the theory o',g','.,',1,"te,'t money in it, his fact widely apparent otute, as the hundred- of pvt-Ions ir Canada who hurt- Iem. tr of (.119 t I vote to he p tau-in E1 on Janna Wil " re fttBre, mum up my” t' ortis "oFitrPCrairirPFiriti- prm n prediction: vary Widely. an 'er. plexing features of the preach. c-o6teatt make almost. allot them equally prob- able. As a matter of fact the. iirieittttU: politician stands in very little advsn- tame over the casual estimator. The details of this competition, will he found in the current iasues of The To. ronto Daily and Weekly Mail and Em- pire. Predictions will he received up to midnight. of January 2tth. $3M" For those who are expecting sounding: extra this year. You will are with him when you have loo Iovermtrtetoek of Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Hair Bntthes, Celluloid Cull Boxes. Glove and Hdkf. Boxes, Toilet Sets, Clothea' Brushes. Purses. Bill Books, Hand Bags. Select Stationzx Bibles and Hymn Books Music, Games, 3. Violins, Mouth Organs, Games, Clockinole Boards," Flinch. Pit; &c Smoker Sets. Pipes, Cigar uses. Shaving Mugs, Shaving Sets. Parlor and Hand lamps. to. ac. Andlots of other novelties, Too many goods and mommy priceato mention them here, Yon will have to visit 'ttb-you are invited. AFTER LOOKING ALL AROUND TOWN Sun: the Right Place and ham he an procure WHICH SOURCE. lull 5 In!!!" Cons: HOLIDAY GREETINGS For the Hound“. Demands the Best i. e. 18 kt. s dwt. solid gold ring, or heavier d you wish. We give specie! attention to these important occasions, and with our help we can helg you choose other gifts " well, to complete, a nuptial out t, of which any bridegroom may feel proud. 3rrtfoue, 95¢: Watchmakcr, Gelatin-i now My. Gall and ya: on... " to-.. , to'tte g clue “adult with in!" “OWEN" i:1t/1'ii'iki' There" 'his fact " tf Ute, as ‘how nun-n: in N." t _ q------- Fd Right Blew: to hug Ghrx‘stmaa Brownie. The Bridegroom of To-Day RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ll, Mll(liiil'8. ' GORDON, c, Jeweller, " DEVELOPED " [055 “MNIENY Ontario is rich in my natural ro- wunes. but in none more so than in her van fort-nu ot pulpwoodu. _ mt RIC“ mm» RESOURCES or 0mm The um exploratory survey parties of 1900 lound great stretches ot lim- ber or this clas- which they estimat- od at 28R million cords. uad this in only part of the extensive mu m the Province. The Norma has been teoquentiy' made that Canada is “NM to Ir'- come the loading pulp and paper warm ot supply for the world. and in the tuitiltmmtt ot this prophecy Ontario will have a large ahare. The Isms! one Open-a _ While. we have considorable spruce large enough to make snwn lumber. great forests of this tree stand no thick on the ground no to prevent lame growth and much of it is mainly valuable tor wood pulp. Those forests. ii thinned out, would, ‘oi' Course, grow to a size suitable tor 15;“! log purpotwa. but the growing {demand tor nprucu for the manufac- ture of paper renders the tree Very valuable. own when of small sin. b'octtuse or this, spurn- may be cut in trout 20 to 30 years iron. the need and therefore two crops of spruce can be harvested to one of pine. By mason of this natural law ot repro- duction, our pulpwood forests can- not be exhausted by gradual utilita- tion. lt is therefore a wine economy to realm: on this rource ot wealth. “the In.» - at be -. The wood pulp industry is oi cone pitrntively recent growth but is in- creasing rapidly. Owing to the na- ture ot the industry. the large cttpi- in] required in its devoioptuent. and the fact that pulpwood grows in a more scattered form than pine, it was early seen that the method of disposing of the pine timber would not be applicable in this use. The pine timber is sold to the higlumt bidder at public auction and tho li- ccnsu issued tor one year only, rt'- twwaMe till such time as the timber has been removed trout the land. Very little capital was required es- bept in the purchase of the timber. in the puip industry the conditions are entirely diaerent. It was in the first place important to the industry and general weliare ot the Province that the pulpwood should not be sold and exported iron: the country in Its raw condition. In order to Inauu- future it into pulp. largo: buildinga with "xpeusivo equipment. are needed. Nquiring enormous power, and in order to warrant so intensive an in- , q'eoturrnt, the rapitnlints would na- , turthliy require lol' a long term of yetttat a reasonable guarantee of a 1upirlr_ot wood necessary for the tun» 'o')","?,.',"?;,:,", the industry. The policy it'll. the overtttetent therefore was to Trant cot evasion; u\t-r tt lllllllt'd UT- 4tory co mining sprint-m and kindrud wood“. 'r a term of ytutrs---usuulls .wenth' 1.15m conditi n that the Tragitll '“xm It fy. ain amount l,'i'rfl1'C"rntT, pulp ul n WW0“ upon this; territory. wit l a guarun- _ toed number of hands t be "tuit/Y- . ed. the Government also collecting » from the concousionnires dues repo'- aenting tho value oi the wood when , rut. Formerly the dttett on "info" ' were 20 cents per cord, but with its 1iiii'l'it"iiiei, valuu the dues were. on . ‘innh 20th. 1900. increased to A" 'm. ' - r, i'i1",t1'l'C"'rnir", pulp tri 'it,' upon this, territory, wit l li',:',,')' number of hands t 0d, the Government. mks-u were 20 cents pm increasing value March 20th, MN cents per cord. _ , . _ 'ir it}; sl%rita'4t,riai,TC: TOWN Santa Chu- has discover: '. can procure his supplies and Optician. J. G. HUTTON. 11.0.. C. M. L.KC.P..utBatn, “in WdenYukn-dm Dita-e- ot In. tar, None. at! 11am .llenttreaBFttqqt_mt- “he” ”do In no! "a. iGiiii, 1-6pm“. tPetPtteetrgt.Petr.ee, and (icon- Bt..uiootolnm. Windham... nu mum: to Mount-M‘- groan. In”) and to Kin-ppm (New You) I“. OIceJInI-th. - - - - Oman-a OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du nun Plum-q Calder. Block. Bandeau ttrut door we“ of ti oid Poet on“. Durham. W. C. PICKERING B. D S., L. B. S. Manon GRADUATE of Toronto Univ-rally. Mauve of Rorat College ot MN Surgeon- ot Ontario. Rooms, over J & J HUNTERS New Store. tttli-.----" 10". DUIIAI. Puma a 0cm. 0M0. our J.CJ.Hum'c I." -----, l I to " a... cruel: noun kilo... Hp... 74p... Tm mm Mo. " ”my one {rink Fund- a Los- on Km “In.“ In. a 'tttei. “muo- mm by tool-mull t"91 Plete. . come a! y promptly att-ded to Wills. Duh. I . I”, Acne-uh to. correctly . - ot - wc rnloah‘ a tte, lunar. m te', “a “If “a mum ttret anon Conn Int-o- hom ot Wit .W " Ad. iiiiGiriiiiriGrd Guam-mun OHM-0d. - Ohu can In may 0... ' mu- magma MACKAY a DUNN. Inn-mun. 801mm". Convoyueou Money to Ian. Olen. Iclntyn Block. over the But A. a. Malt-pl we. W. I On: MM. Solicitor In Supreme Court ' - Public. MMOIOI'. he. - Public. “nautical-mom» moor. vuum. Insurance Agent. is Privue Haney to Ian. Cotter. tions of all kind~ warmly anon dad to. Farms bought and sold ""'"""'"""tgee-"-" ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. ii. -wmmumwbmu WalnuGChudren. I Wm JOHN CLARK) :tLCaao©xeuc= Witt an the menu? Home. burn... an In: lightning _uch month "on Eye. Ear, Rose & Throat nut-n. new. u. an. “Qumran. MlOIfOR. auvnvm -- no. Brdemhanr2rtet1 “and Auctioneer foe the Conny at Gm. “Laminate-.0! . Mgt',', a as Sa, irii'lii'i tlil 1'f1'tl8lhllL'TAA"urarhTG'aT; 'at.' 'll Tci7GTr6 wilt -iiFiariur- own-30th.. 'S'Giu'diiltiiiiiiau' y, D. MePttML, Gerioa P. o. iiaaLiaes., C. LEROY McCAUL. DEN TAIL. Honey to loan. not. one Godar- Jewelry More. not. IcKenzie‘u Old Stand, Durham aesn:LertleaNeMBXtB. qifNtrm.'NtNt%'l'fd',t'lla"?g and n . Iqbal-eunuch 'gggttrgtgt'l'gt'fguta Itgt'g,'tt. Inmm ttsMturdareittrtgsoeo'tr hula-u. so mmwhththeu-m _A'_grr"rltttrtttetmst. nan twang“!!! arm HOURS [Jean-ed Auctioneer tot Co._Urey. LEG-AL. DB. BROWN, J. P. TELFORD DR. no a. .301 (pf-1 ' B. JACKSON, c. nun. Durban Ceylon in cm clot. J. ll. 'lh"rtmt Dar Fire Insurance Co. in?“ if; 0': high

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